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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The wrestler of the year makes sense up until Dustin Rhodes wins. Are the Steiner Brothers teaming? They always win tag team of the year for me and a lot of the time they are in the top 10</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I love that Bagwell is a two time winner of wrestler of the year. That's hysterical.</p>
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<p>Last show I ran was Sunset Sprit 7, which is my Wrestlemania. We're nearly coming to an end of my biggest storyline in all of TEW. A five to six years long storyline. Here are the story and the results. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Back when Royal Ring first launched, at the time being Rising Sun, Keiichi Yamada was supposed to be the ace of the junior heavyweight division. He was meant to represent the fighting spirit, the heart and the soul of the junior heavyweights. His intentions was to make the junior heavyweights bigger than the heavyweights. He had a massive heart and had great matches with everyone. He was able to do what he wanted to do well for 2 years, from 1987 to 1989, until Pegasus Kid came along. He challenged him to a match for Yamada's Junior Heavyweight Championship at Sunset Spirit II. Yamada accepts. After an amazing bout, Yamada has been defeated, losing not only his junior heavyweight championship, but his rights to call himself the ace of the junior heavyweight division. He has never been the same after that match. He was a broken man. He has been able to re-capture the title on two other occasions, but the energy and spirit that the fans loved has been killed. Killed by Pegasus Kid. He was insulted that, out of everyone on the roaster, a rookie gaijin is the one that broke him. It took him 2 years from that match to start recovering, and at that point, he knew that he had to evolve. To be stronger, to truly be better. He wants to be the ace of the junior heavyweight division, but Keiichi Yamada can't do that and he realised it. He evolved into Jushin "Thunder" Liger. However, he never chased the Junior Heavyweight championship. When asked why, he simply told people that he was waiting for the right time... now is the right time. Five years from their first bout, these two will collide at Sunset Spirit VII for the Junior Heavyweight Championship. Will Liger be able to call himself the ace once again? Will Pegasus kill the spirit once and for all? Is this truly the end?</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="hiO5NSj.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hiO5NSj.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Just finished the first year of my latest game. I created a company named <strong>5 Star Wrestling</strong>, starting just above the Cult line with just enough cash to get me by. I’m still at Cult level after one year, thanks to a dreadful economy and wrestling industry. But I’m making cash now, and I project to hit National by the end of 2017! </p><p> </p><p>

I’m just going all out with this game, knowing TEW 2020 is around the corner. I’m serious about this game but I’m still having fun with it at the same time. You’ll probably figure that out by how many WCW PPV names I use for my own shows! </p><p> </p><p>

Here’s an overview of 5SW’s first year and the current state of the roster:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Current 5SW Heavyweight Champion: Jay Chord</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage</strong> won the inaugural tournament to become the first 5SW Heavyweight Champion, and proceeded to reign over 5SW for the company’s first twelve months. Leading the trio known as Greatness Incorporated (w/ Frankie Perez & Nelson Callum), Cage quickly became the face of 5SW. </p><p> </p><p>

The arrogant champion that the fans loved to hate, Cage would progressively turn face at the end of 2016. He would break up Greatness Inc. after Perez & Callum lost the 5SW Tag Team Titles, stating he had no need for “dead weight.” Part of the reason that the crowd was warming up to Cage was his rival Ricky DeColt, who was becoming Bret Hart 1997. A talented star with a rich dynasty to follow, DeColt’s complaining about Cage’s shady tactics and lack of opportunities would turn the crowd against him. Cage welcomed the opportunity to call DeColt a whiney baby, and the crowd ate it all up.</p><p> </p><p>

Cage’s title reign would finally end in December at Christmas Chaos. In a Fatal Four Way, after Ricky DeColt and Nicolas Lopez were eliminated, Jay Chord would pin Cage to win the championship. It would be DeColt who would return to the ring to attack Cage, thus setting Chord up to hit his Cradle Piledriver for the win. </p><p> </p><p>

Heated rivals for a long time in 2016, suddenly Ricky DeColt and Jay Chord find themselves on the same parallel. Two talented stars who demand respect because of their blood lineage. There now appears to be an alliance between these two men, which means trouble for anyone who dares challenge Chord for the Heavyweight Gold. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Top Contenders: Cage, DeColt, Kirk Jameson, Nicolas Lopez, Mr. Lucha</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Midcard</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Current 5SW Television Champion: Angel De Mexico</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Kirk Jameson</strong> would win two Fatal Four Way matches to become the inaugural 5SW Television Champion, and would dominate over the midcard well into the summer of 2016. The exact opposite of Roger Cage, Jameson would let his wrestling do the talking rather than his mouth. </p><p> </p><p>

In August at 5SW’s Bash at the Beach, <strong>Jamie Atherton</strong> would be the man to finally end Jameson’s TV Title reign. Atherton would use a low blow to set up the victory. In the rematch, unbeknownst to the referee, Atherton would knock Jameson out cold with an unprotected turnbuckle. The losses would make Jameson completely snap and even get him suspended for destroying 5SW property and attacking officials. John “Nemesis” Campbell would eventually take Jameson under his wing, despite Campbell being one of Jameson’s victims. Seeing Kirk’s potential, Campbell has since guided Jameson right up into the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

Atherton’s reign wouldn’t last as long as Jameson’s, because he would run into the masked man known as Angel De Mexico. I have never seen De Mexico’s stats progress like I have in this game, and his star quality got a boost when he improved his muscular build. So I’m just running with it right now, giving De Mexico a push like I’ve never done before!</p><p> </p><p>

De Mexico would dethrone Atherton at 5SW World War 3, then win the rematch (Ladder Match) one month later at Christmas Chaos. For now, De Mexico is the man standing tall above the midcard division. But, there are plenty of men ready to challenge him for the gold!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Top Contenders: Atherton, Art Reed, Silver Tiger, Thom (Guide) Barrowman, Davis Wayne Newton</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Teams</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Current 5SW Tag Team Champions: The Gold Standard (Jack Avatar & Donte Dunn)</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Art Reed & Jimmy Cox</strong> would win the inaugural tournament to become the first ever 5SW Tag Champs, but then Cox would fall into decline about three minutes later. Two months later at 5SW Wrestle Fest, <strong>Greatness Inc. (Frankie Perez & Nelson Callum)</strong> would dethrone Reed & Cox. </p><p> </p><p>

Right along with their stable leader Roger Cage, Perez & Callum dominated the tag team division throughout the spring and summer of 2016. Their reign would finally come to an end due to a major upset, as they were defeated by the underdog team of Jack Avatar & Donte Dunn at 5SW Halloween Havoc in October. </p><p> </p><p>

Considered the can’t miss blue chippers of 5SW, The Gold Standard continue to surprise everyone. Teams keep lining up, thinking they can topple the young duo, but Avatar & Dunn keep on surprising the world! Either the wrestling world will have to eventually take The Gold Standard seriously, or Avatar & Dunn’s luck will eventually run out!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Top Contenders: Frankie Perez & Nelson Callum (now named The Expendables)</em></p><p><em>

Masked Cougar & Atom Smasher</em></p><p><em>

The Bizarro Duo (Whippy The Clown & Molokai Milk)</em></p><p><em>

The Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer Smith & Mighty Mo)</em></p><p><em>

8th Street Mafia (Sayeed Ali, Mobstar, Rajah)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Other 2016 Notable Accomplishments</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">5SW Tag Team Raffle</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>2016 Winners: Jay Chord & Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

<em>An eight tag team tournament where all sixteen competitors were randomly slotted into the tournament.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">5SW Fall Brawl Ultimate Challenge</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>2016 Winner: Ricky DeColt</strong></p><p>

<em>A six man, thirty minute scramble match. DeColt would receive a 5SW Heavyweight Title Match as a result, but would lose to Roger Cage.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">5SW World War 3 Battle Royal</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>2016 Winner: Nicolas Lopez</strong></p><p>

<em>You guessed it! A sixty man, three ring battle royal! As the winner, Lopez received a 5SW Heavyweight Title Match against Roger Cage...IMMEDIATELY!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Unfortunately for Nicolas, his rival Jay Chord would interfere and cost Lopez his title match. Chord didn't take it kindly that Lopez eliminated him from the WW3 Battle Royal!</em></p>

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<p>Playing the CV97 mod and just finished up year 1999. I’ve shared updates in the PGHW thread about that company specifically since I’m running it, but I also wanted to do an update on the rest of the world. The evolution of the save is always my favorite part in people’s diaries, so I wanted to highlight changes in my longest running save I’ve had thus far. Do note that I have tinkered with a few hirings throughout the save. I hate seeing characters rot away unemployed, especially young characters, so I have gone in and forced employed them to companies outside their normal starting region, especially in regions they don’t start with to begin with. Not as organic sometimes, but I think it still makes for an enjoyable narrative and makes the entire scene as a whole better developed. I’ll make it a point to note whenever this occurred, so the line is somewhat clear.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Basics</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Of the Year Awards [1997-1999]</p><p>

Wrestler: Christian Faith [sWF], Elemental II [bHOTWG], Christian Faith [sWF] (2)</p><p>

Tag Team: Haruki Kudo & Motoichi Arakida [bHOTWG], Adonis & Dennis Butler [sWF], Christian Faith & Rory McCallum [sWF]</p><p>

Young Wrestler: Oniji Takashita [bHOTWG] (2,3,4)</p><p>

Veteran Wrestler: Elemental [bHOTWG] (3), Yoshifusa Maeda [bHOTWG] (1,2)</p><p>

Female Wrestler: Sensational Ogiwara [5SSW] (2), Sensational Ogiwara [DPW/PWK] Thunder Hike [PWK]</p><p>

Independent Wrestler: Nemesis [DAVE], R.K. Hayes [4C/UCW], Dusty Streets</p><p>

Company of the Year: BHOTWG (9,10), SWF (4)</p><p>

Most Improved Company: NEW, DPW, OLLIE (2)</p><p>

Best Match: Christian Faith d. Sam Keith [sWF 1997], Christian Faith & The Big Easy d. Team Perfection [sWF 1998], The Big Easy d. Sam Keith [sWF 1999]</p><p>

Card: BHOTWG Art of War 1997, SWF Break Like the Wind 1998, SWF Master of Puppets 1999</p><p>

Manager: Jean-Luc Lemans [sWF], Jive Soul Bro [NEW/CZCW], Larry Grubbs [DAVE/CZCW]</p><p>

Announcer: Peter Michaels (3) [sWF], Toru Minamoto [bHOTWG], Mitch Naess [DAVE]</p><p>

Color Commentator: Kazo Shizuna [bHOTWG], Professor Nero [NEW/NYCW], Katsuhiko Shunsen [DPW/PWK]</p><p>

Referee: Shihei Nagano [PGHW], Sadanobu Koruba [PGHW] (1,2)</p><p> </p><p>


Trenton Evenrud [May 1997], Shane Sneer [February 1998], Anne Stardust [May 1999], Antonio Moretti [October 1999]</p><p> </p><p>

Significant Retirements Due to Injury</p><p>

Dick The Devastator, Enygma, Hayate Hasegawa, Strong Style Yoemon, The Awesome Kiyaru, Hidekazu, Matt Skinner, Kojiro Harada, Roku Sotomura, Jimmy Cox, Kazuo Mitsushi</p><p> </p><p>

Hall of Immortal Inductions</p><p>

Yoshinaka Toshusai [October 1999]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Regions</strong> [including Current World Champions at time of writing]</p><p> </p><p>


SWF World Heavyweight Champion: The Big Easy (Second Reign)</p><p>

HGC World Heavyweight Champion: Rip Chord (First Reign)</p><p>

AAA Femme Fatale Championship: Wanda Fish (First Reign)</p><p>

CZCW SoCal Championship: Human Arsenal (First Reign)</p><p>

DAVE Extreme Championship: Vin Tanner (Second Reign)</p><p>

LAW World Championship: Archangel (First Reign)</p><p>

PPPW Tri-State Championship: Jesse Christian (Fourth Reign)</p><p>

XFW World Championship: Shawn Gonzalez (Third Reign)</p><p>

New England Championship: Jake Harvey (First Reign)</p><p>

PWC Championship: Brent Hill (First Reign)</p><p>

PCW Universal Championship: El Pavo Real (Second Reign)</p><p> </p><p>

SWF and HGC have been dominating at the top of the US since the start of game, with the former even reaching International status for a time in ’98, though they have since fallen back to National. Sean McFly and Sid Streets jumped ship to HGC in ’97 and have since gone on to Main Event status with the company; Eisen, on the other hand, was only able to steal Mr Lucha away (Lucha has since returned to HGC at the tail end of ’99). SWF doesn’t steal anyone in the next year, focusing instead on their internal development and promotion of NEW stars. I also forced them to sign Whippy the Clown to don the Engyma mask after its original owner retired from injury. HGC, meanwhile, talks Alex Pierce away from their rival, marking the third major SWF star to leave for the West Coast competitors. They also sign some names likely destined to future success: Vengeance, Alex and Steve DeColt, and Barry Bowen. In 1999, HGC launches a Women’s Division (my influence) and sign up several big names in the region, including standouts like Victoria Stone, Farrah Hesketh and Suzue Katayama. SWF, fresh off their International rise, expand their roster some throughout the year but are still unable to steal away any HGC stars. With that said, its arguable that SWF is putting on the better product week to week. Both are making money and going no where any time soon.</p><p> </p><p>

In the East Coast War, DAVE, XFW, and PPPW are still thriving, with Vibert’s company pulling further and further ahead each month in money and quality of product. DAVE have stolen the biggest names away from the other two, with Man Mountain Cahill and Madman Boone both holding the Extreme Title at least once while I, Butcher and Stuart Ferdinand holding Tag Straps. Brent Hill, El Bandido (my influence), Acid Fox (team of Acid and Fox Mask), and the Darkness Warriors also have helped to produce quality matches week to week for Phil and Nemesis. XFW has only managed to steal Mighty Thor and Krusher Karloff from PPPW, though they lost the former to HGC in ’98; thus far, recent signings Ethan Phillips (stolen from PPHW mid-1999) and Warlord Agony are bolstering the Main Event along Karloff and Gonzalez. PPPW is the worst of the three and typically signs decent talent only to have it stolen within a year. Phoenix Wrestling Company recently opened in ’99 and are putting decent matches at the top of the card with Brent Hill as champion, but I don’t expect them to last long.</p><p> </p><p>

The South West is currently balancing three companies at the Small/Regional Level. CZCW is slowly making money and growing and even producing some quality matches every month. Tom Gilmore was, up until December of ’99, the hottest name in the Coastal Zone, putting on stellar matches with Alex Braun, Human Arsenal, El Pavo Real (my influence) and Nukenin (my influence). They are quickly becoming the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla of my save with an emphasis on foreign talent and a mix of styles. LA Wrestling is a recent opening and there’s little to say about them as of yet; they do have George DeColt as Head Booker, so I expect them to do well for a little while. Premier Championship Wrestling is HGC’s development territory I set up for them. Same product. Gives young names like Sammy Bach and Donnie J to grow and prosper. Thus far, Insane Machine is HGC’s only wrestler under a development contract.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally, AAA was bought out by Gil Thomas after the sudden passing of Anne Stardust. Preston Lockhart is the new booker. They got over 700,000 dollars added to their account with the new ownership, so despite losing money every month still, they aren’t likely to go anywhere. There’s a nice mix of American and Japanese talent on the roster since quite a few foreign talent have expanded their horizons over the last few years.</p><p> </p><p>

Canada and Mexico</p><p>

4C Championship: Joey Poison (First Reign)</p><p>

UCW Championship: Larry Wood (First Reign)</p><p>

Campeonato de Herencia de Mundo MPWF: Spanish Superfly (Second Reign)</p><p>

Campeonato de Universal OLLIE: The Gatekeeper (Third Reign)</p><p>

Campeonato de Mundo SOTBPW: El Bandido (First Reign)</p><p> </p><p>

Canada is a depleted wasteland these days after CGC folded and I bought out NOTBPW. R.K Hayes and Larry Wood are the biggest Canadian names left in the region, with the Stones and DeColts moving onto Japan and and HGC. Wouldn’t be shocked in one of both of the remaining Canadian companies close in 2000 given the terrible economy and have products that are not appreciated in the region.</p><p> </p><p>

Mexico is thriving as a region, with both OLLIE and MPWF rising to Cult status. Domino’s company has been more aggressive with stealing talent and even got Marco Flores to leave OLLIE; they also signed up Axxis Jr and Nicolas Lopez, so they’re setting themselves up for the future pretty well despite the fact that they’re currently bleeding money. OLLIE has hardly signed anyone despite those I forced them to, and I had them start a women’s division in ’99 to give some luchadoras a place to work. South of the Border is slowly growing by utilizing talent from both companies and staying out of their war.</p><p> </p><p>

Europe and Australia</p><p>

Ring of Fire Championship: The Steamroller (First Reign)</p><p>

UCR World Combat Championship: Dominik Muller (First Reign)</p><p> </p><p>

Not much to say in these three regions. I bought out MOSC for their PPV contract, leaving ROF the only active company in late ’99 (Camden Underground and 21CW wrestling launched at the very end, but neither have run shows yet). ROF is actually putting on better shows each month than MOSC ever did, so I’m hopeful they can sustain themselves. UCR is doing well also, making money every month and spamming Faustino Flash versus Dominik Muller matches. I’m hopeful after two years of development in Japan, Scheming Behemoth and Der Munchenexpress can really change up the singles and tag divisions in the company.</p><p> </p><p>

Australia is still dead with no companies starting there in three years. I sign anyone who broaden their horizons to touring contracts in the hopes of developing them a little bit in prep for the eventual inaugural company. </p><p> </p><p>


BHOTWG World Championship: Yoshifusa Maeda (First Reign)</p><p>

PGHW Glory Crown Championship: Mito Miwa (First Reign)</p><p>

DPW Championship: Ryu Kajahara (First Reign)</p><p>

Hinote Dojo All-Japan Championship: Keisuke Amaya III (Second Reign)</p><p>

PWK Queen Championship: Crusher Ichihara (First Reign)</p><p>

Tier 1 World Championship: Shimi Komatsuzuki (First Reign)</p><p> </p><p>

In the biggest surprise for me this game, BHOTWG dropped to Cult in ’98 and sacked Kaneie Komine as their CEO. They brought in Sakurako Kagawa, former owner of 5SSW, as the CEO and Booker and she has gone on to make some good (Maeda as World Champion) and some bonehead (Riki Toda as Burning Junior Championship) decisions. Despite this, they’re still putting on quality shows and have quite a few wrestlers in the Top 10 every year in the Power 500. I believe they are burning money, though, so it’ll be curious to see their approach when funds get low (if they don’t turn their luck around before then, of course).</p><p> </p><p>

Besides this, the only non-development company is Tier 1, who I don’t believe will be open by the time 2001 rolls around. DPW and PWK are my men’s and women’s development companies (the latter designed solely to give the women a place to work and grow) and humorously enough they are hostile to each other now. Apparently my CEOs, Rico Santana and Eisuke Yoshinobu, don’t like each other. Both are easily outperforming Tier 1 & Hinote Dojo and both are sitting comfortably at Regional.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No problem. I can give you a basic template of how I book.<p> </p><p> The first thing I do is create a Google Doc or Word Doc that is broken into twelve rows and two columns (For the 12 months of the year). Here is my template for my PPVs (I typically never change this)</p><p> </p><p> I have IYH PPV that will usually take the name of something relating to the main event.</p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>April - IYH PPV <br /></li><li>May - IYH - PPV<br /></li><li>June - King of the Ring<br /></li><li>July - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>August - Summer Slam<br /></li><li>September - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>October - Destination Death <br /></li><li>November - Survivor Series (I do all Survivor Series type matches)<br /></li><li>December - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>January - The Royal Rumble<br /></li><li>February - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>March - Wrestle Mania<br /></li></ul><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">I also host the following tournaments</span></strong></p><p> </p><ul><li>Lightweight Invitational (32 men) - April<br /></li><li>Tag Team Classic (16 Team) - April<br /></li><li>King of the Ring (32 Men) - June<br /></li><li>Memorial Tournament (100+) - October-November (this is my personal favorite)<br /></li><li>Rookie of the Year (32 men) - December (I call up 32 guys from my developmental promotion "The Machine" to work dark matches. The top five guys usually debut after Mania with the winner getting an immediate spot)<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Planning Process</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> *I always plan on stages like below</p><p> </p><ul><li>April - August (Summer Slam)<br /></li><li>September - March (Wrestle Mania)<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> *I found it easier to plan like this for several reasons</p><p> 1) Injuries</p><p> 2) If I sign new talent (I will give them one month vacations so if I need a shock debut or someone to substitute for an injured worker I can do that)</p><p> 3) I can recycle talent (This is probably the biggest key for me for a long term game. I release my major stars all the time to let them work somewhere else. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Other Tips</p><p> 1) Do things you would want to see. For example, I love starting in 1987 because it gives me a lot of options. I always have Mania 3 focus on Hogan vs. Andre but then I spread it out. Hogan vs. Lawler or Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody (I have a fascination with Brody so I use him as much as possible) always happen in my games. I love the idea of Hogan having a program with them. Losing the belt and attempting to regain it.</p><p> </p><p> 2) Like I stated above, release workers. Always have a plan for a worker. For example, I always sign certain talent to be in my lower-card to help build up future main event talent. I view each title as a stepping stone. If you were to go look at any of my main event talent (Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Austin) they have Television Title reigns then IC Title reigns, then World Title reigns. I like to build talent slowly over the years. I also like having them in tag teams for a long time as well.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Great Help Thank you!</p>
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<p>Starrcade 2000 Using the Montreal Aftermath mod</p><p> </p><p>

Current Champions</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Heavyweight - Shawn Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States - Booker T</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Television - Konnan</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight - AJ Styles</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Tag Team - Chris Benoit and Ric Flair</p><p> </p><p>

Alliance Titles</p><p> </p><p>

IWGP United States - Eddie Guerrero</p><p> </p><p>

Storylines (how I got and what I did with HBK since signing him)</p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels (Signed him in late 1998 after being released from WWF for drugs, I sent him to rehab in April 1999 after being sent home before his match with Chris Jericho at Spring Stampede.</p><p> </p><p>

Finished rehab in late October of that year and made his return at Starrcade 1999 as the special guest referee for Hogan vs Hart where Hogan thought HBK was going to be in his corner as a pawn for the NWO, but Shawn turned face and Bret Hart won the WCW title.</p><p> </p><p>

HBK and Hogan feuded for the first half of 2000 where it concluded at Great American Bash where HBK won in Loser Leaves town match. </p><p> </p><p>

Shawn turned heel in August against Goldberg winning the world title from him at Fall Brawl 2000 with interference from Chris Jericho. Michaels again escape with the title at Halloween Havoc in a triple threat match between himself, Sting and Goldberg. </p><p> </p><p>

Mayhem 2000 Goldberg & Sting defeated Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho which determined the stipulation for Goldberg's one on one rematch at Starrcade which will be a Steel Cage match</p><p> </p><p>

Match Card</p><p> </p><p>

1. WCW World Tag Team Championship - Chris Benoit & Ric Flair © vs Mike Awesome & Bam Bam Bigelow</p><p> </p><p>

2. WCW Cruiserweight Championship - AJ Styles © vs Rey Mysterio Jr vs Billy Kidman</p><p> </p><p>

3. Six Man Tag - Samoa Joe, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Katsuyori Shibata vs Masahiro Chono, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash</p><p> </p><p>

4. Sting vs Jeff Jarrett #1 Contender Match </p><p> </p><p>

5. WCW World Television Championship & IWGP United States (first fall for Television, Second Fall for IWGP United States) - Konnan © vs Eddie Guerrero ©</p><p> </p><p>

6. Randy Savage vs Curt Hening - Submission Match</p><p> </p><p>

7. WCW United States Championship Four Corners Match - Booker T © vs Chris Jericho vs Bret Hart vs Scott Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

8. WCW World Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage match - Shawn Michaels © vs Goldberg</p>

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<p>I used the editor to start the game with a company that 0 popularity and prestige, but $100M. I justified it by saying that SDW (Some Dude's Wrestling) was founded by some dude after he won the lottery. I spent $60M in the first week to create a Commercial broadcaster with Enormous coverage in the USA and Very Small coverage everywhere else in the world. Obviously, not an especially challenging concept, but it's incredibly fun to see both you and your wrestlers explode in popularity.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm reaching the end of February. So far, SDW has run one event (Supernova), 6 A shows, and 1 B show, and we we just hit Regional. I'm at 12 pop in the USA, 4 in Europe, 2 in Britain, Japan, and Australia, and 2 or 3 in Canada and Mexico. One of my custom wrestlers who started with 0 pop is now in the low 20s in the USA and upper teens everywhere else.</p><p> </p><p>

One of the great things about this premise is you don't need to make any concessions to finance in your product. No need to worry about sponsorship or being unable to get good time slots. As such, I have a product that I've fine-tuned and I really love. Here's what it is:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional: Medium</p><p>

Mainstream: Medium</p><p>

Comedy: Low</p><p>

Cult: Key Feature</p><p>

Risque: Very Low</p><p>

Modern: Key Feature</p><p>

Realism: Medium</p><p>

Hyper-Realism: Very Low</p><p>

Hardcore: Medium</p><p>

Lucha Libre: Key Feature</p><p>

Pure: Medium</p><p>

Daredevil: Key Feature</p><p> </p><p>

Basically, it's an ultra-intense style that also has quite a bit of kayfabe and storylines mixed in. It requires 60% match intensity and 80% danger. It also makes me completely unable to get any time slot besides Graveyard from any broadcaster but mine and makes getting sponsorship "extremely tough". But it also lets me have perf>>pop matches, which is incredible. That aforementioned 22-pop custom wrestler has gotten me two 73s in the last two weeks.</p><p> </p><p>

I think I've already written for long enough, but if anyone is interested in knowing more, just ask whatever you want!</p>

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<p>Freakin' Inoki dropped dead in my 2002 TNA save. This is the second time he's randomly dropped dead in one of my long-term saves. In my two year WCW save in the '97 database, he dropped dead six months in</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

What is it with this guy and dying unexpectedly in my games?</p><p>

It's even more ridiclous because this time he died of a drug overdose. At like fifty seven</p>

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<p><strong>Playing the Superfly Effect mod as WWF:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WrestleMania III:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Wrestlemania III opens up with "Mean" Gene welcoming the fans to what he promises to be the greatest spectacle the wrestling world has ever seen! He is then joined with the special guests of tonight's show, Sylvester Stallone and Mr T! After some back and forth chit chat, Mr T jokingly asks "So Rocky, when am I getting this rematch?" Stallone laughs and says "How about tonight?" Before walking off camera. <strong>[78 B]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We then get straight into action! The Team of Nikita Koloff & Nikolai Volkoff square off against the fast-paced duo known as the Killer Bees! The Red Army quickly take advantage, easily throwing the two cruiserweights around. Despite a late comeback attempt, however, an interfering Vladimir Petrov catches Brian Blair on the ropes with a chain around the neck, allowing Nikita Koloff to secure the pinfall victory. All three men swing Russian Flags in the air as they walk to the backstage area. <strong>[71 B-]</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

We then jump into singles action as Butch Reed takes on Koko B. Ware. The bout featured some nice back and forth action but Butch Reed soon got the upper hand and eventually finished off the much lighter Koko with a Gorilla Press Slam! <strong>[70 C+]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Cameras then shoot to the backstage area where Randy Savage gives a pumped up interview with Mean Gene, telling him that just like St George, tonight he will become a dragonslayer... <strong>[90 A]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Following this, we're straight back into the action! The battle of the full nelson between Hercules and Billy Jack Haynes. Both men look to end this match quickly with no man really getting the upper hand, this is until that weasel Bobby Heenan manages to distract BJH giving Hercules enough time to apply the full nelson and make Billy Jack tap out! Vince McMahon then makes a remark that unfortunately, the night belongs to the bad guys so far, Jesse Ventura adds on this with a simple "Just as it should!" <strong>[66 C+]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan acknowledging that one of his clients has already secured a victory tonight and asks "Do you think it's possible that Kerry Von Erich may cause an upset tonight and take the belt from the giant?" Bobby Heenan scoffs "Are you stupid? No man has stopped Andre before, a pipsqueak like Kerry sure as hell won't be the first." <strong>[79 B]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The camera pans to the ring where Howard Finkel stands. He announces the following match is a boxing match and the much-awaited rematch between Rocky Balboa and Clubber Lang! Both Men enter the ring where the scheduled referee run through the rules. <strong>[76 B-]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The boxing match gets underway with Clubber Lang quickly overpowering Balboa, this doesn't last long after a 'ROCKY ROCKY!" chant breaks out in the crowd, allowing the Italian Stallion to muster a comeback, eventually knocking Clubber Lang to the mat for the 10 count. The two men post-match shake hands and share a hug as a sign of respect. <strong>[76 B-]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The next match sees Harley Race taking on The Junkyard Dog with the stipulation that the loser must kiss the victors foot. JYD dominates to the surprise of not only the crowd but also to Bobby Heenan who looks on at ringside. However, Heenan being Heenan of course soon get's involved, allowing Harley Race to deliver a devasting piledriver to JYD to end the match. <strong>[76 B-]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Post-Match, King Harley Race orders Hercules to hold JYD and then demands that he show respect to his king. Hercules then digs JYD's face into the foot of Harley Race as Race and Heenan laugh on. <strong>[85 B+]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We then go backstage where Jake 'The Snake' Roberts gives an eery interview with 'Mean' Gene and ensures "That Elvis Wannabe will be another victim of the DDT." <strong>[74 B-]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We then get into our next match. To Begin, Piper and Adonis began the match by attacking each other back and forth. Adonis put a sleeper hold on Piper in the middle of the ring and released the hold prior to Piper's arm going down for a 3rd time, thinking that he won the match. When Jimmy Hart got in the ring to celebrate with Adonis, Brutus Beefcake came to the ring to help Piper recover, and Piper attacked Adonis and performed a sleeper hold of his own to secure the victory. <strong>[74 B-]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Post-Match an unconscious Adrian Adonis gets his hair shaved by Brutus Beefcake whilst Piper holds Jimmy Hart down. [<strong>81 B]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The next match sees Jake Roberts along with his trusted python Damien take on Honky Tonk Man in no DQ action. The bout is brutal with many in attendance unsure which way it was going to go. At one point it looked sure that Honky Tonk was going to win after smashing an acoustic guitar over the head of Jake The Snake. However, Jake quickly recovered and choked Honky Tonk Man with his python who eventually passed out, giving the victory to Jake. <strong>[79 B]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The first title match of the night takes place as The Hart Foundation face off against long-time rivals the British Bulldogs. The Bulldogs mix of High Flying intensity and Brutal Power looked like The Bulldogs were going to surely take the belts back from The Hart Foundation. Unfortunately for them miscommunication between The Bulldogs sees Davey Boy Smith accidentally flatter The Dynamite Kid which Bret Hart fully capitalizes on to pin The Dynamite Kid and retain the World Tag Team titles. <strong>[78 B]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Post-Match Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith get into a row which sees Dynamite Kid attack Davey Boy. Surprisingly, The Hart Foundation run back into the ring to defend Davey Boy! Dynamite Kid quickly makes his way out of the ring with the fans now against him. <strong>[64 C]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Semi-Main Event saw defending Intercontinental Champion, Randy Savage face Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat. In a bout that lasted over 20 minutes, both men electrified the crowd but in the end, Macho Man retained his title after slaying the dragon with his signature Flying Elbow Drop. <strong>[83 B+]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Prior to the main event, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund announces to the crowd an indoor attendance record of 93,173! <strong>[61 C]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In what was billed as the "biggest main event in sports entertainment," the match pitted WWF World Heavyweight Champion Andre The Giant accompanied to the ring with Bobby Heenan defending the title against Kerry Von Erich who was supported at ringside by Fritz, Kevin and Mike Von Erich. Andre was heavily booed throughout the match. With the fans behind his back, Kerry went to war with Andre however, his attacks seemed to rarely do anything to the giant but anger him. Kerry eventually found the best way to defeat the giant was to first tire him down, mainly with chops and kicks to his legs. Andre towards the end of the match gave Kerry an Irish whip to the far side of the ring and attempted a big boot on Kerry, but he ducked it and came off the ropes to give Andre a clothesline to take him off his feet for the first time in the match. A groggy Andre then raised back to his feet only to be scooped slammed down onto the ground by Kerry Von Erich which drives the fans crazy. Kerry Von Erich capitalises on this by pinning the 525 pound Giant to become the new WWF World Heavyweight Champion! <strong>[81 B]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the Match the fans go crazy! Kerry Von Erich, against all odds defeated the giant! Kerry is joined in the ring with his family, as he holds the World Title high above his head he screams, "This is for you, David!" <strong>[74 B-]</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>Final Rating:<strong> B+ [88]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Storylines After Wrestlemania III:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kerry Von Erich vs. Randy Savage</em> (Won't meet in singles action until Summerslam)</p><p>

<em>The Hart Foundation vs. The Red Army</em> (World Tag Title Feud)</p><p>

<em>Davey Boy Smith vs. Dynamite Kid</em></p><p>

<em>Andre The Giant vs. The Heenan Family (this will be Andres final feud, as he will be turning face now)</em></p><p>

<em>Jake Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man</em></p><p>

<em>Jim Duggan vs. Ted DiBiase</em> (TV Title feud)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Additonal Information:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

- I signed the Road Warriors but they won't debut for another three months. The first feud they will be involved in will be against Demolition.</p><p>

- Vader has been signed and will join the Heenan family, the end of the Andre/Heenan Family feud will most likely see Andre putting Vader over.</p><p>

- Hulk Hogan is out for 8 months but is available for angles. However, I won't be using him for angles until closer to his return. His return feud will be against Paul Orndorff after Bobby Heenan sends Mr. Wonderful to end Hogan's career once and for all because 'He isn't 100% after his back injury.' Hogan will most likely have a typical 'USA vs. Russia' Feud against the red army after that feud before returning to the Main Event scene.</p><p>

- Scott Hall is currently wrestling as Scott Hansen, the storyline cousin of Stan Hansen. Hansen is on a PPA contract for 9 months and is only here to get Scott over, Hansen will then return to Japan then Scott's gimmick will gradually change to The Diamond Studd which will remain his gimmick.</p><p>

- Davey Boy Smith will most likely get a Television Title run sometime after his Dynamite Kid feud and will then gradually move in the IC title race.</p>

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<p>I somehow ended up with a Four Horsemen of Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Shawn Michael's and Bret Hart.</p><p> </p><p>

So it's in the 1992 Database where Blanchard was available to hire and Flair was feuding with Hogan so I brought Blanchard into help Flair beat up Hogan. Then HBK won the Rumble with Hogan defeating Flair for the vacant WWF title.</p><p> </p><p>

And The Undertaker beat Bret Hart for the IC title with Hart turning heel the next night by attacking Savage because I needed something for Savage/Hart to do and that seems like a good match.</p>

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<p>I am now in 2007 of my 2001 NJPW game. And all my stars and now old and are nearing time decline or in it. Nagata, Chono, Sasaki, Takayama, Liger.</p><p> </p><p>

This is the most fun I've had in a while in this game, largely because I can't actually replace these guys. Tanahashi and Nakamura turned out wonderfully. I somehow managed to build Suwama to 90 pop in Japan, but everyone else below that? Not good enough for the main event or can't get popular enough for it. </p><p> </p><p>

It is super interesting tbh. Kenzo Suzuki failed both talent wise and popularity wise, but he is an excellent midcarder. Tomohiro Ishii did not really fail but he also did not maintain over 90 popularity. Togi Makabe is solid and has had a run with the Heavyweight title but he just isn't good enough. Popular enough sure, but not a "constant main eventer." Giant Singh (The Great Khali)isn't good enough (though he is actually pretty solid in my game!) etc.</p><p> </p><p>

I do have some solid talents in their mid 30s though, Tenzan and Kojima are feuding, both are decent enough champions/main eventers, but not extraordinary, both are 35/36. Suzuki is 38 so I'm worried but he is also really ****ing good. </p><p> </p><p>

I don't know, it is a fun save. I've never had to shuffle up my roster, and I'm playing REALLY conservatively, only having 55 guys on my roster (Heavyweight / Junior split, 22 Juniors, 33 Heavyweights) so I don't have a lot of options, but to get creative. I've even been relying on CMLL and NOAH's talent for "special matches" and such, having Kobashi come and win the title just to give me a few months of time to build someone up. </p><p> </p><p>

It doesn't help that Japan thrived in this game, M-Pro, AJPW, and Zero-1 are all cult and healthy. Constantly attempting to poach my mid and upper midcard. NOAH and WWE (national and global) are always there trying to poach my main eventers. So it is rough, but exciting. I've lost Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, AJ Styles, RVD, Rey Mistero Jr, Mutoh, Hashimoto, Hase, Curt Hennig, and so many more. I could actually go on but I'm typing a bit much, but yeah this save has been LOADS of fun.</p>

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<p>I'm booking a Indie using a Feb 2019 database with a product that is a bit of a mix of everything except not too high on technical wrestling. Trying not to rely too much on WWE/NJPW names, which means I've been using a lot of TNA workers and Shimmer/Shine workers. I was going to have Brian Cage be my heavyweight champion for a while but then I saw Jake Hager(aka Jake Swagger) was available. Jake Hager and Taya Valkyrie have been doing pretty good as my heavyweight and women's champions.</p><p> </p><p>

I was going to have the Briscoes be my tag team champions for a long time but then they kept getting injured and looked like they were going to leave to somewhere else, so I had them drop the titles to the Kimber Bombs(Kimber Lee and Cherry Bomb aka Allie) since having booking a intergender championship is a interesting idea I've never done before. I've made it to Week 3 of August 2019 and I've recently signed Stu Bennet (Bad News Barret), Rob Van Dam and Penta.</p><p> </p><p>

in WWE news, I'm pretty sure WWE wants to kill it's viewers, cause they announced the following storylines.</p><p> </p><p>

Baron Corbin v Kane</p><p>

Dolph Ziggler as Universal Champion vs Braun</p><p>

Cena vs The Big Show</p><p> </p><p>

and WWE has had a rough time with some divorces,</p><p> </p><p>

Stephanie and Triple H are divorced.</p><p>

Jon Moxley and Renee Young are divorced.</p><p>

Mark Callaway and Michelle McCool are divorced.</p><p> </p><p>

Also I signed some talent from the WWE, Dana Brooke, Mickie James & Alicia Fox.</p>

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<p>I'm playing as Major League Wrestling in BurningHamsters 1996 mod. It's a random game I started and have been playing for a month or two real time, I'm almost two years in now. We are a touring company based out of Quebec, with broadcasters and investors in France, Italy, Scotland, New Zealand and Hawaii. At the begging of 1997 I was able to pillage IWA-J and took some popularity in Japan.</p><p> </p><p>

Size: Cult (Canada) (Regional in, Europe, New Zealand, USA & Japan) (Small in Scotland)</p><p>

Prestige: 96</p><p>

Momentum: 73</p><p>

Money: $1,326,934 (average monthly gross, over 100k under 150k... losing money some months, starting finances were 1,000,000)</p><p>

Figurehead: Taz (written)</p><p> </p><p>


Traditional: Heavy</p><p>

Comedy: Heavy</p><p>

Modern: Key Feature</p><p>

Realism: Heavy</p><p>

Lucha: Medium</p><p>

Pure: Heavy</p><p> </p><p>

Match Intensity: 40%</p><p>

Match Danger: 60%</p><p> </p><p>

Current feuds...</p><p> </p><p>

Taz vs Gary Albright. Taz had been champion for over a year by the time Albright challenged him. After 3 unsuccesful attempts he lost again to frustration when he attacked Taz in them middle of a championship match against Crash Williams (Bill DeMott), turning the MLW fans against Gary Alright and in the corner of Taz.</p><p> </p><p>

Edge & Christain vs The Quebeccers. The Quebeccers are stables in MLW, 2 time tag team champs now looking to take the belts back from the young Edge and Christian who made a name for themselves as a comedy duo before upsetting Sudden Impact (Jericho and Storm) for the championship during a recent tour in New Zealand).</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Awesome vs Justin Bradshaw. Two big dudes that can't seem to find a 3 count before the ref stops the match. They've been brawling all over the world for the past 7 months.</p><p> </p><p>

MLW World Heavyweight - Taz (over 1 year)</p><p>

MLW World Tag Team - Edge & Christian </p><p>

MLW World Middleweight - Chris Jericho </p><p> </p><p>

I usually run 2-3 weekly shows during a tour. Each active month has a commercially broadcast event all over the world. </p><p> </p><p>

I start the year with my 16K Gold Rush Tournament, ripped from WXW and NJPW. It's a 16 man double elimination tournament with the winner facing the World Champion at Super Fight at the end of the tour. </p><p> </p><p>

I do a Middleweight trio's tournament with the winning team facing off in a 3 way eliminator to decide a contender for the Middleweight Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

I didn't expect to get to cult so fast, but my company is growing and growing fast. The income is low right now, I've yet to see the money flowing in but I can see it coming. Taz is being over shadowed by Jericho's star quality which is being a problem for me financially right now. I've put almost two years into Taz as figurehead and he's not quite clicking. Frustrating because I don't have anyone other than him that would work.</p>

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Recently started a WWE save with the 2014 mod/adjustment by Luke Arthur, I never got more than a month in using WWE but this time it was much more fun.


First thing I did was reduce Raw to 2 hours and SD to 1 and a half, as well as getting rid of s*** workers (R-Truth, Eva Marie, JTG, etc.).

Then I pretty much booked it as it was irl only with some of my own "fixes" (Bray Wyatt getting clean victories, not dividing the Real Americans).


Tyson Kidd just beat Dean Ambrose on Raw for the US title with a distraction by Evolution, and Bad News Barrett is the new IC champ.

Finishing up Payback, everything is the same and I'm gonna have a transitional feud between ADR and Daniel Bryan, but at Summerslam, oh boy, guess who's back?

CM Punk.


So far my SS card is as follows:

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan ©

Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose - Steel Cage

Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton

The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family ©

Paige vs. AJ Lee ©

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz - #1 Contender's Match

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I’m on another cycle of rebooking The Invasion. It’s something I come back to every so often. I’m going for a slightly slower build this time but only by a couple of months before lighting the powder keg. Shane began showing up again at the end of May, mostly talking to Stephanie/Triple H or Vince. It would be tense but amicable, talking about looking for coverage for WCW, looking forward to the challenge. Steph was more receptive, Vince very hostile but unable to ban Shane as he still had WWF stock.


I’ve spent the last couple of months shaping the roster to what I want going forward. I ran KOTR in May, which Big Show won. He faced Austin and Taker at Judgment Day but Austin beat Taker so Big Show is getting a 1-on-1 shot at Summerslam (which I’ve moved to July).


Judgment Day was the first shot of the Invasion. Terry Funk was the first to show up, warning WWF Commissioner Mick Foley to lay low during the PPV. Later in the night, tag champs The Hardyz got taken out backstage by unseen attackers before losing to The Dudleyz. Then a group of ex-WCWers jumped IC Champ Kane backstage, who lost his title to Jericho as a result. There were no shenanigans before the Main Event but during the match, Booker T and DDP interfered to take out Taker, allowing Austin to retain.


The next night on Raw, Vince calls out Shane, Stephanie and Triple H, the siblings come out joined by Booker T. Triple H doesn’t appear until Vince demands it again, and he comes out looking pissed off. Taker and Jericho interrupt, and accusations start flying, mostly towards Triple H for being bitter at being overshadowed by Austin and losing his IC title to Kane. Taker/Jericho claim to be defending WWF. This will lead to Taker/Jericho vs Triple H/Booker at Summerslam where Jericho turns on WWF.


Big Show demands and gets his 1-on-1 shot vs Austin at Summerslam, where he will win but then turn and become The Giant, joining Shane. So after Summerslam, Shane will have WWF Champ The Giant, IC Champ Jericho, WCW Champ Booker T, US Champ DDP (title change offscreen), as well as the rest of the former WCW roster. Triple H is actually WWF loyal but accused of being a traitor.


I’m not having anyone that wasn’t previously in WCW join Shane and I’m treating Booker/DDP as on the same level as WWF Main Event guys. The WWF is going to struggle with being a unit with their four top guys (Austin, Taker, Triple H and Rock) not trusting each other and having splinters in the roster as WWF guys take sides with the four figureheads. During The Invasion PPV, ECW are going to debut, taking the WWF Tag titles and Hardcore title with them through Dudleyz and Rhyno. They won’t be joining Shane, they’ll be a wild third force (like The North vs Lannisters with the Night King Heyman) so it’ll get chaotic as all hell. I think that was the main thing missing in real life, there was no jeopardy for WWF. I want them pushed right to the brink.


The plan is to end things at Wrestlemania, by which point Vince, Steph and Triple H will have a loyal WWF crew (inc. Taker), Austin & Rock will have rallied the rest of the WWF guys, WCW will splinter after the arrival of Flair to help Shane but Hogan, Bischoff, NWO dividing WCW loyalties, and Heyman’s ECW old guard and probably Raven’s new wave of extremists will be existing in fragile harmony.


Obviously Vince wins because even in a game I like to maintain some semblance of reality. I think I’ll swerve a McMahons rule ending and have Vince make a deal with either Flair or Bischoff to give WCW Smackdown (rebranded as Nitro) and give Heyman Heat. Heyman takes his guys and enjoys his sub-brand. Everyone else is drafted by WWF/WCW and exists as two brands under Vince’s new WWE name as Raw and Nitro, with Starrcade added in September (giving 6 ‘big’ PPVs, one every other month) and other WCW shows added where wanted (Halloween Havoc, for example).

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<p><strong>Playing the Superfly Effect mod as WWF:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Saturday, 4th Week of April 1987, Saturday Night's Main Event X:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWF Commissioner Jack Tunney opens up the PPV by announcing the 10th anniversary of Saturday Night's Main Event will feature a star-studded main event as WWF World Heavyweight Champion Kerry Von Erich teams up with his brother Kevin in a bout against Harley Race and Paul Orndorff. Tunney also announces the much-awaited Wrestlemania III rematch between Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat to kick off the show! <strong>(77, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The opening marquee match-up between Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage proves to be as exciting as their bout at Wrestlemania III! In a back and forth bout that went over 20 minutes, Randy Savage once again came out on top, defeating the dragon to retain his WWF Intercontinental Championship. <strong>(85, B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Post-Match in an interview with Mean Gene, Randy Savage once again throws a warning out to Kerry Von Erich that it's only a matter of time that they square off for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. <strong>(96, A*)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Back in the ring, the newest wrestler on the WWF roster, Larry Cameron, continues to proclaim himself as the 'baddest man on the Planet' and taunts his last two opponents, Jim Brunzell and Corporal Kirchner. Cameron dares someone backstage to come out here and try to shut him up. After a moment of brief silence, Junkyard Dogs music hits and the fans go crazy. JYD accepts the challenge. <strong>(53, C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

To nobodies surprise, Junkyard Dog quickly takes the offence and surely looks like he will be the man to shut Larry Cameron up, however, around eight minutes into the match Larry Cameron surprises JYD with a quick roll up, earning him the pinfall victory. <strong>(60, C)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We then jump straight into our next match, the first ever WWF Television Champion Jim Duggan looks to make another successful title defence, this time against Butch Reed who is coming off a Wrestlemania victory against Koko. B Ware. However, Duggan is a much bigger opponent. Despite some good offence Reed struggles to get a clear advantage over Duggan who eventually finishes Reed off with his signature Running Clothesline. <strong>(71, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, a man in the crowd manages to get Jim Duggan's attention. The man simply asks "How much for that title belt?" Jim Duggan waves him off and informs the man at the front row it's not for sale. The man simply laughs and says "Everybody's got a price for the million dollar man..." <strong>(68, C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Mean Gene conducts an interview with Bobby Heenan who is surrounded by fellow family members; Mr. Perfect, Vader and Hercules. Bobby Heenan insults Andre The Giant once again about his loss at Wrestlemania III against Kerry Von Erich whilst the rest of his team managed to secure a victory. Heenan then confidently says he is positive Hercules will get a victory against Andre The Giant later tonight if a pipsqueak like Kerry can. <strong>(79, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The next match sees Davey Boy Smith take on his former tag team partner, The Dynamite Kid. Davey Boy Smith easily throws the smaller Dynamite Kid around the ring, not allowing him to take any of the offence. Eventually, a fed up Dynamite Kid leaves the ring and get's himself counted out. The crowd boo The Dynamite Kid who couldn't care less. <strong>(70, C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Vince McMahon informs his announce team and the fans in attendance that Jack Tunney has officially suspended Dynamite Kid for his actions. <strong>(58, C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Andre The Giant then faces Hercules. Hercules charges at Andre The Giant who lifts him up for a devastating body slam. Andre The Giant then pins Hercules to secure the pinfall victory in under 30 seconds! <strong>(56, C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Andre The Giant, leaves the ring straight after his easy pinfall victory. Bobby Heenan who is standing at ringside with Orndorff, Harley Race, Mr. Perfect and Vader is left stunned! Heenan then orders Vader to get in that ring and powerbomb Hercules. Bobby Heenan then insults Hercules and tells him he is no longer apart of this family. <strong>(79, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are then joined backstage with Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. Mean Gene asks Honky Tonk "Are you feeling confident about your rematch with Jake The Snake tonight despite your loss at Wrestlemania." Honky Tonk Man laughs and makes it clear "Snake boy got lucky that night, I had a bad case of the blues, but tonight I'm gonna put that man to sleep with a lullaby- or maybe just a hit over the head with this here guitar." <strong>(75, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The rematch between Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and The Honky Tonk Man proves to be a better contest than the Wrestlemania bout. Honky Tonk late into the match gets onto the attack and when he thinks the referee isn't looking, Jimmy Hart passes Honky Tonk a guitar and smashes it over Jake the snakes head. However, unfortunately for Honky Tonk the ref was in fact looking and disqualifies Honky Tonk Man, awarding the victory to Jake 'The Snake' Roberts. <strong>(81, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A pre-taped video plays of The Red Army (Colonel Ninotchka, Nikita Koloff, Nikolai Volkoff and Vladimir Petrov) standing in front of the Russian Flag. Each of them takes turns speaking, however, they all have the same goal in mind for tonight. Dethrone the hart foundation and take the tag team titles back home to mother Russia. <strong>(61, C)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Semi-Main Event between The Red Army and The Hart Foundation gets underway and is a back and forth bout throughout. The Hart Foundation towards the end starts to see a pattern in The Red Army's attack and counter it beautifully. Not one to accept losing fairly, Vladimir Petrov interferes on behalf of Koloff and Volkoff to make the ref call the match and award the DQ victory to The Hart Foundation. <strong>(77, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Post-Match, The Red Army beatdown The Hart Foundation as Colonel Ninotchka begins singing the Russian national anthem. <strong>(65, C)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Bobby Heenan informs Race and Orndorff their places in the family are safe, as long as they perform well and don't suffer an embarrassing quick loss just like Hercules did earlier. <strong>(92, A)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Elsewhere backstage, Kerry and Kevin discuss their plan for tonight's main event. Coming up next! <strong>(100, A*)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Main Event gets underway and features back and forth action, and also features Bobby Heenan behaving himself at ringside! No one in attendance knew which way the match was going to go but eventually, a mistake by Orndorff allows Kerry Von Erich to apply to Iron Claw, forcing Orndorff to tap out. <strong>(82, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

To end the show, Randy Savage makes his way to the ring with the IC belt around his waist and squares off against Kerry Von Erich... <strong>(100, A*)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Rating: (89, A)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

- The Dynamite Kid/Davey Boy feud will continue as Dynamite Kid will get through his suspension by wrestling under a mask.</p><p>

- Kerry Von Erich keeps wrestling high on drugs or wasted on painkillers. The original plan of Kerry vs. Savage will still go underway at Summerslam but Randy Savage will most likely go over now instead of Kerry.</p><p>

- Upon Hulk Hogans return he will still feud with Paul Orndorff, but the scheduled second feud against The Red Army is being scrapped for now as Jesse Ventura's new contract allows him to appear in matches, he will stay on commentary exclusively but I hope to do a one-off match at Wrestlemania IV between Hogan & Ventura.</p><p>

- I have no plans for Hercules so he will now appear mainly on my B-show. His appearances on the A-show and PPV will see him being used as a jobber to the stars.</p><p>

- Vader and Mr Perfect are being dubbed as 'The Future of WWF' by Bobby Heenan and both men will hold the World Title and IC Belt respectively in the next 3-4 years.</p><p>

- For now, I plan on pushing 'Lethal' Larry Cameron hard. I currently have Bobby Heenan and Slick fighting over who represents him.</p><p>

- The Hart Foundation will drop the Tag titles to The Red Army soon then after a few failed attempts to get it back I will be starting Bret Hart's single career.</p><p>

- Regardless of who wins the Von Erich/Savage match at Summerslam, the winner will only hold the World Title and will be forced to vacate the IC title. A tournament will then be scheduled with the conclusion of the tournament to happen at my December PPV, "Live From Madison Square Garden" I currently plan on having Honky Tonk Man win the tournament.</p><p>

- King Of The Ring will happen in July which I also plan on having Honky Tonk Man win on his road to the IC title. (The final of the KOTR will also be the ending to the Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man feud)</p><p>

- Neither the IC Tournament Final or the World title will main event "Live From Madison Square Garden" as I already have Hulk Hogans return match against Paul Orndorff scheduled to main event.</p>

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<p>Finished booking my next PPV on the Superfly Effect Mod, WWF IYH: No Holds Barred. However, I don't want to clog this thread with my long posts so I will post it in the next few days! Considering starting my own thread for this save.</p><p> </p><p>

A few good matches planned around this NO DQ ppv such as:</p><p> </p><p>

- Stan Hansen vs. Kerry Von Erich in a Texas Bull Rope match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> </p><p>

- Harley Race vs. Andre The Giant</p><p> </p><p>

- Honky Tonk Man & Greg Valentine vs. Jake Roberts & Roddy Piper</p><p> </p><p>

And many more...</p>

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ROH 4th Anniversary show<p><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2019_03/859291956_ROH4thAnniversaryshow.jpg.61f79a5751c426b9d43aca6f26e870a0.jpg" data-fileid="3492" data-fileext="jpg" rel=""><img data-fileid="3492" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="859291956_ROH4thAnniversaryshow.jpg.61f79a5751c426b9d43aca6f26e870a0.jpg" data-src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2019_03/859291956_ROH4thAnniversaryshow.jpg.61f79a5751c426b9d43aca6f26e870a0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a></p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="emoasyou" data-cite="emoasyou" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really interested in these Superfly mod write ups if you do a seperate page for this please link here so can follow cheers</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Here is the thread link for my save! </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543250" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543250</a></p><p> </p><p> I will be posting about my latest PPV first thing tomorrow morning, feel free to get involved with the save and post suggestions or ideas you have!</p>
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<p>I'm in the last week of September 1996 in my 96 mod. Sid is my champ and I just overtook WCW as the number one company in the world. Actually they fell behind me but number one is number one. In fact, for the first time they dropped out of a bidding war for a talent and I got to keep Sid.</p><p> </p><p>


WWF - Sid</p><p>

IC - Austin</p><p>

Tag Owen and Yoko (was Owen and Bulldog until Davey Boy got hurt for a couple of months so I pivoted)</p><p> </p><p>

Sid won the belt from Shawn at SummerSlam thanks to a returning Pillman who had just completed rehab. I put together a stable of Sid, Pillman and Austin. I want to turn Owen and Bulldog face to team with Bret against what I'm tentatively calling the Loose Cannons but I would like to find a strong face manager for them. Jim Cornette is doing an amazing job helping Owen and Bulldog get over right now.</p>

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