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WWF vs WCW: The War Continues...

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WWF Championship

Kane vs The Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©


King of the Ring Final

The Rock vs Chris Jericho


WWF Intercontinental Championship

X-Pac vs Triple H ©


King of the Ring Semi Final #1

Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Semi Final #2

The Rock vs Jeff Hardy


WWF Tag Team Championship

New Age Outlaws vs Right to Censor ©


King of the Ring Quarter Final #1

Matt Hardy vs Kurt Angle


King of the Ring Quarter Final #2

Steven Richards vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Quarter Final #3

The Big Show vs The Rock


King of the Ring Quarter Final #4

Jeff Hardy vs William Regal

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  • Replies 152
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WWF Championship

Kane vs The Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©


King of the Ring Final

Winner SF#1 vs Winner SF#2


WWF Intercontinental Championship

X-Pac vs Triple H ©


King of the Ring Semi Final #1

Winner QF#1 vs Winner QF#2


King of the Ring Semi Final #2

Winner QF#3 vs Winner QF#4


WWF Tag Team Championship

New Age Outlaws vs Right to Censor ©


King of the Ring Quarter Final #1

Matt Hardy vs Kurt Angle


King of the Ring Quarter Final #2

Steven Richards vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Quarter Final #3

The Big Show vs The Rock


King of the Ring Quarter Final #4

Jeff Hardy vs William Regal

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WWF Championship

Kane vs The Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©


King of the Ring Final

Kurt Angle vs The Rock


WWF Intercontinental Championship

X-Pac vs Triple H ©


King of the Ring Semi Final #1

Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Semi Final #2

The Rock vs William Regal


WWF Tag Team Championship

New Age Outlaws vs Right to Censor ©


King of the Ring Quarter Final #1

Matt Hardy vs Kurt Angle


King of the Ring Quarter Final #2

Steven Richards vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Quarter Final #3

The Big Show vs The Rock


King of the Ring Quarter Final #4

Jeff Hardy vs William Regal

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WCW Thunder, Thursday Week 4, June 2001

TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts (New England)

Attendance: 19,028 (sell-out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes




Mikey Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes welcome us to the sold-out TD Garden for another explosive episode of WCW Thunder…





And without wasting any time, our new WCW Sherriff, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring, with Booker T’s World Heavyweight Championship belt draped over his shoulder. He says that he’s been employed by Shane McMahon for one reason, and one reason only… to handle the “nWo problem”. And last Thursday night he did just that, proving once again why he is the Showstopper and the best in the business today and forever. He then goes on to hold up the World Heavyweight Championship, and talk about he’s probably the biggest name in Sports Entertainment to never hold this title, and how he thinks it would look great around his waist.


But saying all that, the title is not his, so he’d like to call out the rightful owner of the World Heavyweight Championship… Booker T!!






Booker T comes out to a tremendous roar from the WCW faithful, and he’s obviously recovered from the brutal beating of the nWo eleven days ago at the Great American Bash. He accepts his World Heavyweight title back from Shawn Michaels, and welcomes him to WCW, saying he’s more than willing to help him out in any way possible to combat the nWo.


Michaels says that’s great, however he feels there is still an injustice to be righted after the nWo disrupted the Sting/Flair Number 1 Contender match at the Great American Bash, so it’s only fair for him to right that wrong for Bash at the Beach. He says Hogan may think that causing that match to end in a double disqualification might mean there’s no Number 1 Contender, but as far as he’s concerned, it means Sting and Flair are BOTH Number 1 Contenders!


So, at Bash at the Beach, it’s going to be Sting, versus Ric Flair… versus Booker T in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship!! He asks Booker T if he can “dig that”, which Booker casually responds to with “Yeah, I can dig that… suck-… dawg.”





Rhino vs. Kanyon


We come back from commercial for Rhino’s first official match in WCW. This match proves to be a good one between he and Kanyon, albeit with not much in the way of heat. After about eight minutes, Rhino manages to pick up the victory over Kanyon after he hits him with a Gore.


Winner by pinfall: Rhino





We cut backstage where Goldberg is furiously searching locker rooms, bathrooms and even kitchenettes shouting over and over “Where is he?!? Where the **** is he?!?” Our announcers postulate that he’s almost definitely looking for Hulk Hogan, and Dusty Rhodes says he wouldn’t want to be Hogan (or any of the nWo for that matter) when Goldberg finally catches up with him…





We go back to the ring where the WCW Tag Team Champions, Team 3D, are once again throwing out an open invitation to any team with a WCW contract to challenge them for the titles. They quickly get a response from two of WCW’s newest superstars…





It’s X (the superstar formerly known as Edge) and Cage!! They come out to the ring and take up the open challenge for the WCW Tag Team titles, and we have a match!





The Suicide Blondes vs. Team 3D

WCW Tag Team Championship




This one proves to be an absolute belter of a match between two of the best tag teams in the business today, and perhaps of all-time. Mike Tenay mentions how X and Cage are wrestling in WCW under their old tag team name “The Suicide Blondes”. And the Blondes absolutely take it to Team 3D! After about seven minutes, they look to have the match in complete control after isolating Brother Ray for the majority of the match and slowly working him down. That is, until…





…the Radicalz come out and slowly walk down the ramp. Cage jumps off the apron and heads up the ramp to confront them, while X (the legal man) comes to the ropes to ask them what the hell they are doing here. The Radicalz all hold out their hands as if to say they’re not doing anything, and as X turns around he walks straight into a 3D from Team 3D!!


Cage runs back to the ring to try and break up the three-count, but he’s too late!


Winner by pinfall: Team 3D. Team 3D make defence number 5 of their WCW Tag Team titles.






While Team 3D is celebrating in the ring, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Syxx come flying down the ramp and take out the Radicalz from behind with steel chairs. The Suicide Blondes want nothing to do with the nWo, and they disappear quickly through the crowd. Nash, Hall and Syxx then flood the ring and start to beat the WCW Tag Team Champions down with the chairs. Brother Devon and Brother Ray try to fight back, but three opponents with steel chairs are too much to handle.


That is, until…





It’s Triple H!! The WWF Intercontinental Champion, who is facing Syxx this Sunday at the WWF pay-per-view, comes charging down to the ring with his trusty sledge-hammer in hand. While Nash and Hall see him coming and wisely get out of the ring, Syxx is not so lucky and cops the full brunt of a sledge-hammer to the stomach! Team 3D then hit Syxx with a 3D while Triple H follows up with the Pedigree onto a steel chair.


While Nash and Hall “bravely” retreat up the ramp, Team 3D and Triple H greet them with chops to the groin, reminiscent of another stable from another company in another time.





Goldberg is still looking for Hogan backstage, and storms into Shane McMahon’s office, where Shane is discussing something with Sherriff Michaels. Goldberg angrily asks them where Hogan is, but they both respond that they don’t know. This isn’t good enough for Goldberg, who angrily (and once again) sweeps everything off Shane’s desk. HBK tells Goldberg to calm down, he’ll get his hands on Hogan in due time, but for tonight he’s facing Scott Steiner in the ring, so he better go prepare for that.


Goldberg stands there for a few seconds, eyeballing Shawn Michaels, before he mumbles something angrily and stomps out of the office.





Chavo Guerrero comes out to the ring with Brian Adams and Bryan Clark and informs us that he’s enlisted the services of KroniK to assist him with the "Filthy Problem" that he currently has.





KroniK vs. The Filthy Animals


This match is a pretty brutal one. The announce team discusses the injuries suffered to Rey Mysterio at the hands of Chavo and KroniK last week on Thunder and how he’s still out injured. In the end this is just a complete beatdown of the Animals, as the one time where Konnan looks to gain any offence, Chavo is there to distract him and completely steal any momentum he can gather. The match ends when Bryan Clark hits Billy Kidman with a Power Bomb and picks up the pinfall.


After the match, Chavo celebrates with KroniK as the bodies of Konnan and Kidman lay beaten and battered in the ring. Chavo gives them both a few kicks for good measure.


Winner by pinfall: KroniK





We go backstage to our resident reporters, Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson, standing by with Sting and Booker T, who will be facing the United States Champion Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair tonight in tag team action. Booker and Sting agree that they will be able to coexist tonight when they face off against Flair and Jarrett, however at Bash at the Beach when the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line it’s definitely every man for himself. They also discuss the “nWo problem”, saying that if Hogan or any of his goons stick their nose in their matchup tonight or at the Bash, they’ll be ready for them…





Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


After the nWo left Goldberg and Booker T hospitalised in their heinous attack in the steel cage at the Great American Bash, the Animal is completely fired up for this one. Although Scott Steiner is a tremendous competitor, he really doesn’t get a chance to mount any sort of offense after a relentless assault by Goldberg. At one point Rick Steiner gets on the apron to try and distract the referee, however Goldberg just clubs him with his fist and knocks him back off.


This one appears to be academic when Goldberg picks Steiner up and hits him with a Jackhammer…





And that’s when the nWo (minus Syxx) flood the ring and beat Goldberg down. Referee Charles Robinson has no choice but to call for the bell as once again Nash, Hall and the Giant take it to the Animal, mercilessly beating him inside the ring.


Winner by DQ: Goldberg






Hulk Hogan, as to be expected, wisely struts down to the ring, happy to direct traffic for the outside…





…until The Rock comes flying down the ramp and takes it to Hogan!! The self-proclaimed People’s Champion from that other wrestling company assaults Hulk Hogan with massive rights and lefts, before ramming his head into the corner post of the ring. The Giant exits the ring to face The Rock, but the Rock ducks a massive clothesline and hits him with a Rock Bottom on the concrete!


With the numbers advantage slightly more to his advantage, Goldberg starts to take the fight back to the two remaining nWo members in the ring, throwing Kevin Nash over the top rope and Spearing Scott Hall, who rolls out of the ring. The Rock then slides into the ring and stands triumphantly with Goldberg, both shouting abuse down at the four nWo members as they retreat back up the ramp, licking their respective wounds.





Sting and Booker T vs. Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair


This match proves to have some great action by four of the best in the business today. Our announce team is slightly distracted, however, and spend most of the match discussing Goldberg and the Rock’s showdown with the nWo that we just witnessed. They speculate how the nWo doesn’t appreciate coming off second-best in any situation and whether there will be repercussions for The Rock at the upcoming WWF pay-per-view. After a good ten minutes of fighting where all fours competitors share the offence, we see Sting in the ring with Jeff Jarrett.


But then, what’s that at the top of the ramp?? Is it some sort of chicken??





Oh my, it’s Diamond Dallas Page, and he’s wearing a chicken suit! He comes down the ramp, flapping his arms, clucking like a chicken and pecking at the concrete!! This is enough to cause Jarrett to completely lose focus on Sting, as he is completely confused at a giant chicken making its way to ringside. This is enough of a distraction for Sting to hit the US Champion with a Scorpion Death Drop, and that’s the end of the story. Flair tries to rush in to break up the pinfall, however the World Heavyweight Champion is anticipating this and heads him off at the pass, while referee Nick Patrick counts the 1-2-3.


Winner by pinfall: Sting and Booker T



After the match, Booker T and Sting raise each other’s arm in celebration; however Sting is intently looking at the World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair is on the outside looking extremely annoyed and red-faced, while Jeff Jarrett confronts Chicken DDP angrily. Diamond Dallas Page cocks his head, looks at Jarrett quizzically, and then “pecks” him full in the face, knocking him clean out!



But then, once again…





…the wild pack of dogs known as the nWo once again make their way down the ramp towards ringside. Ric Flair steers clear of them and heads back up the ramp past them, while they completely ignore Chicken DDP scratching away at the concrete, as they head to ringside and surround the ring.


Sting and Booker T steel themselves inside the ring, and look ready for a fight, but once again the numbers advantage is stacked firmly against them…





…until The Rock and Goldberg once again make an appearance!! The People’s Champion and the Animal walk down the ramp towards the nWo, while Booker T and Sting inside the ring motion for the nWo to bring it! Hulk Hogan and his cronies look unsure of what to do, obviously hating the numbers advantage being even for a change.


It looks like all hell is about to break lose, when suddenly…





It’s the Sheriff!! Michaels comes to the top of the ramp and interrupts everybody to inform them that this madness needs to end. He tells everybody to cool it, especially Hogan and Goldberg; otherwise he’ll have to cancel the latest match for Bash at the Beach that he booked only five minutes ago. Everyone pauses and looks up at HBK expectedly as he informs them that at the Bash at the Beach we will see Goldberg in a Number 1 Contenders match for the World Heavyweight Championship. And he will be going one-on-one with none other than the legend himself, the immortal Hulk Hogan!!


As we go off the air for the evening the nWo regathers on the far side of the ring as Goldberg and The Rock joining Sting and Booker T inside the ring. While it’s fair to say that neither Goldberg or Hulk Hogan look too upset with the match Michaels has booked for them at Bash at the Beach, Dusty Rhodes questions whether Michaels really has the authority to book Hogan in a match, and wonders what Shane McMahon's reaction will be.


Mike Tenay reminds us all to tune in next week to see the fallout from HBK’s big announcement regarding Goldberg and Hulk Hogan at Bash at the Beach!!



Final Show Rating: 88

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Sunday, Week 4, June 2001



WWF Championship

Kane vs The Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©


King of the Ring Final

Winner SF#1 vs Winner SF#2


WWF Intercontinental Championship

X-Pac vs Triple H ©


King of the Ring Semi Final #1

Winner QF#1 vs Winner QF#2


King of the Ring Semi Final #2

Winner QF#3 vs Winner QF#4


WWF Tag Team Championship

New Age Outlaws vs Right to Censor ©


King of the Ring Quarter Final #1

Matt Hardy vs Kurt Angle


King of the Ring Quarter Final #2

Steven Richards vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Quarter Final #3

The Big Show vs The Rock


King of the Ring Quarter Final #4

Jeff Hardy vs William Regal



In the result of a tie then a countback will occur preferentially favouring the results at the top of the prediction sheet. In a further result of a tie the person who submitted their post first will get the final result. The winner of this prediction contest will get creative input into one of the major storylines happening in WWF throughout July.


Good luck everybody!


PS this is just being re-posted for anyone who hasn't predicted already. Show will be going up in about 20 hours, there's absolutely no reason to predict again.

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WWF Championship

Kane vs The Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©


King of the Ring Final

Winner SF#1 vs Winner SF#2


WWF Intercontinental Championship

X-Pac vs Triple H ©


King of the Ring Semi Final #1

Winner QF#1 vs Winner QF#2


King of the Ring Semi Final #2

Winner QF#3 vs Winner QF#4


WWF Tag Team Championship

New Age Outlaws vs Right to Censor ©


King of the Ring Quarter Final #1

Matt Hardy vs Kurt Angle


King of the Ring Quarter Final #2

Steven Richards vs Chris Jericho


King of the Ring Quarter Final #3

The Big Show vs The Rock


King of the Ring Quarter Final #4

Jeff Hardy vs William Regal


Good day for the right hand side

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WWF King of the Ring, Sunday Week 4, June 2001

Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 80,103 (sell-out)

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jerry “The King” Lawler





The broadcast starts off by showing a press conference from earlier in the day with the eight quarter-finalists for the King of the Ring tournament. It features all of the usual rhetoric you’d expect from eight superstars who all think they’re a genuine chance at winning the tournament and getting a shot at the WWF Championship at Summerslam. Some of the highlights from the press conference:


- When it was Matt Hardy’s turn to speak Kurt Angle’s “insurance policy” Brock Lesnar grabbed the microphone from his hands and crushed it. This caused Jeff Hardy to attack him, and Lesnar threw him through a wall, causing security to evict Lesnar and both Hardys from the press conference.


- Kurt Angle said “no further comments” with a supremely cocky look on his face after we saw Lesnar’s display of power and aggression.


- Steven Richards went on a large rant about the WWF being out of control and how he’d restore order, respect and decency to the company or some rubbish.


- Jericho’s segment was pretty funny, running down all of the other competitors.


- The Rock went on a rant about the Big Show and the nWo, causing the seven foot giant to get in his face and security to intervene once again and separate the two.


- William Regal just talked about how disgusted he was by everyone’s behaviour here today and how if he won the tournament he’s restore some class to the WWF Championship.






We then go down to ringside for the first time of the evening, where Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to the 2001 King of the Ring and remind us that tonight a new “king” will be crowned who will face the WWF Champion at Summerslam. Plus we have a triple threat matchup between Kane, his brother The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Championship that will go a long way to determining who will face the 2001 King of the Ring at Summerslam. The WWF Intercontinental Championship and Tag Team titles are also on the line, so stay tuned for plenty of action…





We cut backstage where Vince McMahon and Commissioner Foley are in Vince’s office. Vince asks Foley what measures he’s put in place tonight to prevent the nWo showing up whenever they feel like it like they did at Judgment Day,. Foley looks slightly confused and says “Errrr, didn’t we just hire Shawn Michaels to handle all that business??”


Vince angrily yells at Foley to get out of his “damn office” and shakes his head after he leaves.





Matt Hardy vs. Kurt Angle

King of the Ring Quarter Final #1


The first quarter final of the King of the Ring is an absolute beauty, with the underdog Matt Hardy really taking it to Kurt Angle. In the end though, Brock Lesnar proves to be the difference, as the referee takes a tumble and Lesnar enters the ring to hit Hardy with an F5. The referee comes around to find Angle pinning Hardy in the centre of the ring, and she’s all over.


Winner by pinfall: Kurt Angle. Angle advances to the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament.



As is usually the case with Kurt Angle and his “insurance policy”, Lesnar comes back into the ring after the match is finished and hands Matt Hardy another F5 just for good measure. Lita comes into the ring to check on her man, but what can she do in the face of a monster? Lesnar looks her up and down, but Kurt Angle grabs his arm and they leave the ring, satisfied with their handiwork so far tonight.





We go backstage to some dark room where Paul Bearer is standing with Kane. Bearer has a message for the Undertaker that tonight is his last chance to join his “Army of Darkness” before it’s too late. He goes on to tell the American Badass that his little brother Kane is happy for Taker to take the WWF Championship, provided he swears his loyalty to the dark side. Paul Bearer then says that if the Undertaker joins forces with them, there is not a force in the WWF today that can stand in their path.





Steven Richards vs Chris Jericho

King of the Ring Quarter Final #2


The second quarter final of the King of the Ring tournament goes much the same way as the first one. Chris Jericho and Steven Richards go toe-to-toe for about seven minutes until the referee takes a spill and ends up outside the ring. At that point in time…





…the WWF Tag Team Champions hit the ring and start to take it to Jericho! They both have him held up as Ivory slides a steel chair in for Steven Richards to put Jericho away with. He’s just about to swing the chair, when…





It’s the New Age Outlaws!! Val Venis and the Goodfather’s opponents for the WWF Tag Team Championship tonight hit the ring and even up the odds for Chris Jericho. They take both of the WWF Tag Team champs out, allowing Jericho to lock Richards in the Walls of Jericho in the centre of the ring. Richards has nowhere to go, the ropes are out of reach, and he’s forced to tap out… just as the referee returns to the ring!


Winner by submission: Chris Jericho. Jericho advances to the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament.



After the match is finished, the tag team champions try to attack Jericho again, but once again Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are there to chase them from the ring. The challengers for the WWF Tag Team Champions raise Chris Jericho’s arms as he advances to the semi-finals of the King of the Ring!





We cut back to the carpark, where Triple H has just arrived and is walking into the arena, constantly looking back over his shoulder. He’s so busy looking behind himself that he doesn’t look where he’s going, and bumps into…





It’s the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels! Michaels tells Triple H that he’s just here to wish him good luck tonight against X-Pac and the nWo, but tells him he doesn’t have access to the building, so cannot help him out if “it gets hectic out there.” Triple H thanks him, but says not to worry about it, he’s got X-Pac covered tonight and if Nash or Hall want to stick their noses in his business they’ll find out just why he’s called “The Game”.





The Big Show vs The Rock

King of the Ring Quarter Final #3


In one of the matches of the night and arguably the match of the tournament, two of the WWF’s heavyweights go head-to-head in the quarter finals of the King of the Ring tournament. And neither of these two holds back for a second, as they absolutely take it to each other! After about fifteen minutes of amazing action, The Rock looks to gain control when he hits Big Show with a DDT in the centre of the ring and sets up for the People’s Elbow.


Of course, that’s exactly when these guys show up…





“Like the pack of dogs they are” according to JR, the nWo comes down to ringside and surrounds the ring. The Rock goes to one set of ropes, and then to another trying to fend first Nash off, then Scott Hall, and finally X-Pac, but then turns around and walks straight into a Show Stopper from the Big Show!! The referee counts 1-2-3, and The Rock has once again been screwed by the nWo!!


Winner by pinfall: The Big Show. Big Show advances to the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament.



They’re not finished there though, as the nWo floods the ring armed with steel chairs and beat the holy hell out of the People’s Champion. The referee is powerless to do anything to stop them, and when the nWo is finished their brutal assault it’s the EMTs that have to escort The Rock from ringside on a stretcher!





Jeff Hardy vs William Regal

King of the Ring Quarter Final #4


This matchup is the first quarter final of the King of the Ring tournament not marred by outside interference. These two talented young superstars look to absolutely take it to each other, with William Regal pulling the typical brass knucks from his boot when the referee gets distracted for just a second. Jeff Hardy is able to duck the wild swing by Regal though, hits the Twist of Fate, follows up with a Swanton Bomb, and picks up the victory to advance in the tournament!


Winner by pinfall: Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy advances to the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament.





We go backstage again to Trish Stratus, who is standing by with the Undertaker. Taker talks about how he’s going to win the WWF Championship tonight by defeating both Kane and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the ring, however he’s going to do it off his own bat and he completely rejects the offer Paul Bearer has made him. He says if Bearer gets in his face tonight he’ll take just as much pleasure in delivering him the Last Ride as he will either of the other competitors in the matchup.





New Age Outlaws vs. Right to Censor

WWF Tag Team Championship




Although they haven’t tagged together for over a year (not counting Raw just gone), Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg display the same fluid tag team cohesion that has previously won them five WWF Tag Team Championships. And despite the best efforts of Steven Richards and Ivory to interrupt this one, nothing was going to stop the Outlaws regaining the gold, as Road Dogg hits the Goodfather with a Piledriver after about twelve minutes of action to pick up the pinfall victory.


Winner by pinfall and new WWF Tag Team Champions: New Age Outlaws



After the match the New Age Outlaws hug and celebrate winning the WWF Tag Titles for the sixth time; however their celebration is short-lived as Right to Censor storm the ring and beat them down four on two. Road agents and referees swarm the ring to stop the assault, however Jim Ross comments that “this is far from over between these two teams.”





We cut to a corridor backstage where the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin is walking, when all of a sudden he crosses the path of Hulk Hogan. Austin gets in Hogan’s face immediately, obviously ready to fight and asks Hogan where the “rest of his goons” are. Hogan responds coolly by saying he doesn’t need “the rest of his goons” when it comes to Austin, and “when our boy The Giant wins the King of the Ring tournament tonight, he’ll be taking your little title there, brother. That’s if you even have it after tonight…”



At these words, Austin grabs Hogan by the shirt and slams him into a wall, but before he can swing a punch, the corridor is flooded by midcarders and lower midcarders, who separate the two icons of the industry before a punch can even be thrown.





Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho

King of the Ring Semi Final #1


Our first semi-final of the King of the Ring tournament between two of the hottest up and coming athletes of the WWF showcases another display of tremendous athleticism and technical prowess. The King points out that Kurt Angle hasn’t lost a match since he took out his “insurance policy” Brock Lesnar and this match appears to follow the same script. Just as Jericho begins to gain the offensive Kurt Angle is able to whip Jericho into referee Mike Chioda, squashing him into the ringpost and knocking him out cold. This is the cue for Lesnar to come into the ring and pick Jericho up, ready to deliver another F5 and finish this one off…





But then Chris Benoit appears out of nowhere armed with a steel chair! He cracks Lesnar across the back not once, not twice, but three times, causing the monster to drop Jericho and turn around and chase Benoit out of the ring. In the confusion, Jericho is able to hit Kurt Angle with an Enziguri and follow up with a Lionsault to pick up the victory over the Olympic gold medallist!


Winner by pinfall: Chris Jericho. Jericho advances to the final of the King of the Ring tournament.



Meanwhile, outside the ring, Brock Lesnar is pursuing Chris Benoit up the ramp as Benoit gives him chair shot after chair shot to the skull!! Every shot makes him take a step backwards, however nothing seems to take the monster from his feet! They finally get to the top of the ramp, and with one final shot with the steel chair, Benoit is able to take Lesnar to his knees and follow up with a shot to the back of the head which takes him down completely.


Chris Benoit just stands there in absolute shock though, obviously concerned by just how much punishment Brock Lesnar can physically take.





We cut now to the New Age Outlaws’ locker room where Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are nursing their injuries after the assault by Right to Censor, but obviously still ecstatic about winning the Tag Team Titles for the sixth time. That’s when Triple H walks in and shakes both their hands, congratulating his old DX stablemates. Road Dogg thanks him and then responds with “Hey man, you’ve got a lot of odds against you tonight taking on Pac and the nWo, and you saw what they did earlier to The Rock. If you need our help out there you just need to ask and we’re there like a shot.”


Triple H responds that he appreciates the sentiment, but he’s got this one tonight. Nobody’s going to be able to prevent him doing to X-Pac inside the ring what he’s planning, not even Kevin Nash or Scott Hall. “Just sit back and enjoy the show, boys!”





The Big Show vs. Jeff Hardy

King of the Ring Semi Final #2


The second semi-final of the King of the Ring tournament is a pretty one-sided affair, as Jeff Hardy spends the majority of the match using his quickness to try and stay out of reach of the Big Show’s power. It looks to be over after about twelve minutes when the Big Show picks Hardy up for a Show Stopper, however somehow Hardy manages to connect with an elbow and escape the move. He then goes up to the turnbuckle, but without warning…





Kevin Nash and Scott Hall appear out of the crowd and they both grab a rope on opposite corners of the ring, causing Jeff Hardy to lose his balance and fall face first onto the mat. The Big Show then simply picks Hardy up off the canvas, gives him a thunderous Show Stopper and it’s all over.


Winner by pinfall: The Big Show. Big Show advances to the final of the King of the Ring tournament.



When the match is finished, Nash and Hall come into the ring and start to sink the boots into Jeff Hardy. Lita comes in to try and fend them off, however Scott Hall hits her with an Outsider’s Edge and leaves her lying prone on the mat next to Jeff. As two more superstars are stretchered out for the evening The King mentions how it really hasn’t been a happy night for the Hardys and Lita.





We cut backstage to Triple H and Austin’s locker-room where Triple H is getting ready for his Intercontinental Title defence against X-Pac. Austin tells Triple H not to worry; he’ll have his back tonight in the face of the nWo, provided Triple H does the same in regards to Paul Bearer, Kane and the Undertaker in his WWF Championship match.


Triple H looks Austin in the eye, they shake hands and he says “You’ve got it, buddy.”






At that point, Triple H’s wife Stephanie walks in and once again asks Triple H if she can accompany him to ringside for his match. She says the last few weeks she’s warned him about the nWo, and he’s always ended up on the wrong side of the ledger without her there. Triple H concedes, saying “if only it’ll stop you nagging me” and they head to the ring.





X-Pac vs. Triple H

WWF Intercontinental Championship




This one proves to be a pretty good match between old friends who hold nothing back in their newfound enmity for each other. X-Pac once again shows the skills that he is often not credited with, with his lightning offence and quickness on display, while Triple H takes his time and shows the methodical cunning and tactics that have earned him the moniker “The Game.”


Triple H seems to have this one in complete control after about eleven minutes, when…





…X-Pac’s nWo buddies Kevin Nash and Scott Hall start to make their way down the ramp. With so many matches being decided due to interruptions tonight, referee Jim Korderas leaves the ring and orders them both back up the ramp. Neither Nash and Hall seem willing to leave, until…





It’s the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin!! Austin comes charging down the ramp and takes it to both Nash and Hall, single-handedly taking it to both of them with a flurry of offensive punches, driving them both slowly back up the ramp. Back in the ring, however, X-Pac has a steel chair and he has it raised in the air ready to blast Triple H in the back of the head, while he’s distracted by the action on the ramp. But that’s when Triple H’s wife Stephanie enters the ring and takes the steel chair from X-Pac! X-Pac turns on the daughter of Vince McMahon and approaches her, only to be grabbed by Triple H who sets him up for the Pedigree.


Triple H is about to deliver the Pedigree to X-Pac, when all of a sudden Stephanie McMahon hits her own husband with a low blow!! X-Pac then follows up with an X Factor, just as the referee returns to the ring to count the “1-2-3”. We have a new Intercontinental Champion, but why the hell did Stephanie McMahon turn her back on her husband?!?


Winner by pinfall and new WWF Intercontinental Champion: X-Pac



Meanwhile at the top of the ramp, Austin delivers a Stunner to Kevin Nash and then follows up with one to Scott Hall. He looks back down to the ring where X-Pac (under the direction of Stephanie) is sinking the boots into Triple H and charges back down to make the assist. X-Pac and Stephanie wisely exit the ring and retreat up the ramp, X-Pac holding the Intercontinental Championship up triumphantly as Austin checks on the health of his friend.



Triple H comes to, realising what has happened and grabs a sledge-hammer from under the ring. He then pursues X-Pac up the ramp and out of the arena as X-Pac and Steph get the hell out of Dodge!





Chris Jericho vs. The Big Show

King of the Ring Final


The final of this fantastic tournament comes down to Chris Jericho, who has made it here without any outside assistance, relying on technical excellence and brilliance within the ring up against the Big Show, who has augmented his own massive size and strength advantage with a leg-up from his nWo buddies every step of the way.


Although Jericho is giving up hundreds of pounds and over a foot to the monstrous Big Show, he actually makes a pretty good showing here, constantly using chops and kicks to try and weakness the base of the seven-foot Big Show. Eventually though, and as we’ve seen so many time tonight, the Big Show manages to whip Jericho into referee Earl Hebner, causing him to go flying over the top rope, and setting the stage for Big Show’s “buddies” to make their appearance…





The second the referee is down, the nWo waste no time charging out to the ring and laying into Chris Jericho. Jericho has no chance at all with the four-on-one odds stacked against him, but you can never say never in this industry…





…as swathed in bandages The Rock comes charging down the ring, armed with a steel chair of his own. He delivers massive head-shots to Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, before taking a wild swing at Hulk Hogan. Hogan wants absolutely nothing to do with the fired-up People’s Champion, and bails from the ring, leaving The Rock standing toe-to-toe with the Big Show. Big Show swings a massive punch at The Rock, who manages to duck it and hit the seven-foot giant with a Rock Bottom!


At this point in time, Chris Jericho has recovered enough to lock the Big Show in the Walls of Jericho in the centre of the ring! The Rock revives Earl Hebner, throws him back in the ring, just as the Big Show can stand no more and is forced to tap out.


Winner by submission: Chris Jericho. Jericho wins the 2001 King of the Ring tournament.



When the match is finished, The Rock re-enters the ring and stands eye-to-eye with Chris Jericho. They hold this pose for twenty seconds as the crowd watches on in anticipation, before The Rock raises Jericho’s arm! Chris Jericho is going to Summerslam to challenge for the WWF Championship!!





Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin

WWF Championship




And now we’re down to the big one, the Main Event of the evening, the WWF Championship matchup between Kane, The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. And this one lives up to all of the hype, as three of the absolute best in the industry today give it their all in the ring for the biggest prize in the business. While Kane spends a lot of the match obviously staying out of the path of his brother the Undertaker, eventually Taker manages to hit Austin with a clothesline, causing the WWF Champion to stumble and fall outside the ring. The Undertaker then turns to face his brother, who stands with his arms out and points back towards Austin outside the ring.


But the Undertaker wants Kane!! He starts to attack his brother, hitting him with big rights and lefts, before Kane also gets knocked over the top rope. The Undertaker stands victorious in the centre of the ring to a massive cheer from the crowd, but who is Paul Bearer motioning to the backstage to come to ringside??





It’s the A.P.A!! With no disqualifications in this matchup, Faarooq and Bradshaw come running down to the ring and start to attack the Undertaker, taking it to the American Badass as his brother Kane climbs back into the ring and makes it a three-on-one assault. Under constant direction from Paul Bearer outside the ring, Kane picks the Undertaker up and delivers a massive Chokeslam to his brother! He makes the pin as referee Tim White makes the count “1-2-“


But Steve Austin gets there just in time to break up the pinfall! He then attacks both Faarooq and Bradshaw, giving both a flurry of punches before throwing them out of the ring. He then gives the Big Red Machine the double bird before hitting him with a Stone Cold Stunner. He goes to make the pin, only for the count to be broken up by Paul Bearer with a steel chair.


Austin stalks Paul Bearer with a sadistic look on his face, cornering him as Bearer cowers like an animal, but just before Austin can get his hands on him…





It’s Hogan and the Big Show! As the King jokes that we’re seeing less members of the nWo as the night goes on the nWo members slide into the ring and come face-to-face with Austin. At this moment Kane also gets to his feet as Faarooq and Bradshaw slide back into the ring. The Undertaker is still out cold, but Austin is outnumbered six to one!!





And that’s when Triple H comes charging down to the ring with his trusty sledge-hammer still clutched in his fist. He takes it to Faarooq and Bradshaw, taking them both out of action before he hits Kane and delivers him a Pedigree in the centre of the ring. He then turns around to check how Austin is faring with the nWo, and walks right into a Stone Cold Stunner!!


The Undertaker gets to his feet, but walks straight into a Showstopper by the Big Show, followed by the Big Leg Drop from Hogan!! Austin makes the pin, and Tim White counts the “1-2-3”!


Winner by pinfall: Steve Austin. Steve Austin makes defence number 2 of his WWF Championship title.



After the bell has rung Austin, Hogan and the Big Show keep atatcking Triple H, beating him down to the mat, kicking him and assaulting him with clubs to the head. Jim Ross says that he cannot believe what he’s seeing here tonight as they continue their assault on Austin’s former friend and team-mate.



Meanwhile, under the instruction of Paul Bearer, Faarooq and Bradshaw have pulled a coffin out from under the ring and slowly roll the Undertaker into it. Kane and the A.P.A then push the casket up the ramp as they spirit the Undertaker away to god knows where. Neither Austin or the nWo pay any attention to the apparent kidnapping of the Undertaker, as they continue their assault on Triple H in the ring.



Once they’ve finished their attack on a battered and bloody Triple H, they roll him out of that ring as Austin stands tall with his WWF Championship held aloft in celebration. Hulk Hogan and the Big Show, high-five Austin and they take turns hugging one another... while JR once again reiterates that he cannot believe his eyes here tonight…





Final Show Rating: 95

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Damn, that was a big one Nick! Some HUGE happenings on this one that all make sense in the context of the nWo story, as they explain how and why the nWo was able to always get into the buildings and stuff. The new King is a great one, but unfortunately at this point he's a bit of an afterthought thanks to what happened in the main event. You definitely deserve the nomination in the Spotlight of the Month category that TFC gave you for this one.
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<p>Another great show! I don't know how you churn out shows of this quality at the rate you're doing it, but I'm happy to be along for the ride!</p><p> </p><p> The IC title match went exactly as I expected it to, complete with Stephanie turning on Trips. Too bad I misfired on the tournament itself. Oh well; it may be bad for my prediction score, but I'm pleased with the outcome. Y2J for life!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beejus" data-cite="Beejus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39157" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Damn, that was a big one Nick! Some HUGE happenings on this one that all make sense in the context of the nWo story, as they explain how and why the nWo was able to always get into the buildings and stuff. The new King is a great one, but unfortunately at this point he's a bit of an afterthought thanks to what happened in the main event. You definitely deserve the nomination in the Spotlight of the Month category that TFC gave you for this one.</div></blockquote><p> Jericho is a bit overshadowed at the moment, yes. Seeing as he's in the main event of Summerslam, that seems like it's about to change.</p>
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<p>Wow, thanks guys for the kind words! So glad you enjoyed reading that one as much as I did writing it. It all kind of came together, but it took me about three hours to write yesterday and I honestly was thinking about that PPV all weekend before I even started to write!</p><p> </p><p>

A massive thanks too for the DOTM nominations by Beej and TFC. To get nominated a couple of times by guys that are true legends of this game is quite humbling, particularly as I'm still finding my feet in regards to writing style/format etc. to answer TFC's question about how I'm churning them out so fast: let's just say I'm not as productive at work these days as my boss would like. I also have a very understanding girfriend, who instead of leaving me when I told her "I'm writing wrestling stories for the Internet" actually encouraged me to utilise my creative side. She even gave me a replica WWE Championship belt for Valentine's Day!!</p><p> </p><p>

Finally, on to Jericho and the King of the Ring. I'll post more detail once I get to work in the next hour or two, but I was always concerned that his Pop wasn't good enough to face Austin in the Main Event at Summerslam. But the KOTR tournament has fixed that (and then some!!) and I'll show you guys what I mean by that shortly.</p><p> </p><p>

I am honestly so ****ing glad that you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it. I have so much planned for the next few months leading into Summerslam and even beyond.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: also, if you guys enjoyed the king of the ring tournament itself, credit has to go to jscotty. He actually decided the entire tourny, from Jericho winning to Big Show running up, to the semi finalists to the quarter finalists. All I did was fill in the qualifying rounds and work the storylines around it. Great work jscotty</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWF.jpg</span><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/KOTR.jpg</span><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Beejus: 9/10 </p><p>

daulten6: 5/10</p><p>

crackerjack: 5/10</p><p>

Satyr24: 4/10</p><p>

packerman120: 5/10</p><p>

The Final Countdown: 5/10</p><p>

Warhawk8492: 7/10</p><p>

Midnightnick: 3/10</p><p>

TeflonBilly: 4/10</p><p>

Bad News Fryer: 5/10</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

A big congratulations to Beejus who got an incredible 9/10 which included somehow predicting the entire King of the Ring tournament! In fact the only match he got wrong was X-Pac vs Triple H and his Comment of “lol no” amused me no end. Good work Beej, your prize is "in the mail".</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>JULY 2001 CHAMPIONSHIP RECAP </strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWF.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF Championship </strong> (Prestige: 97)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWF-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Austin.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Stone Cold Steve Austin</p><p>

<em>(2 Defences, won from The Rock at WWF Wrestlemania, April 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF Intercontinental Championship </strong> (Prestige: 70)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWFIntercontinental.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Syxx.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<em>(0 Defences, won from Triple H at WWF King of the Ring, June 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF Tag Team Championship </strong> (Prestige: 59)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWFTag.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/BillyGunn.jpg</span><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Dogg.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Billy Gunn and Road Dogg (New Age Outlaws)</p><p>

<em>(0 Defences, won from The Goodfather & Val Venis (Right to Censor) at WWF King of the Ring, June 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF Hardcore Championship </strong> (Prestige: 29)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWFHardcore.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Richards.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Steven Richards</p><p>

<em>(1 Defence, won from Kanyon at WCW The Great American Bash, June 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF European Championship </strong> (Prestige: 42)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWFEuropean.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="chester-lampwick-2.png" data-src="https://tstoaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/chester-lampwick-2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Boxcar Harry (parts unknown)</p><p>

<em>(Defences unknown, handed to him by X-Pac and the nWo, WCW Thunder, May 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF 2001 King of the Ring Tournament </strong> (Prestige: 72)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WWFKOTR.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Jericho.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho</p><p>

<em>(Defeated the Big Show in the tournament final at WWF King of the Ring, June 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WCW.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW World Heavyweight Championship </strong> (Prestige: 83)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WCWWHC.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Booker.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Booker T </p><p>

<em>(3 Defences, won from Scott Steiner on the final WCW Nitro, March 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW United States Championship </strong> (Prestige: 50)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WCWUS.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Jarrett.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jeff Jarrett </p><p>

<em>(0 Defences, won from Diamond Dallas Page at WCW The Great American Bash, June 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Tag Team Championship </strong> (Prestige: 54)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WCWTag.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Devon.jpg</span><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Ray.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Brother Devon and Brother Ray (Team 3D)</p><p>

<em>(5 Defences, won from Sean O’Haire & Chuck Palumbo at WCW Slamboree, May 2001) </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Cruiserweight Championship </strong> (Prestige: 28)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/WCWCruiser.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/Rey.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Rey Mysterio </p><p>

<em>(2 Defences, won from Shane Helms at WCW Slamboree, May 2001) </em></p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39157" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>EDIT: also, if you guys enjoyed the king of the ring tournament itself, credit has to go to jscotty. He actually decided the entire tourny, from Jericho winning to Big Show running up, to the semi finalists to the quarter finalists. All I did was fill in the qualifying rounds and work the storylines around it. Great work jscotty</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Great job with King of the Ring! I enjoyed helping you map out the tournament. The event was written magnificently. Can't wait to see what you have planned down the line!</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>From the desk of Vince McMahon: </em></strong><em> Phew! Well, hot on the heels of a magnificent Judgment Day, we have managed to follow up with a brilliant King of the Ring, which sets the stage for a multitude of storylines to follow. I have to say the most pleasing aspect for myself personally was just how well received Chris Jericho’s King of the Ring tournament win was. I must admit when a young writer by the name of “jscotty” floated the idea of Jericho winning the tournament instead of a big name such as Triple H, The Rock or Big Show, my first thought was “Would Jericho be popular enough to feature in the Main Event at Summerslam??”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Well, check this out…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107Jericho.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

These are popularity statistics that my media manager keeps on every superstar (myself included), to tell me how my wrestlers are going in relation to their ability to draw fans. Now, I have no idea how they gauge this, but this clearly shows that Jericho is ready to make the leap from Upper Midcard to Main Event status, and just in time for Summerslam too! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Now, generally speaking when one star rises, another one falls, and the Big Show was not happy about taking the loss to Jericho at King of the Ring. I could’ve kept the Big Show strong (meaning he looks good in defeat), however the match rating would tank significantly and I couldn’t afford that for my semi-main anyway. So I just had to cheer the Big Show up with a 50k bonus after the event. Reviewing his popularity the next day, I have no idea what he was complaining about anyway!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107BigShow.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Big Show’s popularity really has taken off the last few months, mainly from working with guys such as Hulk Hogan and The Rock. One guy I did have to keep strong at King of the Ring, however, was Triple H. He was absolutely </em><em><strong>furious</strong></em><em> to be losing to X-Pac at King of the Ring, however the way we were booking it allowed Hunter to keep face, particularly with Steph “turning” on him the way she did. We were able to keep Triple H’s popularity steady (in fact increasing slightly for the month of June)…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107HHH.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The victory to X-Pac, as well as hanging around with the likes of Hogan, Nash and Hall have managed to propel his popularity through the roof! Which is good, because I plan on using him in major storylines for some time to come…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107XPac.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

One guy who hasn’t been getting the “rub” much lately though has been The Rock, although he hasn’t complained one bit, which is testament to the true professional that he is. Still, he’s copped a few losses lately, mainly at the hands of the nWo, and his popularity has slipped just a little…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107Rock.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

It’s also good to see WCW starting to get better ratings too. A lot of this is obviously on the back of the star power of Hulk Hogan…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107Hogan.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Hogan is just so popular with the fans that he just has to appear and our ratings go through the roof. Unfortunately the rest of my WCW guys just aren’t that popular, however our World Heavyweight Champion, Booker T, is slowly getting to where he needs to be to start to churn out the big grades. I am so proud of his progress and looking forward to him coming up against somebody “big” soon…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo198/nick288/200107Booker.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Anyway, that’s enough of my little graphics for now, on to disciplinary matters. Since I stopped the drug testing, the incidents have largely dried up, which has improved my backstage “vibe” out of sight! Both brands now have backstage vibes I’d rate at 90/100, so the guys are performing at the top of their games. That still hasn’t stopped a spate of silly incidents going on though, and over the past month I’ve had to give warnings to Chyna, Jerry Lawler, Faarooq (twice) and Scott Hall (twice). I also had an incident with Buff Bagwell, but I chose to fire his ass! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Needed to show some firebrand leadership, right??</em></p><p><em>


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WWF RAW IS WAR, Monday Week 1, July 2001

The Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 24,276 (sell-out)

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jerry “The King” Lawler




Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to this sold-out Palace of Auburn Hills for Raw is War, and we are hot on the heels of the King of the Ring pay-per-view, where we saw Chris Jericho win the King of the Ring as well as Stone Cold Steve Austin retain his WWF Championship in controversial circumstances. The King questions whether Austin has joined the nWo, while JR claims he “just doesn’t know anymore!” and reiterates that tonight we’ll see the coronation ceremony of “King Jericho”.


At the King of the Ring tournament last night we also saw new WWF Tag Team Champions crowned, as the New Age Outlaws defeated Right to Censor, and tonight we’ll see Right to Censor getting their rematch against Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg. Also last night we also saw X-Pac defeat Triple H for the Intercontinental title in shocking fashion, as Triple H’s own wife, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley seemingly turned her back on her husband! Finally, JR mentions how the Hardy Boyz and Lita are not present here tonight, as they all suffered horrendous injuries last night at the hands of Brock Lesnar and the nWo…






Triple H comes out to the ring, and he’s understandably pretty fired up. He says he has absolutely no idea why his “darling wife” acted the way she did last night, and says that he hasn’t seen her since. He then calls out his “buddy” X-Pac to settle the score like real men, “right here, right now”…





It’s not X-Pac that answers Triple H’s challenge, but Commissioner Mick Foley! Foley tells Triple H that it’s all well and good that he has issues with X-Pac, but he can “pursue them on his own time”, as tonight he is scheduled for a Number 1 Contender Match for the WWF Championship with none other than The Rock! The winner will face the champ, Stone Cold Steve Austin, at Vengeance…






As Triple H exits the ringside area, the owner of the WWF, Vince McMahon, comes out to the ring, clearly upset with Mick Foley. He questions how once again Foley managed to let the nWo into the King of the Ring, seemingly interfering in matches and injuring his WWF superstars at will. Foley doesn’t seem to have an answer to this, so Vince informs him he is suspended indefinitely, effective immediately. Foley asks if it’s with full pay, which Vince confirms, and Foley responds with “Woo-hooo, leave with full pay!! See you on the flip-side, Vinnie-Mac!” and departs the ring hastily.


Vince looks even less happy with Foley’s reaction.





Raven vs. William Regal


JR talks about how both these superstars have something to prove as William Regal was knocked out in the quarter finals of the King of the Ring last night, while Raven didn’t even make it that far. Apparently the winner of this match gets a title shot next week of a title of their choice between the Hardcore and Intercontinental Championships. In the end, this proves to be Raven as he picks up the win over Regal in 7:48 after hitting him with an Evenflow DDT.


Winner by pinfall: Raven





We go backstage where Trish Stratus is standing by with Paul Heyman and an unknown wrestler. She asks him why he left the announce desk last month and what he’s been up to since and he responds that announcing really isn’t his “game”, so he’s getting back into player management, which is much more his thing. After saying that he says he’d like to introduce us to his first client: CM Punk, who we’ll “all be hearing a lot more about real soon.”





The nWo music hits, and out comes the usual suspects, now accompanied by the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin! Austin talks about why he did what he did to Triple H at the King of the Ring, saying that Triple H has “dropped the ball”, costing them the WWF Tag Team titles last month and now he’s lost the Intercontinental Championship. “He is worthless to me now; he has nothing left to offer Stone Cold Steve Austin.” X-Pac goes on to say how his former best friend is a “shadow of his former self”, and how his “old lady even knew when to back a winning stallion.”


Hogan then grabs the mic and says that the nWo is stronger than ever, with the WWF Championship and Intercontinental titles firmly in their back pocket, and fairly soon they will have the WCW World Heavyweight Championship to add to their collection too!





Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar come down to ringside, and Angle joins the announce team for the upcoming match, while Lesnar just stands around menacingly.





Chris Benoit vs. Jamie Noble


This one’s over pretty quickly, as Chris Benoit defeats Jamie Noble in 5:14 by submission with a Crippler Crossface. During the match Kurt Angle repeatedly says they won’t interfere in the match, and talks about how Chris Benoit is scared sh*tless of Brock Lesnar.


Winner by submission: Chris Benoit






Kurt Angle might’ve repeatedly said they wouldn’t interfere in the match, but the second the bell rings he and Brock Lesnar enter the ring and take it straight to Benoit! Lesnar picks Benoit up and delivers him an F5, which then leads to Angle locking Benoit in an Ankle Lock in the centre of the ring. He keeps the Ankle Lock in place until a host of referees have to rush out to the ring and cause him to break the hold (all the while trying to avoid contact with the ferocious looking Lesnar), however JR speculates how much damage has been done to Benoit’s ankle seeing as he’s only just recovered from an injury-induced layoff caused by Brock Lesnar himself!





Triple H is walking backstage and he comes across the path of the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin! He simply mouths the words “you filthy…” before he starts to lay into Austin with a flurry of rights and lefts. Austin starts to retaliate, but before you know it referees, road agents and lower midcarders have flooded the passage in order to separate the two.


“I’ll get you, Austin. Just you wait!” yells Triple H, as he’s held back by five officials.





We go backstage to where Faarooq and Bradshaw are playing cards, drinking beer and smoking cigars. Trish Stratus walks in with her microphone at the ready and asks them if their actions at King of the Ring in helping Paul Bearer and Kane kidnap the Undertaker means they have joined Paul Bearer’s “Army of Darkness”. Faarooq just laughs and says “Hell no”, while Bradshaw follows up by saying it was nothing personal, they haven’t sided with anyone, they were just “following the money.”


Back at the announce desk, the King speculates whether the Undertaker will view the whole incident in the same light.





Right to Censor vs. New Age Outlaws

WWF Tag Team Championship




This rematch from the King of the Ring pretty much goes along the same lines as the night before. Despite constant interference from Steven Richards and Ivory, the tag team work of the New Age Outlaws is simply too good for Right to Censor and Billy Gunn manages to hit the Goodfather with a Fame-Ass-Er and pick up the pinfall victory.


Winner by pinfall: New Age Outlaws. New Age Outlaws make defence number 1 of their WWF Tag Team titles.



In pretty much a carbon copy to the events at the King of the Ring, after the match is finished, Right to Censor attack the New Age Outlaws and beat them down in the ring. Steven Richards and Ivory enter the ring with two steel chairs each, throw one to the Goodfather and Val Venis respectively, and the four on two beating commences.


The assault eventually comes to its conclusion when security guards flood the ring and separate Right to Censor from the tag team champions.







We come back from commercial for Chris Jericho's “King of the Ring” coronation. As Jericho is standing in the ring with the owner of the WWF, Vince McMahon, we see the highlights from his King of the Ring matchups against Rikishi, Steven Richards, Kurt Angle and finally the Big Show. As the highlight reel finishes, Vince goes to place the King of the Ring crown onto a kneeling Jericho’s head…





…but before Vince can place the crown on Jericho’s head, the big red machine Kane comes out of nowhere and clotheslines Jericho into next week! Under the instruction of Paul Bearer Kane picks Jericho up off the mat and gives him a Tombstone Piledriver in the middle of the ring. Vince tries to interject, but when Kane turns to confront him the owner of the WWF wisely bails out of the ring.


Once his assault is complete, Kane brings down his arms, causing flames to erupt from the ringposts while the announcers speculate what could possibly have brought this attack on.





We return from our final commercial break of the evening as the People’s Champion comes down to the ring and grabs a microphone. He says that he’s about to beat Triple H in the ring for a chance to whoop Stone Cold Steve Austin’s “monkey ass” at Vengeance and take the WWF Championship from “that bald jabroni.” He then goes on to say that if Hulk Hogan, “the big fat Show” or “any of those other candy asses in the black and white” decide to interfere in the match he will be “checking them all into the Smackdown Hotel” if you can smell what he’s cooking etc.





At the completion of The Rock’s promo, another man who has suffered as equally as the People’s Champ at the hands of the now enters the arena, looking more focussed than he ever has before. He comes down to the ring and in a rare show of sportsmanship, he and The Rock bump fists to signal the start of the match. Referee Earl Hebner is about to ring for the bell when…





It’s the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin! To a massive chorus of boos from this sold-out Palace of Auburn Hills, the rattlesnake makes his way out to ringside under close scrutiny from both Triple H and The Rock. He bypasses the ring, however, and heads straight for the announce table, as the referee signals for the bell to start this one off…





The Rock vs. Triple H

WWF Championship Number 1 Contender Match


Both these tremendous athletes will go down as two of the greatest in sports entertainment history, and they leave nothing on the table in their respective quests to get another chance at the WWF Championship. At ringside, Stone Cold Steve Austin comments on how he doesn’t give a damn about which one of these two he faces at Vengeance, while successfully dodging any questions from Jim Ross about why he has aligned himself with the nWo. The Rock and Triple H both split the offense in this one fairly evenly, however it’s only a matter of time before ringside becomes very crowded…





As the contest in the ring ebbs and flows, the entire nWo slowly make their way to ringside, surrounding the ring in the process. While the two competitors in the ring are wary of the nWo on the outside, they cannot afford to lose focus on each other, and the match culminates as The Rock manages to set Triple H up for a Rock Bottom, only for “The Game” to counteract with an elbow to the side of the head, a kick to the stomach and a Pedigree for the victory!


Winner by pinfall: Triple H. Triple H will face Steve Austin at Vengeance for the WWF Championship.




After the bell rings, the nWo continue to circle the ring like a pack of dogs. The Rock regains his senses, stands eye to eye with Triple H, before offering his hand in respect. Triple H grabs The Rock’s hand, but as they shake hands the Big Show, X-Pac, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall all mount opposite sides of the ring. Triple H nods at The Rock, and the Game clotheslines Kevin Nash from the apron while the People’s Champion does the same to Scott Hall. This is enough of a diversion for X-Pac and the Big Show to enter the ring, although they walk into a Pedigree and a Rock Bottom respectively.


The Rock and Triple H get up to congratulate each other, only to be hit by matching chair-shots by Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin! From there, the nWo regroups and takes it to the downed superstars, brutally beating them down in a six on two assault. After the beatdown is complete, Hulk Hogan stands in the centre of the ring over Triple H and The Rock’s fallen carcasses, with Austin’s hand held high, proudly clutching the WWF Championship belt.


We go off the air as once again Jim Ross questions how anybody can possibly beat the nWo at their own game.



Final Show Rating: 93

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This is one hell of an nWo line-up. It does really beg the question of who can stop the black and white juggernaut, especially with the WWF and WCW being on different sides of the coin. Kinda surprised to see no Stephanie on this one, because that in itself is becoming a McMahon war - Vince's WWF, Shane's WCW, and Stephanie with the nWo. It's a great take on what happened IRL with "ECW" and the Alliance. Speaking of ECW, Heyman bringing in Punk should yield good things, hopefully he won't end up getting lost in the undercard shuffle. Austin vs 3H should be a good main event for Vengeance, given what's happening currently along with their huge amount of past history.
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This is one hell of an nWo line-up. It does really beg the question of who can stop the black and white juggernaut, especially with the WWF and WCW being on different sides of the coin. Kinda surprised to see no Stephanie on this one, because that in itself is becoming a McMahon war - Vince's WWF, Shane's WCW, and Stephanie with the nWo. It's a great take on what happened IRL with "ECW" and the Alliance. Speaking of ECW, Heyman bringing in Punk should yield good things, hopefully he won't end up getting lost in the undercard shuffle. Austin vs 3H should be a good main event for Vengeance, given what's happening currently along with their huge amount of past history.

You need to check your PMs occasionally :)


Wow, those popularity changes are just amazing. In my save I struggle to get somebody over even a little bit. Amazing work, keep that up, man.

Jericho is the big one that surprised me. I expected Hogan's rise (seeing as he's only doing angles and he gets a high-rated one usually once a show), X-Pac's rise after taking the title from Triple H and the fact he's hanging around the other nWo guys, and Big Show's rise because he's hanging around Hogan so much in Angles. The Rock's slight pop loss is to be expected too, as he's lost a bit lately, but he'll get it back so fast when he needs to so I'm not concerned at all.


But Jericho's gain after the KOTR tournament?? Wow, that really surprised me!! I guess he won three matches on a PPV including beating the Big Show clean and a few good angles, but I never expected to catapult him into Main Event status! Works well though, seeing as he's facing Austin (or Triple H) at Summerslam in the Main Event...


Or is he??

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WCW Thunder, Thursday Week 1, July 2001

Rose Garden Arena, Oklahoma (Mid South)

Attendance: 20,500 (sell-out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes





Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes welcome us to this sold-out Rose Garden Arena and remind us that we’re only ten days away from Bash at the Beach, where we will see Booker T, Ric Flair and Sting battle it out for the World Heavyweight Championship. But who will be champion going into that match at Bash at the Beach, as Mikey Tenay informs us that tonight there will be a World Heavyweight Championship match between Booker T and the icon, Sting. Also tonight we will see the third man from the Main Event at Bash at the Beach, Ric Flair going one-on-one with Goldberg, who will face the legendary Hulk Hogan in ten days’ time in a World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender match…





Bolder and more brazen than ever before, the entire nWo comes down to the ring, complete with Stone Cold Steve Austin’s WWF Championship and Syxx’s Intercontinental title. Austin gets on the mic and says how much of a pleasure it’s NOT to be at WCW, which is greeted with a loud chorus of boos. Austin then hands Hulk Hogan the microphone, who goes on to say it was a wise move by Sheriff Michaels to give him a Number 1 Contender shot at Bash at the Beach, as he’s now one step closer to getting “his” World Heavyweight Championship back…





...Hogan is interrupted as Shawn Michaels comes to the top of the ramp to a large cheer. He first up congratulates Austin for retaining his WWF Championship last Sunday, sarcastically saying “and you did it all by yourself too!” At these words, a furious Austin goes to leave the ring but Nash and Hall hold him back. Michaels then goes on to tell Hulk Hogan that he might be relishing his Number 1 Contender match at Bash at the Beach against Goldberg, however if he or any of the nWo get involved in any matches between now and then, Hogan will forfeit his opportunity.


As HBK heads backstage, Hogan and the nWo clearly don’t look pleased at this latest announcement.





After the commercial break, X and Cage come down to the ring and say that they hate everything about WCW so they are going on strike, and refuse to compete anymore! They then pull what appears to be some kind of fold-out furniture out from under the ring and set up their own announce table right next to the main one, albeit it appears their headphones are not plugged in to anything, and they have no sound!





The Radicalz vs. KroniK


As this match kicks off the announce team informs us that KroniK and Chavo will face the Filthy Animals at Bash at the Beach in a six-man tag team match. This match proves to be a good one as the technical prowess of Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn go up against the sheer power of Brian Adams and Bryan Clark. On the outside Chavo Guerrero tries to distract referee Billy Silverman; however his Uncle Eddie comes around to interrupt him. Chavo stands with his hands outstretched as if to deny any involvement, before attacking Eddie from behind when he turns his back!!





At that point in time, the Filthy Animals charge out to attack Chavo, led by the returning Rey Mysterio! Mysterio is obviously looking for revenge after the brutal attack he suffered two weeks ago at the hands of Chavo and KroniK on Thunder. Meanwhile, in the ring, Dean Malenko is squaring off with Bryan Clark when all of a sudden both competitors start clutching at their face like they’re being stung by mosquitoes. What is that?? Why, it’s spitballs!! X and Cage, sitting at their own announce desk, are busily chewing up bits of paper and spitting it at the competitors in the ring! This is still not enough of an interference to prevent Malenko from locking Clark in a Texas Cloverleaf, causing him to eventually submit.


Winner by submission: The Radicalz





We go backstage to where Stacy and Torrie are standing by with Goldberg. He tells them that he doesn't care about Shawn Michaels’ stipulation to the nWo that if they interfere with any matches then Hulk Hogan would forfeit his Number 1 Contender chance at Bash at the Beach. He says that if anyone from the nWo gets in his path, including Stone Cold Steve Austin, then he will crush them all, “like bugs”...





Team 3D are once again in the ring and they are once again throwing out an open invitation to any team out there with a WCW contract…





And out come the Steiner Brothers! These two teams only faced off recently at the Great American Bash; however it’s clear the Steiners want a rematch and Team 3D is only happy to oblige!





The Steiner Brothers vs. Team 3D

WCW Tag Team Championship




This match has plenty of good action as once again two great tag teams show us exactly what two great tag teams are capable. Early interference in this match comes from the paper aeroplanes that X and Cage are throwing from their own announce table at ringside!


That’s not the only interference, of course…





Kevin Nash and Scott Hall start to skulk their way down the ramp towards the ring, although none of the competitors have noticed them yet. That’s when…





Hulk Hogan comes out from the back and grabs them both, animatedly telling them to go back up the ramp. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want them to interfere and cost him his Number 1 Contender match at the Bash at the Beach. Nash and Hall reluctantly agree, and head backstage again with Hogan following closely behind, barking orders.



While none of the four competitors notice the nWo disturbance, in the end it’s Team 3D who once again prove too good for the Steiner Brothers, when Brother Ray manages to hit Scott Steiner with a Power Bomb to pick up the pinfall victory.


Winner by pinfall: Team 3D. Team 3D make defence number 6 of their WCW Tag Team titles.





We go backstage to Shane McMahon’s office where he is busy grilling his sister Stephanie about her actions at the recent WWF pay-per-view. He asks her how she could possibly be aligned with the nWo, particularly as she’s a 45% shareholder in WCW! She tells her brother to calm down, she's not in any way, shape or form aligned with the nWo, she just wanted to teach her husband Triple H a “lesson in humility”.





Kanyon vs. Lance Storm


In an extremely short match, Kanyon defeats Lance Storm in 2:57 by pinfall. The cameras actually spend more time showing X and Cage building a gigantic house of cards on their announce table than they do the actual match.


Winner by pinfall: Kanyon






After the match is finished, Rhino appears out of nowhere and Gores Kanyon in the middle of the ring! He stands over him, mouthing something, before exiting the ring and departing ringside.





We go back to Shane McMahon’s office, and this time he has the Sherriff, Shawn Michaels, with him and he’s angrily asking him why on earth he granted Hulk Hogan a Number 1 Contender match with Goldberg at Bash at the Beach. He says he doesn’t want Hogan anywhere near getting a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship, and he doesn’t trust him to not cheat somehow to get that opportunity. HBK coolly responds for Shane not to worry so much, as Hogan and Goldberg will be locked together in a STEEL CELL, where no other members of the nWo will be able to interfere, and anything Goldberg does to Hogan will be perfectly legal…






There’s a commotion in the corridor outside Shane’s office, where Chicken DDP is following the United States Champion Jeff Jarrett and clucking loudly at him. Jarrett is telling Page to “go away and leave him alone”. All of a sudden, DDP hits him with a Diamond Cutter, rips off the chicken hat and with an evil grin says “I’m back, baby.”





Goldberg vs. Ric Flair


Well, this match is pretty one-sided. Goldberg just brutally assaults Ric Flair, and Flair can barely get any offence in at all. It looks pretty academic that Goldberg is going to win this match, and win it easily, when out in the crowd…





It’s the nWo! They carefully make their way down through the crowd and take up seats at ringside. When Goldberg sees them, he leaves the ring and starts heading towards them! The nWo members high-tail it back up through the crowd and out of the arena, as Goldberg jumps the barrier and follows hot on their heels!



This leaves referee Charles Robinson no other course of action but to count to ten and declare a clearly battered and bruised Ric Flair the winner!


Winner by count-out: Ric Flair



After the match finishes, instead of heading to the back, Ric Flair joins the announce team at ringside for the Sting and Booker T World Heavyweight Championship match. “I’ve got a lot riding on this one” he quips.





Sting vs. Booker T

WCW World Heavyweight Championship




As far as World Heavyweight Championship matches go, this is not the best one you’ll ever see, but it certainly wasn’t the worst. It seems Sherriff Michaels’ non-interference stipulation to the nWo is actually working, as they don’t make an appearance for a change. Either that or they’re too busy with Goldberg!! The action between Booker T and Sting was at times great, as they both share the offence equally, and both look very impressive in the process. Sting actually appears to get the upper hand after about twelve minutes of action, when he manages to lock Booker T in a Scorpion Deathlock in the centre of the ring. Try as he might, Booker T just can’t get to the ropes, and looks likely to submit at any moment…





When Ric Flair slides into the ring and nails Sting across the back with a steel chair! Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell as Flair hits Sting on the mat with a few more chair-shots for good measure.


Winner by disqualification: Sting. Booker T retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship



Ric Flair looks pretty pleases with himself as he does his silly little strut/dance thing in the middle of the ring, however one person who’s not impressed is Booker T! Obviously annoyed at the way his match ended, he grabs the Nature Boy and hits him with a Bookend in the middle of the ring.


The show finishes with Booker T standing tall in the centre of the ring with his World Heavyweight Championship held high and the bodies of Sting and Ric Flair to either side of him. As we go off the air Mike Tenay speculates whether this is the same scene we’ll see in ten days’ time at Bash at the Beach!



Final Show Rating: 87

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