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I'm probably an idiot and missing something obvious but when I search through locations for venues I'm not seeing Pennsylvania, Washington or Oregon. Are they there?


All three are there. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling runs out of Pittsburgh in PA... There are the Oregon Gardens in the North West and Washington is where AAA is based.


PA is in the tri-state area, Washington & Oregon are in the NW.

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I just want the locations to be the same as they are in WMMA. I want each state, China, Korea, & all the other locations to be available to run. That's still the biggest thing I'm sad TEW2020 won't have. I got to be honest when I say the India addition does little for me in that regard. That's one of the locations I have no interest in. I would have been much happier if he would have either overhauled the states or added China/Korea.
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I just want the locations to be the same as they are in WMMA. I want each state, China, Korea, & all the other locations to be available to run. That's still the biggest thing I'm sad TEW2020 won't have. I got to be honest when I say the India addition does little for me in that regard. That's one of the locations I have no interest in. I would have been much happier if he would have either overhauled the states or added China/Korea.


I mean, you will be able to run locations? TEW2020 announced that you'll be able to run specific city locations. They'll work similar to generic venues but it will be that you ran in Philadelphia, for instance as opposed to The Arena or whatever.

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Guest Asaemon

He means the "regions" that are hard-coded. Those can't be edited.


WMMA has a superior setup of regions compared to TEW. The WMMA regions instead of the TEW regions would have been a great improvement.

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If you mean you want venues in those states to be available, then just add them to the database before you start the game.


If you are expecting every state to be listed out as a location by the game then that's not something that TEW has ever feature AFAIK.


The first TEW had everything split out by states, then regions, then countries, IIRC. That idea was dropped by the second game in the series to what we have now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
He means the "regions" that are hard-coded. Those can't be edited.


WMMA has a superior setup of regions compared to TEW. The WMMA regions instead of the TEW regions would have been a great improvement.


Yes, that's exactly what I mean't! I love the way WMMA is set up, although thinking about it. I wish they could combine the option of going to Texas & specifying the venue as The Sportatorium. I know technically they have that available in TEW2016. I just want each State to be specifically there to use. I don't want to pick "Mid-West" even if it has all of the States that encompass the Mid-West inside of it. Also the fact China & Korea aren't available is a serious miss from me. I know Wrestling is practically non-existent there, but the same could be said for India, even if they have one rich Boi who is giving WWE a ton of money, it's not like that place is a wrestling mecha or anything like that. I want the option of trying to grow a company in China or trying to recreate the WCW/NJPW Korean show, or locking a company to specifically run shows only out of Florida. Not just one venue, but the entire State.

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Yes, that's exactly what I mean't! I love the way WMMA is set up, although thinking about it. I wish they could combine the option of going to Texas & specifying the venue as The Sportatorium. I know technically they have that available in TEW2016. I just want each State to be specifically there to use. I don't want to pick "Mid-West" even if it has all of the States that encompass the Mid-West inside of it. Also the fact China & Korea aren't available is a serious miss from me. I know Wrestling is practically non-existent there, but the same could be said for India, even if they have one rich Boi who is giving WWE a ton of money, it's not like that place is a wrestling mecha or anything like that. I want the option of trying to grow a company in China or trying to recreate the WCW/NJPW Korean show, or locking a company to specifically run shows only out of Florida. Not just one venue, but the entire State.

So you want Adam to put in the work to go from ~10 regions to 50, providing an additional ~200 venues and adding enough workers to ensure that each state has enough local workers as well as gauging the importance of each state. Then, you consider it a "big miss" that he hasn't also added Korea and China. Following your logic, both of those would be broken down into individual 34 provinces, which would require a large amount of work as well. Would he then have to go back and break down Mexico, Canada, and Europe into their provinces/states? It's a lot of work for very little gain.

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Guest Asaemon
So you want Adam to put in the work to go from ~10 regions to 50, providing an additional ~200 venues and adding enough workers to ensure that each state has enough local workers as well as gauging the importance of each state. Then, you consider it a "big miss" that he hasn't also added Korea and China. Following your logic, both of those would be broken down into individual 34 provinces, which would require a large amount of work as well. Would he then have to go back and break down Mexico, Canada, and Europe into their provinces/states? It's a lot of work for very little gain.


The regions are already available in WMMA so it's not like anyone has to invent anything new. Those regions make more sense both for promotions and broadcasters than the regions in TEW. The is no consistency in TEW as actual single countries are mixed with large regions that includes a lot of countries. The WMMA regions would be more realistic when you look at the history of pro wrestling contra broadcasters and languages.

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but the same could be said for India, even if they have one rich Boi who is giving WWE a ton of money, it's not like that place is a wrestling mecha or anything like that. I want the option of trying to grow a company in China or trying to recreate the WCW/NJPW Korean show, or locking a company to specifically run shows only out of Florida. Not just one venue, but the entire State.


India is not Saudi Arabia. As to what you are talking about. While it could be pretty awesome to have a state level type system. Adam has been pretty clear as to why he does it this way for UI purposes in TEW.


The difference between China/Korea and India is that China is not going to have much in the way of wrestling outside of a few very local companies, due to the politics of that country. Korea maybe but I don't think there is a huge market for it there, and half the country is cut off from the world at large. While Indian is one of the largest countries in the world, and has a huge fanbase for wrestling.


And while something is coded in WMMA it doesn't mean it is an easy switch to TEW in code terms, even small differences can cause huge amounts of work.

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Personally, I'd rather see (though this isn't necessarily a suggestion) a less hard-coded method. The region system is something that would be ripe for database manipulation, and making it DB instead of hard coded would allow for some really out-there mods (sci-fi, etc). It would be a bit of work to tie popularity neighbors, but after that, it would make the game a lot nicer. And would allow people who wanted hundreds of regions to have that.


The key issue from a game-play perspective would then be the displays of popularity &c. As it stands, these visual indicators in hard-coded positions, and that wouldn't be able to stay that way if the regions weren't hard-coded as well.

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The regions are already available in WMMA so it's not like anyone has to invent anything new. Those regions make more sense both for promotions and broadcasters than the regions in TEW. The is no consistency in TEW as actual single countries are mixed with large regions that includes a lot of countries. The WMMA regions would be more realistic when you look at the history of pro wrestling contra broadcasters and languages.


Popularity spillover would be a nightmare. You would need to evaluate each state to determine where they spillover. You would also have to come up with a new way to display the popularity for a worker that is intuitive and can be understood at a glance. Would you really want 5 rows of 10 for the popularity of a worker in the US? And that's to say nothing about the worker summary page's popularity - 50 lines just for the US. More for the provinces/states of other countries. You would almost never know who is popular where without doing a filtered search. There's a lot to consider with adding so many additional locations.

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Guest Asaemon
Popularity spillover would be a nightmare. You would need to evaluate each state to determine where they spillover. You would also have to come up with a new way to display the popularity for a worker that is intuitive and can be understood at a glance. Would you really want 5 rows of 10 for the popularity of a worker in the US? And that's to say nothing about the worker summary page's popularity - 50 lines just for the US. More for the provinces/states of other countries. You would almost never know who is popular where without doing a filtered search. There's a lot to consider with adding so many additional locations.


I'll rather have new regions that have a history of wrestling/wrestling tours than expanding Mexico and Australia any further. Having a limited number of regions in Mexico also helped broadcasters/networks to function more realistic.


As I wrote before it's no real consistency as Europe now has been changed to "#8: Areas and regions; Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Central Europe, Southern Europe, Southern Mediterranean, Iberia, Northern Europe, Russia". This don't make any sense when looking at the history of pro wrestling; or how broadcasters work in reality; or when it comes to the spoken languages in those regions. I would rather have kept the regions from TEW2016 and renamed Scandinavia as The Nordics so poor (Iceland and Finland) finally can be booked.


For US the actual states could be sub-regions below the current regions when showing overness. That would solve things for the ones that still are unsure if West Virginia and Virginia is part of Mid Atlantic or South East. As this still seems to be very unclear when looking into some mods.

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