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GloryVerse TEW 2016 - Mod Submissions

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Name: Tieg

Age: 30 (11 years pro)

Gender: Female

Size: Toned Light Heavyweight

Nationality and complexion: American, Pacific

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia

Home area/region (where the person is from): Hawaii

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Nia Jax

Style: Brawler

Finisher: Legdrop of Doom

Company(ies) currently working for: LWE


Bio (give a short backstory to the character): One of the bigger, more menacing women in wrestling, Carol Tieges is a very good brawler and not much else. Her mic skills are not good enough for the big leagues and she lacks the stamina for long matches. As a result, she is primarily fed a steady diet of jobbers to build her up to lose to more over women.

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<p><strong>Outrageous Outlaws</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Name: Vienne Westwood</p><p>

Age: 34 (5 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Light Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: American(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Mexico, Canada</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): USA</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: crazy looking Gregory Peck</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Jumping Clothesline</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Vienne Westwood plays a quirky character, a goofy fugitive who enters the ring and then plays all sorts of childish pranks. While he may play an outlandish character, he is good enough in the ring and if he builds up his stamina, he could be a good hand. Currently he is teaming up with Joe Charlwood in the indies as Outrageous Outlaws.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Joe Charlwood</p><p>

Age: 34 (5 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Light Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: American(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Mexico, Canada</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): USA</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: crazy looking Clint Eastwood</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Outlaw Effect (Chokebomb)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Joe Charlwood plays a goofy lawbreaker who throws action figures, soft toys and claims that the inner spirit of the toys will destroy his opponents. While he may play an outlandish character, he has good psychology and stamina and if he builds up his in ring skills, he could be a good hand. Currently he is teaming up with Vienne Westwood in the indies as Outrageous Outlaws.</p>

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<p><strong>Rushford Brothers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Name: Mark Rushford</p><p>

Age: 34 (5 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Buffed Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: UK (White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): UK, Europe</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Ireland</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Buff Bagwell</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Mark-Out (sitout gutbuster drop)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Mark Rushford is one-half of the Rushford Brothers, a pair of two brothers who are small in size but are built like tanks. They can tackle the big men with ease. The highlight moment of their career was one of the bloodiest matches seen in UK Indies against Hit Men after which the Hit Men got signed by SUW and the brothers were left stranded in the indies. Mark is good on mike though.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Matt Rushford</p><p>

Age: 34 (5 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Buffed Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: UK (White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): UK, Europe</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Ireland</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Buff Bagwell</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Mattology (running forearm smash)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Matt Rushford is one-half of the Rushford Brothers, a pair of two brothers who are small in size but are built like tanks. They can tackle the big men with ease. The highlight moment of their career was one of the bloodiest matches seen in UK Indies against Hit Men after which the Hit Men got signed by SUW and the brothers were left stranded in the indies. Matt has good technical skills though.</p>

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<p><strong>Indo-Malay Connection</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Name: Suganto</p><p>

Age: 30 (3 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Middleweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Indonesian (Asian)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan, Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Asia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Tama Tonga</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Running Samoan Drop</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Suganto is a former Indonesian Muay Thai fighter who had to leave the profession due to being pretty poor in it. All of his 10 fights in Muay Thai had resulted in him getting knocked out. Not wanting to give up combat sport, he turned to wrestling and trained himself up. He has done a decent job so far getting bookings in the micro-indies around Asia as part of the Indo-Malay Connection with Mahadamara</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Mahadamara</p><p>

Age: 30 (3 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Middleweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Malaysian (Asian)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan, Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Asia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Camacho</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Taste of Malay (Jumping cutter)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Mahadamara is a former Malaysian underground fighter who had to leave the profession due to police being in continuous pursuit of him. He had a good name but became infamous due to his prospensity to bite people's ears off. Not knowing any other ways to earn money, he toned down his mindless intensity and turned to pro wrestling. He has done a decent job so far getting bookings in the micro-indies around Asia as part of the Indo-Malay Connection with Suganto.</p>

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<p>Name: Ernest Thomasino</p><p>

Age: 61 (41 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Light Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Italian White</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, British Isles, Europe</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): USA</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Borat</p><p>

Style: Retired Wrestler, Road Agent/Personality, Freelancer</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Thamsino was a minor star through the 70s and 80s and went on to be a top notch road agent for GCW. These days he bounces from promotion to promotion, often newer or smaller feds. He provides leadership and is a great guy to have in the locker room. A few months later, he’s on his way again. In the past two years he’s done stints with NYCC, WCW and HKH.</p>

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<p>Name: Jin Min Hyo</p><p>

Age: 29 (8 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Female</p><p>

Size: Small</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Korean Asian</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Smiley</p><p>

Style: Referee</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: BUSHIDO</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): A natural talent, Jin Min Hyo worked for three years in what constitutes the indie wrestling scene in Korea. She caught the eye of BUSHIDO star Hiroki Sakurai while he was on vacation and soon found herself moving to Japan. After five years, she has proven herself a reliable hand and remains Sakurai’s close friend to this day.</p>

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<p>Name: Tom Slick</p><p>

Age: 40 (rookie)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Skinny Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: American White</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Tri State America</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Young Woody Allen</p><p>

Style: Announcer/Manager/Personality</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: LWE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): ‘Slick’ Tom Slick was a VJ for Video TV for well over a decade. Even as the station moved away from playing non-stop videos he held on to a job hosting the few video shows they did produce. When the station repackaged in 2015, Slick was finally let go. In a shock move LWE signed him to be their announcer despite him never working in wrestling before. Slick is a charismatic but his lack of knowledge handicaps his announcing skill. Rumors abound that LWE will replace him shortly and move him to a different role. This would probably be the best thing for him.</p>

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<p>Name: OnTerrorio</p><p>

Age: 26 (2 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Ripped Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Canadian Black</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Canada, USA</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Ontario, Canada</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Jason from Friday the 13th</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Give in to Fear (Choke Bomb)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Tall and menacing, with a killer mask, Bill Lucas should be getting over on the Canadian indie scene. Should be because he’s menacing and powerful. Isn’t because he lacks basics or any grasp of psychology. Unless he learns a lot, fast, he’s in for a far from spectacular career. And his name is really, really stupid.</p>

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<p>Name: Twinkle Kicks</p><p>

Age: 24 (4 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Female</p><p>

Size: Small</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: American White</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): South West America</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Early Alexa Bliss</p><p>

Style: Spot Monkey</p><p>

Finisher: Springboard Spear</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: LWE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Cute and bubbly, it surprises many when they see Twinkle Kicks (real name Dianna Cooper) flying around the ring with reckless abandon. Flashy as hell and willing to take insane bumps, Cooper was a refreshing breath of change in LWE when they signed her in early 2015. She’s been booked smartly, winning more than she loses without coming across as overpushed. A potential champion someday.</p>

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<p>Name: Jack Colson</p><p>

Age: 67</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Flabby Middleweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Australian White</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Western Australia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: George Reeves</p><p>

Style: Never wrestles</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: Out of the Business</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): “Hold ‘em” Jack Colson worked for PWU for over 40 years as an interviewer and color commentator. Colson was hugely popular with the fans and, since his retirement in 2015, his replacement Yukon Steve has struggled to fill his shoes.</p><p> </p><p>

Springer Colson</p><p>

Age: 21 when debuting</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Lightweight </p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Australian White</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Western Australia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Young Heath Ledger</p><p>

Style: Japanese Junior</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: Debuts September 2018, grandson of Jack Colson</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Sam Colson grew up listening to his grandfather Jack Colson</p><p>

on PWU. Bitten by the wrestling bug but not as gifted a speaker as his granddad he decided to become an in-ring competitor instead. Despite being very green he has a grasp of both technical and aerial wrestling. If he builds on both he’ll make his granddad proud.</p>

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<p>Name: Doi Tokuma</p><p>

Age: 44 (25 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Bulky Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Japanese Asian</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Style: Never wrestles/road agent</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: BPW</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Doi Tokuma was a popular wrestler in the late 90s and 2000s, mostly with WMW. He wound down his career in Blade and was kept on as a road agent after retiring. While highly respected, Doi’s ability to put matches together hasn’t proven to be great and BPW is rumored to be looking to replace him.</p>

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<p>Name: Kurosawa Masahiko</p><p>

Age: 63 (43 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Skinny Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Japanese</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Gaunt and wrinkled</p><p>

Style: Never wrestles/referee</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: GPU</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): The first referee in GPU back in 1977, Kurosawa is probably the best referee in Japan. However, GPU has already had to talk him out of retiring once; next time they probably won’t be so lucky.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Watabe Yoichi</p><p>

Age: 31 (9 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Small</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Japanese</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Japanese, with bleached white hair</p><p>

Style: Never wrestles/referee</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: GPU</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Watabe Yoichi is GPU’s junior referee. That means he’s been living in the shadow of Kurosawa Masahiko since he joined the company. Over the years he has taken some odd steps to set himself apart, the most recent being bleaching his hair white. A decent referee in his own right it won’t be long before he has to step up, or step aside and let a new referee replace Masahiko.</p>

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<p>Name: Sakamoto Yoshiko</p><p>

Age: 31 (13 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Female</p><p>

Size: Average Small</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Japanese</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Very short hair</p><p>

Style: Retired wrestler/road agent</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: FEVER</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Sakamoto Yoshiko had a promising in-ring career cut short by a severe shoulder injury. Since then she has worked backstage as a road agent and is developing nicely in that role.</p>

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<p>The main female heel in LWE.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Lotte Van Sickle</p><p>

Age: 23 (1 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Female </p><p>

Size: Toned Lightweight</p><p>

Country: USA, White</p><p>

Active Areas: USA</p><p>

Home Area/Region: Tri State (USA)</p><p>

Role: Active Wrestler</p><p>

Style: Entertainer</p><p>

Finisher: Sickle Kick (Axe Kick)</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Chelsea Green - Laurel Van Ness</p><p>

Works for: LWE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Lotte Van Sickle is a young talented American wrestler. A true descendant of the first Dutch inhabitants of Manhattan, Van Sickle is a tall, athletic woman who possess a good grasp of basics and psychology to back her stiff striking based offense. The main rival of Melissa Legend so far, she portrays an extension of herself, an arrogant and manipulative schemer so does everything to reach her goals. Her ego and ambition is known in the wrestling industry that many gossip about Van Sickle dating a big name in North American wrestling just to get a job in one of the big name companies.</p>

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<p>The last LWE female wrestler.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Vanessa Pearl</p><p>

Age: 20 (Rookie year)</p><p>

Gender: Female </p><p>

Size: Toned Lightweight</p><p>

Country: USA, Hispanic</p><p>

Active Areas: USA</p><p>

Home Area/Region: New England (USA)</p><p>

Role: Active Wrestler</p><p>

Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p>

Finisher: White Pearl (Diving Top Rope Cross Body)</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Chelsea Diamond</p><p>

Works for: LWE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Vanessa Pearl (Vanessa Estrada) is a young American wrestler of Cuban descent. Athletic, good looking and always joyful, her bubbly personality makes her an instant fan favorite as she is the number two babyface behind her best friend Melissa Legend. The two form a team known as Iss & Ess and outside of the ring they post on social media their funny free time adventures. A few knows Vanessa is the younger cousin of fellow LWE wrestler Ricky Sanchez, who trained her after he escaped from Cuba.</p>

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<p>Stable Name:Pandemic</p><p>

Name: The Plague</p><p>

Age: 35(5 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Big Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:Australian(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Australia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Steve Mcmichael in Skull Facepaint</p><p>

Style: Entertainer</p><p>

Finisher: Plague Bomb (One Handed Falling Powerbomb/Miracle Exstacy)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:KOTR</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): The big heel of KOTR under Aussie Joker, The Plague and his Plague Doctors have been recently wreaking havoc over KOTR with their destructive powers, being led out by DJ Malik and his sick beats. No one has been truly able to stand in The Plague's way. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Plague Doctor #1</p><p>

Age: 26(4 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Middleweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:Australian(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Australia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Plague Doctor mask(Lance Storm under the Mask)</p><p>

Style: Super Junior</p><p>

Finisher: Death Calls (High Kick to the Face)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:KOTR</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character):Matt Horne and his two brothers were trained expertly in Greco-Roman wrestling, all excelling in their fields, they privately trained after college with a famous Aussie wrestler who's never been disclosed so far. Each of them excelling in their own fields, Matt being an excellent striker with his kicks and punches. They originally were in GZW before KOTR saw better things for them, making them a trio of Plague Doctors who silently follow The Plague worshiping him. They're known for a sinister trio move known in KOTR as The Black Death, a trio Top Rope Chokeslam with one of the brother's below him in a powerbomb position.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Plague Doctor #2</p><p>

Age: 25(4 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Middleweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:Australian(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Australia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Plague Doctor Mask(Under the mask looks like a brown haired Steve Corino)</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Death Toll (Half and Half Suplex)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:KOTR</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): James Horne and his two brothers were trained expertly in Greco-Roman wrestling, all excelling in their fields, they privately trained after college with a famous Aussie wrestler who's never been disclosed so far. Each of them excelling in their own fields, James being an excellent brawler and crowdfighter. They originally were in GZW before KOTR saw better things for them, making them a trio of Plague Doctors who silently follow The Plague worshiping him. They're known for a sinister trio move known in KOTR as The Black Death, a trio Top Rope Chokeslam with one of the brother's below him in a powerbomb position.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Plague Doctor #3</p><p>

Age: 27(4 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Light Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:Australian(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Australia</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Plague Doctor Mask (Underneath looks like C-verse's Eric Tyler) </p><p>

Style: Entertainer</p><p>

Finisher: The Vaccination(Codebreaker)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:KOTR</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character):Keith Horne and his two brothers were trained expertly in Greco-Roman wrestling, all excelling in their fields, they privately trained after college with a famous Aussie wrestler who's never been disclosed so far. Each of them excelling in their own fields, Keith being great at crowd work and psychology. They originally were in GZW before KOTR saw better things for them, making them a trio of Plague Doctors who silently follow The Plague worshiping him. They're known for a sinister trio move known in KOTR as The Black Death, a trio Top Rope Chokeslam with one of the brother's below him in a powerbomb position.</p>

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Name: Pasta Morimoto

Age: 54(30 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Small

Nationality and complexion:Japanese(Asian)

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Bakery Yagi

Style: Non-Wrestler


Company(ies) currently working for:Free Agent


Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Shujinko "Pasta" Morimoto is P-1's head referee, a good friend of Sho Makita, he was a referee in INP for the longest time under his real name before getting the call from Sho to transfer over to P-1 where he worked for a month before being let go. He picked up the name Pasta because he's a huge fan of Italian cuisine outside of the ring and he always treats his fellow staff to big Italian meals after shows.

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<p>Tag Name: The Hinos</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Kunimitsu Hino</p><p>

Age: 23(Rookie Year)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:Japanese(Asian)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: CIMA</p><p>

Style: Super Junior</p><p>

Finisher: Devil's Peak (Suplex into Floatover Brainbuster)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:Free Agent</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Kunimitsu Sakamoto is one half of the very recently debuting Hinos tag team with his younger brother Goro. Strong for his size, Kunimitsu has some of the slickest suplexes for a rookie.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Goro Hino</p><p>

Age: 19(Rookie Year)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:Japanese(Asian)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Japan</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: PRIDE Koiso from the C-Verse</p><p>

Style: Super Junior</p><p>

Finisher: Springboard Clothesline, 450 Splash</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:FREE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character):The younger of the two Hinos, Goro is known more for his high flying ability and strikes than his older brother. If the brothers were separated, he could work under a masked gimmick and still get by,</p>

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<p>Name: Randall Hancock</p><p>

Age: 40(10 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Middleweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion:American(White)</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign):USA </p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from):USA </p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Rick Rude</p><p>

Style: Entertainer</p><p>

Finisher: Sleazebuster (Stunner)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for:LWE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): "The Master of Sleaze" Randall Hancock may look like a great specimen, but his glory days are long behind him. Playing a guy who thinks he's the sexiest man alive, he was a member of the GCW roster and was trained by them, before being let go due to him not working out like they thought he was. Nick Legend, needing a name for his roster, signed Randall, feeling like his sleazy heel attitude would work perfectly for his company. Currently in a small feud with Tieg of all people due to him harassing the women on the roster.</p>

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<p><strong>The Whalers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Name: Skjöldur Sturluson</p><p>

Age: 25 (5 Year Pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Icelandic</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Europe, UK</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Europe</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: </p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: 2nd rope spear</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Was working a small Icelandic promotion until 3 years ago when the Wrestle World magazine ran a global scouting project. As a result of articles in the Scandinavian issue, he and his brother found themselves in the UK where they worked some shows and developed. Also worked in Europe, though now back home and basically a free agent. </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Haki Sturluson</p><p>

Age: 26 (8 Year Pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: Icelandic</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): Europe, UK</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): Europe</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: </p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Piledriver</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Was working a small Icelandic promotion until 3 years ago when the Wrestle World magazine ran a global scouting project. As a result of articles in the Scandinavian issue, he and his brother found themselves in the UK where they worked some shows and developed. Also worked in Europe, though now back home and basically a free agent. </p><p> </p><p>

(I'll fill in blanks later, though they're both blonde)</p>

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<p>Former French Pro Revolution employees, current French Pro Evolution employees.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Nicolas Marchand</p><p>

Age: 41 (21 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male </p><p>

Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Country: France, White</p><p>

Active Areas: Europe</p><p>

Home Area/Region: France (Europe)</p><p>

Role: Non Wrestler, Announcer</p><p>

Style: None</p><p>

Finisher: None</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Pierre Mignoni</p><p>

Works for: FPE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Nicolas Marchand is a veteran French announcer. The Reims native started his career in French Pro Revolution as a backstage interviewer, then second string announcer and finally the main voice of the company. After the FPR demise, Marchand publicly campaigned for a new French promotion; his pleas were answered by François De La Croix who created French Pro Evolution made him its announcer. Marchand is happy to work again with most of the fellow FPR alumni as well as their old companions because Marchand is a certified sommelier who brings a good selection of wines for the after show parties.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Hugo Paget</p><p>

Age: 44 (23 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male </p><p>

Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Country: France, White</p><p>

Active Areas: Europe</p><p>

Home Area/Region: France (Europe)</p><p>

Role: Non Wrestler, Referee</p><p>

Style: None</p><p>

Finisher: None</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Christophe Dominici</p><p>

Works for: FPE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Hugo Paget is an experienced official working for French Pro Evolution. The Lyon native started his career with FPR in 1992, remaining there until its closure, and then working in small shows in France, Belgium and Germany. To complete his circle of former FPR employees De La Croix asked Paget to become the PFE referee and the veteran was pleased by the offer. Paget is known for his abilities in card games and sometimes organizes tournaments in the FPE locker room.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Thibault Chevalier</p><p>

Age: 38 (18 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male </p><p>

Size: Muscular Heavyweight</p><p>

Country: France, White</p><p>

Active Areas: Europe</p><p>

Home Area/Region: France (Europe)</p><p>

Role: Retired Wrestler, Road Agent</p><p>

Style: None</p><p>

Finisher: None</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Sebastien Chabal</p><p>

Works for: FPE</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Thibault Chevalier is a retired French wrestler from Bordeaux. He was one of the main attraction in the latter years of FPR and the second babyface behind Olivier Le Roux. His active wrestling career ended at the last FPR show and Chevalier transitioned into a road agent role, working for many small shows until he received a call from De La Croix to join French Pro Evolution. Chevalier is nicknamed “La Hire”, because he is a descendant of the legendary French military commander and because he rule backstage like his renowned ancestor.</p>

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<p>Initial idea for 10 individual PLL Mini-Estrella division:</p><p> </p><p>

Imitador - A worker who randomly impersonates various workers</p><p>

Pequeño America - A blonde haired mini who comes out in Stars n Stripes trousers and waves the American flag.</p><p>

Caracaracito - Comes to the ring in a costume looking like Mexico's national bird.</p><p>

El Bufoncito - Dressed as a Jester, has a face and heel side...Occasionally half and half.</p><p>

Mini Vaquero - Black hair, tache and dressed like a cowboy</p><p>

Mini Garuda</p><p>

Mini Cobra</p><p>

Langastocito </p><p>

Mini Perfección </p><p>

Exoticocito - A mini exotico</p>

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<p>Name: Jason Gur</p><p>

Age: 36 years old (20 years pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Heavyweight </p><p>

Nationality and Complexion: United States, White</p><p>

Active areas: USA, Canada, Japan</p><p>

Home area/region: USA</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Curtis Axel</p><p>

Style: Technical</p><p>

Finisher: Gurr Time (Modified Camel Clutch), Jam-Packed (Gorilla press slam to knee)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: LWE.</p><p> </p><p>

A very bland wrestler but a very technical one.Works as a gatekeeper at almost every promotion.</p>

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<p>This is a joke team called High Society and I am sorry.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Johnny Highlander</p><p>

Age: 19 years old (debuts April 2020)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Bulky Heavyweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: American, White</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): North West (USA)</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Mojo Rawley</p><p>

Style: Brawler</p><p>

Finisher: Your Last High (Last Ride)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Johnny Highlander is the bulk of the team High Society. With Speedweed, the weed smoking wild suckers plan on becoming the "highest" on the ladder of tag teams.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Name: Speedweed</p><p>

Age: 19 years old (debuts April 2020)</p><p>

Gender: Male</p><p>

Size: Toned Lightweight</p><p>

Nationality and complexion: American, Hispanic</p><p>

Active areas (where the person can sign): USA</p><p>

Home area/region (where the person is from): North West (USA)</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: 2000 Eddie Guerrero </p><p>

Style: Cruiserweight</p><p>

Finisher: Sky High (450 Splash)</p><p>

Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p>

Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Speedweed is the high flyer of the team High Society. With Johnny Highlander, the weed smoking wild suckers plan on becoming the "highest" on the ladder of tag teams.</p><p> </p><p>

Finisher is also called Sky High</p>

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<p>Meet The Blokes. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Name: Bruce Blokes</p><p>

Age: 48 (25 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Male </p><p>

Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Country: Australia, White</p><p>

Active Areas: Australia</p><p>

Home Area/Region: Eastern (Australia)</p><p>

Role: Non Wrestler, Announcer</p><p>

Style: None</p><p>

Finisher: None</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Larry Emdur</p><p>

Works for: SBL</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Bruce Blokes (Brendan Boone) is a veteran Australian announcer who works for Suntan, Blood and Light Tubes. The Emerald, Queensland native started as a local radio broadcaster who co-hosted a show based on sport bloopers and road stories with her colleague and future wife Jolly Rotten. In 1990 Blokes and Rotten joined the newborn SBL as its initial announcing couple; after 25 years and a daughter they are still working for Kerry Anderson becoming the longest wrestling broadcasting duo in all Australia.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Jolly Rotten</p><p>

Age: 47 (25 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Female </p><p>

Size: Small</p><p>

Country: England, United Kingdom, White</p><p>

Active Areas: Australia</p><p>

Home Area/Region: Eastern (Australia)</p><p>

Role: Non Wrestler, Color Commentator</p><p>

Style: None</p><p>

Finisher: None</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Kylie Gillies</p><p>

Works for: SBL</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Jolly Rotten (Judith Ridley) is a veteran English color commentator working in Australia. She moved down under at the age of 19, working as a DJ in a small Queensland radio station alongside his partner and future husband Bruce Blokes. Kerry Anderson was looking for a gelled duo for his announcing booth and hired both to become the voices of SBL. Rotten provided years of irony, sarcasm, jokes to and also a daughter to the cause, developing into one of the most popular SBL faces.</p><p> </p><p>

Name: Sheila Blokes</p><p>

Age: 24 (2 year pro)</p><p>

Gender: Female </p><p>

Size: Toned Small</p><p>

Country: Australia, White</p><p>

Active Areas: Australia</p><p>

Home Area/Region: Eastern (Australia)</p><p>

Role: Non Wrestler, Manager</p><p>

Style: None</p><p>

Finisher: None</p><p>

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Katy Perry in The Simpsons’ episode “The fight before Christmas”</p><p>

Works for: SBL</p><p> </p><p>

Bio: Sheila Blokes (Selene Boone) is literally born and raised as the Suntan, Blood and Light Tubes daughter. Her parents are SBL broadcasters Bruce Blokes and Jolly Rotten who got into her labour just after the end of the first company anniversary show. As a child the SBL backstage was her playground, often playing games and passing the time with her guardian angel Uncle Terry, AKA Beefy Burt. Just after her 22nd birthday she made her SBL debut as the apparently bubbly seductress who loves to dress in red and tight latex outfits, skimpy enough to distract her opponent’s client. The key in Alabaster’s rise from midcard to main event and the SBL Outback Championship, Selene is a great manager that could end up in a bigger company if she will leave the place she calls home.</p>

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