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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Hey all, I come here today to send out a feeler for some sort of art design for an upcoming project that goes by the name of: TODAY on the GDS Forums! Not going to reveal much now, but to make this project as extravagant as I want it to be, I'm going to need graphic help. If you are interested in helping out on the art side of things, send me a PM preferrably as soon as possible.


Thanks, Pack




TODAY on the GDS Forums, coming soon to a forum near you!

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Guys I've been toiling around with an idea on a format with a dynasty but immersion and lacking technology seem to be my hurdles. I've custom made an entrance for Cornellverse's KC Glenn and was even going to incorporate this sort of thing into my old dynasty but then I found the creation tools lacking in WWE 2k15.



I would use WWE 2k14 since there was way more features for customization but the problem is I don't have any video capturing equipment to convert it from my television to the computer. If WWE 2k16 carries more creation features do you guys think it would be cool to implement something like this or am I just wasting my time?

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”Hello, I’m Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and I’m the owner of the World Wrestling Federation, the largest Wrestling Organisation in the world. However, I have to ask, for how much longer. We have made mistake after mistake after mistake, and now, World Championship Wrestling is gaining momentum. They have got Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Vader and Sting; and we need to fight back. How you ask. By using The Next Generation

This is a co-operative dynasty with me and Peter.1986, we will be using Hive's Clash of the Titans mod.

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Just as a hypothetical question, simply because I don't know if I could ever get it to work but, would anyone be interested in an audio presentation of my cards? Like you're hearing the commentary. I know I don't have the means to do a video game sim of the card (no real equipment to do so) but the audio knowledge is there and I don't do a half bad Jim Ross impersonation, at least I think.
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Just as a hypothetical question, simply because I don't know if I could ever get it to work but, would anyone be interested in an audio presentation of my cards? Like you're hearing the commentary. I know I don't have the means to do a video game sim of the card (no real equipment to do so) but the audio knowledge is there and I don't do a half bad Jim Ross impersonation, at least I think.


I'm all up for fleshing things out!

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Just as a hypothetical question, simply because I don't know if I could ever get it to work but, would anyone be interested in an audio presentation of my cards? Like you're hearing the commentary. I know I don't have the means to do a video game sim of the card (no real equipment to do so) but the audio knowledge is there and I don't do a half bad Jim Ross impersonation, at least I think.


That sounds freaking amazing :D!

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Just as a hypothetical question, simply because I don't know if I could ever get it to work but, would anyone be interested in an audio presentation of my cards? Like you're hearing the commentary. I know I don't have the means to do a video game sim of the card (no real equipment to do so) but the audio knowledge is there and I don't do a half bad Jim Ross impersonation, at least I think.


I'm all up for this.

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"Who me?"




Do you like...




Of course you do! You're on the internet, it's a known fact that the internet loves wrestling!


Well have we got the show for you! No, not Veggietales, it's...




We're talking all the best the world has to off-...oh, I just got our budget! Oh well we'll have wrestler like, I dunno



This Guy!



And This Handsome Fellow!



And That...thing? Eugh...






Coming to an Forum Thread near you!



"Wow, that does sound great!"



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I'm rebooting my last dynasty but am not going the Road to Glory route. The match segments will actually be taken up by entrances made on 2k15 and the simulated match. I will be booking around the results of these matches so this will keep me on my toes for sure! Here is the Intro video into each show and expect the first dynasty to be up soon.



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

https://www.youtube.com/embed/no2H1w8zy2E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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The Owen Family Legacy


Pacific Northwest Wrestling by one of the founding members of the NWA, Don Owen and for 60 years he ran PNW. Don Owen was regarded as one of the most honest and beloved wrestling promoters during the last 60 years.


The Pacific Northwest Wrestling is often the most overlooked wrestling promotion by during the heyday of the NWA. The alumni reads as a who's who in the wrestling business during the 70's and 80's. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Curt Hennig, Rick Martel, Chris Adams, the Sheepherders, "Playboy" Buddy Rose, Jesse Ventura, Stan "the Man" Stasiak, Tommy Rogers, Billy Jack Haynes, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, Raven, Scott Norton, Brian Adams, were just a few of the great wrestlers of the past that once called Pacific Northwest there home.


Pacific Northwest Wrestling was one of the few wrestling promotions that survived the WWF take over of the wrestling industry during the late 80's. Forces outside of the wrestling industry was the main reason for this once great wrestling promotion to die. The overzealous Oregon State Athletic Commission breathing down the neck of the PNW, making almost impossible for them to stay in business. Then the main television sponsor declared bankruptcy causing one of the longest running TV programs during the time to be canceled. Finally in 1992 the PNW was gone forever from this world.


“Today’s wrestling really pains me. There’s no wrestling, just a lot of screaming and flying around.” Don Owen, 1995

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Steve Keirn's Sports Entertainment.


I created my first dynasty,

Sports Entertainment | as Defined by Steve Keirn,

in which I do first-party entries as Steve Keirn, who is

the new WWE owner.


Hopefully I get feedback and help as well, from the senior forum-mers (that a word?).


Alright, goodbye.



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- No Disqualification/No Count Out: 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich vs. Nord The Barbarian


- A day in the life of 'American Gigolo' Buff Bagwell


- 'Long Rider' Bill Irwin vs. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton




Program Rating: TV-M


Show will be posted on Tuesday in the 'World Class Wrestling' thread.

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<span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Ep. 4 of </span></strong></span><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>WCW Mayhem</em></span></strong></span><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> is now posted in the 'World Class Wrestling' thread.</span></strong></span>
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<p>Coming soon</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:18px;">1973 Explodes With the Stars of the WWA</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Great Action Every Friday Night at the Olympic Auditorium</strong></p><p>

Victor Rivera, Golden Greek John Tolos, Ernie Ladd, Black Gordman, Great Goliath,Moondog Mayne and all the top stars from around the country at the historic Olympic Auditorium in </p><p>

Los Angeles,California</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="<a href="http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/chrismc048/media/andre-the-giant-3_zpsonnlatgr.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/chrismc048/media/andre-the-giant-3_zpsonnlatgr.jpg.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah290/chrismc048/andre-the-giant-3_zpsonnlatgr.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah290/chrismc048/andre-the-giant-3_zpsonnlatgr.jpg"</a> border="0" alt=" photo andre-the-giant-3_zpsonnlatgr.jpg"/></a></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>I have been toying with the idea of a new diary but really struggling to get the momentum and "umph" to go ahead and start it.</p><p> </p><p>

Saving up for a wedding and a house leaves me with some free time at home on an evening so I would love to get back into writing some stuff up but I am really drawing a blank on what to do and where to get the motivation.</p><p> </p><p>

Does anybody else start a TEW game but as soon as they write stuff up, it slows the game down massively and the writing starts to feel like a chore to the game itself? I have started about 4 games in the past month with some ideas and first show write ups and each of them have fallen by the wayside because I don't fancy writing up after the second show.</p><p> </p><p>

I do enjoy writing so it has left me a bit baffled as to why I can't find the motivation to continue with doing a diary after the first show!</p><p> </p><p>

Anyone else experience this or have any tips/advice to overcome it?</p><p> </p><p>

I loved a local Thunderverse game I started about a year ago based on characters from WWF late 80's-early 90's but alas it suffered a similar fate but I want to be able to commit to a new idea I have, so how do you chaps do it?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Powerful_Fox" data-cite="Powerful_Fox" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have been toying with the idea of a new diary but really struggling to get the momentum and "umph" to go ahead and start it.<p> </p><p> Saving up for a wedding and a house leaves me with some free time at home on an evening so I would love to get back into writing some stuff up but I am really drawing a blank on what to do and where to get the motivation.</p><p> </p><p> Does anybody else start a TEW game but as soon as they write stuff up, it slows the game down massively and the writing starts to feel like a chore to the game itself? I have started about 4 games in the past month with some ideas and first show write ups and each of them have fallen by the wayside because I don't fancy writing up after the second show.</p><p> </p><p> I do enjoy writing so it has left me a bit baffled as to why I can't find the motivation to continue with doing a diary after the first show!</p><p> </p><p> Anyone else experience this or have any tips/advice to overcome it?</p><p> </p><p> I loved a local Thunderverse game I started about a year ago based on characters from WWF late 80's-early 90's but alas it suffered a similar fate but I want to be able to commit to a new idea I have, so how do you chaps do it?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I had that trouble too, which is why I started writing only the major shows. For the era I started in (1995), it works since a lot of the TV shows were just squash matches anyway (though I'm running up against that eventually), so I write the PPV's where the major stuff happens and allow my commentators (one of the reasons I was experimenting with live announcing this stuff) to fill in the context. With as detailed as I write the PPV's (I think, anyway), it'd be murder to try and do the same with a weekly tv show.</p><p> </p><p> Of course, right now I have the benefit of being close to the end of 95 game time, so I'm looking back on stuff and filling in the blanks rather than writing it as I go along.</p>
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i've started doing a diary with the 1985 mod, i ahve never done anythign liek this before and i dint consider myself a particulary good writer.


There isnt a active 1985 diary so i thought i would do one, if you get chance could you please check it out and any good or bad feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm also doing predictions for my monthly PPV's if anybody would like to get involved so far i have 1 member on this bored involved in the predictions its a little depressing :p.


also ive tried adding picturse but its just coming up as a web link and not the picture any body know why?



I have just posted the last of the weekley shows for my second month (february) with predictions for The war to settle the score event which is coming in the next day or so

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/20/ROHwrestling.png/200px-ROHwrestling.png</span><p>

<a href="http://s264.photobucket.com/user/Steesh07/media/Grafitti/Tama%20Tonga%202.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/Grafitti/Tama%20Tonga%202.jpg</span></a></p><p>

<span>http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/Grafitti/KennethCameron.jpg</span><span>http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/Grafitti/RockstarSpud.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

What happens when a once 'Super Indy' is taken over by one Paul E Heyman, the legendary promoter that once brought an East coast promotion to the masses has once again thrown his knowledge and creative genious into the mix. Now it's fours years on and that 'Super Indy has turned into an international sensation. </p><p> </p><p>

We join the company at a cross roads, it's World Heavyweight Champion has had a stranglehold on the top belt and its Zero - G Championship for 8 months and has faulted at any hurdle thrown in his way. Until now when the winner of 'The Best in the World' Tournament; <strong>Spud</strong> has made his way to the number one contendership. Can the plucky underdog win the big one and knock off <strong>The Warlord</strong>? Or will The Warlord pick his teeth with the bones of yet another hapless victim?</p><p> </p><p>

In the tag team ranks we have the emergence of two factions who are sure to be on a collision course as <strong>Raven's Flock</strong> is beginning to gain traction. The grunge group of Raven fanatics include; Doc Gallows, 'Mad Man' Hanson and Rhino. Their soon to be enemies are <strong>The Nation</strong>, the group made up of ethnic minorities have gathered in the wake of the loss of Kenny King are already tag team champions. The members of the Nation are Elijah Burke, Rich Swann, Uhaa Nation and their leader; Prince Nana. Will these two stables meet at a cross roads soon? Or will the two pass each other like two ships in the night? </p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile in the younger ranks, ROH has some of the stand out stars of professional wrestling. We are keenly watching the careers of Joa Fatu previously of Jey Uso fame, <strong>Ethan Hunter</strong> of Ethan Carter fame and one of the break out stars of 2018 the current No Limits Champion; Kenneth Cameron of <strong>Bram</strong> fame. Who will break out of the pack and become one of the best in the world in the latter part of 2018? Tune in to find out...</p>

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