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Boston Marathon Explosion Kills 2


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My heart goes out to those affected, I seriously hope this is not another terrorist attack though, and rather the work of a domestic nutjob. Not that it makes it any better for those hurt/killed, but America does not need another war.


If Korea is involved (which I highly doubt) Then Kim is dumber than I gave him credit for, and if terrorists are involved, they may be equally as stupid for egging on the country that was exiting from two wars with them.

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I think it's a stretch to say it was international in nature. Most certainly plausible, but more likely it's just a homegrown nutjob.


Either way, my heart goes out to the dead, wounded, and their families. Just senseless violence that the victims did nothing to deserve.

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Prim not sure if it's terrorist or not.


Just moved to Ma a few months ago, not in Boston but close enough that I was shaking while watching the news.


Today was a holiday here and a celebration. People from all over the world come to this each year. The person or persons now have over 160 injured some who have lost limbs and 3 deaths one of which an 8 year old child on their hands. I really hope the victims and their families will get justice for this.


I was reading on Facebook that schools in Maryland have cancelled the field trip to D.C tomorrow that so many students have earned as a safety measure.


It's a total shame.

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I was down at Fenway watching the sox game, bout 4-5 blocks away when they went off. Just a crazy scene, not really up for talking about it. my fiance almost had a heart attack, since they shut off cell phone service, to prevent more bombs from being activated. Which was of course absolutely the right move, but she was trying to call and assumed the worst for that hour.


Got Home and just held her for the rest of the night.

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Today started off really shitty, my fiance had to work, and her train was evacuated halfway to the city, which freaks me out of course, but they clear the train and she heads into town ok. Still a little freaked out about the whole thing.


Then good news, an arrest has been made. optimistic they have a good lead on this animal.

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Today started off really shitty, my fiance had to work, and her train was evacuated halfway to the city, which freaks me out of course, but they clear the train and she heads into town ok. Still a little freaked out about the whole thing.


Then good news, an arrest has been made. optimistic they have a good lead on this animal.


They're are conflicting reports if there has been a arrest made, but it does seeem like they have leads and I imagine they have more then they are letting on. CBS is saying the person is being brought in for questoning as a witness, not an arrest.

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Been up most of the night watching the developments. One cop killed from multiple gunshot wounds, at least three more injured (one seriously), one of the suspects dead from multiple gunshot and blast wounds.




Crazy, was up most of the night myself listening to everything on police scanners.

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Crazy, was up most of the night myself listening to everything on police scanners.


Same here in framingham, bout 5 miles from the locked down area and 8 from the city. Picked it up on social media before the news actually, and been watching ever since.


I hope the take this animal alive.

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So great news being in the Boston Suburbs at that press conference.


State police: our bad, we let him escape on foot...we consider him heavily armed and looking to kill more people. But at this time we have no leads, lockdown over.


Awesome! how the hell does a terrorist get away clean on foot from hundreds of cops but local frat kids can't get away with running from a drinking party?

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So great news being in the Boston Suburbs at that press conference.


State police: our bad, we let him escape on foot...we consider him heavily armed and looking to kill more people. But at this time we have no leads, lockdown over.


Awesome! how the hell does a terrorist get away clean on foot from hundreds of cops but local frat kids can't get away with running from a drinking party?


Weapons, for one. Bombs help too. Possibly people that are hiding him, maybe him having prepared for this for the past few months?


Look, your from Framingham... Calm down. It stinks, but guess what? They've done a heck of a job to find these two so quickly, and too have much to go on to begin with. I'm sorry they ruined your experience to a Red Sox game, but this is a heck of a bigger deal then some stupid frat thing, and it's alot more important then you having to worry one night, just like the rest of us in this state (and around the world), with much more on the line then you. You know I have friends/family IN Watertown.


People have died, and are injured... You really have to wine about them doing the best they can, and probably opening up the streets again do to info they have that we don't? Quit your cry baby attitude, I thought you were from Boston not New York.

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I don't see where I was whining, Framingham is a few miles from where this guy went missing, you don't think it's slightly ok for me to feel less than 100% safe and question how they lost a suspect when they should have had a premiter set before engaging? He's had 16 hours to run at this point, and the specifically said at the conference they think he's planning more violence in and around the city, and to be on high alert.


And go **** yourself with your condensation about being "sorry they ruined" my redsox game.


I'm not going to apologize to you for being shaken up by being a block away from the blasts and seeing people in shock, crying, and a few covered in blood, running up com ave from boylston towards me. I'm not going to apologize for wondering if we were under a 9/11 type attack at the time and wondering if I'd ever see my fiance again. I'm not going to apologize for hugging her and breaking down a bit when I got home.


As to what I'm feeling?


I'm feeling incredible anger with no outlet about an 8 year old getting his life snuffed out, his sister losing her leg, His mother being in critical condition, Two other innocent women being dead, countless others who were at the scene and are directly hurt or scarred mentally for life, or both, a officer assassinated in his car, and everyone in my town being terrified.


That being tempered by extreme pride in my city for pulling together, for the first responders, for the civilians who saved lives, the man who, with his legs blown off, helped ID suspect 1, and about a million other examples of humanity's best fighting its worst.


And mixed in with that is just a complete lack of ability to understand who two young men who had lived here 10 years and by all accounts were well liked turned on their city.


In summary, go **** yourself, you condescending asshole. And if this gets me banned, i really don't care, and if your trolling, congrats, you got me, go beat off for getting me to respond to you.

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I don't see where I was whining, Framingham is two miles from where this guy went missing, you don't think it's slightly ok for me to feel less than 100% safe and question how they lost a suspect when they should have had a premiter se0 before engagingt?


And go **** yourself with your condensation about being "sorry they ruined" my redsox game.


I'm not going to apologize to you for being shooken up by being a block away from the blast and seeing people in shock, crying, and few covered in blood, running up com ave from boylston. I'm not going to apologize for wondering if we were under a 9/11 type attack at the time and wondering if I'd ever see my fiance again.


As to what I'm feeling?


I'm feeling incredible anger with no outlet about an 8 year old getting his life snuffed out, his sister losing her leg, His mother being in critical condition, Two other innocent women being dead, a officer assassinated in his car, and everyone in my town being terrified.


That being tempered by extreme pride in my city for pulling together, for the first responders, for the civilians who saved lives, the man who, with his legs blown off, helped ID suspect 1, and about a million other examples of humanity's best fighting its worst.


And mixed in with that is just a complete lack of ability to understand who two young men who had lived here 10 years and by all accounts were well liked turned on their city.


In summary, go **** yourself, you condescending asshole. And if this gets me banned, i really don't care, and if your trolling, congrats go beat off for getting me to respond to you.


I'm telling you to relax on the police, stop blaming them. They're doing the best they can. I was condesending to you on purpose, take a moment and think who is really to blame.


I'm sorry you went through such an awful life altering experience, but support the men and women out there trying to find them, they're not trying to get you killed. We have no idea where he is, chances are if he's leaving the area he certainly isn't going to stop in Framingham.

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Fiance to me just now: "Go about and live our lives? when you just told us you lost a terrorist bent on causing as much death and destruction as possible? awesome."


To quote men in black.


There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!



Basically it doesn't matter who they are or where they are from, you have to know that anyone you pass on the street, see in the store, or go to school with could be a person who can kill you or harm you. No matter how well you know someone they can always turn on you.


I'm not saying this whole thing is right by any means. It scared the hell out of me and I'm still shaking about it. The fact is you CAN'T let this put your life on hold, you CAN'T stop living because of it. If you did they win. You can choose to let them put you in the place of mind where you never leave your house, but that will be a boring life.

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yes, i understand all that logically, when your close to it it's a bit harder to divorce emotion from the anlaysis.


On the positive side, police scanners are reporting a suspect pinned down! looks like the guy (and me!) fell for the old rope-a-dope!

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