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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alucidus" data-cite="Alucidus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Speaking of WCW.<p> (Buckle up, this is going to be a long one).</p><p> </p><p> My NECW 0/0/0 game is going quite well. Well enough that I decided to start a new game because that's how I am. For reasons I won't go into I've watched a fair degree of 2000's WCW over the past year and I asked myself 'what could they even have done with this mess'</p><p> </p><p> So I decided to find out. I saw that there is a Jan 2000 historical mod in the 2013 mod archives so I dug that out and converted it. The first thing I notice is that in this mod The Radicalz are still in WCW and Bret Hart is not-retired. This will not do. So before I started the game I moved all the Radicalz to the WWF and retired Bret Hart to really get that 'this is the point of no return' feel WCW had in Jan 2000. </p><p> </p><p> I fire up the game and it is every bit as insane as I thought it would be. </p><p> All 7 of the 'true' active main eventers have pops ranging from 70-80, which isn't nearly good enough for a National company. Of the 7, 6 of them are disciplinary headaches, 5 are heels, 2 are faces. I decide to even things out by turning Sid Vicious face. So 3 and 3. This is good. Except Lex Luger wrestled wasted forcing me to send him to rehab for 8 months. Then Hall wrestled drunk, which I absolutely saw coming; so to rehab he goes for the remainder of his contract. So now we're down to 3 faces and 2 heels. And then I remember that Sting, Hogan and Goldberg are on the shelf. 3 more main event faces, which will create a massive inequity when they return. I have Piper and Savage in the short turn, whom I was loathe to use because they're occasional wrestlers. But their contracts are up in two months. </p><p> </p><p> So for the first month I desperately try to keep the show ratings high, which means no room for experimentation because with things the way they are my best workers are just barely capable of maintaining two 77 rated storylines at a time. </p><p> </p><p> Oh, did I mention that in this mod the 12 workers I've mentioned have a combined salary of 1.3 Million Dollars a month. I can't even release them because it would be financially crippling. 12 workers, 1.3 million dollars and as of right now only 5 of them are active. I wound up sending Sid on vacation because he wouldn't stop getting Morale dings on account of being isolated in the locker room and Nash has gotten suspended for beating up Brad Armstrong. Basically the financial future of this company it tethered to how long these contracts are around my neck. I can get rid of Piper and Savage in 2 months, Hall in 6, but I'm stuck with the rest for the next 2-3 years depending.</p><p> </p><p> Luckily, I still made a profit my 1st month.</p><p> Unluckily I also dropped to Cult after losing the national battle to the WWE.</p><p> And all of my TV contracts are up in 2 months. And Turner Broadcasting/TNT/TBS won't negotiate with me, forcing me to wonder if I'll still be able to turn a profit once that happens, because if I can't there's not much I can do about it. This is really the only real problem. You can ride out everything else, just not losing money.</p><p> </p><p> At which point it's operation 'drive the bad contracts into quitting'. I'm already there with Nash. Just waiting for him to get into another fight and that's 150k/mo in my pocket.</p><p> </p><p> Creatively much like the actual WCW of the time I'm going with the youth movement. Except with good youths. I took a necessary risk and spent 1M on a developmental territory and signed all your usual indie darlings of 2000 suspects to it. I'm bringing in more road agents and higher character workers to try the mitigate the damage my overpaid idiots are doing backstage. My first creative goal is to push Rey Mysterio Jr. to the world title. I'm also gearing up Booker T, Juventud, and Steven Regal to a point where they can carry the brand once I start kicking the old money to the curb. </p><p> </p><p> This is where being Cult is useful. The pressure of gaining pop is lessened so I can experiment and rebuild. If I lose some pop, I'll regain it once the company's turnover plans come to fruition. In that vein I'll be transferring Thunder to 'B' show status once I switch stations, since I really don't want 2 opportunities to lose pop per week. </p><p> </p><p> But this is a 2 year plan and I'm on month 2. Here's to hoping all these ridiculous contracts don't kill me. Suggestions welcome.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Would love more updates on this. Almost makes me want to try a company with this horrible of a roster and this tough a situation! More updates <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Started an OLLIE save as I really like the idea of getting back at SOTBPW and being the oldest company in the world, plus their roster is very fun and talented.

I decided to improve my production values in order to get a deal Canal Tres and introduce Mexico to OLLIE Arte De Lucha, the TV show to bring OLLIE back to the top of Mexican wrestling. In 5 years or so. Maybe more.


Starting off I had a few goals:

1. Try and solidify Hijo Del Mephisto as the champ. With Gino more than likely going to SOTBPW at some point, I wanted him as the champ as long as possible, given he can pull it off with good ratings.

2. Keep Gino as long as possible, meaning not pushing him too hard so I keep him for a while, at least until we get to Cult.

3. Push the next stars. These are Mr Lucha III, Extraordinario Jr, Aguila Azul Celeste and Phoenix IV. The first two are sure to be the future stars of Mexico and will likely stay until I can offer them a written deal, Aguila is the future of the women’s division (although the game rolled La Hija as a potential star too), and Phoenix IV is the next in line of the prestigious Phoenix group, and has a lot of time to develop.

4. Improve the tag division. Simple enough, OLLIE have pretty much 3-4 tag teams excluding Eternal Kings, Los Monteros and the two women teams.

5. Utilize the women’s division. A group of incredibly talented female competitors make up one of the best women’s divisions in the CVerse. Use that.


So far, I’ve not been able to improve on Mephisto’s overness, and after finishing up on top in his program with the declining Marcos Flores, I’ve had to decide what to do with him, as he didn’t pull good match ratings and was autopushed as an Upper Midcarder for months, I pulled the trigger and had Gino Montero beat him for the title after seeing the prestige go down. Gino returned from a small injury that kept him out for a month and defeated Mephisto and El Bandido who I signed after the injury, in a triple threat 30 minute iron man match, pinning Bandido to set up a blow off between Mephisto and Montero in the following monthly event (I added monthly events).

In the next big storyline, Nicolas Lopez and his new protege, El Mitico Jr (a no brainer signing in Mexico), attempt to fend off Silver Tiger and El Critico aka Golden Silver. This is mainly for exploiting Mitico’s mentoring and development as well as his overness, but also to have some easy money segments. In this program Mitico became a ring general, Silver Tiger pinned El Critico in a fatal four way for the COTT Title, and the best match of the play through occurred when Tiger and Lopez fought in a 74 rated match.


Then we have the Mexican title, which I quickly gave to Extraordinario since North Star is a midcarder for life or even worse, and started a feud with Mr Lucha III chasing the new champ, so far unsuccessfully. I also recently added an over performing Amo Del Gato.


In the tag division, I wanted to give Los Phoenix a run with the ttles to improve Phoenix IV, even at the cost of losing title prestige, and so far it’s going well, they beat Cosmic Riders, who haven’t had anything going for them in a while but that’s gonna change thanks to their solid performances in recent matches. Now they have Evil Intent going after them after an meaningless run as Mephisto’s stooges.


The women’s division is simple enough: Queen Amazon vs anyone, Amazon retains thanks to La Hija Diablo in a good match, repeat.

After 5 months of this, Mystery Pink was able to beat the system in a fatal four way by pinning Diablo, and then retaining CLEAN against a formerly unbeaten Queen Amazon. I’m excited to see what happens next but haven’t decided yet.


So right now, things are going well, I’m finally making a profit, signed a few promising guys and gals, and the only guy SOTBPW stole from me was my ref.

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Been slowly pushing Gable, had him put on competitive matches with top tier matches, and slowly pushed him up. Finally bit the bullet and put the US belt on him, has an excellent feud with Roderick Strong (and Graves' stable in general), and I decided to end that feud by having Gable and Strong main event a PPV in a 30 min Iron Man Match for the belt, with Gable going over and leading to more of a push. Problem is, he's got an ego...


Five days before the event, Gable starts a fight (and wins ftr), and due to a no tolerance policy I have, I suspend him, meaning I've got one show to make him lose the title. Great.

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<p>Alright. Update on WCW 2000. I won't be doing this for every month but the first few months will be so tumultuous that it seems productive to do so.</p><p> </p><p>

So it's February, I'm Cult sized. I just realized that becoming national again may border on impossible because I won't be ready to go national again until after all my old popular guys are gone or out of the main event scene at which point I'll have to deal with Rock, Austin, Taker, Big Show, etc in national battles. In addition at this point WWE is international and their top guys have a popularity I probably won't be able to match. </p><p> </p><p>

I figure my best chance is to snipe Jericho and Angle from WWE when the opportunity arises and groom John Cena (whom I signed to a developmental contract because he didn't start the game in OVW) for a main event role. </p><p> </p><p>

But onto the here and now.</p><p>

Kevin Nash is suspended for beating up Brad Armstrong, which is a problem because Kevin Nash is currently in a world title program with DDP. At this point I'm really glad I went with Page as the champion instead of Nash. I decide to plug in Piper for the month and proceed to be grateful that I still have him under contract. </p><p> </p><p>

Then Ric Flair forms a clique with Arn and Piper. And I wish Piper wasn't under contract. Shane Douglas asked for his release a week before this. It's like he knew.</p><p> </p><p>

I sign 19 workers to developmental contracts, which seems like a lot until you realize their combined salary is less than Bam Bam Bigelow's. As mentioned earlier I signed John Cena out of a sort of spite; if I can't have WWE's present, then I'll have their future. But now I realize I may actually need him to play a big part in the product in the future. The far future. </p><p> </p><p>

Rikishi's contract came up. I made an offer more out of an attempt to run up his price than to actually sign him. Unfortunately despite having the better offer on the table he signed with the E anyway. That's what happens when you use negotiation as your dump stat.</p><p> </p><p>

Then Austin's contract came up. Unfortunately he wouldn't sign with me because I'm too small. I now realize that if Hogan wasn't taking a break I would have won the national battle that month and I'd still be national, which would give me the chance to drastically change the course of the Monday Night Wars. But eh, that's too easy.</p><p> </p><p>

I sign Ricky Steamboat and Rey Misterio Sr. as Road Agents, added some amenities backstage, sent Sullivan down to development to train, and drove Shane Douglas to ask for his release (it's not hard, just make him job a few times, leave him off TV and boom) That combined with my biggest troublemakers being on hiatus allowed my locker room to recover.</p><p> </p><p>

Then Sid returned. He lasted for a show before the Flair/Arn/Piper clique started turning the locker room against him. I know how this works so I decide to try to nip it in the bud by sending Sid away until Piper's contract comes up and the Flair clique is broken up. I have the feeling this won't work. A harmonious locker room is more essential than Sid's presence.</p><p> </p><p>

My first few shows I continued to lose pop until the locker room stabilized. At that point I realize I can probably stay at the pop level I'm currently at pretty easily. Locker room harmony is essential.</p><p> </p><p>

Then Hogan came back. Nothing bad has come from this yet. The locker room lost a few points but it's still in the high 80's. </p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately Norman Smiley missed a road agent meeting and after trying to be lenient about it his personality got worse. Now he's a negative influence on the locker room forcing me to consider releasing him. He is not nearly important enough to be dragging down the locker room score. </p><p> </p><p>

After Superbrawl Nash came back. In one day he turned 25 workers against Brad Armstrong. Unfortunately this is not fireable offense so in order to mitigate the damage I sent Brad down to development to be a trainer. Hopefully some of the simmering tension will wear off over time and I'll be able to bring him back.</p><p> </p><p>

Henning, Savage and Piper all have their contracts up this month. Henning has been out for the duration and I really didn't have him in my future plans so I let him go, only to realize he's still pretty popular and he's a locker room leader. So that was a bit of a mistake. Savage and Piper are gone without a moments hesitation though.</p><p> </p><p>

At the end of the month I was suspecting to take a loss, given that I spent 1M on the development territory so I was shocked to learn that I actually made more money than the month before. I guess that's a benefit of having the operating budget of a Cult company and the TV deals of a national company. But those deals end after this month. So April is going to be the real test of what this company's finances will be for the foreseeable future.</p><p> </p><p>

Also: Bret Hart has apparently decided that Post-Concussion Syndrome is no reason to retire. I'm not resigning him though. That would be cheating.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DatIsraeliGuy" data-cite="DatIsraeliGuy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>IF you don’t want to accidentally rise to National, you can set the maximum size to Cult in the company screen under “size”, that way even if you should rise to National you’ll stay at Cult as long as you want</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I already did that.</p><p> The sad thing is if I were national right now I would win the National Battle because Hogan is back and Austin is still injured. But I can't be national again for another 5 months, and I'm still in a position where one sub-optimal segment could knock one of my main storylines below 77, causing the entire show to suffer, possibly knocking me back down anyway and most of my main event matches have their rating capped because otherwise I'm asking 40-somethings to go 15 minutes. By the time I get my ducks in a row Nash will probably be fired and Austin will be back complete with his almost-perfect National Battle score.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alucidus" data-cite="Alucidus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I already did that.<p> The sad thing is if I were national right now I would win the National Battle because Hogan is back and Austin is still injured. But I can't be national again for another 5 months, and I'm still in a position where one sub-optimal segment could knock one of my main storylines below 77, causing the entire show to suffer, possibly knocking me back down anyway and most of my main event matches have their rating capped because otherwise I'm asking 40-somethings to go 15 minutes. By the time I get my ducks in a row Nash will probably be fired and Austin will be back complete with his almost-perfect National Battle score.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In that case, go the best route and sign CM Punk and push him to the roof, Booker T and Rey Mysterio as your more immediate stars and RVD if he’s free</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DatIsraeliGuy" data-cite="DatIsraeliGuy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In that case, go the best route and sign CM Punk and push him to the roof, Booker T and Rey Mysterio as your more immediate stars and RVD if he’s free</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> RVD has a written contract with ECW and CM Punk...well CM Punk isn't ready to be pushed to the anything yet. </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="AWwhNCM" data-src="https://imgur.com/AWwhNCM" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>I started in the death of WCW mod with a created company ACW, I created them in the editor and made them small with a home base in New York. My user Joey Styles is the owner. I gave them their own broadcaster in the editor as well it was a small subscription based just called ACW.com and it was made to simulate a company using their own website as a way to show events for a small fee. I started them at 1,000,000 in the bank and signed everyone in the game no editor contracts, I also started with running two monthly shows ACW Anarchy and ACW Killing Season and I ran them for almost a year until I hit regional and got a TV show and started running a traditional style event system with a different name each month.</p><p> </p><p>

ACW World Heavyweight Championship Part one</p><p>

My first ACW WHC match happened at ACW Anarchy I between RVD, CW Anderson, Fit Finlay, and Nova, in which RVD won.</p><p> </p><p>

RVD held the title until the end of August when at our special “Battle for New York” a 16 man tournament, Shane Douglas who was heading to the finals against RVD said if he was a real champion he’d put his title on the line, RVD did and lost. RVD then was injured in another company the following night having me write RVD off by having Douglas and his goon Monty Brown beat him down.</p><p> </p><p>

While this was going on we were seeing the rise of the ultimate underdog, the 20 year old Daniel Bryan. Bryan was slowly winning the respect of the hostile ACW crowd he made it to the semi finals and put a good fight up against Shane Douglas. While Shane Douglas and Monty Brown had a bloody feud with Tommy Dreamer and Dustin Rhodes, Bryan won a impressive 5 matches straight. Riding a hot streak and just coming off of a win against Monty Brown, Bryan called out Douglas who dismissed him and said he didn’t deserve a title shot, the next show Anarchy X saw Bryan pin Douglas in a Tag Team main event after that the ACW board said Bryan earned a title shot at Killing Season X.</p><p> </p><p>

Killing Season X hit and we had our showdown the bitter veteran Shane Douglas and the uprising young ACW fan favorite Daniel Bryan. The match went on for a strong 33 minutes and was a strong back and forth when at the end Douglas won out smarting the young Bryan who made just one mistake leading to him going down, the match was our highest at 91. The next month Bryan got his rematch and won the title in a grueling 63 minute match.</p>

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<p>Well I haven't played TEW in a long time until a few nights ago. Finally getting back into it (probably at the worst time due to uni etc). Here is some updates about my WWF Montreal aftermath game.</p><p> </p><p>

Just ran KOTR 98. Austin is leaving in 9 days to go on tour with his band so I had him drop the title to Undertaker in a 4 way involving Kane and Sid also. Kane and Sid have a loose alliance, Taker and Austin (both faces) were strictly lone wolves. Vince had taken the standpoint of anyone is better than Austin as WWF champion, some he made himself the special referee and was seen constantly communicating with Paul Bearer, Kane and Sid. When the match came around, Austin was already questioning whether Undertaker was as lone wolf as he claimed. Vince ended up fast counting Austin, who had already taken a massive bump off the stage, to hand the belt to Undertaker. Taker just walked out with the belt, with no celebration or confirmation that he was working with McMahon. </p><p> </p><p>

The next night on RAW, Mankind returned from an injury to claim that he has proof of Undertaker colluding with McMahon, Paul Bearer and Kane! This led to Mankind facing Kane in the main event where he was attacked by Sid also. Undertaker came out, Sid and Kane left the ring, and Undertaker tombstoned Mankind, cementing his heel turn. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm envisioning some version of the Corporate Ministry but with less Corportion members and not as bloated. Probably just Vince, Paul Bearer, Undertaker, Kane and Sid. Mankind will be feuding with them basically on his own until Austin returns (no idea how long he'll be away for yet) and i'm thinking he might win the belt at Royal Rumble off Undertaker and Rock wins the Rumble to set up Rock Vs Austin.</p><p> </p><p>

In other also big news, Hogan signed with us. Cost me a lot of money but now i'm easily beating WCW in the national battle. However, he is already causing me a lot of bother. He and Austin now hate each other, and he turned a decent portion of the locker room against Austin. Luckily Austin will be away for a while but god damn I won't settle for Hogan politicking Austin out of the main event. I am salivating at the idea of Hogan Vs Austin down the line though. Hogan is currently teaming up with Rock to take on heels DX (HHH, NAO, X-PAC) but I envision one of them turning on the other at some point. Annoyingly, Both have recently turned so I don't know how long I have to put it off. Rock probably needs to be heel for WM15 to face Austin, Hogan eventually needs to be heel because his red and yellow schtick is not particularly fun to book when he's such an asshole backstage! So that is my dilemma but the game is super fun so far!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alucidus" data-cite="Alucidus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>RVD has a written contract with ECW and CM Punk...well CM Punk isn't ready to be pushed to the anything yet. <p> </p><p> <img alt="AWwhNCM" data-src="https://imgur.com/AWwhNCM" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ah right, I was thinking of the WCW Lives mod where RVD is a free agent...</p><p> </p><p> I can’t see the image you posted, but I digress regardless, there’s no such thing as Punk not being ready to be pushed to the anything, have you not seen my profile pic?</p><p> Jokes aside, you should still sign him to your developmental if you haven’t</p>
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<p>Punk is in my developmental league. The pic was a pic of his stats in development.</p><p>

He's almost ready to come to the main roster.</p><p>

And when I say "ready" I mean that he's hit his cap in development. Because his stats are still pretty bad (59 basics, 55 psych, 52,56,57 mic, charisma, acting. highest in-ring skill is brawling at 51 etc).</p><p>

So no, Punk's ceiling right now is the straight man in a comedy tag team with Colt Cabana. </p><p>

Trust me, coming from a Punk fan this is heartbreaking.</p>

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<p>6 months into a local to global light with a perf=pop fed I sign Ross Henry. Sweet he takes my typical match ratings and doubles them and adds like 10 points to my overall show rating. You sir are going to by my new figurehead and tag partner for my user worker. Next weekly nothing show a botched move in a tag match between Ross and my avatar vs. the Good ol' Boys and Ross ends up with a broken neck. LOL. shit.</p><p> </p><p>

Wooton and Thimbleby are dangerous <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Alright. Small update on my WCW 2000 game.

I think it might be toast.


1) When the game began I only had 3 months left on the media contracts for Thunder/Nitro/PPVs.

2) After I dropped to Cult, TBS, TNT and Time Warner Cable no longer want to negotiate with me.

3) Unfortunately because we're all part of the Time Warner media umbrella it means I can't negotiate with anybody else either.

4) The requirements for TBS and Time Warner Cable were impossible to meet since it required popularity thresholds in markets I had no way to meet in the time allotted.

5) So I go into the editor and start playing around. Only to find that in no way, shape or form can you mess with a media group in an active game.

6) I wind up reducing TNT, TBS and TWC's requirements so they'll negotiate.

7) I can negotiate with TNT and TBS just fine, but when I try to negotiate with TWC, Time Warner Media Group blocks it because for some reason Time Warner Cable isn't part of the Time Warner Media group. So I have no avenue to get on PPV in America.

8) This means A: I either broadcast all my PPVs on TNT or TBS, really turning them all into Clash of the Champions OR B: After my existing contracts are up, edit TBS and TNT so they have no coverage anywhere, allowing me to get another contract. I don't know if that will have unforeseen consequences.

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Alright. Small update on my WCW 2000 game.

I think it might be toast.


1) When the game began I only had 3 months left on the media contracts for Thunder/Nitro/PPVs.

2) After I dropped to Cult, TBS, TNT and Time Warner Cable no longer want to negotiate with me.

3) Unfortunately because we're all part of the Time Warner media umbrella it means I can't negotiate with anybody else either.

4) The requirements for TBS and Time Warner Cable were impossible to meet since it required popularity thresholds in markets I had no way to meet in the time allotted.

5) So I go into the editor and start playing around. Only to find that in no way, shape or form can you mess with a media group in an active game.

6) I wind up reducing TNT, TBS and TWC's requirements so they'll negotiate.

7) I can negotiate with TNT and TBS just fine, but when I try to negotiate with TWC, Time Warner Media Group blocks it because for some reason Time Warner Cable isn't part of the Time Warner Media group. So I have no avenue to get on PPV in America.

8) This means A: I either broadcast all my PPVs on TNT or TBS, really turning them all into Clash of the Champions OR B: After my existing contracts are up, edit TBS and TNT so they have no coverage anywhere, allowing me to get another contract. I don't know if that will have unforeseen consequences.


Broadcasting really needs to be adjusted to some degree, especially with media owned companies. And especially with the ability to broadcast in multiple channels in different countries.

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<p>I have a little game that I chip at every now and then. Local Canadian company that runs two shows a week, each with five matches and it's basically a year long season. 20 man roster, everyone faces each other twice. Season & playoffs just ended. This is set in 2001 & WCW is still alive btw. Wins were decided by who performed better last match. It made things slightly predictable but offered surprises too. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Initial Roster</strong></p><p>

Amazing Red</p><p>

Austin Aries</p><p>

Brian Kendrick</p><p>

Bryan Danielson</p><p>

Christian York</p><p>

Harry Smith</p><p>


James Maritato</p><p>

Jimmy Jacobs</p><p>

Julio Dinero</p><p>

Kenny Omega</p><p>

Kevin Steen</p><p>

Kid Kash</p><p>

Nigel McGuinness</p><p>

Nelson Knight</p><p>

Roderick Strong</p><p>

Shawn Daivari</p><p>

Simon Diamond</p><p>

Trevor Rhodes</p><p>

Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p> </p><p>

Nelson Knight quit pretty early on because he was losing too often, Steve Corino replaced him but quit without wasting time. He was replaced by Psicosis who didn't take too long to quit either. MsChif was their last replacement and she lasted till the end of the season but tanked hard. She is the 1st female wrestler on the roster. </p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Jacobs also quit to be replaced by Elix Skipper who did much better and lasted the rest of the season. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rankings at the end of the season</strong></p><p>

Nigel McGuinness 36-1-1 (109)</p><p>

Brian Kendrick 33-3-2 (102)</p><p>

Yoshihiro Tajiri 34-0-4 (102)</p><p>

Bryan Danielson 32-1-5 (97)</p><p>

James Maritato 29-0-9 (87)</p><p>

Kid Kash 28-1-9 (85)</p><p>

Kenny Omega 25-0-13 (75)</p><p>

Julio Dinero 22-1-15 (67)</p><p>

Austin Aries 22-0-16 (66)</p><p>

Amazing Red 16-0-22 (48)</p><p>

Kevin Steen 14-2-22 (44)</p><p>

Harry Smith 14-1-23 (43)</p><p>

Elix Skipper 13-1-24 (41) </p><p>

Roderick Strong 13-2-23 (41)</p><p>

Incognito 11-1-26 (34)</p><p>

Christian York 11-1-26 (34)</p><p>

MsChif 11-1-26 (34) </p><p>

Simon Diamond 3-0-35 (9)</p><p>

Trevor Rhodes 2-1-35 (7)</p><p>

Shawn Daivari 2-0-36 (6)</p><p> </p><p>

Daivari tanked incredibly hard. His first win came on Week 19 when he beat the debuting MsChif. MsChif got her win back on their subsequent rematch a few weeks later. </p><p> </p><p>

Nigel had one of the longest winning streaks. Up until Week 14 he was undefeated. Brian Kendrick was also undefeated but had two draws to his name. They drew against each other to both remain undefeated. Brian would finally lose two weeks later in a title match against Yoshihiro Tajiri. Nigel's only loss of the season came to the one man who drew him, Brian Kendrick at Week 26. As you can see he went on to win the rest of the season. Brian Kendrick's only other loss would be at Week 31 to Bryan Danielson. Earlier in the season he had drawn against Bryan Danielson for the world title. Despite Kendrick's incredible performance, he wouldn't win the title across the season. </p><p> </p><p>

The longest winning streak actually goes to Yoshihiro Tajiri. After a Week 3 loss to Nigel McGuinness, he went on a 21 match winning streak including beating James Maritato for the title, and defending it a record 18 times, before losing it to Bryan Danielson. </p><p> </p><p>

The CPRO World Title is defended every time the champion has a match. First champion was Bryan Danielson who defended it twice before losing to James Maritato. James Maritato lost it immediately to Yoshihiro Tajiri who went to defend it 18 times before losing it back to first double champion, Bryan Danielson. Bryan had another unimpressive reign losing it to Nigel after 3 defenses. Nigel held it into the playoffs and defended it a total of 10 times.</p><p> </p><p>

The playoffs included the top 16 wrestlers. The wrestlers not to have made it were Shawn Daivari, Trevor Rhodes, Simon Diamond and MsChif (tiebreaker with Incognito and Christian York). </p><p> </p><p>

The brackets were:</p><p> </p><p>

Nigel McGuinness</p><p>

Christian York</p><p> </p><p>

Kenny Omega</p><p>

Amazing Red</p><p> </p><p>

James Maritato </p><p>

Harry Smith</p><p> </p><p>

Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p>

Roderick Strong</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson </p><p>

Elix Skipper</p><p> </p><p>

Kid Kash</p><p>

Kevin Steen</p><p> </p><p>

Julio Dinero</p><p>

Austin Aries</p><p> </p><p>

Brian Kendrick</p><p>

Incognito</p><p> </p><p>

There weren't many upsets. Austin Aries upset Julio Dinero in the first round but everyone else proceeded if they were higher seeded. In the quarter-finals we had a MONSTROUS upset. Kenny Omega managed to beat a (tired) Nigel McGuinness and win the CPRO World Title. Nigel was a favorite to win the whole thing. Yoshihiro, Danielson and Kendrick moved on. Yoshihiro, Danielson, and Kendrick all completed the trifecta sweep on Maritato, Kash and Aries respectively. Tajiri relieved Omega of his title in the semi-finals to beat him for the 3rd time but Omega definitely left an impression going into season 2. Kendrick beat Danielson to even out their series at 1-1-1. </p><p> </p><p>

The finals was Brian Kendrick vs. the defending two time champion, Yoshihiro Tajiri. Yoshihiro won their season series at 2-1. This was the second time Brian Kendrick lost a title match to Tajiri.</p><p> </p><p>

Only hiccough? I forgot to put the Tournament title on the line for this so we'll pretend the tournament title didn't become official till season 2. </p><p> </p><p>

We are now a Regional-sized company. 13th in the world. We have a TV deal in Ontario and are building our pop in Quebec to match that of Ontario so we can eventually move to cult. </p><p> </p><p>

Biggest challenge? Fatigue & injuries. Kendrick's mid-season injury was easy to deal with. Daivari's end of season injury meant replacing him might **** everyone else. So we gave his victors the auto-wins. Maritato injured himself in time for playoffs but it was only 15 days we just had a bonus throwaway show. The other challenge is momentum & morale. Psicosis/Corino lost once or twice and that killed their morale and then their performances and then they quit far too quickly. Momentum, if you lose a few matches in a row, even if you're good, it'll kill your momentum and you'll end up in the gutter. See Diamond. </p><p> </p><p>

The other challenge? Japan getting my guys on touring and me having to schedule around them. First it was M-Pro, Zero-One, Osaka Pro, FMW. Now AJPW/NOAH/NJPW are calling. Here's to reaching cult and signing guys on writtens. </p><p> </p><p>

My hiring policy while we aren't cult is: Are they unemployed? Great in-ring workers? If none available, Good... Decent... etc.? Oldest available wrestler.</p><p> </p><p>

They have to be active & available in Canada of course. </p><p> </p><p>

The idea is that oldest guys will eventually become unavailable to me. Might as well suck them dry (lul). I'm going for a 26 wrestler roster to account for cult-size obligations. </p><p> </p><p>

Season 2 Roster:</p><p> </p><p>

Season 2</p><p>

Amazing Red</p><p>

Austin Aries</p><p>

Brian Kendrick</p><p>

Bryan Danielson</p><p>

Christian York</p><p>

Eddie Guerrero</p><p>

Elix Skipper</p><p>

Harry Smith</p><p>


James Maritato</p><p>

Julio Dinero</p><p>

Kenny Omega</p><p>

Kevin Steen</p><p>

Kid Kash</p><p>


Nigel McGuinness</p><p>

Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p>

Roderick Strong</p><p>

Shawn Daivari</p><p>

Simon Diamond</p><p>

Super Crazy</p><p>

Trevor Rhodes</p><p>

Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p> </p><p>

Additions so far are Eddie Guerrero, Rey Misterio Jr. & Super Crazy. They are also touring with NJPW so I'll work around that but I got them before they started touring. Eddie is looking like a hot favorite to dominate the entire season. I can see either one of those three rage-quitting after a loss though. </p><p> </p><p>

I will probably be adding Chyna (Joanie Laurer), Sting, and Scott Steiner. I don't see them sticking around till the end of the season. Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash are unavailable because of their AOL contracts and I imagine they'll retire before I get a chance. Shawn Michaels is injured and doesn't like Bret Hart (my UC) anyways. </p><p> </p><p>

So here's to season 2.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alucidus" data-cite="Alucidus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Alright. Small update on my WCW 2000 game.<p> I think it might be toast. </p><p> </p><p> 1) When the game began I only had 3 months left on the media contracts for Thunder/Nitro/PPVs. </p><p> 2) After I dropped to Cult, TBS, TNT and Time Warner Cable no longer want to negotiate with me.</p><p> 3) Unfortunately because we're all part of the Time Warner media umbrella it means I can't negotiate with anybody else either.</p><p> 4) The requirements for TBS and Time Warner Cable were impossible to meet since it required popularity thresholds in markets I had no way to meet in the time allotted.</p><p> 5) So I go into the editor and start playing around. Only to find that in no way, shape or form can you mess with a media group in an active game.</p><p> 6) I wind up reducing TNT, TBS and TWC's requirements so they'll negotiate.</p><p> 7) I can negotiate with TNT and TBS just fine, but when I try to negotiate with TWC, Time Warner Media Group blocks it because for some reason Time Warner Cable isn't part of the Time Warner Media group. So I have no avenue to get on PPV in America.</p><p> 8) This means A: I either broadcast all my PPVs on TNT or TBS, really turning them all into Clash of the Champions OR B: After my existing contracts are up, edit TBS and TNT so they have no coverage anywhere, allowing me to get another contract. I don't know if that will have unforeseen consequences.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The Eric Bischoff / Fusient problem.</p><p> </p><p> Good example of the game simulating real life situation that little bit too well.</p>
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<p><img alt="c163b1220772d14cbd58abb5ed8dcb51.png" data-src="https://i.gyazo.com/c163b1220772d14cbd58abb5ed8dcb51.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Cant wait to turn The Rock into a workrate guy like I'm doing Chyna & Scott Steiner.</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Steiner handed in his notice after a single loss. Oh well. I'll hold off on signing Rock though. Can't afford the money hit. Wonder how long before Sting/Chyna follow Steiner.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jon The GOAT" data-cite="Jon The GOAT" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have a little game that I chip at every now and then. Local Canadian company that runs two shows a week, each with five matches and it's basically a year long season. 20 man roster, everyone faces each other twice. Season & playoffs just ended. This is set in 2001 & WCW is still alive btw. Wins were decided by who performed better last match. It made things slightly predictable but offered surprises too. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's a very interesting company model. Have you considered breaking it up into smaller chunks, like 4 or 6 months? Maybe one season is all tag teams, one season is all women?</p>
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<p>Been modding in an Aussie women's wrestling 'scene' from scratch for my save data conversion mod.</p><p> </p><p>

Still need to set up a dozen or so future debutants to keep things fresh and allow expansion but I've got enough workers for a local promotion already. Looking forward to seeing what the AI does with the tools I'm equipping them with, although I'm a little tempted to game the system a bit and give some of the younger workers excellent potential.</p><p> </p><p>

Hard to say, I've set a number of the older workers to have later decline dates to make sure the only folks with decent performance stats don't tank out of the gate, but I don't want the whole thing to just fail either, and there's such a limited talent pool.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's a very interesting company model. Have you considered breaking it up into smaller chunks, like 4 or 6 months? Maybe one season is all tag teams, one season is all women?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've considered having a tag team season between singles seasons but wasn't sure how to decide tag teams. Do I go random, do I go worst with best like the tournament seedings? The downside to those two options is the tag experience wouldn't carry over to future seasons. </p><p> </p><p> Part of me has even thought of complicating it further and having heavyweight/junior/women leagues and then maybe a 12 person champion's league featuring the best 4 from each. Right now I'm just trying to keep it simple I guess. When I hit cult I think I'll change it up. So probably by season 4 or 5. </p><p> </p><p> The idea behind the structure was to have a simple quick-to-book format that got me through time easily but also allowed me to book a lot of great matches.</p>
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<p>C-Verse Local to Global game that is now in <strong>March 2037</strong>. My little 0 pop <em><strong>Georgia Wrestling Federation</strong></em> is now the <strong><em>Global Wrestling Corporation</em></strong> and has been dominating for close to a decade with no one even comparably close. </p><p>

I have begun pushing my older Main Eventers down the Card in favor of a new younger Generation. I have carefully built a crew of young 20-30 something up to take the mantle. </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The new generation</span></strong> is being lead by three men: Tommy Cornell Jr, Pitbull Barry (a random gen from my training school) and Face of Fear (same as Barry)</p><p>

The old guard mainstays have all been with me since my first show so I’m being careful to treat them with the utmost respect while having them step down. </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Old Guards</span></strong> main players are: Hades (my biggest star and a constant figurehead. He’s 48 and still not in decline), Andy Phenomenal (my uc, a road to glory character), The Boulder (used to be my biggest star but he left to USPW for almost a decade and has recently returned, he’s 49 and in moderate decline)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I’m building towards <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wrestlebowl</span></strong> (a Royal Rumble type event, one of my big 3, has Historical Importance) and my two main feuds are set to carry me to my biggest show of the year Slam-a-Mania. </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">A New Terror</span></strong>: Fresh off the Heels of a successful Global title Defense, Hades is challenged to an impromptu title match on Championship Wrestling, by one of his disciples, Face of Fear! The tension has been heating up for awhile as Fear’s pop has grown a lot lately. Hades decides to silence the cocky young challenger but he is turned on by his long time manager Pluto Grim. Fear wins his first Global title and Hades makes a very successful face turn. I’m thinking of having this feud end at Slam-a-Mania, where Hades finally loses at the big show and Fear is cemented as a top Heel. </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Bad Blood</span></strong>: Pitbull Barry, having just successfully crushed eccentric veteran and GWC legend Blade Runner, was flying high until he declared his intentions to win the WrestleBowl and placed himself directly in the path of Tommy Cornell Jr who is similarly on the up having just defeated The Boulder in a legend Killer feud. Things get personal as Cornell’s jealousy has caused him to become involved heavily in Barry’s life, even at the expense of his own win/loss record. It’s a feud to set the pace and show that these two can carry a main feud alone. Should set up a career long feud if I pull this off right.</p>

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