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The Video Game Thread


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In a month the Dead or Alive series will be coming to PC (finally). As it's one of my favorite fighters ever (that consistently does well), I got so excited I'm planning on buying a new PC (well, I also want to play Dragon Age 3, GTA5 and Witcher 3 so there's that). I do despise what they've done with the 'extra' character. Such wasted potential... If anything, playing it on pc will allow me to enjoy the game without relatives thinking I'm some sort of freak/weirdo, with all the 'fan-service' the game brings. It's great to have new content and new moves, but one would almost revert to the original DOA5 game, without the kinky costumes and stuff, which is getting a tad bit ridiculous to be honest.





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So recently I have been trying to understand this GamerGate clustermuck after I saw TotalBiscuit mentioning it on Twitter. Oh my I am confused. What are y'alls thoughts?




Can we just...not? This has been my one refuge from that bullshit.


But of course, we're going to, so let me summarize: one group thinks they're grand crusaders for truth, justice and the American way, meanwhile, the other group talks about how gravely they've been wronged by the other. Both descriptions can literally apply to either group in any given situation. And at the end, nothing is accomplished.


Goodbye, video game thread, it was nice knowing you.

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Yup, pretty much. What I have concluded is that people who are trying to fight for one cause are using another's and totally spinning it in their favor whilst putting up general statements and only acknowledging parts of the community that would help their cause. I've looked at it for 5 bloody minutes and I'm tired of it.
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Yup, pretty much. What I have concluded is that people who are trying to fight for one cause are using another's and totally spinning it in their favor whilst putting up general statements and only acknowledging parts of the community that would help their cause. I've looked at it for 5 bloody minutes and I'm tired of it.


I've been aware of it since it was called the "Quinnspiracy" (whole other can of worms you don't want to get into). Which was, about six months or so ago, I think. I don't think I could be more sick of something. What makes it even worse is pro-GamerGate has taken over Cheezburger and Know Your Meme, so when I'm browsing for something to make me laugh, there's gigantic, almost PowerPoint-like presentations on how "evil" the "SJWs" are covering pages. Especially on KYM.

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Pack's Deduction on GamerGate:



There's some sad things I have deduced after this debacle. First off, I'm going to post a tweet posted by TotalBiscuit's wife on January the 23rd.


"Remember when we could all just play video games? So sick of the drama going on in this industry right now."


Oh my, how true that is. Why does there always have to be controversy. Remember when GamerGate was about ethics? Now it's just another thing for feminists use to launch their cause straight to our faces. I've asked women about this issue and they all agree that this is quite ridiculous on the feminists' side. Now, I will quote more tweets from Genna Bain, TB's wife.


"I married a hateful, transphobic, and evil misogynist who talks about video games... according to the internet."



"None of you will ever know who he really is..."


Now, I would like to say that these two tweets couldn't be more true. Yet again another cause of the internet ruining things. To be perfectly honest, I bet that TB has gotten more death threats then said Anita Sarkeesian. May I also say that Genna posted these tweets on the same day that her husband got a clear CAT scan back after having f**king colon cancer? Yes, TB has been dealing with this whilst dealing with colon cancer. So whilst doing this, you are essentially insulting a cancer patient. Great job internet.



"I'm terrified to speak out against or for any movement any more. I can't handle the stress. Can't imagine how he handles it + cancer."



This was said by popular internet personality Boogie today. We all know him right? Now, he made ONE post defending Mr. Bain and BLAM! he receives nuclear amounts of hate! Why internet why? This is crippling our modern day society and is not giving people the positive reaction they deserve in the public eye. This is helping NO ONE. I'm going to say this, and try to not sound sexist, but to you feminists: "Stop barging into f**king things where you have no place in being and being the most hypocritical people I have ever heard of."

That's all I have to say on this issue for now. I thank you for reading, and let's all be happy again with this cat.


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Also, thank you Swanton for not flipping more out at me about the matter. Sorry to have brought "it" up. In other news, dying light looks good... I really hope it is since I need a good "survival horror" after tlou


I'm so exhausted by both sides that I can't even muster the energy to get mad. But yeah, Dying Light looks good, but I wasn't very big on Dead Island, so I'll probably wait until it's a bit cheaper before I get it.

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So I'm playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms...



Ummm. Binding of Isaac Rebirth is a good pick up, and I just saw a new game I want. 100% Orange juice.

Oh man that game is amazing. Even tho I suck at it :p I also rented sr4 re elected the other day. So far its.... interesting to say the least.. and to answer your question Blackman, I do because it's fun.. most times :cool:

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I'll give you an example.. (its been going on 6 weeks)


I sent them another email asking if they were actually ignoring a law (which i had point out to them about 4 times)


Their reply was just a copy/paste generic email. Full details would send me into massive rant mode

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Oh man that game is amazing. Even tho I suck at it :p I also rented sr4 re elected the other day. So far its.... interesting to say the least.. and to answer your question Blackman, I do because it's fun.. most times :cool:


Most games frustrate me so I keep at them. I yell at them too. When I finally beat a boss or complete a challange I am like EAT THAT YOU JERK. :p


I'll give you an example.. (its been going on 6 weeks)


I sent them another email asking if they were actually ignoring a law (which i had point out to them about 4 times)


Their reply was just a copy/paste generic email. Full details would send me into massive rant mode


Have no clue what this is about and I'm curious.


I know they have issues with accepting payments so I had to buy a ps plus card at the store, but given the recent attacks by hackers, that's probably for the best.

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Have no clue what this is about and I'm curious.


I know they have issues with accepting payments so I had to buy a ps plus card at the store, but given the recent attacks by hackers, that's probably for the best.

My (then) 11 month daughter grabbed the controller one time I was getting her a bottle and jammed X a lot.. It took me through and brought Assassins Creed Unity. This was 6 weeks ago now.


I pointed out that EU and UK state that:


When a consumer purchases digital downloads, or software downloads from a business; their ability to cancel the order can be restricted if the trader has made the consumer aware in a durable form (letter, email, text message etc) exactly what it is they have agreed to, and that once the consumer begins to download the material they will lose their right to cancel the purchase, and the consumer has confirmed they are aware of this.


I didn't download it, and they said they couldn't definitively tell if I'd downloaded it, but just just keep sending back


I can see from your e-mail that you'd like a refund for your recent purchase from the PlayStation Store. Regrettably, as stated in the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, we are unable to offer a refund for purchases made on PlayStation Store unless the content is found to be defective.


On another note, Im tempted to just claim that Unity as a whole is defective and see where that takes me

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I'll give you an example.. (its been going on 6 weeks)


I sent them another email asking if they were actually ignoring a law (which i had point out to them about 4 times)


Their reply was just a copy/paste generic email. Full details would send me into massive rant mode


I'm assuming you're after a refund? Surely they have to abide by the UK distance selling rules and honour your request?


EDIT: I posted this before you replied to MLT :)

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