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TCW: The Locker-Room of Doom [8RoW]

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As much as I like seeing debutants kick off with a bang, Machines & New Wave seem too strong to me. So I'll plump for Bach to take the hit.


??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines

The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)

Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)

Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado

Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)

Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines

With Texas Buffalo as your tag champions, the Machines need to be kept strong to carry the tag division, and there's no one available who can make a big enough impact to make them loose.


The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)

See above. Same applies


Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)

Sammy should be fighting for the World Title. No way he should be loosing.


Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado

RDJ is further down the retirement path than Vessey, and Benny is a glorified midcarder.


Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)

Build momentum for the champ.


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

It's Tommy Cornell Wrestling and Joey is an idiot.

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??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines

The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)

Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)

Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado

Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino

Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines


The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)

They cant all win ...

Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)


Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado


Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines


The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)


Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)


Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado


Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

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??? & ??? (Debutants) vs. The Machines


I feel like The Machines are too high up the card to lose to any of the new signings.


The New Wave vs. ??? & ??? (Debutants)


Same as the previous match, but The New Wave are a younger team so I think they're even less likely to lose here.


Sammy Bach vs. ??? (Debutant)


The beginning of Bach's mega push? Probably not, but he shouldn't lose here.


Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado


Team of two main eventers beats team of main eventer + upper midcarder.


Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino (non title)


Being the champion, Hawkins should have as much momentum as possible going into his title match with Golden.


Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell


I think Minnesota needs the win more here, a few big victories should get him back on track after that beating Law laid on him. Plus Cornell is kind of the third wheel in the world title feud so he doesn't really need the momentum boost.

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((Anyone who's ever written a diary knows how gratifying it is to get a bunch of predictions. Thank you so much. I hope I can live up to the attention)).







TCW Presents...


Total Wrestling


Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,000

Broadcast Live on G.N.N Total Sports (6.91)




Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Shawn Doakes







Kevin Christopher & Edward Cornell vs. The Machines

A murmur from ringside, Jason Azaria; "Here's a little fact you may not know. Tommy Cornell... has a younger cousin."

- Good match this. The Machines by now have a near perfect understanding, an almost unnerving level of synchronisation that allows each man to be exactly where his partner wants him, exactly when he wants him there. On the other side of the coin, the newcomers aren't just on the same page - they're apparently on the same sentence. With time, that could probably be refined to the very same word. In any case though, when you're debuting against the Machines you're always going to be fighting from underneath, and in this case, experience has the edge on enthusiasm. Brent Hill nails his top rope splash and pins Christopher for the victory.


The Machines def. Kevin Christopher & Edward Cornell

Grade: C





We go backstage, where Wolf Hawkins is lounging around with a young woman on his arm. Tommy Cornell approaches from the end of the hallway with a face like thunder. Wolf calls out "Hey Tommy, wasn't that your co-" and Cornell snaps at him to shut up - they have an interview in a moment. There's a pause, and then Cornell asks who it is Wolf has with him. Wolf introduces her as his girlfriend, Brooke Marsh and comments that they met whilst he was running a class at the School. Tommy is indifferent, and shotly thereafter the group arrive at Jasmine Saunders' interview set. Wolf comments on his challenge to Koshiro Ino - saying that he beat Ino last week and intends to do so for a second time, to show Golden just how little support he truly has. Tommy says that he's always been one step ahead of Joey Minnesota, and tonight is going to be no different.




The New Wave vs. Remmy Honeyman & Mark Fearn

As always when presented with a new threat, the New Wave open this one with the utmost of caution, almost seeming to test each of the new faces in turn. Honeyman is obviously quick, but maybe doesn't hit as hard as a lot of the TCW big guns. For his part, Mark Fearn looks dangerous whenever he's in the ring, dropping Guide at one point with a huge looping right hook, then going in with some ground and pound. Late on, it takes both members of the Wave to bundle Fearn out of the ring before Scout cinches in the Special Force to garner the submission from Honeyman.


The New Wave def. Remmy Honeyman & Mark Fearn

Grade: C-




Celebration time for the Wave is minimal. American Buffalo and Texas Pete come charging down the ramp - well, lumbering really, but they make an effort at least - and lay into the weakened pairing. Worn down, the tag team champions make mincemeat of the Wave, and leave both men laying prone in the ring.

-- "I guess we know who the champs are worried about fighting," Doakes opines.




Cutting straight backstage, International champion Aaron Andrews is talking on his cell phone, after a few moments, it becomes clear that his tag team partner Chance Fortune is on the line. However, from out of shot, Jay Chord jumps Andrews from behind, slamming him into a wall! Andrews goes down and Chord lays the boots into him. Standing over his prone form, Chord leans down and says that Andrews can consider this notice; he's coming for the International title.




Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs. Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado

No love lost between any of these competitors. Between RDJ and Vessey's recently exploding rivalry, and the history of Benson and Tornado, this one was never going to be pretty. Vessey dishes out brutal lariats and forearm smashes to anyone he sees - occasionally dumping someone with a suplex. RDJ throws those big right hands that he's famous for, Tornado and Benson intermittently burst into action. And then it happens - Vessey and RDJ catch each other with shots at the same time, both stagger back... and then the fire's lit and they launch themselves at one another in a frenzy, the brawl spilling to the outside in moments. Tornado starts after them and is cut off by Benson - a second brawl ensues. Official Sam Sparrow, seeing there's no separating them, throws the whole thing out and calls for security.


RDJ & Benny Benson went to a no-contest with Bryan Vessey & Troy Tornado

Grade: B-




Sammy Bach vs. Nigel Svensson

Svensson offers Bach his hand as this one starts, and Bach - albeit suspiciously - takes it. The Swedish grappler disengages, nodding... Bach shrugs, takes a step and nails a beautiful dropkick. That's the story of this match; Svensson is good, shows glimmers of picture-perfect technical wrestling, but Bach is better, faster, more experienced, and Svensson can't contend with that. The Adrenaline Shot finishes this one early.


Sammy Bach def. Nigel Svensson

Grade: C-




There's no-one in shot as we fade into a backstage corridor, the frame focused on a locker room door. Then, there's some muttering... and we pan up to see that, perched precariously on top of some of the lockers lining the corridor... Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins are present. Held between the two of them is a brown burlap sack. Edd thinks that this is an amazing idea - Freddy thanks him. A few seconds of waiting... and the door opens. The pair let out a kamikaze scream and jump down, neatly catching someone in the sack! The pair of them whoop, high five, and dance around for a second... before Flying Jimmy Foxx steps through the door and then over the wriggling sack, an exceptionally confused look on his face. Edd and Freddy exchange glances... and then look down as with a roar, the sack splits in two, revealing Eddie Peak! The two of them scream at the top of their voices and flee from a livid Peak.




Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh vs. Koshiro Ino

Anyone particularly familiar with the TCW roster will know by now that Hawkins and Ino have a consummate understanding of one another's styles - it's great to see, and whilst this one maybe goes on a little long for the two of them to hold the story together, their easy familiarity with each other more than compensates for that. For all Wolf's boasting, it's very down the middle, Ino using his power to go blow for blow with the champion, and around fifteen minutes in, it's becoming clear that Wolf is getting worn down. The Full Moon Rising is launched - almost out of desperation, but parried, then punished with a huge stalling back suplex.


Wolf bounces off the canvas and lies prone... and Ino's eyes light up as the crowd comes alive - thinking Kobra's Bite! Ino crouches down, stalking Hawkins, waiting for the champion to haul himself to his feet using the ropes, waiting for his cue to rush in and put an end to it. Hawkins rises, turns, Ino starts forward - and just seems to stumble for a moment - did Brooke Marsh at ringside catch his ankle? - the delay's enough though, for Hawkins to, on complete instinct, deliver the Full Moon Rising, square to Ino's jaw. Wolf scrambles to the cover and records the rather dubious win for the second week running.


Wolf Hawkins def. Koshiro Ino

Grade: B




The moment the bell rings, Tommy Cornell is sliding into the ring, and after checking on Hawkins for a moment, starts stomping a mudhole in the Japanese star. A few seconds later, Hawkins joins in on the fun, and Ino is looking in real trouble from the two-on-one assault until...





Rocky Golden and Joey Minnesota storm out from the back like they've got rockets strapped to their boots! Minnesota is first to the ring, and he drops Hawkins - Cornell - Hawkins again! Cornell is to his feet just in time to be clotheslined out of his socks by Golden! Hawkins scrambles for the ropes, kicking Minnesota off desperately and rolling out of the ring, being pulled to safety by Marsh. Cornell stumbles to his feet and Minnesota hoists him EMPIRE SPIR- no! Cornell wriggles out of the back of it with a hand on the ropes and drops onto the apron before ducking to ringside. The Syndicate regroup at ringside, Golden helping Ino to his feet as a fired up Minnesota makes 'come get some' gestures to Cornell.




Joey Minnesota vs. Tommy Cornell

It's with great reluctance that Cornell climbs into the ring, only doing so as Golden passes him, helping Ino up the ramp, and an irritated Ray Johnson starts to count him out. Cornell enters, and what proceeds is everything we've come to expect from a match like this. Minnesota, as always, demonstrates his technical excellent, and whilst Cornell is well capable of matching that blow for blow, he of course can't resist throwing in a little bit of dirty fighting - raking the eyes, stomping a foot, just enough to give an edge whilst keeping the referee unsighted. Minnesota though, is having none of it, and every time it looks like Cornell is taking a decisive lead, Minnesota flattens him with a huge shot or saps him with a hold. With time ticking towards the time limit, a game changer is required...




And unfortunately it comes in the shape of a crooked cop. Rick Law appears at ringside, and just for a moment, he catches Minnesota's attention. Joey takes a step towards the ropes... and Cornell spins him around - Blade Chop! Minnesota rebounds off the ropes and is swung into a Guilt Trip! Minnesota has nowhere to go, and he's tapping! A smug Law folds his arms and grins as Hawkins slides into the ring and celebrates with his mentor.


Tommy Cornell def. Joey Minnesota

Grade: B+



Show Rating: B

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Was it just a flaired writing style or did you get a handful of good chemistry notes. I'm think you did in that first tag match and the Hawkins vs Ino match.


Oh and that segment with The Canadian Animals was priceless. I'm glad one low rated segment doesn't tank a show anymore becasue now you can throw in fun things like that.

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With the Machines or New Wave that type of writing is generally reference to high experience as opposed to good chemistry. If a team has an A* for experience I tend to comment on their teamwork a lot.


That having been said, you'e right - KC and Edward have good chemistry. So do Wolf and Ino. This save has been truly astonishing so far. Counting things I've found in the dark, I've had about 8 good chemistry notes in two shows. It's not all in-ring, but yeah, quite extraordinary.


Glad you enjoyed that segment, the adjustment of the angles has definitely made me more inclined to put lower card angles in. I was already starting to do than in 2010, but that was more taking a penalty for the sake of story-telling, whereas now it's just perfectly fine to have the Canadian Animals get a C in an angle.

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Took a little longer than I wanted it to, but hey ho. Busies.



Prediction Standings:


Truth: 5/6
Jaded: 5/6
Self: 4/6
3rdStringPG: 4/6
PhantomStranger: 4/6
d_w_w: 4/6
Shadowsong: 4/6
Jingo: 3/6
Midnightnick: 3/6
Apupunchau: 1/6


Probably took the easy option, having the debutants all lose in that way, but it made logical sense to me and really there's not anyone that I just want to sacrifice to a Nigel Svensson or Remmy Honeyman. Might happen later, but not in the fist set of signings.


The draw wasn't called and I'm not 100% surprised to be fair. The significance is more about Vessey and RDJ not being able to separate one another.

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Better. Much, much better.


The worn out ringbinder that Joel used to store his notes had become a lot fatter over the past two weeks, and for once most of the new sheets going in didn't concern what members of the roster looked like they might be shaping to kill each other. The last couple of years had seen him build up a seemingly endless array of notes; who he needed to make sure weren't sharing rooms - or adjoining rooms for that matter (in a couple of cases, they needed to be kept to entirely different floors). Who was currently wound up with who - and for what stupid reason, who needed supervision and who could be trusted on their own, who to keep away from the bars...


Actually to be fair it was best to keep most everyone away from the bars. Even the 'good' drunks amongst the roster could have their moments. Joel still remembered that time he woke up wearing nothing except a title belt and some underwear that he was fairly sure didn't actually belong to him.


In any case... right now the notes were good ones, fruitful ones. Joel didn't feel that he'd done... badly per se, over the past few years. He'd kept them from falling over the financial brink. He'd made Rocky Golden into a guy who didn't just look like a star, but truly was one. He'd kept Eddie (large) from killing Edd (small) when the latter had spiked the former's brandy with ... well Joel wasn't sure what with, but it probably wasn't legal. And he'd done all of that without ever really running afoul of Tommy or politics, which in this locker room could be considered remarkable.


But the ideas were flowing again. For the first time since the Syndicate days, since the 'big ones', Joel felt excited about his job, he felt like they were moving away from routine. Perhaps it was a little much to feel that way from a single moderately successful show, but when most of the new notes concerned the talents of those that he was bringing in... it was difficult not to get motivated, to come up with ideas.


Of course, it helped that most of the locker room were too preoccupied with adjusting to the newcomers to get into his hair. Erm... figuratively speaking, naturally.


"Mr Bryant?"






Joel looked up from his Bench of Contemplation to see Ernest 'Mark Fearn' Youngman hovering awkwardly nearby. Without his sunglasses, the kid looked a lot younger; that was, he actually looked nineteen.


"What's up Ernest?"


"I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment."


Joel closed his notebook. Internally wondering - politicking, complaining, or something else? "We're speaking, aren't we? Shoot."


Ernest shuffled his feet. "Um, I wanted to thank you. For giving me this opportunity."


The veteran's head tilted to the side, and just regarded Ernest for a moment. "It's not all my decision, but... you do good work, Ernest."


Youngman started what was sure to be the beginnings of profuse 'thank yous', but Joel held up a hand.


"You have this opportunity, so it's up to you to earn it. Some people might have told you that getting the contract is the hard part. It's not - it's proving you deserve it. Now that you're here... don't rest on your laurels, all right? Thank me by proving your worth."


The rookie paused for a moment, then nodded, decisively. "I won't let you down Mr. Bryant."


As he headed off, Joel watched him go, a slight smile playing across his face. That was an attitude he could get behind, and well, when you were the booker, getting behind someone could be most significant. The next few years would inform how far someone like Youngman could go.


Joel's first impression was that it could be a long, long way.

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With the Machines or New Wave that type of writing is generally reference to high experience as opposed to good chemistry. If a team has an A* for experience I tend to comment on their teamwork a lot.


That having been said, you'e right - KC and Edward have good chemistry. So do Wolf and Ino. This save has been truly astonishing so far. Counting things I've found in the dark, I've had about 8 good chemistry notes in two shows. It's not all in-ring, but yeah, quite extraordinary.


Glad you enjoyed that segment, the adjustment of the angles has definitely made me more inclined to put lower card angles in. I was already starting to do than in 2010, but that was more taking a penalty for the sake of story-telling, whereas now it's just perfectly fine to have the Canadian Animals get a C in an angle.


I find it funny that you say that about the Canadian Animals promo since I feel the same way about my D - D+ range under card matches. Thanks to the promos, USPW TV can have a couple of lackluster matches and still be fine. Of course I still need to build up the main card so USPW can improve on their popularity instead of just treading water.

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I find it funny that you say that about the Canadian Animals promo since I feel the same way about my D - D+ range under card matches. Thanks to the promos, USPW TV can have a couple of lackluster matches and still be fine. Of course I still need to build up the main card so USPW can improve on their popularity instead of just treading water.


Well I feel that way about matches but I felt that way in 2010. A good Main event and decent Semi Main always meant that one or two bad midcard matches didn't kill a show. But now with Angles being rated the same way (Highest rated one having the most influence, then second highest and average of the rest) and then also being rated as a percentage instead of a + or - depending if the whether they were over or under the final rating of the matches means they are much more useful and throwing in one or two midcard angles doesn't kill your angle rating.

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Well I feel that way about matches but I felt that way in 2010. A good Main event and decent Semi Main always meant that one or two bad midcard matches didn't kill a show. But now with Angles being rated the same way (Highest rated one having the most influence, then second highest and average of the rest) and then also being rated as a percentage instead of a + or - depending if the whether they were over or under the final rating of the matches means they are much more useful and throwing in one or two midcard angles doesn't kill your angle rating.


Definitely agree. As long as you have 2-3 guys that can generate high rated angles you're golden no matter what your product is. If you're at all worried about an angle dragging your average down, make it a minor angle. You don't get all the perks but you get none of the downside.

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Definitely agree. As long as you have 2-3 guys that can generate high rated angles you're golden no matter what your product is. If you're at all worried about an angle dragging your average down, make it a minor angle. You don't get all the perks but you get none of the downside.


I do wish I could crack the high ratings with my angles. Right now the best I'm getting is about a B, though testing in my sandbox save indicates I can get B+s in a pinch, with the right people. It's not bad exactly, but if I could get regular B+s I'd actually be boosting my rating overall.











Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey






Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show?


Who's making trouble backstage this time?

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey






Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show? Jamie Quine


Who's making trouble backstage this time? Wolf Hawkins

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)

Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)

Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)

Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins

Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines

Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach

Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey


I reckon Vessey is the one causing trouble, and that Tracy Brendan makes her debut. Decent base popularity. Some entertainment skills. Hot.

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge) - Will probably be Peak squashing some midcarder or jobber. I doubt it will be a big name considering its place on the card.


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey






Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show? Zoe Ammis


Who's making trouble backstage this time? Bryan Vessey

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey






Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show? Katherine Goodlooks a.k.a. Recon, the newest member of The New Wave


Who's making trouble backstage this time? Bryan Vessey

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey






Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show? Amber Allen?


Who's making trouble backstage this time? Joey Minnesota

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Even non-title Svensson just has no overness in the US and Hawkins is going to crush him.


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


I see peak taking on all comers until he meets a big name.


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


JOBBERS, JOBBERS. Oh poor FJF that daincing fool gimmick will get you no where.


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Nobody shares my love of Danny Fonzarelli and Giant Tana (as separate entities not as a tag team). And why Tana isn't teaming and dominating with Rhino Umaga since you have no other Samoan on the roster is beyond me.


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey

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