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Guest Booker Legacy: The Pro Wrestling Integrity of Shane Allman

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That was...just... :eek:


In my opinion that show is the greatest thing you've written (and that's saying a lot). The morph from traditional PWI openers through to the NWA World title match to the explosive finale was done perfectly. The NWA title match was a big shock, as I'm sure that everyone (certainly everyone who predicted) thought that Scott was nailed on as victor. The writeup for Calderon was great too - making a character shades of Hogan but one that could still get a pop from a PWI crowd is tough but you pulled it off. And the finale - quite literally edge of your seat stuff! Absolute chaos, but held together well in the writing, and Prophecy's appearance at the end was the biggest (and best) surprise of them all.


This is the sort of thing that brings the ThunderVerse to life! I think I just need to take a deep breath and then read it all again :D

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((OOC: Wow. It was awesome to come back to see such positive comments about the PPV. Thanks to MichiganHero, jhd1, Hashasheen, and Critical-23 for making my day. And now, on with the story.))






Guest Booker: Legacy Edition

The Pro Wrestling Integrity of Shane Allman









“I know what you’re thinking. ‘You lost both the NWA Title Match AND the PWI vs. PWSUX main event? How? Why?”



“Who was it? Some comedian said, talking about drug dealers, that the money isn’t in the first taste, it’s in the comeback.’? That’s what I’m selling. That buzz that most wrestling fans lost years ago.”



“Ask ‘em, they’ll tell you.”



“There’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to booking and storytelling, but the buzz comes from the air of unpredictability or the feeling that whoever is telling the story is at least TRYING to entertain you. ”



“PWI gives the fans that buzz. More than any other promotion out there today. But this. This story with PWSUX? This is the butter on the bread we worked hard to bake.”



“And the fans are going to eat until they are fed; until they are full.”



“Meanwhile, we’re going to laugh all the way to the bank and turn the entire industry onto its ear.”



“I don’t know if anyone’s checked the coffers lately, but we’re making a lot of money right now, just off of our tickets sales, our sponsorship, and our merchandise. And we don’t even have a really good TV deal at all.”



“When we hit national and I start to shop our show around….or rather I start to shop around an NWA themed television show….we’re going to be in an even better place financially that we are now. That’s why I’m okay….”



“….actually, it’s why I’m more than okay…enthusiastic even, about spending the money we are making now, extending ourselves a bit more than would be considered safe. It’s an investment in the future.”



“That’s what made it so easy to decide to throw big bucks and a written contract at Prophecy, especially in light of my failure to land Terry Thunder when he came back and I clearly had the chance.”



“I only bring it up because it haunts me somewhat, the decision not to offer the creative control, as it would’ve helped us as much as it hurt the AWF.”



“But in my mind, if we do the right things with Prophecy, we’ll be better off in the long run.”



“For one thing, the guy is a flat out gem in the ring. He hits hard, he sells, and his odd, dark character never seems to get old with the fans.”



“Dropping him right in the middle of the PWI/PWSUX story is something that I probably wouldn’t have done if this wasn’t a game.”



“But it is…..and I’m going to roll the dice. Time’s short.”









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Ah, of course! He who is not of pure Hart blood cannot be trusted!


Masterfully booked and written ppv NN. Almost too much stuff to comment on. Calderon's win, the renamed Hanc0ck incoming, an epic main event, Dolla's late inclusion, JGH's turn, Prophecy's debut. A lot happened, but there's a lot left to be settled and PWI need to emerge from their darkest hour (being over dramatic). It's impressive how much you've veered away from my stock perception of PWI as a promotion, but without anything feeling out of place and that truly is one hell of an achievement. Kudos.


Interesting to hear you've got money to burn now as well.

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You all watched with jaws agape as Prophecy blew a fireball up the ramp toward the victorious PWSUX gang. But what you didn’t get to see, after PPV-4-U cut the feed, was even more astonishing. We’re opening with the footage of it this week on PWI TV.


In the ring, we’ll have:


Silva Dolla vs. Shay Kinsella - Main Event TV Title


Ryan Doherty vs. Jay Paro


Seven Brandt vs. “Boston Suplex Machine” Mike O’Reilly


BTTITW vs. Bollywood Knights



All of this…….AND Vance Cole with a seismic, axis shifting announcement on a special ninety minute edition of PWI TV. Check your local listings for the earlier start time.





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-Show #16-


PWI: Integrity, Tradition, Honor

LIVE Saturday on NCTV

Alfond Arena (NE) 2,000 (Sold Out)







The PWSUX gang has scattered after Prophecy sprays the wide orange fireball up the aisle, flying off of the stage and going in a bunch of different directions. Prophecy flicks the lighter again, taking another step up the aisle and blowing one to the left, toward Cross. Crazy Jack, who rolled the furthest away after the first fireball, sneaks back toward the chainsaw and picks it up, trying to turn his back to muffle the sound of the starter.



He yanks the cord.



This time it starts.



The sound buzzes throughout the arena. The police, holding strong this entire time, finally can’t take it anymore and start working their way from the periphery toward the ghetto psycho.



But before Jack can even turn around fully, raising the chainsaw above his head…..



Prophecy nails him with a third, dangerously enormous fireball.



The saw itself catches fire and Jack drops it. The police surround him and throw him to the ground, cuffing him above his head, his shirt smoldering. The fans who didn’t run toward the bleachers during this whole episode stand in awe of the madness the event has been, some grinning widely and others looking like they are stunned.




















Dave Carrasco and January Kyle sit high above the crowd at the unusually perched broadcast location, which is stuck in an odd corner up on the building’s balcony level. They are joined by PWI Commissioner Vance Cole, who sits beside them devoid of his usual wide grin. Carrasco welcomes everyone to the show and puts over the lineup, which includes a TV Title match as the main event, before giving way to Cole, who speaks with a lower tone than has been heard from him on PWI TV before.



VC: “After PWSUX beat us at ‘Night of Revolution’…..”



“After they EMBARRASED us at ‘Night of Revolution’ by turning one of our own against us, the word on the street was about how we could possibly get our respect back.”



“How can we reinforce our reputation as the leader in this industry after losing a match like that to a group of yard-tards and bar fighters?”



The fans are behind him one hundred percent.



“We need to put our money where our mouth is and make a big play, bigger than anyone else would.”



“How about a rematch?”



“How about a rematch with more at stake than bragging rights?



“How about PWI vs. PWSUX…….losing promotion closes its doors FOREVER?!?!” (B)














Ryan Doherty vs. Jay Paro



Jay Paro returns to action after taking a three week break to heal following his brutal blowoff match against his brother Ethan in our first match of the night. He is still sneering just as much, but he doesn’t seem to be pouting anymore and, as such, runs straight through the exciting but struggling Ryan Doherty in just under seven minutes, reversing Doherty’s jump swinging rana into one of his own and then using his stellar late swanton bomb to set up a new move that he unveils, a spinning tombstone. It leaves Doherty splayed out flat and the pin is a cakewalk. (C+)












We have a scheduled, via satellite interview with Scott Hart who is at home, across the pond, recovering after his grueling NWA World Title Match loss to Cordero Calderon. However, just as Dave Carrasco welcomes him and fires off his first question, someone leans over Scott and whispers something in his ear.



His face, which looked worn to begin with, turns white.



SH: “Nick? Is he going to be okay? Someone help me to my car. I’ve got to get to the hospital.”



Scott pulls the earpiece out of his ear and grimaces as he awkwardly leans himself up off of the leather couch in his trophy room. He limps out of the shot.



Carrasco tidies up.



DC: “We knew Nick Hart was in a pretty bad way after the beating he took at the PPV, but for Scott to have to rush to the hospital, in his condition……it can’t be good.”















Seven Brandt vs. Mike O’Reilly



O’Reilly is a fierce competitor and goes all out as soon as he hears the bell, dumping the whole arsenal out and tossing Seven all over the ring with suplex variants. It does not look good for the former PWSUX star. But when O’Reilly misses a running yakuza-style kick and finds himself trapped in the ropes and getting pelted with super stiff kicks from Brandt, everything changes. Hurting and in trouble, the adrenaline charges through him. O’ Reilly wobbles off of the cables and buries seven with a haymaker lariat and makes the cover.






But when O’Reilly gets up after the count, Brandt wallops him with a kick and quickly rolls him over in position for his cattle mutilation finisher. The Boston Suplex Machine taps after a few agonizing seconds.



DC: “Suplex for suplex, counter for counter; hold for hold: I think that Brandt got the best of Mike O’ Reilly tonight…”



JK: “The last kick that led to the cattle mutilation was big, Dave. He can knock you out with one of those.”













With an important tag team match between the brand new and red hot BTTITW and the former tag team champions, The Bollywood Knights, on tap, Jimmy South has arranged a big screen TV in a private locker room for the current PWI tag team champions, Martin and Jesse, the Van Holt Brotherhood. But as the two teams are being introduced, and Jimmy peels off his jacket and grabs a notepad, preparing to scout the teams, he looks back at his team. They are huddled around the cooler he iced for after the show. It is stocked with beer. Beer they are now starting to drink.



JS: “C’mon you guys; we need to make sure we get a read on these two teams, daddy, or when they come looking for our belts in two or three weeks, we won’t be ready.”



Martin and Jess laugh and pop open their second each.



MVH: “Relax, Jimmy, we could stuff all four of those idiots into trash cans if we needed to.”



JVH: “Besides….these beers ain’t gonna be cold all night, you know?”



They laugh again.













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BTTITW vs. Bollywood Knights



There is so much ego the ring you could cut it with a knife. There is also a lot of wrestling talent on display, too. The Bollywoods are focused and seem to be a more cohesive unit on this occasion, doing all the little things that successful tag teams do when they are winning. But BTTITW’s athleticism is off the chart and is the difference. Zeke Martin’s springboard corkscrew back elbow almost knocks Vidur out, but his partner hops to the floor and pulls his foot up on the bottom cable, saving him.



Singh thinks fast and falls to the floor outside the ring, grabbing at his knee. The referee comes rushing over to see what has happened.



No one sees the roll of change he left in the ring.



It is cheap, but right up The Bollywood’s alley.



Martin tags in his partner Clayton Bennett who is immediately met with a nasty loaded fist-you can hear the thud when it connects.



DC: “The referee is still checking on Amman Singh! This is a shame!”



When the ref turns around, all he sees is Vidur rolled over on top of Bennett. The three count is uncontested.



DC: “What’s happening around here? What happened to the integrity? What happened to the PWI I used to know?”












When the show returns from commercial, the shot moves to Dave Carrasco and January Kyle who sit solemnly at the broadcast location. Dave leans forward, starts to say something, stops, lets out a long breath, and then begins again.



DC: “Fans we have gotten word from the Hart family spokesperson that Nick Hart, who has been hospitalized since James Gilmour-Hart tossed him from the ring through a table at “Night of Revolution”, has suffered some sort of serious complication stemming from those same injuries.”



January Kyle just shakes her head.



DC: “As we get updates, we will certainly pass them along to you. Until then, it’s main event time. Our thoughts and prayers are with Nick Hart and the Hart family. But, as Nick would say himself, the show must go on.”










Silva Dolla vs. Shay Kinsella

-TV Title Main Event-



When we head back to the ring, it is for a good one. The suddenly super-popular TV Champion Silva Dolla comes down the ramp wearing the belt around his neck, barking and flashing his gold teeth as usual. Shay Kinsella, on a bit of a roll himself, bounces back and forth in the ring, waiting for Dolla to step between the cables. When the bell finally rings, Dolla comes out strong, battering Kinsella with his barrage of punches, kicks, stomps, and elbow drops. Kinsella, though, takes it all and begins his own offensive, reversing Dolla’s sloppy DDT into a northern lights suplex that nest him a near fall. It makes the TV champion anxious and he begins overextending, practically walking into all of Kinsella’s offense along the way. The pace ratchets up even more when Kinsella whips Dolla into the buckles, hoists him up onto the top turnbuckle, and superplexes him backward into the canvas from the second rope.



DC: “Silva Dolla has taken a horrific beating at the hands of PWSUX on two different occasions; has his time as TV Champion run out?”



JK: “Kinsella’s got his chance… and it’s right now!!!”



The ‘plex lands them in the middle of the ring and nets him a two and a half count, but it leaves Dolla down in a perfect spot for him to sneak away and set him up for the “Urbana Native”(superkick).



But it never comes to pass.



The wobbly Dolla surprisingly catches Kinsella’s kick on the way by, spins him around, boots him in the belly, and drills him with a “Dolla Maker” (stunner) that turns the much respected veteran inside out.



DC: “Here’s the cover….”



The bell rings seconds after the referee slaps the mat for the third time and when Silva Dolla’s music hits and his red lights flash on and off…and on and off….it looks the like the show is drawing to a close.



But it is only the beginning.






James Gilmour-Hart hops over the guardrail, somehow unseen until right now, drawing a huge swell from the crowd, who are livid with him.



He grabs a chair on the fly and slides into the ring with it, waffling the up-on-one-knee Shay Kinsella and crowning Silva Dolla from behind with shots that echo throughout the building.



He drills the unconscious Dolla with a boot to the skull for good measure before rolling him to the floor and snatching the ring announcer’s microphone from him and facing the hard cam, seething.



“It’s been SCOTT HART’s promotion since day one, hasn’t it?! HASN’T IT!?!?”



“You carry it on your back, don’t you,Scott?! You’re OUR GO-TO GUY with the meaningless NWA…..”



“Part of the greatest tag team of all time,….AND the PWI Champion?”






“I know you hate me, Scott. I know it. I know you always have.”



“And Nick thinks whatever Scott thinks because he’s a wannabe robot of a second fiddle that’ll never….EVER live up to his brother….”



“And I hope he dies trying.”



“How are you feeling right now, Nick?”



“Any word from the doc?”



He laughs.



“How much blood did you lose Sunday?”



“For what?!?”



“The fans?”



“F*ck the fans…..”



“And f*ck both of you.”



The crowd breaks out of their stunned silence and begin booing him mercilessly. He smirks.



“You know what?”



“Now I’m in charge.”



“Now it’s MY turn…..”



“And I got in with some people….some MEN who know what I bring to the table. PWSUX!”



“And we whipped PWI; we ….WHIPPED YOUR ASSES!!!!”



The censors enjoy a workout, missing nearly everything on the live broadcast, much to the delight of our under fourteen demographic.



“But I didn’t do it alone……”



The crowd takes on that weird, quiet quality. It’s the way a sold out arena sounds when everyone is breathing in, standing-up, and pushing their chairs back three inches.



DC: “OH MY GOD!!!!!”









He might be shorter than all the other Harts but he just keeps adding muscle to his frame, pushing his way through the crowd with Ram Diablo and Cross as his elbow-swinging escorts, in a black t-shirt and jeans.






But the four-man man-hug that ensues welcoming the controversial daredevil into the fold gives way to chaos.



The lights flash.









Three times.



The fans begin to buzz with anticipation.



When they return.












Prophecy is behind the group and grabs both Cross and Diablo by the backs of their heads, running them over the top rope to the floor.






Cross and Ram Diablo have barely hit the concrete when JGH comes barreling across the ring, burying a forearm into the back of Prophecy’s neck. And just like that, they go to work, stomping him into the canvas before lifting him to his feet, nailing him with a seamless tandem dropkick and then walking him into a corner, lifting him, seated, onto the top rope.






No one comes.



It doesn’t matter.



As Jarid climbs the ropes in front of him, looking to hook him up for something, Prophecy uses his own momentum against him, leaning forward and then standing up with the blackest hearted Hart on his shoulder, teetering slightly before pitching him backward through the timekeeper’s table.






JGH charges up the buckles, but gets caught with a flurry of lefts and rights and somehow gets spun onto the top turnbuckle himself. In seconds, Prophecy has him on his shoulders and, with a quick step onto the top rope for leverage, he rears back and destroys JGH with a GTS.






The show ends with the logo popping up in the corner as Prophecy stands tall in the ring, alone and defiant.















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Funny you should mention it. I've been calling the team of JHG and Jarid "The Blackharts" in my booking notebook.


I'm growing to like it. What about you?


I like card references in wrestling. Dunno why. And...apparently Blackhart/Blackheart is a card reference, even though that'd be stretching terribly. So yes, I love it.


Although if you make someone the King of Harts he has to use the Burning Finger as a finisher >__________>

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Guest Booker: Legacy Edition

The Pro Wrestling Integrity of Shane Allman







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“So, yeah.”



“That’s where I am with this story, the PWI versus PWSUX one.”



“We’ll have a match, pay it off and move forward.”



“And there’s only one match-type big enough for a situation like this.”



“Now……I know you probably think that, because I’m booking it, because it’s my Guest Booker and all…..”



“…that there’s no way that PWI can lose.”



“You do think that, don’t you?”



“I understand why you do; it’s nothing you need to apologize for.”



“But what if PWI loses? You should at least consider it."



“After all, stranger things have been booked in the history of this business, haven’t they?”



“Would it really be the end for Shane Allman and PWI?”



“Would it really be the end for this Guest Booker?”






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PWI and PWSUX Present:

Night of Destiny

Featuring: GOREBRAWL


Sunday, April 29, 2012






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PWI and PWSUX Present:

Night of Destiny

Featuring: GOREBRAWL


Sunday, April 29, 2012




What is GoreBrawl?



The PWSUX GoreBrawl has traditionally been a 20 man, over the top rope, battle royal that lives up to its name in both its amount of blood and its risk. Weapons are regularly thrown into the ring, and barbed wire tables are set up outside to catch the losers. It has been the signature match of PWSUX’s biggest yearly event.



In this most historic incarnation, the GoreBrawl set to take place between PWI and PWSUX will be held inside a massive steel and chain-link dome. The barbed wire wrapped tables will still surround the ring on the floor, and a plethora of weapons (including some very dangerous implements of pain hung in hard to reach places) will be stashed inside with them and then, the door shut and locked.



The officials will not be allowed in. They will be witnesses along with the rest of us.



The only rule is: survive. The only way to win is to crawl out the hole at the very top of the structure, some thirty-five feet off of the ground.



Ten men will enter; one will emerge from the mangled, the bloody, the beaten and keep his promotion in business.









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  • 2 weeks later...

-Show #17-


PWI: Integrity, Tradition, Honor

LIVE Saturday on NCTV

Charleston Memorial Center (MA) 2,000 (Sold Out)





-Before the show open even begins, a video rolls from the PWSUX Hardcore TV from last week. The entire locker room is in the ring or on the floor of their dank, sweaty bingo hall arena. Cross begins with the microphone, but quickly bails out of the ring when people begin chanting “13! 13! 13!” shouting at the fans in the front row. Ram Diablo picks up the microphone, nodding, and yells “HELL YES, PWI; YOU”RE ON! SEE YOU AT GOREBRAWL!!” JGH and Jarid Hart high everyone in the ring, dressed in their new "BlackHarts" t-shirts and jeans.(B)




-In our opening match we are treated to the debut of Aaron Wilson, the former “Wilson Hancock” of AWF fame, as he takes on PWI trueblood Ryan Doherty. Wilson is the aggressor, obviously psyched for his first match with PWI, and methodically goes through his move-set concentrating on one body part the whole way. After connecting with a dropkick and knocking Doherty to the floor, Wilson misses a dive following him and the tide turns as Doherty takes the opportunity and boots the steps right into his face, soccer style, flipping him completely over backwards onto his face. The referee counts as Doherty tries to maneuver Wilson back into the ring….and, try as he might; Doherty can’t roll Wilson in before the ref gets to twenty and calls for the bell and counting both men out. (C-)




-Silva Dolla barks as he walks down a few backstage hallways with the TV Title hanging around his neck, looking for the commissioner, Vance Cole. Dolla turns toward the catering area and almost walks into the arriving PWI World Champion Scott Hart. As they stare at each other only inches apart, the Van Holt Brotherhood walk up behind Dolla, causing him to spin around and be defensive. But after holding his hands up in the ready position for a few seconds, the four men begin slowly nodding at each other as the show goes to commercial. (B)




-The action is fast and furious in the four way match that’s up next which pits Bryce Christensen, the returning from Mexico Kris Phoenix, the masked El Estandar, and the stout wrestling machine and member of the NFU, Chris Candell. When the group makes its way to the floor, Christensen is sunset flipped back toward the ring from the floor by Phoenix. But with his insane athleticism, Bryce uses the ropes to spring back off of, drilling Phoenix with a back elbow before climbing back up the turnbuckles and surprising the battling Estandar and Candell with a crazy backflip. It doesn’t stop there and Christensen again stays ahead of the curve, dropping Estandar with a spine-buster while Candell and Phoenix wage war along the apron, leaving him time to get to the top rope. He flies off and crushes the masked Estandar seconds later for the win. JK: “Christensen wins again. And look how good he looks doing it. He is a specimen.” (C-)




-After a commercial break, Ethan Paro, wearing brand new brown and light blue tights, shadowboxes outside of his locker room, getting ready for his rematch against Scott Hart in tonight’s main event. When January Kyle walks up and asks him for a comment about the magnitude of the opportunity before him, Ethan, usually very willing to cut a promo, just shakes his head and waves her on, continuing to work up a sweat. (B-)




-Coming off of an impressive win last week, Jay Paro returns to the ring this week to face the grizzled technician, and one half of the No Frills Unit, Anderson Peters. And just like last week, Jay is focused, surprisingly going hold for hold with Peters on the mat before turning the tables and upping the tempo of the match, scoring with a rana and pulling him into position for his late swanton. The move still brings the fans to their feet, but it’s no longer his finisher. Paro stands the wobbly Peters up before lifting him up, turning him upside down, and driving him into the mat with a spinning tombstone piledriver. ©




-We are shown the full video from PWSUX Hardcore TV in which they accept the challenge laid out by Vance Cole. It is essentially the same as the short clip we saw at the show’s beginning with the exception of the PWSUX locker room pulling a PWI t-shirt onto one of their local jobbers and decimating him in the most hardcore fashion, trying to send a final message. (B-)




-When we get to main event time, there is a great buzz in the building. Heavyweight Champion Scott Hart and Ethan Paro waste little time and set out to eclipse their previous encounters with some of the best action seen in this ring ever. Each man seems to have a counter for the other’s counters, which makes for some wild unpredictable action. Scott looks to be closing in on the figure-four when Paro wraps him at the waist and belly-to-back suplexes him into the turnbuckles, turning the tide. But Paro’s finisher never comes; as he wobbles over to take advantage of the obviously hurt champion, Hart hooks his leg and rolls him into a small package. Paro kicks out, but then finds himself prone on the mat in the middle of the ring, easy pickings for Hart’s figure four. He holds on for almost a full minute, but cannot squirm to the bottom rope. When he taps out, the fans come to their feet. DC: “What a match! Paro can’t beat Scott Hart this time, but his time has got to be coming!” (B)




- As Hart and Paro embrace in the ring following a true classic, the VHB and Silva Dolla join them in the ring, all wearing PWI colors. Vance Cole joins them and, microphone in hand, announces that “these are the five men who will represent PWI in the biggest match in the promotion’s history.” As the show closes, everyone seems to be looking into the rafters or toward the back of the arena, expecting someone or something to happen as has been the case nearly every week for two months (PWSUX or Prophecy) but nothing happens. (B+)






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Commissioner Vance Cole Interviewed by PWI.com...





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“I am very much looking forward to defeating PWSUX at Gorebrawl, but also very worried about the ramifications if we don’t. I received the contracts for the promotion versus promotion match this morning; I signed them and sent them back knowing that, if we lose, PWI, a twenty year old promotion that I have been a part of for the best part of my career, will be given only seven days after the match to resolve our affairs before we are forced to close the doors forever.”



“My only comfort, as we are now just two weeks away from the match that will change one company’s fortunes forever, is in the five men I have selected to represent PWI in this winner takes all scenario. Our Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hart, the number one contender Ethan Paro, TV Champion Silva Dolla, and the tag team champions, the VHB. They all understand the gravity of the situation and have expressed to me the willingness to shed blood and break bones to defend their PWI colors; I am grateful but know that all of them will emerge from the demonic structure that is the GoreBrawl domed cage the same. But for the sake of our survival, they are willing to make that sacrifice, and we as fans of real professional wrestling should be grateful.”



“And since this is likely my only chance to address the world of wrestling at large before next week’s show, I would like to make a public appeal to the wrestling legend, Prophecy.”



“Your arrival in PWI occurred at the perfect time at ‘Night of Revolution’ and you undoubtedly saved PWI from further bloodshed at the hands of PWSUX.”



“But the way into this promotion is through the front door, with a signed competition contract. Not from the rafters or by shutting off the lights and appearing in our ring.”



“You are welcome here, but please, as a veteran, follow the code set forth by the generations before you.”



“I’ll be waiting for you in the ring at the conclusion of next week’s show, contract in hand. If you want to be a member of the PWI roster, this is your chance.”







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© 2012

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-Show #18-


PWI: Integrity, Tradition, Honor

LIVE Saturday on NCTV

Worchester Center (NE) 2,000 (Sold Out)





-A lone cameraman scrambles through the backstage hallways of tonight’s venue, the live shot shaking along with his every step. There is someone yelling out for help in the distance and, as the cameraman runs, the volume increases. He turns a corner and is upon the scene: Ethan Paro, pinned down underneath a huge pile of road cases. The cameraman sets down our eyes and the view is of him trying to lift one of the many black steel and hardwood cases off of Paro as the young blonde superstar squirms underneath. It is of no use. He reaches for his walkie-talkie and radios for security to rush to the scene. Suddenly, another stack of the cases shifts and comes crashing down onto Paro and the cameraman. Paro screams, “MY LEG! MY GODDAMNED LEG!!!” (B-)



-The in ring action gets set to begin, albeit with a bit of a shadow looming over the show after its crazed start. Dave Carrasco promises updates on Paro and the cameraman as Seven Brandt is introduced, coming to the ring as part of a three way between him, newcomer Aaron Wilson and PWI trueblood Ryan Doherty. Wilson and Doherty are extra chippy when dealing with the other, both feeling that they should’ve had the win in their one on one match last week. It gives Brandt the perfect opportunity to capitalize on their tunnel vision, pouncing on Doherty after he knocks Wilson from the top rope and dropping him with a wicked brainbuster before locking him into the cattle mutilation. ©



- Vance Cole hustles alongside the stretcher that Ethan Paro is laid out on, his left leg completely immobilized by the paramedics. He is in obvious pain. Cole tries to talk to him, but cannot get more than a few grunts out of him before he is loaded into the back of the awaiting ambulance and rushed to the nearby hospital. Cole stands on the load in platform and sighs as he watches the flashing red lights of the ambulance grow smaller as until they fade into the distance. (B)



-Jay Paro continues his winning ways since his return, erasing resident jobber Ricky Fyre in an absolutely brutal squash match that culminates with his swanton bomb, spinning tombstone combo finisher. (C-)



-The Van Holt Brotherhood shirk another workout, choosing instead to go to the hospital and check in on their fallen teammate. Jimmy South desperately wants them to stay and get in some cardio, but finally relents and tosses them the keys to their truck, staying behind to scout tonight’s tag team action. (B-)



-After a quick commercial break, pitching the “Best of PWI: Volume 3” box-set piggybacked with our hot “GoreBrawl” ad, we head back to the ring with a three way tag team scramble where both members of the team must be pinned in order to be eliminated. It pits the Bollywood Knights, the NFU, and the BTTiTW against each other once again in order to determine the pecking order in the tag team division. Each team wrestles with that type of intensity throughout, too, really pushing their familiar opponents to the max. But, as Jimmy South watches from just inside the curtain, the Bollywood Knights take advantage of Peters and Candell’s miscommunication after they eliminated Zeke King to knock out the BTTiTW and simultaneously small package (holding the tights of course) a member of the NFU to get the win. (C-)



-Vance Cole talks on his phone to Scott Hart, who has also begin to make his way to the hospital to check on the status of Ethan Paro, as he hustles to the ring from his backstage office, contract in hand, presumably for the night’s final segment with Prophecy. As he walks by the camera, it captures him saying to Scott, “If Ethan can’t go, we might be in trouble. I mean, if I can’t get Prophecy to sign on the dotted line, he can’t complete for PWI……so will you ask you-know-who for me, yourself? He might be our only hope. I’m serious.” (B-)



-Before we know it, it is main event time, and the TV Champion, Silva Dolla’s trademark red lights flash on and off as he makes his way to the ring, barking up a storm as the PWI fans cheer him loudly. His opponent is introduced as Shay Kinsella, but when the curtains pull back…..it is Christian Alexander, the stalwart super-heel from SWA who has had two great matches in front of PWI fans already. Dolla doesn’t care who crawls between the ropes, and jumps on him immediately. Alexander’s reversal of an irish whip at the match’s highest point that he turns into a short-arm clothesline drops the rolling Dolla’s rally cold. The TV Champion blinks his eyes at the lights as the Golden Boy climbs to the top rope, flipping backward with his trademark moonsault . But the fans all explode out of their seats when Dolla hops up and catches Alexander on his way down with a modified “Dolla Maker”, rolling on top of Alexander and getting the uncontested pinfall seconds later. (C+)



-Vance Cole hits the ring as soon as it is cleared, patting Silva Dolla’s shoulder as he barks his way back up the ramp, before grabbing the ring announcer’s microphone and holding up the contract he brought down with him. He implores Prophecy to come out from where he is and join him in the ring to sign an official competition contract with PWI. But, after a few minutes of silence, Prophecy does not appear and Cole is left in the ring alone, holding the unsigned contract in his hand, a thousand problems on his mind. (B)





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A bloody brawl between Cross and 13TEEN goes from the ringside area over the guardrail and into the crowd before making its way to the bootleg tape table. The cameraman can’t keep up and only gets a shot of the backs of fans throwing their arms in the air when 13TEEN blows Cross through the piled tapes and pressed hardwood to the concrete floor.



Ram Diablo, The Brooklyn Bully, The BlackHarts, and Crazy Jack swagger to the ring and watch the battle continue on the periphery of the floor, laughing. Diablo snatches a microphone from the announce table and snorts at the other two and motions toward Cross and 13TEEN as he begins.



RD: “Those two crazy bastards back there are our partners, boys.”



Diablo bumps knuckles with both JGH and Jarid Hart as they all laugh.



RD: “And…..I have no doubt that we’ll still kick PWI’s f*cking ass!”






RD: “JGH? J-Bird? Ya’ll ready to die at GOREBRAWL? Ya’ll ready to die, rather than have OUR doors close? Have us lose OUR jobs?”



The Black Harts nod; Crazy Jack pulls a staple gun out of his overalls and staples a dollar bill to his own head, the blood rushes down the bridge of his nose.






Police outside the building finally separate Cross and 13TEEN as Diablo leans in to let Jack staple a dollar bill to his forehead.






The blood streams down his face.






The fans begin chanting along.










PWSUX 2012

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I've been meaning to catch up for the last couple of days and only really had chance today. Needless to say that the shows are, as always, fantastic and the build up to Gorebrawl has been very impressive. While my head says PWI will win somehow, there's still that doubt that maybe, just maybe, an upset might happen and that (to me) is good booking. :)
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I'm always front row center!!



And I'm grateful to you because of it. Thanks, critical-23.



It'll happen sometimes, when we're all just waiting for things to climax at a certain point to actually comment. Because really, what's there to say right now, besides "AWESOME STUFF".



I hear that, Hash. Color me needy, I guess. ;)



I've been meaning to catch up for the last couple of days and only really had chance today. Needless to say that the shows are, as always, fantastic and the build up to Gorebrawl has been very impressive. While my head says PWI will win somehow, there's still that doubt that maybe, just maybe, an upset might happen and that (to me) is good booking. :)



Thanks, jhd. I'm pretty excited to see how you all feel about the pay-per-view and the couple of posts after it.



And now, the show before the show......





-Show #19-


PWI: Integrity, Tradition, Honor

LIVE Saturday on NCTV

Augusta Civic Center (NE) 2,000 (Sold Out)





-The PWI TV theme song plays, but instead of our usual open, a replay of last week’s accident that injured Ethan Paro plays just before a preview of tomorrow night’s GoreBrawl PPV. Paro’s injury may cost him the opportunity to fight for PWI; we’ll find out his status later on in this program. (B)




-The show’s first match is a very tidy affair between the rejuvenated Jay Paro and PWI newcomer Aaron Wilson. Things get heated between the two around the seven minute mark when Wilson, appearing distracted for much of the contest, has his wild clothesline attempt ducked, and is spun around quickly and dropped with a Russian leg sweep. Paro is quick to the top rope, quicker with his late swanton, and deadly with his new finisher, the spinning tombstone, getting the pinfall victory seconds later. ©




- Vance Cole rushes through a throng of reporters, all of whom are looking for an update on Ethan Paro. But Cole doesn’t even acknowledge them, whipping out his cell phone and punching in a number before getting to his office and shutting the door behind him. (B-)




-The Bollywood Knights get another crack at regaining their tag team titles from the Van Holt Brotherhood, but come up well short, getting pretty well drubbed before Amman Singh falls victim to a “Van Holtinator” (Spike Pedigree). The champions’ celebration is short lived however, as both the No Frills Unit and the Best Tag Team in the World come rumbling down the ramp from the locker room and turn the ring area into an eight man battle zone. Even though everyone’s grudge seems to be with the VHB, they are the first to bail out, leaving the other three teams to brawl amongst themselves until PWI security intervenes and leads us into a commercial. (C-)




-The VHB are all smiles after their win as they walk across the parking lot to their truck, high fiving each other and throwing the tag belts in the back before climbing in and screeching off. Jimmy South comes out a different door with his bags as their brake lights leave sight, and stares at the empty parking spot. “What the hell, man? What the hell?” (B-)




-Ryan Doherty is announced for his match, but as his music plays, the cameras rush backstage where the PWI trueblood lays face-down in a crimson puddle, a spray-painted “PWSuX” tag adorning his back. (C+)




- Scott Hart knocks on Vance Cole’s office door, and the commissioner lets him in, closing it on the still thick group of journalists behind him after looking both ways down the hall, and locking it. Hart puts a hand on Cole’s shoulder, trying to reassure him following the obvious PWSuX attack moments ago, and says, “If Ethan can’t go tomorrow night, and you can’t get Prophecy to replace him, I made that call for you. He can come.” (B+)




-Silva Dolla, he of a prolific title defense schedule, gives the veteran Shay Kinsella his TV Title match, even on the eve of “GoreBrawl”. And even though Kinsella has been getting into a groove of late, Dolla dominates from bell to bell, showing off a little bit with his rarely seen cradle superplex, a move which draws applause from the ringside faithful. Kinsella manages to escape that one at two and three quarters, but soon falls victim to a “Dolla Maker” (stunner) and is unable to answer the count. Dolla collects his title belt and barks his way around the ring a few times, posing with a fan holding a sign that reads “Rest In Peace PWSuX 2005-2012”. Cameras show Christian Alexander laughing at Kinsella from behind the curtain. (B-)




-After both the winner and the loser make their way back to the locker room, Vance Cole comes down to the ring once again, announcing that Ethan Paro will be unable to compete at “GoreBrawl” before imploring Prophecy to sign a competition contract with PWI instead of showing up unannounced. Cole waits and checks his watch, knowing the show is almost out of time. But just as he turns toward the ropes to make his exit, the lights flash and then go out completely for almost a ten count. When they flash back on, Vance Cole still stands alone in the PWI ring….but the competition contract is missing from his hand. He looks up into the rafters, and then out past the hard camera as the logo appears onscreen, obscuring the look of bewilderment on his face. (B+)






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I've got to admit, I feel fairly confident in predicting GoreBrawl's result... but I didn't, until I reread the opening diary setup pieces. (If you don't want to feel like you know what'll happen, I recommend holding off on that until after the PPV.)



For a second, I felt like I had been caught. But, I checked it out and it's all good. It will only ruin a little part of the story. If it were a spoiler, it might make the Mean Gene 900 number hotline, but I bet you'd be upset if you paid for it and then saw the show play out.



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