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The Must Read List 2013

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Here´s my list, I´m sure I missed some great ones but these are all ones that I recommend to read if you haven´t done so already.


1) Foolinc´s TEW 108: I Can Be A Booker!? http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59486


I think I have said it before but this one is one of the main reasons why I registered in this forum at the first place. I have always loved to hear why others book the matches the way they do and Foolinc did it well here.


2) Foolinc´s NEO: From The Bottom Up (C-Verse) http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38530


I will try to put just one diary per guy but Foolinc deserves to be the expectation. I Can Be A Booker? was one of the main reasons why I signed but NEO is one of the main reasons for my love to 0/0/0 games and I still use some advices from this diary as my guidelines.


3) Tigerkinney´s BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=91072


At first I thought that I put his FCW diary here, but this one managed to do something that no other diary hasn´t. You see, I had always thought that booking (or reading) about promotions with no angles would be boring and uninteresting but Tigerkinney proved me wrong here and that´s the reason why I put it in my list.


4) Phantom Stranger´s TCW: A Quiet Retirement http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47928


One of the first diaries that I started reading when I get into this board and it´s still one of the best diaries that I have read.


5) James Casey´s SWF: Generation Supreme http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=515858


Granted I could put any of Casey´s SWF diaries on this spot, but I choose the one that is still going as it´s easiest to find. There´s two reasons why I like this series so much. First the roster isn´t overly bloated as Casey had made some difficult cuts (to me at least) during this diary and as a result it feels more like real world to me. Second reason is that I like the characters and Casey manages to keep pretty much everyone reasonable strong. Overall there has been and still is quite many great SWF diaries but if I could only choose one SWF diary to follow (luckily I don´t), this would be it.


6) Eisen-Verse´s SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=522476


Another great SWF diary. Now I must admit that I haven´t actually read all that much of his other works (with the exception of his USPW diary) as I´m more of family friendly entertainment guy than hardcore wrestling fan but I must admit that when it comes about creating hype on big matches and making larger than life personalities I haven´t found anyone who could do it better than Eisen-Verse. If you love to read great storylines then this is a good place to start.


7) Jingo´s "The Bad Boys Of Pro Wrestling" We are ELITE http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=522874


Again I could have put any of Jingo´s diaries in here, but I choose the one which is still going. Now I know I just said that I´m more of a family friendly guy but for some reason it doesn´t bother me here at all :p. There is several reasons why I enjoy Jingo´s work but here´s three of them: 1) Short and quick writing style, as I´m lazy reader and mostly just skip any long match writings anyway. 2) All the wacky characters and storylines (especially in ELITE and SAW diaries) and 3) The fact that Jingo not only uses but also pushes guys and girls who aren´t all that great workers. It´s just nice to see some of the lesser lights getting time on a spotlight for once.



8) Totti´s WWF 1998: What if Bret had Stayed? http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51187


I normally prefer C-Verse over real world but here is one of the few exceptions to that rule. Totti´s diary is probably the best real world diary that I have read and thus deserves a place in this list.


9) Dragonmack´s The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=75205


As I said earlier, I love it when booker´s discuss their booking strategies and reasoning behind certain matches and Dragonmack does it here. Also the match write-ups where about the right length for me here as you got good idea about what generally happened in matches without going too much into details.


10) Comradebot´s WASA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling in South Africa http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=509307


Comradebot´s diaries are one of the funniest diaries in these boards. I picked this one simply because the amount of work he had to do to even get this one started. The only problem I have with these diaries are that they way too short for my liking but on the plus side they will be quick to read from start to finish. :)


11) Boltinho´s 21st Century Boys (English c-verse) http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=510970


My favorite UK diary in these boards and like other´s have mentioned I loved the prediction prizes as he put much effort into those.


12) Rathen4´s Australian Pro Wrestling http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=296088


Another great diary this time from Australian scene. Rathen4 had some great storylines and good characters in this one and if you like to read diaries from less used continents then this one is one for you.

13) SHaynes23 World Championship Wrestling: Where The Big Boys Play (1995) http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=509771


Second real world diary that gets into my list. Like many of the diaries on this list it has just about the right amount of match write-ups for me.


14) jhd1´s Supreme Wrestling Federation: Under Pressure http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=341124

Like with many other writers on my list I could have put pretty much any of jhd1´s work on here but this is still my favorite and it includes one of my all-time favorite segments (the one with Lobster Warrior, Joe Sexy and Neptune twins going into restaurant).


15) Bigbaba42´s Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82514


Yet another really great diary from my favorite promotion so how I could not put it on my list?

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1. Eisen-Verse’s SWF: Where Men Become Legends

The first time EV has successfully moved away from his gritty, underdog niche (imo). He’s built a vibrant Sports Entertainment atmosphere, building some great characters and, as always, telling great stories.


2. The Final Countdown’s Ring Of Honor: We Don’t Imitate... We Innovate (2002)

The definitive Ring Of Honor diary. One of the longest running, and best, diaries I’ve seen since I joined the boards. One of the things that made this diary standout are the great match write ups.


3. Rhudipoo’s WWE:Bizarro

How to describe this one? Over the top, insulting, inappropriate, ridiculous... but hilariously brilliant. I can honestly say that no diary has made me laugh as much as this one, and beneath all the crass obscenity he tells some good stories as well...


4. Eisen-Verse’s WAR on the Vegas Strip

The first Eisen-Verse I joined ‘on the ground floor’. Having read his other work retrospectively, I was pumped to read this when he first posted... and it didn’t disappoint. Gritty writing, great characterisation, and a real feel for what the promotion stood for. My favourite C-Verse diary for TEW2010.


5. infinitypiwi’s Welcome. You Know The Drill

Short, witty write up’s that couldn’t help but grab your interest. It’s always fun to follow infintypiwi’s journey through the Zone, and this was the first diary to grab my attention after purchasing TEW2010.


6. smwilliams’ DaVe: Survive (CV2001)

Loved the feud between Nemesis and Johnny Martin. Having only gotten into TEW with the 2010 edition, DaVe had always been a company I had heard others talking about, but never really understood. This diary helped bring DaVe to life for me, and I feel my enjoyment of the C-Verse has been enhance by that.


7. JackKnifed72’s 4 Corners Of Chaos:WWF

8. Rick Savant’s 4 Corners Of Chaos:AWA

9. Hive’s 4 Corners Of Chaos:TNA

I wasn’t sure if I could vote these threads in as one, so I decided to vote them all in. This was a four player multiplayer game using Hive’s 1994 (but unfortunately the WCW player didn’t update as regularly as the other players... if at all). I loved the multiplayer aspect of the diary, and these three diaries really combined to make the game world come to life.


10. Blake Trask’s NOTBPW: The Prodigal Stone

The off screen stuff Blake did with Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins and the rest of the Stone’s was hilarious. Particular comment has to go to Freddy Huggin’s terror at any sighting of Jeremy Stone.


11. James Casey´s SWF: Generation Supreme

This is only so low on the list because I came to the party really late on this diary. Had I followed from the start it would definitely be top 5, maybe even higher. Great writing, great characterisation and an overall great read.


12. Boltinho’s 21st Century Boys

The best British C-Verse wrestling diary I’ve read. The intro snippets were fun, the prediction prizes were awesome and his portrayal of 21CW was, imo, spot on.


13. Self’s CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

14. Blake Trask’s TCW: Locker Room Of Doom [8Row]

15. Wallbanger’s NOTBPW: The Maple Leaf Forever [8RoW]

Another multiplayer dynasty I’m a big fan off. Meaning no offence to the other great writers in the project, I’ve picked my favourite three diaries from the eight to round out my fifteen.


May come back with some minor edits if I remember an older diary that I've forgotten. My diary knowledge only extends back to TEW2010, so picks are limited to that period.

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First off The response this year has been awesome, thank you to everyone who has taken the time!


Here´s my list, they aren´t in any particular order and I´m sure I missed some great ones but these are all ones that I recommend to read if you haven´t done so already.


That is of course your choice, but I will use this opportunity to lay out the scoring method.


#1 gets 15 points

#2 gets 14 points


#14 gets 2 points

#15 gets 1 points


So order will matter.






7. JackKnifed72’s 4 Corners Of Chaos:WWF

8. Rick Savant’s 4 Corners Of Chaos:AWA

9. Hive’s 4 Corners Of Chaos:TNA

I wasn’t sure if I could vote these threads in as one, so I decided to vote them all in. This was a four player multiplayer game using Hive’s 1994 (but unfortunately the WCW player didn’t update as regularly as the other players... if at all). I loved the multiplayer aspect of the diary, and these three diaries really combined to make the game world come to life.



13. Self’s CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

14. Blake Trask’s TCW: Locker Room Of Doom [8Row]

15. Wallbanger’s NOTBPW: The Maple Leaf Forever [8RoW]

Another multiplayer dynasty I’m a big fan off. Meaning no offence to the other great writers in the project, I’ve picked my favourite three diaries from the eight to round out my fifteen.


May come back with some minor edits if I remember an older diary that I've forgotten. My diary knowledge only extends back to TEW2010, so picks are limited to that period.


in my opinion multi way diaries in separate threads, should be treated like multiway diaries in one thread. Give the grouping a name, throw me the multi links, but feel free to count them as one choice. and recover 4 more picks :D

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That is of course your choice, but I will use this opportunity to lay out the scoring method.


#1 gets 15 points

#2 gets 14 points


#14 gets 2 points

#15 gets 1 points


So order will matter.


I must have missed that. :o Oh well, looking at the order it´s pretty goos as it is so I´m leaving it that way, after all I just put them down in the order that I remembered them so the ones with biggest effects on me where already on the top. :)

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Not only is it tough ordering these, it's difficult trying to decide which ones to include! Will edit the post as and when, but at least if I start a list I might remember to finish it off! :p


1. SWF: Generation Supreme by Bigpapa42

THE diary that started things off for me. Superb writing and storytelling, easy to read, well set out - this is still my favourite diary after all this time.


2. USPW - What? This Again? by angeldelayette

angeldelayette has written some superb diaries and it was difficult to choose just one, but this is probably my favourite from start to finish. Coming on the back of Slow Ride, this diary had a pretty big hole to fill. Not only did it match Slow Ride, but it managed to do so with fresh ideas and interesting characters.


3. Guest Booker Legacy: The Pro Wrestling Integrity of Shane Allman by NoNeck

I almost picked his Phoenix Also Rises diary, but I think his ThunderVerse effort is overlooked (perhaps because it isn't Cverse). A very good piece of writing that not only captures the feel of the company, but as one of the mod's earliest diaries has had the effect of laying the groundwork for the promotion going forward.


4. World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude by Keefmoon

I don't often read real world diaries but like BP's Generation Supreme, Keefmoon's epic was one of the things that really helped me to get into TEW. Captures the real characters very well and does it in a believable way, that can sometimes be missing from RW diaries.


5. Arcadia presents...Deadly Overloaded Action by Eisen-verse

As many have said already, E-V has written a number of fantastic diaries, but this one sticks with me as one of his most fun to read. I've had the privilege of working with E-V on a number of his projects, and this one also provided me with the most interesting alt requests! :D












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5. 2010 - 21st Century Boys - Boltinho



I had no clue who any of these guys were before this diary. It's the UK and I stayed the hell away before catching Boltinho's diary by chance. I couldn't stop reading. It's Sports Entertainment at its finest.


9 Boltinho 21st Century Boys 2011 - 2012




Really enjoyed this as it had a real 'British wrestling' feel. The prediction contest prizes were excellent too, lots of effort put in.



11) Boltinho´s 21st Century Boys (English c-verse) http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=510970


My favorite UK diary in these boards and like other´s have mentioned I loved the prediction prizes as he put much effort into those.


12. Boltinho’s 21st Century Boys

The best British C-Verse wrestling diary I’ve read. The intro snippets were fun, the prediction prizes were awesome and his portrayal of 21CW was, imo, spot on.


Thanks all - amongst the other guys mentioned thats very gratifying. Might have to move up my next project...


Great thread Mistaken - Ill vote when Ive collected my thoughts

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Might have to move up my next project...




I vote for this.


Is your heart in the UK or is there a chance we see Bolt running something crazy like EXODUS or ZEN? just curious! :)


EDIT - I have edited posts like 20 times in this thread... its crazy. ANYWAY I remembered wasn't it you whom made the stellar comic-like logo for EMLL??? DUDE YA GOTTA RUN THAT!!! That be sweet....

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1. TCW: A Quiet Retirement - Phantom Stranger


Shocked this hasn't gotten a #1 vote yet. The standard bearer for long-term continuity, overall quality of writing, compelling characters, etc.


2. MoSC: The Worst of British Wrestling - Nevermore


Nevvy's flair for hardcore, along with a razor sharp wit and a heavy dose of sarcastic brilliance from the protagonist make this one one of my all time favorites.


3. Battle lines have been drawn. What if the NWA struck first... - theoutlaw321


A wonderful re-imagining of the territory wars from a writer who clearly knew the era.


4. Mark Cuban Does DaVE - Monkeypox


The diary that put Jack Giedroyc on the map.


5. USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free - J Silver


The diary that added 'conflabbit' to my vocabulary.


6. The Faces of Force: JIM FORCE! - Actarus


Your Forcechlorian count is guaranteed to be elevated after reading this.


7. Memoirs of a Booker - Yuu Onuki


Yuu brought 5SSW to life in a way that hadn't been done before, and we are better for it.


8. Days in the Life - Confessions of a Triple 'A' Worker - NordVoif


A compelling protagonist and an underutilized company for diaries, this one is a hidden gem you owe it to yourself to read if you're a fan of non-divaish women's wrestling.


9. MWA - This Means War! - Scapino1974


A great long-term diary with a great mix of user characters and an all-star roster.


10. Destined to Fail 2008 - Phantom Stranger (original concept by panix04)


Yes, I'm biased. One of the most successful forum participation diaries on GDS.


11. BHOTWG: Stepping into the Inferno - Tigerkinney


No one writes in-ring action better than Tigerkinney. Period. End of sentence.


12. Total Championship Wrestling (TCW) - The Total Challenge - Dynamite Kid (formerly Ramaeno)


The first diary I really got into here, it holds a special place in my heart.


13. SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS - Eisen-Verse


Right now, the best '13 diary going.


14. IPW: A Friend In Need - smwilliams


Taking the greenfield of a new '13 company, this diary is both fresh and interesting. Hope it continues for the long term.


15. Welcome to the Reinvention - infinitywpi


It wouldn't be a proper list if the Welcome to... series wasn't mentioned at least once, and I take the '13 version because it's a fresh twist on a tried and true formula.

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Damn. This is hard. That said, this is a work in progress... :D



BigPapa42 was a 'rock-star' then and still a 'rock-star' now in my book. He's the writer who sparked my interest in a GDS dynasty &, personally, helped to shape my early years as a contributor here (Still does; always a great source of feedback). This was the project that sparked said interest & I still perceive it to be the BEST SWF Dynasty that's ever been written.



The master of creative longevity, PhantomStranger is the kind of writer that everyone here wants to be like (if not surpass; if your competitive in nature). Much like BigPapa42, he's a benchmark writer; "do you add up?". With TCW: A Quiet Retirement, not only did he keep the project going for an outstanding length but, during that time, there was never a 'phone it in' kind of scenario. He was exploring his creativity up until the very last segment. Great work here. He really could go #1 as well.



I LOVED this dynasty. The look, the booking; everything. He created a very unique vibe with his personally developed renders &, that alone, set it apart. Furthermore, I'm a huge fan of JK Stallings Jr. & I feel he used him really well. The idea of Stallings/Strong forming as one; it's still a powerful vision in my mind. Not to mention, the fact that he 'changed things up' and threw them into the 'race for the US', adding their show into prime-time against TCW/SWF, was ballsy & a great challenge to read. It still stands as one of my favorite reads; I go back to it every once in awhile.



This was a personal favorite of mine as well (I guess they all are on this list). NoNeck created a sandbox scenario for which anything was possible. There were some great characters in there & the overall feel just dripped with excitement. This was most likely his most beloved piece of work (for an equally beloved writer).



I'll admit. I know NOTHING about the Japanese wrestling scene. It's absolutely... well... foreign to me. That said, the amount of detail that TigerKinney put into this work is amazing. You can tell, straight from day one, he knew how he wanted to book this company & did so in a way that even someone like me (a severe novice) would find enjoyment. Great match write-ups in here as well. Tiger's another one of those benchmark writers for a lot of us. The detail he provides shows a real love for what he's writing; something that's awesome to see.



James Casey is one of those writers who pulls everyone in with what he's able to create. He's had a number of successful diaries showing that; however, his MAW project is what stands out to me in the end. From the very start, posting the rules on the wall, there was a genuine air to the writing. I felt as though I could have been there; slumming it in some high school gymnasium as I get ready for a show that'll only hold 50-100 people. Amazing work here. Longevity was equally great.



Again, I know NOTHING about the Japanese scene; however, this project pulled me in straight away. I'm a vision-guy. I need depth to the writing, some thought there, some creativity, but the visuals have to equally project your 'brand' for me to really take notice. Yuu Onuki pulled me in RIGHT away with the writing style & visual aspect of this dynasty. A truly inspiring piece of work.



I don't really read real-world dynasties. I'm not sure why. I'm just much more of a cornellverse guy. That said, Nevy's ECW epic was truly that. He took the framework of a company that I loved SO dearly & molded it into his own version over time. The addition of WWF stars (big one's at that) made the shows rather shocking but in a good way. It's the story of "if ECW could have grown bigger". I wish it had. Nevy gave me the chance to read about it though.



Another example of indy wrestling at it's best. David Mack was a great user character & really made you dive into his world. Additionally, NYCW is one of those companies that 'wrestling fans' love to see succeed. They're a throwback; unapologetic. Dragonmack made us step into their world & feel as though we were truly following an indy company just looking to survive; and reach for success at the same time.



It didn't last as long as his previous SWF dynasty; however, the 'dark days' tone was an intriguing scenario. From what I remember, it was Pa's attempt at a 'attitude era' style. It was more brutal, more crazy, but really inspired me to look at the SWF in a new way. Luckily, for my current dynasty, he created this project. Without it, I'm not sure if I would have gone this direction with the SWF (as we perceive the company the same in a lot of ways).

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  1. [thread=15014]ECW: World Wide

    by Nevermore[/thread]

    This is the best real word diary I have read on these boards. I was never a fan of ECW, but the way this is written it makes me sorry I wasn't




  2. [thread=26405]The New NWA

    by DSE81[/thread]

    This one of the few diaries I followed even when I was away from the boards. I loved predicting this diary. For so long I knew exactly where DSE was going and won the prediction contest so often. later on he just kept innovating, and being wrong was as much fun as being right.




  3. [thread=47363]MDC2: The Battle Rages On [Over 9000-verse]

    by D_W_W[/thread]

    #3 and I still have not gotten a cornelverse diary on the board. If you are a fan of comic books, check this out. I swear this diary is what caused Adam to do a comic book game. This diary is not just an awesome concept, DWW's execution is perfect, the pacing is spot on, and the writing could not be better.



  4. [thread=19932]Mark Cuban Does Dave!


    It has been said time and time again already, this is the best characterization of the conrelverse ever. THIS SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING for all new diary writers!




  5. [thread=21524]USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free

    by J-Silver[/thread]

    The Funniest Piece of writing on these boards except for maybe Jonny_Awesome's BSC diary that lasted all of 1 show. that diary would be on my list but I simply did not have enough room. J draws you in with hilarity, then hooks you with a story that servers both as a back drop, and an excuse for many of the funniest as well as finest moments in the Cornelverse Cannon




  6. [thread=1269017]Frontier Combat Kingdom

    By Self[/thread]

    Do you want to learn how to build a fued? Have you ever wondered what the difference between good booking and great booking are? well read this diary to find out. add in some stunning visual elements and this diary has it all (Caution not intended for younger audiences. I actually turned off the images when my wife was home to avoid unfortunate questions)



  7. [thread=33740]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: Dave's not here

    by Mcshamrock[/thread]

    don't read this, go read the diary!




  8. [thread=32191]MAW 10 Simple Rules

    James Casey[/thread]

    A lot of nice things have been said about this diary. It is old enouth to have been in my last top 10, but wasn't. This diary is everything I had hoped the top 100 would be. It opened my eyes to a great read I would just not have looked into otherwise. No disrespect intended but it has no flash when it starts, it is text heavy format and just screams vannilla once you get past the great entry post with the 10 rules. I WAS SO WRONG!!! this is a read that is worth the months it might take you to get through it!!!




  9. [thread=35327]SWF: Generation Supreme

    by Big Papa 42[/thread]

    You ever wonder how the SWF would look if WWE's writers got a hold of it? well you have the right diary! Big Papa is a great diary, and he executes a vision to perfection.




  10. [thread=29565]When Writers Strike: NBC wrestling

    by Mistaken[/thread]

    I know it's low class, but it really enjoyed writing it, and when I go back and reread it, I have a hard time believing that I actually wrote it. (it may move down as I fill this out, but for now I am putting it at the same spot i did 4 years ago)




  11. [thread=55126]WCW 1999: We Three Kings


    This is a classic WCW diary in the making. I know Tristam will appear on this list several times, but boom king also deserves massive props for his vision of WCW




  12. [thread=10979]MAW: A New Era Begins

    by Shipshirt[/thread]

    Ship deserves the recognition, and the reads! I can't claim this is his best work, as I have not read it all, but this is definitely worth the look




  13. [thread=34251]EWA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling In Europe

    by Comradebot[/thread]

    This was a great little read, that really opened up Europe as a game region way back in the period that Europe was a new region to the game.




  14. [thread=32110]Babes Of Sin City Gets Awesome. John Awesome.

    by Crayon[/thread]

    This is the diary you can blame for having to put up top 15 instead of top 10. just one show long this is a must read, if you need to bust a gut laughing at a diary.




  15. The Adeezy62 diaries

    by the board

    [thread=30458]the last one we know the grades are fake[/thread]

    [thread=29601]the one where we find out the grades are face[/thread]

    [thread=29923]The diary where they ran a split game . . . wait for it . . . in two different games

    (oh we did not know yet that that adeezy did not use the game yet)[/thread]

    oh search adeezy for more comedy gold. This saga was absolutely great, skip reading the diaries unless you want a head ache, these threads are purely for the out of thread comments!







Alot of the diary's on here are from 4 years ago, some of that is because I've been around the boards a lot less. So of that is because I have been reading closed diary's in PDF form that I choose from from the last top 100. And some is because well I guess at this point I would have to be considered part of the old school around here.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jack Hood" data-cite="Jack Hood" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35643" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I vote for this.<p> </p><p> Is your heart in the UK or is there a chance we see Bolt running something crazy like EXODUS or ZEN? just curious! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> EDIT - I have edited posts like 20 times in this thread... its crazy. ANYWAY I remembered wasn't it you whom made the stellar comic-like logo for EMLL??? DUDE YA GOTTA RUN THAT!!! That be sweet....</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> One day there'll be time...</p><p> </p><p> EMLL are a great fun company.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://imageshack.us/a/img96/2039/emlllogoalt.jpg</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mistaken" data-cite="mistaken" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35643" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li><br /><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><br /><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><br /><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">[thread=32110]Babes Of Sin City Gets Awesome. John Awesome. </span></strong></div><br /><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"> by Crayon[/thread]</span></strong></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">This is the diary you can blame for having to put up top 15 instead of top 10. just one show long this is a must read, if you need to bust a gut laughing at a diary.</div></div></li></ol><p><br /></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><br /></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> THANK YOU for posting this! Yeah, it's a really short diary. But I haven't laughed as hard as I did since reading J Silver's first USPW diary... <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Just want to firstly thank the people who nominated my diary, very surprising that people remember it and it really makes me want to start writing again.


Im mainly a real world man and haven't really been around the boards properly for a few years so my moninations are few and far between im afraid, but it's better than none.


1. tristram

WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

The best piece of writing i've read on this boards. Can't recommend this enough. The best promo's i've ever seen hands down and probably the best match writeups aswell. Loved every minute of this masterpiece.


2. Nevermore

ECW Worldwide

A close second. A diary full of twists and turns and fantastic storytelling.


3. Monkeypox

Mark Cuban does Dave

I'm not a big follower of the cornellverse probably because i don't find much time to play the game, but a stumbled upon this a few years back and was just really blown away with how good it was.


4. keefmoon

World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

My favourite period in wrestling as im sure is the same case for a lot of people, and this is the best attitude take i've seen. Such an enjoyable piece of work.


5. Bigpapa42

World Championship Wrestling 2002: Rebuilding the Empire

This writer will deservedly have a lot of diarys chosen by different people, but this was the one I enjoyed the most. He made the best of a depleted roster and had some fantastic ideas and the monthly writeups were excellent.

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