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"The League"--A Multiplayer Wrestling Spirit II Experience

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Nuclear Templeton (6-6, 12%) vs. Diamond (6-6, 15%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (6-6, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-7, 12%)

Sean (7-5, 15%) vs. The Phoenix (3-9, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (8-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-6, 15%)

Shawn Arrows (4-8, 15%) vs. The British Warrior (8-4, 15%)

BETA DIVISION, HARDCORE MATCH: Breaker (9-3, 15%) vs. SGRaaize (4-8, 24%)

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Has anyone got some performance enhancing drugs I can give to Nuclear? Doesn't need to be steroids, viagra will do! :p Anything to break this amazing losing streak he's on.....


Nuclear Templeton (6-6, 12%) vs. Diamond (6-6, 15%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (6-6, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-7, 12%)

Sean (7-5, 15%) vs. The Phoenix (3-9, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (8-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-6, 15%)

Shawn Arrows (4-8, 15%) vs. The British Warrior (8-4, 15%)

BETA DIVISION, HARDCORE MATCH: Breaker (9-3, 15%) vs. SGRaaize (4-8, 24%)


Seriously stats fans... Nuclear has the longest losing streak of anyone all season. And somehow he's still at .500... which shows how awesome he used to be. Maybe I should never have changed his moveset. :(

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Can't believe I fell out of contention. I didn't think I'd make it anyway, but everytime Maxx teetered, he'd come back with a motn. Now I'm lucky to go 12 minutes. Shame he's going back to jail soon ... when he shanks the commish. :p


Nuclear Templeton (6-6, 12%) vs. Diamond (6-6, 15%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (6-6, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-7, 12%)

Sean (7-5, 15%) vs. The Phoenix (3-9, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (8-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-6, 15%)

Shawn Arrows (4-8, 15%) vs. The British Warrior (8-4, 15%)

BETA DIVISION, HARDCORE MATCH: Breaker (9-3, 15%) vs. SGRaaize (4-8, 24%)

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Well this can't be the week he breaks that streak ....:D


So you'd rather Nuclear kept streaking at you? Don't say you haven't been warned!! :p


And SF... yeah, I didn't really want to mention the losing streak. We were both on 4 going into our fight and even with a Lariat you wouldn't stay down. I'm too lazy to look now, but is there some kind of awesome end of season bonus for all us guys who can help you sell 30,000 seats and only get pennies in return? :p

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I'm too lazy to look now, but is there some kind of awesome end of season bonus for all us guys who can help you sell 30,000 seats and only get pennies in return? :p


Game-wise? Not really. I'm trying to keep the amounts for the game proper on the small side, makes it easier to do the math. ;)


Now, outside of the League (but still in-character), I quote the League's owner in a brief RP I did back in week seven:


...In return, I'm offering a downside of $10,000 a month—half of what's currently set aside for you and every other worker each month in a high-yield account...


So in-character, everyone is set to make about $70,000 in salary for three or four months' of work. You'll never see that in game terms, though, as that much money would allow someone to max out a single ability and get a good jump on another one or two.


So all of the beatings will be worth it in the end; it's just that in the game it certainly does not seem like it. :cool:

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Nuclear Templeton (6-6, 12%) vs. Diamond (6-6, 15%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (6-6, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-7, 12%)

Sean (7-5, 15%) vs. The Phoenix (3-9, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (8-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-6, 15%)

Shawn Arrows (4-8, 15%) vs. The British Warrior (8-4, 15%)

BETA DIVISION, HARDCORE MATCH: Breaker (9-3, 15%) vs. SGRaaize (4-8, 24%)

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Nuclear Templeton (6-6, 12%) vs. Diamond (6-6, 15%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (6-6, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-7, 12%)

Sean (7-5, 15%) vs. The Phoenix (3-9, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (8-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-6, 15%)

Shawn Arrows (4-8, 15%) vs. The British Warrior (8-4, 15%)

BETA DIVISION, HARDCORE MATCH: Breaker (9-3, 15%) vs. SGRaaize (4-8, 24%)

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Season One, Week Thirteen

September 3, 2010


THE LEAGUE: WEEK THIRTEEN <object width="28" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyxBiUbCP8E&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object>


The night skies of Lisbon light up as the pyro goes off, and the standing-room-only crowd of 28,219 erupt in cheers as the cameras begin to roll inside Estádio do Restelo. It certainly seems to be a festive atmosphere as the camera shifts to ringside.


Bob Sinclair: Boa tarde, everyone, and welcome to Lisbon!


Frankie Garnett: What did you just say?


Bob Sinclair: Boa tarde. It's Portuguese for "Good Evening."


Frankie Garnett: Then why didn't you say "good evening?"


Bob Sinclair: ...Anyway, ladies and gents, tonight the playoff picture becomes a little clearer as we near the end of the regular season. We could find out as early as tonight who is in, and who is not when the playoffs roll around!


Frankie Garnett: Then why are we wasting time talking? Let's get to it!


Diamond (6-6) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-6)


Billy Idol's "Shock to the System" hits as the crowd erupts in cheers.


Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen, our opening contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, weighing 278 pounds...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: Our resident columnist, Tori Montgomery, has Nuclear's hopes of making the playoffs as being on life support, but she's being too generous, Frankie. Even if he wins out and British Warrior loses out, Nuclear still loses the tiebreaker as Warrior beat him twice this season.


Frankie Garnett: So Nuclear's only hope is the wild card?


Bob Sinclair: Afraid so.


Frankie Garnett: Wonder if he realizes that...


"Oh, it's time to rock and roll..."


The opening lyric is enough to send the crowd into a jeering frenzy, as the lone woman in The League walks out with a confident smirk on her face.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Aberdeen, Scotland, weighing 132 pounds...Diamond!


Bob Sinclair: Diamond has a better chance. A win here, plus a Sean loss, puts them both in a win-and-in situation heading into their rematch in the final week of the season.


Frankie Garnett: But, how? Tori said—


Bob Sinclair: Tori was off her game this week, Bob. Sean's 2-0 against Triumph. Diamond is the only hope for the Gamma Division to keep Sean out of the playoffs. She loses, the division race is all but over given Sean's opponent tonight.


Frankie Garnett: ...huh.


Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike

Nuclear Templeton hit the Toss To Corner

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Knife Edge Chop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Knife Edge Chop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

Nuclear Templeton applied the Nerve Pinch

Nuclear Templeton applied the Rear Seated Chinlock

Diamond blocked the Knee Drive To Arm.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Seated Back Kick

Nuclear Templeton hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton picks up Diamond.

Diamond blocked the Samoan Drop.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Vertical Suplex

Diamond moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Diamond hit the Half Senton

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Diamond hit the Stomp

Diamond hit the Half Senton

Diamond hit the Face Rub

Diamond hit the Handspring Moonsault

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Basement Dropkick missed!

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Diamond hit the Women's DDT

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Flip Legdrop missed!

Nuclear Templeton picks up Diamond from behind.

Nuclear Templeton hit the German Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of four minutes and forty seconds...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: In what has to be a shockingly quick decision, Nuclear Templeton cripples Diamond's playoff chances!


Frankie Garnett: How do Nuclear's chances look?


Bob Sinclair: Grim. He needs Maynard to lose out, and Nuclear needs to win next week, since he has tiebreaker over Maynard. That's his ONLY hope. If Maynard beats Tarik Nolan later on, Maynard eliminates Templeton from the playoffs tonight.


Frankie Garnett: How are you keeping track of all of this?


Bob Sinclair: I made a scorecard.


Frankie Garnett: ...cheater.


HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (6-6) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-7)


Bob Sinclair: It's called being prepared, Frankie. You might want to try it sometime.


Frankie Garnett: Pfft, effort.


Disturbed's "The Night" hits the speakers as the first participant in the match comes out to a rousing chorus of jeers.


Amelia Williams: This match is a hardcore match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from the Orange County Correctional Facility, weighing 291 pounds...Maxx Skabb!


Bob Sinclair: Maxx was eliminated from the playoffs last week, a win here and he ensures that his opponent has no hope of winning the wild card.


Frankie Garnett: Given his recent record, Bob, I'm not sure he can.


Megadeth's "Symphony of Destruction" hits the speakers as the Gamma Division's third-place man walks out.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Des Moines, Iowa, weighing 228 pounds...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: Two Triumph wins, coupled with two Maynard losses, would give the wild card to Triumph thanks to a week nine victory in Nova Scotia. That's barring Nuclear Templeton getting involved in that scenario, too.


Frankie Garnett: Nothing else works?


Bob Sinclair: Nothing.


Johnny Triumph hit the Slap To Chest

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Toss To Corner.

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Knee Lift

Maxx Skabb applied the Choke Hold

Johnny Triumph moved and the Stomp missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Single Leg Trip

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Maxx Skabb whips Johnny Triumph into the ropes.

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Running Shoulder Block

Maxx Skabb hit the Stomp

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Rub

Maxx Skabb hit the Gorilla Press

Maxx Skabb picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Full Nelson Bomb.

Johnny Triumph applied the Arm Wringer

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Clothesline

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

Maxx Skabb blocked the Single Leg Boston Crab.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

Maxx Skabb rushed the Stalk Grounded Enemy.

The Bear Hug was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb broke the Boston Crab.

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Snake Eyes.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow


Frankie Garnett: Triumph must know what he has to do here, Bob. He's putting the boots to Skabb in the early going!


Bob Sinclair: Triumph does seem to be a bit more motivated today, that's for certain.


Maxx Skabb rushed the Stalk Grounded Enemy.

Maxx Skabb hit the Shoulder Tackle

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Spinebuster.

Maxx Skabb hit the Throw Down Spinebuster

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph shook the ropes to stop the Flying Double Axe Handle.

Maxx Skabb counters by kicking Johnny Triumph away.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Maxx Skabb broke the Horns of Victory.

Maxx Skabb whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

Sound the alarms, Skabb is leading a Jailbreak!

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!


Bob Sinclair: Triumph still showing quite a bit in the tank here, as he easily gets out of the cover.


Frankie Garnett: I'm telling you, he's determined to keep his chances alive tonight!


The Over Shoulder Backbreaker was countered into a Slap To Chest.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

The Heel Hook Leg Grapevine was countered into a Low Blow.

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph shook the ropes to stop the Flying Double Axe Handle.

Maxx Skabb counters by kicking Johnny Triumph away.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Maxx Skabb moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

The Pump Kick was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Johnny Triumph climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph hit the Flying Forearm Strike

Johnny Triumph picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Johnny Triumph picks up Maxx Skabb.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Corner Clothesline missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Johnny Triumph used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Field Goal Low Blow

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

Kick Out At Two-And-A-Half!


Frankie Garnett: There you go, Triumph, pull out all the stops! Anything goes!


Bob Sinclair: For a Hardcore match, there certainly seems to be very little use of foreign objects.


Maxx Skabb blocked the Inverted Atomic Drop.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Maxx Skabb blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

Maxx Skabb broke the Horns of Victory.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Slap To Chest.

Johnny Triumph hit the Gutwrench Suplex

Johnny Triumph is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

Maxx Skabb rushed the Stalk Grounded Enemy.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker was countered into a Punch.

Maxx Skabb broke the Hammerlock Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Inverted Atomic Drop.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Boot

Maxx Skabb picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb applied the Full Nelson

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

The Heel Hook Leg Grapevine was countered into a Low Blow.

Maxx Skabb picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Head Vice

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Maxx Skabb broke the Running Hot Shot.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Eye Gouge.

Johnny Triumph hit the Inverted Atomic Drop

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!



Bob Sinclair: Triumph looking to wear Skabb down for perhaps the Horns of Victory.


Frankie Garnett: A submission? In a Hardcore match? Are you nuts, man?!


Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Inverse Russian Legsweep.

Maxx Skabb whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Jailbreak was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Maxx Skabb hit the Corner Boot Choke

The Reverse Avalanche was countered into a Spinebuster.

Johnny Triumph picks up Maxx Skabb.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Camel Clutch was countered into a Low Blow.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Maxx Skabb picks up Johnny Triumph.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph moved and the High Knee missed!

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Maxx Skabb raises Johnny Triumph up to be seated on the top turnbuckle.

Maxx Skabb throws Johnny Triumph off the top rope.

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Field Goal Low Blow

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Frankie Garnett: That's what I like to call ABUSE!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twenty-three minutes and forty seconds...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: Triumph's done his part this week; now all he can do is sit back and hope that Nolan can get the job done tonight to keep his chances intact.


Frankie Garnett: As much as I'd like to see it, I do not see it happening, Bob. Maynard's been on too much of a roll this season.


Sean (7-5) vs. The Phoenix (3-9)


There is a brief pause before the opening chord of "The Instinct" hits, to complete and utter silence from the crowd.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from The End of Nowhere, weighing 367 pounds...The Phoenix!


Frankie Garnett: Curses. I was hoping they'd keep him out of the country for fear of sinking it into the Atlantic due to his size.


Bob Sinclair: Man, that's not right at all.


Frankie Garnett: Pfft, like he cares, Bob.


Black Sabbath's classic "Iron Man" hits the speakers to announce the entrance of the Gamma Division leader.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing 230 pounds...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: Here's the scenario, ladies and gents. Sean wins and he locks up the Gamma Division as he holds the tiebreaker over Triumph. If Phoenix manages a second straight upset, that puts Sean and Triumph both at 7-6, with Diamond at 6-7. It's entirely possible that the Gamma Division could finish with a three-way tie at 7-7.


Frankie Garnett: If that happens, who wins the division?


Bob Sinclair: By virtue of record against those tied, Diamond. Right now, Triumph's only hope is for Sean to lose his next two, and for Triumph to win next week. That would give him the division outright. A Sean win here or next week, or if Triumph loses next week, and he's out of the race.


Frankie Garnett: Glad one of us can figure out the puzzle this has become...


The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

The Phoenix hit the Knee Pull

Sean broke the Western Spinning Toe Hold.

Sean hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Sean hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The Phoenix applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

The Phoenix hit the Knee Pull

The Phoenix applied the Rear Chinlock

Sean slipped out the back of the Rear Crossface Blows.

Sean applied the Top Wrist Lock

The Forearm Blow was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

The Phoenix applied the American Figure Four Leglock

Sean slipped out the back of the Boston Crab.

Sean hit the Dropkick

Sean applied the Arm Bar

Sean hit the Knee Drop

Sean hit the Knee Pull

The Phoenix blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

The Phoenix recovers and stands up.

The Phoenix moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

Sean slipped out the back of the Side Explosion Suplex.

Sean hit the Neckbreaker

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.


Bob Sinclair: Sean needs to be careful. These European referees are known to be a bit strict.


Frankie Garnett: Losing by DQ is definitely something that would cause controversy, Bob. You know, let it happen! Controversy is good for the bottom line of The League!


Bob Sinclair: So you're saying that controversy creates c—


Frankie Garnett: Hold on, copyright infringement!


Bob Sinclair: ...good call, thanks.


Sean hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Sean picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Sean hit the Low Blow

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix hit the Rear Crossface Blows

The Phoenix applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

The Eternal Requiem was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

The Phoenix whips Sean into the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

Sean counters by fighting back.

The Phoenix counters by fighting back.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Sean blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Forearm Blow.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Small Package.

The Phoenix whips Sean into the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Sean blocked the Capture Suplex.

Sean broke the Slingshot Suplex by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

The Phoenix counters by reversing on Sean.

The Phoenix hit the Corner Clothesline

The Eternal Requiem was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Sean picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix blocked the Face Plant.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Small Package.

Sean broke the Slingshot Suplex by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Sean able to wiggle his way out of the move; he's done well for the most part in using his smaller frame to slip out of the big man's grasp.


Frankie Garnett: Uh, no, Bob. It's called that fat piece of lard being unable to hit a move without botching it!


The Phoenix counters by reversing on Sean.

The Phoenix hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

Sean slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix broke the Short Arm Clothesline.

Sean broke the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Sean.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Sean counters by fighting back.

Sean hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Sean climbs the turnbuckles.

The Phoenix moved and the Flying Body Press missed!

Sean blocked the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Sean slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Sean hit the Neckbreaker

Sean picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Sean hit the Running Bulldog

Sean picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Sean hit the Forward Russian Legsweep

The Phoenix blocked the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

The Phoenix moved and the Seated Back Dropkick missed!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Sean.

Sean blocked the Side Explosion Suplex.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Phoenix looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix looks like he may have been made for this spoiler role, Frankie! He's dominating the current Gamma Division leader!


Frankie Garnett: Come on, Sean, I've got $1,200 riding on you winning this thing!


Bob Sinclair: Why are you always betting against Phoenix, Frankie?


Frankie Garnett: It's easy money, Bob! Look at the guy's record!


Bob Sinclair: ....


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

Sean broke the Eternal Requiem.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Sean.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Phoenix hit the Western Brainbuster Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!

The Phoenix is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Sean.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!

The Phoenix whips Sean to the corner.

Sean slipped out the back of the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

Sean hit the Neckbreaker

Sean applied the Modified Figure Four Leglock

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Bob Sinclair: I don't believe it! Phoenix was dominating the match!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at nineteen minutes and thirty seconds, and your Gamma Division champion...Sean!


Frankie Garnett: Yes! That's three grand in the bank for me!


Bob Sinclair: I think that neckbreaker is what sealed the deal, ladies and gentlemen...Phoenix suffered a broken neck just over a year ago, and he must have landed the wrong way on that move. Sean sensed it and took advantage.


Frankie Garnett: Who cares? Show me the money, baby!


Bob Sinclair: It sickens me that you can be to blasé about someone's career nearly being ruined, Frankie.


BETA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (6-6) vs. Robbie Maynard (8-4)


Frankie Garnett: So sad, too bad, deal with it!


Bob Sinclair: As the referee helps Phoenix out of the ring, here's the scenario for the next match. Nolan needs a boat load of help to take over the wild card. A win over the current holder, Robbie Maynard, will be a step in the right direction. If Maynard wins here, he locks up a playoff spot, and we know that the wild card will be coming from the Beta Division. That would lock up all four playoff spots—British Warrior from the Alpha Division, Sean from the Gamma Division, and either Breaker or Maynard as the Beta Division champ, with the other as the wild card.


Frankie Garnett: Wait, the Beta Division isn't decided yet?


Bob Sinclair: No. If Breaker wins, it is. As of this moment, though, it's still undecided.


Frankie Garnett: Well, let's get to it then!


"Regulate" hits the speakers to signify that the next match is about to begin.


Amelia Williams: Our next contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...from Shreveport, Louisiana, weighing 292 pounds...Tarik Nolan!


Bob Sinclair: Tarik's looking to play spoiler here—a win here helps both Johnny Triumph and Nuclear Templeton.


Frankie Garnett: I'm not going to hold my breath here, Bob. Maynard's dominated so far.


The opening guitar riffs of Metallica's "Master of Puppets" hits the speakers as the first participant of the contest comes out.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Liverpool, England, weighing 251 pounds...Robbie Maynard!


Frankie Garnett: Nothing else needs to be said about this guy, Bob. He's one guy I wouldn't want to cross.


Bob Sinclair: Coming from you, that's saying something....


Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt

Robbie Maynard moved and the Stomp missed!

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard hit the Elbow Strike

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Toss To Corner

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Elbow

Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the Corner Ten Punch.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Forearm To Back missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt

Tarik Nolan hit the Stomp

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Rub

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Back Kick

Robbie Maynard rushed the Power Taunt.

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard hit the Knife Edge Chop

Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard hit the Eye Gouge

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick

Robbie Maynard applied the Arm Bar

Robbie Maynard applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Robbie Maynard hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.


Bob Sinclair: Maynard needs to watch it here.


Frankie Garnett: Look, Bob, he didn't punt him in the groin. It's all good.


Robbie Maynard hit the Headbutt To Groin

Robbie Maynard hit the Rear Crossface Blows

Robbie Maynard picks up Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Merseyside Maul.

Tarik Nolan hit the Low Blow

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.


Frankie Garnett: See? That's a blatant shot and no DQ. Thought the refs were supposed to be strict?


Bob Sinclair: Maybe this guy just wants to see them fight, Frankie.


Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan picks up Robbie Maynard from behind.

Tarik Nolan whips Robbie Maynard into the ropes.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Face Plant.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Small Package.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Regulator.

Tarik Nolan whips Robbie Maynard to the corner.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Robbie Maynard rushed the Corner Stomp Flurry.

Robbie Maynard climbs the turnbuckles.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Robbie Maynard hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Frankie Garnett: Come off it, Robbie, you win matches by ripping the guy's head off, not leaping from the top!


Bob Sinclair: I think winning by a different method is quite interesting, Frankie. Makes someone more unpredictable.


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Robbie Maynard whips Tarik Nolan into the ropes.

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Knee

Robbie Maynard hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Robbie Maynard climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan shook the ropes to stop the Flying Clothesline.

Tarik Nolan throws Robbie Maynard off the top rope.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Tarik Nolan picks up Robbie Maynard.

Robbie Maynard counters by reversing on Tarik Nolan.

Robbie Maynard hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

Robbie Maynard picks up Tarik Nolan.

Robbie Maynard hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Merseyside Maul was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Robbie Maynard counters by fighting back.

Robbie Maynard climbs the turnbuckles.

Robbie Maynard hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Frankie Garnett: I'll be a son of a gun.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of ten minutes and fifty seconds, and clinching a playoff berth...Robbie Maynard!


Bob Sinclair: That puts the pressure right back on Breaker now! Our main event just got more interesting!


Frankie Garnett: No kidding. It's now become Breaker versus the entire city of Lisbon for the Beta Division championship!


Bob Sinclair: I don’t think we need to get that dramatic, Frankie. On the other hand, we now know all four playoff-bound contenders for our inaugural season! All that's left is to determine the seeding!


Shawn Arrows (4-8) vs. The British Warrior (8-4)


The opening strains of Linkin Park's "Numb" break the silence to announce the entrance of the opponent.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Raleigh, North Carolina, weighing 212 pounds...Shawn Arrows!


Bob Sinclair: Arrows is wrestling for nothing but pride here.


Frankie Garnett: No, he's wrestling to keep from sinking closer to the abysmal failure that is The Phoenix.


"Rule, Britannia!" hits the airwaves next, as the crowd gets to their feet and cheers quite loudly.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from the United Kingdom, weighing 243 pounds...The British Warrior!


Bob Sinclair: As Amelia pointed out, Warrior cannot lose the Alpha Division lead, and he's guaranteed a spot in the playoffs.


Frankie Garnett: I'd get excited, but there's no point. The guy has done nothing to wow the humanoids all season.


Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

The British Warrior moved and the Dropkick missed!

The British Warrior applied the Front Facelock

The British Warrior hit the Knife Edge Chop

Shawn Arrows took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Shawn Arrows hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Shawn Arrows applied the Surfboard

Shawn Arrows hit the Seated Kick

The British Warrior moved and the Handspring Moonsault missed!

The British Warrior applied the Rear Chinlock

The British Warrior applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

The British Warrior hit the Knee Pull

Shawn Arrows broke the Arm Bar.

Shawn Arrows hit the High Knee

Shawn Arrows hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Shawn Arrows hit the Flip Legdrop

The British Warrior moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Shawn Arrows moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Rolling Splash

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb

Shawn Arrows picks up The British Warrior.

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Dropkick To Knee.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Splash missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Legdrop

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Frankie Garnett: What the...?


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of four minutes and thirty seconds...Shawn Arrows!


Bob Sinclair: Part of me has to wonder if this was self-preservation by Warrior, Frankie. Save his health for the playoffs since he knows he's going.


Frankie Garnett: I don't think so, Bob. He looks just as confused as I am at the moment.


Bob Sinclair: That doesn’t take much.


Frankie Garnett: Hey!


BETA DIVISION, HARDCORE MATCH: Breaker (9-3) vs. SGRaaize (4-8)


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP13EI6O1Pw?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> Slipknot's "Wait and Bleed" shatters the silence as the newly-crowned Beta Division leader walks towards the ring.


Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen, this is our featured contest, a Hardcore Beta Division match scheduled for one fall! Coming down the aisle, weighing 251 pounds...Breaker!


Bob Sinclair: If Breaker wins here, he's in the driver's seat. He doesn't lock up the Beta Division just yet, but he would control his own fate next week. A loss puts both him and Robbie Maynard at 9-4 with one week to go, and the tie-breaker would be in Maynard's favor.


Frankie Garnett: So we're going to have one division go down to the wire anyway. Nice!


A hush falls over the crowd as there is movement at the entryway. The applause begins to build as over a dozen people emerge from backstage, each bearing the flag of Portugal. The opponent finally appears, bringing the crowd to their feet. A moment later, <object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqjdtkWNF60?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></embed></object> A Portugesa—the national anthem of Portugal—begins to play as the crowd of 28,000-plus sing along. The native son walks to the ring, arriving as the song fades to a close and to the deafening cheers of this very partisan crowd.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Torres Vedras, Portugal, weighing 231 pounds...SGRaaize!


Bob Sinclair: In all my years in this sport, Frankie, I have NEVER heard this loud of a reaction for a wrestler!


Frankie Garnett: Raaize is going to need the support of every single one of these people to get past the Beta Division leader tonight, Bob! Breaker looks ready to destroy!


Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

Breaker hit the Bell Clap

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

The Punch was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

SGRaaize hit the Face Stepping

SGRaaize applied the Arm Bar

SGRaaize hit the Knee Pull

SGRaaize hit the Face Stepping

SGRaaize applied the Arm Bar

SGRaaize hit the Knee Pull

SGRaaize hit the Seated Back Kick

Breaker blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

SGRaaize applied the American Figure Four Leglock

SGRaaize applied the Indian Deathlock

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize picks up Breaker.

SGRaaize hit the Vertical Suplex

SGRaaize picks up Breaker from behind.

Breaker blocked the Canadian Backbreaker Hold.

SGRaaize hit the Knee Breaker

Breaker broke the Camel Clutch by reaching the ropes.

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Fireman's Spin.

Breaker applied the Choke Hold

SGRaaize moved and the Stomp missed!

Breaker broke the Slingshot Suplex by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!


Bob Sinclair: Raaize has held the early advantage, he needs to be careful though as Breaker can come back at a moment's notice and assert himself.


Frankie Garnett: I can't hear you, Bob, this crowd is still going bananas!


Breaker hit the Elbow Strike

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the Punch

Breaker hit the Throat Thrust

Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

Breaker hit the Punch

Breaker hit the Throat Thrust

SGRaaize took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

SGRaaize hit the S.T.O.

SGRaaize picks up Breaker from behind.

Breaker blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Breaker broke the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Breaker hit the Bell Clap

SGRaaize took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Breaker slipped out the back of the Slingshot Suplex.

Breaker hit the Schoolboy Roll Up

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Breaker hit the DDT

Breaker hit the Headbutt To Groin

Breaker hit the Snap Driving Elbow

SGRaaize moved and the Butt Drop missed!


Bob Sinclair: Desperation move by Raaize there; Breaker had all the momentum in the world!


Frankie Garnett: This crowd is trying to get behind Raaize, I'd imagine...I can't make out what they are chanting!


Bob Sinclair: Doesn't look like it matters, Frankie, Raaize has gotten up and looks to press the attack again!


SGRaaize applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

The Western Brainbuster Suplex was countered into a Bell Clap.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Breaker hit the Face Plant

Breaker hit the Splash

Breaker picks up SGRaaize from behind.

SGRaaize slipped out the back of the Neckbreaker.

Breaker counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

Breaker hit the High Backdrop

SGRaaize blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Breaker picks up SGRaaize.

SGRaaize blocked the Small Package.

SGRaaize broke the Powerbomb by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Punch.

SGRaaize slipped out the back of the Dream Breaker.

Breaker slipped out the back of the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

SGRaaize slipped out the back of the Dream Breaker.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Breaker counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

Breaker hit the Hot Shot

Breaker picks up SGRaaize from behind.

Breaker hit the Cheating Roll Up

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!


Frankie Garnett: There would have been riots if Breaker had gotten the fall that way!


Bob Sinclair: One almost has to think that Breaker has broken the crowd support here; it's gotten significantly quieter in the stadium as Raaize tries to fight back.


SGRaaize slipped out the back of the Dream Breaker.

SGRaaize whips Breaker into the ropes.

SGRaaize hit the Twisting Powerslam

SGRaaize picks up Breaker.

Breaker tastes the Portugal Lariat, and could be on the verge of losing!




Bob Sinclair: Raaize scrambles into the cover! Could it be?!


The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



The arena nearly explodes in cheers as the bell sounds. Raaize remains in the ring, arms held aloft in victory.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eleven minutes and fifty seconds...SGRaaize!


Bob Sinclair: Raaize did it! He pulled off the upset!


Frankie Garnett: I can't hear a word you're saying, Bob!


Bob Sinclair: Next week will decide the Beta Division champion...until then, ladies and gentlemen, good night!




1. Nuclear Templeton (7-6) def. Diamond (6-7)

* Time of Match: 4:40

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 66%


2. HARDCORE MATCH: Johnny Triumph (7-6) def. Maxx Skabb (5-8)

* Time of Match: 23:40

* Match Rating: B-

* Winner's Offense: 55%


3. Sean (8-5) def. The Phoenix (3-10)

* Time of Match: 19:30

* Match Rating: A

* Winner's Offense: 37%

* This is the Match of the Night.

* It should be noted that the finish came while Sean had "very low" momentum, and Phoenix had "very high" momentum.


4. Robbie Maynard (9-4) def. Tarik Nolan (6-7)

* Time of Match: 10:50

* Match Rating: C

* Winner's Offense: 56%


5. Shawn Arrows (5-8) def. The British Warrior (8-5)

* Time of Match: 4:30

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 71%


6. SGRaaize (5-8) def. Breaker (9-4)

* Time of Match: 11:50

* Match Rating: B-

* Winner's Offense: 51%

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Season One, Week Fourteen

September 4, 2010




Hello once again, League fans! Tori Montgomery here, and as we enter the final week of the regular season, we know who is in the playoffs. We do not know the seeding yet, that will be determined this week in Mexico.


Even though the final four are locked in, let's take a look at the standings and see where things could go from here!






y-1. The British Warrior (8-5, 2.38 / D match rating)

2. Nuclear Templeton (7-6, 4.15 / C match rating)

3. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 5.15 / C+ match rating)

4. The Phoenix (3-10, 5.54 / B- match rating)

y-Denotes Divisional Champion



x-1. Robbie Maynard (9-4, 4.69 / C+ match rating)

x-2. Breaker (9-4, 4.46 / C match rating)

3. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 3.77 / C match raing)

4. SGRaaize (5-8, 3.46 / C- match rating)

x-Denotes a clinched playoff berth

Tie-breaker, as the season series is split 1-1, is divisional record. Maynard has a 4-1 divisional, Breaker is at 3-2.



y-1. Sean (8-5, 4.08 / C match rating)

2. Johnny Triumph (7-6, 5.31 / C+ match rating)

3. Diamond (6-7, 5.69 / B- match rating)

4. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 4.54 / C+ match rating)

y-Denotes Divisional Champion






Beta Division (#1 Seed): Robbie Maynard (9-4, 4-1 Beta Division, 4.69 Match Rating)

* Maynard holds the tie-breaker over Breaker due to a better divisional record.

* BETA CLINCH SCENARIO: Robbie Maynard win. ALSO: Robbie Maynard loss AND Breaker loss. Maynard controls his fate, and has a little insurance to fall back on in case he does lose next week.

* Final opponent: SGRaaize (5-8)


Gamma Division (#2 Seed): Sean (8-5, 3-2 Gamma Division, 4.08 Match Rating)

* Diamond's loss, and his win, was enough to give him the Divisional Championship. Sean has defeated the Alpha Division Champion this season, and holds the tiebreaker.

* Final opponent: Diamond (6-7)



Alpha Division (#3 Seed): The British Warrior (8-5, 5-0 Alpha Division, 2.38 Match Rating)

* With his win, and tie-breaker over Templeton, Warrior clinches the Alpha Division and is going to the playoffs.

* Final opponent: Maxx Skabb (5-8)


Wild Card (#4 Seed): Breaker (9-4, 3-2 Beta Division, 4.46 Match Rating)

* Breaker's still in the Beta Division hunt, but at worst he is guaranteed the #4 seed.

* BETA CLINCH SCENARIO: Breaker win ANDRobbie Maynard loss. This is the only way Breaker can win the Beta Division.

* Final opponent: Tarik Nolan (6-7)




Given the schedules, it is entirely possible for all four playoff-bound wrestlers to end up with a 9-5 record. That leads to a simple question: who would get the top seed in that scenario?


That's what we're about to figure out, ladies and gentlemen.


In this scenario, disregarding match ratings for the time being, we first have to figure out who has the Beta Division won. As Maynard holds the tie-breaker in this (a hypothetical 4-2 divisional record versus Breaker's 3-3), Breaker is eliminated from this discussion and is the wild card.


(So far: #1—TBD, #2—TBD, #3—TBD, #4—Breaker)


We now go to Head-to-Head, comparing each wrestler's record against the other two.


Warrior: Lost to Maynard (week 6), lost to Sean (week 8): 0-2 record.

Maynard: Lost to Sean (week 5), def. Warrior (week 6): 1-1 record.

Sean: Def. Maynard (week 5), Def. Warrior (week 8): 2-0 record.


Sean, by this virtue, gets the #1 seed.


(So far: #1—Sean, #2—TBD, #3—TBD, #4—Breaker)


The tie for the #2 is simpler. As noted above, Maynard defeated Warrior, so he claims the #2 seed, and Warrior slips to #3. That would make the seeding as follows:



#2—Robbie Maynard

#3—British Warrior



Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical situation, this may not even come up if the results come in different from what is proposed here.





1. SGRaaize: 24 -> 26.9940

2. Sean: 15 -> 20.6465

3. Johnny Triumph: 15 -> 19.0827

4. The Phoenix: 15 -> 18.1535

5. Robbie Maynard: 15 -> 17.2492

6. Shawn Arrows: 15 -> 15.0695

7. Breaker: 15 -> 14.9703

8. Tarik Nolan: 15 -> 14.1192

9. Maxx Skabb: 12 -> 12.8460

10. Nuclear Templeton: 12 -> 11.9747

11. British Warrior: 15 -> 11.8805

12. Diamond: 15 -> 11.8253




For the first time all season, I actually win the weekly award with five correct. I'm as shocked as you all are, I know. With now-former second place holder Mr. SeanMcG being absent this week, Miss moon_lit_tears extends her led to three points over the new runner-up, Mr. Derek_b.


Here are the season standings after Week Thirteen:


1. moon_lit_tears: 48 points

2. derek_b: 45 points

3. SeanMcG: 42 points

(tie) 4. Prophet, Tori Montgomery: 40 points

6. masterded: 31 points

7. I effin rule: 24 points

(tie) 8. Jaded, Wrestling Century: 7 points

10. MichiganHero: 6 points

11. Zeel1: 4 points


Monerrey, Mexico hosts the League in the final regular season week, and is mainly a show for pride only. Only the top four have anything to fight about, and of those four only two really have something to prove as they try to win the Beta Division.



(Spot Monkey match, Martinetes are illegal, ref bumps are allowed)


ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

This is going to be payback, pure and simple. Nuclear decapitates Phoenix for costing him a playoff berth before escaping the cage.

Tori's Prediction: Nuclear Templeton, via escape, 5:10, F


GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

Arrows is fighting for pride, and with Triumph out of the playoffs I think he'll be a bit deflated. Arrows in a minor upset.

Tori's Prediction: Shawn Arrows, via pinfall (Slingshot Leg Drop), 8:10, D


ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

Warrior does his part to make the magic "everyone 9-5" scenario possible.

Tori's Prediction: British Warrior, via submission (Figure Four Leglock), 8:20, D


GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

Diamond evens her record behind the strength of her inexplicable popularity in Mexico.

Tori's Prediction: Diamond, via pinfall (Diamond in the Sky), 7:40, C-


BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

Breaker wins in a close one, and forces Maynard into a "must-win" scenario.

Tori's Prediction: Breaker, via pinfall (Dream Breaker), 12:50, C+


BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)

Maynard's been under pressure most of the season. Nothing new here. Maynard wins and locks up the Beta Division in the final match of the regular season.

Tori's Prediction: Robbie Maynard, via submission (Merseyside Maul), 5:20, F


Until next time, when we're playoff-bound, this is Tori Montgomery...so long from ringside!




ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)




NOTE: Pages will be updated tomorrow.

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Damn you Derek. :(



ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)

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Go me! :)



ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)

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Damn you Derek. :(



ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)


Nuclear says... "Damn you Diamond, your suckiness cost me .0253 popularity in Europe! I'll get you for this... next season!! :mad:"


I still can't believe Nuclear was 6-1 at one point and managed to end up not qualifying for the playoffs. Very ouch. I'd also like to sue the Portuguese nation for stealing "LAAAAAARRRRIAAAAAATOOOOOOO!" from Nuclear, that's not cool! Even if Nuclear's does suck now. :p


ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)


I'd also like to point out that my predictions in no way represent my desire to beat MLT in the predictions standings by trying to make up 3 points by choosing almost entirely the opposite of what she's picking. I'd never be that petty, going against my own instincts just to try and win. :p

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Pages have been updated, folks.


ALSO: I have a request for everyone not in the playoffs this season.


When you send in your training for this week, I'd like to ask that you make a list of the top three people (who are not in the playoffs) you'd like to team with for an exhibition tag match or two during the playoff show. I'm definitely doing an 8-man elimination tag, and I'm toying with the idea of separate tag matches during the show as well. I'll set up teams from the results and that will be added to the playoff show.


As a quick reference, here's the list of those not making the playoffs this season:


Nuclear Templeton

Tarik Nolan

Johnny Triumph


Maxx Skabb


Shawn Arrows

The Phoenix


This concludes this broadcast of the League Messaging System.

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I marked like a bitch


Fun fact: In my house I'm the official judge of whether a move is a clothesline or a LARIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My word is also final. :p


My brain is currently being amused by the idea of Nuclear and SG heading into a lariat competition. Next season I think we have to make it happen during a show. :)

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Hi guys, sorry to post off topic but this is the only thread relating to WreSpi 2 that isn't dead and just wanted to ask if anyone can up a link for the "Brawl for All" mod by Socko? It's the only real life mod that's set in modern times that seems good, DOTT is great but I've really got a hankering for some Kurt Angle action.


Thanks for any help and again, sorry for posting off topic but asking in the mods section is a guarantee of a long wait.

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Fun fact: In my house I'm the official judge of whether a move is a clothesline or a LARIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My word is also final. :p


I swear to god, they're so hard to judge sometimes


Clothesline = Wrestler runs, arm stands still, the stationary arm almost decapitates the opponent

Lariat = Wrestler runs, and the arm is "thrown" to jab the opponent's neck, not only is the wrestler running but the arm also "jabs" the neck, double impact and thus a LARIAAAATOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~


The thing is, when someone is making a clothesline, he can do both without caring, thinking that they're both the same thing, and that's what causes confusion


My brain is currently being amused by the idea of Nuclear and SG heading into a lariat competition. Next season I think we have to make it happen during a show. :)










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I swear to god, they're so hard to judge sometimes


Clothesline = Wrestler runs, arm stands still, the stationary arm almost decapitates the opponent

Lariat = Wrestler runs, and the arm is "thrown" to jab the opponent's neck, not only is the wrestler running but the arm also "jabs" the neck, double impact and thus a LARIAAAATOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~


The thing is, when someone is making a clothesline, he can do both without caring, thinking that they're both the same thing, and that's what causes confusion














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