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Let us know how it feels like playing Skyrim. :D


It needs a driver software called VorpX since it doesn't support VR native. VorpX costs like 30 bucks or something so we'll see if I'll even get it.. And it's in betastage + you have to manually tinker a lot of settings in it to get Skyrim working but I've seen it done, altough many people say that you can't really do combat because of the camera shake but the scenery is awesome :3


Mostly I'm looking for Elite: Dangerous and the rollercoaster demos and so forth. I'm gonna hold a big party at my house after I've gotten accoustumed to the Rift, gonna record everyone's reaction and so on ;D

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So last night I finally decided to get Styx: Master of shadows as it is on new release sale for 23,99€ (will be regular 29,99 come the 13th). Being a fan of stealth games it had interested me since I learned of the game a while back and it certainly didn't disappoint. I played for two hours so far and I'm REALLY into it. Sure it has it's quirks (AI could be better and combat is a tad meh) but far as stealthing goes, it's amazing and blows the new Thief game out of the water (not that this is very difficult I guess xD).


The levels are huge (no open world gaming btw) and offer various approaches to advancing. Just don't bother fighting more than 2 guys at once - this'll just get you killed. But with the Goblin being a scheming bastard, you have other ways to ruin a guard's day ^^...


I also really dig the cynical anti-hero bad guy you play as in the game, Styx - supposedly this game shares lore with 'Of Orcs and Men' (200 years in the past of that story which tells me Goblins live a very long time o.O). Not really being a fan of that game, the story in Master of shadows however is quite nice with enough twists and turns. Overall definitely a recommendation for all ppl who like stealth based games and currently my #1 replacing Mark of the Ninja on that list.

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So far I've clocked around 65 hours in Fifa 15 (PC) and while it does have a few issues (collisions being one of the more annoying ones because they simply put are buggy) I like the game. Granted, I haven't played any Fifa version in years so of course this is all rather shiny and new to me, but using the proper sliders (and deffo slow gameplay for realism sakes) makes this game fun to me.


Yes, call me a snob but I'm coaching FC Bayern ^^. What can you do when you're a fan of the club right? Ribery retired after my second season with them (dammit) and I managed to secure the services of Memphis Depay - he is doing great for me so far (third year however is just starting).


In season two I managed to completely screw up my CL quarterfinals vs AS Rome with a 1-1 at Roma and a 1-2 home loss >_< and now after three games in the new season's CL, I'm at 1-1-1 in what I'd call a group of death (Tottenham, Celtic and FC Porto) - I had an insane amount of ball possession vs Celtic but somehow only managed a 1-1 tie, beat Porto 2-0 and the Hotspurs parked the buss and I failed to at least get even losing 0-1. Lovely ... but also really enjoying the game as I said.


Proper sliders, including injuries (up to 65 tbh) and ignoring a few issues makes the game rather enjoyable. And you totally have to manually fix the micro stuttering on PC with this http://www.incgamers.com/2014/09/fifa-15-pc-smooth-60fps-with-amd-and-nvidia-guide and it has me now playing without any issues at at least constant 60 fps.


Verdict: Fun game for sure - but make no mistake, it's quite obvious that Fifa is displaying a more or less perfect showing of the game of football. Even Lionel Messi said a while ago that his guy in the game is actually better than he is in real life in comparison. I don't mind that tho ^^ and this prolly goes for every sports game out there.

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My Review of EA Sports UFC:



Alright, so yesterday I put my copy of EA Sports UFC back in the mail to ship it to GameFly. I think that after each game I am going to voice my thoughts about it. So UFC: Overall, it was a pretty average game. Probably clocked in 15 hours over the two weeks I had it. With me and sports game, it always happens where I always lose on 1 difficulty but cant win on one lower. I hate when that happens. Right away, I jumped into career mode. I selected easy difficulty. After losing 25 times, I re-started on beginner. Yes, you can NOT change your difficulty mid-career. This for sure frustrated me. I continued and created my heavyweight kickboxer. Right away, I maxed out punch and kick power. Bam, 7 second KO's til I get a title shot. Even on beginner, shouldn't a game be more balanced than that? So I win the title, no surprises there. The UFC "bookers" than make me fight the SAME people over and over and over. Another frustrating aspect. The fighting is somewhat fun, the training is a part you feel like breaking out in rage. Graphics are good, but it's a sports game. Does it really matter? In the end, I give this a 5/10. If your'e a UFC fan, go for it. However, if you are just a sports gamer like me who doesn't watch UFC, I can recommend shying away from it.



Before I reveal my next game, I gotta recognize GameFly's fast return service. Once they get confirmation that my game is being processed by USPS, they send you your next game, meaning less downtime between games, which I think is pretty sweet.




My next game will be The Walking Dead-- The Complete First Season for the PS4. I've watched the second season, but I've never seen the first. SO excited to see where the game takes me :D.



The pictures are for the laughs to be honest, just wanted to put something appealing to the eyes in this wall of text. Also let me know how I can improve this format. This was a quick basic review, so thoughts are appreciated.

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Packerman, dude, my thoughts on UFC exactly. I will never understand why combat sports games choose the "minigame" route of training over something more fun. If it were up to me I'd eliminate training completely as it's a drag and takes up more time in most games' career modes than the actual fighting does. The sting would be greatly reduced if they'd just let us spar instead of some frustrating mini game.


On Sunset Overdrive, EVERYTHING i've seen from this game in motion looks like a crappy 360 game. Nothing next gen about it. Nothing special.

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Packerman, dude, my thoughts on UFC exactly. I will never understand why combat sports games choose the "minigame" route of training over something more fun. If it were up to me I'd eliminate training completely as it's a drag and takes up more time in most games' career modes than the actual fighting does. The sting would be greatly reduced if they'd just let us spar instead of some frustrating mini game.


On Sunset Overdrive, EVERYTHING i've seen from this game in motion looks like a crappy 360 game. Nothing next gen about it. Nothing special.


The thing with Sunset is the fact that it really just does not look like it's going to be that fun after a while. Sure, the whole kill the mutants however you want thing sounds great, but do they plan on implementing a STORY into this? A story along with the kill em however you want doesn't make sense. Have either one or the other. I personally would be more attracted to this game if it was just a open world in which I could f**k around.

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The thing with Sunset is the fact that it really just does not look like it's going to be that fun after a while. Sure, the whole kill the mutants however you want thing sounds great, but do they plan on implementing a STORY into this? A story along with the kill em however you want doesn't make sense. Have either one or the other. I personally would be more attracted to this game if it was just a open world in which I could f**k around.


We'll see. I'm going to play it because it's an action game and if you own a next gen console, beggars can't be choosers.

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If you want you can pass that code my way. :p


I already activated it, but I'll PM you the GMG link. You have to register through their site and after two days I had to set up a Customer Service ticket in order to get the key, so hopefully it goes quicker for you. They also sent me some keys for percentage off other games.

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i am most likely in the minority but Sunset Overdrive looks really good to me


I've recently got back into Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 2, I love them both equally, it stems from me really wanting to play Skyrim after i watched someone on youtube make their character into Conan the Barbarian


but upon looking in my games draw, my nephew seems to have raided my collection, so i am off to buy Skyrim Legendary Edition when i next pop into town


Goes anyone know of any defense games that play like X-Com Enemy Within

i really want a game that isn't tower defense, sort of like Warhammer mark of Chaos where you can defend a castle using only the heroes against a giant army


but seems to be an impossible game to find now

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i am most likely in the minority but Sunset Overdrive looks really good to me


I've recently got back into Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 2, I love them both equally, it stems from me really wanting to play Skyrim after i watched someone on youtube make their character into Conan the Barbarian


but upon looking in my games draw, my nephew seems to have raided my collection, so i am off to buy Skyrim Legendary Edition when i next pop into town


Goes anyone know of any defense games that play like X-Com Enemy Within

i really want a game that isn't tower defense, sort of like Warhammer mark of Chaos where you can defend a castle using only the heroes against a giant army


but seems to be an impossible game to find now


Have you tried Orcs Must Die? It's... not like any of those games you mentioned in any conceivable way, but it IS 'tower defence but not really tower defence' and it IS masses of fun.


Xenonauts is very X-Com like, but is a bit oldschool in terms of graphics.

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The Walking Dead: Season 1 for PS4 Review





If I had to describe this game in 1 word, it would be amazing. Other words that fit are incredible, emotional, wonderful. This game tells the story of Lee Everett and his experiences in the apocalypse, as most of you probably know. When Clementine comes into the story, I immediately felt attached to her as a character. The duo of Lee and Clem was a great ride that took my emotions up and down as they became closer and closer.


The story of TWD outside of the Lee and Clementine duo lives up to the expectation set by the beginning of the game. Telltale uses it's 5 episodes in season 1 to craft a memorable experience, telling a story like no other. The way you are introduced to characters makes you really think as if you were in Lee's position, which few games now a days can do. Telltale also knows how to balance the story. The order of events was sewn together perfectly creating excitement at every step. The gameplay of this game is really incredible, there is nothing to complain about. I would say that this is one of the games with the best storyline that I have ever played, no exaggeration.


This game has a way of controlling your character that is truly unique. It focuses on more of an emotional and verbal control more than physical control, which helps this game massively. Being able to control what Lee says to others, what he thinks of others, and laying out plans for the group's future is a fun experience that no other game can capture as well as Telltale does with The Walking Dead.


As good as this game is, it unfortunately is not perfect. My one major gripe with this game is the camera movement during gameplay. Numerous times while I play this game, I find myself frustrated because of the awkward camera shots. Locked cameras are extremely frustrating. A simple camera change making it a free moving camera would make this game even better than it already is.



In the end, I decided to give The Walking Dead: Season 1 a 9.5/10.




Great, emotional story.

Twists and turns make gameplay action-packed.

Emotional ending is the icing on the cake.




Locked camera angles are extremely frustrating.



Next Game:




I chose this game because mainly TWD S2 was not available. I wanted to play a good old light-hearted fun game. It was either this or Knack and I chose this because I have loved Lego games in the past.





I have an idea. I think I'm going to create a thread for these reviews and if anyone else wants to contribute a review. I'll copy over the two reviews I've done into the thread.

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Have you tried Orcs Must Die? It's... not like any of those games you mentioned in any conceivable way, but it IS 'tower defence but not really tower defence' and it IS masses of fun.


Xenonauts is very X-Com like, but is a bit oldschool in terms of graphics.


Graphics do not bother me in the slightest, i will check out Xenonauts, i guess its me wanting to play a game that is like the film Seven Samurai, but not the awful Seven Samurai 20xx game

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Graphics do not bother me in the slightest, i will check out Xenonauts, i guess its me wanting to play a game that is like the film Seven Samurai, but not the awful Seven Samurai 20xx game


While your second mention is unknown to me (I am reading the original is from 1954, that correct) and I also dunno the new one, I know a little about Xenonauts. Lets just say if you liked the original XCom games from the 1990s you won't be disappointed at all.

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i am most likely in the minority but Sunset Overdrive looks really good to me


I've recently got back into Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 2, I love them both equally, it stems from me really wanting to play Skyrim after i watched someone on youtube make their character into Conan the Barbarian


but upon looking in my games draw, my nephew seems to have raided my collection, so i am off to buy Skyrim Legendary Edition when i next pop into town


Goes anyone know of any defense games that play like X-Com Enemy Within

i really want a game that isn't tower defense, sort of like Warhammer mark of Chaos where you can defend a castle using only the heroes against a giant army


but seems to be an impossible game to find now


I'm looking forward to Sunset Overdrive too. From what I've seen, it's pretty much a more violent, open-world Ratchet and Clank and there is nothing about that concept I don't like. The only thing working against it is that I don't have an XbONE and that will solve itself with the inevitable Steam release next year.

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I'm on the other side of the console fence with a PS4, but from what I saw at Eurogamer and from reviews, Sunset Overdrive looks like a very Marmite'y game. You're either gonna love it or hate it.


Me.. I think the novelty will wear off very quickly and it will become boring

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I'm on the other side of the console fence with a PS4, but from what I saw at Eurogamer and from reviews, Sunset Overdrive looks like a very Marmite'y game. You're either gonna love it or hate it.


Me.. I think the novelty will wear off very quickly and it will become boring


Well I love Dynasty Warriors and Sengoku Basara (which needs so much more love it's ridiculous), so repetition isn't something I have much of a problem with.

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So.. its payday and im thinking of heading into town to get a new PS4 game


  • Im pondering getting Shadows of Mordor as I've heard good things about it
  • Theres Alien Isolation, but it looks like it might get a little boring down the line
  • Lords Of The Fallen looks interesting
  • Or theres NBA2k15. I had 14 so not sure if there is enough of an upgrade

Its going to come down to price I reckon, but I would be interested in opinions. I leave in an hour

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From those four I'd go with M-E:SoM, but take this from a guy who doesn't own a PS4 nor have I played any of those four games :D But I've read/heard alot of positive things about SoM and it has lots of replayability which is a huge thing for me. I'm totally gonna get it later when it comes on sale on PC as I have a really hard time buying full priced games when they come out, especially those with only single player.
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So.. its payday and im thinking of heading into town to get a new PS4 game


  • Im pondering getting Shadows of Mordor as I've heard good things about it
  • Theres Alien Isolation, but it looks like it might get a little boring down the line
  • Lords Of The Fallen looks interesting
  • Or theres NBA2k15. I had 14 so not sure if there is enough of an upgrade

Its going to come down to price I reckon, but I would be interested in opinions. I leave in an hour


you can get Shadows of Mordor on PC as well and probably cheaper with a deal from greenmangaming or steam. Although if you must do on PS4 i'd definitely recommend it. Killing Orcs never gets old.


alien isolation has a lot of good buzz, but not something to my personal taste, as don't like horror gaming that much, a couple missions in Vampire: Bloodlines from back in the day were scary enough


Lords of the Fallen from what I read is a not as good as Dark Souls type game, but if you like the Dark Souls type games, then its a good choice and PS4 is definitely better than than PC from the reviews I have read.


from 14 to 15 as you say, probably not enough changes in game to make picking up at full price worth it.

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Yet another patch for Divinity, and another one is in the making. I keep waiting but eventually there's a point where you have to say: "F it, I'm playing the game now". You can't wait forever.


Skyrim keeps updating its mods, and I started over 20 times these past months that I've grown tired of the game without seeing the new content. I'm waiting for a patch that makes Requiem (the new version) compatible with the other mods, but it takes way too long so I just uninstalled it. Sometimes the things they patch is ridiculous. The last unofficial patch added 6 pies and 6 beers on some rack and lowered some deer heads mounted on a wall. Really? :p


Same thing for Crusader Kings II. New content will keep coming. Heck, even for BG:Enhanced Edition there was another patch.

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