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Further negotiations rumoured to be in progress

By 'Ultimate Nerd' Clifford Newton



Friday, January 7th


TCW head booker Joel Bryant and owner Tommy Cornell have raised the curtain on 2013 in style with a serious declaration of intent. Their opening gambit of the year? A no-holds barred raid of the independent scene, ensuring that bookermen up and down the country are going to be cursing the names Bryant and Cornell for the rest of the year. The range of acquisitions has been incredibly varied, and unless Tommy C. is set to give us the greatest waste of talent since Darryl Devine joined USPW, the rumours of TCW forming a women's division are all but confirmed. You don't hire women like (spoilers) Zoe Ammis and Katherine Goodlooks to stand around and look pretty, particularly not when TCW already has a number of managers.


However, that's not to say that I, the Newt, the nerdmeister, 100% agree with the logic behind all these signings. As always, I feel that TCW is... a little hit and miss here. They're that way with their booking, they're that way with their pick-ups, most of the time. So, right here and now, I'll give you a run down of the names they've announced today, and I'll give my very own quasi-professional opinion. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the people I'm not quite sure why aren't on the list or even the grapevine.





The Confirmed




Ernest Youngman

I knew a little about this kid already. He's a rookie prospect from Chicago and has actually looked really solid in the handful of matches I've seen from him on the indies. Does that make him a TCW calibre wrestler? To be frank I honestly don't know, and that's where the concerns come in. TCW are banking on potential here, but they're banking on potential on a lot of their undercard already. Youngman could go either way. Word is that they're going to present him as some kind of legitimate badass, which sounds like it has mileage. If so they'll have to change his name; apparently he's using his real name right now, which attests to parents with a cruel sense of humour

Grade: C. Youngman clearly has potential, but is very unproven. This is a gamble.




Davis Wayne Newton

My soul brother! Truthfully I have no idea how D.W.N never got a shot at a NOTBPW or CGC contract, and now it seems that might never happen; Newton is going south. Chief issue with Davis is that he's not known outside of Canada well... at all, but LA appreciates good wrestlers, and he is definitely one of those. He's well known for having a great attitude, which might go a ways towards remedying those rumours of backstage strife...

Grade: B. This pick-up will almost certainly pay dividends, but TCW has to invest the effort into building him up first.




Nelson Callum

Tommy Cornell is not going to be on Mitch Naess's Christmas list. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed Callum's ability, and it's entirely possible that it took this long because he spent as much time hitting people with chairs as locking in holds whilst in PSW. Callum is good and he deserves the shot at the big time; people just need to be introduced to who he is and what he's about, and watch him take off.

Grade: A-. Friendship with Newton enhances his value to TCW. The right character and handling and he has the chance to go far.




Rhino Umaga

Here's where it gets questionable. I adore Umaga as a force in puroresu - he's awesome to watch, but it's taken a long while for the crowds to get into him and there's clearly not much interest from the bigger fish in Japan. TCW already have a largely-failed Samoan experiment, and whilst Umaga is a better worker than Giant-waistline Tana... he's 34 years old and the American audiences don't know who he is. This really wasn't a great idea in my opinion.

Grade: C-. Because Umaga isn't a bad wrestler, but I doubt he's enough bang for TCW's buck.




Remmy Honeyman

This is the first point that I simply said... who? Well as the reigning nerd champion of the internet, I investigated, and whilst it took some digging, discovered the man behind the name. He's... solid, I'll give him that, but the guy has all the charisma of a slice of soggy toast. This isn't progress. This is a career jobber.

Grade: D. Low-calibre, no personality... he's boring and nobody is going to get into him.




Greg Gauge

So here's Japanese import #2. Feels weird describing the son of Sam Keith in that way, but really, it's Japan where Greg has been making his name so it makes sense. It's a fairly shrewd piece of business; played right they could capitalise on his dad's name value, and it really helps that Greg is no slouch in the ring either. He should land on his feet, regardless of whether TCW opt to book him as a Keith.

Grade: B. Only slightly better known than Newton. So long as TCW avoid over-emphasising 'son of', he'll do fine.




Ed Monton (staff)

Thankfully the press release emphasised that Monton would be involved in a backstage capacity only, meaning he's likely to be helping put matches together. Could be that he's been brought in to help keep the locker room under control and a mature head never goes amiss.

Grade: C. TCW don't have money coming out of their ears. Did they really need a third road agent?




Edward Cornell

Nepotism! Nepotism! We saw it from the Eisens and now we could well be seeing it from the Cornells! ...If only Eric could go to Britain. Apparently this isn't a full-time arrangement but I doubt TCW are going to risk building someone up who's not locked into a written deal, and there's no way they'd bring in a Cornell if they didn't have something brewing. Cornell the younger isn't bad but isn't great either, so he might struggle.

Grade: C-. Fans will expect a Tommy-calibre worker and this guy just isn't.




Lily Snyder

So this young woman gets the distinction of being the very first female wrestler signed by TCW. She's good looking - erm, in the ring, but still relatively new to the wrestling business. Snyder could be getting on at the ground floor of something special or wasting the first part of her career with an exercise in futility. Time will tell.

Grade: C-. It's tough, because the success or failure of the female signings is contingent on the success or failure of their division as whole, but I suspect that for the early days you're looking at a divisional job girl.




Katherine Goodlooks

If I had to hazard a guess, it would be that we're looking at the planned backbone of the division here. I'm not sure that she'll be booked under this name, seems slightly gimmicky for TCW, but Goodlooks knows what she's doing in the ring and can get the crowd involved. A signing like her tells me TCW are taking this seriously.

Grade: C+. May have some issues adjusting to singles work again after such a fantastic tag team run, especially in such a different environment to AAA.




Zoe Ammis

I was all set to declare Zoe Ammis 'we're serious about this' signing #2, but... then I saw the promotional image of her that TCW put up on their website. It's shown above. That picture makes her look more like some kind of glamour model than a wrestler, which makes me a bit edgy. Are they going to be depending on the girls' looks to get the crowds interested in them? Well, seeing something like this... it could well be. I hope it's more gimmick related than that, because it would suck if this turned out to be an eye-candy division...

Grade: C+. Reservations aside, Ammis has a lot of talent.




Jaime Quine

Quine's been getting a lot more high profile lately, most likely cause of her elder sister pulling the strings where she works. Let's not be too harsh though - the younger Quine is a good wrestler in her own right and from what I've seen is getting better all the time. I'd actually venture that she's an archetypal 'TCW' style wrestler - brawling, fundamentals, and not bad on the microphone either.

Grade: C. Will definitely get attention but may have taken her position for granted back in AAA - she'll need to work a lot harder.




Mainstream Hernandez

It's finally happened - the Mainstream Maestro is finally getting his shot at the big time, and fully deserved too. He has flying skills, he has charisma, he has the look, he has the basics down... it was only a matter of time and I'm really excited to see it. The only potential hiccup with this move is that whilst Hernandez has never been what I'd truly term a 'cruiserweight' competitor... he's not that big and he's at his best whilst flying around. That screams 'All Action', and I'm a little concerned Hernandez is going to go the way of Sammy Bach and be tied to a division that he's actually too good for. Time will tell, but I'm calling it now; Hernandez's first title win in TCW is going to be the All-Action belt.

Grade: A. He'll need a chance to show what he can do, but he has so much in his favour that signing him was a great idea.




KC Glenn

Joey Minnesota's protege has been impressing us on the independent scene for about two years now, and word is that his mentor pulled a few strings in order to get him this gig. I'm not criticising - politics is often what makes the world of wrestling go around, and Minnesota's word probably holds a lot of weight. On the other hand, if strings had to be pulled, that raises the obvious question; is KC ready for the big time or has Minnesota's influence been a leg up? Time will tell; Glenn has been great on the independent scene, but there's a whole world of difference between indy shows and any of the big time companies. Bingo Halls to national TV is a hell of a jump.

Grade: B-. He's good, but he's inexperienced. Inability to stop mumbling doesn't help either.




Hailey Booke

Don't worry, I hadn't heard of her either. I did a little looking around and it seems she's a general interviewer/manager/pretty girl, which is great and all but I thought TCW had Saunders for that, so I don't really get the logic behind this pick up, especially with minimal existing name value.

Grade: D. Purely because I can't work out what they even need her for.




Brooke Tyler

The daughter of one of DaVE's all-time favourites, I think everyone's eyes were on Brooke when she announced her debut last year. From the handful of appearances she made, it's pretty obvious that her dad taught her everything she knows. Tyler Jr is looking like a great prospect, though much like KC Glenn, it's going to be a heck of a step up from indy dates to primetime television. Current talk is that Brooke is unlikely to be using her real surname, which seems like an odd decision, given that the name value of her father would likely give her and the division a slight boost.

Grade: C+. My general assessment is that she's more or less a female version of KC Glenn in this regard - and with less versatility.




Nigel Svensson

Some Swedish guy who worked for ROF before it went out of business, and had some great encounters with guys like Walter Morgan and Merle O'Curle. Not so sure the technical style will take him far in TCW, as he isn't very exciting to watch and doesn't have much of a unique look either. Unless something exceptional happens or TCW push him beyond all reason, then he's just going to wind up being jobber fodder.

Grade: D+. Without a compelling hook, Svensson's going to be lost in TCW. He doesn't fit the low card all action division, there isn't an obvious team for him - where's his niche?




Mac Smith

Another commentator that TCW don't really need. Say what you like about Azaria and Rhodes, they have that announce booth locked down - most of the time they don't even let Shawn Doakes into it and he's supposed to be getting built up for a long term role.

Grade: C-. What I've heard of Mac is entertaining but he just seems redundant.




Samuel Curran

Yup. Another announcer. At this point I'm just guessing that TCW are aiming at bringing in a new show and making these guys the voice of it, 'cause there's no other sane reason for this. Maybe this'll be our long term Azaria/Rhodes replacement duo? I have no idea.

Grade: C-. Curran is a competent announcer, but won't unseat Azaria. Maybe national exposure will lead to him stepping it up. I don't know.




Fuyuko Higa

So TCW land joshi's 'Miss Perfection', taking one of the most promising female workers in Japan to the United States. I'm not sure if that attests to a very compelling offer or Higa having trouble with 5SSW management. In any case, she's another notch on the 'hot prospect' belt, and whilst she has little existing name value, TCW fans know good wrestlers when they see them. Really, the success of this signing hinges on the success of the division, but Higa will go a ways towards securing that.

Grade: B-. Higa has the marketability and talent that, with good use, just scream 'future champion'. ...Are TCW even going to have a women's belt?




Tracy Brendon

Now, have TCW signed Brendon because they think she's talented, or have they signed her because she's married to Joshua Taylor? To be frank I'm willing to bet it's the latter. Tracy is a decent wrestler who's had a lot of success with AAA, but most of it has come, to be brutally blunt, because her sister was a better wrestler. That's changed a little with time but I can't help but feel that it's a political connection that has won her this contract.

Grade: C-. Not to be too damning - Brendon has some positives to recommend her, but she isn't of the highest calibre.




Casey Valentine

Here's hoping that the second Valentine signed to TCW performs better than the first - hey, remember Valentine senior's THREE runs as International champion back in the HGC days? If you don't, I envy you. Casey's done well for MAW and hey, the guy was trained by Rip Chord (editing note: it's at this stage I noticed on how many Rip trainees TCW picked up on, the old man worked wonders down in the Mid Atlantic). He's the weaker half of CV-2 but it's no Darkness Warriors scenario; Valentine should pull his weight decently enough.

Grade: C+. Valentine will be a welcome addition to freshen up the undercard - we'll seen soon enough if anything more than that comes of this signing.




Jacob Jett

Another loss for the Canadian scene is exciting youngster Jacob Jett, who's been wowing us for 4C for quite a while now. Unlike D.W.N. I can honestly see why Jett wasn't picked up by either of the big two in Canada; his style isn't an obvious fit for either (though really, CGC must never have heard one of his promos) - and although TCW isn't big on cruiserweights they've taken the plunge anyway. Jett is a natural fit for the All-Action division and should prove to be a big breath of fresh air. I'm hoping for bigger and better things than that, but if anyone is going to break free of that rut it's Mainstream Hernandez, and I just can't see two lightweight competitors breaking out of that division in quick succession.

Grade: C+. Good wrestler, but I can't see him being utilised to the best of his ability.



So there you have it, a complete raft of new faces for America's #2. Not only that, but we're hearing that in spite of 23 people putting pen to paper, TCW aren't done just yet, with further deals in the pipeline. Did Tommy Cornell's rich old uncle die or something...?






Rumour Mill




* Sam Keith's other son Matthew Keith is said to be the subject of a serious bidding war between TCW and BHOTWG, with the companies apparently trading blow for contractual blow.


* SWF and TCW are also engaged in a tug of war for the second half of CV-2, Cameron Vessey. Word is that Vessey is tempted by the prospect of working with his uncle.


* Steven Parker is said to be in talks with the American company, but USPW are said to be attempting to hijack any potential deal.


* A few unconfirmed stories are suggesting that TCW may be looking into adding The Nation of Filth for a nostalgic role putting over new tag teams. The sane of us pray that this is an unfounded guess.


* There are some reports that since TCW are signing everyone and their dog, they might be planning to sign Devastating Don with plans to turn him into the new Tyson Baine. Watch this space.


* It's rumoured that Eric Tyler may have been offered the chance to join TCW in some capacity - no word on what role this would be yet.


* Geoff Bourne may be on the All-Action radar.


* Joanne Rodriguez is reportedly a top target for the LA based company, who see the AAA standout as an ideal cornerstone for their new division.


* TCW are keeping tabs on The Cali Dragons, though with USPW reported to be interested, it may be a case that TC-dub will pick their battles.






Not Happening



* Steve Flash was an early target, but apparently his contract was a little too dear for management, and TCW pulled the plug on the deal at the last minute. Shame, would have liked to see Flash in the big leagues one last time.


*An Island Boys reunion was curtailed when TCW discontinued the signing of Akima Brave, perhaps because they didn't want to turn backstage into a family gathering.


* All quiet on the front of Greg Black, who all concerned thought would be an obvious signing. Seems not though, and Black has attracted far more attention north of the border. Weird.


* Sara Marie York is apparently yet to be approached - maybe TCW showing a little mercy to poor AAA, or just a lapse as they get the rest of the contracts signed?


* For the last time; no, TCW are not hiring The Hillbillies!


* Fumihiro Ota has played down talks of a TCW return.


* Stop reporting it as the shock of the year; Johnny Martin isn't going anywhere, and certainly not to TCW.






That's all from me for now. Tune in next time, where we discuss TCW's financial issues and impending closure! ;). Seriously though, I'm interested to see where the promotion goes with all this new blood, and I have to say I'm cautiously optimistic. If nothing else we'll see some freshening up and turnover in the TCW roster, and who knows - this time next year I could be discussing a crop of future stars


Until we meet again, remember Newton's First Law; it ain't over until the fat lady sings and Danger Kumasaka retires.

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I am Flummoxed, flummoxed I say that you would hire Rhino Umaga and not hire Samoan Machine. A great tag team with experience, Machine is actually a better worker and he is a positive backstage influence. Flabbergasted and flummoxed.


But other than that good stuff and a lot of good new signings.

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Lots of new signings but they make sense. Especially given the TCW locker room. Like the synopsis of each and the comments.


Apupunchau@optonline, is Samoan Machine still better in 2013? I don't have the game in front of me, but SM has been turfed pretty hard and his Consistency is pretty poor. He looks like a tag guy and nothing more. I signed him to a touring contract in a Burning Hammer game this time around after some deliberation (and kind regret it), when he used to be an automatic signing every BHOTWG game. You are right on the positive personality but given he would be low on the card, the effect would likely be minimal.

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Lots of new signings but they make sense. Especially given the TCW locker room. Like the synopsis of each and the comments.


Apupunchau@optonline, is Samoan Machine still better in 2013? I don't have the game in front of me, but SM has been turfed pretty hard and his Consistency is pretty poor. He looks like a tag guy and nothing more. I signed him to a touring contract in a Burning Hammer game this time around after some deliberation (and kind regret it), when he used to be an automatic signing every BHOTWG game. You are right on the positive personality but given he would be low on the card, the effect would likely be minimal.


Samoan Machine is higher than Rhino Umaga in every top row skill but Brawling which he is only 2% lower in. Better in all performance skills than Rhino as well and also has a higher stamina. His entertainment skills are about 10% lower than Rhino's although their SQ is both around the same and Rhino brings about 20% more menace to the table. But even with the nerf (and yes they got tanked bad both of them) Samoan Machine is still the better worker and a positive backstage influence, where is Rhino will either have no influence backstage or possibly be negative. That said they still have B- tag experience so I see no reason not to bring both in if your going to bring one.

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You have the worst locker room in wrestling history and you're bringing in HIGA? Seriously?!


Some cool signings there, though - looking forward to seeing what you do with them!


Consider, for a brief, horrifying, glorious moment...


...the love child of Fuyuko Higa and Jay Chord.


It couldn't NOT be done.

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Samoan Machine is higher than Rhino Umaga in every top row skill but Brawling which he is only 2% lower in. Better in all performance skills than Rhino as well and also has a higher stamina. His entertainment skills are about 10% lower than Rhino's although their SQ is both around the same and Rhino brings about 20% more menace to the table. But even with the nerf (and yes they got tanked bad both of them) Samoan Machine is still the better worker and a positive backstage influence, where is Rhino will either have no influence backstage or possibly be negative. That said they still have B- tag experience so I see no reason not to bring both in if your going to bring one.


If I had the game available, I could have just checked myself and avoided our mini thread jack (sorry Blake), so thanks. I thought that SM got turfed more than Rhino but guess not.


Curious on if Blake has a particular reason for not grabbing SM. I know I ended up avoiding the duo on many 2010 games just becuase I had a tendency to sign them in every game and it got to feel really repetitive.

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Boo. :p


See the best/worst thing about a hiring spree is that after a while, the lines on whether or not to sign someone become blurrier. You're like "Oh that guy has some decent menace" or "that guy is pretty charismatic" and before you know it you just signed Land Mass.



Remmy for World Champion. Come on Blake, you know you want to.



I like Remmy a lot more than Clifford does. He might have All Action in his future if he gets a decent destiny roll (though he's more likely to go to development than rocket to the top :p)



Wow, you just about doubled your number of workers on the roster there. Brand Split in your future?


Nnnope. This is textbook Blake. I was just doing it all early on instead of like... over the first couple months. My rationale was "If I send out negotiations to most of the people I like immediately, I'll get people that my competitors didn't think of". I tend to run with large rosters, but I also trend towards large tag team divisions and the usage of stables, so it balances out.


For the record though, I have about... 7 or 8 people earmarked for development, as soon as I can work out whether I can afford to start one.



Good choices for the women's division! Hopefully the J-Ro negotiations will work out.


Thanks. The initial division will be about 10. It was supposed to be 8, but I miscounted, so I approached someone else to even it out. xD. This is... a bit of an experiment, to be honest, spur of the moment type thing (you can thank Wallbanger for it. TCW were originally going to be in the International Women's Alliance but it fell through).



I am Flummoxed, flummoxed I say that you would hire Rhino Umaga and not hire Samoan Machine. A great tag team with experience, Machine is actually a better worker and he is a positive backstage influence. Flabbergasted and flummoxed.


But other than that good stuff and a lot of good new signings.



Ah see... this is where some meta stuff comes into play.


My original intention was to sign Rhino's other tag team partner. As in, I intended to sign Akima Brave, Rhino's brother - hey he's decently over for someone unemployed and it's something a bit different.


Unfortunately in discussing the Bumfholes' experience being nerfed... I got the Island Boys' experience nerfed (from A* to a D-). Signing Akima (who is a negative influence) suddenly became a less attractive proposition and it fell through. I might still get Machine, I'm not sure. Might just cut my losses with Umaga.



What?! No 'Trademark' Thomas Morgan!? :p


Poor Thomas, always getting overlooked by the big boys.


I signed him for HGC one time!



Lots of new signings but they make sense. Especially given the TCW locker room. Like the synopsis of each and the comments.


Ta, Bigpapa. In spite of the huge number of new faces, I like to think that it makes sense and that I didn't just hire anyone for no reason/to hoard. There's still a few more to come but they'll filter in over the next few game days/weeks (as the 7 days notice comes up).



You have the worst locker room in wrestling history and you're bringing in HIGA? Seriously?!


Some cool signings there, though - looking forward to seeing what you do with them!



Once I got the idea... it was too hilarious not to do. Higa, for the record, takes 4% off the backtstage rating single-handedly. However (I don't have the save just now so I can't check), I am reasonably confident that she's the only negative influence I signed, in addition to putting together several positive relationships (which are themselves boosts to morale). Signing Eddie Cornell, for instance, actually made Tommy so happy that he became a positive influence.


So yeah, I stacked the deck so far in favour of positive influences that I need Higa to make sure this actually lives up to its name. xD



If I had the game available, I could have just checked myself and avoided our mini thread jack (sorry Blake), so thanks. I thought that SM got turfed more than Rhino but guess not.


Curious on if Blake has a particular reason for not grabbing SM. I know I ended up avoiding the duo on many 2010 games just becuase I had a tendency to sign them in every game and it got to feel really repetitive.



And see above. :). I had a tag team in mind, just not that one.



Flattered by all the commentary guys. I kind've want to do predictions for cards but the multiplayer format is making it a little tough. Even so - I'll do my best to get a card up.

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Thanks. The initial division will be about 10. It was supposed to be 8, but I miscounted, so I approached someone else to even it out. xD. This is... a bit of an experiment, to be honest, spur of the moment type thing (you can thank Wallbanger for it. TCW were originally going to be in the International Women's Alliance but it fell through).


Psst, Blake...you can still apply. :D

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Ah see... this is where some meta stuff comes into play.


My original intention was to sign Rhino's other tag team partner. As in, I intended to sign Akima Brave, Rhino's brother - hey he's decently over for someone unemployed and it's something a bit different.


Unfortunately in discussing the Bumfholes' experience being nerfed... I got the Island Boys' experience nerfed (from A* to a D-). Signing Akima (who is a negative influence) suddenly became a less attractive proposition and it fell through. I might still get Machine, I'm not sure. Might just cut my losses with Umaga.


Did he just nerf it in the new cornellverse changes because I haven't downloaded it yet and I'm assuming you guys started before he posted it too and I'm seeing The Island Boys with A* experience.


That said I love the Samoans all of them, I can't get enough of them. In any game where I'm big enough to just hire anyone I hire them all. Rhino, Machine, Akima, Toma, Kanioshi, ADB and Tana. Just a giant stable of Samoans with at least two ready made tag teams and immense possibilities with Tana and Kanioshi (pun intended). Although with work rate feds like TCW I like to use their real names.

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Nnnope. This is textbook Blake. I was just doing it all early on instead of like... over the first couple months. My rationale was "If I send out negotiations to most of the people I like immediately, I'll get people that my competitors didn't think of".


You also seemed to get a lot of the people we DID think about. :) You beat my bids on two of the wrestlers on your list, and I didn't even bother competing on another three. TCW seem to have the lion's share of the pieces right now. The rest of us will have to look for stars outside of the old favourites.

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See, that's where the bidding war mechanic became very interesting. I was expecting to lose out to most of the people I went head to head with (because of my limited money) - hence the large number of approaches. But then it seemed like I wound up winning the majority of the ones I got involved with, including vs. the SWF.
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I'm one that usually tries to sign everyone in the world too, but I purposely tried to limit myself, just because I'm not used to the new economy mechanisms. Also noticed that in this save the economy is in the pits pretty much everywhere, and it's going to take time for that to turn around. So I stuck to a short list of 'must haves' and a few 'nice to haves' and decided to pick my battles.


Of course, in a few weeks' game time the first contract renewals will come up. We'll see how things are then. :)

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See, that's where the bidding war mechanic became very interesting. I was expecting to lose out to most of the people I went head to head with (because of my limited money) - hence the large number of approaches. But then it seemed like I wound up winning the majority of the ones I got involved with, including vs. the SWF.

I would hate to play Starcraft against you :p

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??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines


The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)


Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)


Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado


Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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Lemme see if I can guess who's debuting...if there's a prediction contest, do we get bonus points for each correct guess of the new hires?




The Cali Dragons vs. The Machines


The New Wave vs. Greg Gauge/Matt Keith


Sammy Bach vs. Ernest Youngman


Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado


Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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