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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Best of British Wrestling



Wednesday week 4 February 2010

Edgware Hall: Attendance 2,000






Jeff Nova introduces tonight’s show from the ring.



“Welcome to Best of British ladies and gentlemen. You’ve tuned in to the finest wrestling in England, in Europe and the World.


“Tonight is the last show before this year’s World War and we expect questions to be asked and answered. You’ll see 21CW World Champion Joss Thompson take on the Quiet Riot Steve Stoat in singles competition. You’ll see Jonathan Faust team up with Business Jones to take on the insane but fearsome ELIMINATION and you’ll see Danny Francis fight the Startup’s mysterious enforcer Johansson.


“Don’t touch that dial.”








DJ Reason enters the ring ahead of his match with Rockstar Lifestyle (Rolling Johnny Stones & Luke Cool).



“You all know I’m fighting Stones at World War for the UK Championship but I’m a bit faster so I couldn’t wait. Earlier today I asked Mr Nova to bring the match forwards to tonight.


“Mr Nova agreed but Stones is a coward and he’s only agreed to a tag match with his little fanboy Luke Cool involved too.


“Well – two can play that game Johnny. Say hello to my partner: “Tough Luck” Eddie Cornell!”


Eddie enters the ring with his trademark crooked grin.





“How do Rockstars? When I heard that the DJ ‘ere needed some ‘elp I jumped at the chance. Taking on an old enemy of mine was just an added bonus. Where I come from we appreciate old fashioned rock and roll music. But we don’t appreciate backstabbing, cheating bastards like you.”





Eddie Cornell & DJ Reason vs. Rockstar Lifestyle (RJS & Luke Cool)




* The Rockstars cheated all the way through and laughed about it.


* Eddie and Reason aren’t a team and it showed.


* Eddie is really coming on as a fighter though and class won out.

In a match that had some good action and average heat, DJ Reason and Eddie Cornell defeated Rockstar Lifestyle in 13:51 when Eddie Cornell defeated Luke Cool by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.






The camera shows a dressing room backstage. In it we can just see a large punching bag taking a heavy beating to the sounds of grunts and hard work. The camera pans out a bit and we see Pitbull Brown working the bag.




The shaven-headed Man Who never Gives Up is concentrating hard and training harder with his trademark determined frown.

Suddenly however the tough fighter is blindsided by a large shape. It’s the huge shape of Johansson squeezed into his suit who launches himself at Pitbull.




Of course Pitbull likes a scuffle, but the sheer size and speed of Johansson is a massive problem in the confined dressing room and Pitbull ends up on the floor getting a kicking. As always Pitbull remains unbowed but Johansson leaves him on his knees straining to get back up.








Phoebe Plumridge and Sugar Rush (Adam Matravers & Ricky Storm) come to the ring next. As always the trio are on edge (and EXTREME!) but they seem especially hyped up tonight.



“Get amped team Extremers! We’re so excited about the title match with Hot Stuff we’ve been getting ready all week. Adam has been drinking Red Bull every hour on the hour and Ricky has subsisted purely on a diet of starburst. EXTREME!


“All that effort and then Mr Nova springs one last qualifying match on us. The brothers Ivanoff are no easy win and quite frankly it doesn’t suit my boys’ style to go up against big, heavy brawlers like that. There’s only one thing for it…


“More Red Bull!”


With that all 3 members pop cans and down more Red Bull. It’s now hard to see any of their eyes apart from the enormously dilated pupils.




Sugar Rush (Adam Matravers & Ricky Storm) vs. The Brothers Ivanoff (Igor & Ivan)




* The Ivanoffs looked tough and strong here.


* Ricky is learning but is still miles behind Adam. His inexperience is a problem for the team.


* Hot Stuff charged the ring and tried to grab Phoebe but Sugar Rush managed to help her and steal the win in the confusion.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Sugar Rush defeated The Ivanoff Brothers in 10:26 when Adam Matravers defeated Ivan Ivanoff by pinfall with an Extremerator. During the match we also saw Jay B distract Matravers, and Buff Martinez also distract Matravers.








SW9 (Danny Francis & Dwayne Dark) are backstage in their dressing room as Danny warms up for his match with Johansson.



“Listen Dwayne – it’s a big match tonight. Johansson is pretty tough but he’s a fighter not a wrestler. He can be as strong as a horse but I don’t think he’ll be able to go to the mat with me. And that’s just how I’m going to go after Business when I get my hands on him too. Take the big man down and twist him up.


“But I want you to keep out of it. No interfering, no distracting. I promised your mum I’d look after you and I don’t want you getting in out of your depth. Promise me?”


The younger man reluctantly nods but he looks very annoyed with his cousin.




Danny Francis vs. Johansson




* Johansson is supremely powerful but as Danny said inexpereinc3ed in the close and mat areas of wrestling.


* However strength is a great equaliser and Danny gets thrown around violently.


* Business Jones attacks Danny (possibly due to their on-going differences) but Dwayne Dark is the cavalry as he storms the ring again.


This time it’s clear to see he has a knife as he holds Johansson at bay.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Danny Francis defeated Johansson in 11:48 by submission with a Rasta Lock. During the match we also saw Jonathan Faust run in and attack Francis, and Dwayne Dark also attack Johansson.






After the match there’s a bit of a melee with Jonathan Faust and Dunton Hall joining Johansson in battling the SW9 boys. Tellingly Business Jones also appears and joins in. Needless to say the numbers don’t look good (Dunton isn’t a fighter but he’s not averse to sticking the boot in on a man down) and Danny and Dwayne quickly make a tactical retreat. Afterwards, Dunton Hall grabs a mic.



“21CW you’d better listen up right now. I’m not just talking to Danny and Dwayne – I’m talking to Adam Matravers and Eddie Cornell. I’m talking to Joss Thompson and Jeff Nova.


“This has got beyond you. If you’re just realising that the Startup are now the dominant force in this company then you’re too slow. The paradigm has shifted already. And you’ve been left behind. If you’re thinking 21st Century you’re thinking of the present – not the future.


“This is our company. None of you can compete with our business model or our execution. You’re like chickens with no heads waiting to realise you’re dead.


“Come World War Jonathan WILL win Joss’ World Championship. Either get with the program or go join another company.


“You’ll have noticed that Business Jones is here with us. He’s not a member of the Startup yet but let’s say he’s under consideration. We needed an extra man for a match tonight and he’s going to try and show us he’s worth a spot as he and Jonathan beat ELIMINATION.


“people call me a Genius and they’re not wrong but you know how many companies I’ve started selling face-paint? None. The market does not need a couple more buffoons in lipstick.”




Jonathan Faust & Business vs. ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE)




* ELIMINATION are enthusiastic and aggressive. As always!


* But Faust and Business are a step above. Even as a new team they shine with quality here.


* And that quality allows Faust to complete a fairly standard win.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jonathan Faust and Business Jones defeated ELIMINATION in 11:53 when Jonathan Faust defeated GENOCIDE by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.








Joss Thompson comes to the ring in his tight white t-shirt and aviator shades.


“I’ve had about enough of this y’all. I get that you guys want my title. I really do. But come talk to me and we’ll settle it. Don’t be attackin’ me every time I turn around and don’t be draggin’ my friends into it.


“Pitbull’s a sound guy. He don’t say much but he don’t need to. He lets his actions do the talkin’. And tonight he’s stuck in back with a busted set of ribs because The Startup are trying to wind me up.


“I’m fighting you at World War Faust. Isn’t that enough for you? It better be as otherwise – I’m coming for you.


“And as for The Takeover I’ve seen that there’s been a little movement. Last month Leo thought he could beat me and now Stoat thinks he’s the one. Let’s find out shall we?”




Joss Thompson vs. Steve Stoat




* Both me look great here in a really open match.


* Leo supported Stoat by attacking Joss but in a strange twist Jonathan Faust also interfered on Joss' behalf.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Joss Thompson drew with Steve Stoat in 24:47 following a double disqualification. During the match we also saw Leo Price run in and attack Thompson, and Jonathan Faust also attack Stoat.






Overall show rating: B-



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  • Replies 698
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OK chaps - I enjoyed the show so I hope you did too. Everything is (just about) set up for WW now...


Joss Thompson vs. Steve Stoat

ELIMINATION vs. Faust & Business

Danny Francis vs. Johansson

Eddie Cornell & DJ Reason vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. Sugar Rush

Bonus question: Who gets attacked backstage? Adam Matravers


4 pts.


Joss Thompson vs. Steve Stoat

ELIMINATION vs. Faust & Business

Danny Francis vs. Johansson

Eddie Cornell & DJ Reason vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. Sugar Rush


Bonus question: Who gets attacked backstage? Joss Thompson


2 pts only Im afraid sir


Joss Thompson vs. Steve Stoat

ELIMINATION vs. Faust & Business

Danny Francis vs. Johansson

Eddie Cornell & DJ Reason vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. Sugar Rush


Bonus question: Who gets attacked backstage? Pitbull Brown


4+1 sir. BOOM


Joss Thompson vs. Steve Stoat


ELIMINATION vs. Faust & Business


Danny Francis vs. Johansson


Eddie Cornell & DJ Reason vs. Rockstar Lifestyle


The Brothers Ivanoff vs. Sugar Rush


Bonus question: Who gets attacked backstage?

Josh Thompson


3 pts


So this week's winner is the mighty Jingo. please feel free to ask for anything you'd like sir.


WW should be going up later this wee. Matches will go up tomorrow/Wednesday.


Thanks for reading everyone!

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Excellent more merchandise for me ... How about since i could always do with more Dread accessories, a Dread Wrap or Tam from Danny Francis.


Well that was a tricky request. Hope this is ok...



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21CW presents:




World War 2010








Business Jones, Danny Francis, Davey London, Eddie Cornell, GENOCIDE, Geordie Jimmy Morris, K’Lee Hawkins, Leo Price, Luke Cook, Merle O’Curle, Nigel Svensson, Phillip Cooper, Pitbull Brown, Steve Stoat, SUICIDE


One of the biggest shows of the year, the World War match is one of the most hotly-contested matches in the UK.


This year is no exception as there is a £100,000 prize to go along with the famed WW title. As a result 15 men will enter and battle until only one remains. Kathleen lee has promised that her Takeover will win it but there are several other big names and serious players.




Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust for the 21CW World Title




Fans will finally get to see 21CW World Champion Joss Thompson take on Jonathan Faust for the biggest prize in British Wrestling.


Jonathan Faust and his Startup faction have been consistently putting pressure on joss and his allies with attacks, interference and direct confrontations but this will be the first time Faust and Joss go head-to-head.




Hot Stuff © (Buff Martinez & Jay B) vs. Sugar Rush (Adam Matravers & Ricky Storm) for the 21CW Tag Titles




The 21CW Tag titles are also on the line. Hot Stuff have been dominant (if arrogant) champions but they haven’t had to face someone of Adam Matravers’ stature in the sport.


On the other hand Adam’s partner is the inexperienced (if talented) Ricky Storm who is still only in his first month as a professional.




Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. DJ Reason for the 21CW UK Title




Rolling Johnny Stones only won the UK Title last month from Grey Angel but already he’s been wallowing in the glory of being a champion whilst getting his partner Luke Cool to back him up. Stones is talented but dirty.


The challenger DJ Reason has a very personal reason for hating RJS over their clash of ideologies, but really Reason is looking to establish himself back at the top of the company after a down period. The big veteran will always be a tough opponent.




The Night Terrors (Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare) vs. The Machine Brothers (War & Joe Machine)




And lastly The Night Terrors have established themselves as one of the least predictable teams anywhere in wrestling. The huge zombies are clearly physical enough to take on anyone but their obsession with eating brains makes them difficult to understand.


Going up against them in their first ever PPV appearance are the Machine Brothers War and Joe. War is a giant of a man who inspires fear and awe in normal men whilst Joe is a scrawny runt. Who knows if The Night Terrors even understand that much about them?






As always the best predictor will win their choice of merchandise from the 21CW factory.




World War

Business Jones, Danny Francis, Davey London, Eddie Cornell, GENOCIDE, Geordie Jimmy Morris, K’Lee Hawkins, Leo Price, Luke Cook, Merle O’Curle, Nigel Svensson, Pitbull Brown, Phillip Cooper, Steve Stoat, SUICIDE

Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust

Hot Stuff © vs. Sugar Rush

Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. DJ Reason

The Night Terrors vs. The Machine Brothers

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World War

Business Jones, Danny Francis, Davey London, Eddie Cornell, GENOCIDE, Geordie Jimmy Morris, K’Lee Hawkins, Leo Price, Luke Cook, Merle O’Curle, Nigel Svensson, Pitbull Brown, Phillip Cooper, Steve Stoat, SUICIDE

There is quite many guys here who could win but Price seems to be the top name and he has all three of his allies in the match too.


Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust

I hope that Faust will win the title eventually but I would still let Thompson get the win this time.


Hot Stuff © vs. Sugar Rush

Ricky is still litle bit green so I give this one to Hot Stuff.


Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. DJ Reason

RJS just won the title little while ago so it´s too early for a change.


The Night Terrors vs. The Machine Brothers

Could go either way but I assume that Night Terrors are more over.

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Business Jones, Danny Francis, Davey London, Eddie Cornell, GENOCIDE, Geordie Jimmy Morris, K’Lee Hawkins, Leo Price, Luke Cook, Merle O’Curle, Nigel Svensson, Pitbull Brown, Phillip Cooper, Steve Stoat, SUICIDE

I'm picking Danny Francis now that i have an awesome Pride of Brixton Tam.

Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust

Not yet i still think Leo Price may be the man to takle the belt but a little down the line.

Hot Stuff © vs. Sugar Rush

I'm feeling a title change somewhere so might as well be this one.

Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. DJ Reason

No need for a change yet, RJS is the TV Star!

The Night Terrors vs. The Machine Brothers

Love the terrors, they get my pick

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World War

Business Jones, Danny Francis, Davey London, Eddie Cornell, GENOCIDE, Geordie Jimmy Morris, K’Lee Hawkins, Leo Price, Luke Cook, Merle O’Curle, Nigel Svensson, Pitbull Brown, Phillip Cooper, Steve Stoat, SUICIDE

Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust

Hot Stuff © vs. Sugar Rush

Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. DJ Reason

The Night Terrors vs. The Machine Brothers

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The camera opens on a dark gym. We’ve seen it before and the banner announces that it’s Pitbull Brown’s East London gym.


The camera pans around and we can see that although it’s dark and clearly the middle of the night one light is on and Pitbull himself is ferociously working out doing one-handed press-ups.




The brawler pauses and looks right into the camera.


“I’ve got a message for the Startup: Don’t you know who I am?


“I’ve never given up to anyone or anything. I’m not the quickest and I’ve never been the strongest but I am the absolute last mother@#*er to give in.


“It’s going to take a lot more than a sneak attack from a Norwegian gorilla to get me to back down.


“Saturday night I WILL win the World War.”



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A dingy pub.


In the background a West Indian band play slowly and a table of old guys play dominos. A Red Stripe poster is on the wall.


The camera pans around a bit and we see Danny Francis sitting with Dwayne Dark at a small table.


Danny is looking uncharacteristically serious whilst Dwayne glowers from underneath a sneer.





“What are you doing man? You can’t be doing that sh*t in a company like 21CW. I’ve worked hard to get where I am and I’m telling you. You need to leave the street behind you. You get me blud?”



“Cuz – do you seriously think I’m going to stand back and watch some bloke take you apart? I think you need to remember where you came from.”


“I never forget. But I know you’ve got to be appropriate. If you show a blade again with a camera on you you’re going to get locked up. I promised your mum I’d look after you.

“Listen. I’ve got a spot in the World War on Saturday. And I don’t want you in the building.”


Dwayne doesn’t look happy as the scene fades.




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An office view across the rooftops of London. Clearly this office is high up and very salubrious.


The camera pans out a built and Business Jones is leaning against his modern-looking desk.




As he normally does when not in the ring the big man wears an expensive looking grey business suit.


“People have noticed recently that I’ve been spending more time recently with The Startup. I’ve said it before – the time for jokes and comedy is over. I’m about winning matches and being successful now.


“And I know a winning idea when I see one. Privatising ownership of a premium wrestling group is clearly paying dividends with Jonathan Faust looking to win the 21CW World Title this week and I want to be a part of that.


“So I’ve thrown my lot in with him and Dunton Hall and Johansson. I’ve had it with wannabes like Danny Francis trying to get hold of me. This Saturday I’m going to win the World War and prove once and for all I’m the Top Dog around here.”


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Business Jones, Danny Francis, Davey London, Eddie Cornell, GENOCIDE, Geordie Jimmy Morris, K’Lee Hawkins, Leo Price, Luke Cook, Merle O’Curle, Nigel Svensson, Pitbull Brown, Phillip Cooper, Steve Stoat, SUICIDE

Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust

Hot Stuff © vs. Sugar Rush

Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. DJ Reason

The Night Terrors vs. The Machine Brothers

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Saturday Week 4 February 2010

Kent Racecourse. Attendance: 5,000.






Jeff Nova introduces tonight’s show from the elaborate set which fills the event venue. A huge backdrop with a huge orange world map on it makes Jeff look like some kind of dictator speaking from his rostrum.


“Welcome to the biggest show in UK wrestling of 2010.


“Tonight I’m not here as 21CW’s boss. I’m not even here as the World’s Strongest Man. I’m here as a fan like you. It’s not often you get to see a match like Thompson vs. Faust and I want to see it as much as you do.


“And that’s not even why we’re here. Tonight is World War. When every big name comes to 21CW for one reason. To win the BIGGEST match in British wrestling. Everyone in this business wants the glory and the big, fat £100,000 prize and tonight we’ll so just how much. Only one man can come out on top but we all know how desperate all 15 men in the competition are.”








Phoebe Plumridge accompanies the Sugar Rush boys to the ring. They’re all wearing extra-special outfits tonight. Adam and Ricky have sequins on their bandannas and Phoebe is (just about) in an awesome sparkly dress.



“What’s up Team Extremers!?! You all know what Adam’s plan is for the year. We’re going to prove he’s the best, most talented, most EXTREME fighter in England by winning all three of the 21CW titles this year. And tonight is step 1. Adam and Ricky are going to take the tag belts from those arrogant idiots Hot Stuff. And then we’re going to have a party with everyone here!”


Phoebe Adam and Ricky all produce cans of Red Bull and knock them back.


That’s extreme.






Hot Stuff also enter the ring to pyrotechnics. As usual the young guys are wearing far too few clothes. Oil and tiny trunks do make them difficult to fight though. What do you grab?



“It’s time to end this dream I’m afraid Sugarboys. It’s a nice story to have a dream. I appreciate that you need to have something to work towards. But not at our expense. We’ve beaten every team in 21CW and we’re looking at moving on to some of the big companies in the US.”



“I can just see it now. In SWF with the tag belts on us standing over Death Row, The Bumfholes and The Biggz Boys. But for now we’ve got a much easier job. Sugar Rush are going down.”




Hot Stuff vs. Sugar Rush for the 21CW Tag Titles




* The champs spend a lot of the match preening and posing to the fans in between cynically focusing on young Ricky Storm.


* Adam is a ball of manic energy zooming around the ring. The vet looks fast and daring.


* Unfortunately Adam can’t do it all though and as the vet tires Ricky has to do more and although the younger man looked good Buff |Martinez beat him with a sneaky leg on the ropes that the ref never saw.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hot Stuff defeated Sugar Rush in 14:47 when Buff Martinez defeated Ricky Storm by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Hot Stuff make defence number 2 of their 21st Century Tag Team titles.








A short video plays of some highlights of three of the four men in the next match. War Machine looks huge and terrifying whilst The Night Terrors are shown attacking people and generally looking deranged.


Joe Machine is noticeably absent from the video.




The Night Terrors vs. The Machine Brothers




* Warren Machine is pretty unstoppable in short burst s but a man of his size can’t go for more than short bursts so Joe has to try to stand up against the Terrors.


* The two Zombies are both big and tough and lumber after Joe whenever he’s in the ring.


* A hot tag allows War Machine to show his power one last time but the big fella blows up and has to watch frustrated as Joe is overpowered by Mr Nightmare.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Night Terrors defeated Machine Brothers in 10:01 when Mr. Nightmare defeated Joe Machine by pinfall with a Brainz-buster.








Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool swagger their way down to the ring. Tonight they’re wearing leather jackets and ripped jeans.


The two men climb the turnbuckles and wave bottles of Jack Daniels at the crowd as they get soundly booed.


As the Rockstars preen DJ Reason also enters. His is far less showy with the big man just heading down to the ring alone wearing a huge pair of cans and seemingly totally focused on the match.




Rolling Johnny Stones vs. DJ Reason for the 21CW UK Title




* Stones displays some of his trademark linked suplexes and technical wrestling but isn’t particularly impressive.


* DJ Reason uses his superior size and weight to dominate the match with a far more basic style.


* But the extra man counts and every time Reason gets close Luke

Cool waves and shouts spoiling Reason’s concentration and allowing Stones to counter into a flash cradle for an undeserved win.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rolling Johnny Stones defeated DJ Reason in 14:48 by pinfall with a Brainbuster following interference from Luke Cool. Rolling Johnny Stones makes defence number 1 of his 21st Century United Kingdom title.








Backstage in a dressing room Eddie Cornell and Pitbull Brown are getting ready for their entries into the World War.



“Pitbull. I know we’re not the closest of mates but I just wanted to say: may the best man win tonight. I’ll be going all out to win this match. I don’t care about the money but if I want to be a name in this business and show my family that I’m not a shadow of anybody.


“But if I don’t win then I’m damn sure I don’t want anyone from The Startup or The Takeover to win it.


“What I’m saying is – good luck.”

Eddie puts his hand out and Pitbull shakes it slowly.






Kathleen Lee is giving her own stable a pep-talk in a different changing room.



“Tonight’s the night. I’ve had enough excuses and I’ve made it very clear to you all that tonight is your last chance. One of you wins the World War or I sack all four of you and fine some men who can get the job done.


“The four of you can work together. If you show up tonight and concentrate on winning at all costs no one here can stop you.


“Just remember; win at all costs.”




2010 World War






* Early in the match Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson) are united together and work to put out several men.


* But that partnership was broken up by Danny Francis who was on a tear.


* Business Jones spent a load of time in the ring battling Eddie Cornell (who he manged to eliminate) but was surprised by Danny Francis also.


* Danny lasted well but Leo Price and Steve Stoat came in late and combined to put him out.


* Leo and Stoat faced off two-on-one against Pitbull Brown but an unfortunate mistake meant Leo went out.


* With just Pitbull and Stoat in the ring the two men were well matched but Pitbull was still hurting from his attack earlier in the week and the silent Steve Stoat managed to slingshot Pitbull over the rope to win the World War.



* Davey London eliminated by Luke Cool

* Geordie Jimmy Morris elim by Merle O’Curle and Nigel Svensson

* SUICIDE elim by Merle O’Curle and Nigel Svensson

* K’Lee Hawkins elim by Merle O’Curle and Nigel Svensson

* GENOCIDE elim by Merle O’Curle and Nigel Svensson

* Phillip Cooper elim by Business Jones

* Nigel Svensson elim by Eddie Cornell

* Eddie Cornell elim by Business Jones

* Merle O’Curle elim by Danny Francis

* Business Jones elim by Danny Francis

* Danny Francis elim by Steve Stoat & Leo Price

* Leo Price elim by Pitbull Brown

* Pitbull Brown elim by Steve Stoat


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Steve Stoat won a battle royal in 30:04. The final four competitors also included Pit Bull Brown, Leo Price and Danny Francis, with Pit Bull Brown being the final elimination. Steve Stoat wins the World War title.






Jonathan Faust is on the big screen. The challenger is dressed in his ring gear and looks slim, lean and dangerous. Like a steel barracuda.

As usual he’s flanked by his senior adviser (and mentor) the Genius Dunton Hall.





“I’m not the sort of man who takes success well. You may look at me tonight and see a man with everything at his fingertips. I’m rich, successful, good-looking and smart. I’ve got a titleshot against a yank who doesn’t belong in a ring with me and the Startup has made it into Wired as a top-50 new company.


“But I’m not happy. I’m not even close. I’m the sort of man who looks beyond the next horizon. I want to win this title and then start to stamp my own authority on the wrestling world. Dunton Hall and I will be embarking on a journey of discovery and innovation. And we won’t ever stop.


”Joss Thompson is just the first step.”






Joss Thompson makes his way through the crowd to the ring. The American champ shakes hands and poses with hordes of fans and shows off his cheesiest grin. He even stops to give his trademark aviator shades to a kid in a Thompson T-shirt.


“I’ve been in the UK for a while now and I’m starting to pick up some of the language with the help of my good buddy Eddie Cornell. One of my favourites is ‘Don’t count your chickens’


(Joss attempts that line in an appalling Lancastrian accent)


“Faust – you’ve gone big tonight but you haven’t done much yet. You’ve attacked one of my friends. You’ve sure talked a lot. But you’ ain’t done jack. If you beat me then I’ll hand you my belt and shake your hand. And then you can start bragging.


“But until then I’m the champ and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. If you wanna jaw with the champ you’d better bring your A-game.


“Well punk? Have you got enough game for me?”




Joss Thompson © vs. Jonathan Faust for the 21CW World Championship




* Faust is the smaller man her but actually takes the fight directly to Joss as he tries to stand up and brawl.


* In contrast Joss (a light heavyweight) spends the match trying to pull Faust to the floor and wrestle.


* The match spills out of the ring and into the crowd and around the arena and the fans get a good look at the two fighters as the match veers wildly in momentum.


* In fact it veers so wildly that Faust and Joss end up half-up the stairs at the back of the venue slugging it out. Faust shows then why he wanted to brawl as he shows off surprising punching power and starts to look like can win the match.


* And that’s when Joss decides to get up close and personal again. He crash-tackles Faust over the bannister and the two men fall 20 feet to the hard floor where they lie not moving. Nothing happens for a moment but then the first aid teams sprint in. It seems like the men are seriously injured.


In a match that had some good action and great heat, Joss Thompson drew with Jonathan Faust in 24:47 when both men were knocked out. Joss Thompson makes defence number 2 of his 21st World Championship title.






The first aid teams huddle around Joss and Faust looking busy when the worst happens.


Faust’s Startup lackeys Johansson and Business Jones attack the prone Joss whilst he’s still being treated.


Joss tries to stumble to his feet but doesn’t have the strength and takes several strong kicks before his own cavalry arrives – Eddie Cornell and a battered Pitbull Brown.




They attack Johansson and Business and the men continue brawling as the show ends…






Overall show rating: C+

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Always a relief to get a big show out. That was the first time I've ever run a battle royale in a diary.


Sorry about the ending - a draw is a bit soft to finish a PPV with but I just couldnt justify it not being the ME. If game mechancs worked differently for BRs I would have done but...


Also - I knew the Terrors/Machines match would suck of course. None of them are very over and theyre not the best foursome in the ring, but the Terrors deserve a match and I love War Machine.






I counted Joss predictions as a win because he kept the title and gave a pt for a last-4 finish in the WW.


DonLarsson 2

Midnightnick 3

Jingo 4

Zergon 5


So Zergon wins the ultra-special World War. Merch. Please help yourself to anything you'd like sir.




Thanks everyone for reading and commenting as well as my very-well received DoTM award (shared!).


It's all much appreciated.


Until next time!

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As you're always making people stuff I figure its time someone made you something :D


Presenting the 21CW WORLD WAR TITLE




Thanks very much MJ. This is great!


From the next month we'll be using belt pics to try and keep them a bit more important-seeming.


Thanks again

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Next time on Best of British Wrestling:






Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson




With Joss Thompson and Pitbull Brown both hurt after last month Eddie is the last man standing. Can he possibly stand up against what looks to be essentially a handicap match?


Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez




Adam and Ricky Storm failed to win the tag belts at World War. Will Adam be able to revitalise his quest for glory? Can Buff stand up as a singles wrestler?


Anarchy vs. DJ Reason vs. War Machine




Can DJ Reason get over his being cheated out of the UK championship by taking on a debutant in the masked Anarchy as well as the most devastating teenager in Britain??


Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness




Danny did really well to get to the last 4 in the World War, but still wants to get another shot at Business Jones. Can Danny get the dream match whilst also keeping Dwayne Dark on the straight and narrow?


Geordie Nation (K'Lee Hawkins & Geordie Jimmy Morris) vs. La Revolution (Jacques Livarot & Pierre Beaujolais)




One of the hottest teams in Britain make their 21CW debut. Can the incendiary Frenchmen manage to overcome the grizzled Newcastle binmen who have seen it all before?






As always the best score will win their choice of 21CW merchandise.

As a new rule correctly picking a draw will gain 2 pts. (WOW!)



Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

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So Zergon wins the ultra-special World War. Merch. Please help yourself to anything you'd like sir.


Hmm I don´t remember Price having any items yet so lets give him one, shall we?



Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

I don´t see Cornell beating two Startup guys and Jones could use the win more than Johansson who can easily get over via squashes and menace angles.


Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Matravers gets some payback by beating one half of the tag champs.


Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

Reason just was in a title match so I assume that he would be able to go over a new guy.


Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Danny has more going on.

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution

La Revolution, one of the hottest team in UK? Don´t they start with zero overness?:p Oh well they are a good team and one that I like to use when I´m playing in UK/Europe but I doubt that they are able to go over established team like Geordie Nation.


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

Matthew Macks

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Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask? Wild Child!?

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Hmm I don´t remember Price having any items yet so lets give him one, shall we?


Of course sir. Because Leo is a bit of a tool he doesnt have t-shirts in the 21CW shop. He has a polo shirt. In Takeover purple of course (everything has to match Kathleen's hair).


Here it is:






La Revolution, one of the hottest team in UK? Don´t they start with zero overness?:p


Clearly hot. Wait until you see some of the other dregs we've got lined up. :)


When I first got TEW I tried to run a 21CW game (failed miserably of course) and they were about the first people I signed. Of course I didnt know why they were getting Fs, but I've always liked them

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Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

-Miscommunication or interference

Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

-Until he explodes from Red Bull overload, I will back Matravers

Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

-Isn't War Machine in this match too? If so, I'll pick him instead.

Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

-Evilness is a tag wrestler, and a weird one at that. Not top end material unlike DBF.

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution

-Having never heard the term "Geordie" does it mean garbage man essentially?


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

Matthew Macks

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Thanks for reading Rayalek


Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

-Isn't War Machine in this match too? If so, I'll pick him instead.


He is indeed. I just typed it wrong. What a dolt.


Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution

-Having never heard the term "Geordie" does it mean garbage man essentially?


It means someone from Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It's one of the more bizarre regional accents the English language has created. If you're not familiar with it I'd recommend having a listen on Youtube. It's a very proud but idiosyncratic area with massive regional identity.

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It means someone from Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It's one of the more bizarre regional accents the English language has created. If you're not familiar with it I'd recommend having a listen on Youtube. It's a very proud but idiosyncratic area with massive regional identity.


Ah okay. When people (for example) called them "bin men" I took that to mean trash collectors. :p

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Their gimmick is that of bin men/trash collectors, who happen to hail from Newcastle. The two things are separate. ;)


Just caught up with this one Bolty, been away from the dynasty section for a while. Good fun! Always a mark for La Revolution (even when they're pushed as brothers with completely different surnames ¬_¬), and of course Stevie Stoat.


Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

DRAW! Why introduce a new rule unless it'll be needed? PSYCHE?!


Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Never liked Buff. Not sure why. Maybe because he's Spanish, and called Buff.


Anarchy vs. DJ Reason vs. War Machine

Because he's new. ¬_¬


Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Because he's evul.


Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution

Allez les Français masqués! I've been trying to find a way to work "lutteurs" (wrestlers) into a nickname for them in relation to the London looting, but... square peg, round hole. :( Besides that, this technically is way before the London looting. In a different universe. Soooo... yeah.


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

Greg Gauge? ¬_¬

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