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8-man Diary in TEW2013?

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Having looked at the TEW10 roster, BHOTWG don't really have many people capable of carrying main events at the level I'd like. I'm hoping the new generation of heavyweight talents mature a bit between games because if I end up with Kikkawa on the time decline list, which is quite likely, then I could be struggling to put out main event matches of the calibre I want. Nakasawa might end up being left to carry the entire promotion and that's a bit worrying, even if I do have lots of pretty good talents to help him out.


I guess I'll just have to raid PGHW's roster for everyone they have and maybe steal anyone I can from North America... you guys don't mind if I steal Angry Gilmore, Dan Stone Jr, Sean McFly, PRIDE Koiso and all of those guys, do you? :p


I might be willing to loan Koiso and a few others to you for a few shows, but be prepared for a war if you try and steal him from me!:D:):mad:

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Having looked at the TEW10 roster, BHOTWG don't really have many people capable of carrying main events at the level I'd like. I'm hoping the new generation of heavyweight talents mature a bit between games because if I end up with Kikkawa on the time decline list, which is quite likely, then I could be struggling to put out main event matches of the calibre I want. Nakasawa might end up being left to carry the entire promotion and that's a bit worrying, even if I do have lots of pretty good talents to help him out.


I guess I'll just have to raid PGHW's roster for everyone they have and maybe steal anyone I can from North America... you guys don't mind if I steal Angry Gilmore, Dan Stone Jr, Sean McFly, PRIDE Koiso and all of those guys, do you? :p


Nope, wouldn't be playing as those guys...:p

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I might be willing to loan Koiso and a few others to you for a few shows, but be prepared for a war if you try and steal him from me!:D:):mad:


With the improvements to the finances that TEW seems to be aiming for, I think the game will have a more interesting in-game economy. I think that even the big promotions will end up with making less money, forcing people to think about how much they are spending a lot more. In terms of this game, I think I'm going to try to buy in some talent if I can, which will mean attempting to steal people if I'm given the chance... at the very least it'll encourage people to overpay and help me to protect my own workers too. With all of us taking bigger promotions it'll help up the pressure on the demand and I think there's a good chance that we might get to see some interesting people break out and switch promotions as people follow the money and are forced to take risks on some lesser known talent. And if Fog of War is turned on for all of us, that could mean some risks on unproven talent with low scouting levels, pushes for people that are at their stat caps and much more realistic play in general.


I'm sooooo looking forward to this, I just hope I can do BHOTWG justice with the ideas I've got and I'm looking forward to seeing how the entire Cornellverse has changed. 3 years is a long time and with some of the changes to worker development and decline, a lot of people who were the go to stars might not be any more. Which could lead to some dramatic changes in who gets pushed, especially depending on destiny rolls! :o

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With the improvements to the finances that TEW seems to be aiming for, I think the game will have a more interesting in-game economy. I think that even the big promotions will end up with making less money, forcing people to think about how much they are spending a lot more. In terms of this game, I think I'm going to try to buy in some talent if I can, which will mean attempting to steal people if I'm given the chance... at the very least it'll encourage people to overpay and help me to protect my own workers too. With all of us taking bigger promotions it'll help up the pressure on the demand and I think there's a good chance that we might get to see some interesting people break out and switch promotions as people follow the money and are forced to take risks on some lesser known talent. And if Fog of War is turned on for all of us, that could mean some risks on unproven talent with low scouting levels, pushes for people that are at their stat caps and much more realistic play in general.


I'm sooooo looking forward to this, I just hope I can do BHOTWG justice with the ideas I've got and I'm looking forward to seeing how the entire Cornellverse has changed. 3 years is a long time and with some of the changes to worker development and decline, a lot of people who were the go to stars might not be any more. Which could lead to some dramatic changes in who gets pushed, especially depending on destiny rolls! :o


The big thing about Japan is the loyalty factor. In 2010 most loyal workers wouldn't even enter negotiations with rival companies. Will that change in 2013? I could see fighting over free agents to an extent, but will we actually be able to fight over the Kikkawa's, Koiso's, etc.? I haven't seen that addressed yet so who knows. Gotta be honest my style of play will be to try and help other players rather than hinder them. With the level of talent that is in PGHW in 2010 that will hopefully be there in 2013 I want to turn average workers into great workers for others to use as well.

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Tick, tack, tick, tack.. It draws nearer and nearer. How about we map our schedules and activity? I was thinking of what the actual playing order would be and how well we actually can arrange our playing time in advance.


So if you guys (foolinc, Self, D-Lyrium, Wallbanger, NoNeck, Bull and Derek_B) wouldn't mind, could you do a list of | name | location | how busy you are (1 for not busy, 2 moderately busy, 3 extremely busy) | preferred day to get your savegame |


So for me it's.. FINisher, Europe, 1 (I spend countless hours of each day on the computer) and thus I don't mind when I'll get my turns. I'm predicting that I will not be experiencing any delays on my part when we actually do run the game.


Would it be good to have EU-EU-EU-EU-US-US-US-US gameturns or EU-US-EU-US etc? Maybe I'm overthinking this but I want to optimize the time. The more turns we can squeeze in within a certain amount of time the better. :cool:

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Tick, tack, tick, tack.. It draws nearer and nearer. How about we map our schedules and activity? I was thinking of what the actual playing order would be and how well we actually can arrange our playing time in advance.


So if you guys wouldn't mind, could you do a list of | name | location | how busy you are (1 for not busy, 2 moderately busy, 3 extremely busy) | preferred day to get your savegame |


So for me it's.. FINisher, Europe, 1 (I spend countless hours of each day on the computer) and thus I don't mind when I'll get my turns. I'm predicting that I will not be experiencing any delays on my part when we actually do run the game.


Would it be good to have EU-EU-EU-EU-US-US-US-US gameturns or EU-US-EU-US etc? Maybe I'm overthinking this but I want to optimize the time. The more turns we can squeeze in within a certain amount of time the better. :cool:


I'm up for whatever. The best time for my turn would probably be between 4pm and 12am US eastern time. I think so long as everybody keeps everyone else updated on their respective schedules we should be able to keep everything running smoothly.


As for your list I suppose I'd be: Bull|US|1-2. Not very busy at the moment but things could easily change between now and release time.

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Tick, tack, tick, tack.. It draws nearer and nearer. How about we map our schedules and activity? I was thinking of what the actual playing order would be and how well we actually can arrange our playing time in advance.


So if you guys wouldn't mind, could you do a list of | name | location | how busy you are (1 for not busy, 2 moderately busy, 3 extremely busy) | preferred day to get your savegame |


So for me it's.. FINisher, Europe, 1 (I spend countless hours of each day on the computer) and thus I don't mind when I'll get my turns. I'm predicting that I will not be experiencing any delays on my part when we actually do run the game.


Would it be good to have EU-EU-EU-EU-US-US-US-US gameturns or EU-US-EU-US etc? Maybe I'm overthinking this but I want to optimize the time. The more turns we can squeeze in within a certain amount of time the better. :cool:



PsychoSam|Australia (AEST)|1-2|Saturday

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I'm busier than I used to be. I have very little time on weekends to sit at a computer, but weekdays shouldn't be a problem. I can TEW at work... at least enough to get my turn done and dusted, and pass it on to the next guy. Although some of this will depend on whether I get 2 copies of the game. One for work and one for home. I don't really want to spend the money, but it makes playing so convenient.


I keep thinking I'm doing the project a disservice by not constantly thinking about it, but with the rosters so up-in-the-air, overplanning might be a bad thing. My brainstorming sessions have gone well, and when I do think about the project I get excited. In my struggles to come up with a worthwhile diary, I'm also forgetting that multiplayer is going to be fun. Give my rookies tours, Japan. I beg of thee.

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I'm unemployed just now so I've got loads of time, but I'm hoping that will have changed by time TEW is released. For now I'm Derek B / EU / 1.


Though in terms of organisation I think it might be good to try to roughly schedule things in order of players booking their TV shows. I know it'll vary significantly with events being thrown in and touring companies doing various touring days, but having player 1 with a TV show on Monday, player 2 with a TV show on Tuesday etc would mean that players can book their shows then take their turn on the next day to autopush their roster and check out any news they get after their show. That format used to work pretty well for smaller multiplayer games, I'm not sure how well it'll scale up to 8 people (especially with touring promotions involved) but it might work. :)

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I'm pretty busy with work sometimes, but I don't think that should be too big of a problem. Even when I am extremely busy I should still be able to play the game.




As for scheduling around TV shows, I have no problem with us trying to move events around to have as little conflict as possible. That said I wouldn't worry too much about it right now since it would be impossible not to have conflicts with eight promotions, especially considering a good chunk of them will be touring companies.

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D-Lyrium | UK | 0-1 ¬_¬ | Any time. Literally. Stick me wherever nobody else wants to go.


Obviously I'll be busy during Christmas week (I'm head usher at a wedding on Christmas Eve, so will be totally unavailable from the 21st until late on the 26th), but I'd think/hope everyone else would be too! :p


That brings up a good point, actually. When are we looking to start this? With TEW scheduled to release in December, I'd vote for not starting until the new year. Let everyone get Christmas and New Year celebrations out of the way, recover from hangovers etc, and more importantly (¬_¬) play the game solo for a while to get used to all the cool new stuff and get to know the rosters a bit. Then start the diary in January once everyone is 'back to normal' and has gotten to grips with the game world.


Does that sound reasonable, or does everyone want to start ASAP? It's not a dealbreaker for me by any means, but it seems sensible.

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I was thinking we could get the game setup worked out over the festive period and then get the game properly going after New Year. I think it would be great if everyone could get the chance to get the game started so that we know who is going to be on time decline and stuff like that, which could be an important factor in going planning out storylines and the like.


So say we get the game started as soon as possible after release so that we have the save active THEN use whatever time we've got between then and the new year to get things planned and some stuff written up so that we can start hot for the new year. We might even manage to get a few shows booked in that time period if everyone is fairly active, but I don't think we should start posting dynasty stuff til the new year. :)

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I think December is out of the question but in this there's two different things: Doing the actual gameplay part and the actual diary part. I don't mind playing the savegame in advance ASAP but the diary writing is what will take the most time. How about starting the save sooner than later to see how it goes and then gradually start the actual diary part too :)


EDIT: Pretty much what Derek just said.

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Is always awesome to be on the same page. :)


I should probably start doing more work on CV97 to make sure it's ready for as close to release day as possible... don't want work on that getting in the way of writing for this, though at least I've got lots of flexibility in terms of what I can get away with for my shows. I'm really looking forward to seeing my format in action, it should provide an interesting way of doing things. And depending on how Japan works out, we might almost end up with three very different promotions. PGHW is the really performance end of things, WLW/WEXXV would be the most entertainmenty end of things and BHOTWG could be somewhere in the middle of the two. I've also just realised I could even have a section in my write ups looking at the goings on of Hinote Dojo since they're my child company... yay! :D

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Wow we actually got all the answers together in a relatively short timeframe. That's great news me thinks. So here's a list that I've deviced..



NoNeck/US EST/2.4/Early Week (Mon-Wed)




Derek B / EU / 1.

D-Lyrium | UK | 0-1 ¬_¬ | Any time.

FIN | EU | 1 | Any time

Wallbanger|USA Central (GMT -6)|2-3|Friday-Saturday


So the plan would be to start the week with NoNeck's diary done and finish it with Wallbanger. But this list applies to actual Diary updates, surely? As we will surely be able to play more turns per week than just one per week I'd imagine.


So this list is when the diary would actually be updated[/b], not a strict gameplay schedule. The goal is to play as many turns as we can, and playing your turn over ASAP when you get the file so that you can pass it along to the next guy :rolleyes:


Actually, I'm at work and I have no idea what to write into this post as I'm in a hurry :D Perhaps we could arrange our turns to suit the actual gameplay turns, you know. If someone has a show on Monday, he'll be the first one and so on.


Let's lock this as the actual gameplay rotation.

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In terms of gameplay, I remember Bull and I both talking about reworking our schedules for PGHW/BHOTWG so I imagine our actual show days will be pretty variable depending on when we want to hold our shows. I think I'll be aiming to hold 2 shows per week plus a big monthly show for my touring months, and I should be on tour for 9 months per year instead of BHOTWG's default schedule. I thnk Bull was planning to do the same.


So planning around show days might be tough... is probably best to plan for ways to get the files moved around as quickly as possible, as there is always going to be delays on turns and the first few weeks are likely to be really slow as people get their signings made and organise their rosters, make plans and organise write ups. :)


I'm looking forward to predictions contests... with so many of us running in the same world it might be hard to run them and have each other make predictions, but I'm at least going to try to plan far enough ahead that I can make it happen. :)

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In terms of gameplay, I remember Bull and I both talking about reworking our schedules for PGHW/BHOTWG so I imagine our actual show days will be pretty variable depending on when we want to hold our shows. I think I'll be aiming to hold 2 shows per week plus a big monthly show for my touring months, and I should be on tour for 9 months per year instead of BHOTWG's default schedule. I thnk Bull was planning to do the same.


So planning around show days might be tough... is probably best to plan for ways to get the files moved around as quickly as possible, as there is always going to be delays on turns and the first few weeks are likely to be really slow as people get their signings made and organise their rosters, make plans and organise write ups. :)


I'm looking forward to predictions contests... with so many of us running in the same world it might be hard to run them and have each other make predictions, but I'm at least going to try to plan far enough ahead that I can make it happen. :)


Yea my plan was to run in the months of February, March, May, June, August, September, November, and December. Two months on and one off with 8 months active total. The way I set up my schedule for PGHW in 2010 is to run two shows a week and one monthly pay per view show. I typically set it up so that my monthly show is on the last Saturday of the month with my weekly shows happening on Tuesday and Thursday so there are days off in between each show. Since PGHW has a very intense product, the off days help to avoid excess fatigue and injuries.

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Ah, I was thinking of running a series of 3 month tours. When I ran my GCG game in TEW08 I ran my tours with 2 shows per week and big events spaced throughout the tours. For BHOTWG I was planning to run Feb/Mar/Apr, Jun/Jul/Aug and Oct/Nov/Dec, which is an extra month or two added for them I think, but less shows than I think the AI tends to run. My major events would likely be week 2 of the first tour month (using my TV to hype it in off months), week 3 of the second tour month and week 4 of the third tour month to close things with a bang. That should also help stop us all from having our big events in the same week all the time, which might be good for all of our readers since we'll all end up coming to the boil at different times. :)


Of couse, this is all subject to change but us having different patterns could also be good for worker development as the guys we bring in on tour could get work in different months with us. I'm not sure if I'll end up trading much, but I generally won't be tying many people beyond my core roster to written deals if I can help it and I think that BHOTWG will be trimming down their core roster a bit as there are quite a few people who might end up released/part time with us or with more seasoning working elsewhere. :)

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Ah, I was thinking of running a series of 3 month tours. When I ran my GCG game in TEW08 I ran my tours with 2 shows per week and big events spaced throughout the tours. For BHOTWG I was planning to run Feb/Mar/Apr, Jun/Jul/Aug and Oct/Nov/Dec, which is an extra month or two added for them I think, but less shows than I think the AI tends to run. My major events would likely be week 2 of the first tour month (using my TV to hype it in off months), week 3 of the second tour month and week 4 of the third tour month to close things with a bang. That should also help stop us all from having our big events in the same week all the time, which might be good for all of our readers since we'll all end up coming to the boil at different times. :)


Of couse, this is all subject to change but us having different patterns could also be good for worker development as the guys we bring in on tour could get work in different months with us. I'm not sure if I'll end up trading much, but I generally won't be tying many people beyond my core roster to written deals if I can help it and I think that BHOTWG will be trimming down their core roster a bit as there are quite a few people who might end up released/part time with us or with more seasoning working elsewhere. :)


I could do it that way as well. Although I'd like to keep my monthly set up the Tuesday, Thursday, and then Saturday at the end of the month, I'll change it up if it helps to avoid conflict with other peoples schedules.


I can change mine to the same as yours, and if you wanted to alternate touring workers it could set up with you getting Workers A, B, & C for Feb/Mar/Apr, while I'll get D, E, & F, and then if your willing to send any of them my way I'd get A, B, & C, Jun/Jul/Aug While you get D, E, & F, so on and so forth. I hadn't planned on doing actual talent trades very often if that is what you mean by trading. I could see some trades happening for our Highly Regarded and Historic Events, but other than that I wouldn't want to make it a weekly thing. I would love to bring over Horri, Nakasawa, and some others, depending on who else is playing in Japan and willing to loan me some guys, for the Elite Series. :D


While the options for trades could be fun and interesting, and is obviously something I would like to do if you can't tell, its not a must or anything, and who is to say the owners would even allow such an arrangement.

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I'm not sure if I'll end up trading much, but I generally won't be tying many people beyond my core roster to written deals if I can help it and I think that BHOTWG will be trimming down their core roster a bit as there are quite a few people who might end up released/part time with us or with more seasoning working elsewhere. :)


If you feel like releasing your entire Super Junior division, I'm sure nobody will really mind. I mean, they only drag your show ratings down anyway.




Edit: On second thoughts, you can keep Yoshii Shiomi if you want. And Yasujiro, Kurofuji and Koyama, the dirty turncoats! :p

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If you feel like releasing your entire Super Junior division, I'm sure nobody will really mind. I mean, they only drag your show ratings down anyway.




Edit: On second thoughts, you can keep Yoshii Shiomi if you want. And Yasujiro, Kurofuji and Koyama, the dirty turncoats! :p


If I release Elemental III, I'll sue you if you try to use the Elemental name... which I've decided BHOTWG own the copyright to in Japan. Ditto for the Optimus name. :p I might also hire the entire WLW roster to BHOTWG and run shows on the same day... then waste them all in a throwaway 5 vs 5 tag matches where no-one gets the chance to shine. MWA HA HA HA HA!!!! :p


@Bull: Sounds interesting either way. Whether we run the same schedule or a different one, I wouldn't want to bring the same workers back in tour after tour after tour... anyone who isn't on a permanent contract with me is likely to be picking up more losses than wins, which might be good for them getting matches and developing but that does mean they aren't going to be a star. PGHW isn't known for their juniors so you probably won't worry too much about them, but the heavyweights we'll probably be competing over a fair bit, which should be good for their development. :)


Also, I'm totally planning to steal Munemitsu Senmatsu somehow... I'm kinda hoping he's on my roster or in development with me already, but that guy makes me happy and I want him! :p

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