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Road to Glory Redux: WTW

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So yeah, I'm late to the party but at this stage, I'm dealing with some issues with my playstyle and am trying to figure out where the problem(s) lie. The Road to Glory Challenge should come in handy. Plus, it might be helpful to others to see how someone else works (along with the consequences, if any) rather than having it explained in text.


First off, go read smartman's RTG diary. Seriously. Right now. It's awesome. I'll wait.....


See? Told you!


I'm departing from the 'canon' RTG rules in a couple areas that I'll point out.


First, since I'm working with/as women, the promotion hopping goal doesn't fit (there's no women's only promotion with a snowball's chance in Satan's paradise of ever getting to National+ without human intervention). I also don't really feel like being bothered with booking guys (too easy IMO) so the 'division' promotions (EWA, USPW, NOTBPW) don't work either. Turning them into 'integrated' products would be against the spirit of the challenge (if not the 'rule' of it). So I'll take WTW to National+ or get fired along the way.


Secondly, since I neither like nor agree with Perfect Show Theory, I'm not turning it on. (To explain, as a fan, I don't like extended 'bathroom break' periods. If I go to the bathroom, there's no guarantee I'm coming back. On TV, if I turn the channel, there's no guarantee I'm turning back. I believe in edge-of-your-seat action, building to a climax/crescendo, using angles as the times the fans can catch their breath. Pee your pants if your bladder's full, but you don't want to miss this next match!)


Thirdly, I went over the 750 cap when making my user character. I had a vision of her in my mind (explained later) and, given the fact she would be the ONLY worker I could be ensured of having, I filched a bit. She still has room to grow but at the moment, she can carry the promotion in the short term (making everyone she faces look like a million bucks). I'm hoping to get her a reputation akin to Bobby Eaton (i.e. wrestling her is like having the night off, it's so easy).


Lastly, I turned restrictions ON. I usually play with it off (since I don't think an unemployed worker is going to turn down a job just because it's not in their backyard and workers don't become available in new areas at any decent rate). So that right there cuts me off from many of my typical favorites (Melanie Florence, Aurora, Bethany Hurst, etc). But I'll make do.


There are going to be a lot of tough decisions, I can already tell. But, let's get started....


(cut & pasted from the RTG thread)




Product, designed to make the challenge easy (from a financial standpoint) while still incorporating a Southern/Lucha fusion concept:



Detail, for those interested:



My owner (and announcer) will be Tsuki Kawamata. I chose her because she can play multiple roles (which will be an ongoing hiring theme in this game), she already has ownership skills that would fit a promotion like this (who doesn't have a grand to toss into a chance like this?) AND, in case I get fired, she has booking skill that's good enough that she could do it herself. I'm not going to try to kill the promotion (*cough*Eidenhoek*cough*) just because I'm out the door. I'm turning Perfect Show Theory off (for reasons detailed above) and maybe penalty for small rosters too. Labor costs being the albatross they often are (ask General Motors and American Airlines), I can't see the point in hiring people just to take up spots. Plus, as pretty much anyone knows, I have a penchant for running with LARGE (some might say 'bloated') rosters and often feel the need to use EVERYONE. So having folks on the roster and not being able to use them (due to financial constraints) would be akin to waterboarding for me. I'm going to have to cut everything as it is (managers, 'developmental' workers, backstage amenities, Internet distro, many of my favorite workers, etc) and be a miser (which I don't like to be) so I need to keep some fun in it.


User character: Migdalia Ramos (Ring name: Dahlia (face)/Black Dahlia (heel) )

I used the 'Show Stopper' template and then cut as much as I could without killing her concept. I picture her as an amalgam of Kana and Emi Sakura with a little Riho thrown in. Not exactly lucha but with the ability to work in that type of product. Since there's no way I'd be importing her from her home area, I used J.Silver's awesome re-render of Rachel Dearheart.



Few things. First, she's Hispanic from south Texas so yes, she speaks Spanish (not like it'll help any). Secondly, she graduated HS a month before her 16th birthday and entered an accelerated degree program at the University of Texas. At game start (January 2010), she's days past her graduation (at 18, she turns 19 in Feb) with a bachelor's degree in business management (thus, the ridiculously high 'driven' level in her personality). I made her 18 at game start because with a Feb birthday, she's essentially 19 anyway (and doing it the other way would make her 20 for all intents and purposes). Besides, by the time we run a show, she'll be well into 19 anyway.



Dahlia: Finisher -

, Uber Finisher - Rolling Dahlia Cradle

Black Dahlia: Finisher - Black Rain, Uber Finisher - Passion Clutch


WTW will run shows quarterly for the first year (maybe two) and then perhaps move to bimonthly. My general plan is that we won't be monthly until year 4. Part of the reason for that is money but part of it is realism. Many promotions of this type disappear quickly because they overextend themselves, primarily because the promoters have both unrealistic expectations and really inflated revenue estimates (I've been approached on several occasions to invest so I've seen my share of business plans), which is why so many people are hesitant to invest in these types of ventures (vicious cycle and all that).


Let's see how we do. And please join me in praying that Cherry Bomb's contract with USPW doesn't come up for renewal for at least two years. I don't think I could resist bringing the Bomb in, at any price. :(

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Owner: Tsuki Kawamata

Booker: Migdalia Ramos

Established: December 2009

Location: Mid-South (USA)



WTW World

Main Event Singles


Current Champion: Vacant


WTW Lone Star

Midcard Singles


Current Champion: Vacant


WTW Sister Act

Floating Tag Team


Current Champions: Vacant

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First off, go read smartman's RTG diary. Seriously. Right now. It's awesome. I'll wait.....


But...but...mine is awesome ._____.


I'll be watching how the women develop. Haven't jumped on many other AAA/5Star/whatever diaries, so the RtG will pull me in and I'll see how you manage.

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Now, on to the initial hiring business.


Right now, all we have is a main eventer/announcer (Tsuki) and an upper midcarder/road agent (Miggy). What we'd like to do is add some versatility to the roster. We need a ref, to start with, but it would also be nice to have a road agent who can do more than just that.


For the referee, I have a favorite I tend to go to in my zero'd out games but this is how I narrow my search down:



Now, let me direct your attention to a couple places. 'Works for' to start. Why do I care if a worker works elsewhere? Well, for one, I don't want to start off sharing workers with a position I only intend to have one of. If my primary ref has other commitments, that means I have to carry a secondary ref. I don't want to do that (and I don't need to do that), so I'm going to eliminate the ones who are already employed. Secondly, I want someone with ref skill of 60 or higher. At local, you can probably get away with as low as 40 but I'd rather not chance it. The list breaks down a lot from here. We're left with four choices, people all C-Verse players will know on a first name basis: Dewey, Eugene, Jez, and Wilson (my personal fave). Prior experience will come in handy here. Eugene is going to be too expensive ('Independent Star') and, he often winds up signing with TCW by the end of the first month. But, let's send a request to him anyway (as well as all the others), just to see what he talks about. Wilson is the goal since he's young (24), ridiculously good with the stripes (76 ref skill) and Virtually Unknown. We won't be able to keep him to ourselves for long, but let's take advantage while we can.


Okay, ref offers are out, let's look at possibly adding a road agent. Who's available?



Again, notice my filter settings. I chose 71 psychology because, as we know, we already have someone on roster with 70 in that area. So if we're going to the additional expense of adding a road agent, they need to be better than our existing option. Nemesis comes up there because there's no way of filtering out 'on hiatus' or 'left the business' types unless you pick a specific status (which we can't do because we want maximum results to get the full picture of who/what is available).


On a side note, the reason I didn't choose Nemesis as owner was I didn't want to erode the challenge of this game. Nemesis on roster, with his skills and overness, would allow me to build Dahlia in record time and she could then bootstrap the rest of the roster (which is the method I usually use: using the most over person on the roster to boost everyone else). I felt it would be more challenging also if I actually had to BOOK my owner instead of letting Nemesis remain happy as both color commentator and road agent. Also, Nemesis as owner is SO overdone (though there's a reason for that. It's pretty much a 'duh' choice :p).


Anyway, let's send requests to each of them. What's funny is, the way they're listed is exactly my order of preference (Kingman, O'Malley, Kendall). But here's where experience comes in again. Unlike in previous TEWs, Crippler Ray will refuse to work for a Local sized promotion ("not big enough" since he's now a 'National Worker') so it'll come down to Curt or Big Dunc.


Okay, we have offers out for our ref and a possible road agent, do we move on to the next day? HECK to the N-O. Why? Because it's still day one and we haven't gotten owner goals yet. So it makes sense to go out and look for talent that might be nixed by the owner goals we get on day 2. It could be seen as 'cheap' but given how random and sometimes ridiculous the owner goals are, I'll wear that label with pride in this instance.


Who do we look for now? Well, in a scenario like this when money is particularly tight, I'm looking for dual/triple threats (is there a female DWN out there?!?). So what I do first is search for them:




Now, why am I looking for active wrestlers who can be managers? I honestly don't know why I do that in C-Verse games. In real world games, workers who can do both typically have better entertainment stats and because they have that role ticked in their profile, you can often get away with pushing them as a manager without them getting bent out of shape. But, this search has just uncovered a few gems for us.


Olivia Diamond is a must-sign. Whachoo talkin' 'bout, Remi? Lemme explain. Her performance skills are generally subpar when taken as a whole but look at that 82 Selling (only 4 women in the C-Verse have better. Two of them are retired (Ogiwara & Hike) and a third will soon join them (Saeko Hiroyuki). Look at that 82 Stamina. Look at that 60 star quality. Take a gander at that 58 charisma, 75 sex appeal, 35 mat wrestling, 38 chain wrestling, 40 aerial, and that age: 23 years old. She's going to be a WTW stalwart. I'll send requests out to Ashley and Amy as well, again, to see what they ask for.


Now, let's look for the meat of the roster. What are we looking for? Well, right now, we're looking for bodies. Cheap bodies. Here's our search and the results:



You see the first name on the list? She's another must sign. At her age (22) with her skillset, she could be another stalwart that we have for years. We can also look at bringing her mentor in, if only to make her happy (and give us a possible tag team pairing). Keep in mind, at this point, money isn't factoring in because we haven't even talked money to anyone yet. Right now, we're in the planning stages. Here are some questions I ask when looking at every name on this list:


1) Do you have a character in mind for this worker?

2) What type of push can you envision for her?

3) How long would it take to get her to the point where she can reliably put on watchable matches without being carried?

4) Can you see her developing into someone who could carry someone else?

5) Where in the hell are my Spicy Nacho Doritos?

erm, wait. Scratch that last one.


Side Note: Determining worker value (IMO)

A worker's true value (WTV) is determined by their impact on the promotion for which they work (positive or negative, in percent/decimal form) multiplied by their dollar cost to said promotion. Some things that affect impact would be multiple roles, backstage impact, and skill level. With this formula, an excellent enhancement talent can exceed the value of a poor main eventer if that enhancement talent is an absolute joy backstage, can road agent or ref matches (or color commentate) and makes everyone they face look like a million bucks (i.e. Steve Flash) and that main eventer is a locker room ebola (cancer takes too long), can only wrestle, and needs exceptional workers to carry him to even the most basic watchable match (i.e. Rocky Golden/Marat Khoklov/Peter Valentine). You can always push that enhancement talent up the card. That poopy main eventer will never be as useful in comparison. When you're looking to maximize profit, these types of valuations come in real handy.


That said, we have requests out to several unemployed workers but there are other workers we could add also. Remember when I said that there were only four workers with better selling than Olivia Diamond then I went on to only name three of them? Well, the fourth one is currently employed. She is, none other than.....


This is the part where we're looking for role players. Not jobbers exactly, but people who can fill roles and who are largely expendable (in that we're not going to pin our hopes on them). What I'm looking for specifically are workers who are good on the M-I-C, in the R-I-N-G, or who have oodles of the Star Qua-La-Tee (okay, that was a bit much). So we do a search and I'm presented with the first moral quandary of the game:



TEW does not handle the Exclusive PPA contract well at all. If I sign this worker, she leaves 5SSW, becoming essentially exclusive to me. I'm okay with that, to be honest, since she's someone I can use in-ring for a good long time. She only speaks Japanese so there's no way I let her anywhere near a live mic. If you've read smartman's diary, you'll know that having her on the roster means I have to have at least one more person who speaks Japanese on the roster to keep her from being isolated. I don't see that being a problem since my owner speaks both English and.....Japanese. :) Now, look at the other names on that list. As you can see, my primary filter is looking for workers with at least 60 in star quality (and preferably 70+). I'm looking for value here so, as much as I hate to do it, disregard your J.Ro and Grace (but not Brazzle) and such. We're looking for 'Virtually Unknowns' with maybe a couple 'Independent Names' (especially if they're foreign). There are a couple people on that list that are 'must sign' to me, including a couple of foreign workers who would make great potential tag team partners for Miggy in the middle reaches of the card (tag team wrestling won't get serious until we hit Small though). Along the way, we also uncover two workers we can abuse menace based angles with. With both an owner and booker willing to flop, it's our quickest way of building popularity that can then be transferred to someone else. So we'll send out a bunch of negotiation requests and see who we wind up with. Meanwhile, we get down to planning and looking at possible luxuries (read: managers).

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Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp,

Or what's a heaven for?

-Robert Browning


Let's talk heaven. Heaven to me, in TEW, is developing workers at a record clip and having them signed by other promotions (with my promotion as top priority) and elevating women's wrestling across the globe.


"What're we going to do today, Miggy?"

"We're going to create workers that force even stale ass AAA to grow."


That brings us to luxuries. These are basically workers who are somewhat surplus to requirements but who we have on staff "just in case" or to fill perceived chinks in our promotion's armor. The primary chink we have is our only Franchise Player is also our announcer (as well as the owner). Now, this isn't that big a deal. In TEW terms, we don't ever have to book Tsuki if she's the announcer. Workers in TEW want to be used, it doesn't matter HOW you use them. You can have a main eventer who only appears in angles (or only RAs matches or only does color commentary or...) and as long as they appear, they won't get upset. But for the most part, we're going to play this straight (I said for the most part). As always, we're looking for versatile people with skillsets that make them capable of performing multiple roles. Let's find us some triple threats, shall we?




Now, let's do some talent evaluation. See the highlighted worker? She's a true triple threat. She's a better announcer than our owner (by 1 pt, 46 to 45), a hell of a color commentator (84 rating) and manager (84) and she's got the sex appeal (88) and star quality (90) we can use in multiple different roles. Also, we've heard she's awesome backstage. In short, she's a must sign. The name above hers is similar. She's a good enough ref for our level (40) with charisma (60) and sex appeal (87). She's also a positive influence backstage (or so we hear). Let's see what she wants. Katie Cameron is a good choice as a dual threat (manager/color commentator) though she may be too expensive. We can also eliminate some names from the list. Blonde Bombshell is a 'National Worker', which means she won't talk to us (which is just as well, she'd be too expensive anyway). Cat Jemson is an 'Independent Star' which means she won't talk to us either (again, too expensive if she did talk to us). The other names are possibilities but we'll eliminate some right off the top. Heather B and Little Miss Sunshine are too one dimensional and we're looking for double or triple threats. Plus, with two negative personality traits (antisocial and manipulative for Heather and pessimistic and antisocial for LMS), we can't chance them poisoning our (yet to be formed) locker room. But, we will reach out to Jemma and Kali because they're unemployed (huge plus), positive influences (well, Jemma is at least), and they should come cheap (Virtually Unknown). With the sex appeal we can use/abuse while training their entertainment skills, if we can get them on the cheap ($50-100 per appearance), it could be worth taking a flyer on them. We'll also sign Sara Silver, but after we lock up Honey Golightly (will explain later).


There's a few people missing from the list that we're going to go out and get. The reason for that is, they have the skills to pay the bills in multiple areas AND they're good development prospects. Several of them also have youth on their side. If we can get them on the cheap (again, $50-100 PPA), it's worth bringing them on board. Remember, quarterly shows which means we'll be working with more than our initial $1000. We're running a business here so we're looking to minimize overhead (and risk) and maximize profit. The reason we're talking to so many people is not that we're going to sign them all. We're casting a wide net but only a few fish will actually see the dinner table. The additional people we're going to talk to are:


- Chloe Dean (Charisma to burn at our level, absolute adored backstage, and should come really cheap)

- Lady Melissa (Backstage influence and workable at manager and color commentator)

And our crowning glory....

- Vita (A victim of the 'post-30 sex appeal gutting', she's the cream of the crop as far as the available managerial talent is concerned. She'll be on our commentary team permanently, assuming we can afford her. With 70 across the board in entertainment skills, she's got the skills to burn on any on-camera non-wrestling role. I also think she's positive backstage, but we'll find out)


Remember, we're still on day 1. Let me explain how I make some decisions. First, with regard to personalities, there are some traits I won't put up with without significant mitigating factors (namely, the worker is ridiculously cheap). Egotistical workers have no place on my roster. Unless they're dirt cheap ($50 per appearance, no more) and/or have enough positive personality traits to completely cancel out the egotism (unlikely but possible). The egotistical trait will make a worker demand more (merchandise, title run promise, money) due to their inflated view of their value. Mercenary personalities are similar except in the case of mercenary, it cuts the maximum contract length a worker will agree to. Being a quarterly promotion at first, anyone with less than a 12 month deal is essentially a lamb being prepped for the wolves.


Let me also get to the benefits I enjoy. No one's likely to steal my talent. I'm sure everyone can figure out why, yes? I might have a few people who get snapped up (like when NOTBPW rises to National) but I doubt it. They typically raid AAA (Gorgon, especially). If I sign her, I have to be prepared to deal with that possibility.


Now, let's see what we have brewing:



On to Day 2!

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I'm surprised you're not picking up Dharma.


Second from the bottom on the left; he just didn't mention her.


Also, we've heard she's awesome backstage.




I can't make the joke because you're a women's promotion. Well, I could, but...


Also, stoppit Remi, you're making my NYCW diary look bad. >_>




Actually, this thought-process stuff is what I like to read, so this is getting very good.

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First off, go read smartman's RTG diary. Seriously. Right now. It's awesome. I'll wait.....


But...but...mine is awesome ._____.


It is, in an entertaining way. I just like smartman's because it's a lot more instructional. Yours is a hoot though. :)


I'm a massive fan of Heather Halo. A combination ring-girl and referee. Counting the falls, and dancing between matches. Awesome.


Yeah, so am I. I love all the girls who can do multiple things fairly well. With some time and patience, Heather can be a pretty good manager too. I have an ongoing BSC game where she is the primary babyface manager (I signed Lois Hudson to ref as soon as she came off hiatus) countering Sienna DeVille.


I'm surprised you're not picking up Dharma.


We'll talk to Miss Gregg but I have a feeling she's going to be muy muy caro. But she's a triple threat for sure and I could see her carrying the Lone Star for a little bit.

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I'm enjoying this diary too, and thanks again for the now multiple shoutouts.


I do have one question though. Are you dead set on quarterly shows? With a extra small roster (though judging by how many people you're offering that may be out the window) by turning that penalty off, you should easily be able to run monthly shows (maybe take the first or 2nd month off).


Love the logic and explanations you're using too as they make a ton of sense, and you're explaining it better than I can get across.

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Here's the part I usually don't like. But this time, I'm not too upset about it.


Owner Goals



Tsuki's throwing me offspeed shiz that I can knock into the upper deck. There are two workers available in the US who have lower than 35 Safety. Not surprisingly, they both work for BSC: Coco de la Soleil and Sister Beth Mercy. I haven't approached either so I think I'm okay. However, with these goals in hand, I will approach one worker I hesitated on because she is a true triple threat (in-ring worker, color commentator, manager): Britney Hollywood. But I'm not going to do it right now. She'll be approached as an underdog babyface to bookend Roxy (heel jobber). Plus, Britney's personality isn't the best (though she doesn't have either of my deal breaker traits) so I'd like to have a stable environment before I bring her in.


In world news, Day 2 sees GCG rise to Cult based on the strength of the GCG BE A PLAYER! card headlined by Kuroki & Ikina defeating Hyobanshi and Makuda. Always nice to see promotions who aren't competition for me rise in size. :D


Let's move on to Day 3!


Now I'm sure Tsuki's trying to butter me up. The goal she gives me today is: When the time expires (23 months, 3 weeks), WTW must have at least as much popularity as it did when the goal was set.


See why I don't really like owner goals? How abysmal a booker would you have to be to not have more than ZERO popularity in TWO YEARS? Is it even possible not to gain popularity from zero? You'd have to not run any shows at all! Anyway, she grooved me a fastball on the outside at belt level. I'm about to launch it to Saturn.


On a side note, damn the C-Verse and its balance. I'm used to filtering through masses of released workers on the first few days. :mad: *sigh* Moving on....day 4 should get us some responses to our inquiries.


Day 4

WTF? MORE GOALS? This time it's:

You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler with less than 35 in Selling. (11 months, 3 weeks)


Lemme check my list of inquiries....

CRAP! That disqualifies Bonnie Clyde (no big whoop, she has 34 so should round to 35 after her first independent show) and BOTH of my unemployed monster heels (Mary Beth Chase with her whopping 18 selling and Viv Jacobs with her 31). Now, I COULD sign them anyway since the negotiation request pre-dates the owner goal. But I'm not going to. I'll figure something else out. Those goals aren't outlandish or crazy, they're easy to deal with.


Day 5

Ah, now the responses start to come in. First thing I do is give my apologies to Viv Jacobs, letting her know a recent change in our product shifted away from her unique skillset. (What? I'm not burning bridges....yet!)


Dewey Libertine is a merc and wanted $800 per show. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Jez wanted 1k per show, so he gets shown the door as well.


We get the closest thing to a Ring General not named Migdalia with the signing of Connie Morris at $400 per show for 17 months.

We tell Gorgon to take her $800 per show and low level title run requirements and shove 'em where there is no face paint.

Right now, the most expensive person on the roster (that's not the owner) is Connie Morris at $400 per show. Ashley Grover then asks for $450. I check the relevant stat pages, and say thanks but no thanks. Christina Charlston then asks for $500 per show. GTFOH! Nina the Psycho Ballerina asked for $600 per show. Sorry, I can't justify that expense for someone who is so bad in the ring (38 basics). Lady Melissa refused to sign for 18+ months (@$150 per show) so we passed on her as well. For her limited skillset, I can't justify that expense. We also passed on Stephanie Wade and her $1,500 per show requirement. Now that I had both Geena and Littlefeather, I could pass on Wendy Anderson's $700 per show ask as well.


I get Ginko Kuroda for $150 per show for 20 months. (150/20)

Kinuye Mushashibo for $250/28 (loyal personality trait FTW!) < - Migdalia's prospective tag partner

Here's where we splurge. We bring in Geena the Warrior Princess at a whopping $600 per show for 18 months. Why? Look at her skillset. She has 64 menace, 81 star quality, 71/76/74 mic/charisma/acting, 92 consistency, and 56 brawling. The only thing that concerns me is that contract length. Means we get 6 shows out of her, following our current plan. Something to think about.

Dharma Gregg signs for $150/22 (only our second triple threat)

WTW welcomes its first official tag team as Jen ($150/28) and Kathy ($150/24), the Neptune Twins sign on.

Remember that moral quandary we faced earlier? Dealt with, as Etsuko Arihyoshi signs for $150/16.

Nurse Darla Knight ($150/20),

I had to hold my nose and go against my own principles (she's a merc) but I couldn't resist that 80 star quality so Alexis Lee Littlefeather is now a member of WTW at $200/16.

Miss Information comes in at $300/20.


That's it for Day 5's business. I should note that right now, I am one worker over the minimum required for this level. I have 4/4 main eventers (Connie, Dharma, Littlefeather, Tsuki), 5/5 Upper Midcarders (Dahlia, Jen, Kathy, Kinuye, Nurse Darla), 3/2 Midcarders (Etsuko, Geena, Miss Information), and 1/1 Lower Midcarder (Ginko). But, I don't have the style mix I'm looking for and there are a few more workers I really want. Also, since this is business and I'm a proud graduate of the Gordon Gekko School of Management, I have no qualms about firing somebody to save a few bucks.

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Day 6




Show of hands, who was surprised? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


So, I seemed to have erred. Talked to Wilson Carlisle about my ref vacancy and he asked for.....$1,500 per appearance. So, I gave it to him. But he shouldn't get too comfortable since I also reached out to Dewey again.


Got Olivia Diamond ($150/16), Principessa ($900/16, mainly to make Amber ecstatic)


We said thanks but no thanks to Calamity Joan (horrible performance skills), Carnival Queen Kendra (ditto), Eve Grunge (merc and not worth $500 per show with such low stamina), Curt O'Malley ($1500 a show? For 5 pts better than what we have? Yeah...you hold your breath), Carol Singer (merc and not worth $600 per show), Mary Beth Chase (owner goal casualty), Amy Galaxy (not worth $150 per show with 40 basics), Golden Delicious (not worth $800 per show AND travel AND a low level title run AND merchandise), Nikki Power (her age and lack of polished skillset makes her not worth $300 per show), Power Girl (not worth $150 per show), Zoe Ammis (we'll get her at Small), Susan Lee (merc and not worth $600 per show), Jaime Quine (can't afford $600 per show for her), Jessica Bunny ($800? No), Katherine Goodlooks (as I cried in my coffee), Kate Lilly ("for a star like you"? Put the pipe down), Nadia Snow ($1000 per appearance, yeah go follow your best friend out the door), and Tracy Brendon ($800 isn't worth it).


BIG SCORE! Amber Allen ($150/24), Vita ($150/20), Melody ($500/16), and this one's going to come back to haunt me but, for a whopping $1500 per appearance for 28 months.....


I...I...couldn't....resist....her talent. :(


Now, let's recap.


I still don't have a backup announcer or a road agent and my ref is too expensive. We still have time to fix that though since our first show isn't for another month (or two).


Day 7

Gemmei Oonishi declines negotiations due to her desire to remain loyal to 5SSW. Admirable. Futile (like resistance) but admirable.


Now we have a decision to make. Duncan Kendall is asking $900 per show plus $700 in travel expenses. Is it worth paying $1600 for a person whose psychology is 2 points higher than our booker (and Sara Marie York)? I'm going to say no.


Another decision. April Appleseed has a good top row and an excellent performance line. Is that worth $1000 per show plus $400 in travel and a low level title run (which could be erased by adding to her per show fee)? For a 37 year old, I'm going to pass.


Corrine White, without your partner (who I can't hire due to her Selling), you have zero value to me.


Ellie May Walton, for someone who has been unemployed for half a decade, you sure are expensive ($600 per appearance). No thanks.


Emma BIYATCH, you were bounced from NOTBPW for drugs and you want HOW MUCH? $500 per appearance and $300 in travel? Good luck with that.


Faith McGee, you want $150 per appearance? I'm paying workers who could wrestle (and dance and strip and titillate) circles around you that much. You can't even bump decently. Pass.


JMB, I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 100. Can you guess what that number is? No, it's not $150, goodbye.


I, uh, um, I'm getting Sara Marie flashbacks again. Gonna start speakin' in tongues in a second. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir.


And I'm back.


So Suzanne, sorry about that. Caught the spirit (of fleeing money). I admire your work and congrats on winning the top title in AAA. Can't pay you Sara Marie York money so if that's what you're looking for, I don't want to waste your time. Okay, who's the next appointment?


YAY Chloe! Welcome aboard! $100/28


Welcome to WTW, Katie Cameron. ($150/18)


Day 12


Dewey Libertine! Welcome aboard! ($700/17)


Someone want to give a note to Wilson for me?



And it's just...like...Honey...when you come...and...sign with me ($300/20)


Day 13


New additions: Roxy Kitten ($150/16).


We passed on Heather Halo because $250 per appearance for a backup ref is too rich for our blood right now.


Oh and Etsuko Arihyoshi officially joined the roster.


Day 16


Perhaps our final roster addition: Britney Hollywood ($150/16). We have another request outstanding but I think she'll be too expensive but we'll see.


Day 17


I was right. I can't afford to pay $800 per show for someone to just be a color commentator so I have to pass on Sara Silver.


Okay, roster's all complete but an internet story just reminded me of something. Last time I used the default database, I started a game (and a diary) around CWWF. Before starting this RTG game, I forgot to change them back to a future promotion. So there's a 'small' women's promotion in Canada that Alysian Scottsfield just became owner of, who is actively seeking talent. Everyone, say it with me now....



Next post: Roster breakdown, backstage environment, and who my NBTs are (here's a hint: I have A LOT of 'em but Miggy's not one :eek: ).

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The Inaugural Women of Texas Wrestling roster


Main Eventer

Connie Morris


Missy Masterson


Sara Marie York

Tsuki Kawamata


Upper Midcarder

Amber Allen

Britney Hollywood

Dharma Gregg

Jen Neptune

Kathy Neptune


Nurse Darla Knight

Roxy Kitten




Geena the Warrior Princess

Kinuye Mushashibo

Olivia Diamond


Lower Midcarder

Etsuko Arihyoshi

Miss Information


Enhancement Talent

Ginko Kuroda




Honey Golightly



Dewey Libertine

Heather Halo

Royce Greig



Abi Romanov


Chloe Dean

Julie Forletta

Kali Fornia

Kammy Ling

Katie Cameron

Maryam Vega


Sienna DeVille




WTW's Next Big Things



WTW Hot Prospects








Now, some 'splainin'. My roster is a bit face heavy but that's okay. Ideally, I'd like to go out and get another heel manager but it's not really pressing.


The Next Big Thing list has a surprise for me: Kathy Neptune. I mean, Etsuko is an NBT in most games I play and Sara Marie is young and talented enough that you'd expect that. But the brunette twin (who happens to be my favorite)? Hmmm. Keep in mind that the only workers who will show up on this list are people pushed as Midcarder or below. So if you want to check your upper midcarders and main eventers too, set their pushes to midcarder, check the Creative Meeting/Next Big Thing and then autopush to get your roster back in its proper order.


Hot Prospects always confuses the hell outta me. But can anyone else see the irony in the worker I hired to be a bump machine winding up being a hot prospect? I have serious plans for Littlefeather though (another one of my favorites. Blame Self!) so that's cool.


Backstage. This one's important. I stacked my roster with positive influences for a reason. I went hog wild on the "free" requirements and even though it says it's having a negative effect, I'm so far over 100% that it doesn't matter. Having a positive backstage leads to positive incidents which leads to MORE positive backstage karma. Many of the workers I targeted were pinpointed because they bring more to the table than their in-ring ability (or their non-wrestling talent). Chloe Dean isn't a first choice for a manager, but she brings so much positivity backstage that I almost always have to have her (helps that she works cheap too!). I brought Principessa in to make Amber Allen happy because I intend to keep Amber for some time (she'll be one of my WTW no Shinjutsu). Plus, Principessa is skilled enough that she'll be able to wave skill increases across the roster like pixie dust. I was going to bring Sara Silver in to make Honey happy but I can't afford it (and don't need her services).



Overall, I always try to have a plan inside of a plan inside of a plan inside of a plan. It helps keep things fluid and prevents me from falling into ruts (like jesus pushing Miggy). But, I'm going to operate much like a real local promotion and them expensive people are working 2-3 times per show, y0.


Also, a note on product. Y'see that product there at the top? At the end of January, the nameless sponsors gave me a check.....for $5,176.



'Extremely favorable' indeed. :D

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I'm enjoying this diary too, and thanks again for the now multiple shoutouts.


I do have one question though. Are you dead set on quarterly shows? With a extra small roster (though judging by how many people you're offering that may be out the window) by turning that penalty off, you should easily be able to run monthly shows (maybe take the first or 2nd month off).


Love the logic and explanations you're using too as they make a ton of sense, and you're explaining it better than I can get across.


I'm dead set on quarterly in year 1 to build a war chest. As you can see, I, uh, splurged a bit. :p I couldn't bring in all my favorites but I'm enjoying being a ruthless SOB. I'm going cheap for the first show to see how much profit I can make and the second show will probably set the tone for the rest of the year.


I know what you're saying though. I'm stifling my growth by going so long between shows. But my primary impulse is to do monthly and I'm fighting against that because my primary impulse is used to having deep pockets. :p


Miggy probably is one due to her Excellent destiny, but User characters never show up on those lists anyway.


Or she's a main eventer or whatever, but I digress...


I did not know that. It's so rare for me to use an in-ring user character and most of the time when I do, it's Kate Avatar (who autopushes to ME regardless of what promotion it is). As you can see, Miggy's a midcarder (and will be for some time, I think).

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Yet SMY is an NBT, even though she's a Franchise Player. Did you push her after checking NBTs, or do we have some craziness going on?


Yeah, I set everyone to midcarder or below to see who was what. Once I got the screenies, I hit autopush and voila!


I should explain that. :)

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Amber Allen - Cross Arm Breaker / Northern Lights Suplex

Britney Hollywood - Hollywood Hills (Crucifix Cradle)

Connie Morris - Missouri Plough (Running fallaway slam)

Dahlia - Killswitch (Double underhook somersault reverse lung blower)

Dharma Gregg - One for the Road (Inverted Facelock Backbreaker)

Etsuko Arihyoshi - Arihyoshi Lockdown (seated abdominal stretch/inverted sleeper)

Geena the Warrior Princess - Amazon Plunge (Death Valley Bomb)

Ginko Kuroda - Dragon Suplex / Grapevine Dragon Sleeper

Jen Neptune - Alabama Jam (Kneedrop to handstand kneedrop (with theatrics))

Kathy Neptune - Trident Kick (Superkick)

Kinuye Mushashibo - Blue Dream (Ultra Hurricanrana) / Into the Blue (Messiah/Headscissors takedown into a tilt-a-whirl DDT)

Littlefeather - Feather Fall (Takako Driver)

Melody - Melody Maker (Crucifix Driver Hold)

Miss Information - BSOD (Christo)

Missy Masterson - Identity Crisis (Handspring Moonsault)

Nurse Darla Knight - Lethal Injection (STO)

Olivia Diamond - Diamond Cutter

Principessa - Princess Drop (Barbie Crusher)

Roxy Kitten - Backstage Pass (Seated Senton)

Sara Marie York - Energy Burst (Glittering Magician Knee)

Tsuki Kawamata - Flying Leg Lariat




March - WTW Southern Comfort

June - WTW Hotter'n Hell (in south Texas)

September - WTW Solstice

December - WTW Blood & Gold




Here's where we take things in a slightly different direction. If you've read smartman's diary, you know what's coming. Because we have more workers than we can afford to book on any given show, we create a brand split.


Brand 1 - Showtime

Brand 2 - Downtime


This is a temporary arrangement, but given our schedule, we can't afford to have people peeved that they missed one show (when the next show is 3 months away). So, we assign almost everyone to the Downtime brand while we make our shows all Showtime exclusives.


Almost everyone?


Yep. The people we'll leave as free agents are the people we're going to use on every show, without fail. They are:


- Honey Golightly (Announcer)

- Dewey Libertine (Referee)

- Miggy (free!)

- Tsuki (the owner, and dirt cheap)


I run the numbers and figure out that with just those four people, my show is going to cost a minimum of $1,050. I don't think that kind of cost is going to be covered by our ticket sales so I send a negotiation request out to one Heather Halo. If I can bring her in at $200 per appearance, I can potentially cut the cost of the first show by $500. I also send requests out to several other refs with skills that are less than Dewey's but more than Heather's. This time, I stick strictly to people with less than 15 overness in the US (or anywhere else for that matter). There's a method to my madness. If I can cut my per show costs down for non-dual/triple threat workers (i.e. refs), that's potentially more money I can spend on talent. I can also apply that savings to perhaps expand my schedule (bimonthly/monthly). Cut Dewey's cost down and I can add Vita to the Fab Four that works every show (as color commentator, though Honey is good enough to do her own color).


I'm also going to fill a perceived hole in my roster by going out and getting a heel manager to pair with Vita. Now, assuming no one comes in low enough, I can always use Heather Halo in that capacity (though her skill levels are abysmal). We're also going to approach one Reese Paige to possibly fill our Road Agent vacancy. Remember we're looking for people who can fill multiple roles. Reese isn't as good at RA'ing as the people we already have BUT if her price is right, we can use her as both color commentator (she rates a 56 in that capacity) and road agent (her psychology is only two points behind Miggy).


A bit of commentary, if I might. One thing to keep in mind is that road agent skill levels develop at a rate best described as 'glacial'. However, my observations only apply to road agents with good to great RA abilities (basically Reese Paige to Sensational Ogiwara). If a person rates as a 30 in Road Agent, of course their skills will increase faster, they have the most room for improvement. But once they get into the 50s in psychology, their rate of growth slows to a crawl (and gets slower as they get better). This is why it's best to use the best road agent you can afford. By the time you get to Small/Regional, your cheap RA will not be capable of contributing positively to the matches they work.


So let's recap. We're looking to reduce costs in the referee area while adding some versatility in the form of a road agent/color commentator, as well as possibly a heel manager. We have a ridiculously stable locker room so we can even take a chance on a negative personality (though we'd prefer not to). Let's see how things progress.

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I'm dead set on quarterly in year 1 to build a war chest. As you can see, I, uh, splurged a bit. :p I couldn't bring in all my favorites but I'm enjoying being a ruthless SOB. I'm going cheap for the first show to see how much profit I can make and the second show will probably set the tone for the rest of the year.


I know what you're saying though. I'm stifling my growth by going so long between shows. But my primary impulse is to do monthly and I'm fighting against that because my primary impulse is used to having deep pockets. :p


Not that I care a skipped the first month as a touring promotion but wasn't there a whole arugme.... discussion on whether or not skipping months was in the spirit of the challenge. Even with my touring schedule I held 12 shows in my first year. Again personally I'm not against it because I know running with 1k to start is super hard but yeah. Not really a challenge if you spend two months saving then one show and then two months saving and one show.

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Not that I care a skipped the first month as a touring promotion but wasn't there a whole arugme.... discussion on whether or not skipping months was in the spirit of the challenge. Even with my touring schedule I held 12 shows in my first year. Again personally I'm not against it because I know running with 1k to start is super hard but yeah. Not really a challenge if you spend two months saving then one show and then two months saving and one show.


How is that not in the spirit of the challenge? The challenge's goal is to get as big as you can as fast as you can, to move up the ladder ASAP, I thought? I've taken the 'slow & steady wins the race' approach because I'm not really willing to do stuff I don't find fun (like booking a male promotion). So, to that end, I'm going to take ONE promotion to the top and accomplish the match goal. I think that's quite a bit more difficult than job hopping. I'm even going with a 'perma death' model so if I get fired, this save is over.


You're goal is to actively rise the ranks of the wrestling business and star in a National or larger promotions PPV's main event with a rating of 95 or above.


I'm going to do that, but with the same promotion I started with on day one. Significantly tougher, no? After all, we're dealing with a much smaller pool of workers and those workers are significantly less talented/capable in skill. There are around fourteen or so women in the C-Verse with any hope of putting on a 95+ rated match at National or above, skill wise. At least four of them will likely be retired by the time an opportunity to do so presents itself (Grace, Cat Quine, Kiko, Cherry Bomb). I think I have my work cut out for me. :)

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Here's an idea Rem:


At a point when capable and there being a debuting company, swiftly alter the product to USPW and give it a low-level cult base, then head to USPW, change the product to remove the woman's division and championship, and then sign their talents. Have the new company kayfabe as a subsidiary of USPW focused exclusively on woman's wrestling (explaining the low-level cult to allow potential television/PPV), with an owner that's not you, and proceed to work with that company.


Does that make sense? It sort of made sense in my head...

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How is that not in the spirit of the challenge? The challenge's goal is to get as big as you can as fast as you can, to move up the ladder ASAP, I thought? I've taken the 'slow & steady wins the race' approach because I'm not really willing to do stuff I don't find fun (like booking a male promotion). So, to that end, I'm going to take ONE promotion to the top and accomplish the match goal. I think that's quite a bit more difficult than job hopping. I'm even going with a 'perma death' model so if I get fired, this save is over.


Because then what's the point of starting with 1,000 if you can just wait a couple of months and have 10,000 or skip a whole year and have 100,000. The challenge is getting your small promotion off the ground with the 1,000 or you might as well just start with as much money as you want from the beginning. Its why everyone I hired to start my game was 150 or less and I didn't use everyone on every show. Again you can do it however you want its your game of course but you've already got stupendous workers who cost you as much as 600 a month which if you started running one show a month from the start at 1,000 you would never be able to afford, you'd have to work toward getting those better workers or build them yourself.


I'm going to do that, but with the same promotion I started with on day one. Significantly tougher, no? After all, we're dealing with a much smaller pool of workers and those workers are significantly less talented/capable in skill. There are around fourteen or so women in the C-Verse with any hope of putting on a 95+ rated match at National or above, skill wise. At least four of them will likely be retired by the time an opportunity to do so presents itself (Grace, Cat Quine, Kiko, Cherry Bomb). I think I have my work cut out for me. :)


And yes its what I'm doing as well. I started BCG in Japan and I'm still with BCG in Japan now at cult in 2016. I started with only 150 per appearance workers and as I grew in level I brought in better and better talent. Right now I'm up to putting on 86 rated matches and that's with workers I brought in from the start. Even my women's division is putting on ratings in the 80s so it can be done starting with just the 1k.

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Does it matter if it is or isn't "In the spirit of the game". It's a game it's supposed to be fun, not to have some huge dispute about whether we are "cheating". We don't have WWE, TNA, NFL or even NASA on our arse about it.

This argument shouldn't have been risen anyway.

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