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When a PPV gets your worst rating in over 3 years you'd expect me to be a bit annoyed but this has been my favourite ever PPV to book and the opportunities it offers going forward makes me so happy despite only getting an 82 B as the rating.


Live for the first time from the 70k attendance WWE Connecticut Arena, we started off with Alexa Bliss who was trying to work her way up towards another title shot and she was up against Nia's ally, the undefeated Allysin Kay and in a 78 B it would be Kay who won and continued her dominance here on the main roster. The former 2 time NXT Women's Champion has recently formed some kind of alliance with Queen Nia and her, Nia and Dana Brooke are running rampant over Raw and no one is able to stop them.


Next up saw Queen Nia defending her Women's Championship against Ember Moon as everyone on Raw tries to step up and stop her dominance and this time it was Ember who tried but like everyone before she was unsuccessful as she went for her top rope stunner move but gets caught by Nia and hits a powerbomb (I don't even know if that is possible it just seems like it would be cool. Very difficult but cool). The match only got a 73 as Ember isn't greatly over and they don't click.


Both of them were on the pre show due to time constraints as there is a hell of a lot of matches on this card and a lot are way too short but the most important ones are longer. This brings us to the start of the main show where we were going to crown the first ever WWE Trios Champions when the Kingdom Of Dreams took on Sean Finlay, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson who represented Bulletproof. The match got an 89 B+ and our first ever Trios Champions are the Kingdom of Dreams when Joey Bennett defeated Doc Gallows with the Box Office Smash to win it for his Kingdom. The Trios championships will travel between each brand and I am glad that I went with these three to be our first ever champions.


After that it was an 82 B as Joe Hendry took on the Swiss Superman Cesaro. The winner would be Joe Hendry who picked up a huge surprise victory here but it was thanks to an interference from the former tag team partner of Cesaro, Kassius Ohno. Cesaro asked Ohno to go their separate ways but Ohno clearly disagreed with this as he took out Cesaro after the match and he hit the KO on Cesaro before leaving him in the ring.


Following that we had a six pack challenge for the number one contendership to the United States Championship between Jeff Hardy, Tommaso Ciampa, Drew Gulak, Xavier Woods, Jake Carter and Akira Tozawa. This match was very fast paced and everyone was taken out of this match apart from Drew Gulak and Tommaso Ciampa who are both part of the Cruiserweight division and while Gulak got the most offense in he was hit with the Project Ciampa and Ciampa became the number one contender to whoever wins in our winner takes all match later on in the show.


In an 88 B+ Marty Scurrl defended his Light Heavyweight Championship against the former champion Tyler Breeze and this is one of the reasons I loved booking this show. They've been fighting each other anywhere after they were brawling backstage one week, the next week they had a fight in the middle of a Hairdressers and after that they had a fight on a Railway Station before continuing the attack on the train itself. However we got to this match and it stayed in the ring mostly and Scurrl picked up the victory to retain his Light Heavyweight Championship.


Following that it was an Irish street fight between Sheamus and Conor McGregor and it turned out to be a short match between them when in 4 minutes Conor knocked out Sheamus in super quick fashion.


Another short one here as Sami Zayn had his rematch for the Global Championship against Chad Gable and in an 85 B+ Gable retained his title with the Ankle Lock making Sami tap out.


Ever since Backlash when Jerry Bowman defeated John Cena to win the Intercontinental Title and joined Prospect, he's had everything handed to him and becomes more and more cocky every week. This time he went up against Brian Kendrick after Kendrick cut a heartfelt promo about how he was on the streets and that this is his life only for Bowman to claim that he's going to put Kendrick back on the streets where he belongs. And while Kendrick had the whole of the fans behind him, Bowman had prospect to help him out and following a distraction from Big E, he hit the RainBow Driver to retain the IC Championship in an 83 B+.

Post match Jerry Bowman was celebrating with Prospect when Conor McGregor's music hits and he comes out and stands on the ramp. He points at Jerry Bowman, smiles and the camera fades into an advert.


After he dispatched of his brother last month, Jimmy Uso (who now wants to be called by the name Jimmy Fatu so he is no longer associated at all with his brother) took on Alberto Del Rio for the European Championship and in a 91 A it would be Jimmy Fatu who picked up the victory and won the European Championship with a Superfly Splash. I love Del Rio's work on the indies but it was a good time to take the title off him and a huge program going to continue now between Jimmy Fatu and Jey Uso when Uso returns soon after he was injured by Jimmy.


Following that it was a fatal 4 way tag team match for the number one contendership to the Tag Team Titles with the winners taking on whichever won the Tag match later tonight. This match was between The Price Is Right, Hermanos Enmascarados, Sabre and Ospreay and the newest tag team in the WWE of Austin Aries and The Miz as the Greatest and the A-lister. The winners of this match was The Price is Right when Eric Price defeated Angel De Oro with a Gutwrench Powerbomb.


After Finn Balor failed to win the Cruiserweight Championship from Cedric Alexander last month at Battleground, his Balor Club friend Adam Cole next stepped up to the challenge and in a 90 A Adam Cole won the Cruiserweight Championship with the Florida Key.

Post match Balor Club were celebrating when from out of nowhere The Young Bucks and Adam Cole all hit superkicks on their leader Finn Balor who was caught by surprise and dropped to the mat. However as they were beating down on him we hear 'Phenomenal' and the fans go mad as AJ Styles makes his return and makes the save for his former long time enemy Finn Balor. AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash on Tama Tonga while The Young Bucks and Finn escaped up the ramp.


We followed that up with the second highest rated match on the card where Randy Orton took on Seth Rollins in a 95 A* rated match. This is another storyline I've loved booking because of the huge stipulation on the match. If Randy Orton won then the Punt Kick would be unbanned by the WWE but if Seth Rollins won then the Curb Stomp would be unbanned. Seth Rollins would pick up the victory when he avoids the punt kick and hit a Curb Stomp on Orton to win the match and he gets the Curb Stomp back which will be important in the future.


In the most disappointing match rating of the night it was the final of the best of 7 series for the Raw Money In The Bank briefcase when Neville took on Cole Galloway in a TLC match. So far Neville defeated Cole Galloway in a ladder match, and in a regular match on UK Takeover in Newcastle before Galloway got one back on a Raw in Scotland and Galloway then won on a house show to level it up. On The next Raw, Galloway made it 3-2 in a chair match and finally on the last Raw before the PPV Neville made it 3-3 in a tables match setting up their final match here in a TLC match. This match sadly only got a 78 B as Galloway is not good in high spot matches. Neville would put Galloway through the announce table with a red arrow from the top of the ladder and then as he set up the ladder somehow Galloway managed to make it back into the ring and pulled him off the ladder and hit a Future Shock DDT. Both men collapsed to the mat as the fans chanted this is awesome. Both men got to their feet at the same time and just started punching each other in the face until Galloway fell to the mat. Neville climbed to the top and tried to retain his briefcase only to be pulled down again by Galloway. However as he was pulled down he hit a mid air hurricanrana on Galloway and finally took him out of the match. Neville retains his title in a match I'm rating 100 A* but that got a 78 B.


The Revival would defend their Intercontinental Tag Titles up next in a 94 A as they took on Dashing and Perfect in a rematch from Battleground. It would be The Revival who would retain their titles when Dawson escaped the Cross Rhodes and they hit a Shatter Machine on Cody. This one was debatable as Dawson has just returned from a 28 day suspension for using Pain killers but I have bigger plans for Gorgeous, Dashing and Perfect than being tag champions.


In a rematch from Wrestlemania Bayley was cashing in her Women's Money In The Bank contract on Sasha Banks as she transferred over from Raw. Sasha took her title at Wrestlemania after we saw the return of the BFF's when Charlotte and Summer Rae got involved. This match was another match between them on PPV and it was a very back and forth contest. It came close to ending when Sasha who was getting frustrated at being unable to put Bayley away decided to hit Bayley with her own Bayley to Belly only for Bayley to kick out just before the 3 count. Bayley would get her revenge on Sasha and regain her title when she avoided the Roundhouse Kick from Sasha and hit her with the Banks Statement and locking it in the middle of the ring forcing Sasha to tap out to her own move and Bayley gets a huge pop as she becomes a 2 time Women's United States Champion.


After that We had the WWE Championship on the line when 'The Lunatic' Dean Ambrose took on Enzo Amore. Enzo had no one at ringside to start the match but when Ambrose started to gain an advantage, Big E and Jerry Bowman came down to ringside. This wouldn't help Enzo however as Big E was took out with a huge spear from Roman Reigns and Bowman was took out with a Curb Stomp from Seth Rollins making it a fair one on one match for the title. Enzo went to the top rope late on in the match only to be caught with a kick to the gut from Dean who hit a Dirty Deeds on Enzo 1, 2 kick out from Enzo. Dean picked him up for a second one only to be pushed back into the referee by Enzo and the ref was knocked down. Unknown to Dean, Big E had gotten to his feet and with The Shield gone from ringside he slid into the ring and hit a Big Ending on Dean. Enzo rolled over on top of Dean and the referee did that stupid, slow count they always seem to do only for dean to kick out at 2 this time. Enzo was furious and started pushing the ref around until he was stopped by a roll up from Dean who lifted him to his feet following this and hit a second dirty deeds. 1,2,3 The fans go wild as Dean Ambrose claims his first ever WWE Championship here in the WWE (Only 4 years after he did in real life lol). The Shield lift him up on their shoulders as he holds the title in the air after overcoming Prospect.


The semi main event was the match of the night as I knew it would be but I had to have the other match as the main event because of how important it is for the next 2 years of the company. However this was the winner takes all tag team match with the winners tag team becoming tag team champions and whoever gets the pinfall becomes the World heavyweight and United States Champion aswell between the tag team champions Shibata and Crews against the US Champion Noam Dar and the World heavyweight Champion Damien Sandow. For the most of the match the teams were on the same page until towards the end when they all realised only one could walk out with all three belts and they turned on each other. Damien Sandow took out Noam Dar with a Terminus but he got hit with a PK from Shibata. However as Shibata went for the pin he was grabbed and thrown out the ring by Apollo Crews his tag partner who hit a Standing Shooting star Press on Sandow and won all of the titles.

Post match Sandow looked furious as he felt that Noam Dar had cost him the match and he hit a Terminus on Dar to turn heel following the 96 A* rated match and the fans booed both him and Crews out of the building while Shibata and Dar were left wondering what the hell just happened.


And now we got to the big one, the huge match with huge stipulations between Bray Wyatt and Triple H. If Triple H wins, Bray Wyatt has to leave the WWE and his contract is terminated but if he wins then Triple H has to retire from wrestling. This match was a No Holds Barred and both me hate each despite Triple H at first saying that he didn't hate Bray Wyatt just that he thought Enzo would be a better champion than him but as Wyatt played mind tricks and got into his head he just got more aggressive and he finally exploded last week on Smackdown where Bray Wyatt mentioned his family and Triple furious that he couldn't get his hands on Bray, dragged Mauro Ranallo from the commentary table and pedigreed him in the middle of the ring. The match started with Triple H rolling out of the ring to get his sledge hammer only to turn around once he had it into a chair shot to the gut from Bray and they fought on from there. As the match went on Prospect tried to get involved only for Bray to hit a quick Sister Abigail on Big E and Enzo and Bowman thought twice about entering the ring again. Bray Wyatt went into the corner and started doing his creepy crawl thing when over each of the four barricades jumped Braun Strowman, Frankie Daniels (Kazarian), Bobby Fish and Justin Gabriel. All 4 of them are former Lucha Underground Champions, Lucha Underground that went bankrupt but was bought by an unknown buyer. All 4 of them surrounded the ring and Bray and Triple H stood back to back in the middle of the ring only for Bray to turn around into a kick to the gut and a Pedigree from the Game who just stands up and smiles. He grabs a microphone and says "You are looking at the new owner of Lucha Underground" and all 4 men jump in the ring and beat down on Bray, each hitting their finishers on him. Even though he was clearly unconscious already, Triple H had them lift Bray back up where he hit him in the chest with the Sledgehammer before hitting one last definitive Pedigree on Bray and pinning him to pick up the victory. Bray Wyatt has to leave the WWE and he leaves them with no one knowing what is going to happen next.


That match only got a 78 B which for a main event of one of the big 4 but I think the fans would have loved the show anyway with the amount of twists and turns it took aswell as the great wrestling on display. If I was in the crowd for that main event I wouldn't care that it was a bad match as you'd want to tune in on Raw and Smackdown to find out who the men are, why they are here and what they are going to do next.


As I said it was a horrible rating but an absolutely great one to write and I hope anyone who read the whole of that enjoyed it because I certainly enjoyed planning and booking it.

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I'm in March 1995 with WCW (using the Clash of the Titans mod, starting in July'94). Hogan is still my World Heavyweight Champion, but I'm unsure as to where to go with him. He's feuded with Flair and Vader in the past for the title, and currently feuding with Big Bubba Rogers. After that there's not many main-event heels left, so I'll start a few between him and Steve Austin, when Austin finishes his feud with Sting.


Triple H got released in December, and he's been unemployed since. The WWF has no interest in him whatsoever.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gungner" data-cite="Gungner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm in March 1995 with WCW (using the Clash of the Titans mod, starting in July'94). Hogan is still my World Heavyweight Champion, but I'm unsure as to where to go with him. He's feuded with Flair and Vader in the past for the title, and currently feuding with Big Bubba Rogers. After that there's not many main-event heels left, so I'll start a few between him and Steve Austin, when Austin finishes his feud with Sting. <p> </p><p> Triple H got released in December, and he's been unemployed since. The WWF has no interest in him whatsoever.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd use the ol' Earthquake trick. Have a worker injure Hogan with their finisher and put him off TV, force Hogan to vacate the title, and then have the worker win the title. I'd go with Mike Awesome powerbombing Hogan through the stage. I'd consider having James Mitchell or Sullivan lead a cult and force Hogan to go through all the members, finishing with Awesome or whatever worker put him out. That'll tide you over to at least next starrcade if not longer.</p>
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<p>I'm playing as DIW and after having a great time building up the original roster of DIW, RAW & APW have both pulled the trigger and have raided me immensely. The list of hey boss I'm leaving is as follows.</p><p> </p><p>

Vaughan - 71pop</p><p>

Tombstone - 67pop</p><p>

Bad Truckers - 34pop</p><p>

Menace To Sobriety - 30pop</p><p>

The Apocalypse - 44pop</p><p>

Dumfrey Pinn - 48pop</p><p>

Mace Mueller - 25pop</p><p>

Milton Hittlespitz - 22pop</p><p>

Angus McMiller - 43pop</p><p>

Mayhem Milhoney - 27pop</p><p> </p><p>

I lost twelve on an 20man roster! They have forced me to once again rely on the comedian to carry us until I can build more credible threats. Luckily, I had signed Blaze Maximum and he was over enough for Tombstone to do the job on his way out. Now he and Comedian are THE go to guys to keep our momentum going. I've went on an immediate hiring spree especially to rejuvenate our destroyed tag team division. Rookies Adrian McGhee and Damien Dastardly have gotten the call to be the transitional champions until I get more people in DIW. In the meantime Blaze Maximum vs The Comedian will be the going top feud until I can get more stars up the ranks. Wish me luck.</p>

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<p>Having an absolute blast booking TNA from June 2016 onward. In October 2018 now, one week before Bound For Glory.</p><p> </p><p>

The big players:</p><p> </p><p>

Bobby Roode (world champ since June 2016... Yep)</p><p>

AJ Styles (was fired by WWE for making inappropriate statements, I signed him a year ago now, he's been a stud)</p><p>

Mike Bennett (the King of the Mountain)</p><p>

Cody Rhodes (the winner of the 9 week BFG Series and #2 guy in the company, might unseat Roode at BFG)</p><p>

Bram (been a very solid main event face but can't quite get over the hump, currently the Wrestling Premier League Champ, the WPL is an alliance between NJPW, TNA, CMLL created in June 2017)</p><p>

Gunner (returned to TNA in August 2016 as an enforcer for Aaron Stevens, has since moved onto to a successful tag team run)</p><p>

Gryffyn (Mason Ryan, gunners partner, sucked for a bulk of time... Went to development for most of 2017 and returned with a massive skill growth. Has turned into a star... Somehow)</p><p>

Adam Ohriner (another success out of developmental, currently tag champ, great top line skills)</p><p>

Moose (I'm forcing moose at the fans... He's developed slowly but it's finally paying off. Tag champ with Ohriner)</p><p>

Texano (joined us as the top Hispanic star in the company)</p><p>

Katsuhiko Nakajima (top Japanese star in company) </p><p> </p><p>

Solid Midcard, but I won't bore you.</p>

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<p>Sounds like a cool save you have going <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

I have a TNA'16 save myself, but haven't played it in a while.</p><p>

Game started in May'16, and I'm currently in October'16, on the road to Bound for Glory. </p><p>

My current champs are:</p><p>

TNA Knockout Champion: Madison Rayne (feuding with Rosemary)</p><p>

TNA United States Champion: Mike Bennett (feuding with Jeff Hardy)</p><p>

TNA X-Division Champion: Desconocido (Sin Cara, feuding with Trevor Lee)</p><p>

TNA Tag Team Champions: The Tribunal (feuding with The Punjab Players)</p><p>

TNA World Heavyweight: Drew Galloway (feuding with Wade Barrett)</p><p> </p><p>

I've signed people like Wade Barrett, John Hennigan, Melina Perez, Sin Cara, Damian Sandow, Brian Kendrick and a few more...</p>

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<p>When TEW16 first came out I couldn't get into TCW at all... without Tommy.. I just had no interest... however as time has gone on I have changed my mind somewhat. Enough to give them a proper shot now. </p><p> </p><p>

Looking at their roster ,it's not to bad at all... I prefer it to SWF's starting roster. </p><p> </p><p>

TCW has young stars at the ready with Wolf, Andrews and Golden. with Jay Chord waiting for that one big push. 4 guys within 8 months that will be your future for the next 6-10 years. </p><p> </p><p>

You also have Sammy Bach that is great for short term . </p><p> </p><p>

You also have 5 or 6 guys that are over like RDJ, Troy, Peak That can put over Chord and the signee's you bring in and want pushing towards the top.</p><p> </p><p>

You have enough room on the roster to really bring in your own guys without having to get rid of too many.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I'm looking to bring in a couple of guys to be shot straight up to Main event. a handful to fill up the midcard. Looking to bring in 4 or 5 more tag teams. Looking into making the International an Uppermidard title and bringing in either a cruiserweight or Junior Heavyweight division with a few signee's to bring that division along. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I don't see Andrews as being the guy to hold the strap for long. Wolf and Golden are my stars, however Andrews will be getting a new gimmick or stable that I can get behind and use to want to push </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Thinking of giving Sammy Bach a world title reign, he has the SQ and skills for it. Thinking of having him be defeated once or twice by the champion, but wins my version of a MITB match... cashes in and wins the title. He gets called out for not earning it properly and goes on a quest to be a fighting champion and earn the respect of his peers and be seen as a proper champion. fighting every week against any and all untill he finally gets the respect of the former champion. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Thinking of pushing Scout as a singles guy for a hile too. he done great when i had him at my cult CZCW putting on 80/90 individual performances. Got to think of the right angle/reason for him too tho.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

If I can I want to help out CZCW too. signing their talent to PPA's so any overness they gain from me will help CZCW too. Untill any other big company comes in for any of them then i'll be locing their talent up</p>

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<p>I'm heading into the first PPV of a custom build of a November 2016 mod.</p><p> </p><p>

Triple H has divorced Stephanie, gotten a huge settlement from the family to prevent the court battle, and was allowed to pick people to take with him. He took a bunch of stars and purchased TNA. </p><p> </p><p>

Heading into the first PPV (4 PPVS a year) here are the storylines:</p><p> </p><p>

Styles vs Rollins</p><p>

Owens vs Zayn</p><p>

Enzo/Cass vs Hardys</p><p>

Becky vs Sasha</p><p>

Joe vs Nak</p><p>

Bobby Roode vs Eric Young</p><p>

Neville vs Austin Aries vs Richochet </p><p> </p><p>

Plan is to put over Styles, Owens, the Hardys, Sasha, Joe, Bobby Roode, Neville.</p>

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<p>NJPW just signed Jun Kasai in my 2001 game. I'm not as down on Kasai as others as I actually somewhat enjoy BJPW but what? I know Kojika died and Onita took over BJPW in this save but why would NJPW pick up Kasai? Are they trying to turn him into a new Honma or something?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I just don't get it. Mid-2000s NJPW was a sea of bad ideas but this is so wacky it's beyond the pale.</p>

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<p><span>http://i67.tinypic.com/9vi2y9.png</span></p><p> </p><p>

This is going to be AWESOME. Marufuji and Joe are white hot and have never collided in one-on-one action, the plan is to have them go at it in the finals where Joe takes the tournament and the belt. Marufuji won the first last year and has been defending his prize ever since against the likes of Kurt Angle, Caristico, Dos Caras (Patron) Jr, Will O'Spreay, King Devitt and his Royal Bloods stablemates (Ted DiBiase Jr, Teddy Hart, Jack Evans and Davey Richards), Taiichi Ishikari and many more top level competitors from around the globe. We're currently sitting at the #7 world spot and am hoping to be setting my sights on taking down Dragon Gate so that TWE can claim the spot of top Japanese company. Enjoying this game alot.</p>

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<p>Velvet Sky has signed for WWE and immediately put onto RAW, challenging Charlotte for the strap, but lost out to interference from Dana Brooke. </p><p> </p><p>

This is the lead into Survivor Series, with Velvet aligning herself with Bayley, before ultimately turning heel and costing her the match, revealing Charlottes master plan and in turn Charlotte's new stable 'Natural Selection' (not sure of name) will form. - Eventually plan on having Dolph Ziggler join group as Male member.</p>

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<p>Just finished Wrestlemania 33, here's how it went.</p><p> </p><p>

Del Rio won the Andre Memorial Battle Royal. I wanted Cody Rhodes to win it, but del Rio refused to lose.</p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Zayn def The Miz in a loser leaves town match. Miz is off to film a movie, staying around just long enough to have a Mania match.</p><p> </p><p>

Vader, Billy Gunn, Keiji Mutoh and The Steiner Brothers were my hall of fame class. They were inducted without my knowledge, but decided to run with it for my class.</p><p> </p><p>

Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte and © Sasha Banks in a damn solid match. I'm mostly having the women do simple, straight up wrestling matches to show their legitimacy.</p><p> </p><p>

Bray def Luke Harper in Hell in a Cell. Harper went straight for Bray after coming back from injury, with Bray refusing to fight him, until this match was signed. </p><p> </p><p>

Dean Ambrose defeated Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred match, after taking a hell of a whipping. It took a Dirty Deeds on the steel steps to finish it.</p><p> </p><p>

The Club retained their tag titles against Enzo and Cass, Rhodes Scholars and del Rio/Rusev (accidentally booked del Rio twice) in a TLC match.</p><p> </p><p>

Cena def The Undertaker in a once in a lifetime match, which I am using as Takers retirement match. I was going to have Taker win, but I like the idea of people losing on the way out.</p><p> </p><p>

The final match was AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins for the WWE title. Stephanie and Triple H tried to stack the match against AJ, hoping if he got the title back on Seth he might rejoin the authority. Roman, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Elijah Burke all played various roles to try to screw AJ out of the title. Eventually, Balor, Gallows and Anderson occupied the lackeys, while AJ and Seth battled. Even Orton got involved, stopping Triple H from interfering, with AJ finally picking up the win.</p><p> </p><p>

All in all, the show went down really really well, with AJ vs Seth being my first match to creep into the 90's rating.</p><p> </p><p>

Now I am moving on to a story to get Triple H back with Steph on RAW in time for the post SummerSlam draft picks.</p>

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<p>I've just held my first ever card using the Cornellverse database, and have to say, I enjoyed booking it.</p><p>

I'm booking 21CW.</p><p>

It went down like this (Bear in mind i have no clue of the histories of Characters, but have a set of storylines in my head) - </p><p> </p><p>

PRE SHOW:</p><p>

Danny Patterson def. Joe Simpson via a Chokeslam (59)</p><p> </p><p>

MAIN CARD:</p><p>

- Tommy Cornell opened the show with the announcement that HE was the new Commisionner of 21CW, and things will be changing around here. (100)</p><p>

- Wade Orson def. Kelly Martin after Kathleen Lee distracted Martin. (71)</p><p>

- Tommy Cornell sets up Adam Matravers for a match later in the show. (86)</p><p>

- The Ivanoff Brothers def The Pride after interference from Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez and J.B Cash) (72)</p><p>

- Bedlam def a Local talent in a squash. (47)</p><p>

- Hot Stuff and The Pride brawl backstage. (72)</p><p>

- Tommy Cornell books a 3 way for a shot at the 21CW UK Title after arguing between Apollo Prince, Stevie Stoat and Harry Wilson (67)</p><p>

- Apollo Prince def. Stevie Stoat and Harry Wilson for a shot at the UK Title (60)</p><p>

- Kathleen Lee is spotted flirting with Wade Orson backstage, wearing nothing but a towel.... (73)</p><p>

- Edward Cornell def D-B-F to retain the title. (74)</p><p>

- Adam Matravers opponent is announced as War Machine! (69)</p><p>

- Adam Matravers def War Machine after a distraction from Kevin Jones (77)</p><p> </p><p>

Show rating: 80</p><p> </p><p>

Im quite happy with that as my first, but any tips would be welcome.</p>

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<p>C-Verse 2005 mod</p><p> </p><p>

playing as GCG currently April 2008</p><p> </p><p>

Japan is pretty much dominating the wrestling scene BHOTWG pretty much has PGHW Main Event and in turn they poach mine</p><p> </p><p>

BHOTWG are losing about a million a month and PGHW are heavily in debt </p><p> </p><p>

Inspire formed and are doing really well, we also have a working relationship but still take the odd wrestler</p><p> </p><p>

We are nearly at Cult, i try to keep as much as the original roster as i can but thanks to those two i have had to change a lot of the roster</p><p> </p><p>

The Golden Kingdom 2007 was my favourite to book</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Raymond Diaz defeated Hiroyasu Gakusha in a Golden Kingdom match</p><p>

to win The GCG World Title</p><p>

Golden Kingdom match is a main event match, where its pretty much no dq, but any interference leads to instant firing, there has to be a winner </p><p> </p><p>

Raymond Diaz signed to BHOTWG 3 weeks later</p><p> </p><p>

Yoshifusa Maeda Beat Rip Chord to retain The GCG Openweight Championship</p><p>

This was a special attraction match, as they have history together and after buying MAW, Chord is on a retirement tour and wanted to face his old rival as the biggest show for GCG</p><p> </p><p>

Maeda announed his retirement the very next day, but convinced him to wrestle for another year, i vacated his title and he announced he wishes to end his run as Tag Champion with Kazu Yoshikawa</p><p> </p><p>

Pistol Pete Hall beat Kazu Yoshikawa, Danger Kumasaka and JD Morgan</p><p>

This was for a title at whatever event he desires, he has to announce it 24 hours before the match, Pistol can do no wrong, he just seems to be in his element even at his age</p><p> </p><p>

Miura and Yoshikawa Beat Stone and Kenko, Ikina and Tayama, Team 2000(Taayuki 2000 and Funokoshi)</p><p>

For a Tag Title shot at the next show</p><p> </p><p>

Demons of Rage beat Lords of War in a Cage match </p><p>

This was a one off match, i had the Lords of War signed, and got the Demons of Rage from TCW, i fired Lords of War, as one was retiring and the other one was such a pain even i could not put up with him</p><p> </p><p>

Kiminobu Kuroki beat Lee Wright</p><p>

Just a standard match </p><p> </p><p>

Emerald Crusher Impact beat Crime Wave to retain the Tag Titles</p><p>

Emerald Angel and Crusher Ichihara have been a dominate team, Crusher is the first female to be on the main roster and has been fantastic</p><p> </p><p>

Namboku Makuda beat Rogue </p><p>

For a shot at The GCG Openweight Title</p><p> </p><p>

Rogue, Emerald Angel and Kiminobu would also leave over the coming months, i have uite a big roster so i created another brand called The NEVER brand, with the biggest title called The NEVER Openweight Championship</p><p> </p><p>

Nambuko Makuda was the first champion as he puts on amazing matches and loses quite a bit without any complaints so this is his big push now</p><p> </p><p>

Hiroyasu won the Championship back the next month as Diaz left, in a loser leaves town match </p><p> </p><p>

I run monthly shows and am hoping to expand my roster and eventually have three brands, if i can buyout PGHW</p>

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<p>With Wrestlemania in the books, I have finally pulled the trigger on my kayfabe keeping, 80's style Rock N' Wrestling hour long kids show, replacing Main Event.</p><p> </p><p>

Right now, I have a roster consisting of:</p><p> </p><p>

Big Show, Mark Henry, Vaudevillains, Bo Dallas, Shelton Benjamin, Curtis Axel, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, Konnor and Viktor, Titus O'Neill, Darren Young, Heath Slater, Tye Dillinger, Fandango, Tyler Breeze, The Bravado Brothers, Goldust, Trevor Murdoch, Chris Masters and Bob Backlund.</p><p> </p><p>

My main storyline so far is Evil Doctor Backlund introducing his client, Jack Swagger (I havent decided on a new name yet) as a Frankenstein-like monster. Every time Swagger beats an opponent, Backlund "steals" a piece of their wrestling ability/knowledge to make Swagger better. That one is going to end when Swagger eventually gains some intelligence, and realises that he shouldn't be trusting Dr Backlund, who is actually a veterinary surgeon.</p><p> </p><p>

Tye, Breeze and Fandango are a stable of pretentious, world travelling models. They are on a losing streak, as they keep getting beaten while trying to find the perfect pose for the camera after and during every move.</p><p> </p><p>

Bo Dallas, Shelton Benjamin and Zack Ryder are my main guys in terms of singles. They are all pretty much remaining as is, except Bo is now an even more blatant Waylon Mercy rip off.</p><p> </p><p>

This is a nice break for me, just booking it all as OTT and comedy based as I want, with 5 hours of serious TV to produce a week. It also gives me another option to use the frankly bloated WWE roster without just firing anyone I like but have no plans for, since a lot of people dont want to go down to NXT and I need room to bring up Roode, Joe, Nakamura and Asuka.</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Threatening Behavior</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Sun, Week 4, October 2016</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

LIVE on Pay-Per-View from The Greenwalt Dome (Tri State)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Era (Jay Chord, Kirk Jameson, & Davis Wayne Newton)</strong> defeat <strong>Valiant, Joss Thompson, & Atom Smasher</strong> in six man tag team action. The finish came when Chord hit Smasher with the Cradle Piledriver.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW Women’s Championship Match!</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sara Marie York</strong> continues her dominating run as the first ever TCW Women’s Champion after defeating <strong>Joanne Rodriguez & Alicia Strong</strong> in a Triple Threat contest. York hits Strong with the Energy Burst to gain the W. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach</strong> defeats <strong>Remo Richardson</strong> in a epic Street Fight. A battle of heated rivals, Bach & Richard brawl throughout the arena. Despite a dominant showing by Richardson and nagging injuries, Bach defeats the odds. Pulling out the daredevil ways of his old self, Bach climbs to the top of a ladder, and splashes Richardson right through a table to get the 3 count!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews & Marc Speed</strong> defeat <strong>Jeremy Finch & Daniel Drake (KP Avatar)</strong>. In a battle of Superstar & Bodyguard versus Mentor & Protégé, Andrews gets the win for his team. It’s not without controversy, though, as Speed trips Drake from the outside as he tries to lift Andrews into the air. Speed then proceeds to hold Drake’s legs down as Andrews pins Daniel for the 3!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW International Championship Match!</strong></p><p>

<strong>Eddie Peak</strong> holds off the rising stars of TCW, <strong>Joshua Taylor & Mighty Mo</strong>, in a Triple Threat Match to retain his International Championship. Peak puts Mo away with the Peak of Perfection to gain the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW World Tag Team Championship Match!</strong></p><p>

The crowd is disappointed by this one, as the newly babyface team, <strong>The Backseat Boyz (Roger Cage & Troy Tornado</strong>, defeat the Tag Team Champions<strong>Eddie Chandler & Mr. Lucha</strong> by Count-Out.The Boyz hit Chandler with the Kiss-Kiss Drive By and look to be on their way to winning the gold, but Lucha pulls Chandler out of the ring before the referee can slap the mat for the 3rd time! Lucha & Chandler then walk right out of the match and the arena, ignoring the referee’s ten count! Lucha & Chandler leave with the gold, but definitely don’t look like champions!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Wolf Hawkins makes his way to the ring. He’s booed all the way to the ring after his recently change of attitude, blaming his title loss to the Angry Gilmore on the crowd and “washed up” superstars like Rich Money. More so, the crowd boos after Hawkins assaulted Money on the last episode of Total Wrestling, where he targeted Money’s knee with a steel chair. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Reports are TCW’s lead medical doctor refuses to allow Rich Money to wrestle tonight. His knee is too damaged. Rich Money’s music is played twice, but Money doesn’t appear. Hawkins demands to be declared the winner. Instead, the ring announcer announces that the referee is giving Money a count of ten to come to the ring. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

1…2…3…4…5…6….7…</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Rich Money’s music hits again, and Rich Money limps out into the arena! The crowd goes nuts, and Wolf is stunned! TCW’s medical staff appears and pleads with Money not to go to the ring, but Money shoves them aside! His knee heavily bandaged, Money enters the ring and orders the referee to “ring the damn bell!” After much discussion between the referee, the medical staff, and Rich Money, this bell is called for! This match is happening!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong> defeats <strong>Rich Money</strong>. Rich Money shows more courage than any man could possibly show, but he cannot overcome the injured knee. Hawkins targets the knee constantly throughout the match. Even when Money rallies and has Hawkins on the ropes, a timely kick to the knee sends Money face to the mat. With Money struggling to get up, Hawkins puts him away with the Full Moon Rising. Hawkins gets the W, but the talk is all about the courage and health of Rich Money. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW Women’s Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p>

<strong>The A-List</strong> defeat <strong>The Rising Suns (Gemmei Oonishi & Shiori Jippensha)</strong> to retain their Tag Team Championship. As always, Nadia Snow & Demelza Wade cheat to keep the gold. With the referee distracted with Wade & Oonishi fighting at ringside, A-List’s manager Venus Angeletti sprays Jippensha in the eyes with some type of hair spray or perfume, blinding her! This allows Snow to hit the Snow Ball and retain the gold for her team.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>With the finals of the TCW Cruiserweight Championship Tournament coming up next, it is revealed that a second Cruiserweight tournament will start tomorrow night on TCW television. You guessed it. TCW is bringing the Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles out of retirement after 12 years! Starting tomorrow, eight tag teams will go to war to decide to who will wear the gold for the first time in over a decade!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Finals of the TCW Cruiserweight Championship Match!</strong></p><p>

In a stunning upset, <strong>Edd Stone</strong> defeats the heavy favorite <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> to become the NEW TCW Cruiserweight Champion! The 16 Cruiserweight Tournament was a bit of a revival to Stone’s career, but Masked Cougar looked to be the favorite to win it all after a successful tag team title reign with Mighty Mo. Stone proves everyone wrong, though, and gains some revenge on one of the guys who took the tag team gold from the now defunct Canadian Animals! As they brawl on the top rope, Stone sneaks in a thumb to the eye, which the referee doesn’t catch. This leads to hitting the Party’s Over off the top rope and get the 3! Stone celebrates with the gold, and doesn’t mind rubbing it into the faces of the each and every fan, especially those wearing Cougar masks. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tonight’s Main Event!</strong></p><p><strong>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match!</strong></p><p>

In a controversial main event, <strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> defeats <strong>Rocky Golden</strong> to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. This looked to be the night that is finally happens, that Rocky Golden finally regains the World Title. He dominates the match. Gilmore appears to have no answer for the monster heavyweight. Gilmore tries to work a leg, tries to work an arm, he even tries to put Golden away with a sleeper. Golden just kept getting the best of Gilmore. It looked to be over as Golden lifted Gilmore up for The Rack, but one of Gilmore’s flaying legs accidentally hits Referee Francis Long right in the face, knocking him down! Golden tries to help the referee up, when Remo Richardson races down to the ring. Richardson spins Golden around and shows amazing strong by lifting Golden up into the air. Richardson hits Golden with the Destroyer! To a burst of boos, Richardson marches out of the arena without looking back! With Golden out on his back and Referee Francis Long stirring, Gilmore crawls into the cover. 1..2..3! </p><p> </p><p>

<em>A beaten down Gilmore snatches his title belt at ringside. He staggers out of ringside, not having any clue about what just happened. Rocky Golden starts coming to in the ring, and he doesn’t have much of a clue, either. Rocky & Remo faced off in a tag team match recently, otherwise there was nothing that would have hinted at Remo’s actions tonight. As the show comes to a close, Gilmore finally gains enough senses to look back at Golden in the ring and begins to laugh triumphantly.</em></p>

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<p><span>http://i64.tinypic.com/2n877nq.png</span></p><p> </p><p>

No interview segments, no sports entertainment, just pure wrasslin' and a new king as TWE's biggest show of the year scores an A! Joe's starting to decline so hopefully I'll have the strap on him by the end of the year. Cruiserweight division is finally starting to gain some traction too, just started a B show where there'll be a title match and a #1 contenders match every week with a rankings system and go the MMA-realism route. This should clear up a spot on most pay-per-views for my main eventers as I give my lowercard guys something to do every week. Good show!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="We are APW" data-cite="We are APW" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love the elaborate entrance followed by a match he's not in - part of me wonders if he just hung around on the ramp for a while and waited.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He obviously left a light on at home and had to make a quick exit. Hence the improv match.</p>
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Just finished year 1 with SWF. it was a long year. I have 2 shows a week and have been running 2 PPVs a month. I have Valiant changed to my figure head currently. He is the most over person in the US and 2nd in the world. He won #4 on the top 500. This is the highest I have ever had anyone before. I actually had 4 workers in the top 20.
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<p>Just finished 1989 in my WWF Risky Business game. Pretty fun year. Finally feels like a real game with WCW being around.</p><p> </p><p>

Masahiro Chono won wrestler of the year. He was also the number one wrestler in the power 500. Osamu Kido and Yoshiaki Fujiwara won the tag team. Shinya Hashimoto won the young wrestler of the year. In other words, Japan is reaching their golden age. Dusty Rhodes won the veteran wrestler of the year for the second year running. I did managed to win the promotion of the year and Ric Flair defending the WWF Heavyweight title against Robert Gibson won the match of the year. Wrestlemania V was the show of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair despite losing the Heavyweight title to Randy Savage won it back from the Macho Man at Summerslam. He's since been defending it against Rpddy Piper, Rick Rude, and Bret Hart.</p><p> </p><p>

After a year away from wrestler to heal an injury, Mr. Perfect returned and he's been well...perfect. He beat Bob Orton Jr. for the intercontinental title in September and he's gonna hold it for a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

High & Mighty (Jake Roberts and Rick Rude) finally split apart at a Saturday Night's Main Event in July, after losing the Tag Titles to the Rock N Roll Express. The RnR Express would hold the titles for three months before losing them to The Faces of Fear (Haku and The Barbarian). With the Steiner Brothers, the Rock n Roll Express, and now the tag team of Arn Anderson and Shawn Michaels coming after them, the Faces of Fear need to be extra tough.</p><p> </p><p>

Elsewhere, Brusier Brody joined the Four Horsemen in July but it didn't last very long before he was sent to rehab. With Flair turning face after being attacked by Ted DiBiase and Rick Rude, the Four Horsemen are no more.</p><p> </p><p>

The Hart Foundation have also broken apart with The British Bulldogs attacking Owen and Bret Hart. Should produce some awesome match ups. However, Dynamite Kid pissed off Shane McMahon so I'm waiting for a owner goal to ruin him. Than it's time for Davey Boy's push!</p><p> </p><p>

Magnum T.A. has gotten kinda lost in the WWF. He won the King of the Ring for the second year in a row but besides that, he's just kinda there.</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Hall lost a career match at Wrestlemania to Andre the Giant. Razor Ramon would make his debut in the WWF in July, joining Demolition in a stable led by Jerry Lawler. He failed to make an impact before leaving to film another movie at the end of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker went 50-0 in 1989, ending the careers of Harley Race, Paul Orndorff, and Big John Studd. Studd lasted two matches against the Phenom but none of them have been seen in the WWF since facing him. Andre the Giant faced The Undertaker at our December PPV, Battle of the Giants in another losing effort, but the future HOFer isn't going away as easy as the rest.</p><p> </p><p>

Over at WCW, despite signing away Hulk Hogan from me and making him their figurehead, haven't done anything with him. Their World title has gone from Terry Funk to Dusty Rhodes and is now held by Road Warrior Animal. Him and Road Warrior Hawk are also the tag team champions. And Hawk holds the United States title. So, they pretty much are running WCW. </p><p> </p><p>

5 years and 541 shows into this save and it's still amazing. Planning a big push for Shawn Michaels, but he hates me after I've fined him three times in the last year. Once for missing a media appearance, making fun of Jerry Sags, and bragging about money. He's not unhappy and he hasn't asked for his release yet or caused any backstage problems so that's a good thing.</p><p> </p><p>

Also planning on building the 90s around The Undertaker. I can see massive title reigns and him rarely losing.</p><p> </p><p>

I have a bunch of women in my development that I'm hoping will be the centerstone of a women's division. We'll see if I pull the trigger on it or not.</p>

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I had a diary going for a federation called Smark Friendly Wrestling, but just didn't have the time to maintain it anymore, so updates here will have to do. Backstory: Buddy Garner returns to wrestling and starts up a workrate-oriented company. I'm to the end of June 2016, and I'm having a blast.


TCW is having off-again, on-again financial issues, so I've poached a few big stars. In fact, the primary storyline for the rest of 2016 (or most of the rest of the year, at least) is Eddie Peak vs. Aaron Andrews. Additionally, I've positioned a stable of young guys (Ernest Youngman, Kirk Jameson, and Greg Gauge) as Andrews's lackies/fodder for Peak. That should help those three guys get some popularity, which is good since all three have serious potential.


Additionally, Frankie Perez has probably become my #2 babyface. This was partly by accident; I signed Koshiro Ino to fill that void, but he tore his rotator cuff, is out eight months, and has been moved into the role of interim commissioner so he's got something to do. Perez has been having good-to-great matches with pretty much everyone, so he's gotten a significant push. In fact, he's feuding with Garner right now after Garner lost the World title to Peak at the most recent big show.


I may, however, be most excited about something that hasn't even come together yet. I'm trying to sign Chance Fortune from TCW, since I could always use more midcard to upper-midcard faces. I've already got Greg Black, and I'm hoping to sign Fortune and put them together so I can employ one of my favorite tag team names: Bet On Black.


Closing in on another once-every-two-months event at Smark Friendly Wrestling in the CornellVerse, and I'm still having a blast. I made several big signings, and some worked out MUCH better than others.


The bad news first: Edd Stone and Greg Black will be short-lived as a tag team. The Black Diamonds have poor chemistry. :mad: Thankfully, their match at the big event is a four-way tag match that includes several teams with great chemistry (Super Ninja/Silver Tiger and Art Reed/Clark Alexander), plus two heels who are VERY over (Guide/Eisaku Kunomasu, the latter of whom signed a one-year contract after PGHW didn't re-sign him; he is still VERY useful despite being in time decline).


However, several other new acquisitions are much more positive. The biggest is Marat Khoklov, who I'd been trying to sign for months. He kept saying we were too small, but he finally became open to negotiations in early-July, so I snagged him. I sort of shoehorned him into a midcard feud to start things out; he's tag-teaming with Bulldozer Brandon Smith against Gino and Luis Montero, and MUCH bigger things are on the horizon. He doesn't really fit the mold of what I usually look for with my workrate-first product, but he's had a few pretty solid matches so far, and his 100 Menace rating is a godsend for segments.


I also snagged a diamond in the rough for very cheap. Spencer Spade's contract came up for renewal at RIPW, and once I saw he wasn't open to a developmental deal, I poached him for use on the main roster. He instantly became #1 on my "next big things" list, and I started him off in a standard "good-looking young babyfaces" tag team with Kip Keenan. I tested the "suggest a name" feature, and The Highlights came up, which I liked enough to go with. They're not over enough to justify a huge push yet, but at the very least, two young prospects now have something defined to do, which is a big plus.


The main event of the big show is Eddie Peak-Aaron Andrews, with the SFW World Championship on the line. As I mentioned above, I've been using the younger guys to act as fodder for AA, and that's worked pretty well, as all three of them are now upper-midcarders. I'll also have Frankie Perez taking on Buddy Garner, the tag team match I mentioned above for the brand-new SFW Tag Team titles, Sara Marie York defending the Women's title against Lauren Phoenix (who's gotten a pretty big push as of late), and a few other matches to fill out the card. It's going to be fun!

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CZCW May 2019.


Just Finsihed Welcome to the Coastal Zone which means that the TCW invasion story arc has finished and that the post "Mania" roster trim has happened.


Around 18+ people have got the Axe. A lot of which where the TCW secondary character, the others were old Vets with pop I signed to Job. A couple were young guys on the main roster that I wasn't uing too much and didn't plan on increasing their appearances the upcoming yea


The Main guys let go


TCW Story B players


Flying Jimmy Fox

Joel Bryant

Duane Stone

Bear Bekowski

Nate Johnson

Robbie Wright


Old Jobber guys:

Eddie Chandler

Brent Hill

Human Arsenal

Yoshii Shiomi

Dann Fonzerlli

Tadiyuki Kikkawa


Other Guys


Matt Sparrow- In time decline and had nothing for him.


Brodie Lachlan- he got on shows now and again but was never going to rise above lower card jobber, in his 20's so let him go to find stardome elsewhere.


Commander Kawagishi- He's been with me since the start of the game, however with his partner leaving to sign for BHOTWG in 2016 and Commander unable to sign a written with me, I had no interest in pushing him, nor did I want to job him out. I've let him go to be a star elsewhere.


Funakoshi- He was signed in the Japanese Hiring Spree after PGHW went under, unfortunately he didn't pic up the language after a year, couldn't put him angles, his stats didn't improve to match the others I signed, so when BHOTWG came calling I let him go.


Seiji Jimbo- similar to Funakoshi- just didn't learn the language and had other options to push felt it was unfair to hog a top talent in my lower card. he's gone to be a star with whoever signs him




18 spaces have opened up some have already been filled by the yet to debut, Kirk Jameson, Casey Valentine, Nelson Calum , Hell's Bouncer, Dusty Ducont, with El Leon possibly signing too.


More guys who were floating the past two years should get some proper feuds and screen time now.





Guys part of the TCW faction that I'm keeping are Tommy Cornell, Jay Chord and The New Wave and Ed Stone.


Tommy will be kept and made to join my user character/owner/ World Champions stable, imply to rub it in his face that his squashed TCW's invasion


The New Wave will be away for a couple months then demand their rematch of the titles they just lost. This will be their way back into the company.


Ed Stone i'll send down to my Developmental MAW for 6 months until he answers an open challenge for the Extreme title and get in that way.





MAW news!!


MAW was going under so I bought them to e my Dev for when I reached Cult.


Once I set up my own network, I gave them and my other dev GSW a weekly TV show and a late night spot on my network. Both made it to solid Regional companies, with MAW getting the better of the dev trainers and better young talents in their roster.


keeping an eye on the news reports for the TV shows. a couple of my young guys sent down have really shone down in MAW, with Devious Doctor Fang becoming their top champion and regularly seen as there top performer, Clyd Regal has gotten the best performer award several times aswell as Damian Dastardly. In fact I kept those 3 guys down there simply beaus they are getting showcased in MAW, they would be lost in the shuffle for me the 9 month they have been down there.


Recents something great happened. MAW MADE IT TO CULT!!! thanks to Doc Fang, Dastardly and Regal shining alongside the active veteran dev trainers Johnny Bloodstone, Cique Jr, john Maverick, Harry Alan.


I'll wait a couple months and, one at a time, will call up Regal, Doc Fang and Dastardly up. give them programs as a reward for their work with MAW and see how they do.



It wasn't all smooth sailing as I left COTT. My top guys were getting loaned and jobbed to much less popular and skilled guys, more often than I'd have liked. So feeling as tho i outgrew them I left... the other members hate me, ome declaring war. MAW voiced there displeasure at first then calmed down, probably due to me bloody owning them, giving them a tv show and giving them free talent. I was close to just cutting them loose but give them another chance ue to how much work had gone into them.


FCW were the main guys who declared war on me, which was silly as I then signed half of their Main event guys and top road agents. most to go down to MAW. Hells Bouncer to go to my Main roster, I also signed to written which everguys i had on PPA that also had contracts with FCW. They lost there best road agent, half of their Main event and their Tag Team champions.

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<p>So, after spending a large chunk of time away from the game, I decided to forego my 10 year save from Japan in favor of starting up a new Local to Global Road to Glory. Touring every other month, with a weekly tour show followed by a finale at the end of every tour month where the title matches happen.</p><p> </p><p>

The first was supposed to be my UC going over Sterling Whitlock for the World championship. I run the show, get to the match and immediately notice that we both injured each other with a botched move. He sprained his ankle (6 days) while I tore my rotator cuff (1 year). This is the first time I've seen the match description say "Due to injury, an audible was called" so that was pretty neat.</p><p> </p><p>

Performing surgery cut down my recovery time to 7 months, which is a relief, and now I've got a custom-made feud ready to go upon my return.</p>

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