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Yeah, I'm way late. Will edit when I'm up to speed, but had to say this:


I'm lucky I didn't choke. Er, choke to death. Because oh, how I laughed.


Oh, nice comic book blah blah I sound like a poser because I'm so late.

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Sparky Sparks: About damn time. Feel like this is kind of like a lame zombie movie.


The Alex Arturro Experience: No Bath Salts here. Now shuddup and don't go jinxing it!


Sparky Sparks: Is it me or have you put on some weight?


The Alex Arturro Experience:... Camera adds ten to fifty pounds.


Sparky Sparks: I see.


Ceri Dordevich: -sigh- Jesus, what did I sign up for? 'Short' intermission? Ha!


Sparky Sparks: Stay tuned true believers!!

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My first instinct was to throw the phone into the wall. I wouldn't have been bothered with it breaking into a thousand pieces. That insanely annoying ring tone would stop and I would be able to get some more sleep. However, being a person of rational thought I decided to answer it instead. Bad mistake, my life is full of them.


'Good morning mate! Hope ya ready for tonight!'


As always the sound of Frankie's voice was like nails going down a chalkboard. It was never good to hear his voice first thing in the morning. Sadly, it was just something else I needed to get used too ,again, since the accident.


'How's the hand? Able to wiggle all the fingers after all the physical therapy? Can you smack a few bums now?'


'It's better. I can actually hold a pencil now. What do you want?'


'Glad your hand is doing better. I was just gracing you with this morning wake up call to see what you had planned for the next show?'


'Well I was thinking I can just start it up were we left off. As if nothing happened. No one really knows about the motorcycle accident or how I was away so no need to really explain. Just jump back in and get moving.'


'I like the idea of jumping right back into the thick of things. Still think your a croc turd for not telling anyone about the accident.'


'I told friends and...'


'Should of told the fans mate. They pay the bills and wondered what happened to the show.'


'I know. It was just hard...'


'Should've told em.'


'Okay. You're right. No excuses. I was gone, we are back and we need to get this thing rolling.'


'That's what I like to hear mate! By the way, before I hang up so fast you cannot say 'No', as punishment for being gone, you get to wrestle at the next show. Your outfit should be there this afternoon. Bye!'


He was not joking about hanging up before I could speak, as soon as I opened my mouth to reply, dial tone greeted my ears. I did not want to wrestle, especially after the incident, but it made sense to go out there and try to repay the fans back with some action. Least I could do.

After making a few adjustments to the commentators and tweaking a few angles the package arrived. A quick tip to the postman and I had the parcel in my hands. After I unwrapped the package the outfit was on the floor as I looked at it in disgust. I thought the outfit was a prank, a rib, but after not having any of my calls answered I knew it was legit. He was punishing me, getting me to work as well as getting a laugh out of this whole thing. I wasn't happy then and I am not happy now. He knew I hated the whole 'water super hero' gimmick...damnit! It was at that point in time I decided it was time to learn how to swim.



-|- FIN -|-

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Preview of Zen Nightmare



Super Zero, Man-O-War and X-Calibre on the next Zen Cover!


Zen is back! Just in time to fill the void of boring 'sports' and lame reruns! And now, just because the fans deserve it, a new show every two weeks! Simply because the art gods cannot draw as fast as they think they can! So sit back and get your predictions in, whoever wins get their very own ZEN Conceptual Champion Title as well as a new T-Shirt (wrestler to be named later)!




Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero

Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts

Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer

X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse


And much more!

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Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero


What kind of silly name is Maurice Jackson? :p


Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts


Three way makes it interesting. The fact you put C.W.A and Jester in this match makes me think they might take the title without actually pinning the current champs.


Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer


Necromancer takes it. Neither has any psychology, but that's ZEN for you.


X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion


Are you keeping Bile? I ditched him and the Anarchist pretty soon after I started my ZEN game. Either way I see X-Caliber retaining. He became a real main eventer in my ZEN game, though that was partially due to positive chemistry between him and Halloween Knight.


Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse


So I'm guessing Apocalypse is the user character? I'm going to go against my instincts and say Lone Shark somehow wins it either indecisively or by beating Apocalypse.

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Are you keeping Bile?

I want to try and make something of him, just to see what I can do with him. I do not think it will happen any time soon, but I want to try just for the heck of it.


So I'm guessing Apocalypse is the user character? I'm going to go against my instincts and say Lone Shark somehow wins it either indecisively or by beating Apocalypse.
Apocalypse is actually the leader of F.E.A.R. Part of the stable from the previous show. Still working with that angle to see how it unfolds, so far it works. It is actually just Warmonger with a mask and new gimmick.

Thanks for voting!

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Glad to see you back, I always felt you were robbed when your diary did not win DOTY for graphics.


Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero


Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts


Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer


X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of


ZEN Conceptual Champion

Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse

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Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero


Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts


Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer


X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion


Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse


I love ZEN so I am in.

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I want to try and make something of him, just to see what I can do with him. I do not think it will happen any time soon, but I want to try just for the heck of it.


The problem I have with Bile is that he's one of the oldest members of the roster to begin with. I'm okay with someone like Quickilver being a bad performer because he has time to improve, but Bile doesn't have that exuse. 28 isn't that old, but depending on the luck of the game he might be only a few years away from time decline.


His best asset is his menace which paired with brute gimmick can let him quickly gain popularity, but again their are other workers (Such as Massacre) with better menace who have the bonus of not being awful in the ring.


Apocalypse is actually the leader of F.E.A.R. Part of the stable from the previous show. Still working with that angle to see how it unfolds, so far it works. It is actually just Warmonger with a mask and new gimmick.


My mistake. I did read this a few months ago, but for some reason while I was posting that I was treating it like a brand new diary rather than a continuation of an ongoing one.

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Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero

Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts

Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer

X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse

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Awesome to see this back from the dead ...

Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero

Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts

Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer

X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion

Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse

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Maurice Jackson -vs- Super Zero


ZEN original FTW


Cyanide and Massacre/Da Champs -vs- Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker -vs- C.W.A and Jester - for the Zen Harmony Belts


A guess really so Im going with my favourite - CWA


Man-O-War -vs- Necromancer


Necro is a bit rubbish isnt he?


X-Calibre/Da Champ -vs- Shaolin -vs- DevilFish -vs- Bile -for the title of ZEN Conceptual Champion


With HK holding the Big belt a face champ here makes sense. X-C is cool but Id prefer Devilfish and his awesome mask


Lone Shark -vs- Halloween Knight and Apocalypse



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( OOC here for a second - thanks for the kind words and voting everyone. It has been really encouraging. I am not going to go into the specfics of what happened, just leave it with I could have said more then just told a few people. Hurt my hand really bad, only one so I could've posted still, and got into a funk over it. Simple as that. Anyway...


Again, thanks for the kind words. I hope everything will be better then the last show and the future shows even better then that. I am down with everything but gonna wait a day or two longer before I post it. In the mean time, check out the updated roster page and shoot me a message of what you think of the new character layouts. :)


Thanks for voting and stopping by everyone.


-*- Yoshi -*- )

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( OOC here for a second - thanks for the kind words and voting everyone. It has been really encouraging. I am not going to go into the specfics of what happened, just leave it with I could have said more then just told a few people. Hurt my hand really bad, only one so I could've posted still, and got into a funk over it. Simple as that. Anyway...


Again, thanks for the kind words. I hope everything will be better then the last show and the future shows even better then that. I am down with everything but gonna wait a day or two longer before I post it. In the mean time, check out the updated roster page and shoot me a message of what you think of the new character layouts. :)


Thanks for voting and stopping by everyone.


-*- Yoshi -*- )


It's great to see you back, Yoshi.


Your brand of ZEN is simply amazing. You've done great work since day one and I'm confident that it will ALL only get better.


Good to hear that you're back in right mind.





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Glad to see you back, I always felt you were robbed when your diary did not win DOTY for graphics.


No worries Mate. I am sure whoever won deserved it, as I was not around much after I started the dynasty. Thank you though.


It's great to see you back, Yoshi.


Your brand of ZEN is simply amazing. You've done great work since day one and I'm confident that it will ALL only get better.


Good to hear that you're back in right mind.






Thank you sir. As a fan of your dynasty(s) I appreciate the kind words.

>Yoshida is back




My powers of telekinetically causing hips to move is indeed legendary bro. :)

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