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9000-verse v2.0 Complete RELEASED

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I've been thinking about adding a piloted mecha promotion, and piloted mechs in general for this mod... Voltron, Gundam, Code Geass, Evangelion, Gurren Lagann, all that sort of stuff (I'm not really a big mech fan, so that's about as much as I know).


I've been wondering about what the best way to represent mechs would be. Do you make the pilots the managers of the mechs? Do you make the mechs alter egos of the pilots?


Problem being that the pilots are the selling point of any given fight, however it's the mechs who have the "stats"... and then you really need to have the pilots to be able to do angles. However, if you detach the mechs from the pilots then there's no telling what the AI is going to do... plus it means that you'll have unmanned mechs demanding payrises and doing interviews on the news page


Ay carumba

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Have the pilots manage the mechs?


I'd say alter ego would be the best way to do this.


Mm-hm both solutions have their pros and cons it seems. Hopefully CBH has a good way for this to be simulated since it's pretty difficult to fit it into TEW without some funny situations occurring




As a quick update.. I've just been doing a "quick" bit of comic book stuff as an added bonus to the video game workers. Captain America is back and available as a worker but temporarily dead; his assassin Crossbones is there; James Rhodes is available as both War Machine and Iron Man 2.0; The Vulture III is there as a future debut just because he looked like a delightful garbage worker; Eddie Brock has been added as Venom and Anti-Venom; Patrick Mulligan and the Toxin Symbiote is available (I think as a future debut, can't remember), and I'll probably round the comic stuff out (at least for now) with the Roderick Kingsley and Phil Urich versions of Hobgoblin


I've also done a ton of work revamping some of the worker pics, replacing crappy old ones with awesome new ones. Although if you like the crappy old ones, you may be in for a surprise to see that the new picture pack will overwrite a decent amount of them. Some of the naming conventions have changed as well, such as Venom is no longer under Venom.jpg but Eddie Brock (Venom) or Mac Gargan (Venom). This is only for the ones I could be bothered searching out and changing, of course :)

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One comic book character I would like to see, who would be a future worker would be Teon Macik/Savko, a.k.a. Primal, hopefully he can make it into a future update.


EDIT: My 9000-verse kick has now produced some new characters, and a couple alts:



P.S. Mecha-wise, I agree with mecha and Pilots being alts instead of worker and manager, could also simulate when mecha pilots change mecha like Van Flyheight upgrading from Shield Liger to Blade Liger / Duo Maxwell upgrading from Deathscythe to Deathscythe Hell / Domon Kasshu upgrading from Shining Gundam to God/Burning Gundam

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Heres some cuts I made for my personal data if anyone wants to use them.

All photos aside from CM Punk and the ninjas taken from dA.

The Ninjas were from a fanart that Portia Perez posted on twitter a couple months back. Cant remember where the hell the CM Punk came from.


Left to right top to bottom:

BlackWarGreymon, CM Punk, Gallantmon +2 alts

Megagargomon, The Canadian Ninjas, Valkyrimon, VenomMyotismon

VictoryGreymon, ChaosGallantmon, Sakuyamon, Wargreymon, Evil alt of Wargreymon

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Hey crayon, just see that Scott Blair version of CM Punk gets me thinking: if you're interested we could pretty much do a 9001verse version of ECW as Scott Blair has done artwork for a hell of a lot of the former ECW roster; so much in fact I was able to make this wallpaper a while back:



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P.S. Mecha-wise, I agree with mecha and Pilots being alts instead of worker and manager, could also simulate when mecha pilots change mecha like Van Flyheight upgrading from Shield Liger to Blade Liger / Duo Maxwell upgrading from Deathscythe to Deathscythe Hell / Domon Kasshu upgrading from Shining Gundam to God/Burning Gundam


The one problem I have with that alter setup (besides giant robots demanding pay rises - although this would happen with the other setup too)--and it's a pretty major one--is that to simulate, lets say an Evangelion Unit, we'd have to add a 16 year old Shinji Ikari to the gameworld, and then give him godly strength and abilities as well as become a super heavyweight. While perhaps not so bad if it's for your own fed, when the AI starts running shows with Shinji Ikari vs Doomsday A*... oi vey


That, or we make a small mech that has powered down stats that need to be grown into. It's sort of hrmmm


BTW, where'd you get that picture of Green Lantern Corps Hellboy?


So there goes my Avatar. :(


Any chance of another Marvel character becoming an Avatar?


Hmm, spout off some Marvel characters to me who are dead and are likely to remain dead for some time. Obviously older characters who would have some decent respect are good. Doubly so if I can find pictures that aren't ass :)


Hey crayon, just see that Scott Blair version of CM Punk gets me thinking: if you're interested we could pretty much do a 9001verse version of ECW as Scott Blair has done artwork for a hell of a lot of the former ECW roster; so much in fact I was able to make this wallpaper a while back:




Ah yes, Scott Blair is pretty fantastic for that stuff. I've even used some of his pictures in the past. The problem is that from my searching I've only been able to find small collage pictures of the workers. If you have a source for where I could find larger versions I'd certainly be keen to consider it.

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I think the collage style are the only ones he did aside from Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero, the Hart Foundation and CM Punk as when he did the ECW guys he was doing them for DVD covers.


Hmm if the collages are big enough it could still work. Main issue was that with some of the characters their heads would be pin-sized on a worker picture, in comparison to the other pics in the database

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Booked seven shows so far. Reeeeeeaaaaaalllly enjoying it. I can't even begin to fathom how long it took to get everything incorporated in this mod, despite my not knowing who most of these characters are (especially looking at the anime?/comic book stuff). It's a totally wild, wild world.


I've scored 40-54 so far on my shows, which is pretty good for a Local fed, I think. Hopefully I've given those 9-36 people showing up their money's worth.


I saw the first Internet Story on LOL WUT report and started cracking up, big time. I'm soooooo juvenile.


Noteworthy stuff:

1) Lois Lane and Superman have split up

2) Adahm Ryland and Ryzen no longer on speaking terms. Insiders say money is the root of the conflict.*


*News report says that in an online interview, Ryzen took shots at Adahm Ryland throughout. UH OH...


Also, it must be party time over at the GDS roster since the people I had previously signed whom were also on that roster (won't name names) appear to have an affinity for the drinky-winky :p. If I drank, I think I'd want what y'all are having over there :).


What I like from this mod:

- Lots of workers

- Lots of variety in the female workers

- Haven't verified, but seemingly more puroresu/hardcore/MMA stat workers

- Nice variation on the backstage behavior

- Varying nationalities

- Totally zany injury types. Had to do a double take on the Kryptonite Poisoning, for example. Apparently some worker got it while working a match.



Spelling Updates:

Future Trunks: 'anomolies' to 'anomalies', 'proficiant' to 'proficient'

Hawkwoman III: 'weaponary' to 'weaponry'

K.I.A.: 'K.I.A' to 'K.I.A.'

Mercury: 'resistent' to 'resistant'

Pedobear: 'pedophillic' to 'pedophilic'; 'villian' to 'villain'

Remy: 'ancestory' to 'ancestry'

Wonder Woman: 'superheros' to 'superheroes'

Yajirobe: 'endeering' to 'endearing'


That's all for now.

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Loving the awesome update you've provided us with. I don't often get to hear what goes on in other people's games besides the odd diary here and there, so it's great to know how thing are progressing (and that some of my work has paid off) :)


Also many thanks for the spelling errors. They certainly look like the usual suspects that I get right one day and then wrong the next. Maybe this will be the tipping point where they're banished for good (dreams are free :))

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BTW, where'd you get that picture of Green Lantern Corps Hellboy?


Deviantart, here specifically


Hmm, spout off some Marvel characters to me who are dead and are likely to remain dead for some time. Obviously older characters who would have some decent respect are good. Doubly so if I can find pictures that aren't ass :)


Nightcrawler might possibly stay dead since they're bringing his AoA counterpart into the main universe now, but who can ever tell. Maybe Vulcan.

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I just read that Cable was dead... although I could see him coming back... plus he does make for a good future road agent. I don't know who Vulcan is so that could be a good choice. It's always nice to choose someone that fans aren't going to go "wtf, I wanted to use him!"


And many thanks for the link... and oh god, tell me that that's not an Orange Lantern Corps Rainbow Dash and Jafar I see!

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I just read that Cable was dead... although I could see him coming back... plus he does make for a good future road agent. I don't know who Vulcan is so that could be a good choice. It's always nice to choose someone that fans aren't going to go "wtf, I wanted to use him!"


And many thanks for the link... and oh god, tell me that that's not an Orange Lantern Corps Rainbow Dash and Jafar I see!


Vulcan is the very powerful, and somewhat crazy, younger brother of Cyclops and Havok

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Vulcan is the very powerful, and somewhat crazy, younger brother of Cyclops and Havok


Aw, he actually looks kind of cool :/ Back to the drawing board. Maybe I'll just make Doop an avatar. Is that a suitable replacement for Captain America Deadceleb?


Oh wait! I could always just take some multi-verse character. It's not as if we need five Cyclops' or whoever running about, after all....

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Captain America is back and available as a worker but temporarily dead


Oh wait! I could always just take some multi-verse character. It's not as if we need five Cyclops' or whoever running about, after all....


Cyclops? Captain America?


Maybe Captain America could be a title and whoever wins it becomes Captain America, by my estimates about 16 people have actually worn the costume/used the name, not counting Red Skull or Captain America 2099, I have a title history around here somewhere

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Cyclops? Captain America?


Maybe Captain America could be a title and whoever wins it becomes Captain America, by my estimates about 16 people have actually worn the costume/used the name, not counting Red Skull or Captain America 2099, I have a title history around here somewhere


Ladies and gentlemen, we have got ourselves a winner! The picture's so sweet I almost want to hold off and do him as a future debut, but no, I can resist!

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That suggestion is awesome!!!


also, with all of YBDynamo's packs added, I'm up to 10,368 pictures for the 9000-verse!


just wish some of the characters would see the light of day...hint hint. :p


Have you had any issues with this? I thought that I read somewhere that once you hit the 10,000 mark on either a particular OS or File System that things can get screwy. For what it's worth, the next update is going to have an additional 1,300 pictures +


Some of them will be overwrites for existing images, but yeah... it's a few pictures :)


For the next generation TEW12 or 13 or whatever it is, I really need to go through the pictures and separate the wheat from the chaff. There's a lot of images in there from 08 that I thought were good, but just don't hold up over time.

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Have you had any issues with this? I thought that I read somewhere that once you hit the 10,000 mark on either a particular OS or File System that things can get screwy. For what it's worth, the next update is going to have an additional 1,300 pictures +


Some of them will be overwrites for existing images, but yeah... it's a few pictures :)


For the next generation TEW12 or 13 or whatever it is, I really need to go through the pictures and separate the wheat from the chaff. There's a lot of images in there from 08 that I thought were good, but just don't hold up over time.



i haven't tested it yet, but so far its going alright on WreSpi2, as I'm playing the MarvelVerse mod that was just released.

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