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Tohoku Death Trip

Third Year Recap


Game Time: 3 years, 22 shows. (7 + 7 + 8 in 2012)

Best show booked: TDT December To Dismember (D+, December 2012) (CHANGED. Yes!)


Show Card:

Masakazu Kaima def. Omezo Shikitei D-

Musashi def. Little Dragon E+

Konoe & Kamisaka def. KAGEM & Nigel Svensson to retain TDT Tag Titles D

Zeshin Makioka def. Stealth Z D

Eien Miyamoto def. Totoya Munakata to retain TDT World D+



Best match booked: Eien Miyamoto def. Stealth Z in a TDT Ladder match to defend TDT World title (D+, November 2012) (CHANGED. Yes!)

Highest Attendance: TDT Otsegolectric (October 2012), 54 in attendance. (+24!)



We're on fire! Somewhere on the summer of 2012 I took a double-check on the product that I was using, a copy of Mexican Hardcore Wrestling's product with one added Mainstream and Comedy level (very low to Low and Low to Medium). I noticed that it "... Will attract fans who respond well to high risk matches" yet there wasn't really that many guys in the roster who could or would do Deathmatches and the normal Ladder matches that I had been using just weren't going to cut it.


I had accidentally and completely ignored this little fact about my product and it took me 2½ years to realise it: Thus I created a new matchtype named really cleverly as 'Tohoku Death Trip Ladder Match', TDT Ladder for short and finally I was producing D+ rated matches out from my Main Eventers.


Fired the Reaper Cicero & Dante tag team aswell as few others. Kaii Hanari I let go and Tsurayuki Kamachi got pissed off at me and wouldn't renew contract since I had forgotten to give him a title run and Reijiro Hiraki I let go due to finance problems. New guys in the roster are Zeshin Makioka and Little Dragon so not that much has changed. Only 13 guys in the roster, first year I had 14, second I had 15. We're just +1 of our ideal roster which is good.



Promotion Stats:


Last Year:

Monday, Week 1, January 2012 TDT has

2.8% Prestige

20.1% Momentum

6468$ Money

8.8% Overness

This Year:

Promotion Stats:


Monday, Week 1, January 2013 TDT has

4.4% Prestige

28.1% Momentum

4042$ Money

14.3% Overness! (We had a goal of reaching F+ before the end of the year, surprisingly we did that in just 7-8 months and went above it with 3.2% when the year ended. Awesome!)


Man did we skyrocket with those D+ shows near the end of the year. Also might be due to increased momentum aswell which in turn raises the amount of overness gained from teh shows (?). Not only that, also Wrestling Industry has raised to D+ while Economy hit C+ but is now falling. Trends changed even more to our disadvantage as we are now in the Medium Negative zone :D


User Character





Popularity is at 24.2% in Home Region and 5.1 in others.



EDIT1: News from 2012!

  • PGHW risen to National, so did GCG but as the year changed they lost three way National war against PGHW and SWF and dropped back to Cult (Ouch!). MPWF also rose to Cult. Lots of others raised and fell but I'm not gonna list all of them, just the most interesting ones.

  • MAW and RIPW Working agreement, make peace, not war like NYCW and CGC the other year.

  • Gil Thomas became new owner of USPW, their Head Booker is now Lee Wright. Geez.

  • Our product-sibling MHW opened in Mexico, yay!

  • Toyokuni Hardcore, KAZ, El Demonio and Vincente Romero injured for over 12 months. Herniated Spinal Disc, Shattered Elbow, Shattered Knee, Shattered Elbow.

  • Barry Kingman had an incident with the police, Autumn Gleeson poses nude and Lois Hudson returns to wrestling. What a year of stunning wrestling news in 2012.

  • Haruki Kudo retired and moved on to become a Road Agent for GCG, he was also inducted into the Hall Of Fame and he also established his own Dojo. Respect.


Oh yeah, end of the year! DIE ROLLLAH~!! Almost forgot, yet again!


5. "Lean On Me" Gain Strong Friendship with random wrestler in your promotion. -15 to both your character's and the random wrestler's Bad Personal Extras (Smoking, Drinking etc), and set to Reformed. (:D)


I have 13 wrestlers so I'm gonna roll a 13-sided dice to choose who the wrestler is aaaaand.. #4 on the list and it's.. It is LITTLE DRAGON :D Our youngest guy of just 19 years old. I'm such a bad rolemodel. :p Mm. Do I set 15% to all of them or just Drinking and Smoking? -.- There's like Steroids and Religious problems and law.. I'm guessing it's just the top two?

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It said -15, so I assume you wouldn't have to change anything if neither of you have negative habits.


Yes but in that section the bigger the number is, the badder it is. If you have 100% in the alcohol section then you're an alcoholic, ie. Rip Chord. So a '-15' is actually a +15%, surely?


First show in 2013 and ..


TDT have risen to Small size. :eek:

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Well there's a bunch of others where you gain +20% to each stat, so I assume it's -15% to counter that or something.


Congratulations on making it to small by the way. Thing gets a lot easier when you can actually afford to run a show every month and have some moderately talented people.

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Yes but in that section the bigger the number is, the badder it is. If you have 100% in the alcohol section then you're an alcoholic, ie. Rip Chord. So a '-15' is actually a +15%, surely?


First show in 2013 and ..


TDT have risen to Small size. :eek:


Pretty sure it's -15%, because you're helping the other get over their addictions, and become friends.


I assume this, because you set them to reformed. So, if you had 5% drinking, and went to 20%, why would reform in the process? :D

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Well there's a bunch of others where you gain +20% to each stat, so I assume it's -15% to counter that or something.


Congratulations on making it to small by the way. Thing gets a lot easier when you can actually afford to run a show every month and have some moderately talented people.


.. And when the month changed I lost Regional Battle to Hinote Dojo and WEXXV and fell back to Local. :p


And yeah, I guess you guys are right. So 0% to all and just reformed? Oh well, it's 7:35AM here, might aswell go to bed and get some sleep..

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See, this is where people get cocky, spend thousands of dollars on people for their avatar to squash, and then run the promotion into the ground.




$600 * 4 = $2,400 > $2,000





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To war I go! Despite national battles occuring for 7 months no promotion has fallen to cult yet, and two of the promotions jumped to International. This is annoying me since I have been waiting for one to drop so they can fire their booker and hopefully allow me to get the job.


I have grown impatient with this and am declaring war on the AWF and will begin using dirty tricks immediately in an attempt to speed up their fall to Cult (assuming AWF will be the easier target compared to the two now international promotions).


Will be interesting if they do hire me if they fall. I will go from waging war on them to trying to help them claim the #1 spot in the wrestling world.


Edit - Or not...stupid wimpy owner blocking me from going to war :mad:

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So I made an excel formula to ease my end of the year rolls. Did a couple of test rolls and some interesting things occurred:


Company Rebranded: Rebranded company 1/5 times

War Pigs Have the Power: Went to war 3/5 times

Rumble Roses: Had someone fall in love 1/5 times

Green Fade: Lost money 1/5 times

Talent Trade Ahoy: Gained a working agreement 1/5 times

Hai Sensai: Wrestler gained a mentor 1/5 times

New Blood Rising: Wrestler gained a lil bro or sis 2/5 times; once 2 times in one roll


...welp should be interesting when I do it for real.


EDIT: ALSO: Taking suggestions for non-player specific RTG end of year rolls. For example I have the following.


51. Man of the World: Open up a region that the worker can work in.

52. Student of the Game: This wrestler has been studying your booking style. Increase booking skill by +15 and booking reputation by +10. Change preferred booking to match your companies style.

53. YouShoot Star: This wrestler was featured in a YouShoot style mock booking segment and did well. Increase booking reputation by +15 and booking skill by +10.

54. Loyal to the Game: This worker gains a loyalty to the player character.

55. BANKRUPTCY!: Lower owner reputation to 0.

56. Hobnobbing With Elite: Worker has become an unlikely millionaire. Owner reputation increases by +15 to at least a minimum of 50.

57. Married Out of Wrestling: Worker has married someone with nothing to do with wrestling. Change 'relationship' to 'yes'

58. It's My Legacy: Create a future worker to debut in 17 years with the same starting stats as this worker. Treat this worker as a son/daughter of this worker.

59. Forget You, I'm Out: Worker storms out of company! Give worker a -1 relationship with player character and owner and set contract to 1 day.

60. Give Me a Break: Set worker to 'on hiatus'.

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This is after my 1st year of my spot monkey RTG avatar. Just before I got a great roll of +5 flashiness. Xavier Reckless is the owner and it's a Mondern/Daredevil product with comedy so we turn a profit every month. But he won't let me sign back Bob Casey who was our first champion (he has less than 35 charisma). I will probably go over him. Good thing is that KC Glenn just signed for the same amount so he will be replacing him as 2nd babyface (behind Ant Man)



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Well Both Louis Figo Manico and Adam Matravers have a 76 in Psychology which is a B-. I just recently signed the unemployed Larry Wood who has 84 in Psychology, but I'm a popularity based promotion so I need to build up his popularity before I can have him in the main event.


You're probably right about it not really mattering overall. My company is currently at Regional with 43 Popularity in Western Europe, so both scores are great for the size.


6 points I could see being a Consistency thing, but you never know.

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After over a year of national battles between 3 promotions, one finally fell down to cult, suprisingly not because of national battle penalties, but after one too many bad shows.


I had been waiting for this 13 months, and they don't fire their booker. :mad:


I think I might have to live with the fact I won't be leaving my current promotion anytime soon, and actually start expanding into a second region instead of running 4 shows a month in the same arena.


But even if I do rise to cult the promotions at the top have got all the talent. There are only 8 wrestlers at a popularity level that I cannot sign at regional but could at higer level without an exclusive contract, and two of those are waiting for ppa deals to be renewed with an international fed.


I so want to go into the editor and kill off a big companies booker. I won't but it is very tempting considering how long I will have to wait for one to retire or be fired. The only national battles in the world have just ended with a promotion falling to cult and they won't even fire their booker. :mad:


:mad: Rant, rant, rant, rant...

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Tohoku Death Trip

Fourth Year Recap


Game Time: 4 years, 31 shows. (7 + 7 + 8 + 9)

Best show booked: TDT Otsegolectric (D+, October 2013) (CHANGED. Rating stayed the same)


Show Card:

Masakazu Kaima def. Nigen Svensson for the TDT Xtreme Title D

ANGLE: Munakata beaten down by Konoe & Kamisaka E

Konoe & Kamisaka def. Zeshin Makioka and Yamaha to retain TDT Tag Titles D

Stealth Z def. Totoya Munakata D+

Eien Miyamoto def. Omezo Shikitei and Musashi to retain TDT World C-



Best match booked: Eien Miyamoto def. Omezo Shikitei and Musashi in a TDT Ladder match to defend TDT World title (C-, October 2012) (CHANGED.)

Highest Attendance: TDT Forty Ways (November 2013), 91 in attendance.


Recap: A lot of things happened during the year, main one being this:


Thursday, Week 1, April 2014:

Tohoku Death Trip has risen to Small Size


FINALLY! We did rise to Small couple times earlier in the year but due to Regional Wars we dropped back to Local until the 3rd time we stayed Small. There are 5 promotions in the Tohoku region (5SSW, WEXXV, Hinote Dojo, SAISHO and us) that are eligible for the Regional wars when atleast three of them are on tour at the same time. We are now getting 12-15K sponsorship so financially we are clear, the plan is to have 1 annual event per month + 1 touring show for starters, if my calculations are correct we'll lose about 5-10K per month with that schedule until we rise in popularity but that's ok since we have 100K in the bank. Oh yeah. :cool:


Economy and Wrestling Industry are falling after a few year rise, they are now at E+ and C+. Trend -wise, we are now at the STRONG NEGATIVE section which highly amuses me since I don't think I've ever run a promotion that is trend-wise in such a bad shape. Even WEXXV isn't on the strong negative for christ's sake! They're just Medium negative. Hardcore is Very Unpopular and Lucha Libre is Unpopular.



Promotion Stats:

Monday, Week 1, January 2014 TDT has


23.9% Prestige

17.5% Momentum (Momentum took a big toll during the year since we rose to Small two times before and dropped straight back to Local due to Regional Wars. Third time was the charm)

107658$ Money (I love you sponsors <3)

16.2% Overness!



We have 16 wrestlers on the roster (new guys being Tetsuji Nishimoto, Reed Buckfield and Tanzan Yamaha), and it looks something like this:




News of 2013:


  • 21CW goes out of business! WLW, SWF and OLLIE fall to Cult size! GCG is the only one which rose up to National and stayed there succesfully.

  • Due to SWF dropping to Cult Peter Michaels was removed from Head Booker position and replaced with Jerry Eisen.

  • HIW opened up in the UK, owned Geordie Jimmy Morris, head booker The Highland Warrior.

  • A lot of people left SWF: Marat Khoklov left SWF and joined GCG, Duane Fry and Skull DeBones (Vengeance) jumped to TCW, Rich Money jumped to CGC, Bruce the Giant and Christian Faith left and are now unemployed. Squeeky McClean, Big Smack Scott and Puerto Rican Power left for USPW. Gargantuan and Jack DeColt left GCG for SWF on the other hand.

  • Insane Machine, Extraordinario Jr., Davey Celtic out for 12-13 months (Herniated Spinal Disc, Semi-Severed Spinal Column, Broken Neck)

  • Magnum Kobe, Runaway Train, Alex Braun, Naonobu Murkami, Cherry Bomb, and Silver Shark have retired, among many others.

  • Mito Miwa did two movie roles during the year, first one in February and the other one in August.

It's time! It's time! IT'S DIE ROLLAAAAH~ TIME!



#39. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +15 Pop across entire base country. (!!)



Wow that's huge. :eek: I'm 26.1 in my home region and 5.1 in others. So I change the rest to 20.1 but what about the home region too? 41.1%?

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Hit cult 3 years 6 months into my game in the jhdverse, and absolutely got murdered financially in the month I hit cult. Lost over $100'000. :(


Think I will be running in my home region for a while to maximise ticket sales, also going for my first TV deal. I am in August so will be going for my first TV deal as well, doubtful I will get one though as I am having to negotiate with national networks (refusing to negotiate with the U-Demand local networks as they are 'easy mode' TV networks in my mind, and don't have C-Verse equivalents so feel a bit like cheating), and since I only have higher than spillover pop in two regions I don't think I will get a deal.


Signed Cross as he dropped one of his 3 contracts and I could sign him for once, but I am waiting to see my financial performance goes this month before making anymore 'big' new signings. A few AWF people are on ppa deals as the promotion is currently cult and I should be able to sign Core and V.I.P to the top of my card (finance allowing anyway).

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Hit cult 3 years 6 months into my game in the jhdverse, and absolutely got murdered financially in the month I hit cult. Lost over $100'000. :(


Think I will be running in my home region for a while to maximise ticket sales, also going for my first TV deal. I am in August so will be going for my first TV deal as well, doubtful I will get one though as I am having to negotiate with national networks (refusing to negotiate with the U-Demand local networks as they are 'easy mode' TV networks in my mind, and don't have C-Verse equivalents so feel a bit like cheating), and since I only have higher than spillover pop in two regions I don't think I will get a deal.


Signed Cross as he dropped one of his 3 contracts and I could sign him for once, but I am waiting to see my financial performance goes this month before making anymore 'big' new signings. A few AWF people are on ppa deals as the promotion is currently cult and I should be able to sign Core and V.I.P to the top of my card (finance allowing anyway).


Back during the territory days, all of the regional feds had their own little small network deals in their region. Also, Cult feds shouldn't be the end of the world like it is in the game so getting on one of those local networks isn't cheating at all just counter-balancing the obscene Cult hit in the game. Well, unless you want to intentionally go bankrupt, in which case keep going because you'll be there soon because as you said you won't ever get a national TV deal.

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Back during the territory days, all of the regional feds had their own little small network deals in their region. Also, Cult feds shouldn't be the end of the world like it is in the game so getting on one of those local networks isn't cheating at all just counter-balancing the obscene Cult hit in the game. Well, unless you want to intentionally go bankrupt, in which case keep going because you'll be there soon because as you said you won't ever get a national TV deal.


Its not that I don't like it as a realism thing, they just give the jhdverse an unfair advantage in my opinion over the C-Verse. If I was playing this game just for fun, yes I would take a deal on the local networks (In fact I would have done it at regional as that is possible and sped up my growth to cult while getting in more money thanks to ad revenue), but I am trying to keep my game in line with this challenge. And since this type of network doesn't exist in the C-verse I won't be taking a deal with them. If anyone did use these networks and completed the challenge I wouldn't discount their achievement, but I do not want to do it.


And I won't be going bankrupt anytime soon. The $100'000 loss can be attributed to running 4 out of my 5 monthly shows (1 weekly show, 1 monthly show) in my secondary region. A quick bit of math suggests I would have made $211'000 more if I ran all shows in my home region. So I can negate any losses by just staying i my home region when money is looking like a problem. As my second region starts getting more profitable I will be able to expand even further.


Might be a slow build but one which is entirely possible. Not to say I won't be hoping a job opens up in a bigger promotion though. ;)


Edit - Just got through my first full month at cult, made a loss again but worked out I can run 1 show in my secondary region per month until I can sell more tickets in either region (need to start selling out a 5'000 seater in my home region). Then I can start running more regions.

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Tohoku Death Trip

Fifth Year Recap


Game Time: 5 years, 76 shows. (7 + 7 + 8 + 9+45)

Best show booked: TDT Otsegolectric (C, October 2014)

Best match booked: Stealth Z def. Totoya Munakata, KAGEM and Masakazu Kaima in a TDT Ladder match to defend TDT World title (C+, August 2014)

Highest Attendance: TDT Blood, Milk & Sky (October 2014), 1000 in attendance.


Promotion Stats:

Monday, Week 1, January 2015 TDT has


33.8% Prestige

45.4% Momentum

237734$ Money

37.6% (D-) Overness in home region of Tohoku, 5.1 in others.


* We were The Most Improved Promotion of 2014! *


What a year! We had three tours (4 weekly shows + 1 annual per touring month), we're now at D- at Tohoku and selling out Iwata Hall week after week with 1,000 in attendance. 7 of our annual events rised up in importance to Above Average which should result in some extra sales which is always good news. Financially we are doing 25K-40K profit per month and we have 237K in the bank so no need to worry about that anymore.


We are still using our very own wrestlers that were signed when they were unemployed and 25 or under. There's a lot of C+/B- skilled guys in the roster that are putting on C- to C+ matches in our events. I'm thinking of giving the 23-year-old Musashi a world title run during 2015, he's A in Star Quality and has improved his top bar wrestling skills to C + he's got pretty good performance stats aswell. Our other upper guys can really make him shine as a champion.


All in all we got 24 wrestlers on the roster (+8 of what we really need. Two people are just at the end of their contracts which I'm not gonna renew). We lost almost every Regional War but few instances we were #2 or #3. :)





#50. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter.


Argh. I hate new random created wrestlers as I think of it as cheating. I'm gonna roll again, sorry. Usually my user charater just has zeros all over and I never use him anyways, this save is an exception.


#2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you)


I am the owner, who should I start a war with.. Choices are pretty much Hinote Dojo or SAISHO. SAISHO has been getting better grades recently so I'm gonna start a war with Hinote Dojo.


NEWS of 2014:


  • SWF declared war on NYCW and ACPW, shortly after that they rised in size to Global. GCG and WLW have both fallen to Cult yet again. MPWF and MHW started a working relationship.

  • Mabuchi Furusawa inherits GCG (Yosuke Narita (Awesome Thunder) became the head booker), Jay Chord inherits MAW.

  • BPW opened in Scotland, founded by Jeff Nova. Half of 21CW's roster are there now, lets see if Jeff Nova can bankrupt another promotion..

  • Unstoppable Tai, Warmonger and Mexican Beast are out for 12 months.

  • Christian Faith inducted to Hall of Immortals after retirement.

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Robert Oxford retired right after becoming a 2-Time World Champion in my Regional Fed, didn't even have a chance to defend the title.


Though, it was a blessing in disguise, at least for the time being, as I replaced him with KC Glenn in the year 2015 in the main event, I know who I'm going to feud my user char with. :D

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Sigh...been running at cult for almost six months in my jhdverse RTG game without remembering to put my bigger shows up to 'Big' size instead of medium. Luckily no serious repercusions as I had just been taking small losses each month but it is moments like this that make me feel very stupid on TEW. :p


Edit - Just finished year 4 in this game, at cult size and putting on shows I am very happy with and they are grading out well. $720'000 in the bank, but one my 'stay above $500'000' owner goal expires in a few weeks I will be taking a risk building my own arena hoping that it can help me stop making losses (however small) and begin making profits again.


My highflyer and brawler are developing very well, and I remain hopeful they will be able to complete the challenge. My user character however seems to have stalled drastically in mid-card region, and my technician is just lagging slightly behind the highflyer & brawler on account of me using more points on entertainement skills for him (which has turned out to be a big mistake, as I don't think I will ever give any of my RTG guys any mic time).


All hit new match rating highs. The powerhouse has got up to an 81 in a match against Core. My user character has hit 74 a few times with his new tag partner Teddy Windham, and should hit higher grades as they gain more experience (18 currently). My technician also hit his high against Core in singles action, but couldn't top the powerhouse, still an 80 is very good for him. My highflyer has also got an 81 though, suprisingly while teaming with Disco Fox (against Cameron Cody & Kris Phoenix).


End of year rolls proved useful, with +5's for my technician and highflyer, my powerhouse gaining a friend from abroad (not sure who to use it on yet. Incognito is the only person I want to bring in from abroad who is unemployed, but I fear the 'I can make more money elsewhere' response), and my user character will be very interesting as he has dropped a weight class to Lightweight...I am wondering whether this will kickstart his development again.

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.. And so, the wrestling experience for the middle class wrestling fan ...




Location: Northern Mexico

Owner: Herb Mckintosh




Herb Mackintosh is an American millionaire who lives in Mexico for tax reasons, who made his money from mail-order kitchen appliances. Rumour has it that he is a wrestling fanatic, and wants to eventually create his own promotion.


Owner Goals;







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