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Genre: Supernatural Drama


Studio: P.A Works Director: Yoshiyuki Asai Writer: Jun Maeda Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: July -September 2015 Episodes: 13 (+ 1 OVA*)


* OVA not yet released, will be out March 2016.


Synopsis: The comet Charlotte comes into Earth's orbit every 75 years, leaving cosmic dust as it passes by. The dust when inhaled gives a small percentage of per-adolescent children superhuman abilities when they reach puberty, and will continue to have these mysterious powers until the end of their adolescence when they suddenly receed back to being normal humans as they reach adulthood.


One such adolescent with a mysterious ability is Yuu Otosaka, a boy who can temporarily possess another person. Taking advantage of his ability, Yuu lives a care-free highschool life, cheating his way through tests and building up the facade of being a perfect 'honor student'.


However Yuu is exposed by Nao Tomori, a fellow ability user who can make herself become invisibile to a specific target. Nao forces Yuu to transfer schools to Houshinoumi Academy and join their student council- who's objective is to track down other ability users and stop them from exploiting their powers- in order to keep them save from organizations looking to exploit their abilities or become test subjects for experimentation.

As things unravel after Yuu is rocked by a tragic event that hits him hard personally, he finds out that his own ability is even more important and powerful than he ever could have imagined and that he will play a key role in projecting those with a special power like himself falling into nefarious hands.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- As far fanservice goes or any kind of sexualized content for that matter, that is pretty much non existent in Charlotte and the first half of the series can easily be viewed by most pre-teens. The most contentious thing during the lighter early portion of the series would be the character of Joujirou bleeding from the forehead after accidentally crashing into things, but this is very much played for laughs and the blood isn't at any way gratuitous.


However Charlotte does take a considerably darker turn after the midway point, with character deaths, the violence becoming more intense and serious (such as one character having a confession beaten out of them) and potentially distressing scenes of mental breakdown.


In conclusion the second half doesn't become so extreme to go all the way to adults only, but it takes a dark enough turn in terms of content that even suitability for younger teens (under 15) should be approached with considerable caution.


Action Level: Medium- Charlotte isn't what you would call a full blown action series but as with any form of entertainment where the story is centred around those with superhuman abilities it does have it's fair share of combative action, with the action quotient really being ramped up in the closing stretch of episodes.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- Charlotte features it's fair share of girls with moe personality traits among it's principal cast. The usual slice tragedy from a Key story that will evoke salty tears of sadness from the characters further adds to the strongly 'moe' feel of the show.


Animation Quality/Art Style: P.A Works are deservedly gaining a reputation for producing anime with gorgeous visuals. As a studio in terms of delivering anime with consistently strong production values I would put them among the top tier along with Kyoto-Animation, Production I.G and Ufotable.


Charlotte continues P.A Works string of shows with an enchanting visual aesthetic. The character designs aren't the most original and follow the current modern trend in terms of character style but are attractive enough none-the-less, however it's with the gorgeous and often beautifullly atmospheric background art where the work P.A Works have put into bringing the world of Charlotte to life, truly excels.


There's nothing particularly groundbreaking or innovative about the art and animation, but it's executed so beautifully that's it's hard to not only notice but also appreciate the effort that has been put into the visual aesthetic of the series.


Music: As with Angel Beats!, Jun Maeda once again creates a fictional band for the story- this time replacing the vaguely punkish pop-rock of Girls Dead Monster, with the more evocative sound of Post-Rock outfit Zhiend. Whilst on a personal level of musical taste Zhiend's songs didn't do much for me, as with GDM in Angel Beats! the performance of their songs were blended well into a story and became not just part of the soundtrack but also an important cog in the story.


Lia is a singer that has contributed to many Key related works before hand, and once again Maeda gives her a call, to provide Charlotte's opening 'Bravely You'- After a slightly rocking intro, it settle's into typical Lia fare- she's a good singer and the song is admittedly quite catchy but in all honesty this feels like a re-hash of the Angel Beats! opening My Soul, Your Beats.


The series provides a variety of endings, 'Yake Ochinai Tsubasa' sung by Aoi Tada a mellow, sweetly sung slice of electronica infused J-Pop is the main ending theme and generally is themed in conjunction with episodes where Nao has been the main focus of the story alongside the main protagonist Yuu.


In episodes where Yusa has taken more of a lead role in the story, those episodes end with Rakuen Made, a song sung by the fictional J-Pop band that Yusa is the lead singer of How-Low- Hello. Though not exactly complex stuff, it's surprisingly a little more rocking and slightly less 'bubblegum' than one would expect from an idol group song. In some way's as much as I appreciate Jun Maeda actually making How-Low-Hello's material actually reasonably good pop-rock is slightly disappointing, as I think something cheesier would have been more authentic for the sort of ABK48 style idol act Yusa is a member of, especially given her cutesy happy go lucky personality.


Plot & Characters: Yuu Otosaka at first glance just appears to be a cocky teenage boy, confident in both his looks and his intelligence. However his 'intelligence' and status as an honor student, stems from the fact that he has the ability to momentarily possess other people and steal their thoughts- thus being useful to cheat on tests.


Everything seems to be going swimmingly for Yuu, after he saves the school idol Yumi from a traffic accident, leading to the two beginning to date one another-however that soon comes crashing to a halt when Yuu is tracked down by Nao Tomori from Hoshinoumi Academy.


A fellow ability user, Nao lectures Yuu that abusing his powers will put himself and other ability users like themselves in danger of getting caught by organisations who will want to experiment on them and use them for their own gains. Yuu in the end is left with an ultimatum either stop using your powers altogether or transfer to Hoshinoumi Academy and help Nao and the other members of the Hoshinoumi Academy Student Council help track down other ability users. Reluctantly Yuu agrees, thus being forced to break up with Yumi.


On first glance Nao appears to be a cold, unfriendly person. She initially acts bitter and resentful towards Yuu for his abuse of his powers, and whilst she is the student council president she also finds herself as a social outcast at the school, often being bullied by other students for her unfriendly personality.


However Nao knows first hand what happens to those with abilities that get taken in by those who want to use them for their gain- when herself and her older brother Kazuki were sold out to an organisation by their own mother. Whilst Nao managed to break out to freedom, the experiments left Kazuki as a mentally unstable, empty shell of his former self.


As things unfold, Yuu has his eyes open towards just how important it is that him and his fellow ability users are not exposed and one seismic event in particular, almost breaks him as a person- however he comes through it as a stronger person and learns that his ability is even greater and more important than he would have first ever imagined.


Joining Nao and Yuu at the Hoshinoumi Student Council is Joujirou- who can move at incredible speeds to the point where it looks like he is teleporting, however he does have complete control of his ability and often ends up crashing into things. Because he regularly ends up in slapstick accidents, combined with his over the top fanboying over the pop idol Yusa, Joujirou is very much the prime source for comic relief and pretty much the 'Butt Monkey' of Charlotte.


Speaking of the pop idol Yusa, she also turns out to be an ability user and after being tracked down by the student council, like Yuu before her she ends up becoming part of the team. Yusa's ability is being possessed by the deceased- in this case she has taken in the spirit of her departed older sister- Misa who also happened to be an ability user herself who could control fire. This leads to Yusa having a 'split personality'- whilst Yusa is sweet and bubbly girly girl, Misa is a foul-mouthed, aggressive tomboy.


Important supporting characters include Yuu's cute little sister Ayumi, at first her appearance in appears to hold little importance beyond being another source of comic relief, due to the fact that she is obsessed with putting pizza sauce in everything she cooks for her older brother. However her appearance in the story ends up playing a much more important role, and her vague recollection of herself and Yuu sharing a past with another sibling/friend ends up being an ominous piece of foreshadowing towards the bigger picture that ends up un-ravelling for Yuu, as he is drawn deeper into the battle to keep the ability users hidden from those that want to use and abuse them.


Another side character to play a key-role in the story include Kumagami, a strange boy who helps the student council to track down ability users by dripping a drop of water onto a map. Always appearing soaking wet, he comes into the room, drips his water onto the map and then leaves- however this oddball ends up being a much more important and key figure to the story later on. Then there is Sala Shane, the blind lead vocalist of post-rock band Zhiend, the band that inspired Nao's brother to become a musician himself. Though it's not really that which makes Sala play a key role in the story, it's the fact that her singing has a deep, emotional connection with the listener.


There are also more important characters that reveal themselves along the way, but they are very much of the spoiler variety, and to reveal them would end up revealing the major plot twist to be found in Charlotte's second half.


Analysis: Charlotte is the second attempt by the creative team behind the visual novel brand Key, primarily Jun Maeda to produce an anime original story, after 2009's Angel Beats!


As with Angel Beats! they once again work with the P.A Works studio, and as with that show the visuals are easy on the eye and Maeda's skill as a composer and knack of blending the songs of band specially manufactured for the the story into the plot, without feeling shoe-horned (in this case post rock band Zhiend and to a lesser extent idol group How-Low-Hello) are once again the major plus points that can be taken from Charlotte.


But just as with Angel Beats! the story suffers from pacing issues, feels as little unfocused and characters outside of the core protagonists feel short-changed by cramming all their idea's and emotional twists and turns into only a one cour length series. The problem with Key's work is that it want's its audience to experience both, joy, sadness and surprise with it's characters but when packed into a shorter length series, this often comes off as jarring and unfocused.


On the plus side, Charlotte does end up containing less useless side characters than Angel Beats! but the supporting cast still feels underdeveloped, with supporting characters either being goofy comic relief (Joujirou), one shot deals or devices for a plot-twist. All that being said the central leads of Yuu and Nao, not only hold Charlotte together but help to keep the viewer emotionally invested in the story that ends up unravelling before them.


Yuu starts out as a cheap imitation Lelouch Vi Britannia but his progression from a flippant faux genius to someone who is prepared to man-up and protect his friends, through an emotional roller-coaster was generally well done. Nao who ends up being the driving force behind Yuu's development, also made for a consistently interesting character with her blunt exterior gradually revealing a more caring and emotionally driven person inside. She's witnessed first hand what is like to be quarantined by those who want to use and abuse those with powers like her and it has given her the drive to overcome them to the point that she's even prepared to be perceived in a negative light to those she isn't prepared to put her full trust in.


The other character, or should I rather say character(s) that the creative team, feel fully invested in is the split personality character of Yusa/Misa, and they are able to elevate her from a gimmicky comic relief to making the viewer care about their unique sisterly bond from beyond the grave.


Charlotte certainly does take both it's main characters and the viewer through an emotional roller-coaster but in doing so, the story does at time come across more as a series of not quite fully realised ideas but in it's defence there a much messier shows and the progression of the story is still logical even if perhaps by the end it throws in one too many plot twist and genre shift too many by the end. It basically travels from a fairly comedic light hearted slice of life show with a supernatural twist to an all out guns blazing, the fate of the world is on the line sort of scenario in the space of 12 episodes- all the while putting it's main protagonist through the emotional ringer as Key/Maeda always, absolutely always loves to do.


Despite all it's flaws though, Charlotte does manage to do plenty of things well, producing many enjoyable scenes and moments in isolation from one another and overall the shows blend of goofy comedy, emotional drama peppered with a touch of romance and explosive action did make for a captivating mix. But the frustrating thing about Charlotte is that if it just gave itself that room to breathe and to evolve at a more natural pace, it could have ended up being a truly great show, rather than one that manages to be an entertaining watch throughout but one that in all honesty ends up squandering it's potential.


Final Verdict: When all is said and done, I did come away enjoying Charlotte, but as with Jun Maeda's previous attempt at an anime original work done in conjunction with P.A Works (Angel Beats!), the rushed pacing and squandering of potential greatness becomes too difficult to ignore, no matter how much the gorgeous visuals are sometimes able to distract you as such. In the end Charlotte, almost gets to a full blown recommendation but doesn't quite there for me, which is a shame as it certainly had the potential to reach even higher.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: As one would expect there is no dub produced as of yet, given how recent this series is. But the license has already been picked up by Aniplex of America- so expect an English Dub to be produced with L.A based voice talent

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  • 2 weeks later...









Genre: Slice of Life Comedy-Drama


Studio: P.A Works Director: Tsutomu Mizushima Writer: Michiko Yokote Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: October 2014- March 2015 Episodes: 24*


* Note: Two one episode OVA's were also produced of the two anime series within an anime that the ficitional animation studio Musashino Animation work on during the series (Exodus and Third Aerial Girls Squad). However I've not seen these yet, plus they are very much something to be reviewed in their own right, similar to the Kujibiki Unbalance OVA in relation to Genshiken.


Trivia: Shirobako translates into White Box in English. This refers to the videos that are distributed by the Production Staff members to the various television studio's prior to the anime being broadcast. The term was coined during the time when these videos were distributed as VHS tapes enclosed in white boxes.


Synopsis: From the time their project was shown at their high school cultural festival, Aoi and her friends in the animation club were inspired to forge a career in the animation industry. Fast forward two years and Aoi has graduated and now works as a production assistant at Musashino Animation, a once proud anime production company looking to revive their fortunes after falling on hard times.


Meanwhile Aoi's friends from the high school animation club are all looking to forge their own path within the same industry and one day the all hope to fulfill the promise they made to one another to reunite and make an animated feature together, but this time as professionals!


Or in the words of Xzibit: Yo Dawg! I herd U like anime, so I put anime in yo anime, so you can watch anime while yo watch anime.


Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for Most Ages- Though a fair amount of Shirobako might end up going younger viewers heads- as it's an insight into how the animation industry operates- there is very little in the way of content that could be deemed to be inappropriate or offensive. At the most there is very light fanservice in the two shows that Musashino are working on and for those that feel such behaviour is perhaps inapprorpiate for the very young witness, the characters do consume a fair amount of alcohol throughout the series and often end up drunk.


Action Level: Very Low- There is the odd action sequence shown in the two shows within a show that the imaginary animation studio is working on but in general this is not the show to be coming to, if you're looking for something with lots of action. It's a slice of life comedy-drama about the inner workings of the anime industry.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- The two anime's that the imaginary animation studio are working on are supposed to be two shows with lot's of 'moe' traits to them- something that is very obvious in the first show they are working on Exodus!


There are also one or two of the girl characters in Shirobako itself that could perceived to have 'moe' like personalities but in general though the shows cast of characters have personalities and characteristics that are more grounded in reality.


Animation Quality/Art Style: P.A Works can once again be proud with the efforts they have brought forth in bringing the story they are attempting to tell to life by once again delivering something with consistently strong, art and animation.


Whilst Shirobako isn't as striking, as something with more fantastical or atmospheric elements to take it into account, it doesn't need to be and there is still the odd eye-catching flourish, especially when it comes to animating the process of animation!


Character designs do very much follow the current generic trend of character design, but there is enough variety in a cast generally grounded in realistic clothing and hairstyles (many, perhaps if not all of whom are based on real life counterparts within the anime industry) for each character to leave a strong impression individually in their own right, despite their being a vast cast of characters.


Music: I'll be honest this is the only area of Shirobako that left me a little underwhelmed. All four opening and endings used throughout are passable but forgettable J-Pop songs. Both of the animated ending sequences that go with each of the ending songs are memorable but you'll remember them for the amusing and innovative animations, rather than the accompanying songs.


Plot & Characters: Shirobako takes a look at the inner workings of the anime industry and the hard work and long hours it takes to bring a television anime on to the small screen. From the animators, to the director, to the screenwriter and to the production staff, Shirobako follows the often fraught process from beginning to end as they try to get each anime series to air on time, without losing any quality in the process.


There's an over-arching story where we follow the progress of the five highschool friends we are introduced to at the start of the series, with Production assistant Aoi getting the strongest focus as the series main character, but in terms of plot Shirobako can easily be divided into two separate arcs, with the first arc following the production of an anime original and the second arc following the production of a manga adaptation.


The anime original arc see's problems caused by the director's lazy attitude/writers block towards getting his storyboards completed for the final episode, causing panic...especially as a previous project of the director (Kinoshita) infamously fell apart over similar issues. Whilst further drama is caused by the general incompetence of enthusiastic but useless production assistant Tarou and is the sort of work colleague who thinks they know it all but just ends up causing a string of problems for everyone.


The second arc's drama and tension is caused by miscommunication between Musashino Animation and the mangaka, over a variety of issues such as character design and how the anime adaptation should end, as the manga is still on-going at the time- with the problems caused by Musashino being forced to communicate with the mangaka through an interim third party. Further problems in the process are also caused by the attitude of the experienced but jaded production assistant Hiraoaka- a once bright eyed production assistant who has turned bitter over working on poorly run projects for poorly run companies.


Within each arc, there are also little arcs and personal dilemma's for Shirobako's vast ensemble cast. These range from a staunch 2D artist standing his ground over the growing influx of 3D into animation, an animator struggling with character design or political bickering over who to hire as the lead voice actor in an anime production. There's even at one point a nostalgic look back to how an anime production company would have run prior to modern techniques and equipment.


It would take all day to analyze each of Shirobako's cast individually but from minor supporting character to one of the lead protagonists of the series, pretty much everyone seems to get their chance in the spotlight and feel like an important cog in the process of each of the anime they are involved with.


Of the five school friends who are deemed to be the main protagonists of the story, it is production assistant Aoi that takes centre stage. She does not have the artistic talents of the others to find a place in the world of anime but is driven to one day work with her friends on an anime project, however because of this she consistently questions why is it, that she makes anime.


Uniquely we also often to get Aoi's inner turmoil play out in a series of dream sequences involving two faithful toys she has kept since her childhood, an eye patch wearing doll called Mimuji that represents Aoi's more cynical feelings and Roro a teddy bear that represents the Aoi's more enthusiastic feelings whenever she feels conflicted over something. The two sentimental toys also provide regular exposition to the audience over the processes that take place in producing an anime.


Of Aoi's close friends, Ema is a key animator at Musashino Animation, where Aoi also works that starts out as a bit of shrinking violet unconfident in her work but manages to grow more confident in herself both as a person and in her work, to the point that by the end of the series she has become a mentor figure to the cripplingly shy Ai.


Outside of Musashino Animation, Misa is a 3D artist working at a comfortable place of work that pays well but one where she feels bored and unchallenged by the work, as they only seem to take on one type of project (doing 3D renders of car wheels and tires), Midori is a college student that one day hopes to become an anime scriptwriter, whilst Shizuka is a snack bar waitress and an aspiring voice actor, struggling to catch her first big break.


Analysis: Have you ever watched an anime and thought about the hard work and creativity that has gone into making your favourite show? Well now here's your chance to see the inner workings of the anime industry, with an anime about making anime.


Shirobako presents a somewhat sentimental and rose tinted image of the anime industry but one just grounded enough in the difficulties and realities of trying to make it in the anime world, whether that be as an animator, a production assistant, a voice actor or anyone else connected with it.


Shirobako's main triumph is that it gets the balance pitched absolutely right between showing that a lot of hard work and long hours go into making our favourite anime but also to make it look appealing enough that the rewards of producing art/entertainment that will appreciated by many is worth the hurdles and hardships along the way. You certainly also do get an insight into just what a huge process producing an anime is and the amount of people involved in making just one show- from the more obvious in-house animators to sound effects engineers to dubbing shows to working with freelance animators and other anime production companies if deadlines are tight etc, and that's only the tip of the iceberg!


Depiction of the various drama's throughout the series are very much exaggerated and often cross the line into flights of fancy but if Shirobako was to deliver them in a dry, matter of fact manner, we would probably have ended up watching a dry and dull animated documentary. As with being able to balance a positive but realistic portrayal of the anime industry, Shirobako also manages to get the balance just right between being amusing, entertaining and leaving the viewers on the edge of their seat for the next episode with being a genuinely informative and insightful look into the anime industry.


Perhaps what could be seen most impressive of all though is how Shirobako manages to balance it's gigantic cast of characters and make most of them feel like well rounded realistic characters and also make every one of them feel important to the process. There are one or two which stretch the believability scale, notably Ai the junior Key Animator who takes a more prominent role in the second half of the series and whose crippling social anxiety makes you wonder how she managed to get hired in the first place but on the whole the cast feels like as though it's populated by real people rather than character archetypes. Much of that may well be down to many of the characters being based on real life counterparts.


There's also enough different personalities on show from the dependable to the flaky to help further enrich Shirobako's world. Plenty of those characters are also given the growth and development to help you care about them all that more and invest in not only each individuals personal plight but the way each of their development manages to positively impact the process as a whole.


You genuinely do get a sense that real life experiences from working in the anime industry have gone into depicting the various people and challenges along the way, whilst heightening the drama of the situations to make the show all that more entertaining.


By the end of Shirobako, I had made an emotional connection to the whole cast and when they are able to deliver the final episodes of Exodus! (in the first arc) and Third Aerial Girls (in the second arc) I felt the celebration and relief that their hard work had paid off together with them.


Each arc is wrapped up in the manner you would expect it to be, with the staff of Musashino Animation overcoming the hurdles put in front of them, but the ending does also tease a second season with the possible challenge of taking on two projects at the same time brought up and whilst the five lead characters of the highschool friends all manage to make some form of progress within their respective careers by the end of the series, their dream of being key players in bringing their own anime project to life, appears to be some way off and until that accomplishment is depicted then Shirobako's story will always feel a little incomplete.


Final Verdict: Unless you've got absolutely no interest in how an anime is made, then I couldn't recommend Shirobako more highly enough, and quite frankly if you do have absolutely no interest you're missing out on an anime that manages to achieve exactly what it set out to do, and that was to provide both an entertaining and insightful look into the inner working of the anime industry.


It's not flawless, but the flaws it does have are so minor, that Shirobako leaves you yearning for that second season it appears to tease right at the very end.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: At this moment in time Sentai Filmworks have the U.S license but an English dub has yet to be produced.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can assure all of you, in case you are wondering the thread isn't dead and that new reviews will be on their way soon.


I was going to post something up a few weeks back, but I've been busy with some other things and to be honest haven't had much time to watch 'new' anime. So I decided just to take a clean break from reviewing for a bit and leave it until after Christmas.

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Genre: Supernatural Horror Mystery


Studio: Daume Director: Tetsuro Amino Source: Novels by Fuyumi Ono

Original Broadcast: July- December 2010 Episodes: 22 (+2 OVA)


WARNING- Be prepared for some minor spoilers in this review- The series is pretty much impossible to discuss/review without giving away part of the plot.


Synopsis: Just as a mysterious new family move into the Kanemasa Mansion overlooking the rural community of Sotoba, an unusually large number of deaths begin to occur amongst it's citizens, that begins with the sudden and unexpected death of a previously healthy highschool girl.


The town's resident doctor Toshio Ozaki, initially suspects that the town has been hit with an epidemic but as he continues his investigation's he soon realises there is something far more sinister resulting in the plague of deaths in Sotoba.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (Approx 16+) and up- Fanservice is generally pretty mild, with only the heavy cleavage of Chizuru, providing any real form of mildly ecchi content. However the series becomes extremely bloody and violent during it's second half when the human's take to killing/tortuing those that have threatened their town.


Action Level: Low- There's the aforementioned gore factor in the films closing stretch, where mob rule takes over but for the most part the series plays out more as a tense horror mystery, than as an action packed take on the horror genre.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- There may be some out there, who may just be weird enough to find Sunako 'moe' but in general the show has more of a creepy/ominous vibe throughout, than a cute and cheery one.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The first thing that will strike you about the art and animation in Shiki, is the unique character design's with many of the characters sporting some of the most ridiculous hairstyles ever seen in anime, and that's saying a lot.


Despite the fact that Shiki features a supernatural element to it's story, it is supposed to be taking place in every day Japan, so the characters wild hairstyles do tend to clash wildly with keeping the story grounded in realism. Perhaps though that was the creators intention, with the unique and strange character designs further adding to the feeling of an otherworldly story taking place in ordinary surroundings.


Love them or loathe them however, the character designs are certainly unique and at the very least the bravery in pushing through such designs has to at least be admired, when it's so many other anime's play safe and go with what's in trend.


With such striking character designs, it is easy to overlook the consistently solid background art, that does a fine job of bringing to life a cut off rural community, where the dark and tense atmosphere gradually begins to shift uneasily with each passing death and revelation.


Music: The OST soundtrack for Shiki consistently taps into the paranoia, ominous doom and emotional heartbreak of the Sotoba residents. It's quite clever in it's usage of presenting variations of themes that tend to use the same arrangement but twisting them to be more in line with the accompanying scene- thus enabling a consistency in the soundtrack that not only makes it more memorable by itself but also makes it feel more complete as an accompaniment to the story.


J-Rock giants Buck Tick provide their gothic tinged sound to both the series first opening 'Kuchizuke' and second ending 'Gekka Reijin' with the often dramatic sounding vocals of Atsushi Sakurai, proving a suitable fit to the ominous nature of the story.


On the other hand the two non Buck Tick offering for the OP and ED are less successful. The first ending Walk no Yakusoku sung by Nangi is a forgettable ballad and second opening 'Calendula Requiem' by kanon x kanon is pretty much just high energy J-Pop, that fails to match the impact of the first opening.


Plot & Characters: The events of Shiki take place in a cut off rural community, where it's residents are rapidly falling ill and then dying- suspiciously at the same time these events to begin to unfold, a strange new family the Kirishiki's have moved into the unusual western style mansion overlooking the village. Though there had been previous deaths, the residents of Sotoba start to become truly concerned when the previously fit and healthy teenager Megumi Shimizu succumbs to the mysterious illness.


Sotoba's doctor Toshio Ozaki struggles to find just what this sudden epidemic is and whats causing it, but his attempts to find a logical truth or even save his patients from eventually succumbing to their inevitable fate appear to be getting nowhere.....


Now in case you aren't able to work out what's going on before Toshio and the rest of the Sotoba residents do, then you might not want to read on further but the viewer will know long before the characters as to what is happening within Sotoba....


The cause of the deaths isn't an viral epidemic but the residents of Sotoba are being targeted by corpse demon's/vampires or as they are referred to in this series the titular Shiki and many of the residents previously killed by a Shiki, rise up from the dead becoming one themselves. In order to survive the Shiki must feed on human blood and though some try to fight the urge and hate what they have become, the hunger to feed and to survive becomes too strong.


The initial source of the 'epidemic' are indeed the mysterious new family that have moved into the Kanemasa Mansion, the Kirishiki's. What appears to be the families young daughter Sunako is actually the leader of the clan, a centuries old 'Shiki' who has devised the plan to target Sotoba and make the village a 'haven' for her kind.


Whilst most of the Shiki cannot go out in sunlight, there are a sub-class called Jinrou, that are immune to sunlight, this makes the Kirishiki's butler Tatsumi, who is really Sunako's right hand man, perhaps the most dangerous Shiki of all. Able to put on an affable friendly front to the rest of the villagers, he is really a master manipulator ruthlessly determined to push through Sunako's plan at any cost.


One resident that Sunako does strike up a relationship with is the junior monk Seishin Muroi, who is also a writer of several famous horror novels, all of which Sunako appeared to have read. Seishin comes to learn what Sunako and the rest of the Shiki's are, but becomes torn and conflicted when his friendship with Sunako puts him at odds with his best friend Toshio and the rest of the villagers.


When Toshio finds out just what is truly behind the horror that has been engulfing Sotoba he becomes determined to drive the Shiki's away. At first his revelations are met with ridicule from the residents of Sotoba, but when Toshio is finally able to convince them- the human's turn to mob rule and become just as bloodthirsty if not more so than the Shiki's in their attempts to drive the 'monsters' away. It's Toshio's increasingly extreme methods to stop the Shiki at any cost, that eventually drive a wedge between himself and Seishin, who has been able to see the 'monsters' in a different light from everyone else.


Once Sotoba resident, who is aware of what is going on before even Dr.Ozaki is the aloof teenager Natsuno Yuuki, whose family recently moved to Sotoba, much to his dismay. After the death of Megumi, who had a one sided crush on him- he swears that she has been haunting him and as it turns out Natsuno would be right, as Megumi was one of the Sotoba residents to rise as a Shiki.


Events however really begin to hit Natsuno hard, when his best friend in the village Tohru Mutou succumbs to the Shiki and then rises as one himself, when Tohru does rise he is one of the Shiki to become truly horrified about what they have become. Other's such as the always self centred Megumi embrace their life as as Shiki, whilst others see their new found power as a chance to try to reconnect with lost love one's in an attempt to try and bring them over to their side.


As events unfold in Sotoba, most of the town's residents become affected by the horror that is engulfing their town, with their often small but significant roles having a significant effect on the bigger picture.


What starts out as a story about a rural community reeling from a sudden spate of a mysterious illness that has left the town's Dr flummoxed as to just what is leading to so many residents deaths, gradually evolves into a story that questions where that fine line is between human and monster, with the human's that were under attack from the Shiki becoming just as bloodthirsty if not more so than the corpse demons who simply see human's as food vital to their survival.


Analysis: The Vampire story, lets face it has been a little overdone over the years but Shiki certainly tries it's best to at least bring something fresh to the genre, whilst staying true to many of the tried and tested tropes of the folklore.


It's pretty much impossible to talk about Shiki without giving away the fact that the epidemic engulfing the rural community of Sotoba, is infact being caused by the risen dead attacking humans and not some new strain of virus like the town's resident Doctor Toshio Ozaki, initially appears to think so. Though in all fairness the creative forces behind Shiki, don't really attempt to hide this fact from the viewer and the 'mystery' element is more about when the likes of Dr Ozaki figure out what is actually happening.


The first half of the series is effectively divided between the viewpoint of three main protagonists in the village, the strained Dr Ozaki, the troubled junior monk Seishin and the aloof teenager and relative new addition to the community of Sotoba, Natsuno. Though all three cotton on to the fact that something strange is a-foot than pretty much anyone else in Sotoba, the pacing is deliberately slow in the first half as it looks to ratchet up the desperation engulfing Sotoba as it's residents drop like flies one by one.


Understandably some viewers may be left somewhat frustrated by the slow pacing having worked out what's going on long before any of the characters have done, but on the other hand the slow build helps the viewer to immerse themselves more in Sotoba's increasingly bleak desperation and connect with more of it's residents.


That in itself its one of Shiki's strengths, the ability to make every resident of Sotoba feel like an important cog in the story, no matter how small their part. The counterpoint is that often the large cast, leaves many of the main protagonists feeling underdeveloped and it becomes hard to become truly attached to sympathize with the plights of any of the main protagonists.


It actually fairs a little better in making the viewer more empathetic to a number of supporting characters, notably several human come Shiki- amongst them one resident driven by a desperation to reunite with their family and another torn between the hunger to survive and putting their best friend at risk. Some are a little less easy to find any sympathy for when the tide turns, as the human's fight back (notably Sotoba's resident whiny jerk Masao or the self centred Megumi, who turns into an even more dangerous Yandere towards Natsuno) but the variety between the residents reacting to their cursed fate as Shiki did make for an interesting dynamic throughout the story.


The antagonists of Shiki, the Kirishiki's go through on an intriguing journey from mysterious to antagonistic to sympathetic. At least that's probably what the writer's were trying to go for, the trouble with the final part in that progression, is that even though the human's do end up becoming more monstrous than the Shiki's themselves in their attempt to drive these undead demon's away. It's hard to sympathise with Sunako and the rest of the Shiki, when things do turn bad for them, when they aggressively looked to turn everyone in Sotoba into their kind.


The second half of Shiki is certainly an interesting study in that fine line between man and monster. Though in comparison the Shiki end up killing in a more humane way, than the human's at the end of the story it did not lead to myself doing a 180 and rooting for them to get away, save for some of the more sympathetic turned residents turned Shiki. Sure the likes of Dr Ozaki, and their extreme actions become hard to keep on rooting for, but likewise it's hard not to forget that if Sunako and the rest of the Kirishiki's brought along their own brand of hell to Sotoba in the first place, no matter how much the 'torn' Seishin tries to play audience surrogate.


It's not that there aren't any characters worth becoming emotionally invested in or rooting for in Shiki, it's just that those characters tend to be the one's where you know deep down, they aren't going to make it to the end and neither Sunako's eventual realisation in regards to her own monstrous actions nor Ozaki's justification for extreme measures are going to make up for that.


The best two episodes in Shiki are actually the pair of OVA's, that slot in towards the end of the series. One episode concentrates on the villagers rapid and rabid evolution into an angry mob and does a great job of portraying the paranoia engulfing the village, whilst also placing many of the human's turned Shiki into a more sympathetic light- it's this episode in particular along with the preceeding televised episode before it, that should have you at your most conflicted as to which side you would like to see prevail.


The second of the OVA's winds back to the beginning, as we follow an overprotective mother Motoko- gradually become affected by the 'epidemic' that is engulfing Sotoba. The events that end up directly affecting Motoko end up driving her to insanity. The episode also provides a vital link towards the series incendiary final episode.


Through the combination of it's unique visual presentation and generally well judged soundtrack, Shiki does excel in getting across the bleak desperation of the Sotoba resident's situation, and whilst it may not always hit's the targets it's trying to aim for the overall aesthetic and feel of the show ensures that Shiki remains an engaging experience throughout.


Final Verdict: Shiki is an intriguing take on the well worn vampire genre and it's main strength is displaying the desperation that would engulf a community if a situation like this were ever to happen.


Whilst many of the minor characters do manage to come out in a sympathetic light, it becomes hard to become invested in the plight of the main protagonists on either side of the conflict, be it the Doctor looking to save his village or Sunako the centuries old Kirishiki who has plotted the invasion of Sotoba.


In conclusion Shiki manages to be a series that becomes even more captivating with each passing episode, but there are enough little weaknesses in terms of character portrayal and even pacing towards the beginning, that means that the story also had a little room for improvement.




Is the Dub Any Good: Funimation provided the English dub for Shiki and overall it's a pretty stellar effort, that only hardcore sub purists should have a major problem with. For the most part the main cast bring enough seriousness to their respective roles without trading potential over the top campiness for flat performances.


Cherami Leigh is particularly good as Sunako, finding just that right balance between cute innocence and un-nerving creepiness, whilst Ian Sinclair was also very convincing as the Kirishiki's charming but ruthless 'butler' Tatsumi.

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I really recommend The Seven Deadly Sins to anyone looking for a fun shonen show to get into. Fun storyline, likable characters, cool action, and some pretty cool twists along the way.


I'm really stoked for Season 2 whenever it comes out.


I just binged watched the 24 episodes this weekend and I was really entertained. Its not ground breaking anime, but it is a good, fun fantasy action anime.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm enjoying Shirobaku.


Nice stuff!


End up forgetting to reply, to say that I am pleased to be of assistance in pointing you towards what I think is a pretty awesome anime :)


Anyway new review coming your way- Though it is a rather random one of an old series, I picked up on DVD second hand. In some ways though, these completely random, long forgotten about series are some of my favourite review to do. :)

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Aquarian Age- Sign For Evolution







Genre: Sci Fi Fantasy/Romance


Studio: Madhouse Director: Yoshimitsu Ohashi Writer:Kazuhiko Soma Source: Collectible Trading Card Game By Broccoli.

Original Broadcast: January- March 2002 Episodes:13


Synopsis: Highschool student Kyouta Kamikurata dreams of one day becoming a pop-star along with his friends Junichi and Shingo. When performing a street concert on New Years Day, they are given their big break when they offered to sign up with talent agency Cosmopop.


However around the same time, Kyouta begins to witness strange happenings that appear to involve girls with magical powers waging a secret war against each other. As event begin to get ever more stranger and intense, Kyouta also comes to learn that his childhood sweetheart Yoriko may well hold the key to whichever faction will emerge victorious in the war.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and Up- The fantasy action on offer here is largely bloodless and fairly tame. Fanservice is on the whole very mild but there is the odd bit of slightly more risque sexualization that shifts the series away from being a kids anime- most notably in a scene where one of the females goes full tongue when giving a kiss to the main protagonist. It's a pretty intense kiss for an otherwise relatively innocuous series in terms of 'adult content'.


Action Level: Medium- We do get some magical girl style battle sequences scattered across the series, but they aren't really the main focus. There's enough action here to just about earn a Medium level action rating but those looking for the action sequences to be the main focus over the romance element will be left disappointed.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Not a show that necessarily comes across as being particularly that 'moe' at first glance.However it does have it's fair share of cute girls with potentially 'moe' like personality traits.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Though a little dated and very of their era, the character designs are all fairly solid and there's enough variation and effort put into each character, where none of them feel generic.


Background art whilst nothing special, is also far from shabby and perhaps one also has to take into account that this a T.V anime that is over a decade old.


However the series presentation is let down by various moments where the character designs end up being off model and the action sequences, that mostly consist of swirling coloured light columns are far from inspiring. It's the sort of poorly conceived action scenes that suggest the series wasn't given the strongest of backing when it came to executing it to the best of the animators capabilities.


Music: Opening theme Everlasting Love sung by SeYUN is a cheesy ballad that sounds very dated, even for the time period it came out in- sounding like something that could have come out in 1980- in fact I couldn't quite shake feeling an early 80's Bond theme vibe from the song. Meanwhile ending theme PRISM sung by Miki Ashihara is a pretty generic soft rock influenced slice of J-Pop that doesn't offend but leaves little to no impression.


The BGM soundtrack was composed by the esteemed Yuki Kajiura and features her trademark use of vocal choirs for dramatic effect. Though Kajiura once again provides a solid soundtrack here, there are times where it feels like a by the numbers effort from Kajiura or it might just be the case that after hearing so many Kajiura soundtracks, her stuff is all starting to sound the same, even if in most cases it does make for effective background music.


The series also features insert music from Kyouta's band T.L Signal, however whilst their music isn't at all bad- they only ever seem to have one song that they ever play a melodic pop-rock semi ballad that begins with Kyouta riffing on the harmonica.


Plot & Characters: At the beginning of Aquarian Age's story we are introduced to Kyouta, a highschool age boy who dreams that one day his pop/rock band with his two best friends get signed and become stars.

Incidentally enough Kyouta and his friends, do end up getting signed by the same agency where the current hot thing in the pop idol world (and a major influence on Kyouta) Ryusei is the key act. Ryusei doesn't exactly end up being as charming as Kyouta would have hoped for, but that pales into insignificance to the weird sightings of magical girls doing battle thay Kyouta has been experiencing.


As it turns out most people have been unaware that a centuries old battle has been raging on between various factions of magical girls in order to gain control over the world. The factions being Arayashiki (Oriental Mysticism), WIZ-DOM (western style wizardry), Darklore (Demons), E.G.O

(Technologically enhanced superpowers) and Eraser (Mysterious faction from another realm).


Kyouta is amongst the few people able to see this secret battle taking place, dubbed mindbreakers they are able to unlock the powers within those that belong to the various factions. Though often this is used for nefarious means, as displayed by Abuto, the controlling manager of pop-star Kanae (who as it happens is one of these mysterious magical girls that Kyouta has been seeing)


As it turns out nearly every girl we end up meeting has a connection to one of the factions, including Kyouta's childhood friend turned love interest Yoriko- who ends up being the key to who will win the war and it's up to Kyouta to steer Yoriko towards taking the right path, something that begins to prove difficult for Kyouta, when he can't help but notice her personality change (and not for the better). But if he is unable to get through to her, then it will spell disaster for everyone, including Yoriko herself. Though it probably doesn't help Yoriko's mood, that a fair chunk of the other girls that come in contact with Kyouta feel an attraction towards him , from flirty pop-star Kanae to highschool Junior and fangirl Asumi.


Of course being unfortunate enough to be dragged into the supernatural war and the problems he is suddenly being forced to face with his girlfriend Yoriko, begin to have his effect on Kyouta's pursuit of pop stardom and tensions begin to arise between himself and his bandmates (who remain the clueless 'muggles' and primary source of light relief for the story throughout). Can Kyouta save Yoriko and still become the pop star he has always dreamed of becoming?


Analysis: Based on a trading card game, Aquarian Age- Sign for Evolution presents and odd blend of magical girl style battles and slice of life drama centering around a highschool boy and his best mates aspiring to make it in the world of J-Pop. Though it surprisingly makes a decent stab at blending these two elements together.


At it's heart though Aquarian Age is a romance story centred upon the internal struggles of Kyouta (who is suddenly thrust into a completely unexpected situation) and Yoriko, who is torn between adhering to the path laid out before her and going her own way. Yoriko's uncertainty ends up getting taken advantage of those by those with nefarious motives and this leads to the key drama that brings a sense of focus to a story that could have easily become overcrammed trying to get across the story of the various factions involved in the war, in only 13 episodes.


In terms of the potentially rich universe that could have been explored, it does just about enough over it's one cour length to give you enough of a glimpse of the motivations and mindsets of Arayashiki, Darklore etc. For the episode length the story was given, brevity in that regard and focus upon it's core characters was the right way to go. It's to it's credit that Aquarian Age, doesn't necessarily always feel like a trading card based anime, despite of the various factions that are in introduced throughout the story. However in the end it does feel a little bit disappointing that the series wasn't given at least two cours to further explore the history and differences between the various factions involved in the mysterious supernatural battle.


In the end though, as well as being hamstrung in being able to explore it's full potential by being crammed into a one cour length series, Aquarian Age is also let down by poor presentation, especially during it's disappointing battle sequences. Whilst part of that can be put down to the age of the anime ~ coming out in that awkward era where anime was transitioning from being entirely handrawn to incorporating CGI~ the mediocre quality of Aquarian Age's supernatural battle elements (which probably would have been a big draw for fans of the trading cards) cannot be so easily forgiven, whether it was down to laziness, poor budget or a rushed schedule.


Final Verdict: Despite mediocre presentation and a failure to fully explore it's potentially rich universe (due to the one cour length), Aquarian Age just about scrapes a mild recommendation by being surprisingly adept at bringing two unlikely worlds together and rightfully honing it's focus upon the twist and turns of the relationship between the series two central characters.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: The English dub was produced by the now defunct ADV films and features Chris Patton as Kyouta and Monica Rial as Yoriko in the dubs central roles. Patton isn't an exact match for the original Japanese performance but in this case, that's not necessarily a bad thing as he manages to make Kyouta a little more relateable compared to the more sullen performance of the Japanese original. Monica Rial (as probably should be expected) does stellar work coping with the shifting moods and personas of the conflicted Yuriko.


The work from the rest of the cast is a little bit hit and miss, but overall ADV films put out a decent dub here that is at least at the right level of quality (if not arguably better) than the product it's attached to.

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Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma






Genre: Comedy Drama with Shonen Battle influences.


Studio: J.C Staff Director: Yoshitomo Yonetani Writer:Shogo Yasukawa Source: Manga by Yuto Tsukuda

Original Broadcast: April-September 2015 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: Soma Yukihira hopes to one day take over the neighbourhood diner run by his father Joichiro and to surpass his father's culinary skills. However just as Soma graduates from middle school, his father Joichiro (who is actually a legendary chef that could work anywhere in the culinary world) accepts a new job that requires him to travel the world.


Joichiro simply doesn't yet Soma inherit the diner, instead deciding to close shop and send his son to the Totsuki Culinary Academy- Japan's most elite cooking school where only 1% of the students manage to graduate.

A confident and fired up Soma embraces the challenge and vows to become the number one student at Totsuki, but he faces competition from skilled chefs and hostility towards his humble background in order to achieve his goal and have any chance of surpassing his father.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Food Wars is one of those shows that perhaps if the fanservice was a little more toned down it could have been appropriate viewing for a wider audience, as it is the infamous foodgasm's that occur when the characters taste the food, often end up with sexualized imagery. There's also a fair amount of regular fanservice too, though this is fairly mild- such as one large breasted character having a tendency to wear stripperiffic outfits. Overall the ecchi fanservice in Food Wars is too consistent and strong enough, to warrant a pretty solid 15 and over rating.


Action Level: Medium- Food Wars features it's fair share of action, but not in the tradtional sense- that's because the cooking in Food Wars is a visceral dynamic experience that often gives off the same vibe as a fight from a shonen battle series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- Food Wars features a considerable number of cute girls, with typical moe traits- the most prominent of these being the shy and clumsy borderline failure (at the start of the series) Megumi. It's only really the fact that the cute/moe girls element is not the actual main focus of the show that stops Food Wars being rated even higher here.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Visually Food Wars is a very well presented series- whilst both the character design (on trend but with great care put into making every character look unique from anyone else in the series) and background art are absolutely stellar throughout, it's through both the art and animation of the food and cooking processes where the anime interpretation of Food Wars really manages to make it's mark.


Throughout the culinary delights served up throughout the series, look so appetizing (or disgusting on the odd occasion for comedic effect) that you wish you could dive in and taste/smell the food for yourself! Whilst the detail put into the cooking processes of each chef, are able to transport you into the heated battleground that is the kitchen!


Music: Food Wars provides one of those more rarer occasions, where I care little for it's opening themes but quite enjoyed it's two ending songs. Whilst the two opening themes (Kibo No Uta by Ultra Tower and Rising Rainbow by Misokasu) aren't by any means terrible and do capture the 'going into battle' element of the series, they are both pretty generic fast and loud slices of pop-rock.


In contrast the more relaxed and playful sound of the two ending themes (Spice by Tokyo Karankoron and Satchan's Sexy Curry by Seiko Oomori) managed to be considerably more memorable.


Perhaps though especially in the first ending theme's case, the soundtrack often did that neat trick of starting the ending theme early, helping the song to get engrained in your brain more, though the most fun trick (and I'm always easily amused by this) was getting one of the characters to hum the tune.


Overall the soundtrack composed by Tatsuya Kato is able to support the action unfolding on screen in an relatively understated manner, with each track often based upon music from across the globe that matches up to the food being cooked on screen.

Plot & Characters: Set in an elite cooking school, with an ultra tough pass rate, whose goal is to find Japan's next culinary masters, Food Wars primarily revolves around transfer student Soma Yukihira's goals of graduating as the top student from Totsuki Culinary Academy and to one day surpass his father as a chef.


Whilst all the other students in Totsuki Culinary Academy high school wing, have enrolled in the academy since middle school, Soma had to transfer in and take an entrance exam. Whilst most of the other students attempting to transfer in are immediately scared off by Totsuki's impossible standards, Soma is prepared to rise to the challenge.


However he finds immediate opposition from the exam's adjudicator Erina Nakiri, a gifted but extremely prejudice chef- who is seen as the top student in Totsuki Academy and part of it's influential student council, known as the Elite Ten. Erina just doesn't this 'commoner' from a backstreet diner, entering the academy and though Soma finally gets her to taste his exam dish, she is too stubborn to admit that she actually likes it and fails him.


Unfortunately for Erina however, the academies director over-rules her, having tasted Soma's dish for himself, knowing that Erina's prejudice is preventing a gifted chef from taking their place in Totsuki.


On enrolment day, the brash Soma gives speech to say that he is heading for the very top but that only serves to stoke up even more hostility towards him from most of Totsuki Academies student body who feel put out that this 'commoner' has the audacity to believe that he is a better chef than them with their pedigree backgrounds. Whilst those that oppose Soma, especially Erina are ignorant of the fact his father Joichiro is a chef of legendary skill, Soma himself is also unaware of just how imporant a figure in Japan's culinary history his father is- having been given the impression that his father is simply the humble head chef/owner of a local backstreet diner.


Through various challenges however- some in direct battle against fellow students, others in a series of challenges (that include a cooking camp designed to whittle down who has what it takes to prove themselves in the high pressured world of professional cookery- Soma is gradually able to earn the respect of his fellow students, and show that he is able to back up his cocksure attitude with the skills to back up his confidence. There is the odd setback and close call along the way for Soma, but these only serve to deepen his resolve and make him more determined to reach his goals and despite appearing to intitially be faced with hostility from just about everyone at Totsuki Academy, Soma does manage to make close friends with his fellow lodgers at the Polaris dormitory that he comes to stay in- though it just so happens to be the dorm that tends to house fellow mavericks and misfits just like Soma himself.


Of course no matter how much Soma proves his worth, the prejudice Erina wants to force Soma out of Totsuki Academy and belittle him at every opportunity, even though she knows deep down that he is challenging the views that have been drummed into her since childhood. Of course Erina's attempts to take Soma down a peg or two, spectacularly backfire.


Beyond the main protagonist of Soma and the main antagonist of Erina, Food Wars features a large cast of characters, mostly consisting of current students at Totsuki, plus tutors, alumni and general movers and shakers from the culinary world that are often called upon to be judges. There are far too numerous to mention, but most of the chefs that Soma is competing have tend to have a culinary expertise that they specialize in (e.g Italian food, Meat, Smoking, Medicinal), sometimes we get a glimpse into these chefs background, especially if they are being built up as a major roadblock for Soma to overcome, and that often their development, comes after a humbling defeat.


Whilst it would be churlish to dismiss much of Food Wars large supporting cast as unimportant, there is really only one other character delving into as much detail as Soma and Erina, and that is Soma's fellow Polaris dorm member Megumi Tadokoro, who ends up serving as a sort of co-protagonist and a counterpoint to the confident Soma and elitist Erina. Having been sent to Totsuki from her rural upbringing in the Tohoku region, Megumi starts out as a shy, unconfident girl who always appears to be on the verge of getting expelled from the academy, however through her friendship with Soma she gradually begins to believe in herself more and over the course of the series she begins to blossom as a talented chef in own right, showing that it was lack of confidence in her own abilities that were holding her back and not a lack of talent.


Analysis: On the British version of Masterchef, they always exclaiming that 'Cooking Doesn't get any tougher than this!', well they clearly haven't been privy to the trial by fire that the student's of Totsuki Academy have to endure in order to graduate as ahem...master chefs. All joking aside with the comparison between fact and fiction, Food Wars really could be described as Masterchef with the intensity turned up to eleven!


With it's over the top reactions to food tasting and cast of eccentric characters, Food Wars can primarily be seen as a comedy series. It's this comedic element that will probably end up being hit and miss with some people and if you're not a fan of the typically less than subtle comedy that can be found in many an anime, then that may well end up being a stumbling block in regards to enjoying what Food Wars has to offer....


However Food Wars is not merely reliant on it's outlandish comedy and ridiculous ecchi fanservice, it is held together by a solid, though atypical shonen style story centred around the primary protagonist looking to prove themselves the strongest, whilst the culinary element loks to have been handled with real care and attention.


In terms of the series most infamous element the Foodgasm's, you're either going to be turned off by them/dismiss them as needless fanservice or you're going to embrace their ridiculousness and admired the often creative ways the series it gets its characters to react to the taste of the food that has just past their mouth.


Whilst most shonen battle series, sees's their characters settle their fights via fisticuffs, Food Wars sees it's characters settle their disputes and prove themselves the strongest via the medium of cooking. In the real world to become a top chef, you have to be extremely driven whilst your work is being assessed and compared against other chefs, Food Wars manages to capture that intensity throughout, albeit in a slightly over the top manner.


Though some of the recipes appear to be a little bit out-there at times, they aren't any more ridiculous than some of the concepts chefs try to create on a plate in real life. It's hard to say without trying to recreate the recipes yourself at home, as to how tasty each dish would actually be (though I'm pretty sure none would elicit the kind of orgasmic reactions that are the series hallmark for better or worse) in real life. Saying that there are plenty of fans out there who have attempted to recreate some of the recipes to be found in Food Wars, and they've been able to do that because the series takes great care and pride in showing the ingredients and processes that have gone in to creating each foodgasm inducing plate of food.


Food Wars does carry a large cast of characters, and that does result in many of them having very little in the way of character development. Now if this was a short one cour length series, this would be more of a concern but in a longer series such as this, it's less of a concern that there are a few characters that are simply there to flesh out the cuthroat culinary world of Totsuki Academy and beyond. Besides most of the characters do serve a purpose, either as Soma's allies from the Polaris dormitory or as antagonists/roadblocks in the way of Soma or also on occasion Megumi's progress and it's often through humbling setbacks that many of the characters experience their development.


In terms of the three main characters (Soma, Megumi and Erina), I would say that the first two do experience pretty solid development during this first series of Food Wars, whilst the latter's personality and motivations unfortunately stay pretty static.


In Soma's case, it's not so much development in regards to his outward personality, as more a case of the layers of the proverbial onion being peeled away. At first he appears to be little more than a happy go lucky, brash antagonist who always seems to get the upper hand but the series wisely throws in enough setbacks that reveal that Soma is an extremely driven individual and that any loss, no matter how small hurts with much of Soma's development as a chef being centred upon being able to learn and adapt from missteps he has taken during previous recipes and cooking challenges.


Had Soma just carried on just wiping the floor with every other chef throughout the series, he would have been in serious danger of ending up as a 'Marty Stu' but then original mangaka and those behind the anime adaptation were savvy enough not have him be overpowered to the point that he had nothing to learn from.


The clumsy and crippingly self critical Megumi is the character that experiences the most development throughout the series, without changing unrealistically turning into an entirely different character by the end of the series. Throughout the course of the series, with Soma's support and encouragement, she gradually begins to believe in her own cooking abilities more and her underdog story is perhaps the most emotionally rewarding for the viewer and her more realistic self doubt makes for a nice contrast to the fiery brashness of Soma.


On the other hand whilst I believe that Erina has experienced development in the manga, thus far in the anime adaptation- to put in bluntly, she starts out as a snooty bitch and pretty much ends the series as a snooty bitch, which leads into one of the series major flaws the fact that it finishes right in the middle of an arc, with the story unfinished....


Basically they were gambling on the series being greenlit for a second series, now luckily enough for fans of the first season, a second season has been confirmed for later this year (2016), so hopefully we should see more a satisfying conclusion to the story in the second season and more solid development in regards to Erina.


Final Verdict: Food Wars more over the top elements (those infamous foodgasms!) may well not to be everyone's taste, but in my view the series was able to successfully put an inspired culinary twist on the typical shonen story of growing stronger and overcoming impossible odds to become the best.


Perhaps most important of all however Food Wars enduring appeal will be the fact that it's just joyous, riotous fun and sometimes that's all you want from a series.




Is the Dub Any Good: Sentai Filmworks have aquired the North American license for the series but have yet to release an English dub.

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I swear I commented asking a question, but apparently I dreamed it.


Anywhere, is there a specific order to watch the Fate series in? I know they just did Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, but is it a sequel to Fate/Stay Night? I'm guessing Fate/Zero is first? Any help would be appreciated as it looks really fun.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I swear I commented asking a question, but apparently I dreamed it.<p> </p><p> Anywhere, is there a specific order to watch the Fate series in? I know they just did Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, but is it a sequel to Fate/Stay Night? I'm guessing Fate/Zero is first? Any help would be appreciated as it looks really fun.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fate/Stay Night was originally a visual novel game developed by Type Moon, the original anime adaptation by Studio Deen was released in 2006, there was also the Unlimited Blade Works film released in 2010 also done in Studio Deen (<em>which I believe is basically one of those anime film reworkings, where they ludicrously try to condense a 25 episode anime series into a 100 minute film) </em></p><p> </p><p> Fate/Zero was originally a series of prequel light novels written by Gen Urobuchi, with an anime adaptation by Ufotable in 2011. Ufotable then followed that up with Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Bladeworks (<em>not to be confused with the Studio Deen film) </em>based on the original visual novel, but taking things on a different route to the original anime adaptation. </p><p> </p><p> If you want to watch things in chronological order then I would suggest Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night original then Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Bladeworks<em> (the series, not the film) </em></p><p> </p><p> Personally, however I found that having watched the original 2006 Fate/Stay Night did not ruin my enjoyment of Fate/Zero and in some ways it's better to watch the older series first as the art/animation side from the Ufotable adaptations are considerably superior. </p><p> </p><p> So I would say it's a toss up whether you watch Fate/Zero or Fate/Stay Night (2006) first but definitely leave Unlimited Bladeworks for last.</p>
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<p>Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma</p><p> </p><p>

An anime that gives true meaning to the phrase "food porn" <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Do you have an account on MAL?


I probably should, but weirdly enough I haven't seeing as I'm such a big anime fan. Just something I've never got round to.


Do any of my more regular readers/commentators on this thread, have a MAL account?


Though I obviously love anime, I've just never had the desire to join an anime specific community board. Think I get put off by the douchey sub vs dub arguments or stuff like 'hype anime of the year' is the best thing ever vs 'hype anime of the year' is over-rated horseshit arguments :p

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This, and the board for the Battletech game that was kickstarted a couple months ago are the only two that I have ever been really active on ( as in check regularly, and have posted more than a handful of times.)


As for anime, while I enjoy watching it, and have watched more in the last few years than I did my entire life before then, to me it seems such a personal thing in regards to taste that no two people are going to like all the same stuff. So much so that deep discussion about it seems almost pointless because you like what you like, they like what they like, and dealing with zealous fanboys internet bashing you because you didn't really enjoy their all time favorite anime isn't much fun.


I much prefer this approach, where you have come in and said, I watched this, this is what I thought of it. And then we can either comment with 'yeah I saw that too, and I liked it or it didn't work for me for some reason' and that's basically it. Its a way for those of us on the board who are interested in Anime to kind of share names of shows that we might not have otherwise given a second look at.


I know that I probably wouldn't have known about or watched at least a few anime here without this board.

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I'm kinda past my youthful enthusiasm for arguing the details of good and bad anime. I'd rather focus on the fun cool stuff and if someone else has a different set of fun cool stuff to watch that's just fine.


Vaguely related to anime, I enjoyed the live action Death Note series. It was different enough from the manga/anime to be surprising, though they stretched the battle of wits in how many times someone could out-think the other. Ultimately I liked L and that's key to anything Death Note related for me. Things with Near don't hold up but I liked the character and actress. The movie idea of six Death Notes being unleashed on the world in a near future setting seems questionable though.

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Considering how much dislike I've for Evangelion and how meh I'm about FMA it's funny how I've never ran into any zealous fanboys especially on r/anime or r/manga. :D



Short Rant Below


Honestly the only place I've found myself arguing like mad is on the light/web novel translation subreddit. I eventually just got pissed and stopped visiting due to the people that kept complaining about why the Japanese harem protagonist isn't killing and raping his enemies like the Chinese watch-the-world-burn revenge-seeking hero in every single story. The worst complaint however was those who don't understand that the translators are translating published novels and get mad because the released chapter doesn't have the stuff they want. They expected the translator to just skip to the chapters they like instead of translating chapter by chapter as the story is supposed to be read. :mad::mad::mad:

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Is The Order A Rabbit?

( aka: Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?)






* The second season has two ? at the end, to differentiate itself from Season 1. There's very little change between the two seasons though, and it really would be a waste of time and energy to do two seperate reviews for both seasons.


Genre: Slice of Life Comedy


Studio: White Fox Director: Hiroyuki Hashimoto Writer: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu Source: Manga by Koi

Original Broadcast: April-June 2014/ October- December 2015 Episodes: 12+12


Synopsis: Diminutive middle schooler Chino helps run the Rabbit House coffee shop with her father and her grandfather (the shops original owner) who has mysteriously been transformed into a fluffy white angora rabbit.

One day the ditzy highschooler Cocoa transfers into the picturesque town, Rabbit House resides in. Distracted by her love of rabbits, she eventually stumbles across Rabbit House, which just so happens to be the place where she will be living and working as a waitress to pay for her accommodation.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and up- There's some light fanservice involving swimming costumes scattered across the two series. Nothing even remotely gratuitous but the fanservice element is just there enough that more conservative types might not consider the series suitable for elementary school age children.


Action Level: Very Low- The fact that Rize is a military buff and carries around a replica gun, does lead to the odd comedic action sequence (normally cultivated out of Rize's imagination) but other than that, this is pretty much the action free zone you would expect from a cute girls doing cute things 'moe-blob' show.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Moe Moe Overload- This series is basically just cute girls doing cute things- there isn't really much more to the show than that.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Is The Order A Rabbit? is not the most unique anime, when it comes to it's art and animation but is presented is done to a consistently decent standard that suits the sweet and fluffy mood of the show.


The character designs are what you would typically find for CGDGT fare such as this, whilst the setting a picturesque town (that is actually based on the French town of Colmar) with timber framed buildings and cobblestone alleyways parlays a generally twee atmosphere that runs in conjunction with the happy go lucky lives of it's residents.


Music: The opening and endings for both series are cute J-Pop with several of the songs sung by the seiyuu of the principal characters, that aren't dreadful but are also pretty forgettable and disposable. The ending sequence to season 2 with the middle school girls doing a sort of dance routine number is pretty cute, but I honestly can't remember much about the song itself. Much like the op and eds, Ruka Kawada's background music soundtrack is functional but unremarkable.


Plot & Characters: Is The Order A Rabbit? is a character driven show, revolving around the interactions of five girls that work in different coffee/tea shops within the same almost surreal picturesque small town.


The primary location of the story is the 'Rabbit House' coffee shop, the reserved middle schooler Chino runs the coffee shop during the day, with the help of high schooler Rize, whilst her father runs it as bar at night. The original owner was Chino's grandfather but he has bizarrely merged with their pet rabbit tippy (and seems to spend most of his time on top of Chino's head), just how this happened is a mystery that is never fully explained. Chino and her father are the only one who know 'Tippy/Grandfathers' secret, despite the fact that the rabbit consistently makes pithy remarks- others putting it down to Chino have a talent for ventriloquism or hearing the old coffee shop owner in 'spirit'.


The Rabbit House hires a new staff member, the enthusiastic but airheaded Cocoa- who has come to attend highschool in the town, rather than her own home town. Cocoa who ends up lodging at Rabbit House, wants to dote on Chino like she is her little sister, but the introverted Chino feels a little bit irritated by Cocoa's (over) friendly behaviour. However Chino gradually opens up more with Cocoa's more happy go lucky attitude to life gradually rubbing off on the shy, introverted Chino. As the series progresses, as much as she sometimes find Cocoa to be 'annoying', Chino realises that Cocoa fulfills that role of sister that she never had.


Rize is already established server at Rabbit House- a girl from a well to do background and attends a different high school to Cocoa. She is a military enthusiast (probably due to her father serving in the army) that always carries around a replica gun. As would be expected Rize has a very disciplined persona, but is still kind and caring and despite often making out that she isn't into cute things, it does not take much for the vail to slip that she is just as vulnerable to cute stuff, as any of the other girls.


Chiya attends the same highschool as Cocoa, and the two immediately hit it off, as birds of a feather- due to both having the same cloud cuckoolander personality. Chiya also happens to work at Ama Usa An, a once rival coffee shop to Rabbit House that specializes in traditional Japanese tea and sweets. The rivalry was fierce when Chino's grandfather ran Rabbit House, but has died down (to not really being a rivarly at all) between the younger generation. Ama Usa An's menu can be a little baffling for first timers, due to Chiya's insistence on giving every item a ridiculously over the top name- that sounds more like a line from a poem, than a food item.


Rounding out the core five girls is Chiya's next door neighbour Syaro. The well mannered Syaro, attends the same 'rich girls' school as Rize (who she admires/has a crush on her as her senpai). However Syaro is not the well to do ojou that most of the others thinks she is, with only Chiya knowing of Syaro's real situation of being quite poor (she lives in a ramshackle hut next to Ama Usa An) and the fact that she got into the town's more exclusive school as a scholarship student, rather than through monetary means.


Syaro also works at another coffee shop in town, Fleur de Lapin (which specialises in herbal teas and the attire is slightly risque maid outfits with bunny ears)- Syaro also has a slight fear of rabbits (something that was brought on by being bitten in the past by Ama Usa An's mascot rabbit Anko) and tends to avoid coffee, due to the fact that she becomes extremely hyper when consuming caffeine to the point that her behaviour can resemble a happy drunk.


As well as the central five girls, Chino's two middle school friends the tomboyish Maya and the girlier Megu, become increasingly integrated into the activities of the five coffee shop girls, with Cocoa seeing the pair as additional little sisters to Chino. Aoyama Blue Mountain (a novelist that knew Chino's grandfather in human form) constantly pops up in mysterious fashion to parlay sage like advice to the girls, whenever they seem to in a dilemma over something.


Analysis: Here's a show that is difficult to get excited about but at the same time pretty difficult to fault, because it's right on the mark with it's target audience. Quite simply if you're a fan of cute girls doing cute things slice of life, then you'll probably at the very least like Is The Order A Rabbit? because the show is basically just cute 'moe' girls in cute and occasionally funny slice of life scenarios. If the idea of that gives you cold sweats whilst you're awake, then you will want to avoid this highly concentrated slice of 'moe blob' like the plague.


The appeal of these kind of shows is that they are a relaxing, easy watch and an ideal palate clenser, after more intense fare and unless you're adverse to anything remotely 'cute' then Is The Order A Rabbit? manages to achieve that over it's two 12 episode seasons.


Thing is the show doesn't really offer anything more than being cute and amusing, there's a little bit of character development through the interactions between them, especially in concern to what can considered to be the co-main protagonists in the reserved Chino and the effervescent Cocoa.


There was potential within the story to offer up something a little bit more than snapshots of idyllic fluff but those waiting for the bizarre mystery of Chino's grandfather possessing the body of their pet rabbit Tippy, will come away disappointed and it's only reason for being part of the story, appears to be as a device to shoe horn in a quirky mascot character, in the same vein as Dera from Tamako Market.


In general, as cute and often funny as the central schoolgirl characters are the potential supporting cast of adults is severely underused. Prime example being a cameo from Rize's eyepatch wearing father, for the short time he was on screen he seemed to be an amusing character with plenty of comedic potential and it's a shame we didn't get to see more interaction with characters outside of the girls innner circle. In the end though these are pretty minor gripes and won't really change your opinion of whether something like Is The Order A Rabbit? going to appeal to you or not.


One final observation though- even for moe fare such as this, the girls do look younger than the age they are supposed to be. The middle school girls really do look like they should be in elementary school (though the elementary school style uniforms really don't help) whilst the high school aged girls, could probably still pass for middle schoolers, even if both Rize and Chiya are fairly well endowed in the chesticle department.


Final Verdict: Quite simply Is The Order A Rabbit? is 'visual diabetes' and it's highly likely you're either going to adore these girls and their slice of life antics or you're going to think this show is candy flossed hellspawn. I'm giving it a Mildly Recommended rating, because as far as this type of show goes it executes the genre pretty well but offers absolutely nothing beyond appealing to it's core audience.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good: Sentai Filmworks has picked up the North American license for the show, but thus far no English dub has been recorded for either season. Seeing as English dubs often struggle with 'moe' fare such as this, it would probably be a wise strategy on Sentai's part to keep the English release as sub only.

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This isn't anime per se, but if any of you are both Anime fans and PC gamers, you should give Blade and Soul a try.


It is literally an MMO which casts you as the lead in a Shonen Jump serial. Fear my Kung Fu Master!


Note that the game is free (although there is a "premium" membership, but so far it's only cosmetics and, annoyingly this week, gives you first in line on ques)


I will say that if you DL it, and play at peak times, expect a 30 minute Que on some servers, since it's launch week :p I've been hitting login when I get home and going about my chores ha.

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What I want is a game or a situation ( which I may create in the next TEW somehow) where I can say this line that's been going through my head for the past few months. Which is


" When the hell did I become the main character in a japanese harem anime?"



(as you can guess, may have been watching too much of this genre lately :) )

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What I want is a game or a situation ( which I may create in the next TEW somehow) where I can say this line that's been going through my head for the past few months. Which is


" When the hell did I become the main character in a japanese harem anime?"



(as you can guess, may have been watching too much of this genre lately :) )


Given the fan service outfits in this game, all you would need would be 6 other players or so to join your clan.



of course, they'd prob be dudes like me so....


yes, I make female characters in MMO's....sorry not sorry. My thinking is if I'm going to be looking at this character for 100's of hours, don't need it to be a hairy version of me.

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What I want is a game or a situation ( which I may create in the next TEW somehow) where I can say this line that's been going through my head for the past few months. Which is


" When the hell did I become the main character in a japanese harem anime?"



(as you can guess, may have been watching too much of this genre lately :) )


You should get a laugh out of this

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  • 2 weeks later...
This isn't anime per se, but if any of you are both Anime fans and PC gamers, you should give Blade and Soul a try.


It is literally an MMO which casts you as the lead in a Shonen Jump serial. Fear my Kung Fu Master!


Note that the game is free (although there is a "premium" membership, but so far it's only cosmetics and, annoyingly this week, gives you first in line on ques)


I will say that if you DL it, and play at peak times, expect a 30 minute Que on some servers, since it's launch week :p I've been hitting login when I get home and going about my chores ha.


I might give it a chance if not for the fact that NCSoft axed City of Heroes for it. So I honestly hope it becomes a failure so bad it bankrupts the company.

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