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Dubbsie Films

Title- Into the Mine

Lead Actor- Joseph Gordon Levitt

Lead Actress- Alexis Bledel

Supporting Actor- Steve Buscemi

Supporting Actor #2 - Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson

Supporting Actress- N/A

Director - David Lynch

Genre- Drama/Thriller

Plot- Set in unexplained dystopian setting, AWOL soldier Warren Roberts (Joseph Gordon Levitt) arrives at the Gypsum mine near the remanants of Carson City, Nevada seeking vengeance for the brutal killing of his wife Alyssa (Alexis Bledel), whom he suspects was killed by infamous ruffian Ty Rhodes, who is currently laying low as a miner. Roberts, having never seen Ty Rhodes, has opted to take a position in the mine, while he tries to figure out which of his new coworkers is responsible for his wife's death. Warren, a recent military school graduate, is largely unprepared for the reality of the unnature mines near Carson city. Into the Mine highlights Warren's simultaneous descent into the mine and madness, as the conditions of the mine, the loss and memories of his wife, and the taunting of mine boss "Brick" (played by Dwayne Johnson) begin to twist his perceptions of reality.


Miserable in the mine, Warren's memories of his wife turn to haunted visions, and Alyssa begins to appear before him in a series of visions. As his grasp of reality grows weaker, Warren is soon unable to distinguish between the memories of his wife, fantasies of his wife, and reality. Her appearance affects Warren's work and creates a host of dangerous situations, which earn Warren the scorn of the other miners and a horrific beating by Brick. Warren's only friend in the mine is the talkative tunnel man Holden Path (Steve Bescemi), who seems intent on learning everything he can about the young AWOL officer.


The narrative of the film is intended to lead the audience to believe that Brick is the killer of Warren's wife (through the use of the conflict between Brick and Warren, the flashbacks and visions that Warren has of Alyssa, and the rumors that Warren hears from the other miners (especially Holden)). Towards the climax, as Warren becomes convinced that Brick killed his wife, Warren and Holden device a plan to trap Brick and kill him (as he's simply too big and too strong to confront face to face). It's at this point that Holden springs the trap on Warren, revealing that he actually killed his wife. Holden takes his time and describes the act (in all of its horrible detail), which gives Warren enough time to slip free and kill him with a rock.


All is not done for Warren, however, as the film ends with Brick using a beat-up satellite phone to contact the military to the inform them that he thinks one of their AWOL junior officers is in his mine.


Into the Mine is a gritty, R-rated film that makes use of dark scenes, harsh language, and old school special effects.


Location- Filmed in the US (in a mine in the New Mexico)

Budget- 290,000 (cast & crew) + 500,000 (production) = 790,000

Duration - 106 minutes


Prices and budgets are just estimates. First film, so had no idea what I was able to start with. Please feel free to correct.


Dubbsie Films debuts with, Into the Mine, A story of an AWOL soldier who goes searching for his wife’s killer. The trail hunt leads him to take a job working at an old mine owned by a man named Brick (Dwayne Johnson). While working in the mine the Soldier, Warren (played by Joseph Gordon Levitt) starts to go insane and begins to have visions of his dead wife. As the story progresses Warren’s visions get worse, and he starts to lose focus on what’s real and what’s not. Levitt portrays this perfectly and you really start to sense that he might be losing his mind. To make matters worse for Warren he believes he has found his wife’s killer and that it’s his boss Brick. Which let’s face it, with a name like that I would suspect him too. This leaves Warren to formulate a plan with another worker in the mine who we learn later is the actual killer.

If you’re looking for suspense this movie is full of it. If you’re looking for character development you can find it here as well. In fact the only head scratching thing about this movie was the end when Brick decides to call the military to inform them that Warren is in fact AWOL and working at the mine. Overall I would say this movie was a resounding success and I can’t wait until Dubbsie Films produces another.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Revenue: 3,000,000



Joseph Gordon Levitt has become more popular and now wants 60,000 a movie

Dwayne Johnson has announced that he wants to be the star in his next film and will only work as a Lead Actor.

During Production a tornado blew through New Mexico and cost the studio 50,000 dollars in repairs and maintenance.

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Studio - Ascending Numbers Production

Pre-Filming Bank Balance - $8.4 Million


Title- The Infected

Lead Actor- Paul Walker (30,000)

Lead Actress- Scarlett Johansson (50,000)

Supporting Actor- Robert DeNiro (150,000), Vin Diesel (50,000)

Supporting Actress- N/A

Director- James Cameron (250,000)

Genre- Action


Plot- 2012 was meant to be the end of the world, it wasn't, however it was the turing point for one state, New York. After a chemical leak the state is quickly evacuated, leading to many civilians being left inside state borders (which are quickly baracaded & fenced off).

2 years later (2014), young couple Jack & Jade Moore (Paul Walker & Scarlett Johansson) wish to return to their home within the city and collect whatever personal possessions may still be there.


To gain access to the city, the couple have to seek permission from the leader (Robert DeNiro) of the group of mercanaries that now control the state. To do so the couple have to lie and suggest that they just want to tour of the city and see the extent of the damage, little was reported about what happened within state limits to the world, because the mercenaries reportedly claimed possession of all items within the state. The couple are granted access, but are put under the supervision of one of the mercanaries named "Brute" (Vin Diesel).


Brute reveals that due to the chemical leak the state's water supply became infected, but it was all that was left for those left behind, and the infected quickly grew violent & very terratorial. Those who refused to drink the water died from dehydration.


At the end of their first day within the walls, the group (Jack, Jade & Brute) are forced into a large apartment building by a horde of the infected (after a mass fight & gun-fight with the infected of course ;)). Once the action seems like it had died down the infected start emerging from several of the apartments, providing more infected killing goodness.


In the morning Jack & Jade sneak off, stealing the car being used to transport them around, and procede back their house, where they are seen reminiscing about their past, before picking up some suitcases and a metal briefcase.


Just as they begin driving off, Brute is seen speeding around the corner. This leads to an epic car chase, featuring many stunts & tricks, as Jack & Jade try to approach the state limits. The chase comes to a conclusion when both cars collide and veer off the road, just yards away from the state border. A fight scene comences between Jack & Brute, that is brought to a halt when a group of the infected attack forcing the pair (and Jade) to team up shortly. However once the infected are defeated Jack reveals a gun, and forces Brute down to his knees. Jade quickly checks the contents of the metal briefcase and pulls out a test tube marked "Virus", as Jack reveals to Brute that what they went through all this trouble for was the virus itself, as they were the ones that created it, before pulling the trigger on the gun, killing Brute instantly.


The couple walk off, their voices slowly fading. Those listening carefully heard the following conversation between the couple:

Jade: "So, where are we going to infect next"

Jack: "The whole world!"


Location- New York

Budget- $3.5 Million ($530'000 Actors + $2'970'000 Production)

Duration- 1 Hour 52 Minutes (102 Minutes)


Studio Notes-

-The final selection for the lead role came down to Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, 50 Cent & Paul Walker, with the nod going to Walker.

-Scarlett Johansson's role was never under question, as she was the top of a 1 woman shortlist.

-The supporting role was a decision between DeNiro & Al Pacino.

-The company has invested a large amount on this film, believing the old-adage, got to spend money to make money.

-James Cameron was chosen as director due to his abilty to make believable action scenes, and his knowledge of how to use special effects/make-up to make a film look just right.

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Astilian Productions


(If I missed something please tell me)


Title- The Royale Americans

Lead Actor- Zac Efron (25,000)

Lead Actress- Mila Kunis (30,000)

Supporting Actor- Christopher Walken (75,000)

Supporting Actress- N/A

Director - Quentin Tarantino (200,000)


Plot- Dimitri Culvanski (Zac Efron) lives as a normal teenager in the small town of Royale. He studies, he lives with his single mother, he goes to the mall and he hangs with his girlfriend Jillian Anderson (Mila Kunis). One day he wakes up and is alone. Not just in his town, but in all of Royale. In his panic he runs in a shady man who introduces himself as the Gamemaster (Walken)


See Royale isn't just a normal town. It is where karma sends the offspring of those who have sinned. This time there are seven, and if the seven aren't down to one in two days all seven will die.


Dimitri lives out two horrors at the same time. The first is discover that his father was a terrible serial killer and he is the result of an early kill attempt that was not done well. The second is working the nerve to kill people himself, in order to be the one surviving sinner's seed and get back to Jillian,


As the "Game" progresses, Dimitri finds a dead body, shot in the head. He is around when someone who he decided to team up with is killed by being run over, and is chased by the car as well, at one point through a residental neighborhood and into the houses.


It is there that Jillian shoots the driver and saves Dimitri's life. Together fight off the adversary (slowly in thriller fashion, not in action movie fashion) getting separated a grand total of three times.


Finally, on the second day, the Gamemaster confronts the couple. He tells them that they are the only two remaining. Dimitri and Jillian both put there guns to there head, trying to reason to the other why they should be dead and the other should be alive.


The screen goes black.


A single gun shot is heard.


Roll credits


Location- Connecticut

Budget- 1 Million

Duration -2 Hours 10 Minutes

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Studio - Better in than out productions


Budget - 500,000


Title- Apocalypse Jones

Lead Actor- Will Smith

Lead Actress- Kristen Bell

Supporting Actor- Christopher Walken, Rampage Jackson

Supporting Actress-

Director - Danny Boyle

Genre- Drama/sci fi-ish


Plot- Will Smith plays Desmond Harris, a man who has lost it all, his wife and family died in a bizarre incident called The Flash, where simply millions of people disapeared, he struggles along with the rest of the world to keep going until he meets Apocalypse Jones (Walken) and his daughter Maria(Bell)


Jones is a doomsayer, stating the end of the world is in Californa, Harris decides to pack up his things and witness the end of the world, Jones decides to join him with his daughter and ex-military Reece Younger(Jackson)


The 2,413 mile trip New York to Californa is met with Cannibals and hunters and crazies, and Apocalypse Jones starts to ramble more and more saying that the end will come, Maria and Harris start to fall in love, Jones is aware of this and is not happy, Jones guesses Harris lost his family in the flash as did he, eventually Jones apocalyptic rambling gets to them all, and Younger and Jones have a face off, and we reveal Jones witnessed it himself, and he himself was Flashed and taken to Californa, where he escaped along with his daughter


they get to Californa, and there is nothing there no cannibals, nothing, Younger moves ahead, and Harris just stares into the distance, not believing he has travelled all this way for nothing...he leaves Jones and Maria, and he wonders off, preparing to kill himself


Younger questions Jones actions, Jones breaks down saying that when the flash hit Californa everyone disappeared except him and his daughter, he didn't know what to do so he travelled to New York, and became what he is, an Apocalyptic Rambler, nobody not even the scavengers will enter Californa because so many people were flashed


Maria and Harris have one last encounter that ends with Harris will never love her because he is still not over his family,and Younger starts beating down Jones, Harris and Younger then fight, leaving Younger a bloody mess and dying after being shot by Harris, who also has bad wounds walks off and he sees his family one last time saying that they are okay and the Flash transported them to a new world, Jones and Co also see this and a ship lands behind them, the doors open, welcoming them to go aboard, Harris dies knowing his family are okay, Jones can't believe it and just stands still, and Maria enters the ship, Younger looks on finally dying of his injuries, leaving Jones all alone again


Location- New York, first half of film, then mostly desert including Californa


Budget- 325,000 spent on Director and Actors, 150,000 on production


Duration - 110 mins


Notes - while there is a little action, the whole thing is more about the characters dealing with the situation rather than what caused it all


- this is my make or break film, as my spoof film bombed


With their second attempt at a movie Better in than Out studios decided to put a fresh look on an old idea. Apocalypse Jones takes you on a whirlwind adventure of love, mystery, and even betrayal in some form. Will Smith, known for his share of alien roles continues to show why he is still being used. His personality draws you in and makes you want to believe everything he says. You feel his pain at the end of the movie when he tells Maria he can’t be with her. The acting of Rampage Jackson did take away from the overall story a bit, he just had to big a role and he wasn’t ready for it. Aside from the minor production flaws that all small companies seem to face I would say this film was a moderate success and it will be interesting to see if Better In than Out Studios can start to gain some momentum going forward.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Stars

Revenue: 1,250,000


Will Smith now wants 150,000 per movie

Christopher Walken now wants 100,000 per movie

The Sci-fi craze has ended and there will be no more perks to making them.


Better In Than Out Productions now has a balance of 1,275,000

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With their second attempt at a movie Better in than Out studios decided to put a fresh look on an old idea. Apocalypse Jones takes you on a whirlwind adventure of love, mystery, and even betrayal in some form. Will Smith, known for his share of alien roles continues to show why he is still being used. His personality draws you in and makes you want to believe everything he says. You feel his pain at the end of the movie when he tells Maria he can’t be with her. The acting of Rampage Jackson did take away from the overall story a bit, he just had to big a role and he wasn’t ready for it. Aside from the minor production flaws that all small companies seem to face I would say this film was a moderate success and it will be interesting to see if Better In than Out Studios can start to gain some momentum going forward.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Stars

Revenue: 1,250,000


Will Smith now wants 150,000 per movie

Christopher Walken now wants 100,000 per movie

The Sci-fi craze has ended and there will be no more perks to making them.


Better In Than Out Productions now has a balance of 1,275,000


woohoo this is a much better result than i expected, and a good write up too thanks Mad

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Astilian Productions


(If I missed something please tell me)


Title- The Royale Americans

Lead Actor- Zac Efron (10,000)

Lead Actress- Mila Kunis (30,000)

Supporting Actor- Christopher Walken (75,000)

Supporting Actress- N/A

Director - Quentin Tarantino (200,000)


Plot- Dimitri Culvanski (Zac Efron) lives as a normal teenager in the small town of Royale. He studies, he lives with his single mother, he goes to the mall and he hangs with his girlfriend Jillian Anderson (Mila Kunis). One day he wakes up and is alone. Not just in his town, but in all of Royale. In his panic he runs in a shady man who introduces himself as the Gamemaster (Walken)


See Royale isn't just a normal town. It is where karma sends the offspring of those who have sinned. This time there are seven, and if the seven aren't down to one in two days all seven will die.


Dimitri lives out two horrors at the same time. The first is discover that his father was a terrible serial killer and he is the result of an early kill attempt that was not done well. The second is working the nerve to kill people himself, in order to be the one surviving sinner's seed and get back to Jillian,


As the "Game" progresses, Dimitri finds a dead body, shot in the head. He is around when someone who he decided to team up with is killed by being run over, and is chased by the car as well, at one point through a residental neighborhood and into the houses.


It is there that Jillian shoots the driver and saves Dimitri's life. Together fight off the adversary (slowly in thriller fashion, not in action movie fashion) getting separated a grand total of three times.


Finally, on the second day, the Gamemaster confronts the couple. He tells them that they are the only two remaining. Dimitri and Jillian both put there guns to there head, trying to reason to the other why they should be dead and the other should be alive.


The screen goes black.


A single gun shot is heard.


Roll credits


Location- Connecticut

Budget- 1 Million

Duration -2 Hours 10 Minutes


This isn't the actual review just an observation. You have it listed as a horror, which I get because of all the perks involved, but it reads more like a suspense/drama type film. I only point this out because the movie sounds pretty awesome but it doesn't have any of the feel of a horror flick so it's going to drastically bring down the grade. I'm not saying you have to change it, just trying to tell you how it reads to me. Does anyone else get the same vibe?

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aye i do, seems more like a thriller to me


Hm. It's basically a reprint of Battle Royale but slightly different, which is certainly a horror film.


EDIT: imdb says Battle Royale is Action-Thriller. I'll change it up. MOVIE GENRES: 1 ASTIL: 0

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Studio - Better in than Out


Budget - 1,250,200


Title- The Last Stand


Lead Actor- Dwayne Johnson


Supporting Actor- Steve Buscemi, Justin Timberlake, Rampage Jackson

Supporting Actress- Dakota Fanning

Director - Danny Boyle

Genre- Drama

Plot- Nathan Duberry (Johnson) was a well known cage fighter, until a big scandel, takes away his fame and fortune and ended up a down and out drunk, who makes his money street fighting, haunted by the fact he killed a man in a cage fight, knowing that he would of won the fight by points anyway


after a brutal match against King of da Streets Lucas Laramee (Kimbo Slice), Mr Kowalski (Buscemi) gives Nathan the chance of a lifetime, go one on one with top fighter Bart Kronus (Timberlake), and whether he wins or lose, he'll make enough to get his life back on track


he battles his demons, and begins training, even getting involved with his daughter again played by Dakota Fanning


Mr Kowalski is with his client Kronus, they run through Nathan Duberry's career including the fact he has never been beaten, and Kronus states that he is also unbeaten


at a press conference things get heated when Kronus brings up Nathans past including, a huge drug scandal and his alchohol problem, saying he is not fit to fight, Nathan leaves the event, disturbed by bringing up his past, he goes on a huge binge mixing a night of drink and drugs


his daughter manages to bring him round, and tries to prepare him for his fight which is days away, he finally beats his demons and is ready for the big fight, we see that this event is huge, on ppv and is going to be seen across the world


a day before the fight, Nathan meets the son (Jackson) of the man he killed, he says he can never forgive him for what happens and hopes that this match can bring bakc his fame and fortune but Nathen will never be able to bring his father back


just before the fight Nathan is in his locker room, looking at all the merchandise and interviews in magazines, he is back at the height of his fame, and then he sees the man he killed staring at him through the mirror


Kronus is left alone in the ring and they find the body of Nathan Duberry, having died of a heart attack, they say from years of drug and alchohol abuse, but Nathans eyes look towards the mirror knowing he died of a guilt


Location- New York

Budget- 285,000 on actors and director, 700,000 on production

Duration - 105 mins




not sure on price of Dakota Fanning went with 20,000 as i don't think she has been in anything big recently


whole film is shot like the wretler so feels like an indie film rather than a big blockbuster feel

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong>Studio - Borderline Productions</strong> (Balance $400,000)</p><p> </p><p> Title - The Greeting</p><p> Lead Actor - <strong>Kit Harington</strong> (from TV series Game Of Thrones, awaiting a price tag since I think he might get more than 10,000 now)</p><p> Lead Actress - <strong>Zoe Lister</strong> (from TV series Hollyoaks, presumably a $10,000 price tag for being pretty much unknown)</p><p> *note: these are the only 2 people we see in the entire movie</p><p> Director - Paul WS Anderson - 75,000</p><p> Genre - Arthouse </p><p> </p><p> Plot - The film begins with Theo Bryden (Kit Harrington) waking up sharply as Katy Harkness (Zoe Lister) greets him and brings Theo's mail to him in his bedroom, revealing them to be fanmail from fans who like to keep in touch with their favourite actor. Theo and Katy stay close without, kissing and hugging constantly as they talk about what they are going to do next in their acting careers, with rapidly cutting flashes to images of their potential ideas before eventually their happy day comes to an end as they put themselves to bed.</p><p> </p><p> But sleep is in stark contrast to the day, with Theo's nightmares unable to change the scens as he did during the day, and the darker side of his imagination coming out as he envisions a lengthy sequence of terrifying things happening in the bedroom (thanks to the director's previous experience with zombies and the like)</p><p> </p><p> When he awakes, Katy greets him once again with her cheerful spirit, clearly unharmed from Theo's dreams. As would become a pattern for the rest of the film, they move to a new room to help them think of ideas over the course of which it's revealed that the reason they are in this house is because Theo has been suffering from a mental breakdown, unable to deal with the pressure of fame and needing time apart from everyone else. And after each day the darkness of his dreams gets stronger and longer... with the breaking points always coming as Katy wakes him up in the morning with her comforting greeting and the constant love she seems to have for him.</p><p> </p><p> Things take a darker turn when in his dark dreams Theo works out that the fanmail he is being brought to him each day is from the same few people and arrives impossibly quickly in response to his replies... from there he develops increasing levels of paranoia, and it begins to leak out from the darkness of his mind and into the every day ideas he and Katy are working on... while some of Katy's light seeps the other way into his dreams...</p><p> </p><p> When they finally run out of rooms, Katy suggests a picnic in the gardens to help get more ideas but the world has become a confusing place for Theo, unsure of what he feels. The picnic seems to go well, despite the dark ideas flooding into Theo's mind even when they shouldn't be and when the weather suddenly takes a turn for the worse and a storm is unleashed on them, things go horribly wrong. Believing himself to be stuck in the darkness of his own mind, Theo lashes out at Katy, savagely beating her until the rains stop almost as suddenly as they began... her last words are her usual greeting, something she never says in the dreams, leaving Theo distraught in the gardens in the movie's emotional climax.</p><p> </p><p> (wow, that sounds terrible in this form but in my head it feels better. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p> </p><p> Location - The grounds of an English manor house, somewhere in Kent</p><p> </p><p> Budget - 400,000 (ie: everything we've got <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p> Duration - 104 minutes</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Borderline Productions graced us with another film, this one entitled The Greeting. In it Kit Harington plays an actor who is slowly going off the deep end. His love interest played by Zoe Lister remains by his side and seems to constantly be in an annoyingly good mood. Harington starts to have worse and worse nightmares that suck in further and further away from reality. All the while, his girlfriend is there being so damn cheery. The climax to the movie comes when the two are having a picnic and Harington unable to tell real from fake kills his girlfriend leaving Kit distraught as the credits role. </p><p> If you’re looking for a movie that has a fantastic storyline and phenomenal acting, you won’t find it here. However, if you’re looking for something that will take you through an emotional roller coaster, this just might do the trick. While it’s a little hard to relate to the characters you still find yourself feeling sorry for Lister’s character despite how annoying she is. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 1.5 out of 5 Stars</p><p> Revenue: 800,000 dollars</p><p> </p><p> Effects:</p><p> None</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Borderline Productions now has 800,000 Dollars</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Charasmatic Enigma" data-cite="Charasmatic Enigma" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TheoryX Productions</strong><p> </p><p> Title- Arms Dealers</p><p> Lead Actor- Shia LeBouf (75,000)</p><p> Lead Actress- n/a</p><p> Supporting Actor- Aaron Johnson (30,000), Ed Asnar (40,000)</p><p> Supporting Actress- Candace Accola (30,000)</p><p> Director – David Fincher (150,000)</p><p> Genre-Drama</p><p> Plot- The year is 2007, after six years of fighting in the Middle East, Al Qaeda remain a menace in Afghanistan, the Taliban are resurgent, and American casualties in the wat are rising. For the current administration, the ammunition contract was part of a final, desperate effort to turn the war around in time for the upcoming presidential election. </p><p> </p><p> Working with nothing but an Internet connection, two cell phones and a steady supply of weed, the two friends David (Shia Lebouf) and Edward (Aaron Johnson) in their early twenties — one with nothing more than a few college credits, the other a high school dropout —created a company which sold old Soviet arms and ammunition through the Pentagon to local armies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in doing so beat out the traditional arms giants to secure a $300 million arms contract. With a single deal, the two young stoners had turned themselves into the least likely merchants of death in history.</p><p> </p><p> The contract opened up a whole new world to David and Edward. They now had more money than they could even have dreamed of in the past. They enjoyed the highlife for a number of months, attending high end parties and events where they meet Melissa (Candace Accola), who is very interested in their contract. However, they soon hit trouble. A breakdown of communications between the US and Russia, where David and Edward’s arms shipments stopped to refuel, led to one of the arms shipments being seized by the Russian army. The shipment contained millions of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition, and was costing David and Edward over $100,000 per day it stayed in Russia.</p><p> </p><p> Desperate negotiations ensue between the Pentagon, the Russian administration and a half-baked David. It is made clear that these negotiations were vital to the success of the US activity in the Middle East, during which shots are shown of a grounded plane in a cold Russian airport. After three weeks of desperate negotiating, placing immense strain on the two young potheads in charge of the shipment, who are shown to become more and more desperate and irrational as negotiations drag on. The film ends with a scene in the pentagon, with the defence secretary (Ed Asnar) announcing the success of negotiations with Russia. The shot shifts to the Russian airport where the plane is shown taking off, while the speech from the pentagon continues as a voice over.</p><p> </p><p> Location- US (Russian scenes would be filmed in studio in US) </p><p> Budget- 325,000 (actors + director) + 475,000 production = 800,000</p><p> Duration – 1 hour 40</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> TheoryX Productions brings a story that is at least loosely based on true events. In it Shia LeBouf and Aaron Johnson plan a couple of stoner dropouts who are able to do something unimagined by most, sell millions of dollars’ worth of weapons to fund the war in the Middle East. As a result the two happy go lucky stoners enjoy the life they only dreamed of. One where they could get all the girls and drugs they wanted, all while sending weapons across the world. They soon get thrust back into reality however when communications break down and they start losing the money just as quickly as they earned it.</p><p> LaBouf looked lost and perhaps really stoned through most of the movie and really took away from the overall quality of it. The idea behind the movie was a great one, however, it seemed like director David Fincher was unable to truly capture what the writer was going for. </p><p> </p><p> The Bottom line is this, It was an above average movie idea that was brought down by below average acting and directing. TheoryX gets an ‘A’ for effort, but a ‘C’ for an overall product.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars</p><p> Revenue: 1,250,000</p><p> </p><p> The Effect:</p><p> Shia LeBouf will now work for 50,000 a movie</p><p> David Fincher will now work for 100,000 a movie</p><p> There are some rumors spreading that Shia LeBouf may have a drug problem</p><p> </p><p> TheoryX Productions now has a bank balance of 1,450,000</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Clarity" data-cite="Clarity" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ok... Im game<p> </p><p> <strong>Title-</strong> The Ruin</p><p> <strong>Lead Actor-</strong> Eric Bana ($25,000 ish)</p><p> <strong>Lead Actress-</strong> Kaley Cuoco ($40,000)</p><p> <strong>Supporting Actor-</strong> Josh Brolin (30,000)</p><p> <strong>Director -</strong> Danny Boyle ($125,000)</p><p> <strong>Genre-</strong> Drama</p><p> <strong>Plot-</strong> The year is 2081 and humanity's greed and thirst for war has reduced Earth to a smoldering wasteland. Its been 20 years since the fighting stopped which was only due to lack of manpower and supplies. Thick plumes of smoke block out most of the light and now nothing grows anywhere. Daniel (Eric Bana) is tasked by the village leader (Josh Brolin) to find some food and along the way stumbles across Rona (Kaley Cuoco) laying wounded in the wasteland. Initially hesitant to help, Daniel slowly comes around and they begin somewhat of a romance over the next couple of months. With both on the verge of starvation, they finally come across an old house that is still stocked, however the floor boards give way trapping Daniel in the basement. Physically exhausted and without the strength to climb out, he persuades Rona to take the remaining food back to his village leaving him there. The film ends with Rona getting back to Daniels village but unable to get anyone to return for Daniel. Back in the basement, Daniel closes his eyes for the last time as we fade to black.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Location-</strong> Various desert regions throughout US</p><p> <strong>Budget-</strong> $95,000 for actors, $125,000 for director + $300,000 for production = $520,000</p><p> <strong>Duration -</strong> 85 Minutes</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The Ruin is a Drama film by new Indy Company Clarity. The story takes place on a futuristic Earth where war has made everything virtually unrecognizable. Eric Bana plays a villager by the name of Daniel who is tasked to find some food for his village before everyone dies of starvation. During this journey he comes across the half-naked Rona, played by the beautiful Kaley Cuoco, who is badly injured. Daniel patches the girl up and a romance starts to ensue. Eventually the two come across a hut loaded with food, but upon entering Daniel gets trapped in the floor boards and unable to escape. Rona is mortified and wants nothing else but to die next to her love, but he convinces her to take the food back to his village and get help. A tear-filled Rona does just that, but everyone in the village is to overcome with the joy of having food to help. The movie ends with Daniel laying there helpless and finally closing his eyes.</p><p> If you enjoy dramas then this movie is a must see. I watched it twice and cried at the end both times. The chemistry between Bana and Cuoco is amazing and you can feel the emotion in the air. Cuoco gives the performance of her life and should easily be nominated for an Oscar. You can feel her pain the second Daniel runs up on her for the first time, and sense her sorrow as she leaves him in the hut. The story for this movie is simple and straight forward, but has enough character development to really make it stand on its own. Easily the best movie of the year so far.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 5 out of 5 stars</p><p> Revenue: 10,000,000 dollars</p><p> </p><p> The Effect:</p><p> Eric Bana is now available for 50,000 a movie</p><p> Kaley Cuoco’s popularity has sky rocketed and now wants 100,000 a movie</p><p> Josh Brolin now wants 50,000 a movie</p><p> Danny Boyle now want 200,000 a movie</p><p> Due to the overwhelming success of this film all other films in the genre will be compared to it.</p><p> </p><p> This film saw an increase in popularity due to successful appearances on late night talk shows from Cuoco and Bana.</p><p> Actors are now lining up out the door wanting to work with Clarity Production. And as a result all workers on his next film will cost half.</p><p> </p><p> Clarity now has a bank balance of 10,480,000 dollars</p>
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<p>Great work on the reviews madd.</p><p> </p><p>

Few price requests (thinking toward the future):</p><p> </p><p>

Uma Thurman</p><p>

Jennifer Garner</p><p>

Katee Sackhoff</p><p>

Alessandra Torresani</p><p>

Evangeline Lilly</p><p>

Ali Larter</p><p> </p><p>

Julian McMahon</p><p>

Steven Seagal</p><p>

Jean Claude Van Damme</p><p>

Sam Elliot</p><p>

Val Kilmer</p><p>

Terry O'Quinn</p><p> </p><p>

And, great movie Clarity.</p>

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<p><em>After reading everyone else's ideas the last couple of days i've come up with this ... I just need a price on Milla Jovovich this part is made for her.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Worlds not round</strong> studios presents ...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Title</strong>- <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Acid Reign</span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span><strong>Lead Actor</strong>- Josh Brolin - $30,000</p><p>

<strong>Lead Actress</strong>- Milla Jovovich - ???</p><p>

<strong>Supporting Actor</strong>- Morgan Freeman - $75,000</p><p>

<strong>Supporting Actor</strong>- Christoph Waltz - $30,000</p><p>

<strong>Director</strong> - Christopher Nolan - $200,000</p><p>

<strong>Genre</strong>- Fantasy Thriller</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot</strong>- John Reign (Brolin) was considered by some to be the 'worlds greatest detective' he solved some of the greatest cases of the last 30 years ... But that was all when he was alive, John Reign died at the hands of a serial killer Martin Woods (Waltz) 'The Acid Bath Killer' who kidnapped and killed his victims in a bath of Acid. We only discover all this though 15 minutes into the film from flashbacks from (then) Sergeant Mika Petrova (Jovovich) who was there when Reign found Wood and she was the one who fired the shot to kill Wood after he had killed Reign.</p><p> </p><p>

Fast forward 3 years (and the movie start) and Mika gets home and finds her husband dead in a bath of Acid - Next scene she is at her station and (now) Lieutenant Mika Petrova is arguing with her Inspector over the case she wants on said case but he says shes too close to it all.</p><p> </p><p>

Mika Petrova begins her investigations and is getting nowhere when she falls asleep at her desk and dreams about the original murders and we get the abover flashback, Mika suddenly wakes its dark through the windows and the station is deserted and a calling card is stuck on her face she peels it off "what the hell?" the camera zooms in on the card and it simply says Supernatural Intelligence Agency with a phone number .. Just then her phone rings and we have a second body.</p><p> </p><p>

At the crime scene Petrova is seen twirling the SIA calling card in her fingers whilst listening to the forensic officer informing her that there was no fingerprints, no footprints nothing else disturbed at the scene. She walks away looks at the calling card and calls the number ...</p><p> </p><p>

First look at the SIA headquarters at a riverside warehouse in a deserted former dock area of the city. An ageing Operative who introduces himself as Jefferson Hooper Freeman) is the only person we see in the lavishly furnished old gothic styled interior of the warehouse and he explains to Lieutenant Petrova that strange things happen in the world in the 'Witching hour' (between midnight and 4am) and that she isn't dealing with a copycat killer she is dealing with the disembodied spirit of the original Acid Bath Killer Martin Woods and she will need help to stop him ... Enter the scene John Reign yes the ghost of John Reign in an encounter suit and the case is on.</p><p> </p><p>

The film continues with Mika working with Reign and they find the body that Woods had possessed stopping him with magic from Hooper who dies in the final fight/exorcism of Woods the film ends with Mika being promoted and getting a medal and with John Reign having to watch from the shadows - The world not being ready for a disembodied spirit!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Location</strong>- US, LA</p><p>

<strong>Budget</strong>- $335,000 + Mila Jovovich' cost + $350,000 on Production.</p><p>

<strong>Duration</strong> - 1 hr 49</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1234" data-cite="1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Studio</strong> - Ascending Numbers Production<p> <strong>Pre-Filming Bank Balance - $8.4 Million</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Title</strong>- The Infected</p><p> <strong>Lead Actor</strong>- Paul Walker (30,000)</p><p> <strong>Lead Actress</strong>- Scarlett Johansson (50,000)</p><p> <strong>Supporting Actor</strong>- Robert DeNiro (150,000), Vin Diesel (50,000)</p><p> <strong>Supporting Actress</strong>- N/A</p><p> <strong>Director</strong>- James Cameron (250,000)</p><p> <strong>Genre</strong>- Action</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Plot</strong>- 2012 was meant to be the end of the world, it wasn't, however it was the turing point for one state, New York. After a chemical leak the state is quickly evacuated, leading to many civilians being left inside state borders (which are quickly baracaded & fenced off).</p><p> 2 years later (2014), young couple Jack & Jade Moore (Paul Walker & Scarlett Johansson) wish to return to their home within the city and collect whatever personal possessions may still be there.</p><p> </p><p> To gain access to the city, the couple have to seek permission from the leader (Robert DeNiro) of the group of mercanaries that now control the state. To do so the couple have to lie and suggest that they just want to tour of the city and see the extent of the damage, little was reported about what happened within state limits to the world, because the mercenaries reportedly claimed possession of all items within the state. The couple are granted access, but are put under the supervision of one of the mercanaries named "Brute" (Vin Diesel).</p><p> </p><p> Brute reveals that due to the chemical leak the state's water supply became infected, but it was all that was left for those left behind, and the infected quickly grew violent & very terratorial. Those who refused to drink the water died from dehydration.</p><p> </p><p> At the end of their first day within the walls, the group (Jack, Jade & Brute) are forced into a large apartment building by a horde of the infected (after a mass fight & gun-fight with the infected of course <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />). Once the action seems like it had died down the infected start emerging from several of the apartments, providing more infected killing goodness.</p><p> </p><p> In the morning Jack & Jade sneak off, stealing the car being used to transport them around, and procede back their house, where they are seen reminiscing about their past, before picking up some suitcases and a metal briefcase.</p><p> </p><p> Just as they begin driving off, Brute is seen speeding around the corner. This leads to an epic car chase, featuring many stunts & tricks, as Jack & Jade try to approach the state limits. The chase comes to a conclusion when both cars collide and veer off the road, just yards away from the state border. A fight scene comences between Jack & Brute, that is brought to a halt when a group of the infected attack forcing the pair (and Jade) to team up shortly. However once the infected are defeated Jack reveals a gun, and forces Brute down to his knees. Jade quickly checks the contents of the metal briefcase and pulls out a test tube marked "Virus", as Jack reveals to Brute that what they went through all this trouble for was the virus itself, as they were the ones that created it, before pulling the trigger on the gun, killing Brute instantly.</p><p> </p><p> The couple walk off, their voices slowly fading. Those listening carefully heard the following conversation between the couple:</p><p> Jade: "So, where are we going to infect next"</p><p> Jack: "The whole world!"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Location</strong>- New York</p><p> <strong>Budget</strong>- $3.5 Million ($530'000 Actors + $2'970'000 Production)</p><p> <strong>Duration</strong>- 1 Hour 52 Minutes (102 Minutes)</p><p> </p><p> Studio Notes-</p><p> -The final selection for the lead role came down to Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, 50 Cent & Paul Walker, with the nod going to Walker.</p><p> -Scarlett Johansson's role was never under question, as she was the top of a 1 woman shortlist.</p><p> -The supporting role was a decision between DeNiro & Al Pacino.</p><p> -The company has invested a large amount on this film, believing the old-adage, got to spend money to make money.</p><p> -James Cameron was chosen as director due to his abilty to make believable action scenes, and his knowledge of how to use special effects/make-up to make a film look just right.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ascending Numbers Production has made yet another smash hit this time in the form of an action film directed by James Cameron. The Infected is set in New York in the year 2014. Paul Walker and Scarlett Johansson play a couple trapped on the outskirts of the city due to an infection that has taken over the rest of New York. They are desperate to get back to their house and collect their belongings and are given their wish under the condition they travel with a mercenary named Brute, played by Vin Diesel. What comes next is a series of gun fights, and fast paced action like only James Cameron can do. Add that to the crazy twist at the end of the story and Ascending Numbers Productions seems to have made themselves the company to look out for.</p><p> The studio made a great choice in entrusting the lead role to Walker, instead of the others the company was looking at.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars</p><p> Revenue: 8,000,000 dollars</p><p> Effects:</p><p> Ascending Numbers Production has now cemented themselves as the number 1 company in the world and as a result they can hire any cast member at half price until they fall from the top position. </p><p> Paul Walker now wants 75,000 per movie</p><p> Scarlett Johansson now wants 100,000 per movie</p><p> Robert DeNiro now wants 200,000 per movie</p><p> Vin Diesel now wants 75,000 per movie</p><p> James Cameron now wants 300,000 per movie</p><p> </p><p> Ascending Numbers Production now has a bank balance of 12,900,000</p>
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<p>I apologize I just threw this put this together and did the actors cost from the first page. Also I wasn't sure if there was a certain budget to keep for the first film so I kept it low.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Title:</strong> Thermal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lead Actor:</strong> Jensen Ackles (20,000) Landon Johnson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lead Actress:</strong> Mila Kunis (30,000) Mia</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Supporting Actors:</strong> Djimon Hounsou (30,000) (Michael Johnson)</p><p>

Vin Diesel (50,000) Grunt</p><p>

Guillermo Diaz (20,000) Manny Reyes</p><p>

Juan Carlos Hernadez (20,000) Victor Reyes</p><p>

Denzel Washington (100,000) Cass</p><p>

Paul Bettany (40,000) Lord Hammonds</p><p>

Josh Borlin (30,000) Presidents Walker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Genre:</strong> Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Director:</strong> Jon Favreau (150,000)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Plot:</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Jensen Ackles takes control of his first big budget film in Jon Favreau’s Thermal. Based in the not so distant future, Landon Johnson (Ackles) is the step-son of Michael Johnson (Djimon Hounsou), who has a rocky relationship with Landon, and they are a part of a rag tag gang of mercenaries. This action flick follows a story of Global Warming in full effect and seeing the team fight to save the only man who can reverse the effects.</p><p> </p><p>

Djimon and his team travel to the South Pole where they encounter a heavy wave of automatic weapons in order to save Cass (Denzel Washington) who has the key to reversing the effects of Global warming on the world. While leaving the facility where Cass was located we run into our Villain Lord Hammonds (Bettany) for the first time as he tries to take Cass for his own profit and gain. The gain escapes with Cass and make their way north.</p><p>

Michael Johnson is contacted by the U.S President Ben Walker (Brolin) who informs him to deliver Cass to them or else.</p><p> </p><p>

Cass informs the team that his fix to the climate is a bomb he made, but that he needs the parts. He also tells them that he is wanted because this would give power to anyone who used it. This leads the team on a world wind tour of the greatest cities that have been ravaged by the rising water levels including Miami. They also realize that he isn’t in his right mind and drugs are his candy.</p><p> </p><p>

Headed towards the North Pole to set off the bomb the team comes back to find their leader (Michael Johnson) and their retrieved items all missing with a note. Landon knows there is only one person who knows the security of their boat and that is his ex-fling Mia (Kunis). The team heads to underwater New York which is now territory of Mia’s gang to retrieve Michael and their items. We see one of the best action scenes in a while when Grunt (Diesel) runs through walls taking out members of Mia gang who cornered Landon and the Reyes boys. Landon and Mia finale met again, but Mia informs the gang she doesn’t have Michael. Landon and the crew take Mia hostage to ensure their safety from NY, but soon find out that Mia is unwanted and now have to fight their way out with Mia alongside them.</p><p> </p><p>

The Crew arrives back at the boat with a message from Lord Hammonds that informs them to bring Cass for Michael’s where about. Arriving at Dubai the crew battles towards Lord Hammonds hide out leaving Cass and Grunt behind on the boat. They reach Hammonds, but it’s a trap as Hammonds had sent people to the boat for Cass. Grunt fights off some goons but then is stab through the heart from behind by a ninja in a mask. Grunt fights him for a little, but he soon dies from loss of blood. The crew is informed that “HE” has Michael and even Hammonds wouldn’t mess with “HE”, they are then gassed and left for dead while Hammonds makes his way to the North Pole with Cass and the bomb. The Crew wakes up and makes their way through Hammonds remaining forces and towards Hammonds. </p><p>

After a battle on Hammonds boat the team gains control back of Cass and the bomb and set the boat to full speed toward President Walker. An all out race begins with the crew trying to reach the center of the North Pole to set the bomb off. Landon is shot while trying to reach the launch button after they are blown away from the bomb. Landon lies in a pool of blood while the team grabs him to escape. </p><p> </p><p>

Landon lies in a hospital bed fighting off death, he has a dream of Michael who informs him that “HE” will never stop and that Landon needs to find him and stop him no matter what. The dream felt real and Landon wakes up screaming Michael, but only Mia, Reyes brothers, and Cass are there. As they inform him of what happened a news report comes on introducing the new President of the U.S (Walker died when the boat crashed into the shore) Michael Johnson is introduced as the new U.S President then the power shuts off and a small army is coming from them, the team fights them off as Cass tries to save Landon who is still hurt. Landon believes they want payback, but Cass informs him that they are after him. When Landon asks why they are still after Cass, Cass tells him because he could reverse the effects just as fast if someone wanted to use him to gain control of stuff. Landon can’t believe what has happened to them and now they have to go through it again. Landon also realizes that if they lose the world loses, he calls Cass’ name and Cass turns around to Landon holding a .45 to his head. Landon says sorry and Cass says thank you as Landon shoots. The crew escapes and the screen fades out to Landon saying to the crew “Next…. Next, we find “HE”, and we take him out”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Location:</strong> Miami Fl, New York NY, Dubai, North Pole, Kentucky, </p><p>

<strong>Language:</strong> English</p><p>

<strong>Duration:</strong> 1 hour 39 minutes</p><p>

<strong>Budget:</strong> 490,000 (cast and crew) + 1.1 million (production) = 1.5 million</p>

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<p>Studio- Pretty OK Films (3,000,000)</p><p>

Title- Mistakes and Misdemeanors</p><p>

Lead Actor- Justin Timberlake (40,000)</p><p>

Supporting Actor- Tom Hardy (50,000)</p><p>

Supporting Actress- Zooey Deschanel (30,000)</p><p>

Director - Cameron Crowe (150,000)</p><p>

Genre- Drama</p><p>

Plot- Silas Helms (Justin Timberlake) had it all; a beautiful girlfriend, a successful band, great friends, and all the free alcohol he could ask for. His band, Handshakes and Hand Grenades, had come out of nowhere as an indie hit, making into the Billboard Top 40. Silas and the band were in the process of negotiating a buyout from their current contract in order to sign one of the many lucrative offers from the major labels. This made the brash and young Helms feel invincible.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Silas liked to have a good time both on stage and backstage, frequently being drunk by the time he got on stage and managing to be worse by the end of the set. His entire world would turn upside down following and after party. Driving drunk wasn't anything new to Helms and every other night he had gotten lucky. On this night however, Helms would lose control of his car, flipping several times, and being thrown from the vehicle.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

It didn't take long for the news to hit every major news outlet. Silas was in critical condition with several broken bones and charged with Driving Under the Influence and Reckless Endangerment. The major labels now wouldn't touch the band unless they got rid of Helms, which they did. When he was no longer a part of the band, the girlfriend left too.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Silas would fall from the top of the world to rock bottom. Once healed and released from the hospital Silas would find himself in a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol, often locking himself up in his apartment for days on end. The only real friend he had left was Adam Moore (Tom Hardy), a struggling musician that moved from London to New York to try and make a career out of his music.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

It would be Moore who would find Silas on the floor of his apartment, nearly dead of an apparent suicide. Helms is rushed to the hospital and his stomach pumped. Helms would survive, and with the encouragement of Moore enters rehab.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

While in rehab Silas picks up his guitar again begin writing songs, channeling his withdrawal from drugs and alcohol into his music. By the time Helms leaves several songs written. The music is vastly different from the power rock he did with Handshakes and Hand Grenades, who are now topping the charts. His songs are more introspective and sound like bluesy alt-folk.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Helms begins to play his music in small bars with the help of Adam Moore, once again finding his groove in music. It is in one of these bars he meets Stephanie Sanders (Zooey Deschanel), a singer/songwriter determined to make it big in the Big Apple. The two hit it off and a relationship forms.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

It doesn't take long form Helms' music to catch fire and suddenly old habits begin to creep back in his life with the increased fame. He finds himself having to choose between the life he once had or the life he has with Stephanie.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

With his life now dedicated to his music and his relationship, Helms enters a studio to record his first solo album, Mistakes and Misdemeanors, an introspective album that shows his growth as a songwriter, musician, and a human. The album does remarkably well, breaking down genre walls and entering the Billboard Top 10.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The film ends with Helms receiving a Grammy for Best Album and him giving an emotional speech.</p><p>

Location- New York</p><p>

Budget- $1,000,000 ($270,000 Actors + $730,000 Production)</p><p>

Duration - 130 minutes.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GatorBait19" data-cite="GatorBait19" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I apologize I just threw this put this together and did the actors cost from the first page. Also I wasn't sure if there was a certain budget to keep for the first film so I kept it low.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> We start out with 1,000,000</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="i effin rule" data-cite="i effin rule" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>We start out with 1,000,000</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Also his locations are so exotic that shooting a film like that under that budget would be ... highly improbable.</p>
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<p>A few admin points:</p><p> </p><p>

I have been almost extensivly doing reviews every chance I get. I don't mind that at all, I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining. However, there is a bunch of admin things I want to do that I just can't because I don't want to get behind in the reviews. So I would like no one else to post a movie tonight. I have I think like 5 more to do then I'm caught up. I would like to get caught up then try to make everything run smoother all tonight. Which truth be told is going to be damn near impossible. </p><p> </p><p>

Also I currently have myself and 1 other person doing reviews. I would like to get at least 1 more person on the panel. Please realize though before you volunteer that it's really a lot of work. However, if you would like to help with reviews, and more importantly be part of the Oscar panel I plan on putting together then please shoot me a PM. The more people I can get doing reviews the more time I can do admin stuff, and hopefully be able to write a movie or two of my own <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

If I'm able to get everything done today that I want then my plan is to implement the 1 worker per studio per day rule. More on this though when I can actually do it. </p><p> </p><p>

So just to reinforce please</p><p>



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>/clap for Clarity<p> </p><p> EDIT: Steven Seagal may pay you to be in a movie. Ha.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT2: Is Superhero a genre, or is it action?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Let's call super hero its own Genre... that sounds fun <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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