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Title- The Basterds


Lead Actor- Robin Williams


Lead Actress- Zooey Deschanel


Supporting Actor- Steve Buscemi, Adam Sandler, Christoph Waltz, Kevin Bacon


Supporting Actress-none


Director - Uwe Boll


Genre- Comedy, Action, Spoof


Plot- Once upon a time in a **** occupied France, Severals attempts at Hitlers life had been made...all failed, Now War Crazed Veteran Haldoe Rains (Williams) and his nine basterds carve a hole in France, striking fear into the nation, with german born Detective Hans Landrover hot on thier trails


Sophie is an american lady who owns a independant cinema "Le Candlemaker" in France, sick of making no money she has decided she is going to burn it down and get the insurance


The President of France (Bacon) decides he wants to be more down with the people and goes to watch a film, at the local independant cinema which Sophie owns


The Basterds complete with Dinny Donutowich (Sandler) a baseball loving

psycho wth a mother fixation and Hugo Stitches (Buscemi) a prison escaping psycho, who thinks he's Dinnys mother, as they carve through France will Hans Landrover be able to convince them the war is over, that it is in fact 2011, and that they took thier role playing session in the psycho ward a bit too seriously...


When Sophies life connects with The Basterds, will Landrover get to the cinema, before The President burns with it!!!!


Location- France


Budget- 240,000 on actors and director correct me if i've added it wrong, 100, 000 production


Duration - 96 mins


Company name - Better in than out Productions


Better in than out productions opens it's doors with a comedy movie that will soon be forgotten. The Basterds, starring Robin Williams is an action spoof that tries to put a lot of things out on the screen to take away from some horrific characters and just a bad story. Historically there's nothing accurate about it, and just when you think you've seen it all it ends with everyone burning to death inside a theater. Let's hope this isn't a sign of what's to come from this small company and they bounce back quickly.


Rating: 1 Star out of 5


Revenue: 250,000 Dollars




None, let's hope everyone just forgets about this one.


Better in than out Productions now has a bank balance of 500,000 dollars

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And just a thought on how to keep the game fresh and interesting in the long run:


-Each real-time week is a new period in game : So for example one real time week could represent 1 or 2 in-game months.

-Each studio is limited to a certain number of films in that time period, (to keep it so we don't end up using pretty much every movie idea too quicklly)

-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday's are when we can submit our films.

-Fridays (& possible Saturdays) is(are) reviewing day(s)

-And (Saturdays? and) Sundays are awards voting days, maybe something like the top 5 rated movies get entered and we get to vote for our favourite, with the winner recieving some type of reward (probably increased revenue).

-And of course at the end of each in-game year the winners from the individual awards get entered for a film of the year award, which carries an even bigger prize.


As I say just brainstorming ideas to make this a little bit more organised and fun. As it has obviously become very popular so far on this forum.

As the #2 man in reviewing, I suggest we go by these bolded rules, starting next week.


I mean, we could go for the awards show this weekend (Sunday, probably), where we can get the initial hit movies good publicity.


It could really give people time to think of a great one per week, making sure their best one is on the board.


Who's with me???

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As the #2 man in reviewing, I suggest we go by these bolded rules, starting next week.


I mean, we could go for the awards show this weekend (Sunday, probably), where we can get the initial hit movies good publicity.


It could really give people time to think of a great one per week, making sure their best one is on the board.


Who's with me???


I don't like the idea of limiting when people can post, however I will agree that an award show should be held every Sunday. So you can post Monday through Saturday as much as you want as long as you what until your last movie is reviewed before posting the next. I have a few more ideas I'm going to throw out later tonight but first I want to get caught up on the reviews

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Imagi-Nation Productions presents:


Title- Cinemania

Lead Actor- Will Farrell (Maybe $60,000?)

Lead Actress- Betty White ($50,000) Anna Farris ($25,000)

Supporting Actor- John C. Reilly ($40,000)


Director - Adam McKay ($100,000?)

Genre- Comedy


Plot- In the beginning, best friends Will Farrell and John C. Reilly (as themselves) are two famed actors just enjoying their lives - and in Farrell's case, a happy marriage to the admittedly unstable Alicia (Anna Farris), who incidentally HATES movies for some reason - when suddenly they wake up one day in another realm, the realm of Cinema. The realm is inhabited solely by actors, (cameos aplenty~) and in it, movie cliche`s are the law.


The confused duo wander the Hollywood-like streets, and are bore witness to many different movie genres, depending on where they are. In the Action-genre street, they are inexplicably chased by a giant rolling boulder over a pit of snakes. As this is going in the Cinema Realm, Farrell's wife Alicia becomes more and more impatient waiting for him to come home in the real world. (One example of this sees her answering the phone, excitedly thinking it's Will. The second she learns that it's someone else, however, she immediately shoots the phone with a crossbow.) Fed up with it, Alicia storms out, determined to find him herself.


Back in the Cinema Realm, the duo stumble out of the Romantic Comedy room, remarking on how it was somehow both amusing and heartwarming at the same time. So amazed where they, that they didn't notice they had gone into Horror territory, where a masked psycho was stabbing everyone to death. Reilly and Farrell run for their lives, but the psycho magically teleports in front of them and stabs the ever-loving hell out of them. The two scream in terror and agony - before realizing that it actually doesn't hurt a single damned bit.


At this moment, a loud echoing voice comes from the sky yelling "Cut! Print!" And down descends an omnipotent-looking woman. She is known only as The Director, (Betty White) and commends the two for a great performance, noting that she was convinced for a moment that they were truly terrified. It is here that we learn that the danger being real is something that can be turned on and off, and most of the time, it's off - making the place entirely safe. Here, Farrell and Reilly ask her just what the hell is going on, and how they can get back to the real world. At this, the Director panics, pleading for them not to leave.


Turns out, The Director is an exceedingly lonely woman. Despite building the Cinema Realm for all to enjoy, The Director doesn't seem to get much appreciation or have any friends. A nearby stagehand implies that this is because she treats everyone so horribly, which the Director responds to by hitting her with her ringhand. Reilly and Farrell agree that the Director is completely out of her mind, and demand to be returned home. Enraged at this, the Director decides to turn the switch to "real". The duo aren't quite sure what to make of this, until the Psycho stabs Farrell in the shoulder - and as it turns out, this time, it HURTS LIKE A MOTHER. Farrell shoves him away and the duo run like hell away.


After a bit of a chase, the two elude the Psycho and hide in a randomly-placed cabin. Here, all seems calm - until a sudden tear in the realm appears, and on the other side, is Alicia! Apparently, she learned that Farrell had been sucked into the Realm via Verizon Wireless' Family Locator. (Product placement~!) She then tore through to the dimension via sheer force of will. She demands that she be pulled in, but Will tells her not to come in, warning her that it's too dangerous. She responds by grabbing him by the testes - the agonized Farrell desperately tries to pull away, and ends up pulling her into the realm in the process.


Shortly after this, the Psycho finds the three, and chases them across the cabin. Anna wastes little time in making a trap for him on top of the stairs. It works perfectly, ensnaring him on the top of the stairs. Farrell commends her on her ingenuity, and she replies by saying she's been in this situation like four times before. She then very literally turns to the camera and winks at the audience. The trio take this opportunity to unmask the Psycho, revealing... Michael J. Fox?! They ask him why he would try to murder him, and he responds "If you had Parkinson's, you'd understand!" Deciding he's too dangerous to keep alive, Alicia takes out her gun and shoots him in the forehead. Farrell can't help but ponder why she brought a gun to look for him and what she was planning on doing with it, but she tells them there's no time for that. So the trio go on to look for the Director, and force her to send them back home.


After fighting past some of her other cliche'd villains, they reach the Director's lair. Alicia threatens her with her gun, but the Director laughs it off. She tells her that shouldn't dare shoot her, because killing the Director would cause the entire fabric of the movie realm to collapse, as she's the one that gives it continuity and reason. Alicia tells her that she has absolutely no problem with that. She then lets everyone know that years ago, her father was a director himself, until one of his actors got fed up with his torture and abuse, and strangled him to death. From this, she somehow concluded that movies killed her father, and vowed to put an end to that particular media. She proceeds to shoot the Director over and over - reloading twice and continuing to shoot.


With the Director dead, everything seems to go wrong - the walls turning to static. Suddenly, the masked Psycho, thought to be killed off for real, materializes out of the wall behind Alicia, and slits her throat. There is now no continuity at all in the Cinema Realm and it's utter chaos! Farrell grabs Alicia's gun off the floor and shoots the Psycho in the head several times, but he's seemingly unaffected! Reilly tackles and unmasks him, expecting Michael J. Fox - but the Psycho has inexplicably turned into a robot! Realizing that they're screwed, the duo run out into the streets to see all of their fellow actors and actresses rioting, jumping off of buildings, and attacking each other.


The duo run for their lives from the now robotic Psycho, into the Drama-genre street. There, they see Tommy Wiseau pulling his wife up off the edge of a bridge, having convinced her not to kill herself. Woodenly, he tells her how much he loves her and how he will never let her fall. Reilly and Farrell "aw" at this, as the wife rolls her eyes at his 'acting'. This ends abruptly when the robotic Psycho comes up from behind! He charges them. Reilly and Farrell jump out of the way, and he ends up crashing into Wiseau's wife, sending them both plummeting off the bridge. For some reason, they're both now permanently dead.


After giving out the world's longest and driest-ever NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Wiseau turns to Reilly and Farrell and tells them that he will have his vengeance~! Farrell responds by shooting him in the chest, killing him. They walk away, and try to find a house to protect themselves from the rioters. But when they open the door, Wiseau is standing there. He again vows to get his REVENGE for them killing his wife and him! He again gets shot, and this happens several more times throughout the movie. At this point, the duo think all is hopeless, and that they'll never get home - when the ghost of the Director comes before them.


She tells them that even as a ghost, she has enough power to send them home. But before she can do it, the rioters break into the house and charge the duo. They punch through a window and make their escape, running from the band of rioters who seem to blame them for killing the Director and sending everything into chaos. They get chased up to the top of a clock-tower, where the two see a bomb squad agent (The Rock) working on a ticking time bomb. The agent informs them that the bomb would destroy all of the Cinema Realm - but not to panic, because he'll have it diffused in a matter of seconds.


Just before he can finish, however, a knife is suddenly thrown into his back, killing him. Farrell and Reilly turn to see Tommy Wiseau jumping up and down in victory, shouting "REVENGE!!!". They shoot him one last time, before cursing their luck, wishing they had never gotten into acting in the first place. The clock ticks down to it's final ten seconds, as the barricaded door is about to busted down by the rioters - and in comes the Director's ghost again. She apologizes for getting them into this, telling them that all she ever wanted was a friend. With three seconds left, she sends them back to the real world, narrowly saving them just before the bomb goes off...



...Reilly and Farrell wake up in the middle of the night at the exact same time. They go over what just happened, and wonder if it was all real. In the end, they agree that they'd much prefer to think it was all just a dream. They both vow never to act in a movie again, before going back to sleep.



Location- Hollywood

Budget- $330,000 for cast + $645,000 for production = $975,000 total

Duration - 1 hour, 45 minutes



Imagi-Nation Productions began their career with a bit of a bizarre movie. Cinemania starring Will Farrell and Better White. The story starts off funny enough before entering the world of bizarre. When Farrell and his partner in crime John C. Reilly travel to another world they are met by Betty White, who is a sort of God. From there things go from weird to just ridiculous as the duo fight for their lives even though they discover early on they can't die. The story sort of dragged along in the middle, but ended nicely enough with The Rock dying and the two friends wondering if it was all just a dream.


Bottom Line: Not a completely horrible film, but far from setting themselves apart from their competitors.


Rating: 2 out of 5 stars


Revenue: 800,000 dollars




Will Farrell and Betty White play off each other extremely well and will get a bonus when appearing in other films together.


Imagi-Nation Productions now has a balance of 1,400,000 dollars

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Revenant Productions


Lead Actress – Sandra Bullock 70,000

Lead Actor – David Tennant - 50,000

Supporting Actor – Brad Dourif - 40,000

Supporting Actor – Timothy Olyphant - 30,000

Director – Duncan Jones - 50,000

Genre – Sci-Fi/Horror


Plot- Set in the future the Kuhlvult Corporation is one of the galaxies largest multi-purpose manufacturing organizations. Specializing in war-time manufacturing the corporation has also expanded into mining operations and domestic manufacturing as well. The company has invested a tremendous amount of time and money in setting up a mining facility on the planet simply known as LN-854, as the large caves located on the planet contain large quantities of one of the galaxies most sought after types of ore.


Each attempt to set up these mining colonies has ended in disaster. The planet is devoid of all but one species of sentient life, small pink and orange caterpillar-like organisms. Although they appear harmless these organisms are parasitic in nature, usually boring into all plant life on the planet. Once attached these “caterpillar” release a toxin which stimulates growth in the plants while they feed off of the plants vital nutrients. This toxin while beneficial in plants appears to cause serious neuropathological problems within human beings, often resulting in violent mood swings, disorientation, and uncontrolled rage. Naturally, the heads of the Kuhlvult Corporation would love to get their hands on these organisms in order to develop what would be a powerful chemical weapon. And so, they have sent in recovery team, headed by corporate stooge John Halloway (Dourif) to “investigate” the facilities disaster and more importantly obtain a live organism for scientific purposes.


Enter, Morena Reynolds (Bullock) a brilliant scientist and researcher for the corporation who hasn’t actually worked in over a year. You see, Reynolds was a single mother, but the loss of her daughter sent her life into a downward spiral. With bereavement time over she has returned to work but elected to take the first assignment that would take her off planet in an attempt to get as far away from home as possible. She along with her close friend and colleague Bill Tomasi (Tennant) and various other members of the recovery team, including the capable head of security Laurence Jackson (Olyphant) believe they are to determine the cause of the outbreaks of violence on LN-854.


Upon arriving on the planet they find the facility in complete destruction, however, there is an outstanding discovery made within the facilities laboratories. Contained within an incubator is a small pink and orange caterpillar. The scientists, led by Reynolds, study the creature and examine the previous occupants findings. Halloway knows it’s only a matter of time before they determine the threat these creatures pose to humans and uncover the real purpose of the recovery mission. In an attempt to subvert the scientists efforts he infects Reynolds with the parasitic caterpillar.


Throughout the rest of the movie we watch Morena Reynolds desent into madness and a murderous rampage, aided by visions of her deceased daughter, and the attempts of Tomasi and Jackson to uncover the corporations true interest in the planet and their escape to expose this truth.


Location – Hollywood, Backlot

Length – 105 mins.

Budget - $500,000 + (whatever the cast and director costs, since they aren't on the list)


Having never been a fan of the Sci-Fi genre I was dreading having to sit through this movie to review it. Having said that Revenant Productions has made me a fan of the genre again. Their box office smash "Host" is a roller coaster of emotions that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Sandra Bullock captures your heart with her performance as a mother grief stricken by the loss of her daughter. Then steals the show as you watch her descend into madness. If you are still a skeptic of the show, just watching the characters get fleshed out as the movie progresses should be enough to make you a believer. By the end of the movie you feel like you know everyone in the movie and you have a deep bond with most.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5


Revenue: 5,000,000



Sandra Bullock has become a Mega Star and now wants 150,000 per movie.

Sci-Fi movies are now in high demand and will be a huge increase in Revenue is pulled off successfully.




Revenant Productions now has a bank balance of 5,260,000

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That's all for the night kiddies, if I didn't get your movie reviewed I'm truely sorry hopefully either myself or my sidekick can get it reviewed first thing in the morning.


A few notes:

If you can would you please post your beginning balance when posting a movie, this makes it a bit easier for me when determining your ending balance.


How do people feel about starting off the day and claiming a cast for a movie then having them "locked in" for the day so no one else can have them?


I'm in the process of putting together a program that will store everyone's info in a database, that should make things a lot smoother on my end as far as the admin stuff goes.


Hope everyone is having fun, and no one takes the reviews personally, it's all for fun.

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Okay mad I am not going to do a movie right now but I thought I would give you a list to flesh out the acting list:




Abe Vigoda

John Travolta (Didn't see his name yet)

Ed Asner

Josh Brolin

Paul Walker

Vin Diesel




Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Scarlett Johansson (Didn't see her up there.)

Candace Accola (What I was just watching the Vampire Diaries.:D)

Penelope Cruz

Kerry Washington

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<p>Studio- Burning Pegasus Productions</p><p> </p><p>

Title- Future Soldier - The Hero of Tomorrow </p><p>

Lead Actor- Shia LeBouf (75,000)</p><p>

Lead Actress- Sophia Bush (30,000)</p><p>

Lead Actor- Paul Johanson (45,000)</p><p>

Director- Joss Whedon (125,000)</p><p>

Genre- Science Fiction</p><p>

Plot: (gonna split this up two ways. The first is a commercial, the second is the overall plot. )</p><p> </p><p>

(Cue Shia LeBeauf's voice)</p><p>

The year is 2039, for the past decade a race of alien warrior's have enslaved the inhabitants of planet earth. With devastating weapons that can level cities in the blink of an eye, it seemed we were all but some property to the ruthless, relentless monsters. Except for one thing... the underground resistance... it consisted of a very tiny army... if you could call it that. There's less than 200 of us, the most elite trained soldiers on earth... but even we couldn't defeat them... that is however, until war veteran John Pontiac(Paul Johanson) managed to blow up a colony of the aliens, and secured it. My name is Jarod West. Now... for everyone on the planet, I am undergoing a surgery to imbue myself with technology that we have been working on for years, as well as the alien technology. I am Earth's last hope. I must not fail. </p><p>

*cue explosion*</p><p>

Suddenly the ground opens up, the alien soldiers pour in destroying everything in sight, leaving slaughtered bodies everywhere.</p><p>

Jarod wakes up from the surgery, a beam sword glowing from the right arm of a big camouflage battle suit moves extremely fast. Suddenly half the aliens are on the ground. Dead. Heads rolling everywhere.</p><p>

"Finally... the equalizer has come."</p><p>


The scene starts off with a look at New York from the sky, glimpses of destroy monuments, almost nothing on the ground aside from rubble and craters. The camera goes downwards to a crack in the ground, and suddenly zooms deeper and deeper, revealing what looks to be an underground fortress with a fairy small army. Jarod is talking to a woman, who is revealed to be his wife, Cassanda (Sophia Bush) </p><p>

they argue about Jarod's mission, Cassandra begging him not to take the surgery and to let someone else take it. She told him she was pregnant and that she couldn't have a fatherless child... not in this world. </p><p>

Just then Pontiac(Johannson) enters with a weird container. He explains that he blew up a nearby alien colony and retrieved some technology that would make his armor surgery even more powerful against the aliens. Cassanda makes Pontiac leave the room as an argument ensues, leading to Jarod pushing her down and screaming "IM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN DO THIS YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND." After some words with a "surgeon" Jarod is put down to rest as his body is slowly mutilated, replaced with mechanical parts. As the finishing touches are being made the ground opens up as a squad of aliens pour into the room, destroying everyone in site, unnoticed by anyone one of the aliens escapes with Cassandra, just as Jarod begins to wake up. Within an instant a red blade glows from his arm and faster than a blink of an eye the aliens are dead. </p><p>

Jarod looks around, and begins screaming "WHERE IS CASSANDRA!?!" </p><p>

Pontiac speaks. "It was a reaver... it got her."</p><p>

After a brief conversation, Jarod pursues the aliens against Pontiac's wishes, which oddly enough leaves a kinda smile on Pontiac's face. </p><p>

When Jarod gets out from the underground there are thousands of aliens attacking from all directions, which of course leads to the battle suits features being shown off, from a laser to collects energy from the sun, to bursts of white light that incinerate the aliens on contacts, to a torture device that seemingly destroys their bodies abilities to move, but leaves them in tremendous pain, as signified by their screams. Jarod mentions something that the suit can do more, but he doesn't want to reveal it just yet, suspecting the satellites are pointed right at him. </p><p> </p><p>

As Jarod flies deep into the sky, past the clouds a giant metallic fortress comes nearer and nearer, a port opens on the side... and nothing comes out. Jarod cautiously flies in. Nothing. He enters a room and sees on a monitor Cassandra, bound down, apparently being electrocuted. The screams echoing loud from the monitor, doors to the sides suddenly open as massive horde of aliens pour in. Accompanied by screams of anger, Jarod begins sending volleys as blasts incinerating the aliens all to quickly. </p><p>

"Don't move again."</p><p>

At the familiar voice Jarod cant help but turn around.</p><p>


Pontiac is standing there in much bigger armor than Jarod's and a battle ensues, back and forth, the ship being destroyed from the inside out. As soon as Jarod starts to get the upper hand, his armor starts breaking off... but not all the way. This leads to a very confused Pontiac asking why hes not dying, leading to an unraveling series of events where Jarod tells Pontiac they always knew he was working with the aliens, and knew that the only reason the small group of them were safe was because Pontiac wanted to nail Cassandra. He further explains that they thought he would try a bastard tactic like one, so they installed a sort-of evener to that. Suddenly Pontiac's helmet popped off, a loud pop is heard as his boiling blood floats around the room. After grabbing a wall and melding it to close the hole to outer space, he searches inside the fortress, unable to find answers as to where Cassandra is, as he's about to give up, he rips another wall off in frustration, which is exactly where Cassandra is... surrounded by massive aliens. Having to be careful on what weapons to use, due to Cassandra being helpless, his beam sword being quite useless, he is left with one option. The torture device...He activates it, revealing that it's a noise based weapon, and the hollowness from the destruction of the ships innards make it echo for a long time. He feels so horrible, knowing what he's putting Cassandra through but it works as the aliens are practically crippled. He puts the helmet on her head, and wraps her nude body in a sheet of odd metallic cloth, which seems to mold around her body, as Jarod flies her out of the ship, into one of the small pods that litter the bottom of the alien fortress... not sure how to launch it, he punches it with all his might, breaking it off the giant ship, his hand shattering in the process. He then performs a liu-kang style bicycle kick which sends Cassandra's pod plummeting to earth, he watches as the ship plummets down, giving him hope that Cassandra would be okay. Suddenly the giant aliens pull Jarod back into the ship, screams of pain being heard as the movie cuts to the credits.</p><p> </p><p>

The fans who waited till after the credits saw a scene where Cassandra crawls out of the ship and begins birthing a seemingly alien baby.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Location: (New York for some scenes, however, mostly shot on greenscreens/prop rooms)</p><p>

Budget: 2 Million(Talent: $375,000, Production: 1,625,000)</p><p>

Remaining: .5 Million</p><p>

Duration: 82 minutes</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Rumor Mill:</p><p>

It is said that Johanson got the role because of how convincing a villain he played on tv show One Tree Hill</p><p>

Sophia Bush presumably got the role due to Burning Pegasus to be happy with her performance in His Own Messiah.</p><p>

Pending the success of this film, it is noted by several reliable sources, that The Future Soldier is seen as a possibly franchise, in which they feel they may be able to build their company upon. </p><p>

And the final rumor: The studio originally had planned for Jensen Ackles to receive the role that Shia LeBeuf filled, but due to his less-than-memorable performance in InterDate he wasn't given the role.</p><p> </p><p>

Explanation: </p><p>

The reason why Jarod didn't die when he was in space: When his arms were detached he had the same metallic cloth under the weapon arms. </p><p>

The Blade: Only the parts directly attached to the armor were removed with his armor. It was a really big blade. </p><p>

Why space never killed him, even towards the end: As stated towards the beginning the surgeon mutilated his body. He was more machine than man at this point anyways. The only part that was genetically him was his brain.</p>

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dubbsie Films</span></p><p>

<strong>Title- Into the Mine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Lead Actor</strong>- Joseph Gordon Levitt</p><p>

<strong>Lead Actress</strong>- Alexis Bledel</p><p>

<strong>Supporting Actor</strong>- Steve Buscemi</p><p>

<strong><strong>Supporting Actor #2</strong></strong> - Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson</p><p>

<strong>Supporting Actress</strong>- N/A</p><p>

<strong>Director </strong>- David Lynch</p><p>

<strong>Genre</strong>- Drama/Thriller</p><p>

Plot- Set in unexplained dystopian setting, AWOL soldier Warren Roberts (Joseph Gordon Levitt) arrives at the Gypsum mine near the remanants of Carson City, Nevada seeking vengeance for the brutal killing of his wife Alyssa (Alexis Bledel), whom he suspects was killed by infamous ruffian Ty Rhodes, who is currently laying low as a miner. Roberts, having never seen Ty Rhodes, has opted to take a position in the mine, while he tries to figure out which of his new coworkers is responsible for his wife's death. Warren, a recent military school graduate, is largely unprepared for the reality of the unnature mines near Carson city. <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Into the Mine</span> highlights Warren's simultaneous descent into the mine and madness, as the conditions of the mine, the loss and memories of his wife, and the taunting of mine boss "Brick" (played by Dwayne Johnson) begin to twist his perceptions of reality. </p><p> </p><p>

Miserable in the mine, Warren's memories of his wife turn to haunted visions, and Alyssa begins to appear before him in a series of visions. As his grasp of reality grows weaker, Warren is soon unable to distinguish between the memories of his wife, fantasies of his wife, and reality. Her appearance affects Warren's work and creates a host of dangerous situations, which earn Warren the scorn of the other miners and a horrific beating by Brick. Warren's only friend in the mine is the talkative tunnel man Holden Path (Steve Bescemi), who seems intent on learning everything he can about the young AWOL officer.</p><p> </p><p>

The narrative of the film is intended to lead the audience to believe that Brick is the killer of Warren's wife (through the use of the conflict between Brick and Warren, the flashbacks and visions that Warren has of Alyssa, and the rumors that Warren hears from the other miners (especially Holden)). Towards the climax, as Warren becomes convinced that Brick killed his wife, Warren and Holden device a plan to trap Brick and kill him (as he's simply too big and too strong to confront face to face). It's at this point that Holden springs the trap on Warren, revealing that he actually killed his wife. Holden takes his time and describes the act (in all of its horrible detail), which gives Warren enough time to slip free and kill him with a rock. </p><p> </p><p>

All is not done for Warren, however, as the film ends with Brick using a beat-up satellite phone to contact the military to the inform them that he thinks one of their AWOL junior officers is in his mine. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Into the Mine</span> is a gritty, R-rated film that makes use of dark scenes, harsh language, and old school special effects. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Location</strong>- Filmed in the US (in a mine in the New Mexico)</p><p>

<strong>Budget</strong>- 290,000 (cast & crew) + 500,000 (production) = 790,000</p><p>

<strong>Duration </strong>- 106 minutes</p><p> </p><p>

Prices and budgets are just estimates. First film, so had no idea what I was able to start with. Please feel free to correct.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheLeviticalLawKid3" data-cite="TheLeviticalLawKid3" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ascending Number Productions gambled a bit with <em>Rubik's Cube</em>, drawing off of the underground success of a very underrated <em>Interview: Death Row</em>. <p> </p><p> It was a knockout punch.</p><p> </p><p> Seriously, one of the best movies we've seen so far this box office year, bar none. Tom Hardy excelled as hotshot boxer Robert Richardson, and Eva Longoria's performance as the selfish girlfriend was perfect. Add that to a delightfully eerie Zooey Deschanel, and you've got a gripping drama on your hands.</p><p> </p><p> The cube itself is used in many flashbacks and transitions in the film, a great move by Ascending Number. The electricity of the crowd and the stinging emotion throughout makes this movie one to watch in theaters. Sorry, but your living room won't be able to match that same intensity in a few months.</p><p> </p><p> The only negative this reviewer can point out in this movie is the action side of things. The actual boxing didn't quite come out as good as the production company might have hoped, but it still is a solid part of the movie.</p><p> </p><p> Bottom Line: Beautiful acting goes hand-in-hand with an emotional story, hiding the average and less-detailed action scenes. Combine that with a chilling ending that will be stuck in your mind for weeks. The first smash hit of the year.</p><p> </p><p> Revenue: $6.8 Million</p><p> </p><p> 4.5 out of 5 Stars</p><p> </p><p> Effects:</p><p> - The explosive success of this movie will cause it to be the measuring stick against all dramas. Dramas will become more popular, but the ultimate risk/reward. If you can match this success, it will pay off big-time. But the slightest drop down can end up blowing a hole in your bank.</p><p> </p><p> - Tom Hardy now asks for $50,000.</p><p> </p><p> - 50 Cent is taking a few months off from his busy acting career, will be back to making movies a little later on down the road.</p><p> </p><p> - Zooey Deschanel's performance spikes her performance and her salary, which is now $45,000.</p><p> </p><p> - Eva Longoria is HOT, causing every male to watch this movie to melt in their seats. DVD sales will be monumental.</p><p> </p><p> - Great advertising on ESPN and the use of the Pacquiao/Moseley crowd makes sports-related movies get a great increase in popularity.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ascending Number Productions </strong>now has a whopping <strong>$8.4 Million</strong> in the bank.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well I wasn't expecting that <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />. I mean I was happy with the story I crafted, but wasn't expecting a hit like that. But now all I will be able to think about in my mock-exam today is what should my next film be <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mad5226" data-cite="mad5226" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> How do people feel about starting off the day and claiming a cast for a movie then having them "locked in" for the day so no one else can have them?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That was one of my thoughts that could be added to my previous suggestion. Each weekday (Monday through Thursday, the days where we can submit films) represents 1 filming period, so each day the actor can only be used once (or maybe allow two supporting roles).</p><p> </p><p> On the current set of rules I would say let each actor only be in one film submitted for review at a time.</p>
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<p>Studio - Better in than out productions</p><p> </p><p>

Budget - 500,000</p><p> </p><p>

Title- Apocalypse Jones</p><p>

Lead Actor- Will Smith</p><p>

Lead Actress- Kristen Bell</p><p>

Supporting Actor- Christopher Walken, Rampage Jackson</p><p>

Supporting Actress- </p><p>

Director - Danny Boyle</p><p>

Genre- Drama/sci fi-ish</p><p> </p><p>

Plot- Will Smith plays Desmond Harris, a man who has lost it all, his wife and family died in a bizarre incident called The Flash, where simply millions of people disapeared, he struggles along with the rest of the world to keep going until he meets Apocalypse Jones (Walken) and his daughter Maria(Bell)</p><p> </p><p>

Jones is a doomsayer, stating the end of the world is in Californa, Harris decides to pack up his things and witness the end of the world, Jones decides to join him with his daughter and ex-military Reece Younger(Jackson) </p><p> </p><p>

The 2,413 mile trip New York to Californa is met with Cannibals and hunters and crazies, and Apocalypse Jones starts to ramble more and more saying that the end will come, Maria and Harris start to fall in love, Jones is aware of this and is not happy, Jones guesses Harris lost his family in the flash as did he, eventually Jones apocalyptic rambling gets to them all, and Younger and Jones have a face off, and we reveal Jones witnessed it himself, and he himself was Flashed and taken to Californa, where he escaped along with his daughter</p><p> </p><p>

they get to Californa, and there is nothing there no cannibals, nothing, Younger moves ahead, and Harris just stares into the distance, not believing he has travelled all this way for nothing...he leaves Jones and Maria, and he wonders off, preparing to kill himself</p><p> </p><p>

Younger questions Jones actions, Jones breaks down saying that when the flash hit Californa everyone disappeared except him and his daughter, he didn't know what to do so he travelled to New York, and became what he is, an Apocalyptic Rambler, nobody not even the scavengers will enter Californa because so many people were flashed</p><p> </p><p>

Maria and Harris have one last encounter that ends with Harris will never love her because he is still not over his family,and Younger starts beating down Jones, Harris and Younger then fight, leaving Younger a bloody mess and dying after being shot by Harris, who also has bad wounds walks off and he sees his family one last time saying that they are okay and the Flash transported them to a new world, Jones and Co also see this and a ship lands behind them, the doors open, welcoming them to go aboard, Harris dies knowing his family are okay, Jones can't believe it and just stands still, and Maria enters the ship, Younger looks on finally dying of his injuries, leaving Jones all alone again </p><p> </p><p>

Location- New York, first half of film, then mostly desert including Californa </p><p> </p><p>

Budget- 325,000 spent on Director and Actors, 150,000 on production</p><p> </p><p>

Duration - 110 mins</p><p> </p><p>

Notes - while there is a little action, the whole thing is more about the characters dealing with the situation rather than what caused it all </p><p> </p><p>

- this is my make or break film, as my spoof film bombed</p>

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<p>Just a quick note as of now we aren't doing the calling of actors" just yet I'm just brainstorming and trying to get a feel for what everyone wants.</p><p> </p><p>

I'll be back in like an hour and I'll add all the new actors and such into the database at that time</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mad5226" data-cite="mad5226" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This movie was a disaster of epic proportions. Not only was the story just plain bad, but the performance of everyone involved seemed forced and unnatural. The only bright spot for this film was the ending credits. <p> </p><p> .5 out of 5 Stars</p><p> </p><p> Revenue: 200,000 dollars.</p><p> </p><p> Effects:</p><p> </p><p> The popularity of everyone involved took a hit.</p><p> It was reported that Lindsay Lohan was "high" during most of the shooting. As a result she will be required to pass a drug test before each movie she does. This will add 5,000 to the production cost as well as give a greater chance of a bad performance. </p><p> </p><p> Derek B now has a budget of 400,000 dollars.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah!!!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moon_lit_tears" data-cite="moon_lit_tears" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You guys have way to much time on your hands. <p> </p><p> I so want to have a try at this. I will see if I can come up with something I like, but keep it up this is pretty funny.</p><p> </p><p> Haha@Derek not even getting a full star. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"> I'm just glad that I hopefully ruined Russell Brand's career, is worth the $600,000 it cost if I get to do that. Everyone else should be able to handle the hit, so hopefully I didn't ruin them too much. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Maybe I should make an effort with my next one... based loosely on a dream I once had that amazed me at the time.</p><p> </p><p> ------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Studio - Borderline Productions</strong> (Balance $400,000)</p><p> </p><p> Title - The Greeting</p><p> Lead Actor - <strong>Kit Harington</strong> (from TV series Game Of Thrones, awaiting a price tag since I think he might get more than 10,000 now)</p><p> Lead Actress - <strong>Zoe Lister</strong> (from TV series Hollyoaks, presumably a $10,000 price tag for being pretty much unknown)</p><p> *note: these are the only 2 people we see in the entire movie</p><p> Director - Paul WS Anderson - 75,000</p><p> Genre - Arthouse </p><p> </p><p> Plot - The film begins with Theo Bryden (Kit Harrington) waking up sharply as Katy Harkness (Zoe Lister) greets him and brings Theo's mail to him in his bedroom, revealing them to be fanmail from fans who like to keep in touch with their favourite actor. Theo and Katy stay close without, kissing and hugging constantly as they talk about what they are going to do next in their acting careers, with rapidly cutting flashes to images of their potential ideas before eventually their happy day comes to an end as they put themselves to bed.</p><p> </p><p> But sleep is in stark contrast to the day, with Theo's nightmares unable to change the scens as he did during the day, and the darker side of his imagination coming out as he envisions a lengthy sequence of terrifying things happening in the bedroom (thanks to the director's previous experience with zombies and the like)</p><p> </p><p> When he awakes, Katy greets him once again with her cheerful spirit, clearly unharmed from Theo's dreams. As would become a pattern for the rest of the film, they move to a new room to help them think of ideas over the course of which it's revealed that the reason they are in this house is because Theo has been suffering from a mental breakdown, unable to deal with the pressure of fame and needing time apart from everyone else. And after each day the darkness of his dreams gets stronger and longer... with the breaking points always coming as Katy wakes him up in the morning with her comforting greeting and the constant love she seems to have for him.</p><p> </p><p> Things take a darker turn when in his dark dreams Theo works out that the fanmail he is being brought to him each day is from the same few people and arrives impossibly quickly in response to his replies... from there he develops increasing levels of paranoia, and it begins to leak out from the darkness of his mind and into the every day ideas he and Katy are working on... while some of Katy's light seeps the other way into his dreams...</p><p> </p><p> When they finally run out of rooms, Katy suggests a picnic in the gardens to help get more ideas but the world has become a confusing place for Theo, unsure of what he feels. The picnic seems to go well, despite the dark ideas flooding into Theo's mind even when they shouldn't be and when the weather suddenly takes a turn for the worse and a storm is unleashed on them, things go horribly wrong. Believing himself to be stuck in the darkness of his own mind, Theo lashes out at Katy, savagely beating her until the rains stop almost as suddenly as they began... her last words are her usual greeting, something she never says in the dreams, leaving Theo distraught in the gardens in the movie's emotional climax.</p><p> </p><p> (wow, that sounds terrible in this form but in my head it feels better. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png">)</p><p> </p><p> Location - The grounds of an English manor house, somewhere in Kent</p><p> </p><p> Budget - 400,000 (ie: everything we've got <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png">)</p><p> Duration - 104 minutes</p><p> </p><p> -------------</p><p> </p><p> Since this is taking off, it would probably be handy to alphabetise the lists of people for ease of finding them. I woulda suggested doing it by price but since that's gonna vary all the time it wouldn't be easier at all. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Linsolv" data-cite="Linsolv" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Title-</strong> Haydn<p> <strong>Lead Actor-</strong> Steve Buschemi (45,000)</p><p> <strong>Lead Actress-</strong> Natalie Portman (75,000)</p><p> <strong>Director-</strong> David Lynch (115,000)</p><p> <strong>Genre-</strong> Drama?</p><p> <strong>Plot-</strong> Franz Weber (Steve Buschemi) is a wrung-out concert pianist, and despite living relatively well off his family's wealth, he has a deep-set ennui. Portman's character (who remains nameless throughout the film) attends one of his concerts, and he begins to form a friendship with her as the film goes on, and thanks to his new-found friendship his music improves enough to garner him some new-found success.</p><p> </p><p> However, after they have grown to be good friends, she makes a pass at him in fun while they're out having a drink and he finds himself unpleased with the idea, which gnaws at him day and night. Eventually he decides to bid her farewell and the protagonist returns to the way he was before the film began.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Location-</strong> US, Boston, maybe?</p><p> <strong>Budget-</strong> ~4.5 million</p><p> <strong>Duration-</strong> 100 Minutes (1 hr. 40 min.)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Um...do you have mafia ties, or just a lot more money than everyone else? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Fix the budget for me and I'll post the review.</p>
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<p><strong>TheoryX Productions</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Title- Arms Dealers</p><p>

Lead Actor- Shia LeBouf (75,000)</p><p>

Lead Actress- n/a</p><p>

Supporting Actor- Aaron Johnson (30,000), Ed Asnar (40,000)</p><p>

Supporting Actress- Candace Accola (30,000)</p><p>

Director – David Fincher (150,000)</p><p>


Plot- The year is 2007, after six years of fighting in the Middle East, Al Qaeda remain a menace in Afghanistan, the Taliban are resurgent, and American casualties in the wat are rising. For the current administration, the ammunition contract was part of a final, desperate effort to turn the war around in time for the upcoming presidential election. </p><p> </p><p>

Working with nothing but an Internet connection, two cell phones and a steady supply of weed, the two friends David (Shia Lebouf) and Edward (Aaron Johnson) in their early twenties — one with nothing more than a few college credits, the other a high school dropout —created a company which sold old Soviet arms and ammunition through the Pentagon to local armies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in doing so beat out the traditional arms giants to secure a $300 million arms contract. With a single deal, the two young stoners had turned themselves into the least likely merchants of death in history.</p><p> </p><p>

The contract opened up a whole new world to David and Edward. They now had more money than they could even have dreamed of in the past. They enjoyed the highlife for a number of months, attending high end parties and events where they meet Melissa (Candace Accola), who is very interested in their contract. However, they soon hit trouble. A breakdown of communications between the US and Russia, where David and Edward’s arms shipments stopped to refuel, led to one of the arms shipments being seized by the Russian army. The shipment contained millions of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition, and was costing David and Edward over $100,000 per day it stayed in Russia.</p><p> </p><p>

Desperate negotiations ensue between the Pentagon, the Russian administration and a half-baked David. It is made clear that these negotiations were vital to the success of the US activity in the Middle East, during which shots are shown of a grounded plane in a cold Russian airport. After three weeks of desperate negotiating, placing immense strain on the two young potheads in charge of the shipment, who are shown to become more and more desperate and irrational as negotiations drag on. The film ends with a scene in the pentagon, with the defence secretary (Ed Asnar) announcing the success of negotiations with Russia. The shot shifts to the Russian airport where the plane is shown taking off, while the speech from the pentagon continues as a voice over.</p><p> </p><p>

Location- US (Russian scenes would be filmed in studio in US) </p><p>

Budget- 325,000 (actors + director) + 475,000 production = 800,000</p><p>

Duration – 1 hour 40</p>

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<p>Wow, we already have our first few "all or nothing" type films.</p><p> </p><p>

And Ascending Numbers production is trying to work out a new film, resisting the urge to rush out a prequel/sequel to one of their previous films. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1234" data-cite="1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow, we already have our first few "all or nothing" type films.<p> </p><p> And Ascending Numbers production is trying to work out a new film, resisting the urge to rush out a prequel/sequel to one of their previous films. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I kinda have to be all or nothing after my film was so awesome that it'll be sweeping our equivalent of the Razzies this year/season. And if the second movie flops too then I guess I'll be retiring and setting up a new studio that might be better able to implement my artistic vision. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheOmniWarrior" data-cite="TheOmniWarrior" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Studio- Burning Pegasus Productions<p> </p><p> Title- Future Soldier - The Hero of Tomorrow </p><p> Lead Actor- Shia LeBouf (75,000)</p><p> Lead Actress- Sophia Bush (30,000)</p><p> Lead Actor- Paul Johanson (45,000)</p><p> Director- Joss Whedon (125,000)</p><p> Genre- Science Fiction</p><p> Plot: (gonna split this up two ways. The first is a commercial, the second is the overall plot. )</p><p> </p><p> (Cue Shia LeBeauf's voice)</p><p> The year is 2039, for the past decade a race of alien warrior's have enslaved the inhabitants of planet earth. With devastating weapons that can level cities in the blink of an eye, it seemed we were all but some property to the ruthless, relentless monsters. Except for one thing... the underground resistance... it consisted of a very tiny army... if you could call it that. There's less than 200 of us, the most elite trained soldiers on earth... but even we couldn't defeat them... that is however, until war veteran John Pontiac(Paul Johanson) managed to blow up a colony of the aliens, and secured it. My name is Jarod West. Now... for everyone on the planet, I am undergoing a surgery to imbue myself with technology that we have been working on for years, as well as the alien technology. I am Earth's last hope. I must not fail. </p><p> *cue explosion*</p><p> Suddenly the ground opens up, the alien soldiers pour in destroying everything in sight, leaving slaughtered bodies everywhere.</p><p> Jarod wakes up from the surgery, a beam sword glowing from the right arm of a big camouflage battle suit moves extremely fast. Suddenly half the aliens are on the ground. Dead. Heads rolling everywhere.</p><p> "Finally... the equalizer has come."</p><p> ------------------------------------------------</p><p> The scene starts off with a look at New York from the sky, glimpses of destroy monuments, almost nothing on the ground aside from rubble and craters. The camera goes downwards to a crack in the ground, and suddenly zooms deeper and deeper, revealing what looks to be an underground fortress with a fairy small army. Jarod is talking to a woman, who is revealed to be his wife, Cassanda (Sophia Bush) </p><p> they argue about Jarod's mission, Cassandra begging him not to take the surgery and to let someone else take it. She told him she was pregnant and that she couldn't have a fatherless child... not in this world. </p><p> Just then Pontiac(Johannson) enters with a weird container. He explains that he blew up a nearby alien colony and retrieved some technology that would make his armor surgery even more powerful against the aliens. Cassanda makes Pontiac leave the room as an argument ensues, leading to Jarod pushing her down and screaming "IM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN DO THIS YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND." After some words with a "surgeon" Jarod is put down to rest as his body is slowly mutilated, replaced with mechanical parts. As the finishing touches are being made the ground opens up as a squad of aliens pour into the room, destroying everyone in site, unnoticed by anyone one of the aliens escapes with Cassandra, just as Jarod begins to wake up. Within an instant a red blade glows from his arm and faster than a blink of an eye the aliens are dead. </p><p> Jarod looks around, and begins screaming "WHERE IS CASSANDRA!?!" </p><p> Pontiac speaks. "It was a reaver... it got her."</p><p> After a brief conversation, Jarod pursues the aliens against Pontiac's wishes, which oddly enough leaves a kinda smile on Pontiac's face. </p><p> When Jarod gets out from the underground there are thousands of aliens attacking from all directions, which of course leads to the battle suits features being shown off, from a laser to collects energy from the sun, to bursts of white light that incinerate the aliens on contacts, to a torture device that seemingly destroys their bodies abilities to move, but leaves them in tremendous pain, as signified by their screams. Jarod mentions something that the suit can do more, but he doesn't want to reveal it just yet, suspecting the satellites are pointed right at him. </p><p> </p><p> As Jarod flies deep into the sky, past the clouds a giant metallic fortress comes nearer and nearer, a port opens on the side... and nothing comes out. Jarod cautiously flies in. Nothing. He enters a room and sees on a monitor Cassandra, bound down, apparently being electrocuted. The screams echoing loud from the monitor, doors to the sides suddenly open as massive horde of aliens pour in. Accompanied by screams of anger, Jarod begins sending volleys as blasts incinerating the aliens all to quickly. </p><p> "Don't move again."</p><p> At the familiar voice Jarod cant help but turn around.</p><p> Pontiac.</p><p> Pontiac is standing there in much bigger armor than Jarod's and a battle ensues, back and forth, the ship being destroyed from the inside out. As soon as Jarod starts to get the upper hand, his armor starts breaking off... but not all the way. This leads to a very confused Pontiac asking why hes not dying, leading to an unraveling series of events where Jarod tells Pontiac they always knew he was working with the aliens, and knew that the only reason the small group of them were safe was because Pontiac wanted to nail Cassandra. He further explains that they thought he would try a bastard tactic like one, so they installed a sort-of evener to that. Suddenly Pontiac's helmet popped off, a loud pop is heard as his boiling blood floats around the room. After grabbing a wall and melding it to close the hole to outer space, he searches inside the fortress, unable to find answers as to where Cassandra is, as he's about to give up, he rips another wall off in frustration, which is exactly where Cassandra is... surrounded by massive aliens. Having to be careful on what weapons to use, due to Cassandra being helpless, his beam sword being quite useless, he is left with one option. The torture device...He activates it, revealing that it's a noise based weapon, and the hollowness from the destruction of the ships innards make it echo for a long time. He feels so horrible, knowing what he's putting Cassandra through but it works as the aliens are practically crippled. He puts the helmet on her head, and wraps her nude body in a sheet of odd metallic cloth, which seems to mold around her body, as Jarod flies her out of the ship, into one of the small pods that litter the bottom of the alien fortress... not sure how to launch it, he punches it with all his might, breaking it off the giant ship, his hand shattering in the process. He then performs a liu-kang style bicycle kick which sends Cassandra's pod plummeting to earth, he watches as the ship plummets down, giving him hope that Cassandra would be okay. Suddenly the giant aliens pull Jarod back into the ship, screams of pain being heard as the movie cuts to the credits.</p><p> </p><p> The fans who waited till after the credits saw a scene where Cassandra crawls out of the ship and begins birthing a seemingly alien baby.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Location: (New York for some scenes, however, mostly shot on greenscreens/prop rooms)</p><p> Budget: 2 Million(Talent: $375,000, Production: 1,625,000)</p><p> Remaining: .5 Million</p><p> Duration: 82 minutes</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Rumor Mill:</p><p> It is said that Johanson got the role because of how convincing a villain he played on tv show One Tree Hill</p><p> Sophia Bush presumably got the role due to Burning Pegasus to be happy with her performance in His Own Messiah.</p><p> Pending the success of this film, it is noted by several reliable sources, that The Future Soldier is seen as a possibly franchise, in which they feel they may be able to build their company upon. </p><p> And the final rumor: The studio originally had planned for Jensen Ackles to receive the role that Shia LeBeuf filled, but due to his less-than-memorable performance in InterDate he wasn't given the role.</p><p> </p><p> Explanation: </p><p> The reason why Jarod didn't die when he was in space: When his arms were detached he had the same metallic cloth under the weapon arms. </p><p> The Blade: Only the parts directly attached to the armor were removed with his armor. It was a really big blade. </p><p> Why space never killed him, even towards the end: As stated towards the beginning the surgeon mutilated his body. He was more machine than man at this point anyways. The only part that was genetically him was his brain.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Burning Pegasus has decided to try and cash in on the recent cash cow that is the Sci-Fi genre. After their recent flop for a film, InterDate, I wasn’t expecting very much from the company. The story itself started off pretty awesome however with an awesome explosion followed by slaughtered bodies everywhere. Sophia Bush shows a nice range of emotion throughout the film and is always worthy of a mention. As the plot starts to unfold we learn Jarod, played by Shia LeBouf, undergoes some type of operation that leaves him half robot and a complete badass. As the movie draws to a close we see a great twist in the film when Pontiac, played by Paul Johanson, a friend of Jarod is revealed as the mastermind behind the aliens kidnapping Jarod’s girlfriend, played by Sophia Bush. This is the point in the movie where things get weird. Pontiac admits to having Bush kidnapped for the sole purpose of wanting to sleep with her. And if that isn’t enough the movie ends Bush’s character is seen birthing an alien child, which has this critic thinking that Pontiac got his wish.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars</p><p> </p><p> Revenue: 2,500,000</p><p> </p><p> Effects:</p><p> This movie saw an increase in revenue do to the genre </p><p> This movie's overall rating was hurt do to not living up to "Host"</p><p> Sophia Bush now wants 50,000 per movie</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Burning Pegasus Productions now has a bank balance of 3,000,000</p>
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<p>Ok... Im game</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Title-</strong> The Ruin</p><p>

<strong>Lead Actor-</strong> Eric Bana ($25,000 ish)</p><p>

<strong>Lead Actress-</strong> Kaley Cuoco ($40,000)</p><p>

<strong>Supporting Actor-</strong> Josh Brolin (30,000)</p><p>

<strong>Director -</strong> Danny Boyle ($125,000)</p><p>

<strong>Genre-</strong> Drama</p><p>

<strong>Plot-</strong> The year is 2081 and humanity's greed and thirst for war has reduced Earth to a smoldering wasteland. Its been 20 years since the fighting stopped which was only due to lack of manpower and supplies. Thick plumes of smoke block out most of the light and now nothing grows anywhere. Daniel (Eric Bana) is tasked by the village leader (Josh Brolin) to find some food and along the way stumbles across Rona (Kaley Cuoco) laying wounded in the wasteland. Initially hesitant to help, Daniel slowly comes around and they begin somewhat of a romance over the next couple of months. With both on the verge of starvation, they finally come across an old house that is still stocked, however the floor boards give way trapping Daniel in the basement. Physically exhausted and without the strength to climb out, he persuades Rona to take the remaining food back to his village leaving him there. The film ends with Rona getting back to Daniels village but unable to get anyone to return for Daniel. Back in the basement, Daniel closes his eyes for the last time as we fade to black.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Location-</strong> Various desert regions throughout US</p><p>

<strong>Budget-</strong> $95,000 for actors, $125,000 for director + $300,000 for production = $520,000</p><p>

<strong>Duration -</strong> 85 Minutes</p>

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I kinda have to be all or nothing after my film was so awesome that it'll be sweeping our equivalent of the Razzies this year/season. And if the second movie flops too then I guess I'll be retiring and setting up a new studio that might be better able to implement my artistic vision. :p


we're both in the same boat my whole movie producing career is relying on my next film, but saying that at least i got a whole star

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we're both in the same boat my whole movie producing career is relying on my next film, but saying that at least i got a whole star




At this rate we'll just have to pool our resources and make a documentary about how hard it is to work in McDonalds for our next film. If we're lucky we'll get cameos from some celebrities out to get a quick lunch, and we can pretend to interview them as they throw packets of ketchup at us for getting up in their face. Sounds like a winner to me...






.... oh, now I realise why I'm not making money. :p

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At this rate we'll just have to pool our resources and make a documentary about how hard it is to work in McDonalds for our next film. If we're lucky we'll get cameos from some celebrities out to get a quick lunch, and we can pretend to interview them as they throw packets of ketchup at us for getting up in their face. Sounds like a winner to me...






.... oh, now I realise why I'm not making money. :p


i honestly thought ten mental patients rampaging across france, burning to death the president of france played by Smells Like Kevin Bacon would be a high revenue making film


and you should of had a star for ruining Brands career, i can't bare the man


also if are films are flops we should do a special grindhouse like film, showcasing a short 45 minute film each, and split the profits

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