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<p><img alt="5cx4O.png" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/5cx4O.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

MITB is one of my big 5 PPV's with Survivor Series, Mania, SS and RR where it is a dual brand show and these are the supershows. Ember Moon lost the NXT Title rematch the night before against Nikki Cross and I felt like we needed someone big to win the WMITB and she would benefit from it the most. Elias won the Andre Battle royal and his push has been happening for a while but I feel he is perfect to hold the contract but still needs to build up his pop before he wins the title so I think it will be post Wrestlemania 35. Almas is a recent NXT call-up and is embroiled in a feud with Rey Mysterio and only won the title because I changed my mind on Drew McIntyre winning but he's getting a super push over the coming months</p><p>

This is the end for now to the Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns rivalry which has been going on since TLC last year and is a rematch of when Braun lost the title to Reigns at Mania following interference from Ambrose and Rollins to reform The Shield but this time Roman won clean. Roman is set to drop the title to Balor at Summerslam in a 6 man tag between Balor Club and The Shield while Braun is going to face the returning Kurt Angle at Summerslam. The WWE Championship is in a weird spot right now because it was meant to be Nakamura vs Styles at Mania but Nakamura had to be fired for racist comments and therefore Owens won the title. He defended that title at Mania in a triple threat with his friend Sami Zayn and the RR winner AJ Styles where Sami pinned Styles to win the title. Post-mania Hardy helped Styles get revenge and this is my chance to give him one last chance at the top in his career and he will drop the title to Samoa Joe at Summerslam. Joe is having an incredible year after he beat Cena at Wrestlemania and now beat Chris Jericho so badly he'll be gone for a year on a Fozzy tour</p>

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Well, after several years of pretty much only playing as 4C, I finally booked my first A rated match. A six man tag, two out of three falls: The Cornell Coalition (Edward Cornell, Hugh Ancrie and Gram Gorman) defeating Hands of Stone (Johnny Bloodstone, David Stone, Jared Johnson). Hard to believe it took me this long but I've never really branched out to bigger companies, so this feels like quite the achievement for me!
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<p>The Superfly Effect.</p><p> </p><p>

WWF March 1987</p><p> </p><p>

Bret Hart got injured, which it forced the Hart Foundation to vacate the title. He can be operated, but i rather wait since the high risk surgery may kill his career so i rather let him rest until he recovers properly.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, i rewrote the feud into the British Bulldogs squaring off against the Islanders, Demolition and Dino Bravo & Greg Valentine (slowly putting Brutus Beefcake aside and preparing him for the face turn).</p><p> </p><p>

I'll tell you more later since it's late now here.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Spirophore" data-cite="Spirophore" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well, after several years of pretty much only playing as 4C, I finally booked my first A rated match. A six man tag, two out of three falls: The Cornell Coalition (Edward Cornell, Hugh Ancrie and Gram Gorman) defeating Hands of Stone (Johnny Bloodstone, David Stone, Jared Johnson). Hard to believe it took me this long but I've never really branched out to bigger companies, so this feels like quite the achievement for me!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice! One of my goals has always been to take a sub-Cult fed to the point where it could deliver A-level matches. That's impressive work, especially for 4C!</p>
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Emma had to give up the Smackdown Women's Championship cause she got a shattered elbow at a library and will be out of action, but available for angles, for 10 months.


Braun won the 2017 Royal Rumble

I got 2 A* matches at the event when Bray Wyatt retained the WWE Championship against AJ Styles and Kevin Owens retained the Universal Championship against Seth Rollins.

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Running Impact since March. I tried sticking to their current storylines since I'm a stickler for realism, which lead to interesting results once ADR got himself fired from Impact.


Austin Aries won at Redemption, but since Del Rio is a solid heel, I decided to keep the feud running by having him win a number one contenders match against Johnny Impact. Kongo Kong interfered because I've gotta run that feud as well, which Johnny will be winning, sending Kong out for good. Del Rio will be following once he puts over Aries and a few others along the way. Maybe Impact and Moose.


Petey Williams won the X Title since Matt Sydal eclipses most of the X-Division. Gonna have Petey win the blowoff before Dezmond Xavier turns on him, claiming he should have been the face of the X Division after winning the Super X Cup last year. Hopefully this pushes him up the card, since he autopushed as Opener when I started.


New Japan signed Konnan to a written contract pretty quickly, so I had to scramble to find a manager for LAX. Signed up Shelly Martinez to be the new face, and it's surprisingly worked so far. LAX is currently going up Le Tabarnak de Team, who have been hired by Eli Drake to be his new problem solvers. Eli still has the case, so I might have him use TDT to weaken LAX before he swoops in and wins the belts for himself. Not sure who to team him with though, plus he's working wonders for TDT so far, so I'm not sure what to do.


No idea what I'm doing with the women's or the Grand Title. I had Tyson Dux win since he has good pop in Canada, but I've neglected the division since. Gonna try and put more focus into it. The women's is currently headlined by Allie vs. Su Yung, which might end at the May PPV. Not sure who I want to win, as Su has been making good gains but it feels weird taking the title off of Allie after a short run. I've got some challengers (Sienna, Hamada, Rachael Ellering), as well as a feud between Rosemary and Taya that could easily transition to a number one contender's feud.


We joined the NWA since it was us and CWFH. We're taking over the belts. I don't feel the least bit guilty about this.


Cage and Lashley are feuding over who the dominant force in Impact is. Truth Martini is managing Cage, which is step one in the House of Truth stable I have planned. Might have the Cult of Lee join since I could see Truth leading them, so that could be good. Having them tangle with Lashley should boost their popularity up, as well as give them all a good sized push. Trevor Lee is someone I'm really getting behind, so having him as a big time player easily fits into my plans. Konley and Everett will probably be my team going forward, barring chemistry.


Seth Rollins, The Revival, Brian Kendrick, and Abbey Laith have all not resigned with WWE. I'm swooping in the first chance I get.


As an aside, does anyone know how to move companies? I'm stuck in Canada and wanna move to US just so I have access to more wrestlers. Had to pass on Jason Jordan earlier because he was limited to US only.

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My first signing was Cody Rhodes, who inserted himself into the AJ/Nakamura feud on Smackdown. He ruined their match at GRR so the rematch at Backlash was made a cage match to keep him out, with Nakamura winning the belt. Instead he had three segments backstage, first with AJ, then with Finn, then with Anderson & Gallows. You can see where this is going. Cody is 'officially' joining Smackdown in the Shake-Up and Anderson & Gallows will be drafted across. Cody is going to win the MITB, and AJ will reclaim the belt from Nak in July to set-up a final, feud-ending Ironman match at Summerslam, which AJ will win and after which Cody will cash-in to become the new champion, with the help of the Bullet Club. I've already signed Omega, Young Bucks and Adam Page in anticipation for it. Not decided what I'm doing with them yet, maybe keep them off-screen/in the Performance Center. Also not decided on a name yet because I don't want to use 'Bullet Club' for realism sake (and yes, I realise this whole scenario is already taking huge liberties with realism...). I'm essentially going to re-run Cody/Omega but in WWE, which is probably exactly what they'd do, except I've got AJ and Finn to add to the mix. Once the whole thing is done, hopefully Cody, Omega & Finn will be firmly established Main Eventers along with AJ.


Seth continued feuding with Finn and Miz after Mania, and Joe for GRR. I ran a tag match at Backlash, where Finn pinned Miz to retain the IC title for Seth. That is leading to tension, with Finn turning heel in the near future to feud one-on-one with Seth. Miz is off to Smackdown. Joe is the odd-man out.


Rusev won the US title instead of Jinder in the only Mania retconning I did. In the rematch, Orton broke his Orbital Bone so is on the shelf. Rusev beat Jericho & Wade Barrett at Backlash, with Jericho now disappearing and Barrett moving to Raw. So Rusev is open for challengers, maybe The Miz, Ziggler, Owens or Zayn (the latter two rehired by new Smackdown GM Paige to the chagrin of Shane). I think I'll go with Daniel Bryan vs The Miz, and I want KO and Sami above the US title so probably a boring, reductive feud with Ziggler unless I can find anyone worthy in my NXT call-ups. I'm considering Adam Cole/Undisputed Era, but he's just won a belt down there so probably not. Also considering Killian Dain, or signing someone (Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, Alberto Del Rio, Austin Aries, Nick Aldis are all on my radar right now).


Just a suggestion: Since you're going full "Bullet Club", it seems odd to leave Finn on RAW by himself. Bring him to Smackdown and put him in this spot.

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As an aside, does anyone know how to move companies? I'm stuck in Canada and wanna move to US just so I have access to more wrestlers. Had to pass on Jason Jordan earlier because he was limited to US only.


I'm not sure that you can, but once you get to a certain size, it doesn't matter anyway and you can hire anyone from any region.

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So I'm playing only my second ever file, after taking WCPW to become bigger than WWE within about 2 years which was way too easy. This time I'm booking WWF during the invasion. This means no competition really, but it's fun to rebook the first major storyline I ever saw. The key points from the first 3 months are:


- I opened my own development fed (given the original name of NXT, because OVW and the other one weren't doing enough shows) and filled it with all the talent from my existing feds, plus a bunch of new signings such as Punk, Bryan, Styles etc. So far, Punk and Bryan have graduated as a tag team (with excellent chemistry, but unfortunately Bryan is a freelancer so he won't be here forever) and so have Cena and Orton (again with chemistry as a team). Punk also has awesome chemistry with his manager, Sunny, so he is well positioned to be a big name one day. To keep things even, Punk and Bryan graduated to WCW and Cena and Orton to WWF.


- One of my owner goals is to not hire anyone over 40, which rules out the likes of Hogan and Flair whenever they are available and not off limits due to "legal reasons". I also wasn't sure if it would let me hire King as a commentator, so instead I bought him in as the owner of NXT, with Dutch Mantell as head booker.


- Another owner goal is to increase the popularity of Faarooq of all people. As a result I had him defect to the alliance as a heel and then win KOTR. I made a decision that KOTR gave him a title shot whenever he wanted (like MITB) and I had him cash that in at Bash at the Beach (which replaced Summerslam) to win the WWF title from The Undertaker. Faarooq of all people is my WWF champion. :D Fortunately, he's gotten really good, and while I don't see him holding it long, it's kind of interesting to me to allow the goals to effect booking.


- Most of the WCW talent I had at the start, such as Mike Awesome, Kanyon and Buff Bagwell are all in rehab... along with Eddie, Jeff, X-Pac, Test and no doubt others. Drugs are a real problem in this time period (obviously).


- To compensate for that there has been (like real life) a bunch of defections. For the most part I tried to limit those to people with some history in WCW or ECW (Stone Cold, Triple H, Faarooq, Regal, Big Show, Dudleyz etc) but there were some that didn't have the history, namely Bradshaw (to keep the APA together) and Trish (because Trish/Lita was my money Diva feud, and I didn't want to split Lita from the Hardyz).


Bash at the Beach was a huge success, and the story I had with it was WCW walked out with every single championship with Bryan capturing the Cruiserweight Title, CM Punk winning the IC (merging it with the European which is now retired), Trish winning back the Women's Title from Lita, Benoit retaining his US title and then defecting to WCW by powerbombing Angle off the stage and Faarooq cashing in his title shot to beat The Undertaker after he had already beaten HHH in a Hell in a Cell. From there the story I'm planning to tell is essentially Vince trying to start the company over without the titles, but the WCW guys showing up to ruin matches, while not actually competing, until their demands are met. I plan to eventually have RAW replaced by Nitro, but haven't made any concrete plans beyond that.


My only gripe with the owner goals is they last so long. I would rather be able to achieve them and get new goals, rather than having to keep Faarooq popular for almost 2 years.... but oh well, I'm still enjoying them as this is my first file with them. He obviously can't remain WWF Champion for long, but if you told me when I started this game Faarooq would be WWF Champion and KOTR I would never have believed it. Just hoping for some more people coming through from NXT to replace the amount of talent I lost when I finally decided to drug test everyone. :D

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- One of my owner goals is to not hire anyone over 40, which rules out the likes of Hogan and Flair whenever they are available and not off limits due to "legal reasons".


You won't be fired unless your approval rating is "Abysmal," so you can break some less important goals and be fine. Also the hiring limits only apply to in-ring workers.

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You won't be fired unless your approval rating is "Abysmal," so you can break some less important goals and be fine. Also the hiring limits only apply to in-ring workers.


The problem is that Lawler is still listed as a wrestler, so I get a warning message when I approach him. If I give him a non-wrestling role, will I still fail? I can't approach him for a while now anyway after pulling out of negotiations before, but it would be nice to pair him with JR when I can.


Also, if I fail it (say by hiring Hogan) will it be replaced by another goal? And if so, will that goal be similar (e.g. another age restriction) or could it be completely different?

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The problem is that Lawler is still listed as a wrestler, so I get a warning message when I approach him. If I give him a non-wrestling role, will I still fail? I can't approach him for a while now anyway after pulling out of negotiations before, but it would be nice to pair him with JR when I can.


Also, if I fail it (say by hiring Hogan) will it be replaced by another goal? And if so, will that goal be similar (e.g. another age restriction) or could it be completely different?


It's kind of a cheat but if I get 2 goals that I don't like (Can't hire cruiserweights and luchadors even though we have a cruiserweight division), you can disable owner goals, sim the day, turn it back on then sim another day to get a new set of goals.

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It's kind of a cheat but if I get 2 goals that I don't like (Can't hire cruiserweights and luchadors even though we have a cruiserweight division), you can disable owner goals, sim the day, turn it back on then sim another day to get a new set of goals.


I think I will stick with them, I'm just wondering how failing the age one would actually work. Obviously my approval drops but is the goal completely failed and replaced, or can I fail it multiple times in the time period and drop even further for doing so? I don't overly want to fail it at all but for Hogan/Flair it might be worth it.

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I think unfortunately that Lawler will cause you to fail even if you offer him exclusively an out of ring role.


And you can fail this particular kind of goal several times (I think you may be able to fail it each time you make an offer, even if you're outbid or it isn't accepted), so make sure you put forward a strong offer to start with. There are definitely workers who are worth failing a "normal" importance goal for.

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- Night of Champions 2016 is in the books!

- Dean Ambrose retained his WWE Championship in Las Vegas after Roman Reigns destroyed Seth Rollins with a spear, in the match of the night

- John Cena defeated Chris Jericho; Randy Orton defeated AJ Styles with the help of the New Day after Styles cost the New Day their Tag Team Championships against the Club earlier in the evening

- Sasha Banks retained her Women's championship defeating Charlotte Flair; Finn Balor retained the IC title over the Miz in a superb match

- A new US champion was crowned; Cesaro defeating Rusev, Paige was on hand to stop Lana from causing any issues in the match

- Bray Wyatt's been targeting anyone and everyone since his return and has brought the spooky to another level; Dolph Ziggler his unfortunate victim this time out

- Samoa Joe's rise up the card continued after defeating Alberto del Rio whose stock is falling

- Hell in a Cell up next in October - rumours abound Ambrose/Rollins and Balor/Miz will be in the cell, with a falls-count-anywhere match between Banks and Flair being mooted and a six-pack number one contendership match for the WWE Championship

- NXT Takeover: Fall Brawl headlined by a fantastic Nakamura vs Gargano match which Shinsuke won to retain the NXT Championship. Also impressing on the card was Bobby Roode vs Chad Gable, big wins too for Candice LeRae, Kassius Ohno and Murphy

- Mickie James signs a contract to return to WWE; Mike Bennett heading to NXT. Several workers being monitored closely for NXT and the cruiserweight division, as well as free agents for the main roster as speculation builds over a post-Wrestlemania brand split on the main roster, with many callups expected

- In other news: Jerry Lawler retires from the business; AJPW hit by a scandal uncovered by the Japanese press; Cody Rhodes wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

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<p>I'm currently playing the 1987 Golden Age mod and am just over 7 years into my game.</p><p> </p><p>

My avatar is Paul Heyman and my story is that a group of secret investors hired Heyman to create Ring of Honor (just liked ROH's logo and titles, so decided to delete ROH from the database and start from scratch).</p><p> </p><p>

I held a massive "Survival of the Fittest" G1 style tournament to crown the first ever ROH Champion which ended up being Larry Zbyszko. Over time I introduced the ROH Pure and Tag Team titles along with the "Honor Rumble" and "Tag Wars" tournament.</p><p> </p><p>

In 1992, NJPW closed due to financial issues and it kind of bummed me out as I'm a huge fan of NJPW, so I decided to purchase the IWGP Heavyweight and Tag Team titles and create a second "NJPW" brand. I hold all of their shows in Japan and the roster is 95% Japanese wrestlers. Right now Kenta Kobashi is the IWGP Heavyweight Champion while Jushin Liger is the IWGP Intercontinetal Champion and The Steiner Brothers are the IWGP Tag Team Champions. I also hold the New Japan Cup tournament each year.</p><p> </p><p>

My event schedule rotates between the ROH brand and NJPW brand with both brands having a one hour show each week and alternating PPV's each month, but I do have 4 PPV's each year featuring both brands.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm now the #1 promotion in the world with WWF and WCW being my closest competition. WWF is really close to becoming National but pretty sure they will fall quickly as my star power is much better.</p>

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<p>I'm currently running WWE in September 2018. I have a few child and developmental companies including WCW, NXT, AJPW, and RiSE. But I wanted to start a child company that was more underground and hardcore. </p><p> </p><p>

So I selected the Hoodslam logo for the new child company and got to work creating a really crazy underground company using the Hoodslam name. Profanity is not only an inherent part of the angles on shows, it's also in PPV names. I wanted to make this a modern reimagining of ECW with its own original twists... based out of Phoenix, Arizona. I also went with an all lower-case theme for title, event, show names.. with a '#hoodslam: ' preceding each title, event, show name. </p><p> </p><p>

The best part about this is that I had no prior knowledge about the real life Hoodslam. In fact, I just looked them up a few minutes ago. I promise I had no idea that they were an underground adult wrestling event with a tag line "don't bring your fn kid." This is absolutely crazy.. out of all the logos I sifted through for my new child company, I selected the one that is actually underground and adult-themed in real life. How the heck did this happen? Lol</p>

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<p>WCW Lives 2001. Now in 2013 as my custom promotion.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I give up, The Rock has half the locker room hating him and every time I give him a push he goes off to make movies. He won my major tournament Grand Prix in December and was due to a main event spot on my "WrestleMania" card, but lo and behold he goes off to make a movie in April. Meaning there is absolutely no way.</p><p> </p><p>

Done with his push, The Rock is still Hall of Immortals bound but he'd have not won a single title in my company to achieve it. His popularity is great enough (it's at 100) for me to just pair him with a guy I want to push later on in a tag run. But from now The Rock is only feuding with midcard talent.</p>

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<p>I got inspired to run a 1987 AWA game in the Golden Age mod after rewatching WWE's AWA documentary. My backstory is that Bruno Sammartino has had a falling-out with Vince Jr., and rather than retire, he's become the managing partner in the AWA (which is financially struggling). I'm six weeks in, and I'm having a blast.</p><p> </p><p>

I kept the Hennig/Bockwinkel/Larry Z feud going, but with a twist. The three headlined my first big show, but Larry turned on Curt, allowing Bockwinkel to get the pin. The two then beat Hennig up after the match, but were interrupted by the returning Sammartino. I don't intend to have Bruno work regularly, but this is leading up to a tag match at the April show and a few matches at the May show (Superclash, the big one).</p><p> </p><p>

My main philosophy is to mix up-and-coming young guys with established stars that mostly work cheap. In that vein, I've cut a lot of guys on AWA's roster that can't work and signed workers like Ted DiBiase, Scott Hall, Brian Pillman, The Great Muta, Owen Hart, and Sting (on a whim, I let Sherri Martel manage Muta, and it turns out they've got good chemistry, which is awesome). For veterans, I brought in Kevin Von Erich and Michael Hayes, as well as the Road Warriors. We just got to cult, which meant I could start sprinkling in written contracts (plus bring Bob Backlund, who was tailor-made for AWA's style, out of hiatus). Animal signed his, but I'm in a bidding war with Vince for Hawk.</p><p> </p><p>

My goal is to get AWA in a position where we're competing for the #2 spot in the country, which would then allow us to soak up a lot of JCP's talent when that promotion crashes in mid-1988. I don't know how long I can keep the creative juices flowing, but for now, I'm having a grand old time re-establishing the AWA.</p>

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I suffered my first early death in any game ever. Despite playing since 2010 (irl, not 2010 in game).


Funaki died at 44. Not even in decline. His partner TAKA Michinoku just retired a week before. They won the titles 6x and both got inducted into the HoF. I'm glad he at least got inducted before his passing. I was going to pair him with a younger worker and have him win the tag titles one more time before leaving Funaki to take over backstage somewhere.


I'm kind of sad. Actually.

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Supreme Challenge 40 is in the books for me: The Main Card



Valiant defeated Nicky Champion in a Once in a Lifetime Match (Blew out the crowd so despite 100 individual performances from both men, the match got an 85)


Spencer Spade defeated Wolf Hawkins for the SWF World Title (1st reign)


Marat Khoklov and Des Davids defeated Donte Dunn/Lenny Brown, The Ring Generals and The Dynamite Express in a Ladder Match for the SWF Unified Tag Team Titles


Fro Sure defeated Fredrique Antonio Garcia, High Flyin' Hawaiian, Greg Gauge, Rogue and Brandon James in a Scramble Match for the SWF North American Title


Ranger won a battle royal to become the first ever SWF TV Champion


Primus Allen defeated Jimmy Hernandez to retain the SWF Intercontinental Title


Alicia Strong defeated Lauren Easter via fast count by Special Guest Referee Amber Allen for the SWF Women's Title


Agent 69 defeated Joanne Rodriguez in a Career vs. Hair match, Joanne Rodriguez' SWF career is over.


Matty Faith defeated Human Arsenal in a Street Fight (Tag team breakup match)


Randy Bumfhole defeated Hector Rodriguez (El Fuerza)




After the event, Fredrique Antonio Garcia was sent to rehab for pain killer abuse. This is the second time he's been denied a rematch after losing the title in the past year (First time was because he got injured).


Princeton Pryce and Dusty Ducont are new additions to the roster after Supreme Challenge and are expected to appear at the next Supreme TV.

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