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Ever made a horrible booking mistake?

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I was just wondering...

Have any of you made an absolute horrible booking mistake? Could be something like booking the wrong guy to win a title, and then having to take the title off him on the following show. Or to turn it around, have you made a horrible booking mistake that actually turned out okay?

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Stuff like that does happen occasionally but the thing is, you can just close the window and turn the game back on which brings you back to the complete card and all you have to do is edit your mistake and run the show again.


Probably the funniest mistake I've seen though is when my friend was supposed to make John Cena win a title and he accidentally booked John Cone, the referee, in that match.

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The other night I was playing and I almost started a show with my card completely inverted. I'm not even sure how that happened or why it took it me so long to realize. I was playing a NOTBPW game and it was a monthly PPV, so it would have really sucked if I hadn't noticed.
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I can think of three that I've made.


First, I once forgot to mark a match as pre-show and ended up being the main event of my "A" weekly show. Killed that rating.


Second, I was booking a women's-only special card, didn't realize that the main event had been down three times before, and killed that shows rating.


Third, booked the Royal Rumble for the Heavyweight title but didn't realize the weight restriction on the belt would stop it from being fought for. So, didn't hurt the rating or anything, but the title history looks a little funny now.

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Third, booked the Royal Rumble for the Heavyweight title but didn't realize the weight restriction on the belt would stop it from being fought for. So, didn't hurt the rating or anything, but the title history looks a little funny now.


That actually reminds me of another mistake I made. I was running a C-Verse company (MAW, I think). Anyways, even though the promotion was set to male only, my Dojo was both genders. After getting a female graduate, I changed my product to include women. It was a slow change, but after about two years, I booked my first female champ. Except, oops, the title was set for men only.

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I haven't done it yet, but I can't tell you how many times I've nearly booked Erin Lawrence instead of Ernest Youngman in matches (because I'll just hit "e" or "er" to jump down in the drop down). Fortunately she's my only referee so the game won't let it happen.
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I was giving John Cena this big undefeated push in WCW Lives, but somehow I must've missed something and he lost a match to Mike Awesome on a random Nitro. Only realized it two weeks later. Now I'm waiting for Awesome to come back from rehab and maybe try to push him as a legitimate threat somehow.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="aXminster" data-cite="aXminster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43873" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I was giving John Cena this big undefeated push in WCW Lives, but somehow I must've missed something and he lost a match to Mike Awesome on a random Nitro. Only realized it two weeks later. Now I'm waiting for Awesome to come back from rehab and maybe try to push him as a legitimate threat somehow.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It only breaks an undefeated push if you acknowledge it. I've had at least one "undefeated" character who had something like a 40% win rate.</p>
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I gave my PSW National Tag Team Championship to Bobby Roode and John Layfield by cashing in their Feast or Fired briefcase and then the next day John Layfield signed a written deal to return to WWE. I didn't even notice he was in talks with them. That prompted a hasty title change.
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Are we talking errors or just outright mistakes? As in "oops I messed up" or "Oh God I am booking this wrong"



First example, I accidentally gave the title to the wrong guy in my CV97 and for the first 2 weeks had him act like he had won... I noticed it when I put him in a match and was like... uhh there is no prompt? I then had him be a delusional maniac. Which was far more gimmicky than I am used to booking.


In terms of mistakes.. I had Barry Kingman poised as my top heel, largely because I wanted him to do well in this game... but he was totally outclassed so I dropped him and now hes off with HGC.

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Samoa Joe was to retain his title and he did...except that I forgot to change the match length so it was 1 minute long match. Horrible rating, but the rest of the card was phenomenal so I just kept it.
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I can't remember where it was, but when i was Booking, I clicked on the wrong arena and accidently held Wrestlemania 33 in a High School Gym hall. 2.500 kids saw Bad News Barrett beat Brock Lesnar for the the World Title.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hbkb9" data-cite="hbkb9" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43873" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Samoa Joe was to retain his title and he did...except that I forgot to change the match length so it was 1 minute long match. Horrible rating, but the rest of the card was phenomenal so I just kept it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh, I did that one once too. Can't remember who was involved, but i remember it was a PPV match that i had been building up to.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Valkyria" data-cite="Valkyria" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43873" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I can't remember where it was, but when i was Booking, I clicked on the wrong arena and accidently held Wrestlemania 33 in a High School Gym hall. 2.500 kids saw Bad News Barrett beat Brock Lesnar for the the World Title.</div></blockquote><p> I've never done this, BUT on the other hand I've totally forgotten to change the location altogether. Because of this I've had a couple of shows and even big PPV's in Hawaii and Puerto Rico by accident, and those are usually not the best places to have a show. I'm not sure if that has as much of an affect in TEW16 as it had in earlier games because I've yet to do it in this one but in the older ones it usually led to me being confused because someone like John Cena had a horrible promo which was because the crowd didn't speak English.</p>
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I have 2 workers on my SWF roster named "Jack Mole" who was a mid-carder at this time and "Jack Mock" who was an Enhancement Talent. I intended to have Jack Mole do an upset victory over Squeeky who was an Upper Mid-carder but I accidentally picked Jack Mock instead. Squeeky objected when the match was made but I didn't catch my error until after the match happened. Squeeky eventually asked for his release since I didn't fix all of the fallout from him losing to an ET that I wasn't planning on pushing just then either.
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<p>Not in this game, but I would book shows on the Raw vs. SD games. I think it was either Raw vs. SD 2010 or 2011. Anyway, I decided it was a good idea to put the WWE title on R-Truth(I can't remember who he took it from), but this lead to a feud where The Great Khali challenged him at 2 straight ppv's. Yes, both of these men main evented 2 straight PPV's. </p><p> </p><p>

Looking back at it I have no idea what I was thinking, but I still think about this particular moment and realized how awful it was.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Not related 100% to this thread, but I needed to vent lol.</p>

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<p>I booked Dolph Ziggler as a gay person, because after a hiatus from wrestling, I didn't know who Dolph Ziggler was. </p><p> </p><p>

It wasn't in a mocking way either, moreso in an empowering way. But the whole thing came across as cheesy so I dropped it. Eventually I put the belt on him though and I did bill him as the first gay world champion. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Not sure if this counts as a booking mistake, but;</p><p> </p><p>

I was running a TNA 2005 game and was booking a big occult storyline with Raven and Sting, and managed to steal The Undertaker away from WWE to be the big reveal at the end, after months of storylines. Essentially building to the climax where The Undertaker faces Sting for the first time... but I didn't check the venue, so my big ENT based reveal ended up being in Puerto Rico...</p><p> </p><p>

What was meant to be a massive moment ended up being a C+ damp squib.</p>

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<p>So I'm running SHIMMER and I've been running a long term storyline trying to elevate Santana Garrett and "make" her. My user character has assembled a monstrous stable (Aja Kong, Awesome Kong, Goya Kong, Van Kong (Vanessa Kraven) ) and, after having his romantic overtures rebuffed, has sent his monsters on Santana. Every show features an angle where something is done to Santana. At one point, even other people get in on the act. Like when World champion Mercedes Martinez takes a kendo stick to Santana in an ambush angle and in return, the Kongs prevent Kay Lee Ray from winning a Last Woman Standing match by beating her down for 15 minutes before the match even starts. In regular singles matches, Santana wins (by DQ). In gimmick matches, she breaks even (numbers game). In tag matches (with her regular partner Hiroyo Matsumoto), they win (by DQ). In tag team gimmick matches, they break even. But finally, at Sudden Impact, Santana was going to triumph. In a Gauntlet style steel cage match (actually 4 cage modern matches in a row), she was going to defeat the beasts once and for all.</p><p> </p><p>

At least she would have.....if I had picked a winner in any of the matches.</p><p> </p><p>

What I didn't realize is that while menace based angles have been toned down significantly, they haven't been completely destroyed. So the Kongs got CRAZY over during the process of building Santana. And I didn't realize my user character had gotten so over so his segments with everyone just exacerbated the situation. The idea was Santana would be dominated in each match but would find a way to come out with the win. Underdog babyface beats the odds!</p><p> </p><p>

Instead I have Bayley vs Alexa Bliss all over again.</p>

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<p>I've done the Puerto Rico/Hawaii thing, also. Booked a HUGE Raw show...huge because it had all kinds of big angles and matches...but didnt realize I booked it in Puerto Rico.. So not only did it kill the ratings (due to all of the promos scoring low) but when I decided to run the exact same card 1 week later to "make up for it" I wound up getting the "this is the 4th time these guys have fought" prompt. <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Now if/when I make that mistake, I just use that button that lets me reboot back to the previous Monday and do it all over...</p>

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<p>I constantly make mistakes ranging from forgetting who has to win the match (hence getting a new champion which wasn't supposed to happen) to making a match too long or too short, or having a pre-show match accidentely being the main event. But about 99% off those mistakes are so minor, don't affect my rating much and therefore I don't go back to change it.</p><p> </p><p>

But my biggest mistakes don't happen with booking shows. The biggest mistake I made was only recently. I was looking for a new network to put my main tv-show on. But I forgot to filter on what style network it was. I ended up having my weekly tv-show on pay-per-view in a multi-year contract. The problem being that this cost me millions. I have montly ppv's and therefore I now have 5 ppv's a month. The fans don't take this anymore and basically stop buying my shows all together. Since I'm an international company I have huge expenses and need those ppv's to make money. So I had to cancel that ppv contract which cost me millions. I was 10 million in debt for months and my lockerroom suffered because of financial issues. I got more and more incidents resulting in a below 50% lockerroom which hurt ratings. More then that, because those incidents don't always go over well some of my best talent started hating me. Dez Hill was my top guy at the time and he hated me, not wanting to work for me again. It took me months to get my company back on track from that one tiny mistake.</p><p> </p><p>

Then there's the guys I fired because of those, and other incidents. This is indirectly linked to the previous mistake. So I have an incident because a worker gets into an argument for example. I fire him. Not because he got into an argument, but because he had dozens of incidents before and this was the last straw. I fired him because he constantly gets into fights, turns up late, and did steroids in the past. But the game doesn't see this, the game only sees that I fired him because of getting into an argument. This happened to 3 workers in a very short period of time. All 3 workers sue me in court for this and all 3 workers won the case. This cost me 12 million in total. One of them was a huge talent and had a ten year contract, I had to pay all of it.</p><p> </p><p>

Basically my mistakes always involve money.</p>

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