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Real-World Mod users, do you have Eddie and Benoit alive and kicking?

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Just wondering if those here use real-world present day mods with Benoit and Eddie still wrestling as if their tragic deaths haven't happened, or do you prefer keeping your games more grounded to reality? Myself I'm torn between wanting to be more realistic with games, but do have them in the database in case I wanted to bring them to life and play as fantasy...
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I don't tend to bring them back. Less out of respect but more because I'm not sure how I would use them if I did. I'm sure if i still had Eddie alive he'd be in one of my World Title pictures whilst helping elevate talent and bringing out the best in guys like Ziggler and Ryder.


Benoit is a different kettle while i have disconnected myself entirely from what he did and choose to remember him for his long storied career I'm not sure how I'd use him.. Probably in a similar role as Eddie make him look strong while have him elevating some of the younger talent, or down in the developments training the prospects there.


It's an interesting question and one that I'm now wanting to explore a little more actually having just fiddled the data so that Edge is no longer retired and my current game is a little thin on both brands of Main event talent and i know i don't have enough time to create new stars before the likes of the older ones retire and the way things are going just now I am going to loose Orton as he is growing ever unhappy with his contract and is currently in my dog house (he keeps almost starting fights with fans before shows) so who knows..... I just might bring them back...... Damn you lol

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It depends. Is it a fantasy mod like what if ..... or the mod that had all eras in their youth or is it a real world mod that has everything true. If it is a fantasy mod I'd say it's fine and I'd use them. If it is everything real and accurate no way. I like to keep things as close to real life as possible.
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I'm playing a 2003 game as the WWE that I started in 1997. Eddie and Benoit are likely going to survive past their actual death date and I have Owen Hart kicking around in my midcard.He hasn't actually done anything of note since 1998 when I had him Feud with Austin.


The strange thing I've encountered is that both Ron Killings and Lilian Garcia are dead already. There goes my plans for K-Kwick and Road Dogg.

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I had a game going with Genadis 2001 mod and as WCW the WWF still had Benoit and Guerrero going into 2010. They also had Brock Lesnar dominating the main event still too.


*Narratives were all deleted for this game though.


It's perfectly fine if you're starting at a time when they were still alive. The original poster was on about having them alive in a real world present day mod.

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Its weird, but in my one game Benoit is still alive and it just feels weird to see him as ECW Champion in 2009. Strange feelings aside, when I was playing as TNA in the earlier part of the decade I brought in Curt Henning and he ended up being my champion.
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