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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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<p>And I just deleted my upper-midcard post.</p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

Someone corrected me; the game goes bottom-up in filling out your roster. It will give you a fair number of undercard members, but bloat the roster upward. This is why I have a lot of midcarders and above; you'll also see that about half my upper-midcard doesn't belong there.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Upper-Midcarders:</span></p><p>

Dazzling Dave Diamond (31; 27 pop; consistent, charismatic brawler) at $500.</p><p> </p><p>

DDD (I’m actually calling him King Dedede) is an interesting guy. He’s over-pushed, for one; that psychology is bad. Yet, and here’s the fun part, he <em>isn’t</em> overpaid. He’s a prime example of the above sentiment. With that out of the way, King’s not in a bad spot. He can’t wrestle, but I’m having fun just letting him talk a bit each show. I’m <em>also</em> having fun firing my two incompetent managers who have bad chemistry with him.</p><p> </p><p>

Dean Waldorf (24; 25 pop; decent team; CONSISTENT) at $500.</p><p> </p><p>

See above on how this guy is overpushed, yet paid alright. The popularity he has is what got him here <em>and</em> what warrants his paycheck. His team, however, is what’s netting him his push. The fact that he’ll rarely have an off day means that he can be a constant presence in the midcard (where he belongs, if in his team).</p><p> </p><p>

Marv Statler (24; 25 pop; decent team; CONSISTENT) at $500.</p><p> </p><p>

The better of the two. Hell, in a little bit, he’ll actually have good enough psychology to call in the ring. Add that to tag experience…Man, once they hit 27, The Ring Generals are going to <em>tear it up!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith (20; 26 pop; best rookie in the game?) at $700.</p><p> </p><p>

That psychology almost nets him the game. With a bit more selling I’d be a bit happier, but this guy can do it all. Clearly the better of the twins (unless you aren’t in North America); clearly worth his pay.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick Sanders (40; 28; great team; solid technician) at $500.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick’s not the best to teach The Ring Generals, but his psychology <em>is</em> a few points higher, so he’ll do. Aside from flying he has a decent top row. His lack of flash, charisma, and star quality means he’ll eventually get passed over. A cheap gatekeeper.</p><p> </p><p>

Sara Marie York (25; 32 pop; great backstage; great acting; great all-rounder) at $1,000.</p><p> </p><p>

We finally reach a real uppercarder. Not only is she worth the $1,000 (if a thousand on one worker is worth paying), but she has a lot of popularity. True, that’s part of the pay, but she can back it up. Exceptionally attractive, incredible acting, great star quality and solid entertainment are the highest points of a solid top row and, for our size, good performance line. Given that she’s 25, (of ~35, as far as women retiring tends to be) it’s clear she’ll be one of the best women of her generation. I’ll ride that train as far as I can.</p><p> </p><p>

The Masked Mauler (37; 28 pop; great backstage; great team; a jobber) at $600.</p><p> </p><p>

The Masked Mauler is carried by Rick Sanders much as Marv carries Dean. Mauler’s got nice popularity and a <em>great</em> performance row for a guy to be passed over. The low psychology kills what would have been a hard push. To nowhere, given a likely low pop cap, but I digress…this long-term feud with The Ring Generals is going to get a 65-rated match in…one year.</p><p> </p><p>

The Mean Machine (31; 30 pop; consistent, entertaining technician) at $900.</p><p> </p><p>

Poor selling, which means a particular type of worker needs to be opposite him. A bump machine (Ben Williams is not tough enough) is obvious, and squashes would only help to increase Machine’s high popularity. That $900 price tag certainly puts him in the uppercard territory, and his ability to train some technique, get over by talking, <em>and</em> call a decent match is commendable. Maybe $800 commendable, but I won’t squabble over a hundred.</p>

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Main Eventers:

Black Hat Bailey (48; 44 pop; great psych; decent tech, decent menace; bum leg) at $1,000.


Black Hat’s not the best worker on the roster, but hell, he’s 48. Guy’s certainly a vet for all that worth. Given that he’ll retire soon, doesn’t bug me much that his star quality is crap. Not going to invest much in his entertainment, either. Essentially, I’m riding his high popularity to the grave. Or something. Unsure if he’ll retire with the belt or not. Regardless, hose performance skills with that popularity equates to $1,000, easily, even with his bum legs.


Hell Monkey (31; 35 pop; ridiculous stamina; great top row, good star quality) at $1,500.


He’s overpaid. $1,500 for a guy with only 35 pop is annoying. But he’s got star quality and MY GOD THAT TOP ROW. Dude. I want him and Avatar to face off sooooo badly. Screw Higa; I think I’m hitting 70. Oh, and I love the guy so screw safety and selling.


Honest Frank (39; 45 pop; great entertainment; D-Genreation X member) at $800.


Oh, right. I formed D-Generation X with Frank and X. See, because…whatever. This guy’s got it right. Great entertainment skills, ridiculous popularity, this guy’s going to be more popular than Avatar probably (and then get stolen). Thing is, he’s not that good in the rng. Passable, able to call it, but not that good. But he doesn’t cost that much. He’s only $800. That’s upper-midcard territory for a guy with 45 popularity. I really ended up liking this guy.


Jack Avatar (25; 50 pop; great-yet-useless personality; best match ever; needs more hardcore skills, power, and menace) at $0.




Joanne Rodriguez (30; 42 pop; with I had Nightfall; second hottest in-game; poor brawling, poor charisma for price) at $1,500.



But seriously, she’s…eh. Nice top row, good entertainment, but…I dunno. I guess that star quality and instant-60-angle sex appeal makes her worth her keep, but the 68 psychology bugs me. Oh, the popularity is good too. Always forget that; $1,500 kinda makes sense. But this is the best women have to offer? Dude, Sensational Ogiwara would kill this ****. Also, incidentally, Sensational Ogiwara is the best high-flyer in the game.


Lee Wright (52; 33 pop; hurt chest; surprisingly good top row, solid entertainment, solid camera; workable psych, poor selling) at $800.


Can you say I’M TOTALLY UNIFYING THE TOURNAMENT AND WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPIS TOGETHER? I can. Cuz I just did. Now seriously, the guy’s not too great. Selling’s poor, psych’s a little low (as in he needs to be carried), and his physical condition will make him take a hit. But hell…for a 53-year-old, that’s some ridiculous stats. I’m not entirely sure $800 is too big an overpay.


Steve Flash (43; 38 pop; great backstage; solid top row, DAT PERFORMANCE) at $1,500.


I’m burying Flash. That wasn’t a statement of plan, but a statement of fact. He’s lost popularity steadily in my use of him. Granted, I’m primarily using him to teach others psychology. I think. Anyway, the guy has a horrible time getting over, due to…no way, aside from in-ring, fo getting over. But this guy…he’s a very good performer. He’s my Sam Keith, Dark Angel…he’s that kind of guy. And I’ll miss him. Probably should give him a title reign once or twice. Oh, and controversial, but…I don’t know if he’s worth his pay. Sure, with the 42 or so pop he starts with, that top row, and the performance, but…I dunno. I think I could composite that with other people. That said…he’s still a great wrestler in a great package who is easily the locker room leader.


Whistler (48; 33 pop; charismatic) at $1,000.


It’s sad when the rookie in a team is carrying the supposed veteran. Whistler…eh. Whatever. Were it not for American Patriot I’d probably fire him. Yeah, he’s healthy, but he’s a charismatic midcarder at best. Honest Frank is everything Whistler is in a good way with none of the bad. I…I’m not firing him until I get AmPat over, I guess, even though I’m tanking an expensive hire.

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Cheerleader Nicki/100

Fern Hathaway/100

Land Mass/500

Randy Maxx/500


That's $1,200 I'm saving (if I used them each show) and four people leaving-two wrestlers.


That's...a fair bit less than expected. Now if I wasn't being an idiot/playing favorites?


ROSTER CUTS: Hypotheticals

Burning EXILE/900

Hugh de Aske/600

Rafael Ruiz/900

Richie Riggins/450


That'd be 8;6/10 with $4,450 savings. A bit better. If I could part with SMY/J-Ro/Hell Monkey (one or more of the three), I'd have a bigger impact. Oh well.


Ah, I also added Wright/Vessey as "Japanese Soldiers". Didn't call them the Gaijin Magnificent because I thought of that just now and crap I should change it. Here's D-GenX:




Oh, and fun fact: I have...29-no, wait, 30 pending negotiations with new hires.


So was this all useless? Yes. Did I waste your week? Yes. Am I sorry?



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So apparently "National" isn't "major"? Oh, and:




lol. James, btw, is a great hire. Even if he doesn't improve much, he'd at least be a solid midcarder for SWF/TCW. Donnie J...not so much. HOWEVER:




They got some experience, and I believe the only pre-set dual-team madness we have here. The...er...Thomas and Johnson. They're not Elite Express; that's Phantom Stranger. And they sure as hell aren't Gurren Lagaan, because that's me (because of Phantom Stranger. Oh, and the drill reference, I guess). Canadian Machines? Yeah, those two. Whatever their real names are, I gave them another one, so it looks like that. But Prudence/Donnie are pre-set like this. The Specialists. Ahhh...


And why can't I look up that team name?




WHO CALLED IT (I did). It's Tuesday of Week 1 of March; that's typically when the computer tries to restructure its roster, I think. Now I have to not have shows on...




Oh. Heh...and great, my road agent can't work the Memorial. What will I ever I already covered this. I'll be fine.


In case you had forgotten, let's check the Extreme Eye:




And for negotiations?






Btw, looking at Melody, she's 17 pop in our region with 61 psych. That puts her in midcard territory, so I will not hire her if it costs more than $700.




Well...that was quick. And rare; typically I have to up the price one setting.


(btw, I now have "American Woman" stuck in my head due to the first line stating she's an American woman. [i thought she was Canadian.] And when I say I have that song stuck in my head, I mean...AMERICAN WOMAN! DANANANANAAAAA...AMERICAN WOMAN! SOMETHING SOMETHING MEEEE-HEEEE...)




That puts her in midcard territory,








He has 43 psychology and I don't remember going over him in my totally short roster review. He's a midcarder?! 22 pop?! WHAT THE HELL


Anyway, I now have I have just a bit of the gif showing onscreen from my previewing this post, and it's really hard not to laugh and/or punch something Rafael Ruiz at $900, no travel. But on to what I hope is a signing that will TOTALLY REVOLUTIONIZE THE GAME (not entirely facetious)...




Wait, 10 days until...hm. If I do get this person, I wonder when they should debut...








Wait. I thought Adam Lambert did "Uprising" on American Idol. Huh. ANYWAY I LIKE THAT SONG AND THAT PERFORMANCE


Oh, and the main reason I'm not re-updating the RtG game is because I have to find hawt non-prawn pix for Jen Neptune. Or, y'know, closeups of some bawbz to represent my character's focus in the hiring scenario.

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I figure I should probably clarify a thought, given that I said I was going to talk about it then spent the last...5 or so content-filled posts not addressing it.


I gave a rundown of my roster, but I didn't talk explicitly about the "added value" of a worker. The value (and the "added" part refers to adding them to one's roster) is essentially the benefits of having a worker minus their costs.



  • The more popular a worker is, the better their segments rate. The better the segment, the better the show. While this does include matches, even a performance-based promotion likes popularity, since angles are heavily affected by overness. The more over the worker, the better the segment, leading to more popularity for those in the segment and increased show ratings. A manager, then, is more valuable the more popular they are.
  • The better a worker's skills (I'm lumping everything in here for brevity; entertainment is more important for managers, psychology is important, teaching a good top row, etc.), the better a segment is. More charisma, in particular, helps both angles rated on popularity and matches due to the potential charisma bonus, so having a great manager (Emma Chase) is actually part of the foundation of building a great roster. Having "trainers" of sorts, ex. Jeremy Stone for tech skills, Flash for performance, Emerald Angel for high-flying, and...uh...**** it, go with Sean McFly for everything not Entertainment related. Seriously, WHAT THE HELL RYLAND:
  • Their potential over the course of their tenure in your company: getting a crap worker for 3 years at $200 isn't a bad idea if they're legit main eventing after 1.5 years (hell, even 6 months of main eventing for $200 would probably be worth it). Keep an eye on the future so you can continue to thrive.
  • All these benefits translate to promotion overness and money. Better shows = more growth, and growth = money. As does popularity in a region, true, but...oh, growth also means bigger shows, more tickets, ergo, money.
  • Intangibles like OMG KOKI ISHIBASHI HAS MASKS and DEAR GOD DIE ALREADY CORNELL also can be a benefit. Or a deficit in the latter case, hence why TCW sucks.
  • The only reason people play TCW is because Angry Gilmore has, canonically, the finest piece of ass in the universe for a wife, and he is in SWF. Ergo, everyone is jealous. Also there are no women on the internet and/or gaming so this is absolutely true.
    Well, I suppose there might be some of them hot lesbians on the interwebz and gaming, but the fact remains that they still want to bone (would a lesbian "bone"? OH GOD SLANG IS CONFUSING) Jessie.
    I WISH THAT I HAD JESSIE'S wait she is a girl. I wish that I had Jessie's Gilmore? That'd be Tom. Which...well, I do wish that he was on my roster.



  • Getting songs stuck in your head and then wanting to die. Because dying is not a benefit.
  • Obviously the monetary cost of having a worker on the roster is a cost. Note that a written contract incurs a set dollar/month, while PPA agreements are only if the worker is used (and then, the amount of times used/month affects that). And downside agreements are guaranteed unless exceeded per month.
  • A spot on the roster is a cost. Why? Every show there's a limited number of spots open to be used for workers. Technically if one wanted to have horrible shows, one could fill the match time with battle royals and use everybody every show. Expensive, but endlessly amusing. Being a bit more normal, there's 2 slots in each singles match. Given...let's say 12 minute average match time, that's...7 matches for a two hour show. 14 people...let's say a few tag or multi-mans, easily around 20 workers per show. That 21st worker? Too bad, no match tonight. Sure, maybe an angle's open, but...point is, there's a limited number of spots on the roster that are going to be used. And why is use a matter?
  • Morale/backstage atmosphere. I would put this in benefits, (you need to see my 0/0/0/0 backstage atmosphere; it's beautiful what I've done with so few workers) but I started singing. Anyway, a guy can drain backstage either by being a jerk (Valentine, Scott, etc.) or by being un-used and getting angry. (note: this will lower their backstage influence. So a neutral guy could go negative, a negative guy could get worse, and a postive influence will lessen) A low backstage atmosphere hurts EVERY SEGMENT IN THE SHOW. PER PERSON IN SAID SEGMENT. And a low personal morale (signing a contract gives them a boost to morale, so this would be after that time/signing a hated worker/jobbing the hell out of them to your user character LOLOLOLOLOL 50 POPULARITY IN THREE SHOWS HERE I COME) will lower that individual's rating for a segment. So yeah, that can get bad fast.


It's not an exhaustive list, (I need to sleep, punically) but my point was that guys like Steve Flash have value being in the main event. He can train performance skills even to some of my better workers. That helps them, especially if they're youthful, get better. That helps the future. And even with his now-middling-30s popularity, that's higher than 3/4 of the roster. So standing in a segment does more for the segment than if he's left out. And he's great backstage. Costs? He's expensive, yes. He takes up a spot in the main event; this is largely negated by my intending to use him every show regardless of his push and the intention of putting him in high-card matches anyway. NOTBPW? That...well, yeah, since I totally care about balancing the roster in NOTBPW :rolleyes: but he's taking up a spot better used for someone else (like, say...William Hayes, to whom I gave a somewhat-recent push)


When looking at a worker, consider is the amount of money they are asking normal for their intended push? If it's lower, sign the hell out of them now. If it's higher, there better be a good reason to hire them (ex. backstage atmosphere). Or, y'know, re-prioritize their worth (oh, that 200 psychology literally breaks the game and makes every match an A*. Yeah, I'll spring for travel expenses...)


With that said...I hurt myself crotch chopping at work today. Except it wasn't so much a crotch chop as a "sitting down and making a vague chopping motion with both hands in the air to my left at about chest level, oh god my left shoulder why do I do insane things".


I got no ladies.





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The only reason people play TCW is because Angry Gilmore has, canonically, the finest piece of ass in the universe for a wife, and he is in SWF. Ergo, everyone is jealous. Also there are no women on the internet and/or gaming so this is absolutely true.




Well, I suppose there might be some of them hot lesbians on the interwebz and gaming, but the fact remains that they still want to bone (would a lesbian "bone"? OH GOD SLANG IS CONFUSING) Jessie.


Truly, Eiden, your mind works in mysterious ways.



I've been enjoying your recent break downs as it happens. You seem to be a lot more... focused than I am when it comes to breaking down the value of workers. I play almost entirely off what 'feels' right and don't bother doing much crunching. I just book storylines. It seems to work okay.



*Plays TCW

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And Paranoia is also a positive influence.


I'll quote myself later, but let's just say that much of that roster represents the kind of midcard I'd expect for a company like NYCW (it's actually the backstage of my 0/0/0/0 game.



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I see your 0/0/0/0 game is in Canada then, sir?


Nope, Tri-State. I made a rule to (almost) only hire wrestlers for $100 or less. A few exceptions for "ring generals", but else...yeah. Lots of ACPW talent.

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Speaking of my 0 game, it's alright. Ran through all the pairings on the roster. The fact that I already have my power team set is great; the fact that I also have the somewhat-competent Neptune Sisters along with the tentative Paradigm/Kidd pairing means that my division will...exist. Next show.


And, also, my main title's prestige is going to hit 70 in...9 more shows. Which will still give me bonuses to my matches. Though I need to find an alternate psych-guy...


Oh, and 4 hours is wayyyyyy too long for 16 workers.


And, curiously enough, Murderous Mikey has wrestled zero matches. In related news, the Paratroopers were beaten by Mikey in a handicap match last show.




Yeah...I dunno.




Check out my RtG dynasty. It has a cute picture, a drunk pug, and probably the only incentive to my ever drinking beer again. OR SMASHING A CAN OF BEER ON MY FOREHEAD M I RITEthat makes no sense given the...okay, if I make "head" into a double-entendre, along with "smash", then...yeah, I suppose it was clever. In a there-are-two-hot-chicks-with-Coors-Light-bodypaint-in-the-picture kind of way.








Yeah, my acceptance of the HoF 2012 Award (and I mention that because who the hell actually nominated me?) is totally not going to be completely warranted and in no way fabricated vitriol at Ryland.


At all.








Now why am I negotiating with him?




That's right, I'm a huge jerk. Though at 25, his talents imply that he'll at least be a good midcarder. Improve in psychology, and he'll probably overtake Citizen X as my go-to high-flyer. Also, he has a 35 tag team with K-Squared aka Grandmaster *****. Because his last name sounds like




I'd have taken Young Leo (who, incidentally, is not a Young Lion) for $600, maybe even $700 after travel negotiations. But **** YOU CGC AKA CANADIAN GOLDEN...huh. And that's why they have Kuntz.




I really need to sleep.






This guy's 29, possibly a negative personality, 35 popularity, and he's used roids before. How much is he worth?


No seriously, I'm going to sleep and that's the question for which I want some discussion.



The proper answer is **** you, Murderous Mikey costs less and won't require a low level title run which...I think will cause this guy to never work for us. Given that I hate him, don't care.


Also, $1,000+low level title is the game's answer. Admittedly, for his popularity and ability to have ridiculously-good menace angles, not too far ffrom the mark. Or not off at all, come to think of it.




For 20 months. sigh If he doesn't improve massively, I'm going to haave a Big Problem.


More Spoilers: There's white text above this text. Well, in the previous spoilers section.





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Man, Robin Hood (LOL I GET HIS NAME) is awesome.


...wait a second...




Oh. Heh. Here's Loxley, btw:




Loxley actually looks like a young prospect; Swoop's the guy to build Australia around.


btw, the phrase is Gary Stu, for those who were wondering.




As to the question earlier, that guy is The Big Problem, aka the other half of Massive Problem. They could have, potentially, been a stupid heel menace team. If, y'know, I didn't despise Land Mass.


Is The Big Problem worth $1,000? I say no. Admittedly, 35 popularity with ridiculous menace is just begging for abusive popularity gains. But he's middling in the ring. Look at my main event; they are not crap in the ring.


Since I did hire him though, I'm going to see how popular I can make him. Then I'm jobbing him to someone. YAY TWO JOBBING MEMORIALS


Oh, the main reason Murderous Mikey isn't better than The Big Problem is age; 38 vs. 29. Problem could (ROID RAGE) get better to a level of passable; Mikey won't. But, however, he can get popularity faster than Problem, so...yeah.


WAIT A SECOND EPIX TAG TEAM IS making me want to quit the game.


I'm going to be pissed to hell if Mikey/Problem have positive chemistry, because I really don't want Problem on here. Which is funny, given that I liked him (well, the team) in 2005.




Oh, and you only get the "Event was successful" backstage morale boost for ~1 month. Which, for NOTBPW, means about 5 at any one time. Easily.








^What is he worth? How about if I tell you he's 35? Is he worth the 1k/600 he's asking? I say no, mainly for the downside (since I'm stacked as-is).




DAMMIT I CAN'T GET THE NATION OF FILTH! $2,500 is too much...I wanted a 100 experience team with 50 popularity ;_;




Jack Griffith goes by the wayside; he's worse than the mystery guy, a year older, and a drunk. He wanted the same money. Lol.






32 years old (close to retirement, maybe) for $800? Let's look at her:






No. No she isn't. She's passable on performance, okay with entertainment, and able to get over by stripping. Which, admittedly, is something that women are good at *looks at Blake*




I got her because of her mentorship to Amber Allen. At 22 with superb technical skills (in the high 60s), she actually could be somebody. And she'd round out my aerial-heavy undercard (incidentally, the top of the card is brawling-heavy).






Aside from the glorious potential teams with Burning Monkey and soon-to-debut(-in-like-4-months?) Amazing Fire Fly, there's not a lot to give the 20-year-old Pyromaniac a second look. Well, and the potential to mention he's extra-stiff due to the aforementioned stripteases of hot chicks.


On an unrelated note, my birthday is coming up. I'm not saying I want a hot striptease video, but I am saying that I'm getting seriously weirded out by the fact that I'm somehow disconnected from the creepy hitting on that one chick that posts here (who is obviously a dude because it's the internets). Rather, I'm weirded out by the creepy stuff, but I'm also confused at the fact that I'm disconnected from it. It's like I'm thinking with my brain while my hands are OH GOD SHUT UP


Anyway, I'm not paying him more than $150.




He wanted $150 and travel, apparently. I didn't get the opportunity; he backed out after the second failure (I believe Jay Chord, Higa, and maybe Peter Valentine/BSS will do that as well).






I'll hire him because it's the 13th. Hell, I made a Valentine stable once; Razor Valentine is awesome.


Wait, he wants $300? **** being cutesy, that's stupid.




Interestingly, Razor's got no MMA skills, even though he's a martial artist. Also, DAT LACK OF SAFETY ON AN OTHERWISE EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE SET.




I didn't get Al Coleman. Given that I hate him, missing out on his meh team with Mean Machine means I don't care.




I also miss out on Johnny Martin, who was too expensive. Would have adored that 100 team with Sanders, though.

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Turns out the 5-minute Championship Scramble in WWE '12 (for the Wii) is hard as hell even on the easiest difficulty. Well, not entering first. If I was in the first two I could get a pin, but anyway...


Oh, Zack Ryder is Cruiserweight Champ. I hate him.


On that note, Vader is not the WCW WHC; Christian is. Because I didn't break up a pin ;_;








I loled.



^Jared Johnson AKA Double J. Him and Amber Allen need to get together. Do I have her on this roster? *starts negotiations* *already started negotiations*


He's a tough sell/buy at $500, but he's certainly one for the future. At the very least, he could be a carryable midcarder with nice entertainment skills. What's great, though, is that tech line; he'll teach a hell of a lot of people some solid work. Go go Bloodstone protege! (spoilz hire him always if playing with NOTBPW)




With 23 pop, Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man is not worth $600. However, that 100 power is fun, (and good in development, where he'll pass that to others. Fun little quirk, that) and he's great backstage. So shut it.

$700, then. Jerk.


I also picked up Elijah Harris. He's going to be a manager soon, I expect, but $500 is worth his talents. And I get to have some fun in the midcard with him until then.




Nina the Psycho Ballerina. Not really worth the $500, but again, probably going to be a manager who is rated on entertainment, not microphone, in angles.




The new jobber-pending-chemistry tag team. Come on; this and Ekuma/Island Boy is obvious. They both suck, but at $250 for the package deal, not that bad. And hell, they'll just get dominated over and over and over, so...who cares?




Ted Brady aka Matty Phatty is 36. He's got solid performance for our size (lacking psych, sure, but...). That stamina sucks, but we can improve that. His 25 pop would make him a useful...midcarder, I guess, for...DWN to dominate, I suppose, up the card. Or something. $800 worth?




Meh, no. Stamina sucks, hard. Whatever; I got enough guys that can call in ring.




Lowest stamina of an active wrestler in the game. He's 23! Fun fact: Murderous Mikey and Land Mass are 2nd and 3rd, respectively. Who's Mr. #1? Zachary Inc. aka better be $150 or less.






**** you guys he sucks next.


I'm keeping a tag team that I'm hopefully signing a secret; they will, if I get them, completely ruin any semblance of building up any other team, so...oops?

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Keeping with the signings, look at this:




Performance sucks, but...man, that is ridiculously nice otherwise. 32 Light Heavyweight Sgt. Bubba Lee West (the high Respect might be due to him being legit Army Ranger) is a great "big man". A mini Remo, so to speak (and older, of course). $900? Hell, I'll take a menacing guy who can actually have a match.


$1,000, and he wants a low level title run.




I hate giving out title runs, in part because they are hard to remember (check a worker's contract section, but...why would you do that unless you remembered?). Also because I GIVE TITLES TO PEOPLE WHO DESERVE THEM/myavatarinmyRtGgame.


Nope, passing on him. Expect a major shakeup next month as well, since I'm getting wayyyyyy too top-heavy.


Oh, and I got Jacob Jett at $600 (no travel) for 22 months on his renewal. Yay...












I am ridiculously happy right now and I won't tell you guys why. Yet.

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You might notice I've been skimping on my RtG posts. Why?


I hate that game. Hate the idea of the power-gaming monster I've made the character. And/or it's harder to write. And/or a slower-paced game what with all the stupid hirings because I'm being purposely stupid.


I figure the odd longer post makes up for it. And the boobs. That too. Those too. Those two.


Heh, puns.




^Not a pun, but ENTIRELY TRUE. Maybe.






That's Insane Machine. He's 36 with 36 popularity. Aside from being a stable high-flier, he's got some good tech skills. And:




Look at those teams...btw, the "The" in "The American Flash" is really important when searching for him (his 34 Toughness makes him a no-hire).




On that note, good companies from which to steal workers:


1. MAW: These guys tend to suck, but the lower card is relatively cheap for the USA. Got some great guys (Jay Chord) on there, but even some of the tag teams would round out a roster.


2. CZCW: High-flying craziness here. Admittedly, this is for your upper-card, as Insane Machines don't come cheap (nor Snap Dragon, Remmy Skye, etc.)


3. ACPW: If you hate people and/or want to steal Sky King and never let them use him.


4. WLW: They're the smallest non-dojo Japanese company, but they got a fair few US workers. Hire them. WLW has some ridiculously good talent on their roster; your shared guys will get better in thr ring without you doing anything. True, PGHW/BHOTWG have some guys as well, but they will lock them down to writtens sooner.






...I hate that company...


Oh, I made CZCW pay $1,000 to renew Masked Cougar. He would have taken $900 from me, (and maybe the initial $800) but they offered more. Aside from great popularity (30), he's really a ~$600 guy, given his poor performance skills.


I have no idea why I negotiated with Kenny Kuntz aka K-Squared. (btw, it's 'Koontz' in my head) Do I have Trent Shaffer on my roster? They have a tag team...heck, $150 is nothing anyway. He's not very good, though, so if the team doesn't pan out, (poor chemistry, can't hire Shaffer, etc.) he's gone like Randy.




Positie backstage + positive relationship + 22 years old + amazing tech row + only costs $150 = HIRE AMBER ALLEN.






^That's the 29-year-old American Elemental with 18 pop in the USA. One of my favorite workers in the game, period. And I can't get him for Million Man March Maybe ;_;


Fun fact: Every MAW game should hire him, switch his character to "Americana," (screw Mexican only alter-ego) then give him an Undertaker streak at the eponymous event. Because SHUT UP I'M AWESOME also it would work because he's ungodly amazing.


Oh, I also didn't sign Valiant; he considered me, which was cute, but SWF resigned him anyway. *shrug*






So guess who just got fired? Or...well, I could bury him at MMM, but given that he's $1,500, I'm not going to do that.


I lied. I'm totally burying the hell out of him. Sure, he'll hate me/the company, but I'm not going to hire him back for awhile anyway.




AND GUESS WHO JUST REALIZED HE DIDN'T ADVANCE BOOK ANYTHING. (as if it mattered; I'll advance book it when I book the show)

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So, some fun news:


1. NEW DIARY ON THE HORIZON EPIX JAPANESE TALENT EPIX JAPANESE BEWBZ (actually I might consider spamming Sensational Ogiwara, even with her physical condition hurting. Dat high flying.)


2. Main pre-show post tomorrow (well, later today, as it's past 1AM for me), but...


3. Oh, Amber Allen/Principessa help my backstage environment as intended woo now for the real 3:


3. http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/2/4817002193.jpg






If I get to make a mess with Bull = horns joke, I will be so happy (though it doesn't involve anyone else, so...)







2. Keep this note in mind; I'll look at something in a sec.




You count to 3, jackass. No one cares.


Okay, I do allow alcohol backstage. Would have been funny otherwise.


On that note, making alcohol illegal and checking the other non-paying boxes.




Still 100%, Steve Flash is getting fired (lolz not really) and everyone is fined for not being here three hours earlier >_>




Tentative Schedule:


1. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fuyuko Higa:

I want to do this match to show you that even with the obscene skills these two have, (#2 and #1 match in our history, respectively) without a strong popularity base they will "underperform". That said, I think a 30 isn't out of the question (and would be expected if we were performance >> popularity).


2. Dang it I closed the game screw you guys.

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Sadly, my third diary died before it started. Touring companies' tv shows are recaps of the tour, ergo no "B show". Therefore, no place to spam angles.


Now I bould run with WLW, but that's not a National company. But it does have Dark Eagle...




Less-tentative schedule:


Insane Machine vs. Murderous Mikey

I need Mikey to get over, and since I need to job Insane Machine's ass out the door, feeding him to a brute is the best use of his skills. Plus Mikey's a hell of a lot cheaper than most of the roster; I have far too many people in the $1,500 range working for me.


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fuyuko Higa

Again, this is an experiment/case study of what a lack of popularity will do for a match. It's a cheap match, as well, so perfect for the undercard.



This is when I realize that not only do I have a hell of a lot of expensive people, I'm also missing faces at the top of the card. Well, competent faces, but anyway...


D-Generation X (Frank & Citizen) vs. Island Attitude (Apollo & Ekuma) vs. The Ring Generals (Waldorf & Statler) vs. Mr. Lucha III & Extraordinario Jr.

Citizen X is a fine talent, as previously noted. Frank is also surprisingly good (and cheap) for a main eventer whose main claim to fame is mike skills. Ring Generals can learn some psychology (possibly) and round out the top row; Island Attitude might as well debut with crap momentum in what will likely be a losing effort. The last two? Roll the dice on what is a brilliant team in my 0/0/0/0 save.


Steve Flash vs. Insane Machine vs. Larry Vessey

Burial on the part of Machine; I might make this a handicap match, tbh, because I don't want to lower Vessey's popularity when he's making a star's performance in the memorial in a few weeks. I want Flash to remain popular, though, so this is a good win for him.


Insane Machine vs. Donte Dunn, Roger Monteiro, and K-Squared

My three cheapest guys. What's a burial without really, really bad booking?


You'll notice that I don't have J-Ro, SMY, BHB, Hell Monkey...the Gauges (that will change, I believe...) on the card. Tentative, remember; also, I haven't included angles.


Looking at my previous months, I can get away with using ~$17,000 on wrestler costs each month-in effect, each show. Aside from this month, of course. I took $4,000 off the $21,000 I had last month for Stomper, managers, refs, etc. I currently sit at 12100/17000. That's enough for three main eventers (J-Ro, BHB, and Monkey, for example) to play; if I nail down my non-wrestler costs, might even throw in Greg (against Machine in a heel-vs.-heel Loser Leaves Town mach).

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Now what was that advance booking I was supposed to have made...ah, gotcha.




I didn't know there was a 1v4 match; Running Wolf gets a bid. Woo!






Having to make the match myself is slightly annoying, I suppose.




No, I will not.




I won't tell you who it is, but I am thiiiiiiis close to declaring war on the promotion that is also using my super secret signing. Because he's busy today. GUESS WHAT'S HAPPENING AT THE TOURNAMENTS?






Well, that's a little problematic. Filling the rest of the show with angles won't cut it (btw, J-Ro is on commentary for my match). Now if I move he first two squashes to the pre-show, I should be able to barely snag 20% angles, which will work.




Cool, now I could http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/2/5106290946.jpg


...Right, don't have an arena yet. Well, I still need to fill the post-show, so let's get back to work here...






Feel free to post predictions on the matches/my MAJOR NEW SIGNING :D

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Wait, why are you burying Insane Machine? So far as I know, that doesn't increase the overness gain, so you're just reducing what Canadian Executioner might get from the second squash.


That is true.


However, I'm burying him because I want to see if I can get him to walk out on me (for the lolz >_>). Also because I am a vindictive jerk who doesn't take kindly to SURPRISE TITLE REQUESTS.

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