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The NWA Discussion Thread


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  • 4 months later...
Any particular reason for that, or just a dislike of the wrestler? No sarcasm, I'm legitimately asking.


His former co-host at Fox sued the network for sexual harassment by Tyrus (but for some reason they still employ him). He was let go from the show GLOW after 1 season amid rumors of sexual harassment against several actresses.

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I've never seen a NWA (a modern NWA) show but I read some reviews and I watched it.


Well, it was unexpected but the kind of retro-vibe was... something.



Maybe I'm in a "Territory Watcher" mode, but I found it fun.


I love the studio setting so much. When I was a kid, WCW's b shows all taped in studios for the most part and the atmosphere was so intimate.


I'm interested to see how NWA moves forward without Dave in creative.


Interesting that Strictly Business seems to have been dropped and Pope is a face again randomly.

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Finally got to watch this past week's NWA Power and it was fun.


Alex Gracia vs Kamille- Kamille is raw and very green. She also moves fairly awkwardly. Hopefully she improves as she goes because she has a good aura and look. Gracia has been jobbing in AEW so I didn't expect her to win here. Still, Alex has a very cool look and is very cute and a good seller. Hopefully she finds a spot on someone's roster fulltime. Velvet Sky was randomly on commentary and she was fairly okay. Not bad, but not great. Just in the middle.


Pope had a great promo as usual. One of the best in the business in my opinion. I love Austin Idol, but I hate Tyrus. A shame Austin is managing him now. Tyrus sucks so bad.


Fred Rosser(Darren Young) vs Marshe Rockett vs Matt Cross- I'm a diehard Matt Cross fan and have followed his career since he was a rookie in the Cleveland indie scene. He's so damn good, but Rosser is in line for a push it seems. Rosser has improved quite a bit since I saw him last and this was a pretty solid triple threat. Pope was on commentary and was very fun.


May Valentine is so so so so so so bad on the mic. I have no idea why she's allowed to do backstage interviews. She's so phony sounding. Her real life story is quite exciting and interesting though. I like her as a personality outside of wrestling, but she's bad.


Jordan Clearwater vs Mike Parrow- Squash match. Not a fan of either guy. Velvet was back on commentary and again, not bad, but not good either.


Thunder Rosa was interviewed and her weak spot is definitely interviews. To make things worse, Melina returned as a face seemingly offering to manage Rosa. Melina has been absolutely horrendous in the NWA in the past and I have zero desire to see her. A shame she's back with Rosa.


Main event time! Aron Stevens(Damien Sandow), JR Kratos, and Pope(Elijah Burke/D'angelo Dinero) vs Thom Latimer(Bram/Kenneth Cameron), Nick Aldis, and mystery partner Chris Adonis(Chris Masters)- I popped for Adonis. I've been a huge fan of his for years. It was always discouraging in his WWE runs whenever he'd get pushed and then get suspended. Still, he's supposedly clean now and still looks amazing. Fun main event for what it was. Aron Stevens took a beatdown from the heels throughout. They're thankfully splitting Kratos and Stevens up. Kratos is bad and Stevens is a face now. Adonis picked up the win. I'd be ok with him and Latimer taking the tag belts off Stevens/Kratos.


Velvet was on commentary for the main event again and called Latimer by his Impact name "Bram" a few times and was corrected each time.


Lots of people are disappointed by the lackluster return, but I enjoyed it for the most part. They seem to be making Austin Idol a bigger part of the show and that's pretty awesome. He has a larger than life personality and he's a total carnie in character.


They are claiming Adonis put Trevor Murdoch after the PPV as a way to explain Murdoch's absence from the show. Hopefully he's not gone long as I love that ugly bastard.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Despite NWA having some talent that I really enjoy(Pope, Masters, Kamille, Rosa, Trevor Murdoch), there seems to be a missing spark that the previous seasons had. I find myself fast forwarding through matches.


I haven't caught much of the recent NWA stuff, but missing Starks, Kingston, Zicky Dice, Question Mark, and Eli Drake can't help. All of them really shined in the format.


Also surprised by Thunder Rosa. The original Power episodes are where she really caught my eye. Loved her in the initial incarnation of Power. The lack of Allysin Kay seems odd too, she was pretty dope on the original Power.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

NWA EmPowerrr was a very, very fun show.


Kamille vs Leyla should have main evented though. Easily the match of the night and the best match Kamille has ever had. Leyla has a very bright future ahead of her.


It was also nice to see such a large audience for an NWA show.


I hated how every two seconds of the show someone gushed about how special the night was though. If you took a shot/drink every time someone said that you'd be hospitalized for alcohol poisoning.


Kong announcing her retirement was very unexpected, but a very cool moment. Gail doesn't look like she's aged at all.


Can't watch NWA 73rd until tomorrow, but definitely intrigued by the NWA again so looking forward to it.

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Finally got around to NWA 73.


Pretty good show, but Tyrus needs to retire. He's slower than molasses and is sucking air before his entrance is even done. He's so bad.


Also, the debut of Judais(Murphy from TNA's Gunner & Murphy) was hilarious. He's so bad and botched the finish of the battle royal.


Super excited that Bestia won the tag titles with Mecha Wolf. I'm not a huge fan of Mecha Wolf, but I have a soft spot for Bestia because I loved his father.


Trevor Murdoch vs Aldis was really good and it was such a feel good moment seeing Murdoch win the World title.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
9 hours ago, Valkyria said:

Well, now EC3 is the champ so at least  it's somebody who can go for more then 5 minutes.

I watched the first episode of the "new era" and it wasn't too shabby. Far from perfect, but I like the way they do entrances. It's a simple thing but it gives more times for the matches. 

Gags the Gimp being over as rover made me lol tho

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  • 3 weeks later...

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