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[HYPE] WWE 2K15 Skin

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WWE 2K15


Information: The following is a WWE 2K15 inspired skin for Total Extreme Wrestling 2013. The first (and original) skin is heavily WWE orientated, created for real world current WWE games, but I've also done an alternate without the WWE logos for you to use if you so choose which can be found towards the bottom of this post.


Known Problems: I know the editor is out of place in some places, but I've decided to leave it because I've been using it and it really doesn't look too out of place and I figure that not everyone uses the editor so it should only bother a select few. Everything else should be fine but if you find any problems and/or think things would look better with a slight change, then please tell me and I'll look into it.


I missed the "Remove" button from the Road Agent screen, the fixed screen can be found below:




Save it in the "TEW 2013 > Skins > WWE 2K15 > Backgrounds" folder as "roadagent" but without the quotation marks.


Download Link: WWE 2K15


Live Previews:




















WWE 2K15 (Alternate)


As I alluded to earlier, here is an alternate where it's still heavily WWE 2K15 inspired but I've removed all traces of WWE, particularly the WWE logos so it's more or less just a new skin. The website is still heavily inspired by WWE.com, it's something I may revise if people can't live with it so please do tell me if it's something that particularly annoys you. Same applies if you find any WWE logos that I may have missed on any other screens.


Download Link: WWE 2K15 (Alternate)


Known Problems: I haphazardly missed the "WWE Network" part of the website screen but have since fixed it if it's something you can't live with and also missed the "Remove" button from the Road Agent screen:




To replace the original, save it in your "TEW 2013 > Skins > WWE 2K15 (Alternate) > Backgrounds" folder as "website" but without the quotation marks, obviously. If you're unsure as to whether or not you've done it properly, you should get asked if you want to overwrite the original which obviously you do. If anyone needs any more help than that, please feel free to contact me.




Again, save it in the "TEW 2013 > Skins > WWE 2K15 (Alternate) > Backgrounds" folder as "roadagent" but without the quotation marks.

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As I said when you showed it before, I like it a lot. I couldn't imagine using it with anyone other than WWE, though, which may be a draw back.


I love the webpage. I like the "full story" bit, I'm going to steal it ;) for the help icon, try a question mark in the same font as the "vs", I think that may look nice. Otherwise just leave it as it is, it looks absolutely fine.


Good luck!

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As I said when you showed it before, I like it a lot. I couldn't imagine using it with anyone other than WWE, though, which may be a draw back.


I love the webpage. I like the "full story" bit, I'm going to steal it ;) for the help icon, try a question mark in the same font as the "vs", I think that may look nice. Otherwise just leave it as it is, it looks absolutely fine.


Good luck!


Thanks again. Don't worry about "stealing" the "Full Story" thing, I'm stealing plenty from the screenshots you've taken. :p I can't tell you how painstaking the website was, having to copy WWE.com as much as I could... it was fun though. xD


Its prety cool, though like others have said it really only fits WWE, but with that said you do good work.

Yeah, I know what you're both saying but it was always the plan. I know it limits the people who'll use it (basically only those who play current day WWE games) but it's something I've wanted to do for a while. I may do an alternate version when I'm done and take out all the 'E logos as I save every image as a PSD and can therefore edit them if need be.

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Thanks again. Don't worry about "stealing" the "Full Story" thing, I'm stealing plenty from the screenshots you've taken. :p I can't tell you how painstaking the website was, having to copy WWE.com as much as I could... it was fun though. xD

The web page looks good. It's given me an idea of trying to replicate some of the well know dirt sheet websites. When I finish my skin I may attempt it. :p

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The web page looks good. It's given me an idea of trying to replicate some of the well know dirt sheet websites. When I finish my skin I may attempt it. :p

Sounds good. I'm sure they'll look amazing if/when you give it a try.

Nice, this os now my new fav skin and it looks just like the one I am currently using (my favorite)

Thank you, I hope it lives up to your expectations.

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I like the very modern day look of it and will definitely give it a go one way or another. That being said, I would really love to see an alternate down the line. As you said, you have the PSD's so it is something that could be possible, and I think it is something that would keep a lot more people using the skin.
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Nice job can't wait to download it.

Thank you.

I like the very modern day look of it and will definitely give it a go one way or another. That being said, I would really love to see an alternate down the line. As you said, you have the PSD's so it is something that could be possible, and I think it is something that would keep a lot more people using the skin.

With pretty much everything I do, I only do it if I feel I'm going to use it (I'm very selfish :p) so this was always a thing that I wanted to do for myself so it doesn't necessarily bother me if no one else uses it. That said, I will do an alternate when I'm finished with the WWE version but we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. :)


Here are some more screen-caps:




I hadn't done some of the graphics previously which is why I didn't preview the buttons turning green/red before but now that I have, I thought I'd do an updated preview of the angles screen. When the "Action", "Alliance" etcetera buttons are turned on/off, they're purposely slightly smaller than when they're not to give that "push of a button" feeling so if the red and green text looks smaller or out of alignment, it's because they are. You can also see the revised "Help" buttons; thanks go to RayW for the idea.








Always wanted to try my hand at my own "Physical" image and thought this was as good an opportunity as any considering this whole skin has basically been a way for me to try something new. I'm really pleased with how it's come out, particularly taking the "Random" image from WWE.com and manipulating it to fit my means. Keep scrolling to see how it looks with the different levels of fitness.










Obviously excuse the default buttons, I may have done some of the graphics but I haven't even touched the buttons yet as I always save them until last when developing a skin.




2 Cold Scorpio obviously has a picture in the Chronicles moderation, but I took it out just to preview the "no picture" image. Anyway, as always, any thoughts and/or criticism is very much appreciated.

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"Andre the Giant is not currently suffering any injuries."


Except, y'know, death.

I was using a different moderation when I took that screenshot. I still play games in-between using Photoshop to obviously create the images so just take a screenshot of whatever moderation I'm using at the time.

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Progress has been a little slower recently, as I've been doing other things but I decided to get the buttons out the way and I think I have like three graphics left to do so I just have to speed through the backgrounds now. Here's a new screenshot:



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This looks really good. It looks nice and clean. Will definitely be downloading this.

Excellent work so far :)

Thank you.


Just got finished with the Control Room:






The "Decision" logo also lights up/changes when you've got a decision to make but I couldn't get them all lit up at the same time so you'll just have to trust me on that. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Top notch Mammoth, you've done great work here.

Thank you. I've done about 69 backgrounds out of the 149 needed so I'm about half way through. Progress is a little slow but I'm hoping to have it done and ready for release in a week, give or take a couple of days. As it'll only be a quick edit, the none-specific (the same skin without the WWE logos) skins should be released at the same time. When the alternate is released, the website will still look like WWE.com (just without the WWE logo) but it may be something I look at later.

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Just a heads up, I've got about 10 more backgrounds to do (minus those I have to edit to remove the WWE logos for the alternate skin) so the release will most definitely be tomorrow. I did pick the pace up both yesterday and today trying to make it a Christmas Day release but have been unable to do so successfully so you'll have to settle for Boxing Day.


I hope everyone's had/having a very Merry Christmas. :)

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Just a heads up, I've got about 10 more backgrounds to do (minus those I have to edit to remove the WWE logos for the alternate skin) so the release will most definitely be tomorrow. I did pick the pace up both yesterday and today trying to make it a Christmas Day release but have been unable to do so successfully so you'll have to settle for Boxing Day.


I hope everyone's had/having a very Merry Christmas. :)


Looking forward to it, and hope you're having a Merry Christmas as well! :D


I'm going to be using this skin for my first foray into a fictional mod as I start up a game save with the Thunderverse. ^_^ I'll definitely use it for the January 2014 release of Real World Chronicles as well.

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WWE 2K15


As I promised yesterday, here's the skin I've been previewing over the last couple of weeks:


Download Link: WWE 2K15


Known Problems: I know the editor is out of place in some places, but I've decided to leave it because I've been using it and it really doesn't look too out of place and I figure that not everyone uses the editor so it should only bother a select few. Everything else should be fine but if you find any problems and/or think things would look better with a slight change, then please tell me and I'll look into it.


WWE 2K15 (Alternate)


And here is an alternate where it's still heavily WWE 2K15 inspired but I've removed all traces of WWE, particularly the WWE logos so it's more or less just a new skin. The website is still heavily inspired by WWE.com, it's something I may revise if people can't live with it so please do tell me if it's something that particularly annoys you. Same applies if you find any WWE logos that I may have missed on any other screens.


Download Link: WWE 2K15 (Alternate)

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