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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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I signed Randy away from SWF in one of my "create a promotion" cult level companies.


I just renamed him Randy B. Prob not the best solution, but...


In a 2010 game I once renamed them 'Killer B's' - I, too have a problem with their last names and they're right now midcarders in my tag team division >_< ... I know they're too talented for this treatment but until I can come up with a reason to rename them they'll unfortunately go nowhere.

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You could always pull a "John Morrison" too. Have them just change names.


They come out and cut a worked shoot promo, saying management MADE them use the silly last names, said it was the only way they could get signed, but they're sick and tired of being a punchline in the SWF, so from tonight forward they'll henceforth be using their real names, which are...whatever. This could be justification for turning heel, if you want, as they try to get away from their "goody two-shoes" image.


Though I love the "Streets" idea.

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They come out and cut a worked shoot promo, saying management MADE them use the silly last names, said it was the only way they could get signed, but they're sick and tired of being a punchline in the SWF, so from tonight forward they'll henceforth be using their real names, which are...whatever.


But their real last name IS Bumfhole!

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But their real last name IS Bumfhole!


Yeah but only if you decide to stick with the official canon and this is incidentally the beauty of the Cornellverse - nothing is set in stone if you don't want it to and (especially) for a private game you can completely ignore the lore if it doesn't suit your needs. I find this works far easier for me in a CV game than in a RW game.

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I love the Bumfhole name. It seems to get so much emotion out of people. I turn them heel, push them hard, and have them rub their names in everyone's faces. That's right. A Bumfhole is your World Champion. A Bumfhole is the name on the marquee. When your friends catch you watching wrestling, and ask who's on the screen, a Bumfhole will be the answer.


Kind of smarky heel, but I like it.


It's one of those names I assume C-Verse crowds are used to. Like Ziggler. Doesn't seem as stupid as when I first heard it. Hell, Hardy made me giggle back in the day.

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I'm incredibly pleased how my current main event storyline - Eric Eisen's scheme to become head-honcho of the SWF after signing TCW talent - is playing out. I just ran Supreme TV with the main event being Jack Bruce, Remo and Eddie Peak (the only former TCW guy who told Eric to shove it) vs. Eric Eisen, Joey Minnesota and Rocky Golden - the match scored a 96 rating, my best one so far, and incidentally the show was rated 93, also my best one thus far. Troy Tornado debuted in the main event, attacking Jack Bruce drawing the DQ and Troy's gimmick (arrogant outsider) is at 82 while his starting momentum is 88 after this match.


I can't fathom what'll happen once Ramón Marquez (Champagne Lover) returns from filming a movie - good times ahead and all of this is enabling me to slowly phase Christian Faith out of the main event and into some sort of mentor role where he'll be a great hand in putting young guys over.

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I love the Bumfhole name. It seems to get so much emotion out of people. I turn them heel, push them hard, and have them rub their names in everyone's faces. That's right. A Bumfhole is your World Champion. A Bumfhole is the name on the marquee. When your friends catch you watching wrestling, and ask who's on the screen, a Bumfhole will be the answer.


Kind of smarky heel, but I like it.


It's one of those names I assume C-Verse crowds are used to. Like Ziggler. Doesn't seem as stupid as when I first heard it. Hell, Hardy made me giggle back in the day.








So much so that I wish it was my own idea. haha. Awesome perspective, Self. I never thought about taking that disdain the viewer has for the name & just rubbing it in faces of all. It's such a great way to create some natural heat with fans while also coming across a little down-and-dirty in their own way.


For those who don't want to know my recent thoughts as it pertains to the Amazing Bumfholes and my SWF project then read on no further. Those who are interested, you can highlight below:


I thought about turning the Bumfholes as a team; however, it seems as though there is a lack of babyface undercard workers who can ultimately stand as great opponents for UM and ME heels. So far, Randy has shown the ability to pull a "B+" with Rich Money; so, part of me is afraid to move them heel as then I'll be without a babyface option for singles matches (especially one with a C- state of overness where many unemployed workers don't have that overness level).


Instead, there's the better chance of turning one of them and ultimately having the two feud. It's pretty cliche it seems; however, I feel as though I could further a story that would ultimately make it enjoyable. That said, do I really want to give prominent Supreme TV time to the feud? I guess if I book it where they don't HAVE to interact on every show, just that the announcers constantly talk about the two in connection, then it could work. That said, I guess I'm not entirely sure.


I don't feel as bad giving away minor storyline details when it comes to a feud that will most likely be a "D option" at best (with most of the ME's feuds being more front-center). That said, I'm thinking in this case, Zimmy may be the one who turns and ultimately declares himself under the new one-man-name... Zim-ME.


It's modern, a new approach, but one that tells of a man who has denounced the laughing stock that is the Bumfhole name (and his brother by extension) and now only cares about himself (hence.. ME). It's still a work in progress though.

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That's a great idea Eisen - it's always interesting when you realize what two guys you so far didn't know wtf to do with could mean to your roster and storylines.


Edit: Unrelated yet noteworthy - Eddie Peak and Ana Garcia have started dating - this means, since I signed Eddie not too long ago, I bring people together ^^.

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That's a great idea Eisen - it's always interesting when you realize what two guys you so far didn't know wtf to do with could mean to your roster and storylines.




It can be the most stressful situation with this game (having someone you KNOW should be pushed but can't find a way to do it). Once you come across your perspective though, it all comes together & you form a greater connection with that character (and want to see him succeed). Even AFTER pushing people I tend to solidify their characters farther down the road than what I had first thought.


Captain Atomic was a blatant rip-off of the Ultimate Warrior for me in the beginning. Now, though, I'm visualizing small Hulk Hogan aspects to his persona as well. So, over time, you come away with this wonderful creation you're ultimately happy with.

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So I started an SWF save and I fired Marc DuBois, Kurt Laramee, Big Smack Scott and Everest. Backstage popped right up to 80s and I'm a happy man. Teamed up Enforcer Roberts who is 7 years into times Decline with Squeaky McClean as a gatekeeper tag team and changed Joe Sexy's name to Joseph Lust and teamed hm with John Greed as The Sinners.


Things went ok but not great. Added a story with the sinners and The All-Americans for the Tag titles and put together Lobster Warrior with Rich Money and his hired goon Khoklov in another. All my stories were getting crappy grades. I was apparently booking horribly and then I had a big match with Bruce and Christian Faith and it tanked horribly when I noticed Faith is five years into his times decline.


Despite this I hit international right after my first February show and I had to quickly scramble to hire enough workers not to take a hit. Beast Banton, Joss Thompson, Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye, Marc Speed, Sayeed Ali and Roger Cage were hired. And Lenny Brown, Spencer Spade and Masked Patriot who were all begging to be brought up were.


Sayeed Ali and Marc Speed were given Street Fighter gimmick and they are now The Back Alley Brawlers, Masked Patriot was teamed with Marshall Dillon as Southern Comfort, Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez are The Top Rope All-Stars and Roger Cage and Spenser Spade are The Next Big Thing. The problem is I wasn't expecting to hit international and I have no plans for any of these guys although i would love to push both The Back Alley Brawlers and The Top Rope All-Stars at some point.


With all my stories going to crap I decided that Nothing To Lose would end all of them. And start fresh.


The Heart Of The Matter


Eric Eisen beat Angry Gilmore for the title and when he asked for a reamtch Eisen said that its his show and he'll never get a rematch. Christian Faith came out as the voice of reason and tried to get Eisen to give him a title shot but when he said no, Faith got Gilmore a place in the 8 man tournament to crown a new number one contender.


The next week Faith tries to convince Eisen to give up the title out right (mainly because Eisen a main eventer now) but Eric refuses. He then tries to play to his ego telling him he could move on to better and better things, but Eisen denies him. Faith wins his irst round match in the tournament for the number one contender spot but loses his match to Rich Money in round two (mostly because Money paid The Chase Agency to attack Faith before hand) and Eisen comes out to gloat after the match is over.


Faith finally corners Eisen on the last Supreme TV before the PPV and convinces him to make a wager. If Faith beats him at Awesome Impact he gives up the title if not Faith has to serve as his personal assistant. I haven't booked it yet but Faith wins the PPV match and Eisen gives up the title (which will be moved on to the still feuding Rogue and Valiant) but Eisen makes it his lifes mission to destroy Faith. So basically after this most of the upper hand in the feud will go to Eisen on the shows and then Faith will continually beat him at the PPVs until Eric finally hatches the ultimate master plan and puts Faith down. (which will probably entail a vacation and then a return as an upper midcard gatekeep)


Buying The Title


Rich Money destroyed Lobster Warrior after tricking him into a handicap match against himself and Khoklov. The two beat the holy hell out of him after winning the match and Lobby was carted off and is Kayfabe out for two months. Money sets his eye on the world title and gets himself in the tournament. In the first match against Angry Gilmore he blackmails ref Darren Smith into cheating for him becasue Smith owes him money from the backstage poker games he lays (its inn his bio Smith rally does hold backstage poker games). In his second match he beats Faith after Faith is weekend by an attack from The Chase Agency, which Money paid for. The third match Bruce is distracted by Remo and Vengeance (see the Unlikely Heroes story) and Money takes advantage and goes on to Face Frehley at the PPV where he will lose.


The story will continue til I think Supreme challenge with Money using his well money to get shots at the title until he finally steals it from Frehley.


Unlikely Heroes


Annoyed that he already beat Faith at the last PPV and should be number one contender Vengeance attacks Faith getting him the DQ over Rogue in his first round match, but out comes Jack Bruce to make the save as Vengeance continues the assault after the match. Jack Bruce pulls Vengeance in his first round match and takes the win when Vengeance won't stop attacking the fallen Bruce and the ref calls for the DQ. Jack is now on the receiving end but Angry Gilmore appears for the save.


On next show Vengeance attacks Gilmore for making the save and its Bruce's turn to help out Gilmore. Bruce gets Remo in his second round match and takes a clean win over the last man to face Frehley and Remo goes balistic attacking Bruce, until Vengeance runs down to the ring. The two monsters stare at each other and then both attack Bruce until Gilmore runs in for the save, needing to brandish a steel pipe to ward off the much large foes.


On the final Supreme TV before the PPV Remo and Vengeance face Hero Squad and crush them and then beat them until saved by Bruce and Gilmore. Then Bruce has his final match that night against Rich Money for the number one contender spot. AS told Bruce is distracted y the monsters and Money takes the win. But then they attack Bruce, he's saved by Gilmore again and a tag match is scheduled for the PPV. The Monsters will take the first one and then we'll see where it goes.


Only Oneself


Rogue took a clean singles win over Valiant at Nothing To Lose after The Chase Agency had screwed up at every end in trying to help him. Mostly due to Jack Bruce helping Valiant. So on the show after the PPV Rogue tells Chase he's leaving and he'll deal with Valiant on his own. This was because Chase had crappy chemistry with Rogue as a manager. Rogue loses his match to Faith so when Valiant faces Remo, Rogue attacks him causing the loss and then taunts Valiant saying if he can't have a title shot neither can Valiant. The next few shows have some singles wins for both competitors and some backstage confrontations but they don't get a match on the PPV. They'll continue and face off for the NA title at The World is watching maybe.


One Team, wo Team, Three Team More


The sinners took the win over The All-Americans in their second meeting. I'm just not a fan of American Machine. So on the show after Nothing To Lose the Amazing Bumfholes challenge for the title. And so to does the Chase Agency as Emma decides to Focus on James and Huntington and getting them some gold. The Sinners say they need to prove themselves so the two teams each take two wins, one on alternating shows. But after the first show Pimus Allen wants to get called up and I was like to hell with it, I was going to use Sythe but now Allen is Josiah Wrath the third member of the sinners, who are now a stable and are at 87 momentum just from the promos they've been cutting and the beat down of The Top Rope All-Stars and save by The Bumfholes. The sinners say that both teams have done well and set up a match at PPV for them which they will draw and then a three way match will happen at The World Is Watching. This is because I had The Sinners beat the Bumfholes twice when I thought I would be continuing the sotry with The All-Americans and I need some time before I give them a third.


I have a goal to get Randy up to 77 momentum so thye'll probably win the titles at some point.


Other stuff


I picked up Elmo Benson, Andre Jones and Wolf Hawkins looks to be coming my way too. I couldn't out bid NOTBPW on Dan Stone Jr. and Johny Bloodstone says we're to rique.


Now here's my conundrum I wanted a B show but my current TV provider wouldn't pick up another show. SO I went to another TV channel and got accepted for a show but I couldn't get a B-Show so SWF Elite is born. I''m thinking of doing a brand split which will rock all of my plans for my storylines but I can adapt but I'm also not sure I want to.The premise will be that Emma Chase brokered the deal to get the show and she wants to claim it as her own. She makes a bet with Eric Eisen who claims he runs SWF with his father gone (I sent him on vacation becasue he wants to be on shows and well I don't want him on shows) she'll take the win and slow separate her show claiming talent as her own until there is a full brand split between the shows. ut still not sure any suggestions would be great.


Also in two months Lobster Warrior comes back. He's going to come back without themask, more focused and beat Marat Khoklov (I hope) before moving on to a real feud.

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Oh boy how much I suck! A couple of shows for now and I had B- and C+ ratings, the last show bombed: semi main C+ and main C.

I have a question: I read in the topic that Protect and Keep strong do hurt the segment grade. So when should I use them? Only with mid or lowcarders with bad performance skills? And are there combinations of road agent notes that should not be used together? I know that many go only with victor and script/call in ring, but I like the presence of road agent notes and I'll like to learn how to use them.

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Oh boy how much I suck! A couple of shows for now and I had B- and C+ ratings, the last show bombed: semi main C+ and main C.

I have a question: I read in the topic that Protect and Keep strong do hurt the segment grade. So when should I use them? Only with mid or lowcarders with bad performance skills? And are there combinations of road agent notes that should not be used together? I know that many go only with victor and script/call in ring, but I like the presence of road agent notes and I'll like to learn how to use them.


This thread should help some. Use the Dirt Sheet and pay attention to the notes you get. It will help sort out what went wrong with a give match.


When it comes to Protect and Keep Strong, you use them when you need to. You are protecting the image of a given worker at the expense of the match. Its completely unnecessary to "protect" an upper midcarder who is going to win against a lower card opponent - they would naturally be expected to look better in the match. But if I want that lower card talent to look particularly look in the match, in regard to the offense they get, but not actually get the win, I could use it there. Or if you want someone on the losing team in a tag match to look particularly good. Think about the structure of a match and what you are doing with a given note... they tend to make logic sense when you approach them that way...

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I tried a different focus. I created a stable. The Bumfhole Family. See it a sort of Stones or DeColts in SWF.


Add a few fake family members, especially with high sex appeal males (examples: Mainstream Hernandez, Kirk Jameson, Jamie Atherton), fitting their image as young & cool babyfaces. Add as starting manager Dawn, a good to great mix of entertainment & sex appeal. Maybe add later Kristen Pearce or acquire Haley Buck or Krissy Angelle.


My personal goal is to keep the real brothers on the same disposition.


An example: they will exchange a single belt, the North American, Angry Gilmore is too valuable to let him stay in the swamps of the undercard, without facing each other on 1-on-1 matches.


Or a loose alliance with Jack Bruce & Valiant fighting the Chase Agency will be very helpful in the long term.



Sounds more like a Bumfhole Boy Band to me! :D In TEW 2010 I did try creating a boy band stable in SWF, but they were heels...and the Bumfholes weren't included.


Actually, this post and the others about Randy and Zimmy are quite helpful...I've had the same problem - how to properly push the Bumfholes? Turn one or both? Leave them as babyfaces? Having them help Bruce and Valiant against the Chase Agency sounds like a good way to help them shed their "pretty boy" image and have them taken more seriously while remaining as faces.


Regarding their, uh...unorthodox surname, I agree with those who think it's cool. And I think their name may have been inspired by former WWF jobber Buck Zumhofe.

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This thread should help some. Use the Dirt Sheet and pay attention to the notes you get. It will help sort out what went wrong with a give match.


When it comes to Protect and Keep Strong, you use them when you need to. You are protecting the image of a given worker at the expense of the match. Its completely unnecessary to "protect" an upper midcarder who is going to win against a lower card opponent - they would naturally be expected to look better in the match. But if I want that lower card talent to look particularly look in the match, in regard to the offense they get, but not actually get the win, I could use it there. Or if you want someone on the losing team in a tag match to look particularly good. Think about the structure of a match and what you are doing with a given note... they tend to make logic sense when you approach them that way...

Very helpful, thank you.


For my C+ match though, I don't know what went wrong: it was a Jack Bruce (pop. A) vs Rogue (pop. B-), no road agent notes at all and none of them is fatigued. The crowd's mood wasn't brought down either.

I just noticed however the gimmick rating: they're both C+ (and if I need to reach a B as minimum grade as the help button suggests then I'd have to change many worker's gimmick too), does it have a so much high impact?

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Very helpful, thank you.


For my C+ match though, I don't know what went wrong: it was a Jack Bruce (pop. A) vs Rogue (pop. B-), no road agent notes at all and none of them is fatigued. The crowd's mood wasn't brought down either.


How good was the match before it. That happened with my rich money vs christian faith match. The match before it was 84 so it didn't live up to the same standards as the semi main even and got tanked. I ran the same match a month or so later and the match before it only got an 80 so the money vs faith match popped a 92.

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How good was the match before it. That happened with my rich money vs christian faith match. The match before it was 84 so it didn't live up to the same standards as the semi main even and got tanked. I ran the same match a month or so later and the match before it only got an 80 so the money vs faith match popped a 92.

There was a B-rated angle just before it, while the match itself was a B- one.

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I believe I finally found out WHY I'm much more at ease booking the SWF this time around. In the past, I was all about 'the little guy'. I wanted to push a lot of foreign (not original SWF roster) talent & get the younger guys over right away. In doing so, show grades were often tanking pretty bad. Now, I don't really do THAT much better when it comes to show grades as well, but this time around I have seen a greater turnout by focusing in on the BIG names. More or less, it's great to have pet-projects but it's also best to sprinkle them in.


Equally, I was always very anxious about booking someone strong over another. I wanted to push everyone (once again) and had a hard time having someone lose. Before you knew it, I became locked with fear; not wanting to 'screw anything up'. This time around, that's MUCH different.


Someone HAS to lose (just as someone HAS to win). It's just that simple. People like Christian Faith, Angry Gilmore and Brandon James are all some of my favorites; however, with my recent dynasty, they've been forced to lose more than I would typically (in the past) be comfortable with. In one case, one of these guys is really starting to hurt in his momentum. That said, someone HAD to lose in which to elevate another.


I guess that's the thing. When booking to storyline versus in-game mechanics, I'm much more comfortable (not REALLY comfortable mind you) to have someone slide down a slippery slope. Why? Because I know that, eventually, they'll get back up there once it's "time for them". In a sense, it's the hot-hot-hot vs. cooling off period approach. Not everyone can be over ALL the time (Well, outside of Jack Bruce in my mind).


Just thought I'd give that little nugget away.

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I believe I finally found out WHY I'm much more at ease booking the SWF this time around. In the past, I was all about 'the little guy'. I wanted to push a lot of foreign (not original SWF roster) talent & get the younger guys over right away. In doing so, show grades were often tanking pretty bad. Now, I don't really do THAT much better when it comes to show grades as well, but this time around I have seen a greater turnout by focusing in on the BIG names. More or less, it's great to have pet-projects but it's also best to sprinkle them in.


Equally, I was always very anxious about booking someone strong over another. I wanted to push everyone (once again) and had a hard time having someone lose. Before you knew it, I became locked with fear; not wanting to 'screw anything up'. This time around, that's MUCH different.


Someone HAS to lose (just as someone HAS to win). It's just that simple. People like Christian Faith, Angry Gilmore and Brandon James are all some of my favorites; however, with my recent dynasty, they've been forced to lose more than I would typically (in the past) be comfortable with. In one case, one of these guys is really starting to hurt in his momentum. That said, someone HAD to lose in which to elevate another.


I guess that's the thing. When booking to storyline versus in-game mechanics, I'm much more comfortable (not REALLY comfortable mind you) to have someone slide down a slippery slope. Why? Because I know that, eventually, they'll get back up there once it's "time for them". In a sense, it's the hot-hot-hot vs. cooling off period approach. Not everyone can be over ALL the time (Well, outside of Jack Bruce in my mind).


Just thought I'd give that little nugget away.


Actually I very much feel you there. I'm always thinking 'OMG the guy's momentum is gonna go down' before I book him to lose decisively, but fact of the matter is what you already said - someone has to lose for another to win, and keeping the loser strong all the time is unwise as the winner won't get nearly what he could/should be gaining from the win.


However, I rarely book clean finishes on Supreme TV - SWF fans want clean finishes? Go buy the PPVs then :p ... It works ratings wise and it keeps my guys hot enough for the money matches on PPV. Plus, let's not forget - SWF fans aren't the smartest out there (low difficulty for gimmicks anyone?) so they'll never bitch about my booking scheme, means I can milk this for all it's worth ^^.

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I believe I finally found out WHY I'm much more at ease booking the SWF this time around. In the past, I was all about 'the little guy'. I wanted to push a lot of foreign (not original SWF roster) talent & get the younger guys over right away. In doing so, show grades were often tanking pretty bad. Now, I don't really do THAT much better when it comes to show grades as well, but this time around I have seen a greater turnout by focusing in on the BIG names. More or less, it's great to have pet-projects but it's also best to sprinkle them in.


Equally, I was always very anxious about booking someone strong over another. I wanted to push everyone (once again) and had a hard time having someone lose. Before you knew it, I became locked with fear; not wanting to 'screw anything up'. This time around, that's MUCH different.


Someone HAS to lose (just as someone HAS to win). It's just that simple. People like Christian Faith, Angry Gilmore and Brandon James are all some of my favorites; however, with my recent dynasty, they've been forced to lose more than I would typically (in the past) be comfortable with. In one case, one of these guys is really starting to hurt in his momentum. That said, someone HAD to lose in which to elevate another.


I guess that's the thing. When booking to storyline versus in-game mechanics, I'm much more comfortable (not REALLY comfortable mind you) to have someone slide down a slippery slope. Why? Because I know that, eventually, they'll get back up there once it's "time for them". In a sense, it's the hot-hot-hot vs. cooling off period approach. Not everyone can be over ALL the time (Well, outside of Jack Bruce in my mind).


Just thought I'd give that little nugget away.


I've found this to be the case this time around. With the changes to angles it now seems very difficult to get everyone in your Main Event into the 90s in popularity just by sticking them in segments with Jack Bruce. It used to be that you could create half a dozen superstars without ever having them wrestle one another. Now it's far more realistic in that - as you said - people have to lose for others to be elevated.


It makes the Jack Bruces of the Cornellverse SO valuable because they can recover from losses so much better than people with SQ in the 80s.

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I agree totally, I had my main game, then I started a different game to try push unknowns like I used to and show ratings are light and day. You can't have that many unknowns or it'll kill the crowd if they put on a bad match.


My new main game I've been mixing the two:

- Main eventers trade wins in storylines, a couple take the losses.

- The ones taking the losses get the momentum back against midcarders or really good angles.

- Midcarders get their momentum back in tag matches with the main eventers.

- Unknowns wrestle in tag matches with Christian Faith, Enforcer Roberts, etc and pick up a couple of wins.

- A couple of people will be left in momentum hell, you can't avoid it but people like Quadruple B are perfect for this, their tag experience bonus and a decent manager can negate some of the match ratings damage.

- Job the hell out of Big Smack Scott, bleed his overness and morale dry before firing him due to his weekly incidents.


Previously I'd struggled to get Mikey James over due to his tag team with Frankie Perez, I signed Mikey James on his own so Frankie can gain experience on tour and after a couple of tag matches with Christian Faith he'd jumped up to midcard easily.


Having the big guys carry the promising people seems to be the easiest way to gain overness in SWF. There's not many ways to push them quickly without having the crowd complain about jobbers or upsetting someone.


SWF's intensity is low so you might as well throw in all your main eventers as they'll not be taking much physical damage.

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Has anyone attempted a Scaffold Match in the SWF yet? I'm wondering if it's 'allowed'?


I'm devising a plan for a match to be highlighted on "Awesome Impact" sharing the same name. In a sense, it's a scaffold match; however, without the game in front of me, I'm unable to know if such a match would 'work' in the SWF?




Meanwhile, it's good to know there are others out there who are feeling the same way I am about booking the SWF. I'll admit. I'm no expert at booking an SE company. Hell, almost ALL of my shows end up as a "B" with an occasional "B-" making me cringe. That said, I feel as though, this time around, I feel more at ease with having someone drop a match.


That said, there are certain people (Jack Bruce and Vengeance come to mind) who I protect from losing on a more consistent basis. For me, to have one of them drop a match, there HAS to be a really good reason for doing so.

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Meanwhile, it's good to know there are others out there who are feeling the same way I am about booking the SWF. I'll admit. I'm no expert at booking an SE company. Hell, almost ALL of my shows end up as a "B" with an occasional "B-" making me cringe. That said, I feel as though, this time around, I feel more at ease with having someone drop a match.


That said, there are certain people (Jack Bruce and Vengeance come to mind) who I protect from losing on a more consistent basis. For me, to have one of them drop a match, there HAS to be a really good reason for doing so.


This is not to crap on your booking style at all, but the way game mechanics work, for a SE promotion, there must at least one guy with a HUGE amount of popularity. Your booking style has a back-and-forth. That's okay, as long as there is one wrestler that is dominant over almost everyone else most of the time. It's needed for good Angles and what-not, and in a pinch, decent match grades as well. Without it, things tend to wishy-washy in terms of grades.


I know Jim Cornette is no SE guy, but he always aaid, one guy must get over before others can get over; you then use your most over guy to get the other guys over.


As for using a Scaffold match, go for it. Bear in mind, though, "AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, HE'S BROKEN IN HALF" moments are rare. Tons of "teases" of falls, but nothing actually happen, save for a single, dramatic moment.

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