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2015 Mod?

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Being an Australian, I'm not too keen on having the New Zealand promotion being the number one standing company in the Australian base. New Zealand is a very small country (Eastern Australia is almost 4 times the size of New Zealand) and Eastern Australia is the main area of Australia (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne are like Miami, New York and Los Angeles of Australia) while nearly half of Central Australia is vacant and the majority of Western Australia is vacant. I honestly couldn't realistically see a non-Eastern based promotion dominating in the Australian area and I can't see many Australians tuning into watch a sub-par wrestling show which is based in New Zealand.




You seem to have forgotten that the main reason ZEN is being pushed is because they have an in-game narrative that gives them a massive sum of money from a rich businessman, more than RAW will likely ever see. With that money, their dojo and their pre-existing cult following they're building up a promotion with TV and the kind of product that might showcase some actual talent (unlike on RAW :p) that would ultimately prove to be better. I imagine RAW would fire back by stepping things up themselves and that's how the big two down under come to be. :)


The specifics of where a company is based is largely irrelevant, they don't have to stay locked into their local area as once they start to break out they'd do the same thing every company does... they'll have shows anywhere they can make more money. :)

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Ideally what should/could happen is you could use USPW's rise to help APW after Bruce The Giant returns back home for a short stint in the ring before retiring and taking over the company. His friendship with Sam Strong could ensure that APW gets access to more talented American workers to help get the promotion over quicker than the competition. The theory would be that APW would be used as a "development terrory" but secretly used as a way to ship over talent. Strong could send over some quality road agents/trainers/announcers, etc and help get Swoop McCarthy over.


I like the idea of Bruce the Giant owning APW and having a working agreement or child promotion deal with USPW. Then by 2015 maybe Swoop is now in USPW.


Jessie leaves SWF shortly after falling pregnant to triplets - never to return to the business again (only later to be revealled to be Big Smack Scott's children; leading to Scott being released and Gilmore divorcing Jessie - ala a more extreme story of Kurt/Karen/Jeff). Also make regens for the children.


I don't want any BSS drama with Jessie and Gilmore. Jessie having triplets would be fine. We could also go the other route and have her heading up the newly formed womens division.


Have Remo leave SWF in 2012 after a World Title reign to go and join USPW on an Enygma type deal - Steve Frehley aswell.


I don't want Remo to leave SWF for USPW. Remo is one of my favorites in the SWF. I always want to sign him as TCW but can't get him. He reminds me of Bobby Lashley except not in MMA.


Start 2015 with Angry Gilmore FINALLY getting a run as World Heavyweight Champion - a journeyman storyline ala Chris Benoit.


I can agree with this.


Marat should be reveered in America like an Andre The Giant type character by the time his contract expires in 2014 - with two lengthy World Title reigns. I think after he leaves SWF in 2014, the toll of professional wrestling should have taken it's toll.


Marat could be the new Bruce the Giant. A house hold name after some roles in movies and being in SWF for awhile.


I also had a go at the SWF World Heavyweight Title history:


Angry Gilmore...........Dec 14 -

Eric Eisen (3)...........May 14 - Dec 14

Marc DuBois.............Nov 13 - May 14

Rich Money (2)..........Apr 13 - Nov 13

Marat Khoklov (2).......Feb 12 - Apr 13

Eric Eisen (2)..........Dec 11 - Feb 12

Brandon James...........Jul 11 - Dec 11

Remo....................Apr 11 - Jul 11

Marat Khoklov...........Aug 10 - Apr 11

Christian Faith (5).....Jul 10 - Aug 10

Rich Money..............Mar 10 - Jul 10

Eric Eisen..............Dec 09 - Mar 10


I don't have any problems with the title history except no run for Jack Bruce.


Jack Bruce goes corporate, Angry Gilmore has tried to toughen up and Jungle Jack drops the Jungle gimmick



Edit, and one more before bed. Wolf Hawkins



I like the pictures. Jack Bruce going the Chris Jericho route it seems.


Wolf Hawkins looks like a cross between Jeff Hardy and Teddy Hart there. Question is does his look change his standing in TCW?


My ideas...


I like the idea of Vengeance having a follower who will eventually take the mantle and be Vengeance II or something along those lines. Not Findlay though. Maybe The Big Problem? Or maybe an Australian worker with high menace? My only criteria is they need to be big, high menace, and young.


As for worker turnover...


I'd say at least 10 people are no longer on the roster. Big companies usually have a higher turnover really. I'd nominate... Randy Bumfhole, Zimmy Bumfhole, Knuckles, Steve Frehley, Runaway Train(retired), Lobster Warrior, Valiant, and Jack Bruce(hiatus). Most tag teams should be gone by now with 1 to 3 members being on the roster now as singles workers. No more than 1 team though should still be teaming up.

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* A serious business, non-cop Rick Law.

* An older and more rugged Rocky Golden

* Older Eric and Jerry Eisen

* Less youthful Bumfhole brothers - Randy perhaps with a more 'edgy' look?


Ill upload them in twos as I do them


Rick Law



Rocky Golden


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Ill upload them in twos as I do them


Rick Law



Rocky Golden



Those are awesome! Love the Rick Law ones.

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Well my internet just pulled the royal douche move of wiping everything I spent quite a lot of time working on, so I'm going to cliff notes the main points.



(This is opinion, I'm not saying 'this will/won't happen', just saying what I do and don't support)


- Yes on ZEN being the main Australian power.

- No on APW/USPW link.

- Yes on Ino in GCG

- Yes on Train leaving SWF, possibly for NCYW

- Yes on Khoklov leaving SWF for BHOTWG

- I would like to see Bruce the Giant head to BHOTWG for one final run after Sam Strong's retirement. What a feud that'd make.

- No on Eddie Peak in PSW. He's too good for them (also he's canonically had success working as a face, so a flop face run doesn't work)

- No on Aaron Andrews leaving TCW. He's their flagship dojo graduate, they're going to throw everything behind making him a big name. If he flops then so has the dojo.

- No on TCW OR NOTBPW dying. I don't like NOTBPW much either but let's not wreck them contrivedly. (This makes me want to get back to my NOTBPW diary, as it happens. Maybe if I find time).

- No on Jessie and BSS, that's just so... tacky.

- No on Remo leaving SWF. There's no necessity at all for him to take a step down to USPW. Yes on him getting a world title at some point though.

- Maybe on Frehley leaving. He often quits anyway due to his personality and the SWF product, so he makes sense, especially considering how long he's been out of the world title hunt after winning it so young.

- No on the title lineage. I am not sure about some of the champions, and some of the reigns are quite short for SWF (the SWF average is really high, apart from one outlier of one month, the shortest reigns are five months long, the majority are at least eight).


- If TCW has a women's division, it being eye candy makes very little sense. They're a performance based promotion with no T&A. Surely if they had one, it would be presented as serious business?

- Scythe is like, a tailor made successor to Vengeance. He even looks a lot like him. However, if not, then one of SWF's in-development hosses could be a hypothetical 'Vengeance II' - perhaps Giant Brody? He's got pretty good potential - and I like the idea of a guy that big doing a plancha dive, lol.

- T-Bone Bright in MAW. He looks to be the type of guy they'd pick up.

- Spencer Spade midcarding in SWF

- Death Row gone from SWF. Perhaps a family-friendly makeover and a USPW role beckon?

- Matty Faith made it onto the SWF roster thanks to Christian. He is terrible.

- Killer Shark somewhere prominent on the TCW roster. He has potential to be a great monster, and with nurturing, he'd be amazing.



Nice work on the Ricks, Ewanite! (Perhaps an alt of the middle one without sunglasses would be good?)


I'm not sure if it's just me though, but Rocky looks... bruised. He definitely looks older, but the skin texture makes him seem like he's been beaten up.

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In concern to Rick Law and people saying he should change his gimmick up, I ask why? Plenty of wrestlers find their gimmick and stick with it for the rest of their career. JBL was great as an APA guy, but he was best as a egotistical wrestling god. Glen Jacobs was a funny dentist, but his career has been defined by Kane. Same for John Cena, or Rocky or Steve Austin.


Sometimes a wrestler just finds his perfect gimmick and doesn't let go of it, besides tweaking it every now and again.


@Blake: By 2015, I think Bruce should be retired & HOI'd. But we could probably include him in the background of BHOTWG in terms of title reign, bio-writing and a residual presence as a personality?




Anyway, as is, this is how I think the various scenes should look:



NOTBPW - National

CGC - National

4C - Regional

ACPW - Small

CWWF - Small

NOTBPW developmental - Small

CGC developmental - Small



SWF - International

TCW - International

USPW - National

CZCW - Cult

PSW - Regional

FCW - Regional

AAA - Regional

NYCW - Small

MAW - Small

RIPW - Small

L-Ring - Small

BSC - Small

PWMAX - Small

TCW developmental (potentially TWL under RDJ) - Small



21CW - Cult, branching into Europe

HIW - Small

ROF - Cult

Dark Angel's fed - Small

A fifth fed, currently blanking - Small



BHOTWG - National

PGHW - National

GCG - National

WLW - Cult

WEXXV - Regional

5SSW - Regional

Hinoto Dojo - Small

Pro Wrestling Saisho - Small

WINNOW - Small



VWA - Regional

UEW - Regional

EWA - Regional

Scandinavian fed - small

Spain-based touring promotion - Small



Zen - Cult

Raw - Cult

APW - Regional

DIW - Small

KCCW - Small



SOTBPW - National

OLLIE - Regional

MPWF - Regional

MHW - Small

WLW-Mexico - Small

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I'm not sure if it's just me though, but Rocky looks... bruised. He definitely looks older, but the skin texture makes him seem like he's been beaten up.



Yeah that's just how the skin looks. Here's two other skins on it


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Okay now those are pure badass.



I can see Marshall Dillon flopping in SWF and becoming a big deal in japan, maybe a credible uppercard heel in WLW?


Marshall's too big for WLW. They actually have a hiring rule barring bigger than middleweight signings.



In concern to Rick Law and people saying he should change his gimmick up, I ask why? Plenty of wrestlers find their gimmick and stick with it for the rest of their career. JBL was great as an APA guy, but he was best as a egotistical wrestling god. Glen Jacobs was a funny dentist, but his career has been defined by Kane. Same for John Cena, or Rocky or Steve Austin.


Sometimes a wrestler just finds his perfect gimmick and doesn't let go of it, besides tweaking it every now and again.


I think because it's a gimmick that can only take a guy so far. Police Officer is quite a gimmicky/corny role anyway - and it's not really the gimmick of a main eventer. Besides which, he's had it for a LONG time with only slight changes. Yeah the trademark gimmick of Law is that of a policeman, but is he going to want to stick with it for fifteen years? (Law debuted in 2000).



@Blake: By 2015, I think Bruce should be retired & HOI'd. But we could probably include him in the background of BHOTWG in terms of title reign, bio-writing and a residual presence as a personality?


I don't have massively strong feelings on it, being that it was just an idea, but that would work. I think if Bruce is retired though he's more likely to be completely out of the business, being the amount of physical strain it placed on him (and his limited utility in backstage roles)

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- Yes on Train leaving SWF, possibly for NCYW

- Spencer Spade midcarding in SWF


Some random thoughts,


I would have thought that Train would have retired long before 2015, he'd be 50 by 2015 and already starts the game not in the best condition.


I could see Spencer Spade even higher than midcarding after 4 years, good star quality, the game already hints at him being built up before his debut. Could see him getting a Brock Lesnar esc push.


I could also see Jack Bruce retiring, and with the awesome new render he could easily be the SWF's Colour Commentator.


I'd also say that Remmy Skye could be pretty big in one of the USA promotions by this stage, great Star Quality, Charisma and Selling, he could do a good job in one of the bigger promotions. Jacob Jett would be another I could see at a big promotion be it in Canada or the USA.


The game also hints at guys like Marc Speed, Sammy The Shark and James Prudence getting big moves, could see any of them moving up to bigger promotions.


Also, with Marat Khoklov becoming the main Monster in the SWF, and Vengeance getting on a bit I could see him moving across to USPW or even a rising PSW for a stint in DAVE's replacement. He's a character I really like but end up overlooking in the SWF because of Marat.


Edit: Some of those new renders are awesome by the way, especially love the Wolf Hawkins.

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In concern to Rick Law and people saying he should change his gimmick up, I ask why? Plenty of wrestlers find their gimmick and stick with it for the rest of their career. JBL was great as an APA guy, but he was best as a egotistical wrestling god. Glen Jacobs was a funny dentist, but his career has been defined by Kane. Same for John Cena, or Rocky or Steve Austin.


Sometimes a wrestler just finds his perfect gimmick and doesn't let go of it, besides tweaking it every now and again.


@Blake: By 2015, I think Bruce should be retired & HOI'd. But we could probably include him in the background of BHOTWG in terms of title reign, bio-writing and a residual presence as a personality?


I agree about the gimmicks as some guys settle into one that works for them really well with slight tweaks.


You may be right. Bruce the Giant shouldn't be an active wrestler in 5 years. Just a personality if anything.



NOTBPW - National

CGC - National

4C - Regional

ACPW - Small

CWWF - Small

NOTBPW developmental - Small

CGC developmental - Small



SWF - International

TCW - International

USPW - National

CZCW - Cult

PSW - Regional

FCW - Regional

AAA - Regional

NYCW - Small

MAW - Small

RIPW - Small

L-Ring - Small

BSC - Small

PWMAX - Small

TCW developmental (potentially TWL under RDJ) - Small



21CW - Cult, branching into Europe

HIW - Small

ROF - Cult

Dark Angel's fed - Small

A fifth fed, currently blanking - Small



BHOTWG - National

PGHW - National

GCG - National

WLW - Cult

WEXXV - Regional

5SSW - Regional

Hinoto Dojo - Small

Pro Wrestling Saisho - Small

WINNOW - Small



VWA - Regional

UEW - Regional

EWA - Regional

Scandinavian fed - small

Spain-based touring promotion - Small



Zen - Cult

Raw - Cult

APW - Regional

DIW - Small

KCCW - Small



SOTBPW - National

OLLIE - Regional

MPWF - Regional

MHW - Small

WLW-Mexico - Small


I don't agree that CZCW should be cult. I think they should be Regional.


I also think NOTBPW shouldn't be National. They could be cult. If they are National they should have lost some of their best guys like Johnny Bloodstone, Jeremy Stone, and Sean McFly maybe? NOTBPW always seem to get really over in my games and within a few years are the top of close to the top promotion in the world. Lets make them a challenge in 5 years.


As for Marshal Dillon I could see him in Japan. He could have some longevity there.

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I'd also say that Remmy Skye could be pretty big in one of the USA promotions by this stage, great Star Quality, Charisma and Selling, he could do a good job in one of the bigger promotions. Jacob Jett would be another I could see at a big promotion be it in Canada or the USA.


The game also hints at guys like Marc Speed, Sammy The Shark and James Prudence getting big moves, could see any of them moving up to bigger promotions.


You bring up some very valid points.


Marc Speed could be midcarding in TCW.


Sammy the Shark could be upper card in SWF, CGC, or USPW.


James Prudence could be upper card in TCW or SWF. He has talent and entertainment skills that are decent.


Remmy Skye is a guy that gets in trouble so I don't see him being a main eventer in SWF or TCW. Maybe a smaller promotion. Maybe his free spirit behavior has cost him opportunities in the big leagues? With him cast out of both for being a bad influence backstage. He could have good overness and be a guy who could really help whichever promotion picks him up. (Think Troy Tornado character from Eisenverse WAR diary.)

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I don't agree that CZCW should be cult. I think they should be Regional.

I'm not talking USPW cult. I mean two-regions cult. West Coast cult, if you will.


I also think NOTBPW shouldn't be National. They could be cult. If they are National they should have lost some of their best guys like Johnny Bloodstone, Jeremy Stone, and Sean McFly maybe? NOTBPW always seem to get really over in my games and within a few years are the top of close to the top promotion in the world. Lets make them a challenge in 5 years.
And they usually do that on the back of CGC and US talent. Not here. Anyway, I'd say Jeremy Stone should be retired (and running the company), plus Hayes and and maybe the Blondes. I'd see the main-event composed of DeColt, McFly, Dan and some names from 2010 data.
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I think because it's a gimmick that can only take a guy so far. Police Officer is quite a gimmicky/corny role anyway - and it's not really the gimmick of a main eventer. Besides which, he's had it for a LONG time with only slight changes. Yeah the trademark gimmick of Law is that of a policeman, but is he going to want to stick with it for fifteen years? (Law debuted in 2000).


And the gimmick carried him to the second biggest company in the USA and has him as one of the upper-carders in that promotion. He did well for himself with that gimmick, but I can easily see the need for tweaking. Consider perhaps a heelish turn as the embodiment of corrupt corporate enforcement? Or a truly amoral mercenary who has abandoned the higher path of serving the law in preference of serving himself, thinking himself above the law? Rick Lawless, shall we say?

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Consider perhaps a heelish turn as the embodiment of corrupt corporate enforcement?


This is effectively the gimmick Rick Law uses in the default 2010 data.


Personally, I'd love to see an updated Cverse but I think you'll find it very difficult to please everybody. For example, I can't see a reason for ZEN being cult anymore than anyone expects CHIKARA to become cult in real life.


I don't think the UK is big enough for two cult promotions and I think that you will need to do a lot of testing with your Mexico given how slow the rise to national is (as SOTBPW). As someone who has had a few games in Mexico having SOTB so far above the others, with or without the non-aggression pacts, could effectively write OLLIE and MPWF off from the beginning.


Still, I'll look forward to seeing how you get on :)

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Personally, I'd love to see an updated Cverse but I think you'll find it very difficult to please everybody. For example, I can't see a reason for ZEN being cult anymore than anyone expects CHIKARA to become cult in real life.

Zen's got the money to make themselves a force in five years time.


I don't think the UK is big enough for two cult promotions and I think that you will need to do a lot of testing with your Mexico given how slow the rise to national is (as SOTBPW). As someone who has had a few games in Mexico having SOTB so far above the others, with or without the non-aggression pacts, could effectively write OLLIE and MPWF off from the beginning.
You've got a point. Just being regional is great for ROF, though me and I think Derek discussed editing the importance/affluence/community ratios for all the countries a few pages back. As for Mexico, you're right again, SOTBPW could easily stick at Cult and just be in a more dominant position there. But with five years expansion, it might seem realistic. It's just a matter of assembling the right roster and the right background. :)


Still, I'll look forward to seeing how you get on :)

Hopefully it's not just me that works on it! It's my first time doing this sort of thing and as I stated in the OP, this is a mod to have the community posting opinions and helping out (in terms of renders, how to mod properly (Derek B is sure to be helpful in this) and beta-testing). I'm utterly clueless about a lot of the grindwork that will need to happen! :)

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Zen's got the money to make themselves a force in five years time.


That's true, but it 'feels' like a promotion that would remain small. I've always seen ZEN as the sort of promotion that isn't particularly bothered about where it stands in the rankings as long as it has fun. That apparent lack of ambition (which it isn't really, it's just a different focus), and the product they use to me will always limit, or at least would in the real world.


You've got a point. Just being regional is great for ROF, though me and I think Derek discussed editing the importance/affluence/community ratios for all the countries a few pages back. As for Mexico, you're right again, SOTBPW could easily stick at Cult and just be in a more dominant position there. But with five years expansion, it might seem realistic. It's just a matter of assembling the right roster and the right background. :)


It's not so much the region importance etc. I was thinking of (although that plays a part), but the talent available in the UK isn't enormous, and isn't always that talented.


Same applies to Mexico really, and while anyone playing as SOTB would probably hit national in five years, you have to be careful about playability. If SOTB nick every decent luchador on day five (and like the UK, there aren't stacks), then OLLIE and MPWF wouldn't be any fun.


Likewise, be careful about focusing too much on the five year difference. Of course that length of time will cause changes, but not every promotion will rise in those five years. USPW could be national, but I don't think MAW, AAA, BSC etc. would be any bigger simply because you've moved the date ahead.


Think about how far TNA or ROH or CHIKARA have come in the last five years. Not a huge distance considering. :)


EDIT: In response to your last paragraph, I haven't got the spare time at the moment to be of any particular help, but I think with something like this you should get all the help you need!

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Zimmy Bumfhole / Randy Bumfhole / Skull DeBones alt / Giant Redwood


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Likewise, be careful about focusing too much on the five year difference. Of course that length of time will cause changes, but not every promotion will rise in those five years. USPW could be national, but I don't think MAW, AAA, BSC etc. would be any bigger simply because you've moved the date ahead.


I was thinking about BSC in bed last night (hands were above the covers, I swear) and given their strong financial position (small shows, cheap workers) I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the exact same position as 2010. A small profitable niche promotion. A staple of the strip.


I suppose you could kill them off. The women's scene could perhaps use a shake up, and given what SWF's division sounds like it will be, there'd be less purpose for BSC than AAA, in terms of gameplay. The story could be written that Honey Golightly over-reached and went out of business. Or perhaps you could drop the player into this period of over-reaching. A local TV deal, complete with meddling Executives? Mounting expenses and pressures for the little burlesque show that could?


Either way, I'd expect roster turnover. Many of the girls will have been active for 9 years by 2015. Many over 30. Injuries. Pregnancies. Given a lot of the roster were trained specifically for the show, I wouldn't expect many to tough it out for too long. Hell, if BSC was to ever die, I'd expect 80% of them to retire on the spot.


What I'd do for promotions like this, ones that few really care about, is go through the roster with a random number generator to discover their fate. Roll a d10. 10 = Wildest dreams come true. 1 = Tragedy. Use the other numbers to come up with a fitting fate. Miss American Pie gets a 5? She's young and an actual wrestler, she's still on the indies, doing okay. Nurse Hope Daye gets a 5? She's 36 and a BSC original. Retired.

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