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I am buying TEW2013

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To be totally honest, i have went off Wrestling for some time now. I rarely watch any of it on TV other than Wrestlemania for the past 5-6 years. Even when i was buying TEW, it was mainly to see how the game has progressed and to help Adam stay in business ;)


The last few days though i restarted playing TEW2010 (after it was announced that the game was getting the TEW2013 version of it). And i have to say, i am surprised how much it got me interested again. A few things i did not like about the game, it seems Adam is getting them all sorted out, which is great.


It is kind of weird that after so long of playing Adam's wrestling game (i used to play EWR in the last century). That i still come back to buy the new version, even after i lost my interest in the genre.

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I've bought every one minus the first (wasn't on the internet at the time, and didn't get back on the internet until after it was no longer available.)


2013 will be no different.


2010 I either hosted a mirror for the demo, or the full game, can't remember which for a while. All I remember is traffic to GDS killing them, so I remember a fair number of people did so.

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There have been a few good journal entries so far, but not enough to earn my 35 bucks yet. I have been a fan of Adam's games for so long that I have faith that on release day, I'll be here crashing the servers with my 35 bucks with the rest of you, but let's see.


This reflects my view 100%.

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So far, nothing that makes me want to buy it. We'll see what else he announces soon.


Hoping for SOMETHING good tomorrow.


What does it have to take to make you want to buy the new version of a game you love that hasn't been updated in 3 years.


The fact that even one thing was improved should be enough reason.

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What does it have to take to make you want to buy the new version of a game you love that hasn't been updated in 3 years.


The fact that even one thing was improved should be enough reason.


Ummm... no, not even close.


So, you're saying that moving from a Power 100 to a Power 500 should make me want to spend $35? Nope, sorry, not going to happen.


Control over developmental feds (tag teams, pushes, etc.), TV specials (Clash of the Champions, Saturday Night's Main Event, etc.)... these are things that will make me buy it. Until something that interests me is announced, I'm a no. But I do understand that there's plenty of time, and I will be patient. I'm sure there's something in the game that will make me buy it.


I'm not wasting my money just to support Adam.

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Ummm... no, not even close.


So, you're saying that moving from a Power 100 to a Power 500 should make me want to spend $35? Nope, sorry, not going to happen.


Control over developmental feds (tag teams, pushes, etc.), TV specials (Clash of the Champions, Saturday Night's Main Event, etc.)... these are things that will make me buy it. Until something that interests me is announced, I'm a no. But I do understand that there's plenty of time, and I will be patient. I'm sure there's something in the game that will make me buy it.


I'm not wasting my money just to support Adam.


TV specials are already announced, IIRC.

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I'm not wasting my money just to support Adam.


I don't think Adam would want you to. He makes these games for all of us. He doesn't add features for himself. He wants us to spend our money on a product he's worked hard on and get tons of enjoyment from it. Adam wouldn't release a game that has nothing to offer the player. You may not have found that 'one' feature that sparks your interest yet but it'll arrive I'm sure. Just reading the announcement and having Adam confirm over 300 additions to the game was enough for me to get hooked.

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I'm probably going to have to download the game at midnight when most of the world is sleep so it can get done quicker >_>


Yeah. The Europeans will probably be clogging the servers by then after waking up very early. :p


I will 'probably' buy, but only if the rest of the entries is worthwile. So far so good though. :D

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I don't think Adam would want you to. He makes these games for all of us. He doesn't add features for himself. He wants us to spend our money on a product he's worked hard on and get tons of enjoyment from it. Adam wouldn't release a game that has nothing to offer the player. You may not have found that 'one' feature that sparks your interest yet but it'll arrive I'm sure. Just reading the announcement and having Adam confirm over 300 additions to the game was enough for me to get hooked.


I was referring to Capelli's "Even when i was buying TEW, it was mainly to see how the game has progressed and to help Adam stay in business" line. I won't do that. If the game has nothing to offer me, and I don't feel it's worth the money, I won't buy it. Simple as that.


Again, I'm sure there are many features that I will love, they just haven't been announced yet. Until they are, I simply don't have enough interest in what's already been announced to believe a move from 2010 is necessary.


Of course, my heart skipped a few beats when I read a new one was coming, and it skips more beats every morning, knowing there's a new feature to read about. But so far, the most interesting feature to me is the flexible show times, but I can certainly live without it if that's the only feature I want.


And Shawn, those are tribute shows. Not the same thing, although that does give me hope that TV specials will be announced later, maybe even tomorrow.

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I was referring to Capelli's "Even when i was buying TEW, it was mainly to see how the game has progressed and to help Adam stay in business" line. I won't do that. If the game has nothing to offer me, and I don't feel it's worth the money, I won't buy it. Simple as that.


Again, I'm sure there are many features that I will love, they just haven't been announced yet. Until they are, I simply don't have enough interest in what's already been announced to believe a move from 2010 is necessary.


Of course, my heart skipped a few beats when I read a new one was coming, and it skips more beats every morning, knowing there's a new feature to read about. But so far, the most interesting feature to me is the flexible show times, but I can certainly live without it if that's the only feature I want.


And Shawn, those are tribute shows. Not the same thing, although that does give me hope that TV specials will be announced later, maybe even tomorrow.


Oh yeah, you're right. Sorry, i couldn't remember what feature had benn anounced, so i mixed it up. My bad.

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Ummm... no, not even close.


So, you're saying that moving from a Power 100 to a Power 500 should make me want to spend $35? Nope, sorry, not going to happen.


Control over developmental feds (tag teams, pushes, etc.), TV specials (Clash of the Champions, Saturday Night's Main Event, etc.)... these are things that will make me buy it. Until something that interests me is announced, I'm a no. But I do understand that there's plenty of time, and I will be patient. I'm sure there's something in the game that will make me buy it.


I'm not wasting my money just to support Adam.


Download the demo and experience yourself how good the improvements will be.


Personally, I see GREAT improvements. Some needed. Others innovative. But you're completely right to wait if the results win you over. =)

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Well, between this and XCom I'm going to have a busy Christmas :)


I do usually buy the game on day one, but this year I may just d/l the demo and play around with the various feds before I get my wife to buy it for me for my Christmas present. As I intend carrying on my diary on 2010 until probably mid/late next year it may be that I won't play that much of 2013 until then... :eek:


Or I may be so enthused that I port the stats over and sacrifice the history to do so. Who knows?

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