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Modding C-Verse to make TCW even with SWF?

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I'd like to play a mod based in 2011 where TCW has drawn even (or close to even) with the SWF. Since I know of no such mod I guess I'll do it myself but I'd like some advice.


I didn't just want to pluck my faves out and stick them with TCW. Sounds kinda cheap. So which wrestlers would be more likely to take a big money offer from TCW and jump from the SWF? I'm thinking three to four workers (two biggies and two not so biggies) but I would also have the SWF sign a couple of TCW guys (Troy Tornado for one as he appears to be directionless). Who would be likely to make that jump?


Also should the SWF drop, TCW rise or some combo of the two?


This is just for my on personal play, I have no plans to publish this as a mod. Also might be an interesting what if scenario for C-Verse fans.


If a thread exists please link me to it, I'm here quite often and have not seen such a thread. Thank you.

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I think the key to making "good picks" to jump ship is to have a logical reason that they would want to. Even if TCW is close to the SWF, Supreme is still at the top. So why would guys with an established history there want to jump ship? The justification isn't necessary, especially if its a private mod, but I think it makes things feel a lot of more "realistic and likely".


Steve Frehley is an obvious choice. He's not particularly a "TCW type" worker, but he can do well enough there. He always leaves Supreme in any game because his personality clashes with the level of Risque in the product.


I could someone like Gilmore or Warrior leaving due to the "glass ceiling". Basically, if their contract came up and they weren't given any assurances that they would make it above the upper midcard slot they both seemed to have stalled at, I could see either one leaving. With Lobster Warrior, you could make his desire to move away from the gimmick as a reason as well. A factor to consider with Gilmore is that his wife is employed by the SWF.

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That makes four. The Gilmores, Frehley, and Lobby. I agree that if they left, they'd leave as a couple.


If Jessie leaves too, you could always flip it around and make that the catalyst for Gilmore deciding to leave. Maybe Eisen feels she's expendable because they have newer, younger valets (since Jessie can't talk that well) or just because they don't plan on doing anything with the Biggz, so having an expensive (relatively) valet with them no longer seems justifiable. Or a combination - Gilmore is considering leaving since he doesn't feel he'll move above teh midcard, but when Jessie is let go (or doesn't have her contract renewed), it finalizes the decision for him.

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Yeah BigPapa's right, they would need a reason to leave. The Gilmore situtation is logical, as well as Lobby leaving. Of course Frehley always leaves and sometimes Faith does so they could head to TCW.


The guys from SWF that could jump ship could be Lobby, Gilmore, McClean, and Black


McClean is interesting since he's a good worker and he's not bad on the mic. Black could see the chance to leave if he feels he would be overshadowed by the likes of the Bumfholes, Brandon James, or even Marc DuBois. Although Enforcer Roberts is perfect for TCW, he's basically the backbone of SWF.


The only big name I could see jumping ships is Remo. You could set up a scenraio where Remo grows upset with SWF because he feels as if he should be either World champ or right in the fixture. If you look at SWF, sure he's listed as a franchise player and a future SWF World champion but he hasn't been put in a position to one of the top guys and having the likes of Eisen, Venageance, James and Marat(all heels) positioned better doesn't help his case. So he could quit SWF and bolt to TCW, where he coulf have a better chance fitting in with Golden, RDJ, Keith, Tornado, Minnesota, Hawkins and Cornell.

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I'd like to play a mod based in 2011 where TCW has drawn even (or close to even) with the SWF. Since I know of no such mod I guess I'll do it myself but I'd like some advice.


I didn't just want to pluck my faves out and stick them with TCW. Sounds kinda cheap. So which wrestlers would be more likely to take a big money offer from TCW and jump from the SWF? I'm thinking three to four workers (two biggies and two not so biggies) but I would also have the SWF sign a couple of TCW guys (Troy Tornado for one as he appears to be directionless). Who would be likely to make that jump?


Also should the SWF drop, TCW rise or some combo of the two?


This is just for my on personal play, I have no plans to publish this as a mod. Also might be an interesting what if scenario for C-Verse fans.


If a thread exists please link me to it, I'm here quite often and have not seen such a thread. Thank you.

I going to answer all your questions because I find this to be an interesting topic.


Now even if TCW were able to steal some talent from SWF, I still believe SWF would be in a favorable position. Of course losing Frehley, Faith, Gilmore, Remo would hurt but that could be the catalyst for a Brandon James World Title push. Plus they would still have Bruce, Money, Eisen, Vengeance, Marat as the headliners. Don't forget that they also have the Bumfholes and Marc DuBois who eventually will be elevated. So SWF would be hurting if that would occur but they won't drop to National nor TCW becoming International.


As I elaborated earlier, I could see Remo, Gilmore, McClean, Faith, Frehley and possibly Gregory Black jumping ships. If I had to rate the possible of them leaving in order, it would probably be McClean, Frehley, Gilmore, Lobby, Black, Remo, Faith. The reason I say McClean first is because you figure perhaps SWF could decide to give Gilmore, Remo and Lobby a mega push, the same won't happen to McClean. He is a good, solid worker with fairly good entertainment skills and except for winning the North American champion and being a former tag champ with Joe Sexy, he hasn't done anything worth noting about. Quite honestly, I believe Faith could go to USPW rather than TCW since Strong is the owner and their Family Friendly style fits perfectly for his personality and ring skill.


I could see Tana jumping ship in SWF he could do various things. He could be a heel and be with his family Toma and Brave or he could fit in a goofy tag team with Robbie Retro. Same thing goes for Fonz. But I disagree with Tornado. Keith and RD would mostly likely begin to put over younger stars. BigPapa's TCW diary brought up a great point about Cornell. With him being the owner, a husband, a father, the top wrestler of his promotion, all of that strain could eventually force him to retire or limit his in-ring appearance. That would leave you with Law, Golden, Vessey, Hawkins, Minnesota, Ino, Bach and Peak. Tornado could easily find his way to being one of the top guys. If anything I could see Golden leaving after dropping the belt as he would be out of place in TCW. Now granted that didn't stop TCW from placing the belt on him, but would he be able to reclaim it when Minnesota and Hawkins are destined to feud over the belt for many years to come plus the possibly of Vessey, Tornado and Peak havng a run? That alone would mean Golden would be lost in the shuffle and could bolt to SWF.

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I feel compelled to contribute, while also pointing out that I'm gonna restrict all my answers to just TCW and SWF to stay on point and stop me planning out some insane storylines. :p


First of all, I'd boost TCW's popularity in Canada enough to make them International but still in a place where they are slightly behind the SWF. The AI isn't as good at booking as a human so TCW shouldn't be outright #1 unless you just want to run wild, which I don't see as being the point of this thread. :)


Second, the transfer of talent needs to go both ways with TCW gaining a little out of it but SWF not failing either. Some strategic changes of popularity to some people would probably be a good idea, and picking some good champions to help showcase things would be good.


I can see Ricky Dale Johnson leaving TCW to head to the SWF, having finally reached a point where he's no longer the #1 face and isn't particularly good at teaching. An immediate feud with Vengeance would be a hell of a story in it's own right, bringing the two men back together after a long time and it would be fun too. Taking over the role of popular big man in TCW is Rocky Golden, who is in a great position to learn from the very best and develop his talents a good 5-8 points all round... which makes him a very useable big man. In my own TCW game he lost the World title to Cornell (big surprise) and after failing against him a couple of times has ended up with Nemesis trying to become his manager. Eddie Peak vs Rocky Golden, with Nemesis lurking around it is just money given Nemesis' DAVE association and can set-up a return to the top for Rocky with Cornell/Nemesis history involved too.


With RDJ out of the way, Joey Minnesota obviously gets a bit of a push too... and I can almost see him uniting with the likes of Wolf against some incoming SWF talent too. TCW already has Benny Benson, if Groucho Bling made the jump they could reunite and be the heel side of the SWF "invasion", giving the tag division even more depth and variety.


Along with Groucho I can see Steve Frehley joining too... people always think of him as a fairly bland guy, but it's very easy to make a comparison between him and Goldberg. People might hate on Goldberg, but booking Frehley in a similar fashion gives him instant credibility and makes him a new threat in the main event too. And since he always leaves SWF anyways, he's a logical one to have.


With Frehley's arrival I can see Troy Tornado finally having enough of never getting to be the #1 guy and making the leap to the SWF where he can, if you want, renew his rivalry with Jack Bruce in his hunt to get to a world title. He's destroyed Jack's legacy in TCW, time to do the same in the SWF and get the respect he's earned.


The final one heading to TCW would be Lobster Warrior... with his momentum once again failing due to the Lobster gimmick I can see him telling Eisen that he's not going to do it any more and leave the company for the greener pastures. I know the original gimmick was his idea, but he's been doing it so long that a chance to be part of something important in TCW would be big for him. Even if it's not a main event run, a credible threat to the International belt would be good for him where he can work with all manner of other talented guys.


Back in the SWF, Peter Michaels is known to like big men... so stealing someone like an American Buffalo isn't off the cards. The guy is criminally under-rated and he could get something of a push from the guy who loves big men. A Giant Tana could head over there too, looking to take a midcard Rikishi type role in the SWF where his size and style is a better fit and fits the booker's preferences too.




And by tweaking some popularity levels a bit you can roughly organise pushes and the like. I'd give Marc DuBois a bit of a boost to help bolster the uppercard in the SWF, along with a few minor stat boosts for the likes of Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen in the psychology department to represent their times at the top of the card actually going well.


In TCW I'd boost the popularity of a handful of top guys to make sure they stay there for a while, perhaps even have Cornell out "injured" for a while at the hands of the SWF invasion, forcing a Wolf/Minnesota alliance in place of the traditional TCW stars, as their mentors move aside in real life to let them carry the promotion.


In terms of champions I'd have something like...


SWF World: Rich Money (1) (finally dethrones Eric at Supreme Challenge, going strong with rivalries against the likes of Vengeance, a strong main eventing Brandon James with improved mic/charisma now, a finally pushed Angry Gilmore, Marat Khoklov and even Jack Bruce)

SWF North American: Marc DuBois (cheating to win, I can see him having a manager and being a lot like a French-Canadian Mr Perfect)

SWF Tag: The Biggz Boyz (probably turned heel by being mean to Jessie, they seem rejuvenated with lots of weapons based fights... leading to TLC type situations with Samoan Wildboyz, Death Row, Pain Alliance and Bumfholes... think Attitude era tag fun)


TCW World: Steve Frehley (1) (after beating Rocky Golden, who in turn beat Cornell after losing to him too)

TCW Tag: The New Wave (barely managing to fend off other teams, but using guerilla tactics in the war against the invaders. Thing of Vietnam, but as the good guys ;))

TCW International: Lobster Warrior (finally getting recognition for his skills, he's fighting off wave after wave of guys and looking good.... maybe good enough for a real main event run)

TCW All Action: Edd Stone (just cos he's Edd Stone and he can)




Wow... this ended up a lot longer than I thought it would. Sometimes the ideas just flow. :)

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I could see Tana jumping ship in SWF he could do various things. He could be a heel and be with his family Toma and Brave or he could fit in a goofy tag team with Robbie Retro. Same thing goes for Fonz. But I disagree with Tornado. Keith and RD would mostly likely begin to put over younger stars. BigPapa's TCW diary brought up a great point about Cornell. With him being the owner, a husband, a father, the top wrestler of his promotion, all of that strain could eventually force him to retire or limit his in-ring appearance. That would leave you with Law, Golden, Vessey, Hawkins, Minnesota, Ino, Bach and Peak. Tornado could easily find his way to being one of the top guys. If anything I could see Golden leaving after dropping the belt as he would be out of place in TCW. Now granted that didn't stop TCW from placing the belt on him, but would he be able to reclaim it when Minnesota and Hawkins are destined to feud over the belt for many years to come plus the possibly of Vessey, Tornado and Peak havng a run? That alone would mean Golden would be lost in the shuffle and could bolt to SWF.


I'm glad someone actually remembers that!


Personally I like the thought of Rocky being a fixture in TCW. He's an easy pick to switch because he's not really suited to TCW produce-wise and he would do better in the SWF. But that's actually part of why I like him in TCW - he's one of the real challenges with running Total. I just feel like Cornell "gets it" enought to realize how important the beloved babyface is to any promotion, even when that guy can only go so well in the ring. If Golden can be developed to the point that he's similar to where Law starts, he's adequate and doesn't need to be protected that much. Golden is really easy to keep popular with the fans, which is still important even in TCW.

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I'm glad someone actually remembers that!


Personally I like the thought of Rocky being a fixture in TCW. He's an easy pick to switch because he's not really suited to TCW produce-wise and he would do better in the SWF. But that's actually part of why I like him in TCW - he's one of the real challenges with running Total. I just feel like Cornell "gets it" enought to realize how important the beloved babyface is to any promotion, even when that guy can only go so well in the ring. If Golden can be developed to the point that he's similar to where Law starts, he's adequate and doesn't need to be protected that much. Golden is really easy to keep popular with the fans, which is still important even in TCW.


Very noble point. Despite Golden's limitations, he is vauable to TCW. I was just comparing him jumping ships to Tornado jumping ships. Like I mentioned, you figured the top stars are Golden, Law, Tornado, Hawkins, Minnesota, Ino, Bach, and Peak. However, because he is a freelancer and I believed you mentioned it as well in your TCW diary, I don't see Ino staying in the next two to three years as he's destined to return to Japan(BHOTWG that is).

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Thanks for all the great ideas. My idea was Gilmore, Greg Black and someone else (Frehley fits) to TCW and RDJ & Tornado to SWF. A 2011 mod for the Cornellverse (which strengthened SWF and left TCW basically in tact) had Runaway Train going to USPW and I liked that idea too.


Still going to see what else gets suggested here before I make changes.

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Very noble point. Despite Golden's limitations, he is vauable to TCW. I was just comparing him jumping ships to Tornado jumping ships. Like I mentioned, you figured the top stars are Golden, Law, Tornado, Hawkins, Minnesota, Ino, Bach, and Peak. However, because he is a freelancer and I believed you mentioned it as well in your TCW diary, I don't see Ino staying in the next two to three years as he's destined to return to Japan(BHOTWG that is).


You might remember the TCW project better than I do, Drew. Yup, I did mention that. But I don't believe Ino is actually set to Freelance in the default data. He will stay with TCW almost forever, in any longer games I've done. He actually became a key worker and multi-time world champion for them in one watcher game I ran.

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You might remember the TCW project better than I do, Drew. Yup, I did mention that. But I don't believe Ino is actually set to Freelance in the default data. He will stay with TCW almost forever, in any longer games I've done. He actually became a key worker and multi-time world champion for them in one watcher game I ran.


Ino was freelance before he settled in with TCW.

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Thanks for all the great ideas. My idea was Gilmore, Greg Black and someone else (Frehley fits) to TCW and RDJ & Tornado to SWF. A 2011 mod for the Cornellverse (which strengthened SWF and left TCW basically in tact) had Runaway Train going to USPW and I liked that idea too.


Still going to see what else gets suggested here before I make changes.


Can't picture RDJ anywhere else but TCW because he wouldn't be a top star in Supreme(he's 41) plus he's a TCW guy through and through and so he should finish his career in Total. Tornado could be the next TCW World champ since after his feud with Benson, he would likely be the next challenger for Golden's belt and at that time Golden would have held that belt for almost a year. I perfer Golden and Tana.


For SWF, Gilmore, Black and Remo.


For UPSW, Faith and Train.

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Can't picture RDJ anywhere else but TCW because he wouldn't be a top star in Supreme(he's 41) plus he's a TCW guy through and through and so he should finish his career in Total. Tornado could be the next TCW World champ since after his feud with Benson, he would likely be the next challenger for Golden's belt and at that time Golden would have held that belt for almost a year. I perfer Golden and Tana.


For SWF, Gilmore, Black and Remo.


For UPSW, Faith and Train.


Did you mean Gilmore, Black and Remo to TCW? I'm thinking you did but I want to be sure.


I'm convinced on RDJ, he stays put.


Tornado: If I remember correctly he turned bad in 07, was overshadowed by The Syndicate in 08 and is continuing to tread water in 2010. I'm wondering if he will ever get out of that, even if he is the next logical contender?


That's the thing with the C-verse. Each of us can come up with ideas and they're equally right as long as we can justify it.


Interesting about Faith. Should Eisen & Faith have a falling out, set them to dislike. I can't imagine Faith leaving SWF apart from a fallout. He's kinda like RDJ in that regard, isn't he? And why would he choose USPW over TCW? I'm just curious as to why you chose USPW. Style of prpmotion or not wanting TCW to get too strong.


I'm thinking Gilmore & Remo or Frehley should have creative control clauses in their contract. The rationale for them leaving is lack of a push, I think they'd want to be sure that didn't happen again. Faith in USPW for sure, maybe a part of the power structure also.


I'd probably move Jessie to TCW as well. SWF has Emma Chase and others, I think they'd release her if Angry Gilmore left.


Thanks for the input, I want to keep the C-Verse feel in my game. Left to my own devices I would switch Bruce, Gilmore and Vengeance to TCW. But two of those make no sense.

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Id like to think Faith would NEVER leave the SWF, but maybe that is because I see him as the Michaels/Taker type.


What could he possibly add to TCW anywas? They already have Sam Keith and Robert Oxford as the old guard :p and it would be not smart to say the least to pay big money for a guy who will likely retire in a year or 2.

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That's the thing with the C-verse. Each of us can come up with ideas and they're equally right as long as we can justify it.


Interesting about Faith. Should Eisen & Faith have a falling out, set them to dislike. I can't imagine Faith leaving SWF apart from a fallout. He's kinda like RDJ in that regard, isn't he? And why would he choose USPW over TCW? I'm just curious as to why you chose USPW. Style of prpmotion or not wanting TCW to get too strong.


I'm thinking Gilmore & Remo or Frehley should have creative control clauses in their contract. The rationale for them leaving is lack of a push, I think they'd want to be sure that didn't happen again. Faith in USPW for sure, maybe a part of the power structure also.


I'd probably move Jessie to TCW as well. SWF has Emma Chase and others, I think they'd release her if Angry Gilmore left.


Thanks for the input, I want to keep the C-Verse feel in my game. Left to my own devices I would switch Bruce, Gilmore and Vengeance to TCW. But two of those make no sense.


That's exactly it. Almost anyone works so long there is a bit of a logic to the "why".


I don't think Eisen and Faith necessarily need to fall out for him to leave. It would be an easy way to do it, for sure. Something like Faith realizes he's not going to stay at the top in the SWF for much longer and he gets a big offer from Sam Strong that will make him the head booker for USPW. Refusing to leave on bad terms like Engyma does, Richard ends up giving his blessing. Enygma even maintained his strong friendship with Eisen, so I think Faith could, given his age.


Would Frehley and Gilmore get CC? I could see it. But I don't know that it would be automatic. Sam Keith did, but he's an absolute legend. Gilmore has never moved much above the midcard in Supreme and Frehley isn't that much above that. I don't know that either would really have the leverage to demand CC.


Vengeance is actually a good shout for someone to leave as well. He's 38 at the start of 2010. He's had his run with the world title and doesn't seem that close to getting another one. He's basically been replaced as the key monster heel by Khoklov. It just doesn't seem like he's going to slide back into that main spot, at least not as a heel.

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Would Frehley and Gilmore get CC? I could see it. But I don't know that it would be automatic. Sam Keith did, but he's an absolute legend. Gilmore has never moved much above the midcard in Supreme and Frehley isn't that much above that. I don't know that either would really have the leverage to demand CC.


Brandon James & Khoklov got it in the SWF. My rationale is that if there wasn't some assurance that they wouldn't be stuck in the upper midcard they would just continue in SWF. In real life that assurance can take many forms but the only way that it would work game wise is creative control. Or promise a title, can that be done in the editor?

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Brandon James & Khoklov got it in the SWF. My rationale is that if there wasn't some assurance that they wouldn't be stuck in the upper midcard they would just continue in SWF. In real life that assurance can take many forms but the only way that it would work game wise is creative control. Or promise a title, can that be done in the editor?


I get why the workers would want it. But where's the motivation for the promotion? Are they that desperate for talent? USPW would be interested in both guys, but would it be a better situation for either than Supreme? Would Japan be that appealing to either? With both Brandon and Khoklov, the SWF was involved in major bidding wars. Even if that was the case, unless the SWF is still involved, then TCW can offer more than anyone else, including the Japanese promotions.


And I don't think you can set title runs as promised in the editor. Just when you offer a new contract in-game.

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I get why the workers would want it. But where's the motivation for the promotion? Are they that desperate for talent? USPW would be interested in both guys, but would it be a better situation for either than Supreme? Would Japan be that appealing to either? With both Brandon and Khoklov, the SWF was involved in major bidding wars. Even if that was the case, unless the SWF is still involved, then TCW can offer more than anyone else, including the Japanese promotions.


And I don't think you can set title runs as promised in the editor. Just when you offer a new contract in-game.


Good points. I think the SWF would try to keep them though and so TCW would have to make a better offer. Gilmore is great on the mic and very good in the ring. He's also great in the locker room. The SWF might not push him like they should but they would still want to keep him. TCW would want him for his talent and to make a major score against the SWF. You're exactly right about USPW & the Japanese promotions but SWF would raise the price.


Same thing more or less for Remo (except the locker room thing) or Frehley.


Thanks for the input.

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Based partially on what happened in my game...


To TCW from SWF...

Chris Morisette (Lobster Warrior)

Enforcer Roberts

Angry Gilmore

Remo Richardson


To USPW from SWF...

Runaway Train (replacing Bruce the Giant)


To USPW from TCW...

Genghis Rahn


To SWF from TCW...

Giant Tana

Troy Tornado (loses overness though as he is booked to look bad and developes hatred for Richard Eisen, Peter Michaels, and Eric Eisen)


To TCW from USPW...

Jim Force (just cuz I like him)

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I could picture Angry Gilmore and Greg Black moving to TCW, the latter when his singles push fizzles out, following Benson's defection. Frehley makes sense due his contractual preferences, although I don't think TCW needhim as such.


At a push, you could always have Jack Bruce return, which I don't see as completely unbelievable from a character standpoint on the basis that no one in TCW hates him for his defection, and it would make for an awesome return storyline w/ great potential feuds, however given the focus he currently has in SWF, what would motivate him to leave?

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Did you mean Gilmore, Black and Remo to TCW? I'm thinking you did but I want to be sure.


I'm convinced on RDJ, he stays put.


Tornado: If I remember correctly he turned bad in 07, was overshadowed by The Syndicate in 08 and is continuing to tread water in 2010. I'm wondering if he will ever get out of that, even if he is the next logical contender?


That's the thing with the C-verse. Each of us can come up with ideas and they're equally right as long as we can justify it.


Interesting about Faith. Should Eisen & Faith have a falling out, set them to dislike. I can't imagine Faith leaving SWF apart from a fallout. He's kinda like RDJ in that regard, isn't he? And why would he choose USPW over TCW? I'm just curious as to why you chose USPW. Style of prpmotion or not wanting TCW to get too strong.


I'm thinking Gilmore & Remo or Frehley should have creative control clauses in their contract. The rationale for them leaving is lack of a push, I think they'd want to be sure that didn't happen again. Faith in USPW for sure, maybe a part of the power structure also.


I'd probably move Jessie to TCW as well. SWF has Emma Chase and others, I think they'd release her if Angry Gilmore left.


Thanks for the input, I want to keep the C-Verse feel in my game. Left to my own devices I would switch Bruce, Gilmore and Vengeance to TCW. But two of those make no sense.


On some games I've played, when Faith's contract is up, usually he leaves because of SWF's risque product. And why I said UPSW because Strong would realize that Faith's presence could give them that push to National and possibly a Faith/Giant rematch or Faith/Baine. So a big money contract, creative control and possibly a head booker role. It makes sense that Strong would respect Faith and realize how much of an asset despite his age, kinda like what he did to Cauilfield.


A yeah, I meant Black(or McClean), Remo and Gilmore to TCW.

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