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No idea why but I just am a mark for The Big Problem. He seems to have such potential and no other promotions ever try to steal him away!


Yes The Big Problem... Once in my USPW game, I teamed up him with Redwood.. And they had awesome chemistry together... Man was I happy.

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Sonny Wildside & Princeton Pryce. I made a point of bringing any remotely talented rookies into my 4C game for a little seasoning, but most of the time they never get anything substantial to do. Not these guys. The stars aligned and I brought them in just as I was looking for a young babyface tag team. As "Unlimited" they spent a year rising through the ranks, and just turned on their manager Blonde Bombshell to became the hottest heel act in my promotion. Momentum spiked to unexpected heights. I love them. No. Wait. More than that. I wuv them.
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Even though it seems he's no longer random I love The Big Problem for all the reasons other people have said.


Sammy The Shark: I don't know why really, he's just awesome.


Natural Storm: I just love this tag team and bring them in for any game I do.


Ekuma: Even though I dislike the rest of his moniker I love this guy. I usually team him up with another random character I love, Island Boy Apollo as The Island Shakers.

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Although you wouldn't know it by my booking of him, I was always a fan of Everest, even in '08 before his move to the SWF.


Tadakuni Toshusai is one of those workers I could book all over the place, but having to edit out his loyalty to get him is a bit of a pain.


But usually, a good gimmick can get me behind someone I had no previous interest in. Had my first diary not been lost, I think Giant Redwood would have had an immense push as Midas. :p

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I can never seem to get away from Nigel Svennson. It's probably the happy, bearded render, but there's something about that guy that makes me want to push him to the moon. I usually pair him with a charismatic male manager and run a gimmick where Nigel's just a quiet, regular, unassuming guy who, although he happens to be a great wrestler, naturally tends to shy away from the limelight but his manager promotes him as "The Swedish Sensation," a larger than life, iconic mega-star who's out to become the biggest name in the history of the wrestling business. Basically, Nigel plays a blue-collar face while his manager promotes him as an arrogant heel. Depending on circumstances, then, Nigel can either start to gain confidence and become more outgoing until he and his manager find a happy medium that suits them both or the tension between his true self and his manager's invented gimmick can spiral out of control until one of them turns on the other.


Another somewhat under-the-radar guy I often find myself hiring is Barry Kingman. Anytime I run a company that promotes a flashy, sports-entertainment style product or features a lot of colorful characters, I love having "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman on hand to initiate a crusade against any wrestler who dares to play a gimmicky character. I once built an entire promotion around that character and Kingman's "evil clown" alt. The idea was to run a cult promotion featuring only over-the-top characters and then have Kingman show up wearing the clown mask but still playing the "No Gimmick Needed" character--in essence a gimmick character who doesn't know he's a gimmick character and plays the whole thing absolutely straight.


He basically went around wearing his clown mask and talking about how he was a real man who didn't need to hide himself behind an elaborate, invented character and how he could never respect anyone who needed a gimmick to get himself over. Any kind of gimmick was an insult to the wrestling business, and therefore a slap in the face to a dedicated athlete like Kingman who had devoted his entire life to training for a serious career. As part of his crusade against gimmickry and to prove how he had earned every bit of his success through hard work rather than relying on any gimmick, Kingman then launched a series of vignettes in which a cameraman followed him around and recorded his day-to-day life--capturing his training regimen, his family life, his dating/social life, etc.--where he played everything absolutely straight and deadly serious as if he was completely unaware that he was always wearing a ridiculous looking mask. Essentially, he played Rocky Balboa in a clown mask. And ever since that idea popped into my head, I've had a real soft spot for "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman.

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I can never seem to get away from Nigel Svennson. It's probably the happy, bearded render, but there's something about that guy that makes me want to push him to the moon. I usually pair him with a charismatic male manager and run a gimmick where Nigel's just a quiet, regular, unassuming guy who, although he happens to be a great wrestler, naturally tends to shy away from the limelight but his manager promotes him as "The Swedish Sensation," a larger than life, iconic mega-star who's out to become the biggest name in the history of the wrestling business. Basically, Nigel plays a blue-collar face while his manager promotes him as an arrogant heel. Depending on circumstances, then, Nigel can either start to gain confidence and become more outgoing until he and his manager find a happy medium that suits them both or the tension between his true self and his manager's invented gimmick can spiral out of control until one of them turns on the other.


That reminds me exactly of Fedor Emilianenko. Congratulations, you've just made Svenson that much more badass.

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I like Barry Kigman just because he's dependable and is a good wrestler.


Rich Money is my favorite in the entire C-Verse.


I also love Tadakuni Toshusai and every BHOTWG game I play I always try to make him World champ. Also Hitomoro Suzuki and SUKI.


Mainstream Hernadez as well because he looks cool.

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That reminds me exactly of Fedor Emilianenko. Congratulations, you've just made Svenson that much more badass.


Hadn't thought of Fedor, but the comparison makes sense. I like the character because it's flexible and can go in so many directions. It can be played for comedy or for tragedy (for me it usually starts as the former and gradually evolves to the latter as Nigel develops as a worker and the pressure on him builds) and can potentially tie in with a lot of other characters or stables over time.


A few other guys I like:


Panda Mask II--because he wears a panda mask. A regular opponent (and sometime ally) of "No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman, he often works a gimmick where he seems to genuinely believe himself to be panda.


Ted Brady--the temptation to bring back Matty Phatty is almost overwhelming.


Chris Flynn--completely overlooked and almost never gets developed in 4C, but has more than enough potential to be worth putting some effort into. Something about the guy makes me want to give him an opportunity.


Jebediah--who doesn't love an Amish gimmick, especially when it's played by a gigantic dude? I envision him as a pacifist who's come to professional wrestling in hopes of spreading a message of love and brotherhood. Unfortunately, however, he often finds himself being booked against monster heels. Of course, when I employ him he uses the old Shaker classic "Simple Gifts" as his entrance music.


Killer Shark--an inhuman monster with incredible power and a killer look and a lot of fun to build into an unstoppable killing machine. His recent best of seven series with Jebediah was, shall we say, a bit one-sided.


Hellion--another giant powerhouse whose physical presence strikes fear into the hearts of all who oppose him. Unfortunately, my games rarely last long enough for him to debut, but I have a dream of teaming him with Killer Shark and letting the two of them run wild on a promotion.

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Sammy The Shark: I don't know why really, he's just awesome.


I LOVE Sammy. He's so awesome and can actually turn into a pretty good worker.


I also like for no apparent reason:


Mercutio Sleep (I always throw him in a Victorian Era royalty gimmick)

"3D" Dazzling Dave Diamond

Sgt Bubba Lee West (So full of potentially amazing storylines. Always have him play mentor to a struggling tag team and have him brutally train them. Forming a "Boot Camp" stable. Some really funny angle ideas from this.

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TJ Bailey: I bring him into virtually every TCW game I run.

Ford Gumble: Ever since jhd made his awesome Ford Memphis alts, I can't get enough of him.

Hell's Bouncer: Great menace and many awesome alts.

Air Attack Weasel: No specific reason, probably his name is enough.

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this is a great thread! It has already evolved from being 'random workers you like' to just general random workers and what you've done with them. Its interesting to see people's different takes on various characters and its a good way to trade/steal ideas...

a few worthy mentions of mine:


Jack Griffith - Becomes the inaugural champ in all US based 0/0/0 games I've started.

Cesar Sionis - The Greek Punisher is a personal favourite of mine. the render and backstage personality are a perfect match.

Missy Masterson - Much usage with her 15 or so available, outrageous renders. Currently valeting for Shark Cage in my swf with her snorkle render.

Marv Statler - Something about the old-style sounding first name being a great match with his perfectly bland render... not to mention being based on one half of those two balcony stooges from the muppets.

Wiley Steinway - Best render ever! Brought into swf w/Coyote Dynamite and recently realised his partner has tag experience with Ernie Turner, so I'll have him cause a split and push Wiley to my midcard singles title before the retirement clock runs out.


I hope this one doesnt fall down the pages...

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