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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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I tried a DAVE 2007 game once and it's something that always interests me, so this should be good. It reminds me (despite the companies differences) of WCW 2001, in terms of where most other "historical" games are rewriting a history, this is more telling a history that never happened (due to the company going out of business). A what if scenario with DAVE would be really cool.


Is there any 'talk' of a C-Verse 2007 mod? (Was there one for 2013?). I only ask because I did it for (I think TEW 2010) and have been thinking about it recently, so I would be happy to help out if anybody is looking to do it.


I'm in the same mold here. I'm trying to create what if DAVE stayed alive feel to the diary and the big thing is I don't know if I'll succeed. The early goings will be nip and tuck in terms of finances due to the criteria I have set up.


In terms of a C-Verse 2007 mod, I don't think there was one for 2013, so I just put the database through the converters. I've been doing some modding on the database itself in 2013, to fit my criteria but if there is interest I can fix any bugs it has in the new game and release it if people wish, but hey all the power to you. If you want to try and create a 2007 database and put it out to the public, go for it. This isn't something for a mod release, it's more for my diary

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I'm in the same mold here. I'm trying to create what if DAVE stayed alive feel to the diary and the big thing is I don't know if I'll succeed. The early goings will be nip and tuck in terms of finances due to the criteria I have set up.


In terms of a C-Verse 2007 mod, I don't think there was one for 2013, so I just put the database through the converters. I've been doing some modding on the database itself in 2013, to fit my criteria but if there is interest I can fix any bugs it has in the new game and release it if people wish, but hey all the power to you. If you want to try and create a 2007 database and put it out to the public, go for it. This isn't something for a mod release, it's more for my diary


It's more a case of my interest in the scenario, just wondering how you were doing it but if you already have it in TEW2013, it should be a decent convert. It should be a good challenge and I look forward to reading it :) For the sake of the story, I hope you don't go out of business (and have to do your own version of PSW).


Just looking back now, it's a really cool roster too.

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It's more a case of my interest in the scenario, just wondering how you were doing it but if you already have it in TEW2013, it should be a decent convert. It should be a good challenge and I look forward to reading it :) For the sake of the story, I hope you don't go out of business (and have to do your own version of PSW).


Just looking back now, it's a really cool roster too.


Oh okay cool. Right now I hope I can create some storylines that can "Peak" (See what I did there :cool:) people's interest. Gonna spend a few weeks thinking of storylines. Thanks for the feedback. :)

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Okay so I've been batting about a few ideas for TEW 2016 and ever since the reveal of its creation, I've been steadily thinking of ideas. My original idea was CGC, a company I had rarely explored before but one I constantly found fun in the 2 playthroughs I have had of it. I got started right away on graphics and gimmick ideas, just to keep me busy. Unfortunately, that fell through when I realised that I didn't know CGC's roster, so any 2016 diary is out. Then I thought why not restart my East Coast Wars diary? Again, that fell through due to the fact that I had literally just had a game in 97 with DAVE getting them to Cult, so I didn't want to go back into that roster again as I was already quite sick of the roster I had built up in the game. Then I decided that I definitely wanted to a DAVE diary. Why? That's my bread and butter really, hence my username. It was just about picking a year. 1997 was a no no, at least for now. 2005 was an option. Didn't pick that though. I decided to go with this. This has everything I personally want in a diary and I think the story writes itself. I also feel it would be criminal for me not to do a successful DAVE diary, the company DAVE is the reason I'm on the forums. Feel free to give feedback on this as I'm not sure if this is what I want to do.




Now I will admit that the title is definitely a work in progress but I'll get there. There is a few starting "Rules" I have set for myself, well more criteria than rules. I can disclose these now if you wish but I just wanted to put this out there to get some feedback.


Just wanted to throw my two cents in here. From one Dave to another ;), this set up seems really cool, man! Extremely interested in seeing what you do with it! :)

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Just wanted to throw my two cents in here. From one Dave to another ;), this set up seems really cool, man! Extremely interested in seeing what you do with it! :)


Thanks Dave. When I looked at the 2007, I got interested straight away. I usually don't make any edits going into games but I thought that if I put in some extra criteria to make it more challenging for me is cool. I'll prob use the injuries mod as well if it's released just to have more injuries to work with. I feel there will be plenty of injuries in the diary.

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Letting everyone know that I'm setting up a project for TEW 2016 and here's a rough outline of it:


I'll be playing a modern day real world game as an entire alliance of four Independent promotions of similar styles. One promotion will be in the States, another in Japan, another in Mexico, and another in the UK. Essentially, the alliance will be a Global Super Indy. They'll thrive off each other, and the plan is for each of them to hold a show each week. So let's say the Lucha company runs the first week of the month, then the Burnin' Hammer goes the second week of the month, the Bri'ish runs the third week, and then a big finish in the states. They'll keep each other afloat and (hopefully) rise to the top. :D There will be a couple championships shared to show who the supreme guy is, and then each company will of course have their own titles and tournaments. :D


Stay tuned. :cool:

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Letting everyone know that I'm setting up a project for TEW 2016 and here's a rough outline of it:


I'll be playing a modern day real world game as an entire alliance of four Independent promotions of similar styles. One promotion will be in the States, another in Japan, another in Mexico, and another in the UK. Essentially, the alliance will be a Global Super Indy. They'll thrive off each other, and the plan is for each of them to hold a show each week. So let's say the Lucha company runs the first week of the month, then the Burnin' Hammer goes the second week of the month, the Bri'ish runs the third week, and then a big finish in the states. They'll keep each other afloat and (hopefully) rise to the top. :D There will be a couple championships shared to show who the supreme guy is, and then each company will of course have their own titles and tournaments. :D


Stay tuned. :cool:


Sounds like a tough task but could be really cool. Especially if the 4 promotions are linked but all have their own style. Keeping all 4's storylines going might be tough but I suppose it's not really juggling any more than say SWF would do. I think the alliance shared titles is definitely going to be popular in diaries (I can see myself using them), good luck with the planning.

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November 25, 1990.


After a mass in a United Methodist church near Dallas, Texas.


"Thank you very much, god bless you all, don't forget to come, next sunday" said the Reverend Marc Lowrance, very well know not only for being an United Methodist pastor, but also more known as the announcer of World Class Championship Wrestling. After the mass, he was about to go to his office, he was approached by a very well dressed man.


"Good sermon you gave today, Reverend" greeted the man.


"Thanks" replied politely Marc. "May i help you?"


"I am a representative of Turner Media, i came to give you an offer." said the man.


The eyes of Marc went frozen for a few seconds before replying. "Turner Media?"


"Yes, take this letter, it's from Ted Turner. Maybe the voice of World Class Championship Wrestling, will become something more than just a mere announcer. Have a nice day, Reverend." said the man before leaving.


Marc started reading the letter, after a few minutes of silence, he uttered two words.


"Holy cow...."

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Fade 2 Black






Most tales of pain and hardship don't begin on a bright, sunny morning. Less begin with insurance fraud. Fewer still with an old autographed 8x10 of some broken-down wrestler you've likely never heard of. No - most stories start with a brutal shit-kicking and get worse from there. Happily, this one has all of the above.


And so it was that Josh Garner stepped out of the pristine offices of Lockwood and Howard into Auckland's glorious sunshine with a smile, a dream, a faded 8x10 glossy and a cheque for $10,000.


At 19 and 5'6”, pale and scrawny, Garner cut a determined figure. Flaking bedroom walls adorned with posters of American wrestlers and metal bands from the 90s were a life time ago. Everything had been building to this point - for today was the day that Gabe 'The Pitbull' Mitchell came home.


* * *


A hard-working journeyman the world over but as close to a national hero to the wrestling fans of New Zealand as it gets. Eisen in the early 90s. Furusawa. PGHW. And, as DAVE closed it's doors and switched off the lights, one of the last to leave. You'll find Gabe Mitchell's name scrawled on the wall with the rest of them. A living legend but with little to show for it, Gabe ached. Ached in his back, ached in his knees but most of all ached in his heart. At 46 The Pitbull was not yet ready to retire to the dog house.


The flight from Brisbane was uneventful. Cramped, stale and mercifully short. Uneventful until a small, thick-glassed kid met him at the baggage carousel. He stood holding his bags and an old, worn photo. Displaying it like a sign. He saw on it a face he barely recognised any more and the scrawl below it said 'Pitbull.'


* * *


This is a story of brutality. A tale of triumph and redemption. One man's opening gambit and the final chapter of another who has seen the world. This is the story of Fade 2 Black.

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As for me...


With TEW 2016 fast approaching (two weeks til the demo!), I've had countless people (maybe 4?) ask me what my plans are as it regards to my WWE Diary... I've still got plenty of shows written up for that, so it's not dying any time soon. I'm still occasionally writing for it too, so for now, it lives :D


However, as many of you know, in the last year I've gotten into the cverse much more, and I'm very excited to see who has moved around, and who has been pushed, de-pushed, fired, hired, retired, killed off!! That being said, I've spent the last few weeks - maybe a month - planning my next diary, even before seeing the roster of the company I have chosen. This is not ideal, but it's something I can work around if certain workers aren't there or aren't available.


The company I've chosen are 21CW!! I played a couple of British saves when I first got TEW10 but then discovered real world mods and stopped. But recently I've finished a three year 21CW save on TEW13, and am really happy I know what I want to do next for most, if not all, of the characters!


My user character is going to be Joey Beauchamp and I'm going to push him to the moon! (if he's dead, I'm in trouble! :D )


So this is pure hype, and all I can tell you is that 21CW is going to be getting dark... gritty... and this story will be heavily influenced by THIS awesome SWF diary! by Eisen-verse...




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Lloyd, I COULDN'T BE MORE HYPE!!!! This forum needs more UK Dynasties.


With that in mind...


My UKWA dynasty will be coming back. It will start as soon as Fleisch's first Real World data pack comes out.



UKWA: Rebirth

Coming Soon

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Interesting. Looking forward to seeing which company this involves!


Thanks man. I like the look of yours too. Once this one has run it's course I wouldn't mind a go at the UK scene so I'll keep a look out for your diary.


Fade 2 Black is a start up company at 0%. It'll be a hardcore promotion in Auckland employing the very worst of the NZ/Aus scene. The point isn't for it to grow, just to survive. It'll be miserable and chaotic. I can't wait!

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Thanks man. I like the look of yours too. Once this one has run it's course I wouldn't mind a go at the UK scene so I'll keep a look out for your diary.


Fade 2 Black is a start up company at 0%. It'll be a hardcore promotion in Auckland employing the very worst of the NZ/Aus scene. The point isn't for it to grow, just to survive. It'll be miserable and chaotic. I can't wait!


Sign Bob Shrunkle! :D

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Letting everyone know that I'm setting up a project for TEW 2016 and here's a rough outline of it:


I'll be playing a modern day real world game as an entire alliance of four Independent promotions of similar styles. One promotion will be in the States, another in Japan, another in Mexico, and another in the UK. Essentially, the alliance will be a Global Super Indy. They'll thrive off each other, and the plan is for each of them to hold a show each week. So let's say the Lucha company runs the first week of the month, then the Burnin' Hammer goes the second week of the month, the Bri'ish runs the third week, and then a big finish in the states. They'll keep each other afloat and (hopefully) rise to the top. :D There will be a couple championships shared to show who the supreme guy is, and then each company will of course have their own titles and tournaments. :D


Stay tuned. :cool:


Sounds like a tough task but could be really cool. Especially if the 4 promotions are linked but all have their own style. Keeping all 4's storylines going might be tough but I suppose it's not really juggling any more than say SWF would do. I think the alliance shared titles is definitely going to be popular in diaries (I can see myself using them), good luck with the planning.


Thanks man, hope all goes well. :cool:


Excited for new stuff from Lloyd and Uncrewed for sure. :D

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"Many happy returns, sapiens. Allow me now to introduce myself. I am the wondrous and delectable Doctor Akiba Sugoi, owner, proprietor, and SCIENCE director of Sugoi Science Solutions and I am here to tell YOU of a new funderful and fancy free opportunity for pleasuring your eyeballs!"




"Yes, here at this new venture of Sports Business Entertaining, you too shall enjoy the wonderments of the Wrestling done by Professionals. Let us hear somethings from our lovely employees!"



"#$%#@? %$^($%!"









"Uh. Bamboo."


"You see? All these Wondertainments and more can be YOURS if you come downward to the Washington Funplex Theater for nights of fun, amazings, and SCIENCE! ...science totally not done on YOU of coursing, that would be silly. You can trust Dr. Sugoi."




"I am kitty. Meow."





COMING 2016!

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Is there anyone else who has been holding off on doing a diary until TEW16 comes out?


I'm holding off the continuation of my current one until TEW16 comes out, as I'll re-book everything that I've done so far using TEW16 and resume it from there. There might be something else coming as well...

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Is there anyone else who has been holding off on doing a diary until TEW16 comes out?


This. I don't think I'll ever find the motivation to finish my WCW 94 diary, and I want to move on to a 1991 diary I've been wanting to do for awhile (to say nothing of trying my hand at modding and creating a 1980s mod...or recreating my 95 mod that I had on my old hard drive.

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