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ThunderVerse - The Rest of the World [RELEASE THREAD]

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Created by The ThunderVerse Team*

Project headed by MJStark & TheEnforcer

Based on the original 2010 mod by jhd1 & Shmoe




(Updated Oct 16)




(Updated Nov 14)



Welcome to the ThunderVerse: The Rest of the World Spin-Off Mod Hype Thread. First of all, a little overview:


This mod explores the one thing in the T-Verse universe that
lightly touches on in the bios of some workers... the Rest of the World. Pretty obvious really
But what we mean by that is this: The T-Verse ROTW mod contains the other four areas of the ThunderVerse, their promotions and workers. It DOES NOT contain the original three areas from ThunderVerse Classic, and is a complete, stand-alone mod. However, around 40 workers in the mod are relevant free agents from the Classic mod, and you will need the Classic pic pack to fill those workers' pictures.


And this IS a complete mod, there are roughly the same amount of workers as the original release of the ThunderVerse, and as with the ThunderVerse, we will be releasing semi-regular updates and DLCs for the mod in the future.


There are over 800 new worker pictures (both franken-alts and new renders), with pretty much the whole team pitching in to create a whole host of new characters (hell, I even came out of rendering hiatus for this one!). There are all the promotions mentioned in Classic bios (well, actually, one isn't there yet, its a future promotion, and is only in there because the character was created for Classic while this mod was being created and the promotion in question was going to be active at the time
) so a lot of questions will be answered.


One main thing that people will notice straight away, and I therefore feel I should mention it here, the Rest of the World has no promotion larger than Regional, and only one of those. The reason is a simple one, its how it is! Why else would the Classic mod not have them?! The Classic mod covers the areas of the world where wrestling is a big deal. In the British Isles, Europe, Canada and Australia isn't really that popular for a variety of reasons. But don't worry, you can find out all about it! Lower down the post you'll find links to the history of all four areas from the 60s all the way up to the present day, a selection of random workers from the Rest of the World as chosen by the ThunderVerse Team and you can also meet the eight brand new User Characters as well!




We began the project in March, TheEnforcer originally contacting me about belt work for a small ROTW add-on that would just import into the Classic mod. Pretty soon we decided to work together on the whole thing. After a solid couple of months graft we went to jhd1 with a proposal, combine the two mods. jhd agreed, and began re-tooling the add-on. However, with other things going on and, with jhd feeling that while he loved the mod, in his opinion ThunderVerse Classic just doesn't need the other four areas. Then we had a brain-wave... if it doesn't need them, then maybe the rest of the world should be stand-alone, just like the original three areas. After some re-construction, the mod has progressed forward nicely, and now here it is, released into the world!


And now a few words from the daddy of the ThunderVerse, jhd1:

While MJ has covered this to some extent earlier on in the post, I was asked to write something about the mod and its place within the ThunderVerse. The mod began as an unofficial expansion by TheEnforcer, that is, it was done with the permission of the team, but without their input. Gradually MJStark became more involved, and eventually it reached a point where we began combining it with the main database. However, after a while it became clear that the addition of these areas to the main mod seemed to detract more from the three existing areas of the US, Japan and Mexico than we would have liked. By its very nature, having four more areas creates duplicate gimmicks, similar workers, similar promotions etc. Part of the reason the rest of the world's regions were never added is that I didn't feel they needed to be. They were, in my mind, not going to be particularly interesting setups. This mod, however, is extremely interesting which brings about the final issue we felt when combining it with the main ThunderVerse...it just didn't feel right. It was too good, too deep, too interesting. None of the things those areas should be in the main game. As a result we decided to stop adding the areas to the ThunderVerse 'proper' (or Classic, as it has become known to the team), and have both be standalone.


How does that work? The main ThunderVerse mod should always be considered the only canon as far as the universe goes. The ROTW is, in essence, much like the LotharioVerse - an official 'spin-off'. Perhaps you could even describe as a parallel world; one where the rest of the world had a better wrestling backing than Universe 1!


Regardless of how you line it up, the ThunderVerse ROTW mod expansion is a superb piece of work from TheEnforcer, MJStark, MichiganHero and the rest of the ThunderVerse team, and I hope you all enjoy playing it as much as I have!




The way the .rar is set up is as though the data file is in the Pictures folder. So after you've set up your new database folder & pic folder simply drop all the folders into the picture folder you use for ThunderVerse Classic and the data file in the data folder of the database you just created. Don't forget to pop into the editor to set the pictures folder and you're ready to go.

(I know it sounds obvious, but I've been caught out before




  • The pictures for the workers included in this mod that are originally from ThunderVerse 'Classic' are not included in this download and if you haven't already you need to download the pic pack for Classic, available

  • While almost everything has been done, employment histories are not currently filled out, and will be completed in a later update.

  • Some, but not all defunct title belts are available to purchase. However almost all the belts of the promotions mentioned in the histories are in the pack (excluding I believe Ayres Rock Wrestling, Logan City Wrestling & Masked Mexican Wrestling). As again, in a later update the history of these titles will be filled out and they will be available for purchase.

  • As with any mod, there are bound to be issues that the team have missed in final testing. Please do point any out that you find, there is a section at the end of this post where I will keep a track of what needs sorting asap and in a week or so I'll upload the tweaked version.




We would appreciate it if people did not make a mirror of any release of the ThunderVerse or related spin-off mods - this allows us to keep control of which version is available and, in theory, to keep the mod to this forum. As I'm sure you understand, a lot of work has gone into this and we would like to retain its ownership!





First of all, I hope you enjoy the mod!


It's worth pointing out, that we would prefer if people did not release a combined mod to the forum. We've not done it for a reason, and while some are disappointed, it would not be 'fair' for someone to disregard that and post it anyway. That said, of course people can (and if they want to definitely should), combine the mods themselves.


The basic method is as follows; import the following from ROTW into a copied ThunderVerse Classic database, in order:




Move Sets.


TV Networks.

Media Groups.



Title Belts (which come with lineages).

Worker Relationships.


TV Shows.

TV Show Slots.

PPV Carriers.

PPV Agreements.

Company Relationships.



Dojo Graduates.


Alliance Members.

Announcer Experience.



Starting Storylines.


Starting Injuries.




Hall of Immortals.

Tribute Shows.

EOY Awards.



At this stage, it's probably worth putting together the company rosters. You'll have to do this 'by hand', but if you note down the rosters and alignments (I'm sure at some point someone will post them), it's another fairly straightforward task. If you do this before importing title belts then they will line up, otherwise you might need to assign the belts to their correct holders before the game begins.


I would always suggest making a copy of 'vanilla' Classic, or you'll have to redownload again in the future, especially if any problems arise. I don't think I've missed any out, but if I have they should be able to be imported at the end of that process. Don't worry, despite the length of the list it takes hardly any time at all to do.

It may seem slightly long-winded, but it isn't difficult. It may take a little bit of time, but it won't take anywhere near as long as creating a 700 worker mod (let alone the equivalent of 3.5 if you include Classic and LV!).



*The ThunderVerse Team is
jhd1, MichiganHero, MJStark, Sebsplex, Shmoe, James0


The ThunderVerse and thus it's spin-off mods, T-Verse ROTW & the LotharioVerse, could not have been created without the help of
, and

A huge thanks
for uploading the original 2010 data and pictures.

We would also like to thank
for allowing the ThunderVerse to feature a few crossovers with his excellent WMMA3 mod, the Weidtverse.

Finally, a big thank you to
for allowing the use of his excellent Injury Mod within ThunderVerse Universe.




*CRASH TV networks don't have their own image*

















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awesome! I'm gonna give this a try right now!!!

thanks to all the people involved in this project! "Thunderverse" and all of their spin-offs are simply the greatest mods to play in TEW :D


I know and understand there is not going to be a combined version of this mod with classic TV, but would anyone be able to post a quick guide on how to merge them for personal play? (like what's the right order to import things, what need to be fixed manually, etc.)

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awesome! I'm gonna give this a try right now!!!

thanks to all the people involved in this project! "Thunderverse" and all of their spin-offs are simply the greatest mods to play in TEW :D


I know and understand there is not going to be a combined version of this mod with classic TV, but would anyone be able to post a quick guide on how to merge them for personal play? (like what's the right order to import things, what need to be fixed manually, etc.)


Seconded. Great work.


If rosters are the only thing not imported, can we maybe get a list of each roster so we can assign everyone ourselves?

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Here is jhd's post on the subject from the Hype Thread:


You can import virtually everything, except for Employment Histories and Company rosters. People might not be too fussed about the former, and the latter should be easy enough to do if a list of workers (and alignments) was provided for each company (I may end up doing that at some point for this very reason).


Title lineages are now imported along with title belts, so as long as you do things in the correct order (i.e. import Workers then Companies then Title Belts) everything else should line up okay.


EDIT: I believe the minimum correct order would be...



Move Sets




Title Belts


And then the rest should be okay in any order. If you import Moves first then Move Sets should be okay. If you import Move Sets before the workers then the workers have the correct move set assigned. If you import Workers before Title Belts then the lineages will be assigned correctly, and you can't import Titles without having a Company assigned (which may mean temporarily assigning a company to 'free' belts and then setting them back to nobody afterwards).


Hope that helps ;)

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I know and understand there is not going to be a combined version of this mod with classic TV, but would anyone be able to post a quick guide on how to merge them for personal play? (like what's the right order to import things, what need to be fixed manually, etc.)


First of all, I hope you enjoy the mod!


It's worth pointing out, that we would prefer if people did not release a combined mod to the forum. We've not done it for a reason, and while some are disappointed, it would not be 'fair' for someone to disregard that and post it anyway. That said, of course people can (and if they want to definitely should), combine the mods themselves.


The basic method is as follows; import the following from ROTW into a copied ThunderVerse Classic database, in order:




Move Sets.


TV Networks.

Media Groups.



Title Belts (which come with lineages).

Worker Relationships.


TV Shows.

TV Show Slots.

PPV Carriers.

PPV Agreements.

Company Relationships.



Dojo Graduates.


Alliance Members.

Announcer Experience.



Starting Storylines.


Starting Injuries.




Hall of Immortals.

Tribute Shows.

EOY Awards.



At this stage, it's probably worth putting together the company rosters. You'll have to do this 'by hand', but if you note down the rosters and alignments (I'm sure at some point someone will post them), it's another fairly straightforward task. If you do this before importing title belts then they will line up, otherwise you might need to assign the belts to their correct holders before the game begins.


I would always suggest making a copy of 'vanilla' Classic, or you'll have to redownload again in the future, especially if any problems arise. I don't think I've missed any out, but if I have they should be able to be imported at the end of that process. Don't worry, despite the length of the list it takes hardly any time at all to do.


It may seem slightly long-winded, but it isn't difficult. It may take a little bit of time, but it won't take anywhere near as long as creating a 700 worker mod (let alone the equivalent of 3.5 if you include Classic and LV!). :)


MJ - feel free to stick this post (or at least the bit I wrote in the quote box) in the first post if you so desire :D

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I don't know if this is relevant because it's two relatively minor things, but while checking the database out :

*Jean Marselle's Yukon Jean alter ego uses his regular picture instead of his alt.

*Dr. Danger's contract with GCW has a weird name, like it's a placeholder or something.

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I don't know if this is relevant because it's two relatively minor things, but while checking the database out :


By all means keep posting them. It's really, really easy for little things like that to slip through (especially as the mod was being worked on as late as a couple of hours ago).

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By all means keep posting them. It's really, really easy for little things like that to slip through (especially as the mod was being worked on as late as a couple of hours ago).


:o No, it was all smooth sailing.... :p


Yes, please please please do point out these things. It's mine & Enforcer's first 'full' mod release (the LotharioVerse was already well polished as it was a converted Classic database) and it was, as jhd so embarrassingly points out, finished about an hour before posting :o

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OK, so the alter-egos need looking at.


Sorry about that folks :( I shall take a look, fix everything that has come up thus far and reupload tomorrow....


So embarassing... :o


It doesn't effect overall gameplay though so feel free to take a look around in the meantime :)

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<p>Noticed one other thing, not major but the CRASH TV networks have the UKB Digital logo as their picture and dont have their own image.</p><p> </p><p>

Just checking through the various promotions, looks really good so far <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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I didn't have any plans on merging the two mods during the hype. After seeing some of the lesser known wrestlers I knew I wanted to add in the workers. After tooling around the promotions, I guess I'm going to have to merge the two mods after all. Meh...


KUTGW! ^_^

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="foolinc" data-cite="foolinc" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36849" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I didn't have any plans on merging the two mods during the hype. After seeing some of the lesser known wrestlers I knew I wanted to add in the workers. After tooling around the promotions, I guess I'm going to have to merge the two mods after all. Meh...<p> </p><p> KUTGW! ^_^</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What I tend to do is import workers I want to use (either from ROTW to Classic or vice versa) into the save I'm running. For example, if I want El Estandar on a tour with N-EW, I'll just import him (and make him available to use in Europe). If nothing else it's a lot quicker <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jhd1" data-cite="jhd1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36849" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What I tend to do is import workers I want to use (either from ROTW to Classic or vice versa) into the save I'm running. For example, if I want El Estandar on a tour with N-EW, I'll just import him (and make him available to use in Europe). If nothing else it's a lot quicker <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Quicker yes, but after one or two signing I think it would feel a bit like cheating. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Besides, while you guys don't think that the two mods shouldn't be meant to be merged, I think there is some definite synergy between the two version. For example, I would love to be able to play as EURORESU with Japan available. And Great North Wrestling would be way more fun to play with the US. </p><p> </p><p> I'm not a fan of hardcore wrestling, but it's cool to have a different wrestling scene than in the real world.</p>
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Looking into the history of the GBWF Heavyweight Title, I noticed that there is a gap between Pallett's 6th reign (June 2011-March 2012) and Union Jack's 1st (October 2012-Present). Not sure if there is a missing reign or if Pallett's is suppose to go through to October.


I was also looking for a suitable version of Rule Britannia for Union Jack and I think I found it.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Pteroid" data-cite="Pteroid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36849" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So my first GCW show will involve an interdimensional conspiracy, a herald of a Planet-Eating Monstrosity (played by Utamara), and Future Marine getting hit in the head by a shovel-wielding Hellbilly, am I doing it right?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Haha, sounds about right to me! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thanks for all the feedback also everyone.</p>
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<p>Great mod, loving it! Couple of quick things..</p><p> </p><p>

The following workers don't have pics for me (am I missing something?):</p><p>

Eddie Chester</p><p>

Bushtucka (both)</p><p>

Mr Universe</p><p> </p><p>

And not sure if this is on his worker page or just his PWL profile but looking at PWL, Marco DaSilva is just called Marco Silva.</p>

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