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Small Questions Thread & "Living FAQ"

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Another quick question: what is the easiest way to determine the pecking order in a women's division. They don't get card rankings other than just saying women's division so it is not as clear about rankings as the rest of the roster.


Sorting by contract value is a good enough method in most situations (although it only works well if you have exclusively either PPA or Written contracts, not a mix of both).

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Another quick question: what is the easiest way to determine the pecking order in a women's division. They don't get card rankings other than just saying women's division so it is not as clear about rankings as the rest of the roster.


I'm going to integrate my mixed rosters to get this measure. I've found that the women's division push limits grades etc.

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Another quick question: what is the easiest way to determine the pecking order in a women's division. They don't get card rankings other than just saying women's division so it is not as clear about rankings as the rest of the roster.


A separate women's division is usually so much smaller that individual rankings are a non-issue. Everybody is going to end up facing each other sooner or later. It's just a matter of who you want to push as the winner.

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What actually happens mechanically when you have multiple shows (specifically a TV show and a PPV) on the same day. I had it happen once and noticed a much higher attendance for the TV show than normal (matched the PPV) and that I was locked into the same location.


Did this actually boost the income for that TV episode? Or is it treated as if fans bought tickets to the combined event?

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What actually happens mechanically when you have multiple shows (specifically a TV show and a PPV) on the same day. I had it happen once and noticed a much higher attendance for the TV show than normal (matched the PPV) and that I was locked into the same location.


Did this actually boost the income for that TV episode? Or is it treated as if fans bought tickets to the combined event?


If anything it should lower the income compared to staging two seperate events. Because the PPV crowd will be the same crowd for the TV Show, so you will only get one gate income rather than two.

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As Ring of Honor I have to use the "Story Telling" match aim at least once per show. What is the best way to utilize this? Does it add/subtract from certain matches?


I'm still not confident using Match Aims and usually just keep it simple and let my roster do their thing. Is there an FAQ/Guide somewhere about match aims besides the in-game stuff?

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As Ring of Honor I have to use the "Story Telling" match aim at least once per show. What is the best way to utilize this? Does it add/subtract from certain matches?


I'm still not confident using Match Aims and usually just keep it simple and let my roster do their thing. Is there an FAQ/Guide somewhere about match aims besides the in-game stuff?


Wrestlers with high Psychology stats will do better, and it will help if you're running a storyline.

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Is there somewhere I can check my company's requirements for putting on match times? Does it even matter if I were to use a sports entertainment company and put on a 25 plus min match to get an A rating? I feel like in japan this is the case but some of the other companies require like 15 min matches or it's a penalty?
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Is there somewhere I can check my company's requirements for putting on match times? Does it even matter if I were to use a sports entertainment company and put on a 25 plus min match to get an A rating? I feel like in japan this is the case but some of the other companies require like 15 min matches or it's a penalty?


As far as I know, the only hard rules when it comes to match times is you can't get an A-rated match if it goes on less than 20 minutes. There might be other rules I don't know about, though.

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As far as I know, the only hard rules when it comes to match times is you can't get an A-rated match if it goes on less than 20 minutes. There might be other rules I don't know about, though.


I've gotten A rated matches without the 20 minutes. I think it's 20 min 95+ ratings. Under or over 15 minutes is also something, I dont remember what.

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I know people say keep grinding and pushing people. I've just had little success in Non Japanese companies. Unless its the 80's mods and im using WWF or WCW. I always was under the impression that ive been messing up because I'll make the main event usually around 22 min and it was too much? I guess not reading these post's though.
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I know people say keep grinding and pushing people. I've just had little success in Non Japanese companies. Unless its the 80's mods and im using WWF or WCW. I always was under the impression that ive been messing up because I'll make the main event usually around 22 min and it was too much? I guess not reading these post's though.


Do your main event workers have the stats necessary for long matches? The most important ones are stamina and to a lesser extent psychology. That might be the issue.

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I've gotten A rated matches without the 20 minutes. I think it's 20 min 95+ ratings. Under or over 15 minutes is also something, I dont remember what.


I just looked in the game and it turns out that they explicitly lay out match time requirements:


Less than 5 minutes is capped at 53%

Less than 10 minutes is capped at 71%

Less than 15 minutes is capped at 77%

Less than 20 minutes is capped at 89%


I'm not sure if that cap is applied before or after modifiers from the show. The handbook doesn't say.

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<p>Ok, just chiming in on this match length vs ratings thing. </p><p> </p><p>

You can get 95+ ratings with a match that is not 20 minutes. My TV main events usually run 16-18 minutes and I churn out 95+ ratings all the time. You can also get 95+ ratings with a match that is not 16+ minutes. I've done it often with 15 min matches but I can't recall with anything less than that. I imagine bonuses are what pushes those ratings so high.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="joshspicer" data-cite="joshspicer" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It does. I think it's like 95 to 100.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Arial;">Yes, 95-100 is considered A*</span></p>
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I know that in the old games(?) it was 5 minutes minimum for workers to improve, and I haven't really bothered checking if less works too nowadays. :D


The understanding I got from this board in the past was full capacity for improvements requires 7 minutes, but less still allows smaller gains.

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Is there a minimum match length for a worker to gain skill improvements?


The understanding I got from this board in the past was full capacity for improvements requires 7 minutes, but less still allows smaller gains.




Here is the full relevant entry from the Players Handbook in-game:


A wrestlers skills will improve with every match that he wrestles, as long as he has not entered the "decline" phase of his career and road agent notes did not mean he had a limited role in the bout.


Most skills will gain 0.1% just from working a match. Some core skills (basics, psychology, safety, consistency, and stamina) gain slightly more, with extra boosts available if the worker has a low rating or if someone better at that skill is also in the match.


If the match went over 7 minutes (of in-ring action; non-wrestling time does not count) then the worker can gain an extra 0.1% for each skill as long as someone else in the match was better than him at it and he is not within 30% of his maximum "capped" level in that skill.

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