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8-man Diary in TEW2013?

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I'm not the one who would be attempting to keep a promotion afloat here, so my opinion may not be worth much, but I have to say that I'd prefer to read an 8 man dynasty where there's actual competitiveness and kayfabe drama between promotions than everyone being forced to play nice.


Obviously this doesn't apply to people who are simply being malicious and trying to bury a promotion for any other reason than to powergame, but I'd hope that none of those kinds of people would be getting involved in such an involving project in the first place.


This. As long as the game is played in the right spirit, I don't think there needs to be any rules in place. After all this is just a bit of fun, and the unique element to this kind of diary would be the competitiveness between the 8 players. I think it would be a shame to put rules in place that would immediately take away from the very thing that makes the project so appealing in the first place.

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I'm not the one who would be attempting to keep a promotion afloat here, so my opinion may not be worth much, but I have to say that I'd prefer to read an 8 man dynasty where there's actual competitiveness and kayfabe drama between promotions than everyone being forced to play nice.


Obviously this doesn't apply to people who are simply being malicious and trying to bury a promotion for any other reason than to powergame, but I'd hope that none of those kinds of people would be getting involved in such an involving project in the first place.


This. I have no problem competing with others, to try and put on the best shows and whatnot, but I wouldn't want to play with somebody who is only out to "Win" at everyone else's expense. Having scheduling conflicts between regional promotions, Cult and national promotions trying to sign workers to written deals, stealing workers from one another, dirty tricks, and things of that nature would be cool, and could set up some pretty neat stories if you ask me, so long as no one is deliberately trying to force another player out of the game I would totally love to do this:D

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Whilst I feel flattered to be in Wallbangers 'dream team' to run BHOTWG....I know that an multi-player diary is not something I would be able to get involved with.


Here's the problems I see with multiplayer diaries..


You are relying on each player to take their turn, but just when each player is able to take their turn is as long as a piece of string. Factors playing into that would be....


1. Differing Writing styles- Some writers use a more concise writing style, some are more verbose- neither one is better than other, it's just what each writer is more comfortable with. Now this problem would be eliminated if everyone agreed to using the same style of writing/formatting but what makes the diaries so interesting on here is that not everyone uses the same style.


2. Real Life- Sometimes TEW has to take a backseat, to something called the real world- Work, Family, Friends etc and unless you're an android- there will be those days you fall ill.


3. Other Interests- TEW is not the be all and end all of my life- I do have other interests, and I'm sure other people do too.


Now I like doing my TEW diary but I can do it at my own pace, and am not under pressure to get my shows completed in a certain time frame. Now if I was getting paid to do that, or didn't have a job (personally I like having money- so that's out of the question :p) I might consider it but in my current situation a multi-player game isn't for me.


Good luck to those who want to make this work- but I've seen a fair few two person multiplayer diaries fail to get any traction- it would be a miracle if an 8 person project could be sustained for a considerable amount of time.

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I'd love to see a project like this take off. I've done similar things in the past (with EWR), and it's been quite fun. If a little stressful. :p


Two bits of advice I would add:

- Your plan seems pretty good, FIN (I was going to recommend having an administrator-type figure to keep the main thread in order and keep on top of who's doing what, etc, but it seems you've got that covered ;)) but I'd add to that, there should be a regular schedule (real-time) that you try to stick to as closely as possible. So instead of "Wallbanger's show is next, so we'll wait until he's done it", it becomes "Tuesday is Wallbanger's day to post". Obviously missed deadlines are going to happen and that's fine, but if you have such a schedule in place in the first place it helps, in my experience. Decide on the schedule a week or even two before you start the project, so that everyone has ample time to prepare.


- Related to the first point, if you're intending to do a wide spread of promotion sizes, you'd have to account for their varying numbers of shows. Are the writers with TV shows comfortable going at a faster pace than the others? If not, are the guys with monthly shows going to get bored and drop out if they have to wait five times as long to post their monthly events? Do you force everyone with TV shows to do a recap style for them to keep things moving? How the hell do Touring shows fit in with all this? Etc, etc.


- Backups and 'ghostwriters'. The first rule of "split diaries", people will drop out/fall behind, no matter how good their intentions at the start of the project. The more companies you have, the bigger the chance of it happening. Obviously you'd have a reserve list of writers who didn't get into the starting 8, but the best way I found to stop/reduce this happening in the first place was 'ghostwriters'. That is, a writer/writers (picked by the chosen writer for each company from a bunch of volunteers) who work with the main writer, are involved in the creative process for that particular company, and can help out with ideas or actual show-writing when the main writer is busy.

For example, if I was writing CZCW and I know that Eidenhoek (just picking a name at random here) had a similar writing style to me and was interested in CZCW, we could work together on storylines and stuff. I would obviously have ultimate 'creative control' over what happened, but if for some reason I couldn't get a show up on time for whatever reason Eiden could sub for me and finish it off that week.

This all has the added advantage that if I had to drop out completely, Eiden could take over with full knowledge of the storylines I had planned, and wouldn't have to start from scratch. He wouldn't necessarily need to do everything the same way I did, but at least he'd know where I was going with things, if he wanted to carry them on. At the same time, he'd have no idea what - say - JSilver was doing for USPW, so could still enjoy that part of the dynasty with no spoilers.

Indeed, it could be taken a step further if you're a big promotion, and you could take in turns writing TV shows (so that SWF/TCW/USPW would essentially have two writers each, with each writer doing a show per week) to reduce burnout.


Just some stuff to think about. :)


I'd definitely be down for doing this. Promotion depends on what the rosters end up looking like in TEW13 of course, but most likely CZCW, 4C or KANZEN if it's open (or if opening it is allowed :p). Definitely a monthly-show indy for me, anyway.

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1. I'm a big fan of everyone being competitive for people. If people want to work together via working agreements and the like, then fair enough. But otherwise, I'd hope everyone would be going at it like it was the real world, with everyone looking out for their own interests.


2. In terms of diary writing, different styles is always good. I'd be hoping to take over a major promotion in Japan and that style would be focussed more on the overarching plots than on lengthy write ups of every match. But an SWF writer would be putting out the strongest characters possible in big angles. If nothing else, I imagine the stories being told would play a big factor in whether someone wold want to steal someone or not... I'd hate to steal Remo while he was in the midst of an awesome storyline, so all the players/writers involved would be in charge of that. And in a way... I imagine that the fans of the diaries would play a big factor in who would get signed. Afterall, piss off the SWF fans and they might stop watching. Fun times all round. :)


3. File sharing would be easy with Dropbox. You just copy the files over to the Dropbox folder and make sure that everyone knows whose turn it is, usually by adding a file called "PLAYER X's TURN".


4. In case anyone hasn't realised, I'd really like to get on board with this. Dibs on a major Japanese promotion, most likely BHOTWG for me. Should be fun. :)


5. All lists should be divisible by 5. :)

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Hot damn, this is a cool notion. I really hope some folks can pull it off. It would make a great read.


I'm not sure I have the time/passion to really get stuck into something like this... but it's crazy-tempting. Perhaps a smaller promotion. A very indy project. Maybe one of the smaller Canadian companies. Or a women's promotion. I'd actually dig the challenge (diary or not) of running an indy fed below the noses of the giants. Not just trying to survive as my stars are stolen, but trying to create characters to tempt the giants. Help "my guys" get to the big leagues, in a much more real way than with the AI.


I imagine a combination of "Hey, check out my boy, he's crazy fun" and "Come on, don't take him yet, you're not even gonna use him!".

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D-Lyrium, Derek B and others: I had the exact same things in mind. The new feature of dropping in/out will create a dynamic diary for sure.


And yes I thought about that 1/5/? shows per month thing too. Would be nice if everyone would get the same amount of shows or people who'd like to do more, could do more. So we have to have that in mind when we are choosing the promotions for each user. Also the writers must remain true and have realistic ideals about this thing, there's no use lying about the available time you'd have for the project. Be honest.


I honestly believe that with all these new addition to TEW2013 we could make this work. :)

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#54: Existing Character Avatars


When picking his or her avatar, the user will now not only have the option of selecting from a series of pre-made specialist avatar characters, but also the choice of selecting from any existing character.


If the user decides to play as an existing character, he will take on all their existing skills, relationships, teams, etc, etc. The only limit is that the user's avatar can still only be employed by the promotion the user is with (i.e. the one he is head booker of), so if the selected character works for other companies he will lose those contracts automatically.


Once all the players have selected their characters, you will automatically be given the choice of removing all the pre-made specialist avatars from the game world; if left in, they become regular AI-controlled characters.


Maybe the 8-man diary players would not create their own user character but use the Head Booker worker of the selected promotion as their avatar? :D SWF - Peter Michaels, TCW - Joel Bryant and so on.

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I'm definitely loving the feature for being able to take anyone active in the gameworld and use them as a player character. Could make for some very interesting careers. I don't know if I'd rather be the owner or the booker in that scenario.... and I don't know if I'd prefer to play with owner goals on or off if a massive game were to get off the ground. Could be interesting to see how people play with limits being imposed on them by their owner and the other players being competitive with them too.


Come to think of it... I think everyone would have to play with the same set of rules for players. Fog of War, owner goals, repetitive booking, grades/numbers etc... that could get messy just trying to find people who want the same rules. But I soooo want to play a huge game like this. Can't wait to get to game release and tinker around with everything, I just hope I'm still free enough by then to be able to play it.

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In my opinion we should be playing quite hardcore with this because it would be more realistic and demanding, thus making the game world even more dynamic and all. Having Owner Goals set on would atleast create some unique situations such as one head booker losing his job (Player 4 loses his Head Booker position because the owner of Promotion X didn't like him / he failed to meet the goals during his stay) and another player filling up his spot. Imagine that happening :D How much fun would that be when another player takes over and continues from where you left and takes the promotion into another direction.


Highly unlikely but a scenario that could happen: We all get fired at the two year mark and the deck gets shuffled completely ;D

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I'm definitely loving the feature for being able to take anyone active in the gameworld and use them as a player character. Could make for some very interesting careers. I don't know if I'd rather be the owner or the booker in that scenario.... and I don't know if I'd prefer to play with owner goals on or off if a massive game were to get off the ground. Could be interesting to see how people play with limits being imposed on them by their owner and the other players being competitive with them too.


Come to think of it... I think everyone would have to play with the same set of rules for players. Fog of War, owner goals, repetitive booking, grades/numbers etc... that could get messy just trying to find people who want the same rules. But I soooo want to play a huge game like this. Can't wait to get to game release and tinker around with everything, I just hope I'm still free enough by then to be able to play it.


You're right playing as bookers would give everyone handicaps of some sort. They wouldn't be the same restrictions on all players though.


I'd love to get into a game like this myself but I know I don't have the time to keep up with everyone else.

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As a fan of running tournaments, I am really intrigued by a multiple player game. Playing solo I always ran into trouble with trading too much with a single company and not getting the guy I wanted for my tournament, but I can't see that being too much of a problem with players. Plus I think it would be cool to really try and book a tournament, getting a worker from each of the player run companies.
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Also one thing I find intriquing above all else is how Wars/Working Agreements/Hostile relationships will play out when actual human players are involved. Having Working Agreements won't help everyone, like, if you're the #1 in your field of say US Regional promotions, why not go to War with everyone else? If you top the Regional Wars month after month being War with others would benefit you even more as it would increase the gain and so on.


Forming a 2-3 promotions alliance will not be unheard of I'd presume. Also there could be a East - West coast divide aswell. We'll see. I genuily find this thrilling, playing with the idea of an 8-player game and diary.

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In my opinion we should be playing quite hardcore with this because it would be more realistic and demanding, thus making the game world even more dynamic and all. Having Owner Goals set on would atleast create some unique situations such as one head booker losing his job (Player 4 loses his Head Booker position because the owner of Promotion X didn't like him / he failed to meet the goals during his stay) and another player filling up his spot. Imagine that happening :D How much fun would that be when another player takes over and continues from where you left and takes the promotion into another direction.


Highly unlikely but a scenario that could happen: We all get fired at the two year mark and the deck gets shuffled completely ;D


Having such a dynamic game world should make for an interesting project for sure. One of the things I'm most interested in is how the game world will develop with the presence of 8 human players. This, and the interaction between 8 competing human players would make a diary like this well worth following imo.

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Also one thing I find intriquing above all else is how Wars/Working Agreements/Hostile relationships will play out when actual human players are involved. Having Working Agreements won't help everyone, like, if you're the #1 in your field of say US Regional promotions, why not go to War with everyone else? If you top the Regional Wars month after month being War with others would benefit you even more as it would increase the gain and so on.


Forming a 2-3 promotions alliance will not be unheard of I'd presume. Also there could be a East - West coast divide aswell. We'll see. I genuily find this thrilling, playing with the idea of an 8-player game and diary.


A game like this using '97 C-Verse mod would be really interesting. How long would it take for the East Coast Wars owners to pull NYCW into the war? Would the HGC owner decide to be a dick and declare war, gain exclusive PPAs before making it to National?

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As a fan of running tournaments, I am really intrigued by a multiple player game. Playing solo I always ran into trouble with trading too much with a single company and not getting the guy I wanted for my tournament, but I can't see that being too much of a problem with players. Plus I think it would be cool to really try and book a tournament, getting a worker from each of the player run companies.


It could be the most epic tournament in the history of ever... imagine 8 dynasty writers sending their 8 best characters to a one night tournament to the death? In terms of special events, it could probably be a diary in it's own right just for that event. Epic awesome! :D


Then repeat with a tag tournament in Canada with NOTBPW... and a Super Juniors tournament in Japan... and OMG this would just be awesome! :D


A game like this using '97 C-Verse mod would be really interesting. How long would it take for the East Coast Wars owners to pull NYCW into the war? Would the HGC owner decide to be a dick and declare war, gain exclusive PPAs before making it to National?


I'm working on the mod now and I'm trying to work out what promotions would be best for an 8 player game in this format. I can sorta see it being interesting to have the 4 big North American promotions (SWF/HGC, CGC/NOTBPW) in their own big times wars and the 4 East Coast Wars promotions (PPPW, DAVE, RPW and XFW) stuck in the middle of their own wars and fending off the advances of the big companies. Might even be an interesting dynamic if there were pairs made... so each big company would have a small company as a sort of ally/proving ground. It might even help gameplay that way, as each company could have a fallback person to run it if someone isn't around. AND people could pick a booker from the default roster, essentialy picking a star who can't be poached no matter what. That might be an interesting way of securing a worker who you don't ever want to lose... I imagine XFW would pick Big Smack Scott cos... well, he's Big Smack Mother F'n Scott! :D

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What about an 8 person 1987 Real World game?


World Wrestling Federation

Jim Crocket Promotions

World Class Championship Wrestling

American Wrestling Association

Stampede Wrestling

Continental Wrestling Association

Continental Championship Wrestling

Mid South Wrestling

Universal Wrestling Federation

Pacific Northwest Wrestling

World Wrestling Association


There are so many promotions to choose from.























So many possibilities.

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It could be the most epic tournament in the history of ever... imagine 8 dynasty writers sending their 8 best characters to a one night tournament to the death? In terms of special events, it could probably be a diary in it's own right just for that event. Epic awesome! :D


Then repeat with a tag tournament in Canada with NOTBPW... and a Super Juniors tournament in Japan... and OMG this would just be awesome! :D


Heck, I was just hoping to pick off a couple of young prospects from developmentals to job to the Nigel Svensson and Amber Allens of TEW2013. But that sounds cooler! :p


I'm working on the mod now and I'm trying to work out what promotions would be best for an 8 player game in this format. I can sorta see it being interesting to have the 4 big North American promotions (SWF/HGC, CGC/NOTBPW) in their own big times wars and the 4 East Coast Wars promotions (PPPW, DAVE, RPW and XFW) stuck in the middle of their own wars and fending off the advances of the big companies. Might even be an interesting dynamic if there were pairs made... so each big company would have a small company as a sort of ally/proving ground. It might even help gameplay that way, as each company could have a fallback person to run it if someone isn't around. AND people could pick a booker from the default roster, essentialy picking a star who can't be poached no matter what. That might be an interesting way of securing a worker who you don't ever want to lose... I imagine XFW would pick Big Smack Scott cos... well, he's Big Smack Mother F'n Scott! :D


So if I was playing RPW then I'd take Steve Flash, no Tom Gilmore, no Brent Hill, no Lance Henderson! Um give me a minute on this one...


I am now reminded that I need to upload and post the updated NEO logo. Opps!

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