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8-man Diary in TEW2013?

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In the TCW/NOTBPW multiplayer game I'm doing with Astil, we agreed to not go over ideal active roster numbers, and that only one worker per month can be released for non-disciplinary reasons. While that's a pretty tight constraint, it does a couple of interesting things. First, it makes you have to work with the roster you've got, at least for a while (no wholesale remaking of the company in a month as we often do). Second, it increases the value of talent trades as a way to add enough variety to shows that you don't get hit with repetitive booking. Of course, the TEW13 changes to both talent trades and repetitive booking would come into play there.


I can understand not wanting to have that as a hard and fast rule, as long as we can have a gentlemen's/ladies' agreement to not be unnecessarily abusive. I'm good either way.

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I won't hijack this thread, but rather just say this.


I can see at least two other eight man dynasties evolve with this.


1) A draft dynasty based on the amount of drafts we've had lately for TEW 2010 this will probably more than likely happen.


2) A 8 Player Road To Glory competiton. Eight users, with eight wrestlers, starting eight promotions, all seeking glory. I could see a few people using the same wrestlers in different territories\areas around the US, Japan, Canada, etc. So let's say there were four players starting in the US. One person would have their show on a Thursday of Week 2, and the next would have it on a Saturday of Week 2. Then two others would have it on the following Thursday and Saturday of Week 3. All with the same (or some of the same) wrestlers. It would be interesting to see which workers each promotion pushes. Will one try to create a power hungry monster, while the others continually job that person out to get free overness?


I sincerely hope that more than one of these gets off the ground. Would love to see a "DOTT" scenario played out in this format. LondonVerse, ThunderVerse, etc. would be fun to see given this treatment.

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Just popping in to add that I would love to see other 8 player dynasties popping up, would be awesome to see the way each one comes out differently. I'd try to follow along with any of them as they happened, but I'd only actually play in the big one being talked about here. I think if I tried to play more than 1 my brain would explode, especially given that I've got plans for 2 other games in my head already. And that's without even factoring in a CV97 game, which is something I've never stuck with for long yet. I might have to go play my RtG game in that this time just to see how things play out. :)


But back on topic... I think the coolest thing about an 8 player game will be seeing how so many of the top workers in the world are doing. In most dynasties you only see the samall corner of the world in which the writer is playing (for obvious reasons)... which means that the rest of the world is ignored or even if you try to write for some of it, has no logic or storytelling to it. With this project the entire gameworld can be played and written dynamically. So you (the reader) can follow your favourite workers from one place to another if they move and if you get attached to any workers you don't lose them because they aren't present in the promotion that is the focus. It should also mean that feedback from the readers will encourage people to sign or keep workers that prove to be popular, and because there is going to be more meaningful competition between players as well as the AI, a huge number of workers who might otherwise not get used could be brought into play or pushed.


In short... I'm super excited for this for so many reasons. [8RoW] has the potential to be the greatest diary writing project of all time and to be a part of it just makes me tingle with excitement. I can't wait! :D


Though that said, it'll probably have to wait until the new year before we get properly underway. With so many people going to be busy for so many reasons and everyone getting familiar with the world a little, we'll need a little time to get settled and ready. Though that doesn't mean that people can't start getting their early posts ready as soon as the game is released....


Oh and Bull... if I get BHOTWG and you get PGHW and you still have Flemmy Lemming... I want him! He's too small for you and I've got a Junior division to put him in where he can be awesome. Name your price! :)



Personally I think you would do great with GCG, WLW, and BHOTWG probably close to that order too.


I just realised I'd missed that post from earlier in the thread. I've got a strong attachment to GCG from a huge game I ran as them in TEW08. I've always been interested in WLW but have never quite understood them, though Magnum Kobe remains one of my favourite workers in the world. I don't know what it is, but there's something about him that makes me smile and think I should be building a company around him. And I've always wanted to put Emerald Angel and Koki Ishibashi together ever since I had them as a tag team in TEW04.... back them there were called the Ishibashi Brothers and their finisher was the Ishibashi Bishibashi. I have never stopped loving them since I first thought of that. :)


But of all of those companies, I have a yearning to play BHOTWG. About 6 months ago they finally clicked into place in my head in terms of how to book them. I've got huge plot archs in my head for how I'd book the intervening time between TEW10 and TEW13 (which I've shared with Adam) and I have so many ideas for them that if I don' play them in [8RoW] then I'm going to be making them my big private game alongside an RtG. A thriving heavyweight and Junior division, the Juniors fighting for the right to challenge for the Heavyweight belts and (in my fantasy booking) the unified Burning and King of Fighters titles... with the King of Fighters now being a tournament title in BHOTWG (probably in November after Night of the Burning Hammer) that anyone can compete for just as the original title was in INSPIRE, with the prize of a Burning World title shot the following year (not a Money in the Bank, you'd have to declare in advance). The prospects from that alone could make for an amazing diary. And if I could snag Magnum Kobe for a starring role there, I would be about as happy as could be humanly possible. :D

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Just popping in to add that I would love to see other 8 player dynasties popping up, would be awesome to see the way each one comes out differently. I'd try to follow along with any of them as they happened, but I'd only actually play in the big one being talked about here. I think if I tried to play more than 1 my brain would explode, especially given that I've got plans for 2 other games in my head already. And that's without even factoring in a CV97 game, which is something I've never stuck with for long yet. I might have to go play my RtG game in that this time just to see how things play out. :)


But back on topic... I think the coolest thing about an 8 player game will be seeing how so many of the top workers in the world are doing. In most dynasties you only see the samall corner of the world in which the writer is playing (for obvious reasons)... which means that the rest of the world is ignored or even if you try to write for some of it, has no logic or storytelling to it. With this project the entire gameworld can be played and written dynamically. So you (the reader) can follow your favourite workers from one place to another if they move and if you get attached to any workers you don't lose them because they aren't present in the promotion that is the focus. It should also mean that feedback from the readers will encourage people to sign or keep workers that prove to be popular, and because there is going to be more meaningful competition between players as well as the AI, a huge number of workers who might otherwise not get used could be brought into play or pushed.


In short... I'm super excited for this for so many reasons. [8RoW] has the potential to be the greatest diary writing project of all time and to be a part of it just makes me tingle with excitement. I can't wait! :D


Though that said, it'll probably have to wait until the new year before we get properly underway. With so many people going to be busy for so many reasons and everyone getting familiar with the world a little, we'll need a little time to get settled and ready. Though that doesn't mean that people can't start getting their early posts ready as soon as the game is released....


Oh and Bull... if I get BHOTWG and you get PGHW and you still have Flemmy Lemming... I want him! He's too small for you and I've got a Junior division to put him in where he can be awesome. Name your price! :)


Flemmy Lemming as a boss. I always try to grab him the moment he's available.

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Flemmy Lemming as a boss. I always try to grab him the moment he's available.


I don't think I've used Flemmy Lemming since TEW04... I loved him back then, the idea of this tiny little guy just darting around and tying people up with their own limbs. But given how serious PGHW is, I can't quite picture him fitting PGHW. One stiff strike from a Ray Diaz or a Shuji Inukai and Flemmy would be splatted. But put him in the BHOTWG Junior division and he could be a little god. Would love to have him there if I play BHOTWG, though I'd also love to see him back in the USA kicking some serious ass in CZCW. He'd be amazing there too. :)

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Just popping in to add that I would love to see other 8 player dynasties popping up, would be awesome to see the way each one comes out differently. I'd try to follow along with any of them as they happened, but I'd only actually play in the big one being talked about here. I think if I tried to play more than 1 my brain would explode, especially given that I've got plans for 2 other games in my head already. And that's without even factoring in a CV97 game, which is something I've never stuck with for long yet. I might have to go play my RtG game in that this time just to see how things play out. :)


What Derek said. We're still very much looking for those 1-3 top diary writers. If however you are left out, I'm sure there will be lots of other multiplayer games for those interest so this is not going to be the only one.


8RoW aims for top quality dynasty writing from eight veteran GDS players and members so that's going to be the main focus here. The eight man roster is still subject to change and also the list of replacement / sidekick writers is still very much alive.




Proposition regarding worker pictures.


I've always been very pro-visual guy in my diaries with heavy image/banner/picture use and whatnot. So here's my suggestion: Should we be using the default backgrounds for the workers of each promotion or should, all of us, use my style of adding the promotion logo in the background of the worker?


For example, CZCW's California Love Machine:




If most of us stay in the same country and if/when we'll form Working Agreements it would be awesome addition if you could easily recognize what promotion the wrestler originally works for. :rolleyes: Of course I don't want to try to implement my own diary style onto anyone, just asking if you guys might be interested in this particular aspect of dynasty writing visuals. Just asking and throwing ideas around :)

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I feel sure we can make a deal Derek. :) I enjoy using Flemmy in any PGHW game i start but he has a pretty bad attitude and as you said I just don't think his size suits the PGHW style at all. If i still got him though I'll make a deal with you for sure.



As for your idea FIN, I think it would be good to use some sort of visual to let the readers know if you're using a worker from one of the other players company. If someone doesn't want to use photos perhaps they could put the company name beside the worker name in the match description.


TCW Player's Show

Jay Chord(MAW) vs. Tommy Cornell

Maybe something like that.


But if everyone is up for using the pictures I think that would be a great option as well.

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The format I'm considering using is probably going to be quite picture light, as spending ages on formatting gets fiddly. A writing style I've been experimenting with lately (for another diary I'm thinking about doing) is unintensive in terms of workload yet is clean, tidy, easy to read and (I believe, anyway) still includes enough detail to be interesting, so I'll probably roll with that, if it comes to this game.


So yeah, if I was talent trading I'd likely go the Bull route, I don't really have the graphical ability to put someone onto a logo like that, in any case.

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Any room for me?


You know, I just sent out the first patch of invitations to x number of people I won't name since I won't reveal them until they may have accepted (or rejected) the invitation. However, as of the right know, there certainly is room for a legendary writer as yourself.


NoNeck, it would be an honour to have you in the team. You in? :cool:

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The format I'm considering using is probably going to be quite picture light, as spending ages on formatting gets fiddly. A writing style I've been experimenting with lately (for another diary I'm thinking about doing) is unintensive in terms of workload yet is clean, tidy, easy to read and (I believe, anyway) still includes enough detail to be interesting, so I'll probably roll with that, if it comes to this game.


So yeah, if I was talent trading I'd likely go the Bull route, I don't really have the graphical ability to put someone onto a logo like that, in any case.


My format would also be fairly light in terms of graphics, though it'll take a little while to fully flesh out the idea. Will have to give it a trial run before we get that far, see if it actually reads well when I get that far. I think the only time I'd really do a full show is for the big events... otherwise it'd be a quick results and various BHOTWG highlight reels to put over how awesome people are. It sounds like it won't work, but I think it would lead to some amazing highlights packages and the ability to make a lot of people look awesome. Combined with rankings, I think I could put together an awesome BHOTWG dynasty that wouldn't end up with huge walls of text all the time, which in turn means it would be fun and easy to write too. :)


I also can't do graphics work, so my pictures would just be the standard Cornellvese pictures. I'm sure people will know it's BHOTWG when I'm writing it, so it shouldn't need anthing particularly special. :)

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If I am in the game, I will probably just give summaries of the matches. Basic information and how the match finishes will probably be it for me. If I'm in Japan I'll probably do like Derek and just do highlights of the tour shows picking out certain workers and describing the matches they had during the tour, maybe starting specifically with the champions and adding the occasional random worker I want the readers to know about. Then when a big event rolls around actually post a full on show.
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With my image suggestion I meant that people would use it for the biggest show of the month, the annual shows. With smaller feds just having that one show at the start. And yes just for the sake of gameplay reasons and the pace of the diary there has to be shorter, highlight shows if some of us are going to play with a promotion that has multiple shows per week. We'll see. :)


I also can't do graphics work, so my pictures would just be the standard Cornellvese pictures. I'm sure people will know it's BHOTWG when I'm writing it, so it shouldn't need anthing particularly special. :)


There's lots of people who can help, putting the background logo behind a worker takes 30secs or so.. I've done in on multiple occasions.


So you really are set for BHOTWG? :p I think that we'll need to have few players in Japan then.. Meh, enough speculation, I wish we could see how Cornellverse turns out in TEW2013.

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I imagine I'll be writing with more brevity than my last project. While I enjoy putting lots of story elements and character details into matches, most readers seemed to skip to the winners and get to the skits. A bummer, but an excuse to strip away details that took forever to write. My main concern is keeping up with everyone else. Getting a nice pace going so readers can follow along with all the projects.


As for images... I always planned to do a seriously image-intesive project (my BSC project would probably have got me banned) but again, that's going to slow me down. I'll add a lot of pictures, as I found formatting and linking to pics oddly relaxing, but I expect they would be stock C-Verse.


How are we looking on player-promotions thus far? I expect Adam will change things up, but what kind of spread around the globe are we expecting?

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I'm mentally psyched up for BHOTWG but depending on who is playing and where others are based I'm open to all the promotions I listed earlier. But I do have a strong urge to play as BHOTWG, if I don't do it in a big multiplayer then I'll be playing it on my own regardless. :)


@Bull. I imagine I'll do fairly quick recaps similar to how infinitywpi's CZCW diaries tend to be done, with a big and expanded format for PPV events. Then I'll use the highlights package to hype up certain workers and matches, selling the touring shows to viewers and generally trying to get people to come to live BHOTWG events to see all the action for themselves. The highlights packages could be fun... one week it might be putting over 2 workers like Kikkawa and Nakasawa by showing their recent successes, interviews with the two of them, then a tag recent tag match between them and some others. Another week might be a spotlight on BHOTWG's tag teams... another week could be the Junior division... another week might be a spotlight on the big PPV coming this week, with highlights of a big 8 man tag featuring some of the people in key matches. I reckon I could really make that format work really well and use it to put over a lot of people really well. And the downtime between tours would mostly put people over and go through the rankings for each division (Heavyweight/Tag, Juniors/Tag) while putting over rivalries and the like. Maybe even have a historical review at some point for looking over the careers and lasting effects of former BHOTWG stars, so I could pay tribute to Master Kitozon and other BHOTWG alumni. :)


It might not be best for getting predictions, but I'd look forward to putting on predictions contests for PPV events where I'll be building towards the biggest matches. And if I have proper rankings I could do tour-based predictions for biggest rise or fall, most wins in singles or tag... could be awesome! :D

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So you really are set for BHOTWG? :p I think that we'll need to have few players in Japan then.. Meh, enough speculation, I wish we could see how Cornellverse turns out in TEW2013.


I'm pretty much set on PGHW as well, so long as they are still around(lets hope), so that will have me and Derek B there to start at least. Seems like me and Derek are laying the groundwork for some interesting things to happen in Japan. If we decide to work together that is.;)


I'm mentally psyched up for BHOTWG but depending on who is playing and where others are based I'm open to all the promotions I listed earlier. But I do have a strong urge to play as BHOTWG, if I don't do it in a big multiplayer then I'll be playing it on my own regardless. :)


@Bull. I imagine I'll do fairly quick recaps similar to how infinitywpi's CZCW diaries tend to be done, with a big and expanded format for PPV events. Then I'll use the highlights package to hype up certain workers and matches, selling the touring shows to viewers and generally trying to get people to come to live BHOTWG events to see all the action for themselves. The highlights packages could be fun... one week it might be putting over 2 workers like Kikkawa and Nakasawa by showing their recent successes, interviews with the two of them, then a tag recent tag match between them and some others. Another week might be a spotlight on BHOTWG's tag teams... another week could be the Junior division... another week might be a spotlight on the big PPV coming this week, with highlights of a big 8 man tag featuring some of the people in key matches. I reckon I could really make that format work really well and use it to put over a lot of people really well. And the downtime between tours would mostly put people over and go through the rankings for each division (Heavyweight/Tag, Juniors/Tag) while putting over rivalries and the like. Maybe even have a historical review at some point for looking over the careers and lasting effects of former BHOTWG stars, so I could pay tribute to Master Kitozon and other BHOTWG alumni. :)


It might not be best for getting predictions, but I'd look forward to putting on predictions contests for PPV events where I'll be building towards the biggest matches. And if I have proper rankings I could do tour-based predictions for biggest rise or fall, most wins in singles or tag... could be awesome! :D


That's pretty much what I was thinking of doing. Perhaps if there are two tour shows a week, highlight the top matches and workers for the events that week, lay the groundwork for feuds and rivalries, and build toward the matches that will take place at the big show. If we trade workers we could even give our opinions of each others talent and whatnot. I could maybe do a story on how and why Kinnojo Horri is competing in the PGHW Elite Series, while you could do one on why Eisaku Kunomasu came to BHOTWG and attacked Tadiyuki Kikkawa and things of that nature. Creating a story while giving an opinion on the worker from a "rivals" point of view. Again that is if we agree to go that route.

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I'm pretty much set on PGHW as well, so long as they are still around(lets hope), so that will have me and Derek B there to start at least. Seems like me and Derek are laying the groundwork for some interesting things to happen in Japan. If we decide to work together that is.;)




That's pretty much what I was thinking of doing. Perhaps if there are two tour shows a week, highlight the top matches and workers for the events that week, lay the groundwork for feuds and rivalries, and build toward the matches that will take place at the big show. If we trade workers we could even give our opinions of each others talent and whatnot. I could maybe do a story on how and why Kinnojo Horri is competing in the PGHW Elite Series, while you could do one on why Eisaku Kunomasu came to BHOTWG and attacked Tadiyuki Kikkawa and things of that nature. Creating a story while giving an opinion on the worker from a "rivals" point of view. Again that is if we agree to go that route.


:) One way or another, if we're both in then I imagine we're going to spend a lot of time talking about characters and stuff, whether we're at peace or at war. I'm torn on what path to take with it, but no matter what happens I think we're going to be good rivals for each other and between our two rosters we could craft quite an epic diary. I can already imagine us working out stories for our own rosters and anyone we might bring in to tour with each of us... lots of fun to be had there. :)


Also given our respective styles and the competition in Japan, I'll take point on destroying WLW and you can take charge of destroying GCG. ;)

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Here's the basic idea of what I'm considering using if I wind up being one of the 8. Show unrelated in any form but as an example. :p


Saturday week 2 June 18


Irvine Hall (Mid South)




Jordan Brigstock, Sara Silver, Brent Allen



• As the show opens up, Brent Allen and Jordan Brigstock, on commentary, try to quiz Sara Silver about her apparent bid for GMship, but she remains tight-lipped.

• Ariel and Maria seem to be really clicking as a team right now, notching up another win, this time over Soul of Battle, who remain completely winless in ASCW as Uesugi falls to an Ariel Spiral. B-

• After another loss, Soul of Battle sit dejected, when suddenly an unfamiliar man comes out and starts yelling at the two of them animatedly in Japanese, swinging around a cane. Soul of Battle look startled, but after conferring for a few seconds, follow him out.

• Lauren Easter, with something to prove following a debut loss, ties Princeton Pryce in knots, doling out suplexes and submission holds like they’re going out of style, before finishing him off with a Figure-four leglock. C+

• Felipe Caballero is backstage with a microphone – Haley Buck conspicuously absent from his side. He speaks a little bit about his win at the PPV, and then says he will have no problem winning in his next match, against Christopher Oxford

• Brooke Tyler looks to get herself back on track, taking the fight to El Heroe fiercely – who for his part seems taken aback by how fast Tyler is roaring out of the gates. 10 minutes in, the Brooke Breaker finishes it. B-

• Julius Moor and The Future bump into each other backstage, with the latter most displeased, calling Moor a ‘clumsy oaf’. Moor cracks his knuckles and tells Future that if he wants to make something more of an accident than it really is, then he can meet him in the ring later tonight. Future scowls, but then, after thinking for a short while, tells Moor that he’s on.

• Felipe’s boasting proves to have been a little premature, as both members of the New Specialists continue to make themselves tough to beat. Spurred on by Sweet Tabitha and Nathaniel Death supporting him, Christopher Oxford gives Caballero (still without Haley Buck in his corner) a real run for his money. Eventually, frustrated at Oxford kicking out after missing the Flying Double Knee, Caballero goes for a chair, official Lew Rose checking to see Oxford’s knee isn’t damaged. However, Rose turns to see the Mexican clutching the weapon, caught red-handed, Caballero protests that the chair was thrown in by Death and he was removing it, and as Rose investigates, Felipe low blows Oxford and pins him with the Caballero Drop. B-

• Debuting Japanese youngsters Tomonaga and Yunokawa – collectively known as TomoYuno, give Sweet as Honey a decent fight, keeping one another alive for a while with teamwork, but in the end, sheer wrestling experience tells, and the older, wilier men take the win with a Bounce Back. C+

• Out of the spotlight for a while, Natural Storm get a real chance to restake their place in the tag team division with a title opportunity against Strictly Business. However, Jones and Heizenger are seriously fired up after winning their first ASCW titles, and prove that they’ve developed a grasp of teamwork equal to even the Storm’s with slick tags and double team work. It ends with Heizenger hurling Jones into D.C Rayne, a move that has now been dubbed the ‘Dealbreaker’, with Jones rolling to his feet to dropkick Howard off the apron whilst Heizenger pins. B

• Fittingly the best match on the show, The Future and Julius Moor butt heads, with the latter displaying his power by hurling Future around the ring, putting him seriously on the back foot. Future tries an array of dirty tricks to get back on top, but surprisingly, Moor stays one step ahead each time. However, as is often the case, Moor’s own exuberance is his enemy – nailing the charging tackle, but taking Future so far across the ring that he manages to get a foot on the rope. Moor goes for it again, but Future evades, Moor ploughing into the turnbuckles, and allowing Future to nail the Future Shock. B+

• Seemingly ticked off at how hard it was to get the win, Future collects the ring bell, slides back under the bottom rope, and nails Moor in the face with it before exiting.


Show Rating: 77/B-

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Also given our respective styles and the competition in Japan, I'll take point on destroying WLW and you can take charge of destroying GCG. ;)


Hey, watch it there. I might as well take over WLW or GCG because of you two..




Or.. WEXXV. :rolleyes:

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:) One way or another, if we're both in then I imagine we're going to spend a lot of time talking about characters and stuff, whether we're at peace or at war. I'm torn on what path to take with it, but no matter what happens I think we're going to be good rivals for each other and between our two rosters we could craft quite an epic diary. I can already imagine us working out stories for our own rosters and anyone we might bring in to tour with each of us... lots of fun to be had there. :)


Also given our respective styles and the competition in Japan, I'll take point on destroying WLW and you can take charge of destroying GCG. ;)


We could start out at war, combine forces to wipe out the competition, reign as the top two combined forces in Japan for a short time, and then go back to war for fear of the one betraying the other :p, looks like we have a story all ready to be written.


In all seriousness as much as I would enjoy us working together, considering all the ideas that have been brought up so far, if that isn't the route you want to take that's cool with me just the same. Perhaps maintaining the hostility, or even a full blown war could be just as fun.:)

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