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TEW2020 Attribute Suggestion Thread

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19 hours ago, SkyCrasher said:

Top Traitor - This worker is known for changing sides often, and knows just how to maximise a turn's impact. Their turns are much more likely to be successful; the time they must spend between turns is shorter than usual; and segments in which they turn have improved ratings.

For guys like Edge and Big Show who seem to switch between face and heel on the regular

I think this is a really good idea but I'd want to split it into two different attributes - one for workers whose turns are particularly effective (Edge), and one for workers who the audience don't mind frequent turns for (Big Show) regardless of quality.


I like the second one a lot because there are workers irl who have a lot of value in being able to switch between face and heel for whatever heel/face needs a programme, and it'd be a very tactically useful trait in game. You keep guys like Big Show around because they can plug in with any top guy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't have a name, maybe Evolver? An attribute for someone like Chris Jericho or Undertaker who has a higher chance of receiving positive results from tweaking a gimmick or changing a gimmick. This reflects talents that are able to adapt their gimmick to whatever is trending. In Cverse, Lobster Warrior/Crippler would also get this attribute. 

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I've been thinking a bit about the toxicity mechanic, and I have a few random ideas related to it:

I think certain scandals should never fully go away. Some of them, it's fine, but for others, I think there should be an attribute along the lines of "Lingering Toxicity" or somesuch that essentially makes them always have a mild negative effect, especially for family-friendly companies.

I can't think of good names for it, but something related to adult entertainment would make sense. Maybe two levels. One for someone who was a stripper or posed nude for Playboy, OnlyFans, etc, and one for full-blown porn stars. This would also function kind of like being toxic, but it would only apply to certain products. So, for example, an Attitude Entertainment company would be OK with the first but not the second, an Xtreme Adult Filth company would be fine with either, and a Family-Friendly Pro Wrestling company wouldn't be OK with either. That could also have a "Former" version.

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15 hours ago, awesomenessofme1 said:

an Xtreme Adult Filth company would be fine with either

I'd say they'd probably actively seek out that type of worker! :)

But that reminds me of suggestions I keep forgetting to make.

Mildly Controversial: This worker may have a neutral or good Reputation and not currently be affected by a Scandal, so having them on the roster doesn't pose any "toxicity" problem, and they can work as Road Agents or wrestle house shows, dark matches, and untelevised events. Something about them is considered mildly controversial though, so broadcasters that don't accept a risk level higher than Medium will block companies from letting them appear on TV.

Very Controversial: This worker may have a neutral or good Reputation and not currently be affected by a Scandal, so having them on the roster doesn't pose any "toxicity" problem, and they can work as Road Agents or wrestle house shows, dark matches, and untelevised events. Something about them is considered highly controversial though, so broadcasters that don't accept a risk level higher than Low will block companies from letting them appear on TV.

Those two suggestions were inspired by the Mark/Jay Briscoe situation (even though it got resolved). It could also work for cases where a particularly conservative broadcaster will still reject a worker for something that used to be a big deal but is more widely accepted these days, so wouldn't be considered scandalous in the game (like, publicly advocating for the legalization of soft drugs, or having an OnlyFans page), and it could apply to a variety of situations, having made questionable jokes, having the confederate flag as part of your gear, having done porn, being too vocal about your political opinions, being remembered for a particularly offensive gimmick or storyline...

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Had a thought about personalities so I guess this is the place for that since they are attributes now. Note: It may already work like this behind the scenes but I've found nothing conclusive in the handbook/in-game text.


There are some personalities that are amplified/mitigated by position on the card. Say Needy vs Bully. I really like that the backstage impact is dynamic like that. I thought it'd be fun if some of the personalities are also amplified by the respect stat. A Scumbag with low respect is less likely to get away with their BS as people are more likely to stand up to them. They might have a lower backstage impact but a higher incidence of causing negative events.  On the flipside, a high respect Scumbag will have a huge negative effect as their actions go largely unchecked by the rest of the locker room, but there are less likely to be confrontations as a result.


My suspicion based on playing the game a bunch is that respect already does influence how influential a worker is in the locker room (pushing 'mildly positive influence' to 'positive influence', that kind of thing) but it's hard to tell whether that is to do with overness/perception or respect as they tend to go hand-in-hand a lot of the time. I would like it if there was a stronger strategic element to a worker's respect stat, and if it already operates in that way to slip in a couple lines about it somewhere so that the player can have that in the back of their mind. Also I like the idea that high respect can be a negative for certain individuals, as it is mostly just a positive modifier in game with no downside.

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Stunt Actor: This worker occasionally takes time off to perform stunts for movies and television shows. Eligible for a very small popularity boost.

If you look at the history of pro wrestling, a lot of them had a side hustle and a good number of those joined Hollywood as a stunt performer for action movies and such. 

This still goes on today as a lot of wrestlers are utilizing their innate toughness to help make movies. 

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Bulletproof: This worker is going through a period where they won't lose any popularity and/or momentum when they lose and/or have a match that is absolutely awful. If this worker also has the Flavour of the Month, Midas Touch and/or Groundswell of Support attributes, then their popularity and momentum will seemingly go up on its own simply by appearing on shows. This is a temporary attribute that can last anywhere from three months to one year.

Edited by Mattywood
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Showstealer/Showoff- This worker tries to steal the show on every show he's on regardless of position on the card. 

Agent of Junior/Cruiser/X Division- Some sort of attribute for road agents that excel at producing light heavyweight matches

Agent of Women's Matches- Excels at producing matches featuring women. Someone like Fit Finlay, is historically known for being one of the best road agents/producers for the women of WWE. 

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2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Agent of Women's Matches- Excels at producing matches featuring women. Someone like Fit Finlay, is historically known for being one of the best road agents/producers for the women of WWE. 

Seems more like a case of Finlay being willing to treat women's wrestling seriously when other agents wouldn't, which doesn't seem to be a problem anymore these days. The idea also implies that there is a specific style of working matches inherent to women, which is a can of worms we may not want to open. So I'd suggest the opposite idea...

Male Chauvinist: This worker has a negative opinion of women's wrestling. As an active wrestler, they'll lose morale if they are perceived as less important than the majority of women on the roster. In a backstage role, they'll do a poor job at producing women's matches, or flat out refuse to do so. This attribute becomes rarer after 2015, as by that point only a few old timers and hardcore misogynists still believe girls shouldn't be wrestling.

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26 minutes ago, MisterSocko said:

Seems more like a case of Finlay being willing to treat women's wrestling seriously when other agents wouldn't, which doesn't seem to be a problem anymore these days. The idea also implies that there is a specific style of working matches inherent to women, which is a can of worms we may not want to open. So I'd suggest the opposite idea...

Male Chauvinist: This worker has a negative opinion of women's wrestling. As an active wrestler, they'll lose morale if they are perceived as less important than the majority of women on the roster. In a backstage role, they'll do a poor job at producing women's matches, or flat out refuse to do so. This attribute becomes rarer after 2015, as by that point only a few old timers and hardcore misogynists still believe girls shouldn't be wrestling.

My post originally addressed that particular can of worms, but chose to omit it as it sadly does reflect the real world. 

There is definitely a slightly different psychology to women's matches though that i think is enough for the inclusion of the attribute. I would also understand if it's not taken into consideration considering the potential can of worms. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

And Then The Bell Rang: This worker will develop their entertainment skills faster than normal, but their in-ring skills will develop slower than normal.

Good Hand: This worker will develop their in-ring skills faster than normal, but their entertainment skills will develop slower than normal.

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Big Fish in The Pond- This Worker is considered a massive star for the company well after they leave and are treated like a big deal when they return, while this worker works for Your Company (Maybe Auto Fill Company Acronym) their stats and Popularity recieved a boost


This is to simulate wrestlers like AJ Style, Samoa Joe, KENTA, Shinsuke Nakamura, Genichiro Tenryu, and others who while may be important stars in the world of wrestling, in their "Home Promotions" They are seen as walking demigods and always seem to be able to show out


National Hero - This Performer has risen to a Major Star of the Largest Company in their nation. They are well know throughout the regions, they recieved a Large Boost to their Popularity in their region and a smaller boost to their Skills while working for Medium or Larger companies in said region

To simulate the Hulk Hogan to WCW effect, or the NWO to WWE effect, the Kurt Angle to TNA effect. To acquire this a act has to be a Major Star for the number 1, 2 or 3 Company in the Company Wars for 5 or more years and MUST have held a Primary Championship with 65+ Importance. The Skill Boost should be Equal to the Big Fish Boost, the Pop boost should be larger (Assuming +5 across the board for Big Fish, National Hero should have +5 to Skills, +10 to Popularity)


Jack of All Trades - This Character is well rounded in ring and is able to work with the best no matter the match type


+2 to match ratings of characters who have this Attribute, to have it they must be 5+ Year vet and have 4 or more In-Ring Skills at 55 or above


Tape Fiend - This Worker is always watching tapes and learning outside of the ring, Psychology and Reputation grows at an accelerated rate

Guys like TJ Wilson/Tyson Kidd are always watching tapes and learning from random places in the world this would be a great way to boost Psychology of workers particular rare young ones who can be grown into Road Agents


Unending Gas Tank - This Worker loves Cardio, They can work longer matches with less physical issue 


This is for those guys that just seemingly work every weekend and work tons of longer matches, mild downside is the wrestlers will rarely get in better shape than Muscular and most will be happy at Toned no matter their weightclass (also could be easier to drop weight classes) 

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I think we need a "workhorse" attribute. Talents with this attribute would prefer wrestling as much as possible. Their stamina penalties are dampened greatly. Maybe some sort of bonus for the more they work? Not sure how it would work, but figured someone here could take the idea and help flesh it out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Dumpster Fires Are Hot: This worker is more likely to form romantic relationships with workers who have negative Personality Attributes and/or addictions.

Gold Digger: This worker is more likely to form romantic relationships with workers who are perceived as Stars or Major Stars in the hopes of furthering their own career.

Cradle Robber: This worker is more likely to form romantic relationships with workers who are significantly younger.

Gerontophile: This worker is more likely to form romantic relationships with workers who are significantly older.

Jealous: When this worker works for the same company as their romantic partner, they will be more likely to get involved in negative backstage incidents as they believe everybody in the locker room is trying to steal their partner away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Family Ties - This worker strongly considers existing relationships prior to agreeing to work for a promotion. This worker is significantly more difficult to sign away from a promotion they share with a blood relative, even more so if the promotion is owned or booked by a blood relative. However, this worker is more likely to sign for a promotion that already employs their blood relatives.

For Life - As above, but for Strong Friendship and Best Friend relationships.

Ham-and-Egger - This worker has a drastically reduced popularity cap but they will never, ever object to being booked as the loser in a match.

Sunny Days - This worker has begun an affair. While this attribute is active, the worker is significantly more likely to end an existing romantic relationship and to start a new one. (This is a temporary attribute with a duration of 6-12 months. Certain personality types are more likely than others to gain this attribute, while others may receive morale boosts from it. This attribute always starts out secret, but may be discovered through play.)

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  • 3 months later...

Plane Rider From Hell - This worker is much more likely than normal to be in negative news stories.

Opposites Attract - This worker gets a boost to their match rating when facing an opponent whose in-ring style differs from their own.

Eye to Eye - This worker gets a boost to their match rating with facing an opponent whose in-ring style is the same as their own.

Don't Know What to Wear - This worker's mood is improved if the company they're working for enforces a dress code. 

No-Seller - This worker knows how to sell, they just don't like to. Gives a massive boost to matches they're booked to dominate, but otherwise gives a penalty. 

Lives the Gimmick - This worker gets a penalty when working without a gimmick.

Grounded - This worker gets a boost when working without a gimmick.

Egghead - (The opposite of "Golden Mane".) This Worker will always agree to have their head shaved as they look good bald.

Poor Immune System - When injured, the worker has an increased chance of the injury being a disease.

Civil - This worker is less likely to raise a fuss if working with someone they have a negative relationship with.

Holds a Grudge - This worker is more likely to raise a fuss if working with someone they have a negative relationship with.


Apologies if these ones have been suggested before. I can finally post here so I'm taking my chance. :)

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16 hours ago, Spoons said:

Opposites Attract - This worker gets a boost to their match rating when facing an opponent whose in-ring style differs from their own.

Eye to Eye - This worker gets a boost to their match rating with facing an opponent whose in-ring style is the same as their own.

When you mean in-ring style, do you mean 'Brawler', 'Technician', 'Technician flyer' etc? If so they might be a bit too good, since there are so many different styles that could apply to. If there were 'Groups'(like all the different technician styles) I could see it.


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13 minutes ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

When you mean in-ring style, do you mean 'Brawler', 'Technician', 'Technician flyer' etc? If so they might be a bit too good, since there are so many different styles that could apply to. If there were 'Groups'(like all the different technician styles) I could see it.


I did mean that, yeah, and you're right, so yeah, I think the boost is smaller (or just doesn't count) if they're too similar, like "Striker" vs. "Powerhouse" would get a smaller difference bonus than "Striker" vs. "High Flyer". As for being the same, I think if they're similar enough you get the full bonus, so like, two brawlers, regardless of the exact style, would still get the boost. Or like, a Flyer vs. a Technician Flyer would still get it. 

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Rejected by Fans - They're not booing because this worker is a good heel, they're booing because they want the worker to go away. Significantly reduces the performance of any segment the worker appears in, with the penalty being more severe the closer to the main event the segment is. If put over a worker with a groundswell of public support or significantly superior ability, this can have devastating effects  on the show as a whole. (This attribute is automatically temporary, and will be removed if the performer has a lengthy absence or a successful change in their presentation.)

Because there's no good way to simulate real go-away heat. Effects this would have:

  • Gives a penalty to each segment the worker appears in. This penalty increases based on how far the worker is up the card; appearing closer to the main event will result in a stronger penalty compared to the opener.
  • If the worker wins in a match where a championship is on the line, the penalty increases a little more based on the prestige and perception (Primary, Secondary, etc) of the championship, and on the length of the reign (if the worker is a defending champion).
  • If the worker is in a match where they defeat another worker who has any of the positive temporary modifiers (Groundswell of Support, Hot New X, etc), or who is a much better in-ring worker, there is a chance for fans to Hijack the Show. When a show is Hijacked, it has significant penalties to its overall rating, which increases as the worker's match appears closer to the main event. However, if the worker's match is earlier, all segments after it will receive a slight penalty. The chance for a show to be Hijacked is weighted significantly based on product: if the product values in-ring more, the chance is less if the beaten worker has support, but more if the beaten worker is better in-ring, while if the product values performance more, it is vice versa.
  • If the worker is a Figurehead, or is holding a Primary level championship, drains the momentum and attendances of the company over time, and slightly increases the momentum and attendances of smaller companies in the company's area. (This will simulate fans losing interest and either deciding to watch other companies or quit wrestling altogether.)
  • Unlike other temporary modifiers, this won't be removed automatically over time. Instead there are three ways to remove the modifier: have the worker not appear on any shows for 6 months; have the worker undergo a gimmick change that is rated Great or better; or if the worker is a babyface, have them turn heel successfully. (To enable the latter, the penalty is significantly reduced if the worker is preparing to turn heel.)
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Thought of a few more!

Feminist - This worker has twice the recommended daily servings of 'respect women juice'. They will be a lot less likely to sign with a company that has a small or non-existent women's division, and a lot more likely to sign with a company that has a large division, integrated women's wrestling, or entirely-female promotions. Also, if they develop a new relationship with a female worker, it's more likely to be a positive one.

Mysogynist - This worker doesn't think women belong in wrestling. They will be a lot less likely to sign with a company that has a large women's division, integrated women's wrestling, or entirely-female promotions, and a lot more likely if they've got a small or non-existent women's division. Also, if they develop a new relationship with a female worker, it's more likely to be a negative one.

Hot New Theme Song - The worker recently got a new theme that the fans love, even to the point of singing along. Gives a boost to any segment wherein they make an entrance. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts between 6 months and 2 years.]

(For situations like Judas or Cult of Personality.)

Road Warrior - This worker refuses to sign exclusive contracts, and gets a morale boost when working for multiple companies at once. 

Signature Weapon - This worker gets a boost to hardcore matches because when they wield a certain weapon it makes the fans pop.

(For situations like Sandman's Singapore cane and Triple H's sledgehammer.)

Time Heals All Wounds - This worker's negative relationships will disappear after enough time has passed. The amount of time needed is based on how strong the negative relationship is; for example, a "hatred" relationship would take longer to heal than "simmering tension".

For The Love Of Mankind - This worker is more accustomed than most to taking crazy bumps, and so is a lot less likely to get injured by taking them.

Half The Brain That You Do - This worker is adept at turning a bad promo into accidental comedic gold. If a promo score of theirs is too low, there's a chance it will get a much higher rating because the fans found it so amusing.

(For things like Steiner Math and the titular Sid promo.)

Edited by Spoons
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11 hours ago, Spoons said:

Thought of a few more!

Feminist - This worker has twice the recommended daily servings of 'respect women juice'. They will be a lot less likely to sign with a company that has a small or non-existent women's division, and a lot more likely to sign with a company that has a large division, integrated women's wrestling, or entirely-female promotions. Also, if they develop a new relationship with a female worker, it's more likely to be a positive one.

Mysogynist - This worker doesn't think women belong in wrestling. They will be a lot less likely to sign with a company that has a large women's division, integrated women's wrestling, or entirely-female promotions, and a lot more likely if they've got a small or non-existent women's division. Also, if they develop a new relationship with a female worker, it's more likely to be a negative one.

Hot New Theme Song - The worker recently got a new theme that the fans love, even to the point of singing along. Gives a boost to any segment wherein they make an entrance. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts between 6 months and 2 years.]

(For situations like Judas or Cult of Personality.)

Road Warrior - This worker refuses to sign exclusive contracts, and gets a morale boost when working for multiple companies at once. 

Signature Weapon - This worker gets a boost to hardcore matches because when they wield a certain weapon it makes the fans pop.

(For situations like Sandman's Singapore cane and Triple H's sledgehammer.)

Time Heals All Wounds - This worker's negative relationships will disappear after enough time has passed. The amount of time needed is based on how strong the negative relationship is; for example, a "hatred" relationship would take longer to heal than "simmering tension".

For The Love Of Mankind - This worker is more accustomed than most to taking crazy bumps, and so is a lot less likely to get injured by taking them.

Half The Brain That You Do - This worker is adept at turning a bad promo into accidental comedic gold. If a promo score of theirs is too low, there's a chance it will get a much higher rating because the fans found it so amusing.

(For things like Steiner Math and the titular Sid promo.)

Fantastic suggestions

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