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The Story Of Timothy Hawk - Cornellverse

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The Deadly Alliance are The Idaho Punisher and The Wolverine, I believe.


Looking forward to this one, my friend! Should be a big departure from your usual diary fare! :D


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

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Thanks for all the predictions and comments so far everyone. I am glad that people have enjoyed the back story so far. I am somewhere around halfway through the writeup for this card right now.


Well, this threw me for a loop. Ah, well, it turns out that Dry-Erase Board Guy gets his hardcore fixes up in Pittsburgh quite a bit, so...he's waiting for the first "Fans Bring The Weapons" match. Because he will break out the madness.


It's great to have the dry-erase board sign guy here in PSW. Things will hopefully be getting very interesting for him.


The Deadly Alliance are The Idaho Punisher and The Wolverine, I believe.


Looking forward to this one, my friend! Should be a big departure from your usual diary fare! :D


You are correct in who The Deadly Alliance is, though the Idaho is taken out of The Punisher.


Glad you're looking forward to this one, my friend. It's definitely a departure from the fan-friendly USPW but I am enjoying writing this one in particular.

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PSW, Angel? Really? Are you sure? ;)


Color me interested, my friend.




It's always nice to hear from a fellow USPW writer. :D Glad to get you interested, my friend. I hope the shows will keep and hold your interest. I know that PSW is definitely a leap from what I normally do but the whole PSW/DaVE/ECW type of thing is something I've wanted to do for a very long time and, well, here we go.


Having spoken of the shows, I did get the first show written up tonight but I still need to proofread and make some changes and such to it so the first show will definitely be out within the next few days or so.

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Friday Week 4 January 2010

Location: The Ministry (Tri State)

Attendance: 581

Overall Rating: D




[The Ministry is over half full this evening as fans are on their feet chanting 'PSW, PSW, PSW!' Fans are standing with signs in the air. The chants growing louder and louder. The attention turns to the center of the ring where our announcers for this evening: Mitch Naess and Doc Messing are standing absorbing in the chants with a smile on their lips. They are both wearing suits and looking sharp standing in the center of the ring.]


Mitch Naess



[The crowd cheers. It may be a small crowd here tonight but they are very vocal.]


Mitch Naess

"I'm your host Mitch Naess alongside Doc Messing for this event which will be available everywhere on DVD. Doc, we've got some great wrestling action on tap tonight."


Doc Messing

"Indeed we do, Mitch. We have..."


[Doc Messing is cut off by the familiar guitar riff that begins the song 'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple. The crowd, instantly recognizing the tune, begins to boo and the hatred from the fans only grows louder as the curtains part.]




[and we have the arrival of The Untouchables to the arena tonight. All three men are dressed in suits while Nicole Kiss is, of course, dressed within a blue dress that accentuates her figure perfectly. Nicole is practically being dragged down to the ring by Steven Parker as she doesn't look like she wants anything to do with this tonight. Frankie Future leads his team inside the ring and has JD Morgan snatch the microphones from Mitch and Doc.]


Frankie Future

"You won't be needing those right now so why don't the two of you go and have a seat and do what you do best: look like idiots."


[The crowd boos and then cheers as Mitch balls up a fist. Mitch looks like he wants to kill Frankie Future! JD Morgan steps between the two men and Mitch gets deflated slightly, turning and exiting with Doc Messing to head down to the ringside announcer's table.]


Frankie Future

"Now that we have that taken care of, I want to turn my attention to more pressing matters. First of all, everyone here and around the world knows that we are the most impressive group in all of professional wrestling. Forget the Sneer Corporation. Forget the Syndicate. Forget that mass of humanity in the Corporation or whatever the hell Eisen is calling it. We are the true triple threat of professional wrestling. Tonight, though, that triple threat becomes a quartet. We go from this." [All three members of the Untouchables hold up three fingers.] "To this." [All three members add another finger in there as the crowd boos.] "Now, with that being said, I am headed into the ring later on tonight to defend my title against Mr. Fluke Grandmaster Phunk. Mr. Fluke, I would like to give you this time to come out to our ring and explain just what you think you might be able to do tonight in the ring against me."


[Frankie takes a step back and waits, watching the ramp. He is surrounded by Steven Parker on one side and JD Morgan on the other so he is looking supremely confident. But who can blame him?


'Get Down, Get Down!'


The crowd bursts into cheers as 'Jungle Boogie' begins to play. The attention is focused on the entrance ramp




as Grandmaster Phunk comes out surrounded by two very lovely ladies. Phunk flashes them each smiles and then sends them to the back before he looks toward the ring where the Untouchables are waiting. Frankie motions to JD Morgan and Morgan walks over to the ropes. Morgan holds the ropes open for Grandmaster Phunk. Would it really be too smart for him to get inside the ring with the entire Untouchables group? Phunk does his usual little dance all the way down to the ringside area. He looks up to where JD is holding the ropes and climbs up and into the ring. He looks around and the crowd begins a 'PHUNK, PHUNK, PHUNK' chant which almost sounds like another word we all know and love. Future hands Phunk the microphone that was held by Doc Messing earlier this evening.]


Frankie Future

"So, now, Phunk, tell the Franchise exactly what you think you're going to do to him tonight."


Grandmaster Phunk

"Frankie, baby, I've got just one question for you: where's Annette? That must be you, right?" [Phunk points to Steven Parker!] "As far as what I am going to do tonight, Frankie, baby? I'm gonna boogie on down to this ring like only the Grandmaster can. I'm gonna hit you with the Phunkensteiner. Then I'm gonna pin your shoulders to the mat: 1, baby, 2, baby..."


[Grandmaster's words are halted by a forearm shot to the back by JD Morgan, who was standing behind him this entire time! Morgan holds Phunk by the arms and Frankie Future begins throwing punches! The crowd boos, yells and screams as they try to get Phunk back into this fight. Frankie grabs Phunk around the waist -- the belly-to-belly suplex that he calls the Frank-N-Hurter! Phunk is down hard on the mat as all three Untouchables put the boots to him in the center of the ring. 'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple begins to play again as the Untouchables exit the ring and head for the back, leaving Grandmaster Phunk laid out in the center of the ring.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/DeadBolt.jpg


PSW National Title Match

Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt


[One of the more shocking turns of events in this match is that Dead Bolt came out without his partner: Primal Rage, so the match was kept on the up and up. This was a fairly standard title defense for Matthew Keith as he looked positively dominant against the larger Dead Bolt. Our resident dry erase board fan has his sign up reading: 'Dead Bolt: A Failure At Life!' And we here at PSW can only agree with his sentiments. Matthew Keith kept the match inside the ring, hitting Dead Bolt with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and then he grabbed the legs of Dead Bolt. Everyone knows what comes next. He locks in what appears to be a scorpion deathlock but he bridges back and applies a reverse neck lock -- it's the Proton Lock, ladies and gentlemen! Dead Bolt struggled for a few moments and then he had to tap out.]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Submission @ 9:38; Matthew Keith retains the PSW National title)

Match Rating: D-






[We head backstage where the Icon Johnny Martin is standing in front of a PSW logo backdrop. Martin pounds his fist into his hand as he looks ahead into the camera with an angry look. But, then again, does he ever look happy?]


Johnny Martin

"Month after month after month the Untouchables come out there and think that they are just that: Untouchable. Last month, they eliminated me from the battle royal because they know that I am the biggest threat this company has to taking Frankie Future's PSW Championship. This company is all about survival. It's all about being the better man no matter what the circumstances may hold in front of you. Tonight, I face one of those Untouchables in JD Morgan. JD, like it or not, I'm going to go through you and I will be headed to Frankie Future and MY PSW Championship."


[Johnny Martin makes the 'belt' motion and then we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/TheIdahoPunisher.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/TheWolverine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/ThimblebyLangton_jhd.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/WootonFitzpaine_jhd.jpg

PSW Tag Team Titles

The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys


[Our PSW Tag Team titles are on the line in this second match of the evening. None of these wrestlers have the technical skill that Matthew Keith has so this match is a full-out brawl between all four men. The brawl ended up outside the ring early on and Wooton Fitzpaine hits The Punisher with a chair right to the skull! As the crowd cheers the hit, the resident dry erase board sign guy holds up his board now reading: 'Just Some Good Ol' Boys, Always Meaning Some Harm...' Fitzpaine picks up Punisher and tosses him back in the ring. Fitzpaine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Flying Chair shot from out of nowhere by The Wolverine! What a way to break up the pin! The match continues on between all four men until it comes down to The Punisher and Wooton Fitzpaine in the middle of the ring. The Wolverine slides a table inside the ring and the Punisher works on setting it up. He takes down Fitzpaine wth a clothesline and then picks him up, moving to the table with him. He gets them both set up on the table and hooks Fitzpaine -- Piledriver through the table! Oh my GOD! The Punisher slides his arm over Fitzpaine: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Deadly Alliance retains the PSW Tag Team Titles.]


Winners: The Deadly Alliance (Via Pinfall @ 10:05; The Deadly Alliance retains the PSW Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: D-






[Organ music begins to fill the arena in a slow fashion. The crowd doesn't recognize the music but they begin looking around for the source of the music. The attention goes fully up toward the rafters as the music swells and the crowd is absolutely shocked to see Teddy Powell standing up within the rafters. Powell has his lips in a thin line as he just looks as though he is staring off into space. Powell has not been seen since he was injured at the hands of the Untouchables. Powell just extends his arms out in a cross-like fashion and then disappears into the darkness. What is his next move?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/AshCampbell.jpg


Fight For Nicole Kiss

Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


[These two men made their seperate entrances to the ring and got chest to chest as Nicole Kiss made her way down to the ring. Nicole moved into a neutral corner as she waited to see exactly what would happen. The match was exactly what one might think it was. Though Ash is a good second generation wrestler and Steven Parker is known as a good technical wrestler, this match was a brawl between two men who really don't like each other. Chairs came into play in the match early on. Nicole Kiss dodged out of danger by jumping into the first row right into the lap of the dry erase board sign guy! His sign reads: 'Quit Fighting, You Two. I Have The Right To Nicole Kiss!'


Several quick rollups came late in the match between the two but only for two counts. Campbell goes outside the ring and pulls a ladder out from under the ring! He slides the ladder inside and follows it in! Campbell kicks Parker in the gut and then hooks -- Fisherman's Suplex, no bridge, all impact! Nicole Kiss slides over the guardrail and picks up a chair, sliding the chair inside the ring. Just who is she giving the chair to? Campbell gets to the chair first and he slams it against the chest of Parker and then sets up the ladder. Campbell climbs up the ladder, reaching all the way to the top! Parker is laid out on the mat underneath the ladder -- SHOOTING STAR PRESS OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER! OH MY GOD!!! A 'PSW' chant starts up as Campbell makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ash Campbell (Via Pinfall @ 12:14)

Match Rating: D


[The second generation wrestler Ash Campbell has won the match! Unbelievable! R.M. Stones raises his arm in victory and Nicole Kiss enters the ring. Nicole looks between the two wrestlers in the ring. Steven Parker grabs the ropes and pulls himself up. Nicole Kiss looks like she doesn't know what to do -- low blow kick by Parker on Campbell! Campbell goes down and Parker grabs Nicole Kiss by the arm! He yanks on her and tosses her over his shoulder! The cameras get a good look up her skirt at her thong as Parker carries her out of the ring and to the back while Ash Campbell can only watch and try to lift himself up.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/AlexBraun.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/TankBradley.jpg

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley


[These two former partners begin the night with a handshake in the center of the ring. What a great show of sportsmanship. From the very beginning of the match, the crowd is all over Tank Bradley. When he takes control, chants of 'boring' and 'you can't wrestle' begin to fill the Ministry. Yeah, they really don't like this guy. The feeling of the fans is summed up on the dry erase board sign guy's sign: 'If I Was From New Jersey, I'd Be Ranked Higher Than Tank!' Luckily, Braun noticed and took control early on and rarely let his foot off the gas. He takes over Bradley with a German Suplex, no bridge, all impact! Braun chokes Bradley on the ropes and then slides out of the ring. He reaches out in the crowd and is given a chair. Braun looks at his former partner with a sadistic smile -- CRACK! He cracks the chair over the skull of Tank Bradley! The crowd absolutely loves it! Braun slides inside the ring and sets the chair down inside and then hooks Bradley -- Braun Damage brainbuster on the chair! Tank Bradley must be out! Braun makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Alex Braun (Via Pinfall @ 8:09)

Match Rating: E+


[The fight for the rights to Jersey ends with a victory for the Iceman Alex Braun! Braun stands up and raises his arms in victory. A 'Jersey Devils' chant begins through the crowd. Braun helps Bradley up and gives his former partner a hug before they are interrupted by a little bit of familiar music. The crowd begins cheering as the beginning of 'Enter Sandman' begins to play. The crowd here at the Ministry begins to sing along with the music as the attention turns to the middle of the crowd.]




[it's Lazy Joe! Lazy Joe is here! Lazy Joe has a lit cigarette in his mouth and a singapore cane in one hand. Joe releases a bit of smoke before he moves through the crowd. He pauses about midway through the crowd, looks around for a moment and then...faints?? No, wait, that's his narcolepsy kicking in! Someone get this man a beer! A fan pours some of his beer on top of Lazy Joe and he gets right back up! Lazy Joe raises the singapore cane up again before moving over the guardrail. He makes it inside the ring and then falls over...asleep once again! Alex Braun and Tank Bradley look at each other and then shrug, both exiting the ring. They return with beers of their own! Braun rolls Lazy Joe onto his back and pours that beer right down his throat! Tank Bradley follows suit and Lazy Joe gets up quickly! A can of beer is tossed to Joe and he cracks it open, smashing it on his forehead and then pouring it, well, some in his mouth, some on his face, some on his shirt! The crowd here begins a 'Lazy Joe' chant and he smashes himself with his own singapore cane! Joe, Braun and Bradley all celebrate in the middle of the ring together before Joe falls asleep again and Braun and Bradley have to carry him to the back.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/JDMorgan_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/JohnnyMartin.jpg

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


[We are down to our final two matches here at PSW Hardcore Heaven. This is a match that could have very easily been the main event here this evening. The fans love Johnny Martin and they hate JD Morgan, one of the Untouchables. Morgan is one of the more technically sound members of the roster and he shows that early on, keeping Martin on his toes and close in to his body. Morgan shows some power early on with a clothesline inside the ring that sends Martin inside out! This battle rages quickly outside the ring where Morgan sends Martin crashing into the guardrail. The crowd boos and yells at Morgan but he ignores them. Morgan grabs the dry erase board sign guy's sign that now reads: 'Blast(s) From The Past!' Morgan brings it crashing down on the back of Johnny Martin and then tosses the sign back into the crowd. Morgan picks up Martin in a bear hug and rams him back-first into the ring post!


Several more minutes into the match and Martin has fought his way back into things. The fight has moved up the entrance ramp and Martin is in control. He tosses Morgan over the guardrail and joins him in the crowd. A 'PSW' chant breaks out through the crowd. Punches are thrown on both sides as both men look to fully gain the advantage. The two men fight into the concession stands where Martin clears off one of the tables! Martin picks up Morgan -- Flapjack on the concrete! Martin looks around to the crowd as the chant turns to 'He's Hardcore, He's Hardcore!' Martin picks up Morgan and the two climb up on top of the table! Martin with a few knee shots to the ribs of Morgan and then he hooks him and lifts him in a vertical suplex style. He uses the elevated row as a slingshot -- Twist On The Rocks through the table! Both men are lying flat on the twisted remnants of the table! The crowd is going absolutely wild! Johnny Martin turns slowly and makes the cover on Morgan: 1 -- 2 -- 3! This night is NOT going well for the Untouchables!]


Winner: Johnny Martin (Via Pinfall @ 12:24)

Match Rating: D




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/HonestFrank.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/PSW/GrandmasterPhunk_dse81.jpg


PSW Championship Match

Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk


['Get Down, Get Down!'


Grandmaster Phunk is the first man to come out as the challenger to the PSW Championship. 'Jungle Boogie' fills the Ministry and the crowd dances to the music as Grandmaster Phunk dances with a couple of women at the top of the entrance. As they dance, the dry erase board sign guy holds up his sign that he got back with the sign reading: 'I Came To See Phunk...and His "Assistants"!' The women head to the back and Phunk dances toward the ring. He gets about midway down to the ring when he is assaulted from behind by The Franchise! Frankie Future hits Phunk with several forearm smashes and then smashes him into the guardrail! Future kicks Phunk in the gut and then hooks him like a vertical suplex. He bounces Phunk off the guardrail, hitting with his own version of the Twist On The Rocks! What a mocking moment to Johnny Martin! Future makes the cover: 1 -- Kickout! Future pulls Phunk up and whips him toward the ring -- reversed! Future groans as his back hits the ring -- ring clothesline by Grandmaster Phunk! Phunk picks up his hat and slides it on for a moment before tossing it into the crowd. Phunk tosses Future in the ring and joins him just in time for two men to come down.




It's the other two members of the Untouchables! What are they doing down here? And didn't Frankie Future say that there would be one more of them? Phunk spends the next few minutes in control and in charge of things inside the ring. He gets a couple of near falls but Future manages to kick out each time. Phunk sends Future into the turnbuckles and catches him on the rebound with an overhead belly to belly suplex! Phunk gets to his feet and the assault is on from both sides! JD Morgan and Steven Parker go right after Grandmaster Phunk with Parker going low and Morgan going high! Phunk has no opportunity to fight back against either of them. Frankie Future watches for a moment and then seizes his opportunity. He steps in with a running knee lift to Phunk! He lifts Phunk on his shoulders -- Go 2 Sleep! Grandmaster Phunk lays out in the middle of the ring. The Untouchables raise three fingers and then Frankie Future points toward the entrance ramp and raises the fourth finger. The curtains part to reveal




Just who in the world is that masked man? The crowd obviously knows because a 'We Want Wood' chant begins throughout the crowd. The crazed man staggers his way down to the ring and then slides inside. Wood looks to the fallen Grandmaster Phunk for a moment. The Untouchables stand back and watch, waiting as Grandmaster Phunk begins to pull himself up using the ropes for leverage. Phunk turns toward Frankie Future -- clothesline sends both of them over the top rope to the floor! He avoided a confrontation with Larry Wood! Grandmaster Phunk gets to his feet and grabs a chair outside the ring. He swings -- CRACK! He nails The Franchise with the chair! The Untouchables quickly come out -- CRACK! Chair shot for JD Morgan! CRACK! Chair shot for Steven Parker! Larry Wood yells for Phunk to do it -- CRACK! Chair shot to Larry Wood! Wood no-sells the chair shot! He looks to Grandmaster Phunk -- Running Big Foot! Phunk is OUT! Wood tosses Phunk back in the ring and slides the Franchise in as well. Frankie Future tries to shake off the cobwebs. He grabs Phunk -- Frank-N-Hurter! Future makes the cover:











Winner: Frankie Future (Via Pinfall @ 19:50; Frankie Future retains the PSW Championship)

Match Rating: D+


[A successful title defense for the Franchise Frankie Future! Larry Wood enters the ring and picks up Grandmaster Phunk. He lifts Phunk on his shoulder -- Running Power Slam! The Untouchables slide a table inside the ring! Larry Wood seems to smile behind the mask as the table is set up in the corner. Steven Parker and JD Morgan grab Phunk and set him up against the table -- RUNNING BIG FOOT THROUGH THE TABLE! OH MY GOD! Grandmaster Phunk might be seriously injured here tonight, ladies and gentlemen! The Untouchables all stand within the center of the ring and raise their arms in the air as 'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple begins to play and the crowd boos. What a way to end the show, huh? With the addition of Larry Wood, these group just might be what they say they are: Untouchable.]

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Amazing, Lazy Joe was great and Larry Wood is a great signing AND an awesome character, really liked the untouchables and Teddu Powell can finally become the guy he would have been in your USPW diary when he was against Bach, brilliant show!
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Amazing, Lazy Joe was great and Larry Wood is a great signing AND an awesome character, really liked the untouchables and Teddu Powell can finally become the guy he would have been in your USPW diary when he was against Bach, brilliant show!


Thanks a lot, 20LEgend! I'm glad a lot of the characters shone through in this one. I'm sure that everyone can tell some influences that I have in there.


Larry Wood was definitely one of the top guys that I wanted to sign automatically when I started with this promotion. He definitely fits the hardcore style and look.


And I hope that Lazy Joe got a few chuckles in there considering his more comedic character.

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[February 2010



"First of all, the boys backstage appreciate the fact that you're not using this job just to put yourself over." Mitch Naess looked at me for a long moment from behind his desk. I raised a brow but remained seated where I was. After all, he said first of all, so there must be a second of all, right? Mitch hesitated, taking a long sip of coffee before he began speaking again. "You made this company a few thousand dollars this month, Tim. That's a very good thing because we cannot run this company at a loss of money. We are headed toward St. Valentine's Massacre next month. I assume you have a card all written out for the show?"


I had to pause for a moment because, honestly, I had certain aspects lined up for the show but at the same time I didn't have a full and completed show just yet. But I did what I normally do in this situation. I stand up with honesty. "Not quite, Mitch. I have certain aspects already set up but nothing finalized. I am also working on possibly bringing in a couple of wrestlers to join the company."


Mitch looked at me for a moment and he nodded. "Alright, Tim, let's have a look and see what you have to show for yourself so far."

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Word to the wise, when you play as PSW unless you're planning on running more than one event per month you should be doing medium sized shows, which always bring in a minimum of a 1000 fans and quickly enough you can get up to 2000.
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Word to the wise, when you play as PSW unless you're planning on running more than one event per month you should be doing medium sized shows, which always bring in a minimum of a 1000 fans and quickly enough you can get up to 2000.


Thanks a lot for that. I put the second show as medium. Not sure why I had the first show as small.

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Signing Larry Wood to PSW is one of those things that is obvious from a gameplay standpoint, but I can't criticize it for two reasons:


a) It's also obvious from a "real-world" standpoint -- if PSW and Larry Wood were real, of course PSW would sign him. It's not just a "I'm looking at the game database, and this is a guy who could get us good ratings" thing, it's a "this guy is a legend, and everyone knows he's one of the best hardcore workers in the world" thing.


b) Larry Wood is awesome, and who doesn't want to see him in the dynasty?

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No Rules, Just Fights


Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

The true blow off match between these two and it couldn't end any other way. Who will Nicole Kiss side with? Will The Untouchables get involved? Will The Untouchables lose a member? Will the second generation wrestler Ash Campbell be forced to walk away? So many questions and they will all be answered at St. Valentine's Massacre.


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe

Last week, Braun and Bradley had to carry Lazy Joe to the back when he fell asleep in the middle of the ring. This week they are hoping he doesn't fall asleep as he joins them in six man tag team action. The former PSW World Tag Team Champions Dead Rage step in the ring with their partner 'Ravishing' Nelson Callum and his manager Krissy Angelle. They seem like complete opposites as a team but will that work to their advantage?


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance defend vs. ???

This match is more interesting because of its mystery than anything else. The Deadly Alliance have offered an open challenge to any tag team past, present and future to face them for the belts. What team will step up in this match?


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

A rematch of sorts from last week as JD Morgan and Johnny Martin will do battle. However, in this match, the PSW National title will be put on the line as Matthew Keith is added to make this a three way dance elimination match. Who will walk away as the PSW National Champion?


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Last month, Larry Wood made his debut here in PSW as he attacked Grandmaster Phunk outside and inside the ring. This month, Phunk gets his opportunity for revenge against the newest member of the Untouchables. 'The Mountain Man' is known as being a wild and crazy wrestler. But will Grandmaster Phunk get his revenge and dance his way to victory?


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Another title match that is a mystery. Frankie Future, the man who calls himself The Franchise, is offering a PSW title match to any wrestler who is not listed on the PSW roster. Frankie has held the PSW Championship since July of last year and proven himself to be a worthy champion. With the Untouchables at his side, just who can stop him?


Quick Picks

Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Team Guess:

PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess:

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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Comment: I assume Parker is on his way to the big leagues

Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Team Guess:

PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: oh what the heck...Steve Flash

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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Comment: Have a great time in Eisen-land, Parker.

Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe

Comment: The New Jersey Devils spend too much time pouring beer into Lazy Joe to fight Callum.

PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Team Guess: I really don't think you'll bring in anyone big. Rock City Stars?

PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Comment: Should be a good technical bout.

Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Comment: Who wants Wood!

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: Dallas McWade maybe? Not many guys off the top of my head can come into PSW and fit in.

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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Team Guess:

PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess:

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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


Parker's leaving town for a bigger town. Still counts as leaving.

Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe


Braun matters. Joe is shaping up to be a cult figure. Tank is useless, but no more useless than either member of Dead Rage. If the heels win this one, you must really be preparing a push for Nelson Callum.


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???


Eh... let's say Waldorf and Statler come back. Why not?


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


Makes no sense to put the midcard belt on either of these guys. Keith is clearly the future of PSW, unless he's the future of SWF/TCW/NOTBPW/etc....


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk


Much as I love Wood (huh huh huh), he's a stable member. If Phunk is a legit title contender, he has to beat Future's sidekicks. And I honestly don't think you'd throw Phunk under the bus and make him not a legit title contender.


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???


I honestly don't know. Unless it's an existing PSW worker, McWade seems like an okay bet, if not exactly exciting. But most guys with DAVE or hardcore credentials and the fame to be legit title threats are on written deals somewhere. Unless maybe someone's deal ran out.

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess:

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Great work thus far, Angel.
The first show was really a strong start-up moving forward. Best of luck moving forward with the chaos that is PSW!


Onto my predictions:


Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs.
Ash Campbell

Steven Parker is often a quick sign by Eisen. That said, Campbell goes over.


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum
vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe

Personal Choice.


PSW Tag Team Titles Match:
The Deadly Alliance
vs. ???

I could see a shocking debut/title win but I'll go with the champs for now.


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs.
Johnny Martin

In reality, you'll probably have Keith retain but, with that said, I feel a good reason for Martin losing would be needed. Regardless of that, I'm pulling for the PSW 'Cornerstone'.


Larry Wood
vs. Grandmaster Phunk

In a world where there are No DQ's, I see the big, burly, hairy, mountain man coming away with the win.


PSW Championship Match:
Frankie Future
defends vs. ???

Shock title victories when it comes to the top prize can be tricky. That said, I'm keeping the gold on Frankie Future here!




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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


I was surprised to see Campbell win the last match between these two, and with another match up back round already, I think you are giving this feud a pretty quick turnaround as you already anticipate Parker heading to the SWF.


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe


Out of everyone in this match Callum has the most potential so I'll go with his team, everyone elses is either old (Braun) or sucks (Dead Bolt/Bradley)


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???


I'm going to take a guess at the Dirty White Boyz being the mystery team and that they will make an instant impact by winning the titles.


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


Keith is another who could be heading for the brighter lights of an SWF or a TCW, but my inkling here is that he will sticking around a little longer and that he gets put over by the veteran's here, with a strong title defence.


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk


Larry Wood will follow up his 'shocking' debut with a strong victory. Phunk can bounce back from this.


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???


Steve Flash always seems like a pretty save bet as someone to bring in near the top of the card, that being said Future retains.

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First of all, everyone, thanks for your comments and predictions so far. I definitely read each and every one and sometimes it sways me in one direction or another even, helping me think of things in ways I never did before. So thank you for those.


Signing Larry Wood to PSW is one of those things that is obvious from a gameplay standpoint, but I can't criticize it for two reasons:


a) It's also obvious from a "real-world" standpoint -- if PSW and Larry Wood were real, of course PSW would sign him. It's not just a "I'm looking at the game database, and this is a guy who could get us good ratings" thing, it's a "this guy is a legend, and everyone knows he's one of the best hardcore workers in the world" thing.


b) Larry Wood is awesome, and who doesn't want to see him in the dynasty?


Larry Wood was a definite standard pickup for PSW. As you said, he fits right into what PSW is all about and, well, he is an awesome and fun character to write for.


Great work thus far, Angel.
The first show was really a strong start-up moving forward. Best of luck moving forward with the chaos that is PSW!


Thanks for the comments, E-V. You know how much I respect your work on PSW. You are Mr. PSW to me. We are just now reaching the starting-point here on what will hopefully be a long-term diary. I have some definite surprises coming up.

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Just because Nelson Callum has Davis Wayne Newton's old picture, that doesn't mean he has potential. He shows every sign of becoming a decent midcard technician someday somewhere, but his psych is average at best, his star quality is limited, and -- most importantly in PSW -- he has no aptitude for hardcore wrestling.


I will say that I underestimated Primal Rage, though. He may be 39, which limits his future viability, but he's quietly become an underrated worker, at least in a hardcore/brawling environment. (Unfortunately for him, Dead Bolt still sucks.)

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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

"You go up there and get Richard to sign your paychecks, boy. You go tell him that if he wants real action, tell him to come down to Pitt and PSW!"

(200 Cool Points for whoever tells me the inspiration behind that comment.)


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe

Tank AND Lazy Joe in the same match...on the same team? I'm hitting a Cornette face here. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING.


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

New team, new team...I hate TDA with a passion, so whoever comes in gets the win. Since TK already suggested The Dirty White Boys, I won't copy him. Do you know what hardcore wrestling needs? More Samoans. My guess is Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine, AKA Samoan Destruction, Inc.


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Keith's your greatest talent, with or without Steven Parker. Also, the National title is a midcard belt, I believe...JD or Johnny have no business wearing it.

Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk

I have this killer alter ego for Wood, working for me down in Mexican Hardcore Wrestling. Since "El Chupacabra" became a household name south of the border for me, I always go with Larry.


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

This debut, though, won't get the win. Need another solid hardcore worker...hmm...is Sgt. Bubba Lee West available?


On My Dry-Erase Board This Month:

- Doesn't Matter Who Leaves Town...Nicole's With Me Now!

- http://sharkrobot.com/images/medium/shirt_botchamania_cornette_MED.jpg

- What Did Idaho Ever Do To You?

- Keith is Awesome! (CLAP, CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP) Keith is Awesome!

- Larry's Gonna Kill You...Larry's Gonna Kill You...

- The Future Is Now!

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Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Comment: Bye Steve

Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe

Comment: Braun Saves it

PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Team Guess: Painful Procedure, just though it could be The Nasty Boyz, I mean Grunt & Stink, no I'll stick with PP

PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Comment: Matty Could have been stolen

Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Comment: I was gunna call a DQ loss but this PSW, and I can't see a way for Larry to leave and Phunk could be on his wayout

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: I suspect it could be the other of the Painful Procedure, but my guess is Doug Peak!

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[February 2010



Sitting within a local Starbucks, I fire up his laptop to take advantage of their Wi-Fi capabilities. The first place I head to is PSW.com to see what people are saying about the upcoming St. Valentine's Massacre card and the previous Hardcore Heaven card. Most people seemed to like the signing of Larry Wood. That is a good thing considering the fact that 'The Mountain Man' Larry Wood will be an integral part of the storylines moving forward.


I scroll forward to the predictions for the upcoming St. Valentine's Massacre. As I read over them, a smile slides to my lips. Most people seem to think it's the PSW debut of Steve Flash or Dallas McWade in the Main Event. There is no concensus on the tag team titles match. But I can say with certainty that so far no one has gotten either the mystery tag team or the mystery wrestler in the main event correct. That is a good thing as it will be a surprise to everyone when they debut. The hope is that these surprises can generate some major revenue for the next month to cover their expensives. Having to give up a percentage of merchandise sales is going to hurt some but at the same time hopefully the arrival of the new wrestlers here in PSW will help usher in a new age for the company. Only time will tell if the leap is worthwhile.


I take my laptop and go up to order some coffee. My eyes focus in on the man behind the counter and I ask for some black coffee. What do you mean they don't just serve black coffee?

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Lazy Joe as a narcoleptic Sandman? Genius. :D


Loser Leaves Town: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Comment: Judging from experience, Parker's off to the Land of Supreme.


Dead Rage and Nelson Callum vs. Alex Braun, Tank Bradley and Lazy Joe

Comment: Basing this on experience and hardcore credibility really, but then willingly giving jello-gut Tank a win. I'm not convinced.


PSW Tag Team Titles Match: The Deadly Alliance vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Team Guess: There are some great potential teams available to PSW, Samoan Destruction Inc or perhaps Sayeed Ali and A N Other? Anyway, someone to put over TDA.


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Comment: In theory, Johnny Martin would be the most likely winner, but then does he really benefit from the National Title?


Larry Wood vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Comment: Woods is the kind of hardcore monster who can still be booked strongly, but still have a main player like Phunk go over him.


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. ???

Comment/Mystery Wrestler Guess: No idea. Flash seems a reasonable guess, but he's come up a lot already so I'll be different and say Shawn Gonzalez.

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