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Your Favorite self made tag teams

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Hey thanks guys didn't expect responses back so fast...Kashmir isn't available but all the others are..I'll try Ace first, then Ford or Jebediah (prob Jeb he'll be cheaper) about to redo some contracts so it's a perfect time to add a few new faces...yeah I thought Roger might work but they are flopping bad...think pushing Roger to fast made it a flop...thanks again
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My current full-time tag teams:


Love From The Islands (Island Boy Apollo and Valentine)- Formed from a random team, good chemistry.


Law and Disorder (Marshall Dillon and Cowboy Buck Winchester)- Outlaw and sherrif cowboy-themed tag team, decent pairing.


Metal Health (Mosher and Lucas Danger)- The jobber team with similar gimmicks.


I used to have Larry Wood and Giant Brody as Team Colossus, but Wood retired (he's a road agent now, also doing double duty as Brody's mentor/manager).

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Or, use one of the Animal Masks (Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, etc.) and have Running Wolf call upon his Spirit Animal to help him. Also, you could just take any wrestler that would fit stat wise and put them under an animal mask, if that'd be cheaper.


Love this idea. The notion of the spirit animals is awesome and would certainly fit with Running Wolf's heritage.

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The Ontario Kings in my HGC '97 game - Thomas Morgan and Bryan Holmes teaming together as two Stone trained athletes touring the world to build up their skills. Morgan's not so good in the ring yet, but his charisma carries the team in interviews and Bryan Holmes gets things done in the ring. Plus this is the seocnd time I've teamed them together, and in both games they've had good chemistry.
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Tim Westybrook / Matthew Keith - Two enhancement talents that I just brought in. Didn't know what else to do with them so I paired them up.


Eddie Peak / Rick Law - Wrestling Machines need some competition so I made this upper midcard team. Similar abilities, and both have charisma. Law pretty much controls Peak who is out of his mind.


No names yet, still thinking of some.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In order to give Matt Morgan things to do as he seems to float between Upper midcard and midcard without any real thing going on for him, I've stuck him on a team with Ryan Reeves to make a 'big guy' team and they seem to hold their own as a team and churn out some good matches.
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I teamed together Greg Gauge & Matthew Keith as the 'Sons of Sam' in my current BHOTWG game. Absolutely loving them as a pair, great match after great match regardless of the competition. The two of them & Samoan Destruction (Rhino Umaga & Samoan Machine) make for great competition for the various teams in BHOTWG.
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  • 3 weeks later...

In my newest game using DOTT in my favorite company WCCW.


Road Warrior Hawk and Bill Eadie as Road Warrior Ax


they have great chemistry and they're managed by Colonel Ninotchka from GLOW, who has awesome chemistry with Eadie.


I have a feeling that in about a year when Hawk's skills improve a bit and their experience is about 100 they'll become the most dominate force in WCCW

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In my present day WWE game...


Reigning WWE Tag Champs Scott Colt (Colt Cabana) and Evan Bourne are defending at TLC against the Michael Colealition team of Jack Swagger and Shingo.


Percy Watson and Johnny Curtis are a jobber heel team called Skulls and Bones. They have a rich kid secret society gimmick.


Most recently, former enemies Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder have started teaming as Boom Boom Boom You Know It.


Meanwhile, my arch rivals at IMPACT Wrestling have Matt Morgan and Sonjay Dutt teaming up. Possibly my favorite team I never knew I wanted to see.

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Just close this thread now...no tag team will ever even sniff this level of awesomeness







yeah I thought it would be pretty badass too, then they ended up having chemistry too. They're the primary reason that I'm turning the tag titles into mainevent titles

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I "last minute" changed my mind on this...


A gimmick change for the big Russian, teaming with Frederique Antonio Garcia...


"F.A.G." Frederique Antonio Garcia and Marat Khok Love... The Rainbow Crew.


In the end, I just couldn't do it. I love making new stars off the back of Khoklov's heel heat.


One day, maybe, one day.

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I put together Amazing Firefly and the Tic in an effort to elevate them, called the Hive. They clicked, and ran with that momentum.


I also put together Cheetah Boy and Sammy the Shark as Natural Born Predators. They weren't stellar, but it got Sammy a job. lol

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My favorite self made team is about to be broken up. I teamed up KC Glenn and Jared Johnson in USPW as the Southern Patriots, managed by Captain USA upon his retirement. They spent about a year jobbing their way up the card as they developed and gained experienced, then they turned heel on Captain and really took off. Two years later, they're 3 time tag team champions and KC Glenn is far too talented and popular to be stuck in a tag team any longer. He'll be turning face and presumably moving on to great singles success, having already held the National and Television titles...not sure what I'm going to do with Jared at this point, perhaps another tag team, this time with a big guy.


Oh, and I know this is a few months old...


In my USPW game, my long standing tag team champions (of about 3 years now) have been BigForce, consisting of Big Smack Scott and Jim Force, and managed by Osiris.


Initially, they had been feuding primarily over who was "better", and their ego-fueled brawls became so out of control that they began interrupting the normal flow of business. Their fights began arguing over who was the top dog, but usually degraded into BSS shouting "Big" in Force's face, with Force shouting "Force" back at BSS before a brawl would erupt.


Bo Rockwell (user character and Managing Director of USPW) decided that this had to stop, and forced them to team up.


Initially, their matches as a team were disasters, usually ending when they would turn on each other instead of focusing on their opponents. (see above about their brawls.)


Eventually, Mr. Rockwell assigned them a manager, Osiris, with the objective of controlling them. She started by giving them a make-over, so that they dressed in matching outfits (which consist of very short, hot-pink ring trunks and studded pink leather dog collars.) She escorts them to the ring on a pair of leashes, and manipulates them through pure sexuality and implied promises of sexual favors (that she never actually acts upon.) She frequently has them run embarrassing errands for her, and plays their egos off one another to ultimately get them to stay in line.


BigForce became dominant, as neither wanted to disappoint Osiris. They've been pretty much undefeated for the last four years as a team, although when Osiris isn't paying attention they constantly try to get rid of each other through various means.


Basically it's a dominant tag team built on mutual hatred, pure ego, and the drive to always impress a beautiful lady.


But this is so, so awesome. A great storyline with two of the best characters in the Cornellverse. I love it.

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Some time in the middle of the 6th year of my Road To Glory game a tag I started on day one, Monster Inc, consisting of Punisher Paul Hughes and The Big Problem reached 100 experience, They've both progressed so much I think both have psychology in the 70s some where although they've capped most of their top row skills. Monster Inc has been 4 time BCG Lion's Pride championship holders and are currently well over a year into their fourth reign.
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