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Road to Glory Challenge

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I don't think creating your own regional fed when already working for a regional fed is cheating. Sure, it is a jump up, but i could have jumped to a upper-cult size promotion with my characters prestige level at the same time. I would have had to wait for the Japanese big three or four to wind up in national battles first, but that would have been 2 years of actively waiting to make the jump to a WAY bigger promotion.

The way I did it, I had to go all the way from regional to national with a roster of 90% homegrown talent. If you jump to a company that just fell down from national size, you would have all the superstars already in place.


The way you did it is a lot different to doing it without creating your own fed.


Without the new fed you would have had to run a lot less shows, therefore a lot less matches for your guy, making it a slower build to get to a point where there is a bigger/better promotion that you could take over, and also a lot slower stat gains.


Also, what would stop you agressively chasing cult with the new fed, running that into the ground financially, and then starting a new cult fed? Then racing to national at the expense of finances and then start a new national fed without the monetary problems? Etc.


In essence you would have achieved the same by giving your first promotion more money (and turning off owner goals, etc.). Giving yourself more money would definately be cheating, so why wouldn't starting a new fed be?



Don't get me wrong, i'm impressed that you got your character to "complete" the goal, especcially against a random gen, but the way you did it doesn't really seem to capture the spirit of the challenge.

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The problem with what he did is two-fold. 1)He became owner thus having no owner goals so he could do anything he wanted to do. As noted in the rules, you can NEVER be owner of a fed. 2)He bankrupted his first fed specifically so he could jump to a 2nd fed (which btw yeah is still a Regional fed but it is basically infant Cult as it is 40 across the board) with tons of money.


What he did was really impressive, and I in no way want to demean that. It just simply wasn't a RtG victory as he broke a couple of the hard rules of the challenge that let him get to the finish line much faster than he possibly could adhering to the rules of the Challenge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a bit late to the party, but this looked like fun so I decided to have a go at it. Of course I'm doing things a bit different than most people as I'm starting in Western Australia as a Ring of Fire clone. I almost thought of doing it in Central Australia, but I'm not quite that much of a masochist.


I picked Cesar Sionis for my owner because who doesn't love having an owner who is an extremely negative influence. For the roster I knew I would need the cheapest guys I could find so I just searched for guys with 10 or less popularity who fit the owner requirements of at least 35 Psychology, Safety, and Athletiscism. With the exception of Cesar Sionis everyone else on the roster costs $100-$200 per appearance.


Whether this will be enough to keep from going bankrupt will be another matter since the settings make getting sponsorship extremely tough.


World Wrestling of Australia:


Owner: Cesar Sionis

Both owner and our best wrestler, but he's also the most expensive at $350 and a negative influence to boot.

Announcer: Dale Young

Only 44 announcing, but at $250 per appearance he's the cheapest I could find and he's young enough to improve.

Color Commentator and Road Agent: Jansen Belvedere

Most expensive guy on my roster at $450, but he can do double duty as a 56 skill road agent and a 44 skill color commentator.

Referee: Herbie H Reedman

40 Skill referee, but again only costs $250 and he's also young.



Main Eventers:

Blood Brother

Cesar Sionis


Warren Lydecker

Upper Mid Carders:

Battlin' Billy

Kenny Poulter

Pat Rigsby


Two-Face Tucker


Lance Lott

Reed Buckfield

Lower Mid-Card:

Blood Money (User Avatar)


Here's my user characters starting stats. With a ring of fire style 100% matches promotion I knew I could skip out on the entertainment skills.



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Right i'm going to try this again .. This time i'll join Tiberious4 in Australia (Western also).






Promotion: Lucha Libre Australia


Owner: Ollie Freedman

Style: Lucha OZ Style


Key: Lucha Libre

Heavy: Comedy

Medium: None

Match Intensity: 35%

Match Danger: 55%


Ranking: 37th




So thats me Aussie Elemental


EDIT: Thought i'd throw in the Owner Goals ...


#1 Balance must not fall below $1,000 at any point - 24 months


#2 Must not have fallen below #37 rank when time expires


#3 Cannot hire anyone below 35 Stamina


#4 Cannot hire anyone below 35 Selling


#5 Cannot hire anyone below 35 Industry Reputation


Should all be fine.


I'll update after the first year.

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Hey you two, I did some testing with the RTG workers in Australia and got a list of cheap wrestlers who would be happy to do High and Very High risk matches.

Would you like me to post the list on here?


Yeah that'd be awesome .. I'm always stuck when i try to play an Hardcore promotion (would even help next time i play DIW even if it doesn't here).

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Will work high risk:

Adgee Cross, Blood Brother, Bob Shrunkle, Cody Cook, Craig Phoenix, Donovan Boon, Felix Harding, Frankie Burke, Fuzzy Freeman, Joe Zucco, Jake D'Angelo, Kenny Poulter, King Malietoa, Lance Lott, Lee Bawes, Louie Scorpio, Maurice Jackson, Misery, Nicky Gilbert, Pat Rigsby, Rod Sullivan, Seeker, Sinner, Sulphur, The Brisbane Devil, Toasty Bonner, Trey Tallman


Will work very high:

Anguish, Angus McMiller, Blitz Simpson, Chopper Rourke, East Coast Panther, Frankie Robertson, God of War, Hardcore Henderson, Harley Principal, Lloyd Banks, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Simon McBain, Slugger, Syrus, Vaughan, Wes Schnorfest


That probably isn't all the Australian workers who are liberal, only the ones that are active in January 2010 in game and were cheap enough to use at the start of a RTG Challenge game.

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Will work high risk:

Adgee Cross, Blood Brother, Bob Shrunkle, Cody Cook, Craig Phoenix, Donovan Boon, Felix Harding, Frankie Burke, Fuzzy Freeman, Joe Zucco, Jake D'Angelo, Kenny Poulter, King Malietoa, Lance Lott, Lee Bawes, Louie Scorpio, Maurice Jackson, Misery, Nicky Gilbert, Pat Rigsby, Rod Sullivan, Seeker, Sinner, Sulphur, The Brisbane Devil, Toasty Bonner, Trey Tallman


Will work very high:

Anguish, Angus McMiller, Blitz Simpson, Chopper Rourke, East Coast Panther, Frankie Robertson, God of War, Hardcore Henderson, Harley Principal, Lloyd Banks, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Simon McBain, Slugger, Syrus, Vaughan, Wes Schnorfest


Interesting ... I have 10 of those on my initial roster of 12 :)


Thanks alot for that, saves soo much work (that i've never bothered to do before after all the games i'v played in Australia).

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So I'm mid-way through the second year as my promotion. The very low sponsorship money is tough as it means even with the cheapest workers I can find I'm only able to really put on a show every other month. I'm trying to get to small so I can hopefully get enough sponsorship money to hold an event every month.


I set myself back a bit when I ran shows three months in a row and got into debt and had to wait three months before running another show in which time my popularity in Western Australia dropped back down to 7. Having Cesar Sionis as an owner is fun; six negative incidents in ten shows. He also gave me an owner goal of not hiring anyone who is gay or bisexual, which I'd never seen before.


My user character hasn't really gotten much better aside from the end of the year roll which got him +5 basics. My only roster changes came when it was time for renegotiating and a couple of my guys had gained enough popularity that they wanted about $400. I ended up letting Blood Brother and Warren Lydecker go and replaced them with Milton Hittlespitz and Jimmy Stratosphere, the latter cost me 500$ but he's a huge upgrade over either of the guys I let go; plus APW released him and he seemed too talented to just be unemployed.


When/If I make it up to small I'm thinking of hiring some actually talented guys like Boo Smithson and Monday Next.

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Having Cesar Sionis as an owner is fun; six negative incidents in ten shows. He also gave me an owner goal of not hiring anyone who is gay or bisexual, which I'd never seen before.


Man i love having a sucky owner for fun owner goals and incidents but ... Thats an Owner Goal!? Seriously? Wow what a fun boss he must be. Doesn't he know you need the gays to get the party started :p

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Well I've just reached Small size in April 2012; only about a month away from the critical goal deadline to reach small. The jump from $2,000 in sponsorship a month to $8,000 a month is great since it will actually let me run a show every month. I'm not planning on going too crazy with my new-found income, but since I needed four more wrestlers to fill in my new spots I decided to hire some better talent.


The biggest name guy I brought in was Monday Next who was released by RAW a while ago. He's by far the most expensive guy on the roster at 1,000$ a month, but he's a very solid overall talent with his lower entertainment skills not mattering in a 100% matches company. Boo Smithson was the second addition I made, he still works for APW, but he's perfect for a company like mine since his awesome in ring skills more than make up for awful entertainment and star quality. The other two wrestlers I signed were Christopher Gerard and Dexter Mantel, both workers who debuted after the start of the game and both solid technical wrestlers with potential.


For my end of the year roll I got a 37 which was nice as it let me move my stiffness from 10 to 98; though I'm not sure what effects Stiffness really has in game. Here's how my Current Roster Looks:




I may ditch some of the deadwood like Sinner and Drifter for some acutally talented people if it looks like my budget can handle it. I also suspect Pat Rigsby may want a little more than 100$ per appearance when his contract runs out since he's up to 32 Popularity in Western Australia. :p

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Doing this again, non-diary. Running sans auto-save for a few tests (sponsorship and the like), but I'll roll with any stupid crap that happens/I do.


Chose Eva Berlin as owner of the company in the Mid South (is that legal?). My guy is Kyrgyzstani. Because shut up. But he speaks all languages because I hate RtG rules.


8/4/4/4 on talents.





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I had changed my UC to a Japanese guy with...can't remember the stats at one point. Using that as the guideline, I subtracted from Puro, added to this, etc. I must have forgotten one of his 75s when I was going up and down. One sec...


Okay, that was not fun to calculate there...




And I just realized that I had already gotten the ideal non-wrestlers on the roster on my old save that I just deleted. *sigh*

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100 Brute performance with 1 Strength and 1 Menace? Interesting combination there :p






I could use the editor for that, switching to 100 in...uh...wholesome? No, I'm a heel...


Anyway, a person only needs menace for angles, correct? And power is...a stat that we don't really understand how it affects matches. Maybe I'll fail in every heavyweight bout.


Regardless, I believe that no brute-I just checked. GUESS WHAT APPARENTLY EVERY BRUTE GIMMICK NEEDS?




So, time for me to come up with a non-menacing, non-intense, non-powerful Brute gimmick.


Annnnnnd a Cocky gimmick as well. Great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are people still paying attention to this. I kind of set TEW aside back in 2010 when I got a new job and just recently started playing again. This looks interesting and if people show interest I could try to create a dynasty out of this.


The dynasty will almost certainly be terrible, but who knows, I might actually do something interesting for once. :p

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I'm still playing my Australian Road To Glory game with a performance based fed. I'm up to July 2013 and I've done a pretty big overhaul to my roster since my last update; I've gotten rid of almost all the cheap guys I started with and replaced them with more talented guys and a lot of guys who debut later in the game.


Anyway I've got the Federation up to 26 Popularity in Western Australia and my last few shows have been the best of any of the Australian companies. My last show got rated as a 68 which is pretty good for a small Aussie Company.



Here's my current roster:



Main Event

Boo Smithson: Current Champion and best worker on the roster.

Monday Next: Former Champion and a pretty all rounder.

Jimmy Stratosphere: I never realized this before, but he's actually by far the best flyer in Australia. Don't know why APW always releases him in the first year or so.

Spiffy Stan Standish: Good all round worker.



Upper-Main Event:

Swoop McCarthy: I never expected to see Swoop end up unemployed, but RAW released him and I didn't wait to hire him.

Maurice Jackson: Current Mid-card championship holder. Would probably be better in an entertainment based federation, but RAW wasn't pushing him at all.

Black Flash: Good Performer, one of the better high fliers in Australia.

Christopher Gerard: Good Technical Wrestler, debuted late 2010 I think.




Blood Money: User Avatar; still pretty mediocre.

Cesar Sionis: The owner. He fell down the ranks a bit due to better people being brought in. He's still a huge jerk backstage.

Pat Rigsby: One of the few original roster members left. He's decent.

Motty Kuroda: Jimmy Stratosphere's partner, but not nearly as good.

Misery: He's actually a pretty good brawler for only 150$ per appearance.

Matty Wills: Debuted in early 2013 I think. Decent worker with potential.

Dexter Mattel: Debuts January 2012, not especially great.



Lower Mid Card:

Milton Hittlespitz: Another one of the cheap guys I've had around since my days as a local fed.

Tetsuji Nishimoto: He kind of sucks, but for some reason I like him and want to push him.

Markus Karr: 2013 debut. He's decent and starts as part of a 50 experience tag team.

Matt Stoppard: 2013 debut. Partner to Karr, but he really sucks at everything.




Lance Lott: Last of the original roster members left.

SubUrban Legend: One of the ZEN Dojo graduates. I hired him primarily because all the ZEN dojo guys are cheap due to starting with no pop, but he's actually alright.

Damian Dastardly: More recent Zen graduate. He's actually pretty good by Aussie Standards and he's probably going to move up the card.



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And setting some kind of record, Jack America, after 7 and half years in the wrestling business has his first 95 rated match in the main event of Inferno of Purity, PPV of National BHOTWG.




(Lionheart is El Leon, those who happen to wonder that)


Jack started his career in small company called Wrestling Premier League(which was owned by Oscar Ozymandias and went under in July 2011), where he wrestled for a year before moving to newly founded MHW.


Jack as youngster:




Jack wrestled in MHW for nearly 4 years mostly teaming with Jared Johnson. After good work as the head booker, Jack was shockingly asked to book BHOTWG, former powerhouse company of Japan. Jack turned things around there and after taking BHOTWG back to the top of Japan wrestling scene, he started to push himself to the moon. His first main event match turned out to be a dream for him, as he wrestler againts Hiroaki Nakasawa (his former tag team partner), Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Yasuhiko Taira in a match most of the critics think as one of the matches of the year. This is how Jack turned out to be in the end of June 2017:




After achiving one of his dreams, Jack has been linked to job in SWF...

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