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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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A question based on stuff I've been seeing lately.


How much do writers value feedback? Personally, I write for myself and feedback isn't as important to me - I'm my own worst critic in a way and if don't like something I've written I tend to scrap a lot more than that one bit. It's not to say I don't value feedback but I tend to go on the idea that people making predictions is a sort of feedback as well. Either peeps pick who they think will logically win or they pick favourites.


Tl;Dr: Feedback, most important response to a diary or not?

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A question based on stuff I've been seeing lately.


How much do writers value feedback? Personally, I write for myself and feedback isn't as important to me - I'm my own worst critic in a way and if don't like something I've written I tend to scrap a lot more than that one bit. It's not to say I don't value feedback but I tend to go on the idea that people making predictions is a sort of feedback as well. Either peeps pick who they think will logically win or they pick favourites.


Tl;Dr: Feedback, most important response to a diary or not?


I would definitely say yes. I personally love it. To me, without an audience, Im just writing to myself. Whats the fun in that? So yeah I value feedback very highly. :)

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A question based on stuff I've been seeing lately.


How much do writers value feedback? Personally, I write for myself and feedback isn't as important to me - I'm my own worst critic in a way and if don't like something I've written I tend to scrap a lot more than that one bit. It's not to say I don't value feedback but I tend to go on the idea that people making predictions is a sort of feedback as well. Either peeps pick who they think will logically win or they pick favourites.


Tl;Dr: Feedback, most important response to a diary or not?


I find it a double edged sword...if you follow everyone's suggestions all the time your project is no longer yours. I have probably turned away more viewers following everyone's suggestions rather then just doing what I know will work. At the same time if you openly look like you are shrugging off their idea that can turn them away as well.

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A question based on stuff I've been seeing lately.


How much do writers value feedback? Personally, I write for myself and feedback isn't as important to me - I'm my own worst critic in a way and if don't like something I've written I tend to scrap a lot more than that one bit. It's not to say I don't value feedback but I tend to go on the idea that people making predictions is a sort of feedback as well. Either peeps pick who they think will logically win or they pick favourites.


Tl;Dr: Feedback, most important response to a diary or not?


I'm not the most experience writer here but when I do a diary I'd like to know what people think about it. Whether it's about the format, characters, questions and/or comments about booking decisions or just questions in general. I don't expect much of that right off the bat since I tend to notice that once a diary has been on the boards for a while the amount of comments increases. I guess since people wouldn't want to invest the time into something if it's not going to last very long.

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A question based on stuff I've been seeing lately.


How much do writers value feedback? Personally, I write for myself and feedback isn't as important to me - I'm my own worst critic in a way and if don't like something I've written I tend to scrap a lot more than that one bit. It's not to say I don't value feedback but I tend to go on the idea that people making predictions is a sort of feedback as well. Either peeps pick who they think will logically win or they pick favourites.


Tl;Dr: Feedback, most important response to a diary or not?


I for the most part write for just a way to distress. Doing a diary is a great way to do that for me. I do enjoy comments and such mostly because it is cool to see people's predictions and their reasoning for such predictions. In the end I mostly write for my own little release and comments/feedback is just a nice bonus.

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A question based on stuff I've been seeing lately.


How much do writers value feedback? Personally, I write for myself and feedback isn't as important to me - I'm my own worst critic in a way and if don't like something I've written I tend to scrap a lot more than that one bit. It's not to say I don't value feedback but I tend to go on the idea that people making predictions is a sort of feedback as well. Either peeps pick who they think will logically win or they pick favourites.


Tl;Dr: Feedback, most important response to a diary or not?


I don't always use feedback, but I always appreciate it, negative and positive. For me, it's the ultimate compliment to have someone invested enough in your diary to critique it.


As a writer, I think it is the most important part of the creative process. Without feedback, there is a glass ceiling on the quality of your writing, you can never break through. In other words, you need an outside perspective -- this is true in both professional and creative writing, though in the latter it holds more emphasis.


I always provide feedback to writers, both praise and constructive criticism, to help them grow as writers -- I don't have a whole lot of knowledge of knowledge regarding either wrestling or fiction, but I "know the ropes" per se.


I never mean to hurt others through this -- the quality and quantity of the diaries devoted to TEW is amazing, a true digital panacea of wrestling fiction.

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Feedback is nice to have but for me it is not that important. If I get it cool, if I don't then I don't. View counts have always been my measuring stick as to if my diary is doing well or not. Granted I have no way of knowing how many of the views are actual readers and how many are bots but it does not really matter much one way or another because a view is a view in my book.


I wish I was better at giving feedback to others but I am not. For instance michgcs and Zergon always give me excellent feedback but when I go into their diaries most of the time the best feedback I can muster is, "That was a great show." That is just the way I am though, I tend to not overanalyze things like books, movies, TV shows in real life. If I like something I like something and a lot of the times I find myself not putting too much thought into why I like something, I just do.


I will say this though, oddly enough before I first started writing diaries on here I would leave feedback. However, I found myself not doing it anymore when I started to do my own diaries. This was mainly because nobody left it for me so I decided to not waste my time and leave it for others.


Also, one of the quickest ways to lose me as a reader (Other than doing cheap bumps to keep your diary at the top, overly promoting your diary, or the stupid twenty-four hour prediction bump:D) is to not acknowledge my feedback at all.


Now granted I do not always acknowledge feedback so me saying this probably will come off as being a bit hypocritical, but yeah if I take the time to ask a question or if I post a lengthy comment I think it would be cool if you as the writer posting a follow up to whatever I said.


Granted not every comment made should or can merit a response. So if I say nice show I would not expect any response. However, if I take the time to write a more lengthy comment then I think the writer should respond.


I will give a for instance, a couple of weeks ago I commented in a new diary and it was a lengthy comment. The writer did not even say a word about my post. However, a more popular writer posted in the thread directly after me and the writer immediately responded to the more popular writer's post. Stuff like that makes me not want to be bothered because I feel like what I say would not be valued. Therefore, why should I waste my time posting if someone is going to go all Phil Collins on me and give me not reply at all.


Yes I do realized how ridiculous and petty this sounds in regards to talking about wrestling fan fiction but still that is how I feel.:D


One more thing, like you said I view my feedback as predictions in diaries that I follow. Sometimes I will leave comments but not always.

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Feedback is nice to have but for me it is not that important. If I get it cool, if I don't then I don't. View counts have always been my measuring stick as to if my diary is doing well or not. Granted I have no way of knowing how many of the views are actual readers and how many are bots but it does not really matter much one way or another because a view is a view in my book.


I wish I was better at giving feedback to others but I am not. For instance michgcs and Zergon always give me excellent feedback but when I go into their diaries most of the time the best feedback I can muster is, "That was a great show." That is just the way I am though, I tend to not overanalyze things like books, movies, TV shows in real life. If I like something I like something and a lot of the times I find myself not putting too much thought into why I like something, I just do.


I will say this though, oddly enough before I first started writing diaries on here I would leave feedback. However, I found myself not doing it anymore when I started to do my own diaries. This was mainly because nobody left it for me so I decided to not waste my time and leave it for others.


Also, one of the quickest ways to lose me as a reader (Other than doing cheap bumps to keep your diary at the top, overly promoting your diary, or the stupid twenty-four hour prediction bump:D) is to not acknowledge my feedback at all.


Now granted I do not always acknowledge feedback so me saying this probably will come off as being a bit hypocritical, but yeah if I take the time to ask a question or if I post a lengthy comment I think it would be cool if you as the writer posting a follow up to whatever I said.


Granted not every comment made should or can merit a response. So if I say nice show I would not expect any response. However, if I take the time to write a more lengthy comment then I think the writer should respond.


I will give a for instance, a couple of weeks ago I commented in a new diary and it was a lengthy comment. The writer did not even say a word about my post. However, a more popular writer posted in the thread directly after me and the writer immediately responded to the more popular writer's post. Stuff like that makes me not want to be bothered because I feel like what I say would not be valued. Therefore, why should I waste my time posting if someone is going to go all Phil Collins on me and give me not reply at all.


Yes I do realized how ridiculous and petty this sounds in regards to talking about wrestling fan fiction but still that is how I feel.:D


One more thing, like you said I view my feedback as predictions in diaries that I follow. Sometimes I will leave comments but not always.

I agree with this pretty much word for word, even though I myself am guilty of prediction bumping.

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GDS just ain't the same without a diary from angel... :D


Agreed, can't wait to see him back! :D


I truly appreciate that. I have actually gone out of town until Wednesday of next week. I am writing this from my phone. But I am expecting to have a brand new diary up and running either late next week or early the following week. Thank you for staying tuned.

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Rather than bump my diary thread figured I'd go here.




Are my cards too predictable in a bad way (Steamboat vs Goulet etc), or do you guys consider it realistic for the time period?




Of course, WWF programming was full of squash matches in '85, plus you've only just started the diary, so things will be predictable until you begin to make massive changes or pull off immense surprises

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Coming soon...


It was another edition of Monday Night Raw... Vince McMahon & Eric Bischoff were looking at each other's faces, both men were separated from a table with a few documents on it. One thing it's for sure... it was a Cold War, WCW was dead, that's for sure. The nWo tried to take over WWE, they lost a fight, and now, they had to face the fact that they were forced to sign this ceasefire treaty... Bischoff didn't like it, but he knew that it was the only choice.


"Mr. Bischoff, upon signing this ceasefire, you accept the following terms:


1. The nWo will officially disband as an stable, a gang of renegades and make it's transition as a separate entity from the WWE.


2. The WWE recognizes publicly the nWo as a wrestling promotion and a business partner, and in turn, the nWo will recognize the WWE in the same way.


3. Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, King of the Ring, Summerslam and Survivor Series will be joint events between the WWE and the nWo. With that said, both entitites will have their own events as well.


4. The nWo will get Smackdown! as their official show, and they can change the name of the show as they wish.".


With no other choice... Bischoff signed the papers..




The Cold War

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I find it a double edged sword...if you follow everyone's suggestions all the time your project is no longer yours. I have probably turned away more viewers following everyone's suggestions rather then just doing what I know will work. At the same time if you openly look like you are shrugging off their idea that can turn them away as well.


While I agree with this, I will say that I absolutely adore feedback. I appreciate each and every prediction I get, but the ones with comments/questions/etc attached are my absolute favorites.


That being said, I don't recall ever changing a booking plan because of reader feedback (I book too far in advance for that) but I have several times read comments/predictions and said to myself I wish I'd have thought of that...

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That being said, I don't recall ever changing a booking plan because of reader feedback (I book too far in advance for that) but I have several times read comments/predictions and said to myself I wish I'd have thought of that...

Interesting; I've made lots of changes based on reader feedback/suggestions. Of course I book show to show so it's much easier for me to take things in a different direction.

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Interesting; I've made lots of changes based on reader feedback/suggestions. Of course I book show to show so it's much easier for me to take things in a different direction.


I'm not saying I completely ignore my feedback. If people don't lime a certain push, it can definitely be stopped short, etc. But I don't change, say, match results

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Figured I'd get in on this feedback discussion.


I find it awesome to read people's responses and have them predict on my shows even to the point of checking back a couple times a day just to see what people have said, when I don't even intend to post the show for awhile. It is a big part of my dynasty writing, even though I don't like to change too many things to fit with what people are wanting. :)

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Would anybody be interested in a sort of group dynasty situation? Not exactly how the community dynasties worked in the past, but something along the lines of this:


One person (me) would be the owner of the company, having final say on decisions, etc. The rest would form a booking committee of sorts, providing ideas, suggestions, feedback, etc. Posting of shows would be rotated depending on who was available and wanted to handle the writing. I'd prefer to have conversations with the group through Skype or a similar medium, but I'm open to ideas.


I'm looking to run a current-day WWE Dynasty (original, I know) so if anyone is interested, PM me with your Skype name and we'll discuss some details. I'd like to keep the booking committee to around 2-3 other people, please.

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In the year 2014, NOTBPW wrestler Johnny Bloodstone started a promotion due to staleness of the promotions style and roster not being used as it should be. This caused workers from various promotions to join him in founding the promotion that would be known as HONOR FC.


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In a time before Mount Rushmore 2.0...


In a time before ELEVEN...


In a time before Mount Rushmore...


In a time before the Battle of Los Angeles 2010...


In a time before Reseda...


In a time before Battle of Los Angeles 2007...


In a time around the Tango & Cash Invitational...


But in a time after Big Trouble in Little China...


There was...



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In a time before Mount Rushmore 2.0...


In a time before ELEVEN...


In a time before Mount Rushmore...


In a time before the Battle of Los Angeles 2010...


In a time before Reseda...


In a time before Battle of Los Angeles 2007...


In a time around the Tango & Cash Invitational...


But in a time after Big Trouble in Little China...


There was...




Finally someone joins me in the PWG escapades. :D

Wish I could hit the subscribe button already. :p

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"Ahh, finally time to retire. Maybe the nightmares will end."


Hahahaha........ NOPE




*Incoherent Mumbling*



*Big* *HUGE* *Hot and Bothered*



"This is awesome! Just like one of my Japanese animes!"



"I am not sure I am in the right place."



"**** **** **** ****"









"Where did everyone go? Did you all forget me again?"

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Sold?


Here at PromotionWars.com, we are dedicated to bringing you the best and most up-to-date knowledge in the professional wrestling industry. We have learned from one of our inside sources that, the day before Thanksgiving,
Dixie Carter
called the entire TNA roster into a meeting and announced to them that she is leaving the wrestling industry. We have learned that she cited some health issues and money issues as to why she has chosen to sell her shares of TNA wrestling. When she was asked who was buying the company, she said that she signed a nondisclosure agreement. She said that the new owner would be revealed on the very first TNA Impact Wrestling of December, a live television show.


Here at PromotionWars.com, we have attempted to use the FOIA to get the records of the business trade but we have not received any information at this point in time. This is huge as TNA is in the middle of what they are calling the 'World Title Series.' They have reached the final sixteen men and women wrestlers who will have the opportunity at obtaining the TNA World title. Those sixteen wrestlers are Ethan Carter III, DJ Z, Bram, Davey Richards, Bobby Lashley, Drew Galloway, Mahabali Shera, Eli Drake, Tigre Uno, Gail Kim, Eric Young, Kenny King, Jessie Godderz, Awesome Kong, Bobby Roode and Matt Hardy.

TNA – @DixieCarter – #TNASold?


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