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Click Here to read "When Hell Freezes Over"/PPV

The show results were posted today (12/27) and are on the previous page.



Thank you to everyone who have read "When Hell Freezes Over" thus far. Without class, as I'm on Dec/January break, I've been able to put a lot of time into this project (hence why it only took a day or so to write the PPV). In the future, once school starts at the end of January, this project will move MUCH MUCH slower but, for now, it's all been flowing really quickly.


Maybe it's a new TEW, or it's finally feeling comfortable with the SWF roster, but I'm having the most fun I've had with a diary in quite some time. WAR was a lot of fun; however, the last company I've enjoyed this much was the first stint of DOA. I think it's the characters that are pulling me in right now; attempting to do my best to tell their story as well as I can. To me, it's overly important to give the big name SWF characters their justice. In previous companies, I often glazed over character details & didn't really put the work into that very much. This time around, with the SWF, I'm spending a lot of my free time crafting storylines that fit with the mannerisms/perspective of each character. More or less, I want it to be as authentic as possible.


As it pertains to image development, I'm one who believes 110% in creating a cohesive brand (even for a fictional company). As viewers, imagery is often what pulls us in & keeps us fixated. It can be the difference between a box office smash & a dwindling dud. Not saying that you can't have a great dynasty without flash but, for me, the visual aspect is really important to the depth of storytelling; especially when this is a 2-D writing format (and not something you can take in by viewing in a 3-D, TV Show-like format).


Before moving on, I did want to comment on a few points of feedback. With that said, here we go:


I really like this diary. Love the Faith vs Vengeance storyline. It reminds me of HHH and Undertaker a little bit as that is sort of how I envision both competitors.


Wondering what the red X is.


Rich Money is one of my favorite characters in the C-Verse so I am curious as to where that is going but so far it has my interest.


A lot of great material here. I like your write ups and usually skim over the match writings so I like the bullet points.


Between show write ups are really good and this style works well for me.


The graphics have been great. Interesting to find out you make them thru a website and not using Photoshop. Thank you for letting us know that. This may help others in their diaries. Graphics really add to a diary I feel.


I must admit that I've taken some influence from the UT/HHH storyline. As you said, it's easy to draw connections between UT/Vengeance and Faith/HHH; however, with that said, I'm trying to give each their own wrinkle that make them unique (and not carbon copies). I equally must admit that I actually haven't seen a WWE program in almost 2 years now; so, while I know of the UT/HHH storyline from the occasional you-tube viewing, I'm thankfully removed from the details of their interactions. Luckily, this allows me to have free-range with a basic idea & eventually unravel the unique nature of this feud versus what you saw in the WWE.


Also, Rich Money is one of my favorites as well & I'm enjoying the latest perspective I've built for him. As I've said before, he has a HUGE 2013 ahead of him & could, in the end of it, come away as one of the biggest stars of this entire project (Granted, that's pretty hard to calculate seeing how I'm only about 3 shows into this thing).


Excellent show, grades be damned. Visually, story lines, you got it all going on. Two thumbs up. Capt. Atomic winning was a surprise. Lets see how this plays out.


Yay! Someone else loves Captain Atomic as well!


A lot of people were pushing for John Greed, which I understand (truly), but I'm hoping to possibly elevate both at some point. That said, if I can secure a "B" show coming up here, there's a good chance you could see the two crossing paths again (Greed and Atomic).


Great show Eisen-Verse. Visually stunning as always, with some great content as well. Loving what you've done with Rich Money so far, can't wait to see where you're going with that. I have to admit, I was surprised that you let Christian Faith look quite as weak as you did, but I'm sure it will all make sense in the long run. ;)


While Christian Faith did lose at "WHFO", I don't know if he can across weak per se. He took the brunt of Vengeance's powerful onslaught and yet he kept on coming back for more; kicking out of everything. Sure, his offense wasn't as strong as he normally would put out but he's not facing a 'normal opponent' in Vengeance. To me, "The Demon" has a supernatural basis to him; almost unstoppable in every way. A simple punch won't keep him down; or move him for that matter. You've got to dig down deep, gather up everything you've got, and add an 'x-factor' into your approach because if you come at him like you would wrestle any other big-man you're bound to get destroyed.


As you expected though, there's a reason to having Faith lose & look weaker than he normally would (not necessarily 'weak' but weaker in the sense that he's normally a brutish competitor on his own). I wanted to tell the story of Vengeance being 'unstoppable'... 'unmovable'... 'indestructible'. At that point, losing to him doesn't make you look vulnerable; just adds up to a human being not being able to tackle a supernatural being.


This storyline certainly has A LOT of legs ahead of it; so, Faith will have his chance to come back at the "Demon".




NEXT UP: SWF.com articles about Gilmore & Faith/Vengeance.

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Initial reports from St. Mary’s hospital out of Manhattan have placed Tom “Angry” Gilmore in serious condition following a vicious assault he suffered at the hands of Marat Khoklov. It’s been said that the emergency staff at the renowned medical center thought Mr. Gilmore had survived a high-speed car accident; however, later came upon the shocking news that his injuries were suffered at the hands of another human being. Their shock, it seems, comes from the notion that many felt such intense damage could not be done by another.


“The sheer power this person would have to have
. It’s a scary thought to know someone like that is out there.”
– Emergency Room Charge RN


While it’s still rather early, doctors feel as though Gilmore could rebound physically but it will take extensive rehabilitation.


“When he came in, Mr. Gilmore was suffering from a range of intense injuries but it was the swelling in his brain that had us most worried. The second he came in, we had to go straight into surgery in which to alleviate the pressure & hopefully reduce the swelling. We believe we were successful in doing so but it’s all a waiting game right now.”
– Lead Emergency Surgeon


Even if Tom “Angry” Gilmore were to rebound, many expect his rehabilitation process to extend at least 6-months or so. With this in mind, the talk of retirement is, once again, being brought to the fore-front by SWF medical professionals.


“He can’t keep this up any longer. After the earlier attack by Eric [Eisen], we went on the record stating that we felt it would be in the best interest for Tom & his family that he walk away. At this point, following what happened this past Thursday night, we now must go further than ‘going on the record’. With the severity of his injuries, some that could last the duration of his life if not challenge said life, this office is expecting to never clear Mr. Gilmore for competition. This could change but, at this point, I don’t see where we could.”
– Head Medical Professional with Supreme Wrestling Federation


Last time around, following Eric Eisen’s attack in November upon Gilmore, many pushed for the “Angry One” to step away & retire. At this point, given what we’ve heard from the Head Medical Professional with the SWF, the decision for retirement may not be in his hands anymore.


More information to come…





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An excellent pay-per-view, E-V. As with any great story teller, I can tell that you already have a sense of where things are going. There's no crash booking but an intricate web of stories designed to entertain the reader. Each element has a plot purpose. Nothing is done simply to fill in time or space. That is the mark of a great storyteller. You are always two or three steps ahead, I would say, at least.
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Excellent work as always EV. Don't worry too much about the match grades. Popularity seems to have a greater effect in Pop over Performance feds in the 2013 edition than it has in past games where in ring skill alone almost guarantees a solid match grade, which is a good thing, but you have to build some people's popularity a bit before the grades get better I've discovered. High rated Angles will be your best friend until then. Keep up the good work sir! :D
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Why this diary isn't an undisputed 5 stars beggars belief.....


No offence to anyone else who has started a diary thus far, but this stands head and shoulders above anything else right now and even though my own diary has yet to truly get started, I'd be humble enough to say that this would even stand above my own work.....


If Eisenverse keeps at it, so that this diary endures and see's itself through to a satisying conclusion- then this certainly has the potential to go down as one of the greatest TEW diaries of all time.

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Awesome PPV. Some absolutely brutal match ups. I'll have to see if I can top it!


Keep up the good work.


I have all the faith in the world that you'll do a great job topping me.
It's nice to have some fellow SWF-writers out there as it makes it easier to talk things through & solidify some character developments. Thank you for that thus far (as I've enjoyed our conversations).


An excellent pay-per-view, E-V. As with any great story teller, I can tell that you already have a sense of where things are going. There's no crash booking but an intricate web of stories designed to entertain the reader. Each element has a plot purpose. Nothing is done simply to fill in time or space. That is the mark of a great storyteller. You are always two or three steps ahead, I would say, at least.


Thank you, Angel!


In previous projects, I would book in a 'crash TV' style, throwing shows together on a whim, but this time around things are quite different. I've mapped out where I want it to go, in detail, up to the next PPV (and plan on doing that for the foreseeable future). Even as grad school slows me down in a few weeks, it will allow me to book out in the future before writing. This helps greatly!


I'm starting to enjoy how it's all weaving now. I booked it to do so but it's always great to know when you've 'got there' in the story.


Excellent work as always EV. Don't worry too much about the match grades. Popularity seems to have a greater effect in Pop over Performance feds in the 2013 edition than it has in past games where in ring skill alone almost guarantees a solid match grade, which is a good thing, but you have to build some people's popularity a bit before the grades get better I've discovered. High rated Angles will be your best friend until then. Keep up the good work sir! :D


I've already noticed some chances in the system this year. Last game, booking Bruce in a match almost certainly ended in a C level match for me. This time around, He pulled my best match thus far ("B" vs. Rogue on Superme TV). I now know I can trust in him to develop a strong match since his popularity is sitting at an "A". It feels MUCH more realistic in that manner!


Outside of that, I have 5 other wrestlers all sitting at a "B+" (Vengeance, Remo, Steve Frehley, Marat Khoklov, and Rich Mone); so, hopefully with strong angles, we can move toward even better grades down the road.


Why this diary isn't an undisputed 5 stars beggars belief.....


No offence to anyone else who has started a diary thus far, but this stands head and shoulders above anything else right now and even though my own diary has yet to truly get started, I'd be humble enough to say that this would even stand above my own work.....


If Eisenverse keeps at it, so that this diary endures and see's itself through to a satisying conclusion- then this certainly has the potential to go down as one of the greatest TEW diaries of all time.




This is such a lofty statement & I thank you greatly for feeling as if my SWF project COULD reach that level. I know that, from my side, I plan on booking this project for the long-haul. As stated before, graduate school will slow this project down a tad but know that I'm going to do all I can in my limited free time to keep things rolling as quick as I can.


Either way, Thank you SO much for this, Tiger. It's awesome to know that it ranks so high with you.

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“The Iron Man” has long been thought to be indestructible. Last night, at “When Hell Freezes Over”, that perspective took a hefty blow.


… As did Christian Faith; repeatedly.


While Christian Faith was super-human in his own effort, kicking out of a number of Vengeance’s pinfall attempts after taking such intense damage, the ultimate outcome proved the SWF LIVING LEGEND to be tough-as-nails but not enough to turn the tides of victory.


In the end, it was a “Skull Krusher” that laid the famed “Iron Man” to rest.


How fitting that a maneuver such as the “Skull Krusher”, one that places it’s victim on full-display to the crowd, would be the way for which Faith’s challenge came to an end. As the fans are forced to watch their beloved ICON all the way through the unforgiving impact, the LEGEND of Christian Faith finds a very public loss.


In reality, a loss to someone of Vengeance’s overwhelming power is nothing to be saddened about. Many have come before, Christian Faith included, and most-all have fallen in their attempt to silence the “Demon”. In this case though, it’s the mysterious “X” that was left upon Faith’s chest at the end of the match that leaves many talking.


What does the


No one really knows (and probably will NEVER know given that Vengeance isn’t much of the talking type).


Coming into Supreme TV this week, the mysterious
scenario will most likely be a topic of conversation for many; Christian Faith included. Hopefully, somehow, someway, we’ll get to the bottom of this symbol & it’s meaning.





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Loving every minute, E-V; it's been tough over christmas to get time to do anything, but coming online this morning and looking over your take on WHFO it's re-energised me! I've already got 2 more segments of my own planned out for the next 24 hours! I think that's what you bring to a lot of writers out there; a willing and want to create something unique and a motivation and inspration to go further than thinking about it.


Thank you E-V.

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Loving every minute, E-V; it's been tough over christmas to get time to do anything, but coming online this morning and looking over your take on WHFO it's re-energised me! I've already got 2 more segments of my own planned out for the next 24 hours! I think that's what you bring to a lot of writers out there; a willing and want to create something unique and a motivation and inspration to go further than thinking about it.


Thank you E-V.


Thank you, 21-Cent!


It's great to know that I've helped you strive further in our own creativity. I know, for myself, TEW/GDS has always been about exactly that; creativity. It's my outlet and always has been along side music. It's in this vein that I'm always looking for new ways to present information (as I want to test my own creative ideas). While some changes are subtle over others, It's always been my goal to add something new to the mix along the way. That way it doesn't get old for me (or you as the reader).*


I'm looking forward to catching up on your 21CW dynasty tonight. I've been skimming over as of late, as I haven't had much time to read in the past few days, but I plan on diving in full-force over the weekend. You've done a great job thus far & are quickly creating your own stamp on a company that hasn't been utilized very much thus far.*


NEXT UP: One final SWF.com article about Frehley/Remo & then the next card (PPV-Fallout episode) for Supreme TV!

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It took everything they had; and then some.


The long-awaited war between SWF World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley and the explosive "Alpha Dog" Remo did not disappoint. For years now, the SWF Nation have practically begged for their exchange; pinpointing several key moments over-time to signify this inevitable clash. That said, events came and went, rivalries boiled and cooled and the two competitors often found themselves on opposite sides of the spectrum. Not anymore. Not after this past Thursday will we EVER go back to that.


Pandora's box has opened and with it came, what could become, THE most brutal rivalry in SWF history.


For almost 16 strenuous minutes, Steve Frehley & Remo brought forth an intense battle that left them, and a nearby steel guardrail, incapacitated. Neither man was looking to bend nor break; however, eventually found that the decision was no longer theirs to make. The disdain they feel for one another ultimately pushed the two brutish brawlers to the edge. This time though there was no coming back; at least not that night.


After hitting his signature "Frehley's Comet" 4-times, the "Dark Destroyer" FINALLY overcame his newfound rival. That said though, one has to believe that this was only a single battle within a war that could last for decades. Then again, if said war follows the same vicious path as their opening altercation, neither may endure a couple months let alone a couple years.


Coming into Supreme TV this week, we all wait in great anticipation as the 'fallout' of Frehley/Remo I will most certainly test these two defiant individuals further.


"The Dark Destroyer" beat "The Alpha Dog"; this time around we can say that with all confidence.


In the future, who knows if we can remain so confident...





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Episode #:

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Main Event:
Jack Bruce vs. Brandon James


The Supreme Wrestling Federation stands at a frozen state.


Lingering questions have brought forth this scenario as the SWF Nation attempts to make sense of what happened at "When Hell Freezes Over". If Christian Faith cannot defeat Vengeance; who can? Also, what did the blood drawn "X" upon the "Iron Man's" chest mean?


Have we witnessed the END of Angry Gilmore's career after a sickening assault from the Russian-Monster, Marat Khoklov? It's been reported that, even if he were to rebound, SWF medical professionals may never clear the fervid warrior for future competition. What does this mean for the North American Championship as well?


Why did Rich Money meet personally with Richard Eisen at SWF Headquarters? What will this meeting mean for the 'Money Man'?


Finally, in what condition will we find the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley & "The Alpha Dog" Remo following their vicious battle from this past Thursday night? Did the final "Frehley's Comet", one that sent both crashing through a nearby steel guardrail, cause any lingering damage to either competitor? Where do we go from here?


These questions and MUCH-MUCH more will hopefully be answered this week on Supreme TV!


Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?



The All-Americans©
w/BJ O’Neil
vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?



w/Ms. Chase
vs. Valiant

[singles Match]

Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?



Lobster Warrior vs.

[singles Match]

Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?



Jack Bruce vs.
Brandon James
w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]


The All-Americans w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]


Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah DQ

[singles Match]


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

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[Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?

Answer: I think he would have to, riding the momentum of his win at WHFO.



The All-Americans w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?

Answer: Simple... No.



Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?

Answer: Rogue wins here with some kind of help from somebody so that Valiant can prevail in the final battle.



Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?

Answer: He'll be feeling the affects of the match, but it won't stop him from picking up the W.



Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?

Answer: Send the people home happy, James gets paid either way.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?


Captain Atomic's push isn't going to get derailed at this stage, especially from someone like Sexy- who has neither established himself as an iconic main eventer or is being groomed as a potential main eventer. Sexy's time has passed, time to start building for the future.



The All-Americans w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?


I think I underestimated the All Americans in their match against the Bumfholes (didn't realise just how strong their reign had been :p), there is no chance in hell they're losing to the Biggz Boyz. No matter how hard they try and make us think otherwise, they're still SWF's resident jobber brothers the Biggz Boyz.


Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?


Sports Entertainment fed Booking 101- It's a regular match, it's on TV....the heel goes over- through nefarious means.


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?


If it was a normal person, they wouldn't be in any condition to fight- Remo is no mere normal human being- He'll be ready to fight, and somehow despite the wrestler in front of him wearing a silly lobster outfit, he will imagine that said wrestler to be Steve Frehley- sucks to be you Lobster Warrior!



Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?


I don't think Brandon James has a personal deep seated hatred for Jack Bruce- but he'll happily do Emma Chase's bidding as long as he gets paid for it, and if beating Bruce to a pulp means earning big bucks- that will be enough motivation for him.


As for the match itself, I actually see Bruce 'winning' again through a DQ but Chase Agency having the last laugh yet again with another post match beatdown.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?

I don´t see Atomic losing to old midcard guy like Sexy after the huge win from last PPV.

The All-Americans© w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?

I actually think that Biggs might be decent challengers if build-up right. That said they need to be build-up first so no way they get a win here.


Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?

I go with double count-out on this one in order to keep things close.


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?

Remo´s condition after that brutal title match casts a small doubt in my mind on this one but Remo just was in title match and as good as Lobster is, I don´t quite see him going over here.


Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?

I´m tempted to go with James simply because Bruce won in PPV but I guess that Bruce getting DQ win/attacked after the match keeps things close enough and as much as I like Brandon he isn´t main eventer just yet and thus little unlikely to go over Bruce.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?

Atomic keeps riding that wave of momentum


The All-Americans© w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?

I think this title reign will be ended on PPV, not on TV


Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?

I think the Chase Agency needs a momentum boost after losing at the PPV. I'm guessing some shenanigans on the part of Chase.


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?

Remo is the Alpha Dog. He doesn't lose two on the trot.


Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?

If Bruce didn't lose as part of a trio, there is no way he loses when he's flying solo.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?

Can't see Atomic falling so soon after a big PPV win.


The All-Americans© w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?

Champions losing the titles on TV? Nah; but I can see some kind of Cheap win to get Quaduple B another shot at the PPV.


Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?

Neither; needs a bigger match than this to end this rivalry! Can see a draw in the offing here.


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?

Keep the challanger strong going into a re-match at the next PPV.


Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?

I see Emma causing a distraction that starts their 1 on 1 fued going forward.


Can't wait to see the results for this show; should be great.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?



The All-Americans© w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?



Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?



Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?



Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?


Oh yeah. His future is positively glowing.


The All-Americans w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?


Nope, power triumphs over all.


Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?


I have to think the heels get a win here to keep strong.


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?


Remo needs the win here, I just don't see him jobbing for Lobby.


Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce?


Bruce FTW but the heels get their heat back after the match with a beatdown. Lobby and Vally to save.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise?

Yes, the power of the Atom will propel the mighty Captain.



The All-Americans© w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)?

No, The belts aren't going anywhere just yet.



Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on?

Emma is always the answer to an question.



Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”?

Remo is a beast and beasts eat lobsters.



Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Em

Even with Emma, Bruce takes the win here.

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Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his radioactive rise? Why not?



The All-Americans© w/BJ O’Neil vs. Quadruple B

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Will veteran prowess help Quadruple B unseat the longest current reigning SWF Champions (10 Months)? No. If the All-Americans are losing the belt soon, it won't be to these jobbers.



Rogue w/Ms. Chase vs. Valiant w/Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: Who will walk away with bragging rights as this deep-seeded rivalry continues on? Neither of them yet. I predict a schmozz.



Lobster Warrior vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Will Remo be healthy enough to compete against Lobster Warrior after a brutal match-up at “When Hell Freezes Over”? Remo will eat Lobby for dinner.



Jack Bruce vs. “BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Emma Chase

[singles Match]

Question:What’s Brandon James’ motive; hated for Jack Bruce or the big pay-day that comes with a match against Bruce? His motive will be both, but Bruce is too over in relation to James to job this one.

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Tuesday, 3rd Week of January 2013

Mayor Street Arena || New England








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
It's Tuesday night and ALL HELL is about to break loose! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, THIS is S...W...F... Supreme-TV!

Jerry Eisen:
That’s right, folks. We’re only 5-days removed from our PPV extravaganza “When Hell Freezes Over” and something tells me tonight won’t be a normal broadcast. Then again, when is it EVER normal around here?

Duane Fry:
There’s so much radiating throughout the SWF these days. So many questions that have not yet been answered. What was the “X” on Christian Faith’s chest this past Thursday? Will we EVER seen Angry Gilmore in a wrestling ring again? Equally, when can we expect Frehley and Remo to be back at 100%; if ever? Truthfully, I don’t know how to answer ANY of these questions…

Peter Michaels:
We never do, Duane.

Jerry Eisen:
Let’s return to this past Thursday night, “When Hell Freezes Over”, and tackle the first question you had there. The battle between Christian Faith and Vengeance was one for the ages; however, it’s what happened AFTER the match that has everyone talking.





Christian Faith and Vengeance

“To Hell & Back..."


[A short hype video is played recapping the brutal match-up between Christian Faith and Vengeance from “When Hell Freezes Over”. Shot in a frame that makes the screen appear frozen, we relive a number of the most impactful moments of the match in question. Overall though, the message continues to be that Vengeance is a supernatural powerhouse and somehow, someway, the “Iron Man” was able to kick-out of his destructive onslaught early on. In the end, the final image is that of the lights going out & coming back up with Vengeance gone & Faith branded with what looks like a blood-written X upon his chest.]



Duane Fry:
Christian Faith went to hell but didn’t come back. The “Iron Man” was hell-bent on putting down the “Demon” but, in the end, was simply unable to match his immense, if not supernatural, power.

Jerry Eisen:
You KNOW he wanted this one. I don’t know if I’ve seen that kind of FIRE out of Faith in quite some time. Even that though wasn’t enough to get him the win.

Peter Michaels:
I know Faith well. He may have lost last night but he’s not going to slow down in the slightest. The second he came back too last night, you best be damn sure he was focusing on his next chance at Vengeance.

Duane Fry:
From what we saw though, is it smart for Christian Faith to go after Vengeance again?

Jerry Eisen:
Good question. He DID suffer a barrage of injuries during the match and, to be honest, does he actually expect to BEAT Vengeance? That’s the only reason you’d go at it again; that you expect to win. I just don’t know if that’s possible…

Peter Michaels:
Even with the “Demon” as powerful as he is, never bet against Faith…





Christian Faith

“I will not rest..."


[shortly after the hype video comes to a close, the roaring sound of
overtakes the Mayor Street Arena. Upon hearing this, fans instantly leap to their feet; showering the SWF LIVING LEGEND with a response fit for the “Iron man” himself. That said, slowly shuffling out of the back, as he always does, Faith extends his right arm equally as slow into the air in a proud display.]


[Faith always takes his time toward the ring; however, this time around, it appears to take him even longer. There’s a slight limp to his step, a tiny grimace from the very corner of his mouth attempted to be hidden as he moves around in underlying pain. That said, Faith never shows he’s actually injured or hurt; he’s the “Iron Man”.]


[in the end, as his music fades out, the crowd showers Faith with a hefty lingering response. To that though, while graciously raising a hand to say thank you in a ‘blue collar manner’, it seems as though Christian isn’t buying into it entirely.]


[Christian Faith]:
Last Thursday, I did everything to bring an end to the “Demon”… but it wasn’t enough.
I bled, broke bones, and felt the life choked out of me… Yet, no matter what I did, no matter what I laid upon Vengeance,… He continued to move on; as if nothing could stop him.
I had it all wrong, I often looked beneath me for the fires of hell… When in reality, last Thursday, it was in this very ring all along.
I was tortured from head-to-toe, had my soul separated from my body…
[Dramatic pause]
I felt the hand of the devil himself.
Through all of that though, if you think I’m going to stand here & take it… You’ve got another thing comin’.
[Crowd pops loudly as Faith steamrolls through it]
I’ve seen Hell, I’ve walked through it’s fires & suffered through it’s pain. Yet, I’m still here; I’m still kickin’… and I’m STILL lookin’ to put-down the “Demon” who tortured me there.
[Looks out upon the crowd; off-camera]
I don’t know what hole you come out of, or what needs to be said to get your a$$ out here, but I’m callin’ you out…
[Crowd pops]
You MAY have beaten me down at “When Hell Freezes Over” but I garun-damn-tee you that I’ll be the last man standing when this is ALL said and done.
I WILL destroy you… because… I have to…
[Pauses; crowd confused]
It’s long been MY job to protect this company and that doesn’t’ stop here. Whether it’s for the sake of the SWF or a personal vendetta-gone mad, It doesn’t really matter…
What DOES matter is that I put you OUT of your misery; that I… bring and END… to Vengeance…


[Faith drops the microphone and looks out upon the crowd; slowly panning around the arena. With his fists clenched, fortified and ready for a fight, Faith looks as though he’s waiting on Vengeance. That said, unlike in previous weeks, nothing happens. There’s no thunder, no lights dropping, no lightning strikes, and no thick fog to speak of. Instead, Faith is left all alone in the ring; waiting on something that seemingly will not come. In the end, we cut to a commercial break with the “Iron Man” still standing in the ring; ready for a fight & growing increasingly angered by not seeing the “Demon” accept his challenge.]



Peter Michaels:
In typical fashion, Christian Faith isn’t going to drop this one. He gave Vengeance his due for taking him to Hell this past Thursday but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stay away from the fight. I know Faith well, damn well, and there ‘aint no way that he’s going to allow Vengeance to have the last laugh here. This is getting personal; really quick.

Duane Fry:
I want to know what the “X” was all about? The one on his chest this last Thursday? Faith didn’t even address it.

Peter Michaels:
That’s because the whole “X” thing is more interesting to us. To Faith, he doesn’t give a damn about messages & stuff like that. He wants a fight; that’s all.

Jerry Eisen:
There HAS to be something to the “X” though…

Duane Fry:
Vengeance branded Faith with an “X”, one written in blood it seems, and yet Christian Faith has NOTHING to say about it?

Peter Michaels:
As I said already, boy, that ‘aint somethin’ that Faith worries about. He’s more focused on crushing the “Demon” and proving that no man, or myth, is stronger than “The Iron Man”.

Jerry Eisen:
He HAS made a career out of toppling big-men but… I don’t know if it’s possible this time around. I hate to say it but… He may be too old to get the job done. Vengeance is most likely unstoppable to someone in their PRIME. Faith, with all due respect, isn’t in his prime anymore…

Peter Michaels:
Blasphemy. If ANYONE can beat Vengeance… it’s Faith…

Jerry Eisen:
Believe me, I HOPE he can… I hope he can…




Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy

"Jealousy is based in Greed"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Joe Sexy radiates sleaze. Atomic, sheer intensity.

  • With a calm-based veteran approach at his disposal, Sexy doesn’t seem to fret very much right away. This actually proves to be beneficial for him as he’s able to keep Captain Atomic off-guard; using his intensity against him in the process.

  • Sexy eventually enrages Atomic further as, after various moves, Joe is shown toying with the female-fan-base; a fact that is proven to be generally negative.

  • Before you know it, Atomic has become so enraged by the spectacle Sexy is putting forth & explodes into a full-on sense of rage.

  • From there, the match tips drastically in Captain Atomic’s direction as he continually steam-rolls his opponent with power-strike after power-move after power-move.

  • As Sexy becomes frustrated with the direction of the match, he does rebound with a strong 2nd wind. That said, it doesn’t last very long as Atomic is able to power his way through it in an unstoppable fashion.

  • In the end, after flooring Sexy continually with a string of 3 high-intensity closelines, all followed by a running shoulder block, it looks as though the match is about to end if Atomic’s favor…. Or so we thought…

  • Speeding out of the back, Atomic’s recent rival, as of “When Hell Freezes Over”, John Greed is shown hitting the ring with a vile snarl upon his face.


    It's all about Greed...



  • Greed quickly chops Captain Atomic’s right knee out from underneath him; a fact that brings about a quick DQ-call from an attentive Darren Smith.

  • Sensing this is his moment, Greed begins to stomp the hell out of Captain Atomic; however, is eventually thrown clear from the ring by a powerful push from the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” (as he still lies on the canvas).

  • The crowd pops for Captain Atomic as he leaps to his feet; shaking a nearby ring rope, above a snarling John Greed outside of the ring, as he explodes with full-on intensity.


<hr color="black">
Captain Atomic via DQ (Interference)

Interference attack by John Greed on Captain Atomic


Captain Atomic & Joe Sexy don’t click well as opponents.



Duane Fry:
It looks like John Greed can’t let his loss from this last Thursday night go…

Jerry Eisen:
He certainly is carrying a grudge against Captain Atomic it seems.

Duane Fry:
EVERYONE wants to be ‘THE’ guy and when that doesn’t happen… The mind starts to them sour. It’s happened before, it will happen again, and now it looks to be afflicting John Greed.

Peter Michaels:
Jealousy can be one hell of a mistress…

Duane Fry:
No one knows that better right now than Greed…





Ms. Chase and Brandon James

“Win; or else..."


[We cut backstage in which to see “Big Money” seated upon a steel chair in the backstage area. Dressed in designer clothes from head-to-toe, the big-man looks as though he’s ‘well taken care of’ financially. Meanwhile, as the camera man pans out, we now see that Ms. Chase stands before him. With her arms crossed in her typical cold fashion, her hip popped out slightly, and a stern look upon her face, it’s obvious to see who is in charge in this situation.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Your recent failings have been rather uninspiring.
[Pauses; stern in her gaze]
I don’t represent failures. Did I make a wrong choice when I signed you to the Chase Agency?


[James continues to stare upon Ms. Chase while taking a second to speak as a slight smirk forms upon his face.]


[brandon James]:
No, Mam…


[brandon projects in an arrogance manner.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Good… I don’t make mistakes.


[Ms. Chase pauses for a second, never taking her eyes off of the big-man in the process.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Whatever you want your legacy to be is your own choice… but when you’re connected with me, when you’re under MY umbrella, I expect nothing less than perfection. Do you understand me?


[James nods slowly; still smirking in a somewhat defiant fashion.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Perfection is not having a losing record against the likes of Jack Bruce. Perfection, is putting that arrogant fool in a hospital bed; for good.
That’s why I reached out to Mr. Eisen and secured this one-on-one match for tonight. I need you to show me that you’re worthy of the Chase Agency.
I need you to put Bruce out of commission.


[brandon James]:
Whatever brings the check…


[James smirks again; tilting his head in an arrogant fashion.]


[Ms. Chase]:
I’ve told you since day one. If you succeed, you’ll have all the money in the world, Mr. James.
I’ve made good on my promise… now it’s time for you to make good on yours…
I want Jack Bruce gone… forever…
Not a piece of him left … Do you think you can do that for me?


[James nods his head]


[Ms. Chase]:
Good. I’d hate to see what would happen if you couldn’t…


[With that, Ms. Chase exits the room in a stern, yet confident, fashion. Meanwhile, the camera lens captures “Big Money” in the final moments of the segment. He’s still sporting his arrogant smirk upon his face, one that speaks of a defiant youth who may be before the principal for deviant choices, yet obviously motivated to come away with a big win tonight; most likely as it would bring the money he seeks most.]



Jerry Eisen:
I don’t know if there’s EVER been someone SO blatantly focused on the money as Brandon James. It’s almost as if he looks at his career SOLELY as a money-making machine; less about the legacy of being a ‘great wrestler’.

Jerry Eisen:
He really IS a money-grubber. Then again, you can’t deny that it’s been helpful for his career. Other than recently, James has really been a stand-out competitor since joining the SWF.

Peter Michaels:
Ms. Chase has really helped him to get to that next level but, as we’ve seen here tonight, it looks like she’s growing weary of his recent lack of success against Jack Bruce. It’s no easy task to beat Bruce but it seems that Ms. Chase wants nothing LESS than sheer dominance from her clients.

Jerry Eisen:
Whether that’s really possible or not remains to be seen..

Duane Fry:
I guess he’ll get his moment tonight to prove whether or not he’s ‘worthy of the Chase Agency’ when he gets his hands on Jack Bruce in the main event.

Jerry Eisen:
What do you think will happen to him if he loses tonight?

Duane Fry:
We could see “Big Money” fired on the spot I suppose…





Steve Frehley©, Rich Money, ????, and ????

“Where in the world is Steve Frehley?"


[We transition backstage in which to see the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley, entering the locker room area. With his gleaming silver belt resting over his shoulder, the champ barely has a second to get his mind right before we witness Rich Money walking into the room from the other-side of the camera lens.]


[upon seeing Money, Frehley cracks his signature devilish grin; almost chuckling lightly to himself.]


[steve Frehley]:
You really want to do this again?


[Money cracks a smirk of his own and yet seems unafraid; even after the last time they were face-to-face Frehley cold-clocked Money with his championship belt.]


[Wearing an expensive tailored suit and his hair gelled perfectly, Money appears more like a GQ model than a profound professional wrestler. That said, there’s an underlying Americana-ruggishness to his persona as well; All-American if you will.]


[Rich Money]:
[He says sarcastically]
I have to thank you though…


[Frehley scoffs to himself slightly; nodding his head in a ‘right’ kind of way.]


[Rich Money]:
Your lack civility woke me up…
Wait, do you know what civility means?
I forget, you probably only have a middle school education, right?


[Frehley doesn’t drop his devilish smirk. That said, knowing the “Dark Destroyer”, we know he could strike at any point.]


[steve Frehley]:
What the hell do you want, Money? Another imprint of my belt here on your forehead?


[Money laughs in return.]


[Rich Money]:
I have no such need. I do; however, want that belt; just in another way from what you’re implying.
I called a meeting with Mr. Eisen last Thursday night & set a plan into motion that will bring back some PRESTIGE to that championship belt you’ve come to tarnish.
You see, the SWF needs a respectable champion; one with an ivy league education & a proven track-record of success.
We don’t need rodents like you walking around; passing yourself off as ‘the guy’. Mr. Eisen agreed with me and, for that, joyously gave me the opportunity to step into the ring with you… next week.
Now, I was gracious enough to designate this match as a non-title affair as, if there’s anything you should know about me, it’s that I’m severely gracious.
[Coy smirk forms at a greater level]
But when I beat you, and I will, Mr. Eisen will have no OTHER choice but to give me the title shot that I’m do for.
[smirks; pauses]
Don’t worry though, I’m sure we can find SOMETHING for you to do; a body-guard or maybe even a manager to an up-and-coming Supreme Superstar?
Those rolls may fit you better than that of champion…


[steve Frehley laughs to himself in a raspy fashion; shaking his head slightly as he runs his hand across the corner of his mouth in a tell-tale-sign he’s on the verge of action. Meanwhile, Money stands before him in a pompous display of confidence.]


[steve Frehley]:
You want me? … Why should we wait a week?


[Frehley’s devilish grin grows larger. Meanwhile, shockingly, so does Rich Money’s]


[Rich Money]:
I thought you’d say that…


[Money doesn’t move, just smirks in a coy fashion, as, all of a sudden, the “Alpha Dog” Remo is shown exploding onto the scene & attacking his bitter rival, Steve Frehley, from behind.]



Working with Money?


[Rich Money stands arrogantly in the background as the “Alpha Dog” lays into Frehley with fists of powerful fury; each-blow sending the champ staggering backward. That said, Frehley holds his own pretty well. That is until Remo is able to force the head of the “Dark Destroyer” into a nearby cement wall.]


[seeing that Frehley is down-and-out, Money now steps into action. Walking arrogantly forward, he places his hand on Remo’s tree-trunk sized arm in which to motion that he’ll take it from there. This was a stupid, stupid, move on Money’s part. Upon doing so, Remo is shown reacting instantaneously as he shoves Money across the room with one powerful push.]


[Remo wants this attack all for himself. Meanwhile, Money looks overtly p*ssed; angrily dusting himself off as his plan appears to have fallen apart drastically.]


[As Remo walks toward his fallen victim, stomping in a stoic fashion, the lights all of a sudden dim & eventually go out before he can reach his destination.]


[A flash is seen where we thought Frehley was before the lights went out. Then, as the lights come up, a line of fire is shown separating Remo from the fallen Frehley. As the champ lay on the ground, slowly trying to get up, inches from the flames, Rich Money staggers forward in a shocked manner as well; now standing side-by-side with Remo.]


[Frehley slowly tries to get back to his feet; however, once he does, he staggers backward into the waiting hands of the towering Vengeance.]



"The Demon" appears!


[Grasping around Frehley’s throat with his ice-cold hands, Vengeance appears to choke Steve rather mercilessly; so much so that the champ has now dropped down both knees as the air to his brain is being cut-off.]


[Then, the lights go out again.]


[When they come back up, the line of fire still exists but Vengeance and Steve Frehley are no longer there. They’ve vanished into thin air.]


[A crew of SWF officials storm in with fire extinguishers in which to put out the blaze. Meanwhile, as the segment ends, we are presented the image of Rich Money looking over at Remo in a state of shock. Meanwhile, Remo never reciprocates; instead staring forward in a brutishly angered fashion.]



Duane Fry:
What… the…

Jerry Eisen:
Where did Vengeance take Frehley?

Duane Fry:
Seriously, what the HELL just happened here? Money thought he had a plan with Remo, the “Alpha Dog” broke that plan pretty quickly, and then Vengeance built a ring-of-fire to keep Remo away from Frehley ONLY to then choke the life out of him & abduct him into thin air?

Jerry Eisen:
Only in the Supreme Wrestling Federation…






All-Americans© vs. Quadruple B

"Another one bites the dust"


Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Darren Smith

BJ O’Neil w/ American Machine


  • Quadruple B carries itself like a true veteran tag team. That said, they can also be described as slow and rather uneventful as well.

  • On the other hand, the All-Americans continue to prove themselves to be THE best tag team in the SWF today as they power their way through the match.

  • Des Davids really stands out as he dominates both Biggins Brothers. At one point, he almost looks Greek-GOD-like with the combination of modern-day Adonis features & an explosive power-game that highlights said physique.

  • Really, there’s not much to report here as the All-Americans simply control this match from start to finish. Sure, Quadruple B have their moments but it’s very limited.

  • With time, the SWF World Tag Team Champions bring about an end to their match as American Machine & Des Davids execute their signature “All-American Drop” upon a depleted Brett Biggins.

  • As expected, there’s no chance of a kick-out.


<hr color="black">
All-Americans via pinfall (Des Davids over Brett Biggins)

“All-American Drop” (Side belly-to-back suplex/neckbreaker combo)


This marks the All-American’s 10th successful title defense of the SWF World Tag Team Championships.



Jerry Eisen:
Well, mark another one down for the All-Americans. Seriously, do you think ANYONE on the roster can beat these two?

Duane Fry:
I’m not really sure, Jerry. It’s been 10-months now that they’ve held the World Tag Team Championships & very few have given them a good challenge thus far.

Peter Michaels:
Des Davids really stood out here tonight, folks. This explosive youngster has greatness written all over him!

Duane Fry:
He really DID put on quite the show tonight.

Jerry Eisen:
Just a great all-around effort from the All-Americans. You continue to show us all what GREAT tag team wrestling is all about.





Angry Gilmore©, Eric Eisen, and Marat Khoklov

"Thursday; Bloody Thursday..."


[A short hype video is shown recapturing the twisted outcome of the SWF North American Championship Match between Angry Gilmore© and Eric Eisen. Produced with a frozen feel upon the screen, the overall message centers around the notion that Gilmore was doing the unthinkable; warring with Eisen, if not leading the match, despite having severe neurological problems. In the end, the 2nd half of the video is centered solely around Marat Khoklov’s heinous attack upon the champ. Meanwhile, Eric Eisen’s cryptic response to such attack as he coyly points to his temple in a “smart move” fashion while smirking devilishly.]



Duane Fry:
Eric Eisen HAD to have a role in what happened this past Thursday night. The whole symbol of pointing to his temple as if it were a ‘smart move’ gives it away pretty easily. He brought Khoklov back to the SWF & did so in which to leave his bitter rival on death’s door. It’s pretty sickening.

Jerry Eisen:
This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. He KNEW he could beat Gilmore straight up & that’s why he’s continually done the underhanded thing to keep him physically depleted. This time though, what Khoklov did to Gilmore, Eric has a hefty dose of blood on his hands. He may have ended a man’s career by opening the door back up to Khoklov.

Peter Michaels:
I wonder if this means the Russian Monster is back for good or just a one-time assault?

Duane Fry:
I’m not sure. That said, it’s pretty obvious that it was Eric who brought him here.





Eric Eisen (about Angry Gilmore)

“Compete or be stripped..."


[shortly after the video comes to an end, we see a chest-high shot of “The Supremacist” Eric Eisen backstage. At first, it looks as though Eric is unhappy about something. He looks down, saddened, contemplating something deep inside that hard-head of his.]


[Eric Eisen]:
I had him right where I wanted him… and then… That was all taken away from me. People keep saying that I had something to do with Khoklov’s attack but, if you knew me, you’d know that that just isn’t the case. Why would I stain a match that I could have won outright? I would rather have the belt around my waist tonight then a tainted count-out victory…
But, I guess I’ll have to live with the knowledge that I get ANOTHER shot in a few weeks…


[Eric drops the sunken demeanor as a devious grin slowly starts to form upon his face. At first, he tries to stop it; however, with time gives in to his own arrogance.]


[Eric Eisen]:
That’s right. At “Nothing to Lose”, Angry Gilmore will defend the North American Championship against the GREATEST challenge he’s ever known… myself, Eric Eisen.
[Pauses; the smirk grows larger]
Now, there are many who feel as though Gilmore won’t be ready by this next month’s PPV. They say he could be prime for retirement after what Khoklov did to him…
I don’t really care. To me, the only thing that matters is our match at “Nothing to Lose” and if Gilmore is unable to compete at that PPV, I’m on good authority to announce that he will be STRIPPED of the North American Championship.
In doing so, the vacated championship will be handed over to ME and I will start my illustrious North American Championship reign!
[Devilish smirk as he pauses]
You’ve got a few weeks to get yourself back upright, Gilmore. Because, if you don’t, all of this would have been… for nothing…


[Eisen chuckles arrogantly to himself as it’s obvious he doesn’t care one bit about Gilmore’s health. None the less, there’s an air of self-indulgence that radiates straight through the screen.]



Duane Fry:
That’s a bunch of bull right there…

Jerry Eisen:
It looks like Eric pulled the ‘daddy card’ to get another title shot at “Nothing to Lose”…

Duane Fry:
Does that surprise you?

Jerry Eisen:
Not in the slightest.

Peter Michaels:
So let me get this straight, if Angry Gilmore cannot compete at “Nothing to Lose” in a few weeks here, he’ll automatically be stripped of the belt. Then, from there, Eisen will be declared the new North American Champion simply for being his opponent at the PPV?

Jerry Eisen:
That’s what it’s looking like…

Peter Michaels:
Boy knows how to play the system. It’s a bunch of bull but he gets it…

Duane Fry:
Yea, that’s why I can’t stand him… Oh yea, that and he’s a lying little rat who cares nothing about ANYTHING but himself.




Rogue vs.

"Detestable Villain"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Emma Chase w/ Rogue


  • Valiant & Rogue hate one another; that’s glaringly obvious.

  • Their opening collar-and-elbow tie-up appears to be a challenge as it pertains to strength. Valiant wins this. Rogue becomes increasingly pissed as he slowly pulls himself off the canvas following a powerful throw by Valiant.

  • Throughout most of the beginning of the match, it continues forth with this ‘challenge’ perspective with both men looking to show who the most dominant is between the two. In most cases, this STILL proves to be more beneficial for Valiant. That said, it eventually unravels following a number of underhanded tactics from Rogue bringing the action swinging back in his favor (ie: low-blow when the referee isn’t looking & an eye-gouge following a corner tie-up).

  • Rogue remains in control after the following underhanded tactic, the low blow, and is shown mercilessly stomping the hands, fingers, arms, legs, midsection, and head of Valiant. In a sense, he’s coldly trying to pick him apart in a vile fashion.

  • Ms. Chase continues to stand ringside in her pant-suit with her arms crossed. Very little emotion is shown; even when Rogue is leading the match.

  • Valiant would rebound later following a back-fall maneuver that forces Rogue’s throat to make an impact with the top ring rope. From there, the fans begins to build Valiant back up as the fan-favorite powers his way through his 2nd wind.

  • Hannah, the girl next door that she is, simply claps outside of the ring; shyly smiling whenever Valiant does well.

  • It appears as though Valiant may win, scoring a few 2 ½ count pinfalls at this time, but Rogue would have yet another trick up his sleeve.

  • After reversing a back-body-drop attempt from Valiant into a quick sitdown piledriver, Rogue is shown ultimately leaning over the top ring rope & spitting down upon the innocent Hannah.

  • With spit in her hair, Hannah looks to be on the verge of tears; slowly trying to pull said spit out of her hair in the process.

  • A rebounding Valiant is obviously pissed & attacks the villainous Rogue shortly after he’s heard calling Hannah a “wh*re”.

  • Valiant lays into Rogue, eventually throwing him into the corner; however, once he attempts a high-hanging splash, Rogue is show dropping to the canvas early. This forces Valiant’s head to collide with the top of the metal ring-pole behind the turnbuckle.

  • Rogue, sensing his moment, swings in and floors his bitter rival with his signature “Crashing On”.

  • With a vile snarl upon his face, Rogue aggressively covers Valiant; securing the 1-2-3. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase barely shows a rise in her personality; still crossing her arms as she coldly nods with each count.

  • Hannah has full-on begun to cry by now; a fact that makes Rogue laugh further.


<hr color="black">
Rogue via pinfall

“Crashing On” (Flatliner)




Duane Fry:
What an a$$hole…

Jerry Eisen:
I wish I could say otherwise for the sake of the company but you’re spot on. Rogue is an absolutely deplorable. He spits on Hannah, calls her a terrible name, and eventually uses this to rile Valiant to a frenzied pace. Before you know it, BAM… Valiant is off-guard & easy prey.

Peter Michaels:
I’ve seen some bush-league things in my day but this really stands out. Just disgusting.

Duane Fry:
On behalf of the SWF, I apologize for what Rogue did here tonight. To devalue Hannah the way he did; that’s simply unacceptable in every way.





Steve Frehley© and Remo

“The Era of Brutality is ushered in..."


[A short hype video is shown reviewing the intense main event battle between Steve Frehley and Remo at “When Hell Freezes Over”. With a visual framing that makes said footage appear as if it were frigid with ice, the overall message of the video is that it took EVERYTHING from Steve Frehley to defeat his brutish challenger. Each “Frehley’s Comet” that was utilized during the match (4 during the match itself) is shown over-and-over again; giving much emphasis on the final head-hunting strike that ended the match. In the end, the final vicious “Frehley’s Comet” that sent both through a nearby guardrail, off of the steel rampway, is shown following the short stretcher ride both encountered. All in all, the video is there not only to remind us what happened but to also re-tell the story of how brutal it truly was (and how such a match certainly took a toll on both competitors.)]



Duane Fry:
I STILL don’t know how either of these guys made it into the arena tonight. Let alone, aren’t permanently in a nearby hospital much like Angry Gilmore is tonight.

Jerry Eisen:
Sadly, despite making it through, it’s not as if Frehley had a moment to celebrate here tonight. He’s off, somewhere, most likely at the hand of Vengeance, and, for all we know, we may NEVER see him again.

Duane Fry:
I was looking forward to a re-match in the future too…

Peter Michaels:
Regardless of where Frehley is tonight, we can’t look past what he was able to accomplish only 5-days ago. That man walked into Manhattan, put everything he had into their fight, and came out on the other end as the victor. That’s pretty damn powerful if you ask me.

Jerry Eisen:
Truly, I think Steve solidified his championship reign with his win over Remo. Sure, he’s had some great matches since becoming champ but that match was something on a WHOLE new level. He had to reach down deep & pull out the match of a lifetime. He couldn’t just rely on his own power as Remo is easily MUCH stronger than the “Dark Destroyer”.

Duane Fry:
Well, here’s to the hope that we can find Frehley tonight, in one piece, and that a future match-up will take place once again.

Peter Michaels:
As you said, it all comes down to if we ever find the man again…




Lobster Warrior vs.

"Alpha = Bully"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Lobster Warrior is beloved by the fans. It’s too bad that he’s up against someone who doesn’t care whatsoever about what THEY think.

  • Remo wastes no time once the bell is rung; executing power-move after power-move in which to show his dominance over the smaller Warrior.

  • Lobbie looks rather comical as he’s thrown around the ring in a red lobster costume. It almost resembles a cartoon if you will; however, in this case, the villain is FAR more scarier than anything we’ve seen in previous cartoons.

  • Eventually, Lobster Warrior would gain some offense, utilizing his technical abilities to reverse certain power-moves in his favor; however, it simply wouldn’t be enough to make a big difference.

  • At one point, the fans thought Lobbie may win after a tornado DDT from the comic book hero. That said, Remo is able to kick out at 2. Seconds later, the “Alpha Dog” is shown practically ripping Lobbie’s head off with a POWER closeline.

  • KO’ed, Lobbie is unable to defend himself.

  • Despite having his opponent where he wants him, Remo continues to slam his opponent’s lifeless body onto the canvas with an array of additional power-moves (spinebuster, powerslam, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, etc.).

  • After it feels like Remo has simply ‘played with this food’, the “Alpha Dog” finally brings the match to an end with his signature “The Destroyer”.

  • Remo practically stands up on the 3rd count; a fact that shows he was unafraid as to whether or not his opponent would attempt to kick-out.


<hr color="black">
Remo via pinfall

“The Destroyer” (Dominator)




Peter Michaels:
Remo is damn-near like a bull. He drops his head, charges forward, and steamrolls most everything that stands in his way. I’ve seen big men in my day but the “Alpha Dog” is entirely unique. He’s explosive, powerful, and has a mean-streak that rivals some of the best we’ve ever seen.

Duane Fry:
He’s one scary man, Peter. That’s for sure.

Jerry Eisen:
Unlucky for Lobster Warrior, he found that out again here tonight.

Peter Michaels:
He didn’t even show an ounce of injury coming into tonight. I don’t know how that’s possible. This man went crashing through a steel guard-rail following a “Frehley’s Comet” and yet… He didn’t skip a beat 5 days later. That’s crazy, folks.

Duane Fry:
As you said, he’s a bull, Peter. I don’t think he allows himself to feel pain…





Jack Bruce (about Emma Chase)

"Sexual Tension..."


[We transition backstage once again in which to see the audacious Jack Bruce standing before a tight camera angle. Standing before a faded & tarnished steel SWF background, it appears as though Bruce is practically exploding with energy. He’s on a matter of a few steps away from walking through the “Supreme Gates” and yet, despite all of this energy, he still has time to look deep into the camera, project a c*cky smirk, and dig under the skin of his newfound rival, Ms. Chase.]


[Jack Bruce]:
I must get that pant-suit of yours all ruffled up, huh?
Week-in-and-week out, I beat down your goons, one-by-one, and yet you still come back for more. Is it that time of the month, Emma?
[bruce lets out a loud, very robust, stint of laughter; equip with over emphasized gestures]
That’s gotta be it. Right? You can’t let any of this go, you’ve GOT to see me on a stretcher, before you can go back to your sweatpants and a cartoon of ice cream.
I get it now. I see you from a TOTALLY different perspective now.
The lady with the uncontrollable emotions going after the only thing she wants and could never have…
Well, that’s not entirely true. I know you want it Easy E… that’s why you’re so… tense… right?
After I put “Big Baby” down to sleep, meet me at the airport Sheridan… Wear somethin’… sl*tty…
You KNOW how The Bruce loves a good night-walker…
[Laughs in a large manner once again]
“Chase Agency”, no “Chase Agency”, “Big Money” or Rogue, it doesn’t really matter WHO you put in front of me… because, as we ALL know, Jack Bruce ALWAYS…ends up… ON TOP!!


[With that, Bruce expels another stint of over-the-top, arrogant, laughter as he struts his way toward what is expected to be the back-end of the “Supreme Gates”. Tossing his hair around at a few points, even letting out a loud rock-n-roll yell off-mic, it appears as though Bruce is ready for action here tonight.]



Jerry Eisen:
He’s crude, rude, and he’s got one HELL of a ‘tude…

Duane Fry:
That’s why these fans can’t get enough! He’s not family values, then again WHO in the SWF really is? Bruce has won these fans over by bringing the rock-n-roll concert that is himself to the fans on a weekly basis! He really IS an event more than a person…

Peter Michaels:
He may be a living rock-concert but, tonight, he’s got quite the challenge before him in “Big Money”. The big-man doesn’t want to end up looking weak here & would LOVE to put Bruce down-and-out in which to secure a big-pay-out for his services.

Duane Fry:
I don’t think he does it tonight… I think Bruce goes over here…

Jerry Eisen:
I’m not so confident. The “Chase Agency” is reeling. They NEED this win tonight. I’m guessing Ms. Chase pulls out ALL the stops & makes SURE her client wins.

Peter Michaels:
If so, tonight is going to be one LONG night for Jack Bruce…

Duane Fry:
Even if he wins, I’m sure it’ll be a LONG night for Jack Bruce…
[Wink to the camera]




Brandon James vs.

"At first you don’t succeed… You never will. This is Jack Bruce, b*tch! "


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Emma Chase w/ Brandon James


  • The entrance of Ms. Chase & “Big Money” Brandon James appears all business. There’s no talking to one another. No closeness whatsoever.

  • In contrast, Jack Bruce’s entrance feels like a robust rock event; equip with screaming fans, hair tossing, rock-n-roll hand symbols, tongue sticking out as he head-bangs, and A LOT of talking to himself in an arrogant fashion.

  • Ms. Chase & Brandon James are unimpressed.

  • The match itself carries the very same tone as Brandon James puts forth an onslaught built around a somewhat lazy in-ring style. In a sense, he relies upon his power alone & doesn’t seem to show much effort past that. Meanwhile, Bruce explodes around the ring as if he were entertaining millions on a rock stage. He’s high-impact; always looking for that next big maneuver.

  • With time, Brandon James would gain an upper-hand as Bruce’s style often gives way to a slip-up-or-two.

  • James pounds away on Bruce; placing him in the corner at one time & slamming his hip into Bruce’s chest over-and-over again. The final elbow in this combo leaves Bruce looking as though he’s KO’ed.

  • Ms. Chase still doesn’t look excited; even as her client beats down her most recent rival.

  • Slipping out of a running powerslam attempt put for by “Big Money”, Bruce is able to execute a falling reverse DDT. This leaves James reeling enough to give Jack the slight upper-hand.

  • Taking to the air, Bruce continues his streak with a top-rope missile drop-kick; a fact that sends James tumbling out of the ring.

  • Ms. Chase doesn’t budge. She doesn’t go over and give her client any advice. If anything, she looks on with a stern-nature that screams: “Let me see what you’ll do from here.”

  • A top-rope splash from Bruce on James (as he stands outside of the ring) actually seems to rile up Ms. Chase slightly (at least as much as she can be) as she grimaces slightly; shaking her head in frustration.

  • James would rebound later, again relying on his power-move-set to floor the speedier Bruce. A guerilla press slam would start this 2nd wind.

  • Despite James’ second wind though, Jack Bruce is able to floor his much bigger opponent with a leaping superkick a while later.

  • As James slowly gets back to his feet, using a nearby ring rope to help himself up, Bruce is shown celebrating in the other corner; flinging his hair back as he quickly head-bangs with a ‘rock-star’ symbol displayed on his right hand.

  • Seconds later, Bruce sweeps in and executes his signature “New York Minute”.

  • Brandon James is KO’ed. Ms. Chase slams her dainty, yet stern, hand down upon the apron ahead of her in an uncharacteristic show of frustration. Meanwhile, Bruce celebrates with a head-bang to every pinfall count as he lay his back upon his opponent.


<hr color="black">
Jack Bruce via pinfall

“New York Minute” (Diamond Cutter)




Jerry Eisen:
What a match!!

{B]Duane Fry:
What an ending!!

Peter Michaels:
It’s what we’ve come to expect from Jack Bruce; another explosive victory for the SWF Rock ICON!

Duane Fry:
Ms. Chase HAS to be fuming right now. Yet another chance to put Jack Bruce down and yet another failure by the Chase Agency.

Jerry Eisen:
I know we said this at the PPV but now it’s looking even more obvious. I’m guessing we’ll see some changes in the Agency coming up here. Ms. Chase isn’t the kind of person to take these losses lightly.

Duane Fry:
She may not show it as she’s one ice-cold lady but you HAVE to know that she’s absolutely p*ssed on the inside.

Peter Michaels:
She runs a tight ship, and despite their recent success, it seems as though they simply cannot pull one over Bruce. Then again, not many can.

Duane Fry:
I swear she’s burning a whole straight through Bruce as we speak right now…





Jack Bruce and Emma Chase

“This KILLS you, doesn't it?"


[As the final bell is rung, Jack Bruce makes a concerted effort to celebrate his victory while standing upon a nearby turnbuckle; one that stands directly above Ms. Chase as she appears angered outside of the ring. As Bruce throws his rock-symboled hand into the air, head-banging in a rebellious fashion as his long flowing hair bounces every which way, his bitter rival, Ms. Chase, is shown with her arms crossed a good 5 feet below the arrogant victor. While typically cold, emotionless if you will, tonight it seems as though she’s unable to hide her frustration; gritting her teeth as she stares upon the celebrating Bruce with disdain.]



Jerry Eisen:
Ms. Chase is fuming!

Duane Fry:
Jack Bruce is finding EVERY way possible to rub this in! You GOTTA love this!

Jerry Eisen:
I wonder what this will mean for “Big Money”?

Peter Michaels:
It’s almost impossible that he’ll survive in the “Chase Agency” after tonight…

Duane Fry:
Something tells me, the ‘Agency is about to go through QUITE the change coming up here. Ms. Chase wants Bruce out THAT bad… She’ll move mountains to see that it happens.

Jerry Eisen:
Jack’s only furthering that with this celebration here…

Duane Fry:
He’s pretty good at getting under the skin of just about anybody…





Steve Frehley© and Vengeance

“He’s here…"


[There’s a great deal of commotion happening off-camera; a fact that has seemingly forced Peter Michaels to ‘send us backstage to find out’. Upon arriving backstage via camera lens, we notice a huddle of people a good 20-feet from the camera man. As he shuffles quickly toward said group, we notice that they are all huddled around a motionless body; one that lies a few feet from the back loading dock door of the Mayor Street Arena.]


[Once there, it’s unmistakable what is there. Steve Frehley, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, is lying in a semi-twisted manner upon his back. Upon his chest, is the very same blood-written
that we saw Christian Faith was branded with.]


[Motionless, unconscious, and seemingly beaten, Frehley is attended to by medical professionals as his state looks rather fear-driving. In the end, the final image of Supreme TV is the unsettling view of a fallen Steve Frehley. Meanwhile, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship lay draped next to the champion’s head; as if it were placed there neatly by the attacker.]



[A collective somber mood overtakes the commentary table]

Jerry Eisen:
It looks like Steve Frehley has been the victim of a heinous attack. There’s no doubt in my mind this was Vengeance’s doing.

Duane Fry:
There’s that “X” again on his chest…

Peter Michaels:
… The one we saw on Faith’s this past Thursday night.

Duane Fry:
What does it mean?

Jerry Eisen:
I’m not sure but, whatever it means, it’s left Frehley motionless tonight…

Peter Michaels:
Make sure to tune into SWF.com for further details, folks. Steve Frehley may need time-off, surgery, I don’t think we really know at this point.
Make sure to tune in next week as Supreme TV continues on and maybe, just maybe, we can get to the bottom of this whole bloody “X” thing. Good night!








<hr color="black">



14,360 (out of 15,000)

12.81 (+ 0.41)



9,792 (out of 10,000)

6.91 (- 0.17)


SWF – 3 vs. TCW - 0


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Great stuff. It's gonna be fun to see what and how far Emma will go to get back at Bruce. I do think that Lobby has it worse over all, He's a talented guy but held back by his gimmick.


At least this time i didn't go 1-infinity for predictions. :)

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