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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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Pretty sure the chem doesn't affect multi man matches. I know I got Trent Shaffer and Ricky DeColt with horrid chemisty that doesn't allow them pretty much to pull better than a C- or C, but in a three way that included Dan DaLay they easily pull a B-. I am really curious now and might have to do a private SWF game to see what goes on and tinker with it.


Hmmmm. I 'know' its not supposed to but I kind of think it does. And I also think it has an impact on tag team matches too. Even though it doesn't pop up in dirt sheet notes for either.


EV - as always great work going on here sir. Noone on this forum knows how to make a PPV seem BIG like you do



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Nice touch on Underground with the highlight reel malfunction. It's like the evil of Vengeance is slowly creeping back into the SWF, like an ominous fog of malevolence... or something.


And here was me thinking it was just dodgy Puerto Rican wiring at the PPV. ;)

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Eisen-Verse, I just want to let you know, when I had Jack Bruce versus Rich Money, I had one case where they went to a B-; however, the next time I matched them up, it was an A. Sometimes two or even three guys can be off, either off by themselves, or off together. On top of that, A triple threat match means more possible for screw-ups, considering there's an extra man in the ring.


Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong".

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Whoa. We're kinda sharing a wavelength here, E-V. I've nicknamed Davids "Prime Time" as well! He's just about to break into the main event.


Great minds...
(trailing off due to the cliche nature of the statement)


The "Prime Time" persona is something I'm really excited about. It gives him some life; where as, up until now, he's been a bland blue-collar wrestler. Now, with Joseph Sexy at his side, he can go a little further as a character. As you'll come to find, even though they're working together, it's not that Des is overtly friendly with Sexy. Then again, not many are.... even his friends seem to disregard him. (Sexy that is). ha.


Here's the picture I'm using for "Prime Time"...
(thank you, EdJames)




BTW, best dynasty/diary I've read since coming here. The last one that caught me was a DAVE diary with Peak as the Great White Shark. I wish I could remember who did that one.


Keep it up, man. I look forward to your shows every time. Thanks for doing this. =)


Thank you for this as well, mit!


Was the Peak character part of Marc Cuban does DaVE? That seems to be the dynasty that pulled A LOT of readers in. Classic dynasty.


All in all, it's awesome to know that you're placing this project in such high regard. Honestly, out of all the projects that I've done, this one feels 'right'. I feel most comfortable, most excited, creative, focused (Long and short term), and satisfied. It's a great feeling to have after writing a number of projects with the opposite taking place.


Pretty sure the chem doesn't affect multi man matches. I know I got Trent Shaffer and Ricky DeColt with horrid chemisty that doesn't allow them pretty much to pull better than a C- or C, but in a three way that included Dan DaLay they easily pull a B-. I am really curious now and might have to do a private SWF game to see what goes on and tinker with it.
Hmmmm. I 'know' its not supposed to but I kind of think it does. And I also think it has an impact on tag team matches too. Even though it doesn't pop up in dirt sheet notes for either.


I thought there may be a problem there (but kept on being reassured that it doesn't effect it). Bruce & Remo have bad chemistry; so, there's a chance that could have caused the problem. Plus, Big Cat Brandon isn't necessarily an in-ring mastermind. ha. He's no Angry Gilmore. So, between the two scenarios, that could be what tanked the match (C+).


In reality, I've had trouble with Big Cat as it is anyways. He's a great persona but not a great 'grade getter' thus far.


EV - as always great work going on here sir. Noone on this forum knows how to make a PPV seem BIG like you do




Thank you, boltinho!


With this project, more so than others, I really wanted to bring a sense of grandiosity to the SWF's PPV's. In the past, I've failed to do that with other projects.


I really want for someone to walk away from reading an SWF PPV knowing that they read something 'special'. In a sense, I want to persuade you, as real companies do, to 'buy' the PPV. Now, I know there's no actual 'buying' but it's the thought in mind. "How can I get the reader to really dive into the stories & WANT to invest themselves in it?". In reality, I have this thought in mind for SupremeTV episodes as well; however, the PPV's carry more weight to make sure that I 'get it right'.


Nice touch on Underground with the highlight reel malfunction. It's like the evil of Vengeance is slowly creeping back into the SWF, like an ominous fog of malevolence... or something.


And here was me thinking it was just dodgy Puerto Rican wiring at the PPV. ;)


Thank you, Sebs!


I really wanted the Vengeance return to be a slow-draw. I mean, even HE can't return THAT quickly after being fried to nothing on a generator. haha. As you'll come to find, he's adopted a new sense of power going forward from recent events...


In a sense, the Vengeance we're about to see is, most certainly, the "Demon" on steroids...

Eisen-Verse, I just want to let you know, when I had Jack Bruce versus Rich Money, I had one case where they went to a B-; however, the next time I matched them up, it was an A. Sometimes two or even three guys can be off, either off by themselves, or off together. On top of that, A triple threat match means more possible for screw-ups, considering there's an extra man in the ring.


Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong".


Bruce & Money should really be able to pull stronger than a "B-" in ANY exchange. That said, what you've shown there is that it can range a great deal based upon a number of factors. For me, I MAY be laying my shows out wrong (to get a grade overall grade) but I feel it's pretty much the standard show approach. Either way, I guess it just goes to show you... Even the top names can pull a bad grade for whatever reason (and not live up to their hype). I'll just have to continue to toy around with things and see what I can do to maximize grades going further.


Somehow, someway, I tend to ALWAYS pull a "C+" on most all gimmicks that I change as well. Just seems like things kinda gravitate toward lackluster (which, I guess, is more based upon reality as not everything hits really hard & well).

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That PPV was totally awesome!! I KNEW Lobbie would pull through! Frehley retaining was a (slightly disappointing) surprise...I'm hoping it leads to a Remo vs Frehley match, since I'm running the same match at The Supreme Challenge (though not for the title and in an Empty Arena) and am expecting big things.


The Davids turn was totally unexpected, but totally needed. The All-Americans were stale as, and Davids has always had potential for much more. You've done a few turns so far in this (Zimmy, Brandon, Des, Jungle Lord), and all of them have been awesome.


And I wouldn't worry too much about the match ratings...it tends to happen in SWF...I've only managed to get one A rated match in my SWF game, and it was an eight man tag featuring the likes of Faith, Bruce, Gilmore and Money. I think that if you can manage to do enough to stabilize your popularity, you should be fine. I 'adjusted' my game to make my TV shows 50/50 match ratio, and that has helped heaps. Gilmore, Bruce and Vengeance angles carry my shows when my main events flop. I know you don't want to do that though, since you like to play it as Adam set it.


If you are willing to try and steal other talent, get Joey Minnesota. I've had him for a month and he hasn't had a single match lower than 80 and has had two of my top five matches in the past two months. He's a pain, but an awesome pain.


Anyway, still a massive fan and still inspired to continue my SWF game...only three shows till Supreme Challenge! Good luck!!

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Coming up soon... 2 internet website posts talking about 'backstage' scenarios in the SWF right now.


That PPV was totally awesome!! I KNEW Lobbie would pull through! Frehley retaining was a (slightly disappointing) surprise...I'm hoping it leads to a Remo vs Frehley match, since I'm running the same match at The Supreme Challenge (though not for the title and in an Empty Arena) and am expecting big things.


Frehley/Remo is a combination that I plan to portray much like charging rams. They may stagger away from one another from time to time; however, will always find a way to slam into one another once again. They're both around the same age, really the 'future of the SWF'; so, it's important to tell their story well.


I see them much like Triple H and the Rock. Not in personas but in what their feud meant for the both of them and the WWF(E).


In reality, the combination of the two MAY be THE most important for the future of the SWF as a whole!


The Davids turn was totally unexpected, but totally needed. The All-Americans were stale as, and Davids has always had potential for much more. You've done a few turns so far in this (Zimmy, Brandon, Des, Jungle Lord), and all of them have been awesome.


Thank you!


I've been trying to slowly progress the face/heel turns that I am looking to create. While I know there's an initial tug to turn people on a dime so that the company looks and feels as you WANT it to, I really want to make this project as organic as possible.


Between those you listed, my favorite 'turn' thus far has been Des. While it JUST happened, I feel he has the highest ceiling of all of them. Truthfully, I expect Des to be a ME by the end of the year (if not earlier).


And I wouldn't worry too much about the match ratings...it tends to happen in SWF...I've only managed to get one A rated match in my SWF game, and it was an eight man tag featuring the likes of Faith, Bruce, Gilmore and Money. I think that if you can manage to do enough to stabilize your popularity, you should be fine. I 'adjusted' my game to make my TV shows 50/50 match ratio, and that has helped heaps. Gilmore, Bruce and Vengeance angles carry my shows when my main events flop. I know you don't want to do that though, since you like to play it as Adam set it.


Bumping the ratio really would help but, as you said, I really want to book the SWF the way that Adam created it. That's actually really important to me. That said.... You got an 'A' on an eight man tag? That's awesome! I would think that match would get dinged for the amount of people in it (the more wrestlers in a match = higher potential for problems).


Either way, It's a learning process. As long as I can keep my ME's strong & keep my job then I'll be happy (until I find a better way to grab some higher grades).


If you are willing to try and steal other talent, get Joey Minnesota. I've had him for a month and he hasn't had a single match lower than 80 and has had two of my top five matches in the past two months. He's a pain, but an awesome pain.


Believe me, I'm hoping Joey comes down the pike. I'd salivate at the idea of booking a Minnesota/Gilmore feud (as everyone does I believe). From there, a Minnesota/Remo feud would be pretty sweet to book as well.


Anyway, still a massive fan and still inspired to continue my SWF game...only three shows till Supreme Challenge! Good luck!!


PM me your "Supreme Challenge" card (that is if you want)! I'd love to see what you've got for the BIGGEST show of the year!


Mark Cuban Does DaVE! That's what it was!




Just in case anyone wants to re-read the awesomeness.


I recommend this to ANY reader out there; especially those who need some additional inspiration for writing their own projects. Awesome dynasty!

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RUMOR: SWF Brass high on Steve Frehley





SWF insiders are claiming that Head Booker, Duane Fry, is very high on SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley. Several reports have gone as far as to say that Fry feels Frehley is the “future of the SWF”.


In recent weeks, there were rumors circulating that the World Heavyweight Championship was to change hands at “The World is Watching”. Said rumors stated that company officials were more comfortable with Rich Money carrying the strap long-term. That said, with the recent outcome, it appears that this may have been a misguided source.


“There was talk of Steve[Frehley] dropping the belt to Rich [Money] last month at ‘Awesome Impact’. That didn’t stretch to this month. It was always the plan to keep the belt on Steve.”

-SWF inside Source


Duane Fry’s support of Steve Frehley isn’t alarming; however, it does define the new Head Booker in a way. Ever since the “Dark Destroyer” won the belt in July 2012, there was considerable chatter amongst wrestling critics that Frehley was not “championship material”. Wrestling websites challenged the idea and ultimately said he would drop the belt before the end of the year. Now, in April of 2013, there doesn’t appear to be any rush to remove the belt from Frehley at this point.


By keeping the belt on Frehley, and showing his undying support, Fry has pretty much created an air of defiance if you will. More or less, he’s not willing to move the title just because others in the industry may be calling for it.


It’s unknown whether or not Fry plans to keep the belt on Frehley going into “Supreme Challenge 33” but, either way, he’ll most likely have a prominent role on the BIGGEST pay-per-view of the year!


More information to come…


SWF – Steve Frehley – Duane Fry


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By keeping the belt on Frehley, and showing his undying support, Fry has pretty much created an air of defiance if you will. More or less, he’s not willing to move the title just because others in the industry may be calling for it.


I LOVE this! Frehley is totally championship material and I am happy he still has the strap.

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Bruce the Giant signs with the SWF!





It’s now official. Bruce the Giant will be returning to the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the coming weeks.


While the details of the contract are somewhat hazy at this point, it’s being reported that the most recognizable wrestler in the world will be returning to an SWF ring under a “Special Attraction” scenario. With this in mind, many expect his presence to be much like Vengeance and Marat Khoklov’s; used sparingly; however, at important junctures.


The SWF is typically very quiet about their signings; however, this one was leaked to the press after Bruce cleared the air while traveling back to his native Australia. At this point, the interview has spread all over the internet like wild-fire. In said video, shot as the gigantic wrestler was entering into a massive crowd at the Melbourne airport, Bruce made it very clear that he was excited about returning to Eisen’s company. He ultimately stated his reasoning being that “Richard [Eisen] wanted me more. That’s exciting”.


At this point, it’s unclear how Bruce will be used creatively; however, one has to believe he’ll be working with someone at the top of the card. In reality though, with the ‘Run to Supreme Challenge 33” already in full-force, many are wondering how he may fit into THE most exciting time in the SWF’s calendar year?


It should be noted that Sam Strong, Bruce’s good friend and former employer, had no comment on the matter.


SWF – Bruce the Giant – Duane Fry – Richard Eisen


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Bruce the Giant signs with the SWF!





It’s now official. Bruce the Giant will be returning to the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the coming weeks.


While the details of the contract are somewhat hazy at this point, it’s being reported that the most recognizable wrestler in the world will be returning to an SWF ring under a “Special Attraction” scenario. With this in mind, many expect his presence to be much like Vengeance and Marat Khoklov’s; used sparingly; however, at important junctures.


The SWF is typically very quiet about their signings; however, this one was leaked to the press after Bruce cleared the air while traveling back to his native Australia. At this point, the interview has spread all over the internet like wild-fire. In said video, shot as the gigantic wrestler was entering into a massive crowd at the Melbourne airport, Bruce made it very clear that he was excited about returning to Eisen’s company. He ultimately stated his reasoning being that “Richard [Eisen] wanted me more. That’s exciting”.


At this point, it’s unclear how Bruce will be used creatively; however, one has to believe he’ll be working with someone at the top of the card. In reality though, with the ‘Run to Supreme Challenge 33” already in full-force, many are wondering how he may fit into THE most exciting time in the SWF’s calendar year?


It should be noted that Sam Strong, Bruce’s good friend and former employer, had no comment on the matter.


SWF – Bruce the Giant – Duane Fry – Richard Eisen


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Bruce. Khoklov. Done.

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Bruce vs Khoklov would be... wow :cool:


I can't tell you flat out what I've got in mind but... it should be interesting.


By the way: is Vengeance now also working a PPV-only contract?

I keep hoping to see him pop back up during SupremeTV to get his revenge on Cpt Atomic :)


He's still under a normal contract. That said, I've been keeping him off TV in which to sell the generator incident. For all we know, the "Demon" is no longer. There are hints that he's not entirely; however, to the average viewer, he's 'dead and gone'.


I've been utilizing a slow return in which to milk the ominous feel of it all.

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Episode #:

Week Date:
3rd Tuesday, April 2013

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Mayor Street Arena (New England)

Main Event:
Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money


The World was watching as SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen dubiously scored a controversial victory over Christian Faith; declaring himself the TRUE “Mr. SWF” in the process…


The World was watching as Lobster Warrior regained his identity by reclaiming his coveted mask; defeating Rogue in the process…


The World was watching as the “Alpha Dog” put forth an onslaught that can only be described as ‘awe-inspiring’; defeating Jack Bruce & Big Cat Brandon in powerful fashion…


The World was watching when Steve Frehley retained the SWF World Heavyweight Championship by casting Rich Money from the top of a ladder; through a nearby table…


The World certainly WAS watching.


In one night, the Supreme Wrestling Federation redefined the very industry that it introduced. In one night, the company as a whole took yet another step toward absolute supremacy.


In the fallout from last week’s PPV, the SWF returns to SupremeTV with a level of excitement unseen before. Questions have risen as to HOW Rich Money will DEAL with his highly publicized loss? Equally, the tension between Eisen & Faith appears to be at an all-time high; what will this mean for the two Supreme Superstars? So many questions… Very little in the way of answers…


This week, as SupremeTV returns to the New England area, the fallout from “The World is Watching” is bound to bring forth a state of insanity. Tune in to find out just how crazy… things can get…


Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord
w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]

After successfully bringing the SWF World Tag Team Championships to their camp, will the Truth continue their impressive streak by gaining revenge on an old-foe in Captain Atomic?


Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]

In a blast from the past, two long time rivals will clash once again on SupremeTV. Who will walk away with bragging rights?


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]

After being left off of "The World is Watching", Valiant is coming into SupremeTV with an axe-to-grind no doubt. With that said, WHO will rise up as the man who accepts his open challenge?


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money
w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

After falling short (well, really, falling from on high through a table) at "The World is Watching", what will SWF OWNER Rich Money have in store for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley? Furthermore, can Remo capitalize on a 'jaw-dropping' performance this past Thursday and continue to make waves around the SWF?

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After successfully bringing the SWF World Tag Team Championships to their camp, will the Truth continue their impressive streak by gaining revenge on an old-foe in Captain Atomic?

Captain Atomic still has his big showdown against Vengeance to build up to so he needs to be kept strong.


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]

Question: In a blast from the past, two long time rivals will clash once again on SupremeTV. Who will walk away with bragging rights?

I feel like Faith has lost quite a bit recently so a good win against Roberts is what he needs.


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]

Question: After being left off of "The World is Watching", Valiant is coming into SupremeTV with an axe-to-grind no doubt. With that said, WHO will rise up as the man who accepts his open challenge?

Valiant will probably get his big push next SWF year so now a foundations needs to be created.


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: After falling short (well, really, falling from on high through a table) at "The World is Watching", what will SWF OWNER Rich Money have in store for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley? Furthermore, can Remo capitalize on a 'jaw-dropping' performance this past Thursday and continue to make waves around the SWF?

Money can beat Frehley in everything except single matches so I expect him to win. Plus BCB is kind of a lower level Main Eventer compared to the other three.

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After successfully bringing the SWF World Tag Team Championships to their camp, will the Truth continue their impressive streak by gaining revenge on an old-foe in Captain Atomic?

Atomic is getting pretty big push and that should see him going past Jungle Lord even with the number game again him.


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]

Question: In a blast from the past, two long time rivals will clash once again on SupremeTV. Who will walk away with bragging rights?

Roberts is a great guy but in SWF he´s pretty much midcard gatekeeper and Faith has been above midcard for god knows how long.


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]

Question: After being left off of "The World is Watching", Valiant is coming into SupremeTV with an axe-to-grind no doubt. With that said, WHO will rise up as the man who accepts his open challenge?

Valiant has been close to main event scene for some time now so I figure that he will win unless the mystery man is main event level guy.


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: After falling short (well, really, falling from on high through a table) at "The World is Watching", what will SWF OWNER Rich Money have in store for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley? Furthermore, can Remo capitalize on a 'jaw-dropping' performance this past Thursday and continue to make waves around the SWF?

This is pretty tough one as I feel that Brandon would gain most from the win. Still, Money could use the win too and Remo has the momentum going so I would go with heels on this one.

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After successfully bringing the SWF World Tag Team Championships to their camp, will the Truth continue their impressive streak by gaining revenge on an old-foe in Captain Atomic?


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]

Question: In a blast from the past, two long time rivals will clash once again on SupremeTV. Who will walk away with bragging rights?


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]

Question: After being left off of "The World is Watching", Valiant is coming into SupremeTV with an axe-to-grind no doubt. With that said, WHO will rise up as the man who accepts his open challenge?


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: After falling short (well, really, falling from on high through a table) at "The World is Watching", what will SWF OWNER Rich Money have in store for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley? Furthermore, can Remo capitalize on a 'jaw-dropping' performance this past Thursday and continue to make waves around the SWF?

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THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After successfully bringing the SWF World Tag Team Championships to their camp, will the Truth continue their impressive streak by gaining revenge on an old-foe in Captain Atomic?

No, probably not. Atomic took down Vengeance for cryin' out loud. I forsee a 3-on-1 DQ with Greed and Squeeks getting involved.


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]

Question: In a blast from the past, two long time rivals will clash once again on SupremeTV. Who will walk away with bragging rights?

Faith wins, Eisen tries to interfere, Eisen gets curb stomped.


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]

Question: After being left off of "The World is Watching", Valiant is coming into SupremeTV with an axe-to-grind no doubt. With that said, WHO will rise up as the man who accepts his open challenge?

I really like Valiant. Great name, great render, great character. But I can't bet against the ?????.


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: After falling short (well, really, falling from on high through a table) at "The World is Watching", what will SWF OWNER Rich Money have in store for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley? Furthermore, can Remo capitalize on a 'jaw-dropping' performance this past Thursday and continue to make waves around the SWF?

I can't hold off any longer. Loving this diary, but failing to put the belt on Money has really stalled his momentum. I can't view him as a credible threat anymore. Which is fine if you're done with Frehley vs Money. Remo, on the other hand...

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]

Question: After successfully bringing the SWF World Tag Team Championships to their camp, will the Truth continue their impressive streak by gaining revenge on an old-foe in Captain Atomic?


Hmmm...the guy who can dominate the World Title scene...or the guy who dominates the Tag scene? Atomic will gain a massive head of steam heading into his face-off with Vengeance.


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]

Question: In a blast from the past, two long time rivals will clash once again on SupremeTV. Who will walk away with bragging rights?


Enforcer Joberts? (Yeah, not as good as 'Jobbie Retro') Faith needs something...a win over the midcard gatekeeper is a start.


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]

Question: After being left off of "The World is Watching", Valiant is coming into SupremeTV with an axe-to-grind no doubt. With that said, WHO will rise up as the man who accepts his open challenge?


Valiant is probably one of my favourite SWF stars, so I hope he wins. Though if the challenger is Des Davids...well...I'd still pick Valiant, but it won't be easy.


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: After falling short (well, really, falling from on high through a table) at "The World is Watching", what will SWF OWNER Rich Money have in store for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley? Furthermore, can Remo capitalize on a 'jaw-dropping' performance this past Thursday and continue to make waves around the SWF?


Frehley doesn't lose often...he just gets beaten up in angles. Plus this could help give BCB some relevance and would help fuel the constant fire between Frehley and Remo.

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THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

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The time has come once again…


The time has come for YOU to become…
The Master of Puppets!


Keeping with tradition, the Supreme Wrestling Federation is now in your hands leading up to it’s May pay-per-view extravaganza, “Master of Puppets”. With this in mind, as in years past, YOU (the SWF Nation) will dictate the path of THE most beloved and hated Supreme Superstars in history. No vote will be turned away. No decision too ‘out of the box’. The next month is YOURS to create.


That is… unless Rich Money has something to do with it…


“Over my dead body. This is MY company; I’ll book it as I want”

-Rich Money,


While the fan-slanted pay-per-view was Richard Eisen’s creation, we are no longer under Eisen rule. With this in mind, many have speculated that Money has already decided against the trademark event. Add in the fact that he’s now lost twice in a row, live on PPV, against Steve Frehley and you’ve got a recipe for suppression. There’s no doubt that the SWF OWNER is looking to continue his war with Frehley; however, placing the control in the hands of the fans leaves him, quite possibly, on the outside looking in for another month.


This won’t sit well with Money. Hence, the instant ‘not on my watch’ scenario.


Will Rich Money be able to keep the SWF Nation from impacting HIS company; becoming the “Master of Puppets” once again?


This remains to be seen. Either way, it’s bound to come to a head this Tuesday night as the SWF returns to SupremeTV!




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THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. Jungle Lord w/ the Truth

[standard Singles Match]


"THE IRON MAN" Christian Faith vs. Enforcer Roberts

[standard Singles Match]


Valiant vs. ?????

[Open Challenge]


Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]

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<p><strong>Captain Atomic</strong> vs jungle lord</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong> vs Enforcer Roberts</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Valiant</strong> vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

Big Cat Brandon and Steve Frehley vs <strong>Remo and Rich Money</strong></p>

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