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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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<p>Giant Grimsley v. <strong>Professor Nero</strong></p><p>

Grimsley immovable? As in 'he cant get out of the midcard'?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Captain USA</strong> v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow</p><p>

Cap should be huge. Its just too easy a gimmick</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot)</strong> v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa</p><p>

Eagles needs to be strong for Lawless et al</p><p> </p><p>

TWL Six-Man Title Match: <strong>Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar)</strong> © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)</p><p>

Pain needs a big push</p>

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<p>Giant Grimsley v. <strong>Professor Nero</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA v. <strong>Cheatin' Mike Barstow</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot)</strong> v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa</p><p> </p><p>

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. <strong>Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Giant Grimsley</strong> v. Professor Nero</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Captain USA </strong>v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow</p><p> </p><p>

Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. <strong>Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa</strong></p><p> </p><p>

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v.<strong> Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)</strong></p>

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<p>Giant Grimsley v. <strong>Professor Nero</strong></p><p>

Grimsley would be easy to push to the top I'd think, but I'm gonna go with Nero.</p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA v. <strong>Cheatin' Mike Barstow</strong></p><p>

The Captain isn't even the top guy with the Patriot gimmick in this company.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot)</strong> v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa</p><p>

Via DQ or countout. The Pact is going to look good in this one...</p><p> </p><p>

TWL Six-Man Title Match: <strong>Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar)</strong> © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)</p><p>


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Texas Wrestling

War Memorial Auditorium (Midwest)

April (Week Three) 1979

Attendance: 1,762

Rating: 0.13 on Channel 7 Regional


The program kicked off with a camera zoomed in on a young girl kneeling beside her bed, hands folded as if in prayer. “And God bless Mother, and God bless Father. But most of all, God bless Texas!” Then the screen cut to the Lone Star Stampeder and Lawrence Grove, seated behind a desk at ringside.




“Good evening and welcome Texas wrestling fans! I’m Lawrence Grove and I’m joined, as always, by the Lone Star Stampeder. Stampy, what do we have in store for our fans tonight?”


“Well, Lawrence, we’ve got a real humdinger of a night of wrasslin’ ahead of us! We’ve got Chief Two Eagles teamin’ up with the Masked Patriot to take on Warsaw Pact – the team of Comrade Popinowski and Panzer. In our main event, the Texas Outlaws gun for the six-man titles when they face the champions – the Pain Hunters! But up first, we’ve got a real interestin’ matchup as the evil Professor Nero faces his biggest challenge ever…cuz he’ll be takin’ on wrestling’s biggest man…Giant Grimsley! Let’s head on down to the ring for that one right now."


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Giant Grimsley v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Nero came out first, slinking to the ring and obviously fighting some type of internal struggle as his face twitched and flipped between grimaces and sadistic grins. Grimsley’s entrance looked like a solar eclipse as the huge man lumbered to the ring good-naturedly, shaking hands and waving as he made his way to the squared circle. Inside the ring, this was a stark contrast in styles – Grimsley relying on pure power and size while Nero hit and ran, avoiding the Giant’s tree trunk-like arms and legs at all cost. In the end, Grimsley looked like he had the match won after powering Nero into a corner, but as the Giant ran towards him to hit a huge corner splash, Nero slipped away and came in behind Grimsley, locking in his paralyzing shaking sleeper – dubbed the Descent into Madness. Grimsley fought it, but eventually succumbed. When I raised his arm in the air, it dropped three times, signifying the end of the match.

Nero d. Grimsley via Descent into Madness

Match Rating: C-




“Holy cow, Lawrence. Can’t say I saw that one a-comin’! Grimsley is one tough fella, but Nero proved again that sometimes brains beats brawn!”


“Right you are, Stampy! Well fans, up next we’ve got a pre-taped interview with the Mexi-Can Connection. Let’s head there now.”





Cameras cut to the streets of San Antonio where Lawrence Grove stood next to ‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard, Luis Montero, and Shannon. “Kenny, Luis, Shannon, it’s wonderful to see you three tonight. But I have one question. What are we doing out here in the streets?” Luis, though normally the silent partner in the tandem, spoke into the microphone. “We’re here to show all of our super fans what we are all about. You see, we didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in our mouths, like Jason Jackson. We didn’t grow up in Communist Russia like Comrade Popinowski. And we definitely didn’t grow up playing with snakes, like the Black Serpent Cult. We came from the streets of Mexico,” he pointed to himself, “from small-town America,” he indicated the lovely Miss Shannon, “and the forests of Canada,” Kenny Maynard gave a fist-pump. “We are North America’s team and the Mexi-Can Connection is going straight to the top of the TWL!” C




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CalSanders_jtlant.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Captain USA v. Cheatin’ Mike Barstow

Billy’s Take: The high point of this match for Captain USA occurred before the bell rang when he led the crowd in an enthusiastic chant of “U…S…A!” After the bell rang, this was all Cheatin’ Mike, who finished off the match with a vicious-looking flying-casted-forearm smash to the skull of Captain USA to give him the win. Again, there is nothing I can do as the cast is, technically, part of his ring attire!

Cheatin’ Mike d. Captain USA via pinfall

Match Rating: D+




“Another win for Cheatin’ Mike Barstow. He’s on quite a streak, ain’t he? Though I can’t say I agree with how he does it. Well, anyway, right now we’re headed down to the ring where Lawrence Grove is standing by. Lawrence?”




“Tonight, fans, we’ve got a special announcement for you from Cobra and Viper. They have promised that they’re going to reveal who this mysterious ‘He’ is. Here they come!” The darkly-attired Black Serpent Cult, Cobra and Viper, slithered to the ring, Cobra carrying a writhing burlap sack over his right shoulder. “Cobra, Viper, tonight you’ve made a promise to reveal who ‘He’ is. So, end the suspense…who is He?” Cobra glared at Lawrence as a python eyes a baby mouse before snatching the microphone from TWL’s resident interviewer. “Ssso, you wantsss usss to reveal who ‘He’ isss? Isss that why we’re here tonight? Very well. We will break our sssilenccce. He isss the newessst power in TWL. He isss the leader whom we’ve sssought for yearsss. He will lead thisss company now and forever. He isss Ayatollah Mussstafa!!”




On cue, Ayatollah Mustafa emerged with Comrade Popinowski and Panzer in tow. The crowd roared its disapproval as Popinowski flexed his trap muscles, Panzer uttered guttural growls, and Mustafa hurled Arabic curses at random fans. Once in the ring, Mustafa accepted the mic proffered by his new follower Cobra. “He is…me!” the Ayatollah proclaimed. “I am the chosen one, the man who will bring order to Texas Wrestling, the leader of the greatest collection of wrestlers ever assembled. Witness the birth of the Ayatollah’s Army!” C


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheMaskedPatriot.jpg VS

http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/BillPop_2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheAryanBarbarian_alt-1.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/SheikMustafa1977.jpg


Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Ayatollah Mustafa

Billy’s Take: Fresh off the formation of a formidable association of muscle-bound weirdoes, Comrade Popinowski and Panzer took charge of the early part of this match. The crowd roared when The Masked Patriot made a comeback and nearly rioted when Chief Two Eagles finally entered the match. The match settled into a rough back-and-forth, with Ayatollah Mustafa regularly intervening on behalf of his followers. Mostly his influence was minimal and often behind my back. But when he blasted the Masked Patriot with a chair he’d pulled from ringside, I had no choice but to call for the bell, awarding the match to Team America.

Team America d. Warsaw Pact by DQ after the interference of Ayatollah Mustafa

Match Rating: C




The end of the match did not spell the end of the physicality as Ayatollah Mustafa continued his assault on the Masked Patriot while Panzer and Popinowski double-teamed the TWL champion, Chief Two Eagles. The Black Serpent Cult – Cobra and Viper – joined the fray, and soon all of the Ayatollah’s Army was in the ring blasting Team America. Panzer managed to bust the Chief open and then helped Popinowski lock him in a brutal bear hug. As Chief screamed in pain, Popinowski squeezed harder and harder as Stampy and Lawrence on commentary worried about what internal damages Two Eagles had suffered before security could come in and break up the brawl. C-





http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain_jhdAJ2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Croup.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Vandemar.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman)

Billy’s Take: The Texas Outlaws came out first, Lawless smirking arrogantly, Mean Mark coolly striding to the ring, and Floyd spitting curse words (and little bits of chewing tobacco) at the fans sitting too close to the railing. When the champions emerged, a small enthusiastic group of fans roared their approval at the muscle-bound Pain Hunters. Inside the ring, this was an even match. Pain cleared the ring with clotheslines, but the Outlaws rebounded by isolating Croup in their corner – Floyd choking out the larger man while Lawless and Green tagged in and out to keep a fresh man wearing down Croup. A hot tag to Pain turned the tide of the match, giving the Pain Hunters momentum. But a well-timed low-blow from Lawless ended Pain’s push, allowing Green and Bowman to combine on a Nowhere to Run on Pain to get the win and the titles!

Texas Outlaws d. Pain Hunters via Nowhere to Run to WIN the TWL Six-Man Titles

Match Rating: C




After the match, the Texas Outlaws – Johnny Lawless, Mean Mark Green, and Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman – remained in the ring, celebrating with their newly-won titles. Green took the microphone first. “This ain’t a surprise – we told y’all we were gonna take these here belts and we did. Bottom line is that the Outlaws still rule.” Floyd grabbed the mic, slavering as he spoke: “****in’ right Mark! We kicked the **** outta the ****in’ ***-damned Pain Hunters! **** yeah!” Lawless pulled the microphone from Floyd’s grasp and wiped it down before continuing. “Today is the dawn of a new era – the age of the Outlaws. We created gang rule and gettin’ these titles just reinforced our claims. We ain’t givin’ up these belts, not ever. We’ll take on all comers – we are the Outlaws, which means that we’re better than you and that we are above…the…law!” C+


“Well, folks, we’re outta time tonight. But make sure to tune in next week for another exciting night of Texas Wrestling. Until then, goodnight and God bless Texas!”

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Giant Grimsley v. Professor Nero

Captain USA v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


3/4 Jingo. Just missed on the title switch!


Giant Grimsley v. Professor Nero

Grimsley immovable? As in 'he cant get out of the midcard'?

Captain USA v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Cap should be huge. Its just too easy a gimmick

Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

Eagles needs to be strong for Lawless et al

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

Pain needs a big push


2/4. Shame on you for choosing against Barstow. He's awesome! And you don't buy Grimsley as a threat anymore? Could it be because he hasn't won a match in months? But hey, he's big, so the announcers can always argue that he is tough to beat...right?


Giant Grimsley v. Professor Nero

Captain USA v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


4/4. Well done, PS!


Giant Grimsley v. Professor Nero

Captain USA v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


1/4. Ouch!


Giant Grimsley v. Professor Nero

Grimsley would be easy to push to the top I'd think, but I'm gonna go with Nero.

Captain USA v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

The Captain isn't even the top guy with the Patriot gimmick in this company.

Team America (Chief Two Eagles/The Masked Patriot) v. Warsaw Pact (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer) w/Sheik Mustafa

Via DQ or countout. The Pact is going to look good in this one...

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Pain Hunters (Pain/Croup/Vandemar) © v. Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)



3/4. I liked your comment about Captain USA. He is defintely Robin to the Masked Patriot's Batman!

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy


So today I received my very first piece of fan mail. Who would've thought that a referee/booker would have followers? Apparently I do. In any case, here is the letter...




I thought it was cute, so I wrote him back a nice note about watching lots of Texas Wrestling on television and acting as though he's in the ring. I also told him that if he ever makes it to a show, I'd meet with him to talk about refereeing. Seems like a nice kid - hopefully someday Ricky Young will make a name for himself in this business!


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From the Notebook of Referee Billy



Today I received my second letter in the past week. Apparently I have fans?!?!?!? In any case, young Phillip from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania wrote me about his thoughts on Texas Wrestling. Here are his opinions on the current state of TWL.


That kid may need a therapist.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy


My third letter arrived today and was written in an even more childish hand than the first two. But upon opening it, my excitment turned to laughter as I read the latest offering...from Floyd Bowman.




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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




Ok, ok, ok. No more fan letters. Time to turn my attention to the next episode of Texas Wrestling which, as always, promises to be a real neat event. Here are the matches Stampy's released for this week:


New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

The New Zealand Game Hunters just lost the six-man titles, but are doubtlessly seeking to get back on the winning track here. Their opponents are not a regular team, but are vicious enough to pull out the win here.


Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

Gauge has shown us three amazing submission holds and has promised nine more. Will he get a chance to showcase another here or will the Mexican legend Pablo Gutierrez pull off the upset?


The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

Last week, Popinowski caused tremendous internal injuries to Chief Two Eagles. Will Eagles' partner gain revenge for that attack or will Popinowski put another member of Team America on the shelf?


'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor Nero

Our main event features four men with long histories. Nero and Pain were once master and apprentice while Barstow and Jackson have been at one another's throats throughout the country. Who will come out on top in this battle of wills?


New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor Nero

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New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor Nero

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New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

I dont like Panzer


Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

The Megapush continues


The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

Poor Patriot never wins


'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor NeroOld School is on his way out

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New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

Goin on a hunch again.


Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

Easiest pick of the show I think.


The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

With help from Mustafa


'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor Nero

Old School takes the fall.

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New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor Nero

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New Zealand Game Hunters (Croup/Vandemar) v. Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa

Pablo Gutierrez v. Sam 'Twelve' Gauge

The Masked Patriot v. Comrade Popinowski

'Old School' Edmond Jackson/Pain v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Professor Nero

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Well, faithful readers, I have decided to bring this diary to an end. For nearly a year, TWL has been my sole project in TEW. I've not played any other games as the planning, writing, and playing has taken up most of my available computer game time and, frankly, I want to explore some different mods and eras.


Thank you for reading, predicting, and - most importantly - commenting for the last year. I ask one last favor of you. If there were any particular characters, storylines, or aspects of this diary ("Who Is...", using the Referee Billy character, match write-up lengths) that you enjoyed - or did not enjoy - let me know via PM. In the future, I hope to do another diary and to improve upon my efforts here.


Thanks again...it was a fun ride!



Oh, and for those who are interested, here are the - few - things I planned for the remainder of the year:


Chief Two Eagles and the Masked Patriot were going over the Black Serpent Cult at the next big show and then the Cult would be phased out. Viper is the only member of my roster with an attitude and I'm sick of the near-constant contract renewals (every three months). After that, Chief was headed into a TWL title program with Cheatin' Mike Barstow, to whom he was going to drop the belt. Barstow was going to get a nice run with the title - first taking out Edmond Jackson, leading to a face turn for his son Jason.


Instead of focusing on the TWL Title, the promotion was headed towards a focus on the six-man titles - ala World Class in the mid-80s. In fact, I was basically stealing a storyline from them. The face team would be Chief Two Eagles, Kenny Maynard, and Luis Montero while their immediate opponents would be Ayatollah's Army (Comrade Popinowski/Panzer/Ayatollah Mustafa). I was thinking about adding Kenzo Isozaki to improve the workrate there. Then the Texas Outlaws would get involved, leading to a three-way feud (again, like what happened in WCCW with the Freebirds/Von Erichs/Akbar's Army). After a few months of matching up these teams, the Outlaws would turn face - choosing America over the foreigners (almost like a Mid-South Rat Pack angle with Jim Duggan). This would give Cheatin' Mike some fresh challengers and an Outlaw (Lawless, most likely) would've eventually taken the belt from him.


Who knows what would've happened from there. I had many more ideas (Sam 'Twelve' Gauge was eventually going to unleash the Proton Lock - the 12th deadly move, the Party Animals were going to add a 'pledge' and work into the six-man feud as a lower-level face team, the Demons of Rage would've ended up with the tag belts). If there is anything you want my take on, let me know.


And again, thank you and please send me PMs with feedback!



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AJ I saw you post in my dynasty I spent the last five or ten pages getting completely caught up in this and then I get to this post and see its ended. I hate to see this go I would have loved to see you make it into the Supreme Challenge era. Please start up something soon, maybe a 1997 mod. :)
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