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Anybody else seen the trailer for the new Hitman movie? Yeesh...there's missing the point of what you're adapting, and then there's utterly ignoring the original work entirely because you wanted to make an over-the-top action movie. Here's an idea, just make an OTT action movie, but I suppose that's just madness.


Also, I hope the ghost of Jimi Hendrix torments the people who did that shitty cover for the rest of their lives.

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Just to provide a bit of closure to the Sony saga.


The PS3 went for £30 ($46) more than I would have got if I traded it in

The PS4 is going today and i'm getting £300 ($461) for it with a few games


I shall then be heading straight into town and getting an X-Box before sending Sony a final email with a nice little piccy of me enjoying my new console.


So.. Next question.. Who has an X-Box1 that wants to be my friend :p

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Just to provide a bit of closure to the Sony saga.


The PS3 went for £30 ($46) more than I would have got if I traded it in

The PS4 is going today and i'm getting £300 ($461) for it with a few games


I shall then be heading straight into town and getting an X-Box before sending Sony a final email with a nice little piccy of me enjoying my new console.


So.. Next question.. Who has an X-Box1 that wants to be my friend :p


*raises hand*

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Just to provide a bit of closure to the Sony saga.


The PS3 went for £30 ($46) more than I would have got if I traded it in

The PS4 is going today and i'm getting £300 ($461) for it with a few games


I shall then be heading straight into town and getting an X-Box before sending Sony a final email with a nice little piccy of me enjoying my new console.


So.. Next question.. Who has an X-Box1 that wants to be my friend :p


I don't have an XboxOne and want to be your friend... ;)

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I'm not the biggest Call of Duty fan, but on an impulse I decided to check Advanced Warfare out. The campaign is incredibly fun with a really solid story. It's a shame it's so short, but I know that the single player mode isn't the thing most people buy these games for. Kevin Spacey is awesome in his role, and as usual Troy Baker's performance as the main character is just fantastic. I actually got really bummed out when a character I liked died.


The cut scene movies have insane graphics though. They're so lifelike(on PS3 even) that they're borderline creepy. Using the AST(exo suit) was really fun too. I hate playing online multiplayer, but I may just give it a shot to get a little more game time out of this game before I take it back later this week.

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You couldn't get me at gunpoint to give up any of my game systems, no matter how mad I am at a company.


I'm pretty much the same way. I've still got three Commodore 64's (don't ask why, it's not interesting), NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Mega Drive (Genesis), Saturn, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox 360 and I did recently purchase a second hand PS2 solely for the Smackdown games when friends are at the house. After sorting all of them out to be by one tv (except for the Wii and 360 which are elsewhere), the only one that is giving me trouble is the N64 (but it is 16-ish years old). For some reason it'll play fine for five or so minutes and then restart, then play for about two minutes and restart. Frustrating, so i'll just get another one.


But if the majority of those are still working, including two of my C64's from the 1980's, then there's no reason my original PS2 shouldn't have lasted way longer than it did. Sony can jog on if they think they'll get any money out of me again. (ironically it was the first Sony system I ever bought and that was only because I couldn't wait for the original Xbox)


And as for Microsoft, I won't argue, they've been much better in the past couple years, but let's not forget that they built up so much consumer rage before the XbOne's launch (which they have recovered from well) that all Sony had to do was announce that the PS4 would play used games to get the E3 attendees pop. Their general thickheaded behavior going into that E3 pretty much solidified in my mind that they're just as predisposed to "profit before all else, even common sense" decisions as Sony is.


It certainly was a bizarre move by Microsoft to announce that it wouldn't play second hand games (did they expect people to applaud that?), but I do think people weren't understanding what they were trying to do with the XB1 being online all the time. More work done by "the cloud" (I hate that term) combined with the console itself = more processing power. What the consumer backlash did was limit developers to stick within the limits of the console hardware alone in case Billy Bob wasn't connected to the internet while playing.


Dreamcast was the bomb diggity. Way to get arcades to your home, and such potential for the future it had. :(


Indeed. Plus with it using a modified version of Windows CE (if memory serves) it was easy to get Dreamcast and Windows games on either platform. But because of Sony... grrrr... *shakes fist*


The controller could be a nightmare for some games though, Quake III in particular if you'd already played it on PC. (I still believe Microsoft looked at the Dreamcast and PS2 controllers and combined them to make the best controllers out there)


Just to provide a bit of closure to the Sony saga.


The PS3 went for £30 ($46) more than I would have got if I traded it in

The PS4 is going today and i'm getting £300 ($461) for it with a few games


I bought my brother an XB1 + FIFA 15 + Forza 5 for £330 as a Christmas present (yes, I am the best brother ever) so sounds like you've ended quids in with that deal as you've got enough for an XB1 plus a game or two.


So.. Next question.. Who has an X-Box1 that wants to be my friend :p


I'd only whup you at games again if I did have an XB1. ;)


I'm not the biggest Call of Duty fan, but on an impulse I decided to check Advanced Warfare out. The campaign is incredibly fun with a really solid story. It's a shame it's so short, but I know that the single player mode isn't the thing most people buy these games for. Kevin Spacey is awesome in his role, and as usual Troy Baker's performance as the main character is just fantastic. I actually got really bummed out when a character I liked died.


The cut scene movies have insane graphics though. They're so lifelike(on PS3 even) that they're borderline creepy. Using the AST(exo suit) was really fun too. I hate playing online multiplayer, but I may just give it a shot to get a little more game time out of this game before I take it back later this week.


I think Modern Warfare 3 was the last Call of Duty I played as once they'd switched the majority of focus to mainly multiplayer, rather than it being a bonus, I was out.

While this is a wildly unpopular opinion, my favourite Call of Duty multiplayer experience was on Call of Duty 3 (not MW 3) where you started off with your choice of class (one of three or four, I forget, which had their own weapons) and try to capture all five areas. There wasn't any levelling up, no perks/abilities and no random spawning around the map - it was based on which area your army held.


But what do I know, i'm a (relatively) old man in a sea of teenagers getting their parents to buy the next CoD because of the multiplayer. I'll stick to Quake Live to get my FPS multiplayer fix (which isn't required even half as much as it used to).

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Probably on a Smackdown game as I've not really played one in years, but on Battlefield or NHL I'd destroy you


Also whupped you on Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II. ;)


The only Battlefield game i've played is Bad Company 2 on PC, but we'll never know as I wouldn't play a multiplayer FPS on a console again anytime soon. Back in the day I was god-like (pun intended) on Unreal Tournament and Quake II on PC though. :cool:

As for NHL, apart from a night of retro gaming with my brother where we briefly played NHL '94 on my Mega Drive, the last one I played was NHL '98 (which resulted in a fight with my brother - true story) so you'd definitely stand a chance on that. :D




There's always one baying for blood! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsqJFIJ5lLs :D


This should be done and streamed so we can all watch the Undertaker lose...again....#SoSad.


Haven't got a XB1 and have no plans to purchase one either so it'll never happen, unless you want to buy me one? :p

Not sure where the "lose again" comes from though, as i've won 95% of the time against people on here, even in SDvsRAW handicap matches amd including the ones which weren't supposed to be handicap matches but ended up that way! :D

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It certainly was a bizarre move by Microsoft to announce that it wouldn't play second hand games (did they expect people to applaud that?), but I do think people weren't understanding what they were trying to do with the XB1 being online all the time. More work done by "the cloud" (I hate that term) combined with the console itself = more processing power. What the consumer backlash did was limit developers to stick within the limits of the console hardware alone in case Billy Bob wasn't connected to the internet while playing.


As someone who had do deal with satellite internet for years, I can tell you that it's a more common problem than you make it out to be. It's also hard to feel bad for big-time developers not being able to "achieve their full potential" when, as disasters like Unity and Colonial Marines have shown, they can't even function with what they have now. And I'll be damned before I play a game through "the cloud". It's already enough bullshit to deal with games like NBA 2K15 requiring me to be always online just so I can play the single-player modes.

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As someone who had do deal with satellite internet for years, I can tell you that it's a more common problem than you make it out to be.


I don't doubt it'd be a pain in the arse for some people, but i'd imagine that's down to the area you live in and what internet services are available. I personally can't think of anyone I know (even those that live out in the countryside) who don't have access to a decent internet connection and have only been without it for a day or so after power blackouts due to storms etc.


But it does pain me to see the state of gaming/society these days simply due to the availability of an internet connection though. When the Xbox and PS services were down over Christmas and there was the uproar of, "My child can't play his/her game on Christmas day so his/her Christmas is utterly ruined so we demand a refund from Microsoft/Sony etc.", it just makes me want to smack some people. I'll stop there because I could go into a lonnnng rant about parenting and people in general... not referring to you of course, this just went off on a tangent, unless you are one of those people. ;)


It's also hard to feel bad for big-time developers not being able to "achieve their full potential" when, as disasters like Unity and Colonial Marines have shown


Can't comment on Unity as I haven't played it, but from what I understand it was utterly bug riddled upon launch. As for Colonial Marines though that was more due to incredible amounts of mismanagement at Gearbox for outsourcing work to various companies when they were supposed to be doing it themselves. It says a lot when:

a) the gameplay demo (well, it was supposedly gameplay) looked vastly superior to the released game.

b) I know the PC version at least was updated with higher resolution textures, why they weren't included to begin with boggles my mind.

(the first Alien vs Predator game is still the best in my opinion)


And I'll be damned before I play a game through "the cloud".


The XB1 wasn't supposed to play entirely through the cloud, but certain games would use it to provide more power to those that needed it. It's not a bad idea in theory as it can aid games which require more than the hardware can provide and in turn extend the life of the console by being able to play games past those limits.


While i'm no programming wizard, and literally using BASIC terminology, they should've gone with a IF > THEN option to see if the console was online. Online it would be at full potential, offline not.


It's already enough bullshit to deal with games like NBA 2K15 requiring me to be always online just so I can play the single-player modes.


Agreed. It is utterly idiotic that playing single player shouldn't need ("need" being the word, see previous point) to be always online.


Another side note: It does remind me of people lambasting Steam because it "needs to be online", until they realise/were told that Steam has an offline mode and you could play anything in your Library that didn't need the internet to play.

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I don't doubt it'd be a pain in the arse for some people, but i'd imagine that's down to the area you live in and what internet services are available. I personally can't think of anyone I know (even those that live out in the countryside) who don't have access to a decent internet connection and have only been without it for a day or so after power blackouts due to storms etc.

Two words: download caps. When I had satellite, the cap was 200 MB a day, and if I'm remembering correctly, that was with the top level package. Even when you were still under the cap, it only went at about 100-150 kB/s, the minute you hit the cap, it dropped all the way down to 20 kB/s. Mind you, this was in 2005, not 1995, so I doubt it's improved much. I can only imagine how much of a nightmare an always online console would be for someone with that kind of internet.


I do agree with you that a good compromise would have been an IF > THEN line. But with the way Microsoft insisted that it had to be online and it had to have the Kinect, it was hard to read it any other way than "if you have crap internet, don't get our system" at the time. Actually, didn't one of their media reps at E3 say something along that line before it came out?


But it does pain me to see the state of gaming/society these days simply due to the availability of an internet connection though. When the Xbox and PS services were down over Christmas and there was the uproar of, "My child can't play his/her game on Christmas day so his/her Christmas is utterly ruined so we demand a refund from Microsoft/Sony etc.", it just makes me want to smack some people. I'll stop there because I could go into a lonnnng rant about parenting and people in general... not referring to you of course, this just went off on a tangent, unless you are one of those people. ;)

I am definitely not one of those people. If there are launch issues, I don't go on some long tangent about my "rights" as a consumer, I just wait a couple days and see if it's fixed. If not, eh, I once spent $150 on a Dragon Ball game, I can't exactly bitch about my money being wasted.


Not that there's anything wrong with being mad about a developer screwing people over, but when people are bitching for the fifth year in a row about the same developer screwing them, it gets a little hard to feel any sympathy.

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So the library had The Evil Within for PS3, so I checked that out. I completed Chapter 1 and it's okay so far. Sneaking/hiding from the dude with the chainsaw did have a great sense of dread that I haven't felt playing a video game(or watching a movie for that matter) in years. I did read some reviews saying that sometimes it can be more frustrating than fun. I decided not to play anymore until I can play in the dark for more atmosphere.
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I saw Titan fall going cheap today. Anyone played it?


I just bought it for PC on Amazon for $6 the other day. I played the beta and I thought it was OK, and figured for $6, it'd be worth it. Unfortunately, the community (at least on PC) is pretty much dead. I think there was only 700 or so active players when I was logged on. I tried to join a match of Attrition and sat in the lobby for a while waiting for a match up but ended up just logging out. Maybe it was the time of day I tried, I don't know.


I haven't tried since then, but I would like to try to get my moneys worth, even it was was only $6... Hopefully with the sale, there will be more active players for a little while.

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I just bought it for PC on Amazon for $6 the other day. I played the beta and I thought it was OK, and figured for $6, it'd be worth it. Unfortunately, the community (at least on PC) is pretty much dead. I think there was only 700 or so active players when I was logged on. I tried to join a match of Attrition and sat in the lobby for a while waiting for a match up but ended up just logging out. Maybe it was the time of day I tried, I don't know.


I haven't tried since then, but I would like to try to get my moneys worth, even it was was only $6... Hopefully with the sale, there will be more active players for a little while.


I've tested it when there was a 48h free trial. Very good game. The problem is the community, especially in game mode like you have to defend a building. You can have great people, or you can have people who run all the map, and not defend the building, and oh you lose, and oh they cry in the chat, and insult you. Yeah.


But it's a good game


I've tried Star wars : empire at war. Good game, but i was hoping for 3D battle in space :(

Also tried Risen, good game !

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Also just tried the Star Wars Empire at War game. Seems fine, but not the game I want to play right now. Never got past the tutorial. Played a level or two of the Force Unleashed, but that's just too generic and repetitive imo (so I just watched the cutscenes on youtube).


At least I got several hours of WMMA4 in, which was long overdue. :p


Thinking of getting a 1K€ PC this week. If anything, it'll allow me to play Skyrim without any slowdowns/framedrops and mods. And with Witcher3 and DragonAgeInquisition coming up (or apparently released) one might want this. Right now I have a 560Ti and it's fine (even now), but there's several games that were not performing very well (though that was probly due to too many dust in the poorly sealed box).

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