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Mods By Fleisch

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- CHAOS stable: Remove, Alex Koslov & Jado, add Beretta, Will Ospreay and Hirooki Goto

- Add Seiya Sanada to the roster as "SANADA" and add him to the Los Ingbernables de Japón stable. He should be a midcarder/upper midcarder.

- Make IWGP Intercontinental championship a main-event level title.

- Make the NEVER Openweight a midcard title.

- Make the NEVER Openweight 6-Man championships floating.

- Update the Super Junior Tag Tournament winners: Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA (2012), Young Bucks (2013), reDRagon (2014), Matt Sydal & Ricochet (2015). Tournament should be set to November.

- Update the World Tag League winners: Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata (2014), Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma (2015)

- Make "Goto & Shibata" and "King Ace" inactive.

- Davey Boy Smith, Lance Archer, El Desperado, Takashi Iizuka & Jado are wrestling for NOAH since early 2015. Jado should be changed to "Captain NOAH" with a Comic Book Hero gimmick.

- Kenny Omega should be a Main Eventer, or at least an Upper Midcarder.

- EVIL should be an upper midcarder.

- Their main-events should be something like Tanahashi, Okada, Naito, Omega, Shibata, then Ishii, Nagata, EVIL, Fale, Goto, Kojima and Liger bellow.

- Their match ratio should be switched to 90%, since they usually do a couple of "angles" per show.


- There are several anual events missing on the schedule. It should be something like this:

* Wrestle Kingdom, sat w1 january, 4hrs, legendary

* New Year's Dash, sun w1 january (or put WK on sunday and NYD on monday w2, it's their "Raw after WrestleMania")

* The New Beginning, w2 february

* New Japan Cup Final, w2/3 march

* Invasion Attack, w2 april

* Wrestling Hinokuni, w4 april

* Wrestling Dontaku, w1 may

* Best of Super Juniors Final, w1 june (numerals, next is XXIII)

* Dominion, w3 June (Highly Regarded, its NJPW's second biggest show of the year)~

* G1 Climax Finals, w2/3 august (numbered, next is 26)

* Destrucion, w4 september

* King of Pro Wrestling, w2 october

* Power Struggle, w2 november

* World Tag League Finals, w1/2 december


- NJPW should also be in a touring schedule, but they don't have off months, maybe it would require some changes to the PPV schedule.

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How should the Bellas be handled? Nikki is retired, though we know that retired doesn't always mean retired in wrestling. And Brie is taking time off to try to have kids with Daniel Bryan.


Also, not sure if it's important, but Naomi has zero pop everywhere else but the USA as well, though you could make a case that maybe she should just have pop in Canada and little everywhere else in the world (maybe zero in Mexico and Japan?). And Becky Lynch is just at 6 popularity for Canada. Not sure if these were intended or oversights, so if the former, feel free to ignore my postings. :cool:


EDIT: Shouldn't Becky have pop in Japan? I could've sworn I heard and read about her exploits over there. :confused:


Nikki retired? Since when?

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Some quick, mostly small WWE-centric stuff:


-Brock Lesnar is listed as a locker room leader when he really shouldn't be. Honestly, he should probably be a negative influence? If nothing else his Antisocial, Selfish, and Egotistical should be upped.

-"Guido" gimmick disposition should be set to Both. Enzo & Cass are defaulting to low end gimmick ratings because it's currently Heel only. Cass could definitely use a bump to his Cocky, Babyface, and Heel performance as well.

-All of the Social Outcast guys would benefit from being switched to a Comedy gimmick - maybe "Comic Relief"? Heath is currently set as "Rock Star" (Cool) and the other three as "Arrogant Heel" (Cocky). Cool and Cocky gimmicks both adhere to the "wins/losses have a greater effect on popularity" rule, which would mean that booking the Outcasts realistically would eat up their popularity suuuuper quickly. If you do change it be sure to up their Comedy performance stats accordingly as they've all been pretty funny in the role.

-Bob Backlund's WWE contract doesn't have a gimmick yet. Maybe "Inspirational Leader"? That gimmick could probably use some lowered gimmick requirements if you go with it, though. Backlund is also set as a heel while Darren Young is a face. I believe they're supposed to both be faces but I've only seen one of the segments so I'm not certain.

-WWE's music quality levels are too low for Dish Network. "Licensed" feels right for WWE so maybe lower the requirement on Dish's end?

-Maybe lower the requirements of the "Corrupt Official" gimmick? As is Charles Robinson/basically any typical referee won't be able to work it.

-Maybe switch Daniel Bryan from the "Unbreakable" gimmick to "Fun Babyface" or "Old School Face" now that he's retired?

-Both members of The Ascension could use a substantial boost to their Menace (I set it to 60 for both, myself; a solid C feels right) and a switch to a Brute based gimmick. "Monster" would work perfectly. Konnor should also be sidelined with a Wellness suspension for the next month.

-Randy Orton's injury should probably be shortened substantially. He was one of the people Vince recently said in a conference call would be returning soon. Maybe bump it down to two months or so?

-Bubba Ray Dudley could probably use a bump to his Crazy performance stat to make him less likely to default to a poor "Extremist" gimmick rating. I'd bump it up 10 points to match D-Von's 75.

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I shall try to get everything fixed for a potential updated release Saturday/Sunday for those who want it. I might not be able to get all the NXT house show guys in at this stage but should get them in by July.


Thanks for all the feedback.

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Long time no posting but just want to thank you for getting this out as soon as you have. This is the mod I put the most time into in TEW 2013 (with all due respect to other mods which I also enjoy and deserve respect) and always have fun starting games with. Figured I'd drop some notes for future releases but hope you get a chance to recharge your batteries a bit from modding after all the hard work being done with this.


Unfortunately, my SHIMMER watching and knowledge has dropped off a bit within the past couple of years but figured I would help with some tidbits going over the beta:



Savannah Summers

Cat Power

Christina Von Eerie

Mercedes Martinez (should be removed from SHINE as well and set to hiatus as she's been away for a while)

Nikki Storm (who should be placed in NXT as she's signed to WWE) should be removed as they haven't appeared in a long time.


Tessa Blanchard (heel, second generation gimmick perhaps)

Vanessa Kraven (heel, monster gimmick)

Amanda Rodriguez (heel, arrogant heel/gangster)

Kellyanne English (I'm not completely sure but I'm going to say heel judging by results, perhaps arrogant heel/old school heel)

Shazza McKenzie (face, fun babyface)

Xandra Bale (face, old school face) should all be added with contracts.


Teams to add: Team Slaphappy (Evie and Heidi Lovelace), Rhia O'Reilly and Saraya Knight, Tessa Blanchard and Vanessa Kraven, Lucha Sisters (Leva Bates and Mia Yim)




Other random in general notes:


I'd add color commentator as a role for Portia Perez as she's done that quite a bit and it's a realistic role I can see her doing within wrestling after retiring.


I'd split up/divorce (or just delete to create less bloat) the following relationships: Barbi Hayden and Ken Carson, Leva Bates and Eddie Cruz, Mia Yim and Jay Rios, Ryan Eagles and Madison Eagles and Ryan Howe and Jessie Belle.


Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae should be engaged


Shaul Guerrero and Aiden English should be married.


Mia Yim and Eddie Kingston should be dating.


Athena should be set to engaged in her profile, ditto Sassy Stephie and Crazy Mary Dobson. Cheerleader Melissa should be set to married.

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Does the mod begin in June 2016?




Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but is there any chance of the stats at http://tew2013mods.proboards.com/ making their way into this mod? This is my favourite real world mod and those are my favourite real world stats so having the two readily combined would be a dream for me :p


Great job on getting this out so quickly.


This is actually a pretty neat idea... but I wouldn't expect Fleisch to go through every worker and change their stats. I think his stats are pretty spot on, for the most part, anyway.

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Just to explain, it's an ongoing June beta.


Things have happened in May that I have added which I would have to delete (ie title histories, any roster changes - the Bullet Clubs new members etc) for it to be a proper May release, and then re-add it again for a full June release. Hence the reason it starts in June. This is not a full release as I've said and the things that happen in May will all be in the full June/July release but I needed help from people to get things fixed as I couldn't go through everything myself due to time constraints so released the June beta now.


Hope that clarifies things.


Also, an update will be posted in about 30 minutes with 90% of the fixes mentioned above.

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Long time no posting but just want to thank you for getting this out as soon as you have. This is the mod I put the most time into in TEW 2013 (with all due respect to other mods which I also enjoy and deserve respect) and always have fun starting games with. Figured I'd drop some notes for future releases but hope you get a chance to recharge your batteries a bit from modding after all the hard work being done with this.


Unfortunately, my SHIMMER watching and knowledge has dropped off a bit within the past couple of years but figured I would help with some tidbits going over the beta:



Savannah Summers

Cat Power

Christina Von Eerie

Mercedes Martinez (should be removed from SHINE as well and set to hiatus as she's been away for a while)

Nikki Storm (who should be placed in NXT as she's signed to WWE) should be removed as they haven't appeared in a long time.


Tessa Blanchard (heel, second generation gimmick perhaps)

Vanessa Kraven (heel, monster gimmick)

Amanda Rodriguez (heel, arrogant heel/gangster)

Kellyanne English (I'm not completely sure but I'm going to say heel judging by results, perhaps arrogant heel/old school heel)

Shazza McKenzie (face, fun babyface)

Xandra Bale (face, old school face) should all be added with contracts.


Teams to add: Team Slaphappy (Evie and Heidi Lovelace), Rhia O'Reilly and Saraya Knight, Tessa Blanchard and Vanessa Kraven, Lucha Sisters (Leva Bates and Mia Yim)




Other random in general notes:


I'd add color commentator as a role for Portia Perez as she's done that quite a bit and it's a realistic role I can see her doing within wrestling after retiring.


I'd split up/divorce (or just delete to create less bloat) the following relationships: Barbi Hayden and Ken Carson, Leva Bates and Eddie Cruz, Mia Yim and Jay Rios, Ryan Eagles and Madison Eagles and Ryan Howe and Jessie Belle.


Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae should be engaged


Shaul Guerrero and Aiden English should be married.


Mia Yim and Eddie Kingston should be dating.


Athena should be set to engaged in her profile, ditto Sassy Stephie and Crazy Mary Dobson. Cheerleader Melissa should be set to married.


I'm so out of touch with the current Texas indy scene now that I had no idea that Barbi Hayden and Ken Carson had broken up, and that Athena was now engaged, much less dating anyone! :eek:


On the topic of the mod, I have to say I am really digging the new Chronicles backgrounds. Seems to have more pop to them, if that makes any sense.

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